The rarest fighting style. Stand up for yourself: which martial art to choose? Shock types of single combats

High jumping, somersaults and other impressive acrobatic stunts - a person unfamiliar with the destructive power of the bocator could call it a kind of combat parkour. And blurt out this in the presence of a Cambodian, do not blow his head: given martial arts has been the subject of their national pride for nearly two thousand years - much longer than Cambodia itself has existed.

The bocator was created around the 3rd century. AD, back in the days of the Khmer Empire - a militant feudal state, at one time crushing almost all of Indochina under itself (not without the help of a bokator). But despite his considerable age, the bocator may well compete with many quite modern views hand-to-hand combat. See for yourself:

In addition to the aforementioned acrobatics, there are plenty of throws, fixation of joints and sly punches with knees and elbows in the bocator. According to some estimates, the number of techniques of their combinations, found in the bocator, exceeds several thousand!


This style of hand-to-hand combat was adopted by the Thai army - and like all army combat systems, it is sharpened for the most effective destruction of the enemy. The main difference from Thai boxing is the abundance of "forbidden techniques" - the commandos of the army of the Thai kingdom have no equal in their ability to kick in the throat or hit with their elbows exactly in the temple. In general, elbow and knee strikes are a kind of business card ledrita - estimate yourself:

By the way, if you've ever played Street Fighter, you can assume that Ledrit is familiar to you: it was wielded by a charismatic character named Mr. Bison.

Kalari Payatu

But this fighting style can rightfully be considered the oldest combat system in the world. According to historians, the first mentions of kalari payatu date back to the fourth millennium BC. And if the style of hand-to-hand combat has lived for six thousand years, be sure, it is worth your attention.

Kalari payatu was invented in India. This martial art has survived to this day as a combination of physical and religious practices: during all these years, it was only possible to study kalari payata in temples.

Help for fighting game fans: in the Mortal Kombat series, Silat uses Barak (on those rare occasions when he does not stuff the enemy with blades).


Tomahawks, poison arrows and love of collecting scalps - add to this list combat system ok, and you will have full list the fighting predilections of a real stereotypical Indian. This martial art miraculously survived the colonization - and at the end of the last century it was reinterpreted by a Canadian named George Lepin. All the Indian chips remained in place - for example, the okichito system requires excellent possession of the spear and tomahawk - while the striking technique absorbed some of the elements from judo, taekwondo and hapkido that Lepin had studied before.

The idea that with the help of a secret and deadly martial art you can kill a person with your bare hands, or, has always warmed the hearts of nerds around the world. And, of course, the thought of fighting like Jackie Chan, breaking boards with his bare hands. The dispute about how realistic or unrealistic it is to kill everyone with bare hands runs like a red thread through all holivars in many forums. We are writing this only in order to tell you something interesting.

1. Sambo. Country of origin: Russia

An interesting observation: the more often a country has to defend itself and attack various neighbors, the more often it all translates into an interesting martial art. Russia is just such a country. After the revolution, all the numerous experience of bare-handed wrestling was combined into "Self-defense without weapons" or sambo. Both government agents and ordinary soldiers were trained in this type of struggle.

And here is sambo in action.

2. Muay Thai. Country of origin: Thailand

Thailand's borders were also often violated, so there is nothing surprising that they had their own martial art, no. Another name for Muay Thai is fight with eight limbs, or Thai boxing... What are the extra limbs? Elbows and knees, of course! The fighters use them like clubs, masterfully beating their opponents with them. The power of the blow in this kind of martial arts is simply amazing. One smart man once said that Muay Thai is "Hit the bull with one blow." And he was damn right.

As is always the case with good things, there are many legends associated with Muay Thai. the most famous and partly true dates back to 1774, when the kingdom of Burma invaded Thailand, then Siam. Against the great muay thai master Nai Khanom Thom, who was captured, the king of Burma, for the sake of general jubilation, put up a great master of Burmese martial art, called lethvey. They say that dude lasted 10 seconds against Tom and was brutally killed. But the judge decided that Tom was cheating by distracting his opponent. Being a true gentleman, the Muay Thai master agreed to another nine(!) battles that he won with amazing ease and cruelty. The King of Burma was impressed by Tom's skill and offered him, along with the freedom to choose, two awards: two very beautiful girls and a bag of money. Tom refused the money (happiness is not in them), but he took the women. And he rode off with them into the sunset on a horse.

