Sports festival with parents "Forward to Sportland!" How to organize a sports corporate event? Sports event with parents

From the very beginning (the path of a coach) Golovikhin Evgeny Vasilievich

Section 25. Joint family sporting events

I would like to offer you our experience of working with families for your consideration. Relatives bring young athletes to training. The most convenient time for classes is after 17.30. Parents finish work, pick up their children from kindergartens and bring them to training. At the age of 5–8, children have their own opinion, but with literate parents, they develop under the control of the family. Once again, I will note the importance of the family and the immediate environment of relatives. Only together with them will you be able to work with athletes for 6 or more years, knowing about the joint prospects of the family and the coach.

To improve contact with family, with relatives, create a sports society, we hold family sports events. The idea of ​​joint holidays has been working for a long time and effectively. We use this idea to develop taekwondo in the city. The scheme of holding a sports family holiday is simple. The event is held in four nominations and two age groups. To conduct you need a standard school gym, size 12X20.

Nominations: mother and child; dad and child; dad, mom, child; grandmother or grandfather and child. Age groups 5-7 years old and 8-10 years old. This makes eight sections. You need 24 diplomas to be awarded.

There are four exercises identified for the competition. All exercises are carried out together and the result is summed up everywhere.

1. Exercise. Long jump from a place with two feet. The result is added up.

2. Exercise. Stuffing basketball ball in 30 seconds. The number of hits is added up.

3. Exercise. Running 10 meters from the spot. At the 10-meter mark, a child or family member stands facing in the opposite direction, takes over the baton and runs to the finish line. The total time of all family members is recorded.

4. Jumping over a line drawn on the floor in 15 seconds. The number of jumps is added up.

Each section requires four judges. One enters the data into the protocol. The winner is determined based on the results of the all-around. Rewarding is in progress.

Why such events are good. As a coach, you get to know families better. Everyone empathizes with participation and results. The prize place brings joy to all those close to you. The event is fast. Competition routines are easy to perform and easy to judge. Parents communicate with each other, get to know each other, compete. You create additional allies for your work, creating a positive sports environment.

I do not describe such forms of work as outdoor activities for parents and children, attending cultural events. Build your sports team. Create a team of like-minded people... Understand that working with a group isn't just about attending classes.

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13.3. Sport games Sports games contribute to the improvement of basic motor qualities: speed, accuracy and coordination of movements, dexterity, strength, endurance. Sports games are often held outdoors under varying weather conditions and

Christina Lobacheva

Mass sports event« Fun starts» together with parents.

(older age)


Promotion of physical education and classes sports.

Introducing adults and children to healthy lifestyles through joint competition.


Use personal example adults in physical education preschoolers;

Develop speed, strength, dexterity;

To instill a love for physical education and sports;

Foster a sense of friendship, collectivism.

Promote the development of positive emotions from joint event.

Equipment: chips, 2 basins, fish, double rods, 2 bags, small balls, 4 anthem. sticks, 2 gates, air. balls, obstacles, big balls 8, jump ropes 2, rope.

The course of the event.

To the sounds sports march teams are built on sports ground. Leading:

Good afternoon, dear guests, Dear friends!

Leading: Fizkult hello parents! Fizkult hello guys!

Today unusual competitions will be held here, in which our children and their parents!

We are glad that you postponed all business and came to our fun sports holiday« Fun starts... Every child, of course, is glad that their mothers, fathers, relatives are present! And most importantly, they will help the guys achieve the desired victory!

Our success will be assessed by a jury consisting of are included:

A parting word is given to the chairman of the jury.

Leading: Guys! Please tell me how our morning in the garden begins?

That's right, with charging, and your parents doing exercises in the morning?

And now we will check it. Get started charging!

The song is playing "Do your exercises"

And so, we begin our competition, 2 teams will participate in each relay.

Group # 5 introduce your team!

Team motto!

Group 6 introduce your team!

Team motto!