3. MCMAP - Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. Country of origin: USA

The martial art for the United States Marine Corps was invented in the eighties. Its peculiarity was the ability to use a pistol, bayonet-knife, rifle with a bayonet as an improvised weapon for close combat. Most often, the program is used to neutralize the enemy, breaking a couple of his bones, immobilizing him with hellish pain, but you can also kill it.

4. Silat. Country of origin: Malaysia

Malaysia also suffered a lot in its time. Pirates, Portuguese, British, and even Japanese - all these dudes tried to bend the Malays. But they did not whine and invented silat.

Many martial arts have been invented to improve body and spirit, find oneself and complete one's spiritual quest. So, silat does not apply to them. The first masters of this martial art used it to beat the enemy to a state of non-standing with lightning attacks in 10 seconds, and then finish off the half-dead with something heavy. Various dastardly strikes and tricks are encouraged by the silat masters.

The most brutal and dastardly fighting methods are still taught in the jungles of Malaysia. Rumor has it that such masters at the age of 7-10 once beat an adult to a pulp. The dudes who were taught silat spent years in dark caves in which they saw nothing beyond their noses. If the Shaolin monks learn restraint, the silat madmen learn from their young nails to rip flesh like animals.

By the way, silat masters actively use kris - a wavy dagger that tears pieces of meat out of a victim. Often a deadly poison is literally melted into the kris, which is very easy to kill a person - just a scratch is enough.

5. Excrima. Country of origin: Philippines

Excrima is an ancient Philippine art of beating opponents with wooden sticks at staggering speed. Until 1521, the Filipinos practiced excrement on each other, but then Magellan arrived, and the foreigners tried on their own skin what the Filipino martial art means.

Excrima became the main defense for the rice farmers. The most famous victim of this art was Fernand Magellan, who was beaten to death with sticks. For 450 years, Excrima was banned and survived only due to the fact that it was disguised as a dance.

In addition to the well-known types of martial arts, in the world there are and are still developing martial practices that are much less well-known, but no less effective from this.

Taing. Burma

Taing is perhaps the most synthetic martial art. This type of martial arts has incorporated ideas about human behavior in battle of numerous peoples inhabiting modern Myanmar. Each tribe had a sacred animal, and it was according to its behavior that the fighting style was formed. Among the Nang and Ravang tribes, the sacred animal is the boar, the Nagis worship the black monkey, tiger and wild boar, the Meras tribe has a sacred animal - the tiger, and the We tribe - the deer.
Taing was formed for a long time and still does not stop changing. Having absorbed the "animal" styles, the taing afterwards seriously changed, it was influenced by the influence of Buddhism with its principle of non-violence - ahimsa. Taing also adopted philosophical principles from Buddhism. The art of combat has become defensive. The technique has changed accordingly.
At present, the evolution of the taing continues. Along with the development of sports taing, in Myanmar itself there are still schools that follow their traditions. Schools for tigers, boars and black monkeys.

Krav Maga. Israel

There are no philosophical postulates in Krav Maga. This is an application system. There are no forbidden techniques, rules for conducting a fight. This combat system is aimed at instantly neutralizing the enemy, without the traditional boxing "shuttles" and unnecessary waste of time.
Invented in the 30s of the twentieth century by Imi Lichtenheld (he trained the Jewish community in Bratislava), it eventually became the main Israeli military system. Today Krav Magu in mandatory studied in the Israeli army and police. Military specialists from other countries also come to study. Krav Maga techniques are simple and reliable. There is no quirkiness and beauty in them. oriental martial arts. the main objective- disarming, neutralization.
Even Krav Maga classes are not conducted in a traditional kimono or sports uniform... Pupils are engaged with their daily clothes, putting on protection only for tough sparring. It becomes necessary - there are no rules. Comedians joke that if a Krav Maga competition were held, the winner would go to the intensive care unit, the silver medalist would be taken away in a wheelchair, the third place would immediately go to the cemetery.
During training, loud music can play, smoke starts up, explosions can be simulated. All this allows students to adapt to the stressful load. In real combat, there should be no glitches due to external factors.

Mallakhamb. India

From the outside, the art of mallakhamb ("yoga on a pole") resembles polli-dance. However, since ancient times, Mallakhamb has been part of the Indian military system. According to legend, the monkey god Hanuman passed on the knowledge of the fight against the pillar to people. Thus, the pillar at mallakhamba is nothing more than an adversary. In addition to the pole, a rope is also used during training, on which asanas are also performed. Each element of mallakhamba requires increased concentration, correct breathing, strong ligaments and muscles.
Mallakhamb is still included in training program units of the Indian army. It is a comprehensive system for the development of combat skills, tenacity, endurance and flexibility.

Varzeeshe zurkhane. Iran

The martial art of the Persians, which is more than 3000 years old, varzeesh zurkhane is also a type of national education of real Iranian warriors. Those who practice varzeshe-zurkhane are called pakhlevans (Persian bogatyr). Classes are held in the "house of power" - zurkhan, in a round depression surrounded by benches. Since ancient times, such "pits" have been used by pakhlevan in order to provide temperature control during training. Today it is more of a tribute to tradition.
The main equipment for training Iranian warriors are two clubs. They vary in weight. From three to 180 kilograms. Pakhlevans perform various (mainly swinging) movements with them. Training in this type of wrestling is imbued with ritual. It includes a warm-up, a ritual dance. All this is accompanied by Persian music with rhythmic drum accompaniment. Leads classes Morshed and Miandor. These two people are the main ones in the "house of power". Morshed announces the beginning of classes, reads a prayer, the miandor shows the movements to the pakhlevans.

Arnis. Philippines

Filipinos are renowned martial artists. This applies to both traditional types - such as boxing (Manie Pacquiao), and national ones. The Filipino people have developed a unique combat system in which quite everyday things are used as weapons - sticks and knives. It's called arnis.
Over the long centuries of development, a strict system of practices was formed in Arnis, which also absorbed external influences. So, the colonial period of the Philippines made it possible to include sections of Spanish fencing destreza in arnis. Arnis is still developing today.
Arnis movement exercises are carried out on special triangles with a side of the corners of 40 centimeters. This allows students to develop an intuitive sense of distance well, instills the skill of leaving the line of impact.
There are 12 basic nodes in Arnis. Each of the nodes has its own attack, its own system of defense, disarmament and counterattack. Arnis strikes are carried out on ligaments and painful areas. The purpose of the fight is to disarm and neutralize the enemy.
There is also a system of fighting with bare hands in Arnis, however, unlike the same aikido, where the use of weapons is rather an optional discipline, in Arnis training begins with weapons (sticks baston, muton and topado) and knives, and then the student is taught to fight with bare hands.

Let's start with the fact that the best school is the one that suits you personally, your physical form and seeing yourself in martial arts. You can succeed in any of them, if there is a desire - but for mastering the sumo peaks, an asthenik, for example, will have to spend more time. In the end, martial arts are the same training, only with striking or throwing technique.

Different areas of martial arts develop different qualities and even muscle groups. Some of them teach how to use the opponent's energy, others are aimed at practicing powerful punches, others - with legs, the fourth will swing endurance or develop jumping ability.

In some ways, martial arts are reminiscent of yoga: in them you can find your own spiritual path, but you can take only technique and learn to stand up for yourself. Below is a description of the most popular types martial arts, which will help you decide on the choice of school.


This single combat is suitable for those who wish to learn self-defense techniques. Jiu-jitsu emphasizes the skills of a fighter on the ability to defend himself, free himself from captures, use tactics not to attack, but to use the enemy's strength to his advantage.

Kicks and punches are present, but the technique does not roll into hand-to-hand combat. The main thing here is the efficient use of energy (your own and someone else's), which allows you to defeat the larger and strong adversary... Jiu-jitsu is not an aggressive type; this martial art develops dexterity and dexterity.


This Korean martial arts is so popular that it was included in the program in 1988. Olympic Games... The translation of the name into Russian: "the path of the hand and foot", which unequivocally hints at the upcoming development of the art of striking with all limbs. Taekwondo combines both attack fighting and self-defense techniques, in addition, it is an exercise, an official sport, meditative techniques and a whole Eastern philosophy.

In the modern state of taekwondo, the emphasis is on defense and control. The emphasis is on kicks from the stance, since the kicks can reach further and do more damage than the hands. In the technique of martial arts - various sweeps, painful holds with hold, open palm strikes and grips.


One of the youngest martial arts in Japan. Just like many martial arts of the Land of the Rising Sun, aikido includes physical and spiritual practices. It is also effective as a development of strength, dexterity, the ability to stand up for oneself - regardless of physical data. Aikido is an art of protection for everyone, because there are no restrictions on age and physical development.

Aikido techniques in the main consists in using the opponent's attack, controlling his energy, strength and movement, which ends with throws or grabs. This is reflected in the name itself: "aiki" means "connection with power", "do" - the way.