1 relay: "Fishing"

Have start dad and child take a double rod, run to catch fish ,. With the caught fish, they run back and put it in a basin. Pass the rod to the next pair.

2 relay: "Ball in a bag"

Mom and Dad are holding the bag, and the child must hit the ball into the bag.

3 relay: "The magic wand"

Use a stick to roll the ball to the goal.

4 relay: "Air football"

To score more balloons into other people's gates. Playing parents.

Time to take a break! Children prepared a dance "Dolphins"

While the children are dancing, the jury sums up the passed relay races.

The word of the jury!

5 intellectual relay: "5 second"

Dear jury, be ready! (one counts 5 seconds, the second counts the answers, the third counts the points)

In 5 seconds you need to answer questions:

What is sweet?

What ball games do you know?

Types of martial arts?

What foods contain iron? (raspberries, liver, apples, nuts, buckwheat

Protein? (meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes)

6 relay: "Ball behind the back"

Parents squeeze the ball with their backs, step over the obstacle, run to the chip and back.

7 relay: "Bouncer"

Dad jumps with balls to chips and back. The balls are armpit and one is sandwiched between the knees. Mom on the rope, the child jumps with the ball between the knees.

8 relay: "Passing the ball"

Passing the ball from the top, right, left, bottom. Children first, then parents.

9 relay: "Rope"

Parents tug of war.

In the meantime, the results of the competition are being prepared, the children will perform with a dance "Not childish time"

And now the floor is given to our esteemed jury!

(Presentation of diplomas)

Our holiday was dedicated sports and health, and healthy and sports family is the key to success for everything! Thank you for coming and participating in our celebration! Goodbye! Until next time!

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Sports holiday

"Mother father me sport family»

Compiled by: Plohotnyuk O.N.

physical education instructor

Target: introduction of children and parents to healthy way life through joint sports activities.

1. Improve nervous processes (memory, will, speech).

2. To develop physical abilities (strength, dexterity, speed, endurance).

3. Promote better parent-child relationships.

Training: 15 rings, 3 hoops on a stand, balls according to the number of participants, 3 baskets; 3 large balls, landmarks, 3 hoops, 3 basins of water, 3 spoons, 15 kinders with letters, musical accompaniment, certificates.

Instructor: Hello dear guests - dear mothers, fathers, children! We are very glad to see you at our holiday dedicated to the Day of Health.

Healthy lifestyle
We lead in the kindergarten!
We are getting slimmer
And more beautiful every day!

We are full of optimism
To all open the truth:
Healthy lifestyle
Helps us to live!

Instructor: the jury will evaluate our success.

(represents the jury members)

Let the jury follow the whole course of the battle without a mistake.

Whoever turns out to be more friendly - let him win today!

Instructor: Our parents know that it is very useful to play sports and now they will give us their mandate.



To all our guys ... (all together) hello!

And such a word:

Love sports from an early age -

You will be healthy!


Everyone knows, everyone understands

That it is pleasant to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!


There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports,

You live a hundred years -

That's the whole secret!


Accustom yourself to order -

Exercise every day

Laugh more merrily

You will be healthier.


We really need sports, guys!

We are close friends with sports!

Sports - an assistant, sports - health,

Sports - game, physical education ... (all) hurray!

Instructor: Now it's time to introduce the teams

Captain of the team "Strongman" (……………………………………… ..)

Motto: We are strong, skillful

Dexterous and brave.

We wake up early

We are engaged in charging.

Team captain "Smile" (…………………………………………… ..)

Motto: Who is involved in sports -
Healthy and smiling!
A smile helps you win
And always be healthy.

Team captain "Shustriki" (……………………………………)

Motto: We are our team

We call "Shustriki"

Because dexterous

And we grow nimble.

There is no faster than us in the world.

"Fizkult - hello to you from us!"

Instructor: Is everyone gathered? Is everyone ready?
Ready to run and play?
Well then pull yourself up
Don't yawn and don't be lazy

Become a warm-up!

Warm up.

(Warm-up is performed to music as shown by the instructor).