A very entertaining sport with full contact. In this Chinese martial arts, there is a lot of strength, acrobatics, jumping, balancing, beautiful poses and strikes (like in the movies). Another name is kung fu, since the very term "wushu" refers to all traditional Chinese martial arts.

There are hundreds of subtypes of wushu, somewhere more acrobatics and "stage skills", somewhere - powerful blows and techniques, sweeps and "turntables". The main thing you need to know before choosing this martial art is that wushu develops strength well, and the fighting styles taught in Russian schools kung fu, reminiscent of muay thai.


Translated from Japanese - "soft (flexible) way". Judo is based on throws, painful holds, strangulation. Movements should be economical to physical strength, there is less waste of energy, but more improvement of the spirit, more self-defense, more sports training... All over the world, judo is practiced by more than 20 million people, because it has a good educational character and teaches the harmony of body and soul.

Unlike boxing, karate, and other striking styles, judo explores hand-to-hand combat techniques only for throwing and grabbing. This single combat formed the basis of other modern martial arts: the creators of aikido, sambo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu were engaged in it.

In spite of sports orientation and following the rules of the competition, no one would want to meet a judoka in an extreme situation. They are always prepared people who will fight back any villain in a dark alley.


Sambo is a SAM-protection system Without Weapons, which was developed in the USSR. The basis of martial arts was judo, Armenian koch, Tatar kuresh and many other martial arts.

Practical SAMBO is based on a complex effective techniques defense and attack, which have already been practiced by centuries of martial arts donors. It is noteworthy that SAMBO is constantly evolving, including new techniques and techniques in the arsenal. The philosophy of martial arts resembles the principles of the TRP: physical development, readiness for self-defense, detention of the enemy, education of moral fortitude.


Or karate-do, translated from Japanese - "empty sleeve". From 2020, martial arts will become Olympic view sports, although initially it was a hand-to-hand style for self-defense.

Karate is now incredibly popular, thanks in part to spectacular demonstrations. Masters on demonstration performances show the strength and power of worked blows, breaking thick boards with a blow of the palm or breaking blocks of ice.

Unlike many Japanese martial arts, karate fighters do not use grabs, painful and suffocating techniques. But they know how to be accurate and powerful blows hit the opponent at vital points of the body. Crushing and biting uraken, spectacular and impetuous ura-mawashi-geri ... Perhaps, there is no more Japanese style.


Boxing is a classic that it makes no sense to talk about in detail. It is worth mentioning only that this sport prepares fighters who REALLY know how to work with their hands, and in street fight it's hard to compete with them. By the way, everyone remembers the duel of the star UFC Conora McGregor with professional boxer Mayweather? That's the same.

If you want to sign up for the boxing section, you should know about some of the nuances. Firstly, it is difficult for a boxer to cope with an armed opponent, and secondly - with kicks. The third point - in an extreme situation you will not have gloves, a referee, ropes and a girl with a sign. On the other hand, dodging punches and knocking out boxers is in the blood, so attack and defense are balanced here.

Thai boxing

Muay Thai is a martial art in Thailand, it is very popular all over the world and competes with karate, judo and sambo. Perhaps this is the closest art of fighting to a real duel. The rules are rigid here, but the blows are the same. Here - full contact, striking technique with hands and feet, and the goals are the most vulnerabilities on the body.

Grabs and throws are also important, especially choke hold. If you master this martial art, you can confidently walk through the most dangerous areas of the city (but better still not), because the training will be harsh. Thais prepare real fighters without rules who can resist any opponent.

It may be difficult for you to combine training and public performance at work, as sometimes you will have bruises on your face and marks of grabs on your neck.


Another type of martial arts that prepares you for real fights. Kickboxing was formed by karate masters who did not want to obey sports rules martial arts. The new style incorporates kicking techniques from several eastern directions and boxing fist techniques.

Kickboxing is popular in culture, because it is spectacular, dynamic and somewhat "bloody" - full contact leaves cuts and bruises, so athletes usually use a mouth guard, a helmet (to protect the head from kicks) and also an inguinal concha (cuirass in girls).

Kickboxers are similar to CrossFitters in that they build strength, endurance, coordination, speed and flexibility.

Professional boxers, Muaytais, judokas, sambists are always dangerous opponents. Choose a martial art to your liking, but do not forget: best fight- the one that did not take place. In this sense, running can also be called a single combat for real pacifists.

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It is a Cambodian martial art that originated in the Angkor army, which won victory in Indochina more than 1,700 years ago.