Instructor: For a team to win, its members must be very friendly, be able to perform exercises together together. Now we will check how friendly you are.

1 competition "Obstacle course"

(jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs, crawl into the hoop and throw the ball into the basket)

Instructor: And the next competition is for the most agile and jumpy ones.

2nd competition "Jumping on balls"

(children jump on big balls, and parents, holding the ball with their feet)

Instructor: I see friendly guys, you are a mountain for each other.

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, and our teams are resting, I want to hear the fans. I will ask you riddles, and you will guess!

I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?

What is this net in the yard?

Would you mind the game

You'd better walk away.

We are playing. ... ... (volleyball)

These fruits are inedible

But they are huge and comfortable.

Their other sportsman for hours

He pounds hard with his fists.

(Boxing pears)

I want to become a strongman.

I come to the strongman:

Tell us about this -

How did you become a strong man?

He smiled back:

Very simple. Many years

Every day, getting out of bed, I raise. ... ... (dumbbells)

There's a game in the yard in the morning

The kids played out.

Shouts: "puck!", "Past!", "Hit!" -

So there is a game - ... (hockey)

On an empty stomach

They beat me unbearably;

Players are apt throwing

Cuffs are kicking me. (Football)

Green meadow,

One hundred benches around

Gate to gate

The people are running briskly.

At the gates of these

Fishing nets (stadium).

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit astride and ride

Only better to drive.

(A bike)

Instructor: Fans bring points to their teams, and we continue further and the next

3rd competition "Crossing"

(dads need to move all members of their team to the opposite side)

Instructor: Announced competition for mothers "The most thin waist»

I ask mom to come to me. Your task is to twist the hoop as long as possible. Ready to start, attention, march!

Instructor: Competitors can rest a little, but I suggest fans warm up a little.

(rhythmic dance as shown by the instructor)

Instructor: so our holiday is drawing to a close, and I declare the last competition " Catch the ball with a spoon and form a word "

(The first participant reaches the basket and catches the ball with a spoon with one hand; he brings the ball to the team, passes the spoon to the next, etc.

When all the balls are caught, you need to make the word "GOOD" from them.)

Instructor: So the contests are over and while the jury is summing up the results I propose to check the knowledge of the fans in the field of Cognition

For adults: Which tale says:

About the need to improve the quality and increase of poultry products? (Ryaba chicken)

About the hard work of the international and local telephone exchange? (Telephone)

About the need to improve the quality of bakery products? (gingerbread man)

About the harmful effects of intemperance to drinking water? (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

About an example of good-neighborly relations by residents of a communal apartment? (Teremok)

For kids: - What did the bear bring Masha home in the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"? (in a box, in a bag, in a knapsack)

How many times did the old man throw the net in the fairy tale "About the Fisherman and the Fish"? (3,2,4).

How many people pulled a turnip in the "turnip" fairy tale? (3,5,6)

What African river was in the Aibolit fairy tale? (Limpopo, Lilipo, Polimpo)

What is Winnie the Pooh's head filled with? (cotton wool, convolutions, sawdust)

Where in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" did the arrow of the middle son fall? (to the merchant's courtyard, to the boyar's courtyard, to the royal courtyard)

Instructor: To summarize the final outcome of our entire meeting. Teams are built to announce the results. The jury will give the floor.

(The jury announces the winner, presents the participants with certificates.

Instructor: The merry holiday was a success.

I think everyone liked it.

Everyone knows, everyone understands
That it is pleasant to be healthy.
You just need to know

How to become healthy!

There is no better recipe in the world -
Be inseparable from sports,
You live a hundred years -
That's the whole secret!