The word "bocator" is translated as "the beating lion." According to an ancient legend, one student who studied this style found himself face to face with a lion. The young warrior killed the bloodthirsty beast with one single, incredible precision blow from his knee. Like many other Asian martial arts, the bocatora technique is based on imitating the movements of various animals.

What sets it apart from other species is its brutality and training process. Over ten thousand various techniques and punches make bocator one of the most difficult martial arts.

2. Fight without rules

In truth, it should have been called "cripple and kill", as this name is more suitable for describing the ultimate goal of the duel. The "technique" of combat originated between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the United States. By the way, squeezing out the eyes was considered one of the most effective techniques.

The fighters fought so fiercely that only the most desperate brave men dared to challenge them. Rumor has it that some even sharpened their teeth to razor sharpness in order to bite off ears, fingers, noses, and lips in battle. And since there were no prohibitions on trauma to the genitals, many literally lost their "dignity".

It hardly needs explaining why this fight without rules is not as popular in our "civilized" world as it used to be.

3. Tank

Born in the poor slums of Lima, Peru, it is a ruthless martial art that not only teaches you to quickly disable or kill an enemy, but also use deceptive tactics (such as hidden weapons).

It was founded in 1980 by former Marine and criminal Roberto Puig Bezada. Bakom is officially classified as a modern mixed martial art, incorporating various elements of Jiu-Jitsu with Vale Tudo. It contains such techniques as wringing the wrist, strangulation and precise strikes in the vital important organs... All this is done at a breakneck speed so that the enemy does not have time to understand what is happening.

4. Ledrite

It is a modern martial art that has its origins in Muay Thai and is practiced by the commando fighters of the Royal Thai Army. His technique is based on the same principles. However, there are a few differences.

Fighters are taught to attack without warning, as quickly as possible to lay the enemy on the ground and finish off with one of fatal blows(foot on the throat or elbow on the temple). At the same time, in order to reduce the risk of injury, hard parts of the body (knees, elbows, legs, palms) are used to deliver blows. Like many other martial arts, ledrite was developed with the goal of destroying the enemy.

5. Dambe

The deadly martial art of the Hausa tribe (West Africa) is based on the boxing technique of ancient Egypt. Dambe's main weapon is a fist, around which a braided rope is wrapped over the fabric, as well as a leg wrapped in a thick chain. It’s probably not enough for butchers in West Africa to just beat people. Interesting observation: Many of today's dambe fighters smoke marijuana before a fight.

6. System

The main feature is the impact on vulnerable parts of the body: elbows, neck, knees, abdomen and ankles. Combat techniques are based on the laws of biomechanics and most of the time is devoted to how to use them correctly. weak spots enemy. It includes not only the classic one-on-one unarmed duel, but also other types of contact. For example, fighters train with several sparring partners who attack different kinds weapons.

7. Prison rock

Created in the merciless prison world of the United States, this martial art was developed by people who have no ability to do anything other than work or fight. He is distinguished by brutal training methods, and "pick a deck" is one of them. The cards are scattered on the floor and the fighter must collect them while two or three others try to beat him.

8. Kalari Payat

It is considered by most to be the oldest combat system developed in the southern region of India - Kerala, and the forerunner of some modern martial arts.

According to oral legend, Kalari Payat was founded by the incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu (the guardian of the Universe), whose existence was beyond human comprehension.

There are many styles, specializing in both hand-to-hand combat, and on weapons. One of the most famous is Marma Arti (impact on vital points), by owning which you can easily paralyze or kill the enemy. Therefore, in addition, the masters of Kalari Payat also teach siddha medicine.

9. Silat

This martial arts originated in the ruthless tribes of bounty hunters in Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Silat includes many different styles. The earliest evidence of its existence was found on the island of Sumatra, where, according to legend, a woman developed a combat system by observing the behavior of animals.

Nowadays, silat is practiced by several military units throughout the Malay archipelago and the surrounding area, as well as by the notorious pirate clans in the South China Sea.

10. Okichito

It is one of the few surviving Native American martial arts. It was founded by George Lepin, who studied judo, taekwondo, hapkido, and also had an excellent command of a combat stick and a tomahawk.

Okichito is a mixture of Indian spirit rage with time-honored Asian martial arts. As in aikido, even if the fighter is unarmed, the blows are delivered as if he had it. For example, the arms repeat the movements of the tomahawk, and the legs repeat the spears. Besides, Special attention paid to knives. After all, what is the point in the martial art of the native Indians if it does not teach how to properly scalp a white man?

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