1. Organizers of sports events or sporting events determine the conditions for their holding, including the conditions and procedure for providing compensation payments to sports judges related to the payment of the cost of food, sports equipment, equipment, sports and dress uniforms received by them to participate in sports competitions, are responsible for organizing and holding such events, have the right to suspend and terminate such events, change the time of their holding and approve their results, as well as during official sporting events provide, together with the owners, users of sports facilities, measures of public order and public safety in accordance with this Federal Law and safety rules during official sports competitions approved by the Government Russian Federation(hereinafter - the rules for ensuring safety during official sports competitions). Ensuring public order and public safety during official sports competitions is carried out at the expense of the organizers of official sports competitions and (or) owners, users of sports facilities in accordance with the provisions (regulations) on official sports competitions and (or) agreements concluded by the organizers of such competitions and owners, users of sports facilities, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The rights and obligations of the organizers of official sports competitions, owners, users of sports facilities to ensure public order and public safety during official sports competitions are established by this Federal Law, as well as by the rules for ensuring safety during official sports competitions.

1.1. The organizers of physical education events or sports events determine the conditions and procedure for providing volunteers (volunteers), controllers-administrators of compensation payments related to the payment of the cost of food, travel, accommodation, conditions and procedure for the provision of sports equipment, equipment, sports and dress uniforms. The organizers of physical culture events or sporting events determine the conditions and procedure for providing volunteers (volunteers) on a free and irrevocable basis with uniforms and other items of clothing, and controllers-managers - on a returnable basis for uniforms and other items of clothing. In the event that the financial support of physical culture events or sports events is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, the conditions and procedure for providing volunteers (volunteers), controllers-administrators of compensation payments and material and technical support specified in part 1 of this article are subject to agreement with the federal an executive body in the field of physical culture and sports. Financial support for the provision of compensation payments and material and technical support to volunteers (volunteers), controllers-administrators, specified in part 1 of this article, is carried out by the organizers of the relevant physical culture events or sports events. When organizing physical culture events or sporting events, the financial support of which is not carried out at the expense of the federal budget, the provision of compensation payments and material and technical support to volunteers (volunteers), controllers-administrators, specified in part 1 of this article, may be carried out at the expense of the corresponding All-Russian sports federations, an all-Russian public organization specified in part 5 of Article 28 of this Federal Law, and (or) professional sports leagues, if provided for by the norms approved by these All-Russian sports federations, an all-Russian public organization specified in part 5 of Article 28 of this Federal Law , and / or professional sports leagues.

(see text in previous edition)

1.2. The norms for the provision of sports judges, volunteers (volunteers), controllers-managers of uniforms, other items of clothing, sports equipment, equipment, sports and ceremonial uniforms, the procedure for using the specified property, equipment, equipment, food standards during the period of physical culture events or sports events providing temporary residence for sports judges, volunteers (volunteers), controllers-stewards are determined by the organizers of such physical education events or sports events.

(see text in previous edition)

1.3. The rights and obligations of spectators during official sports competitions are established in accordance with this Federal Law by the rules of spectator behavior during official sports competitions, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the rules of spectator behavior during official sports competitions). The organizers of official sports competitions and (or) owners, users of sports facilities, along with the rules of behavior for spectators during official sports competitions, have the right to establish additional requirements for spectator behavior during official sports competitions, which cannot contradict the requirements of this Federal Law and the rules of spectator conduct during official sporting events.

1.4. Spectators guilty of violating the rules of spectator behavior during official sports competitions are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.5. For persons brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for violation of the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions, the court may establish an administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days of their holding. The list of persons who are prohibited from visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days of their holding (hereinafter referred to as the list of persons) is maintained by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. The maintenance of the list of persons and access to the information contained in the list of persons is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for the execution of a resolution on an administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days of their holding. The organizers of official sports competitions, upon entering the venues of which the identification of spectators is mandatory in accordance with part 2.1 of this article, at least three hours before the start of such competitions, familiarize themselves with the information contained in the list of persons and do not allow them to enter the venues. such competitions on the days of their holding of persons, information about which is contained in the list of persons. Moreover, the cost entrance tickets for official sporting events or documents replacing them, the specified persons will not be returned.

(see text in previous edition)

1.6. A venue for an official sporting event that does not meet the requirements of the safety rules for an official sporting event cannot be used for the said competition.

1.7. Organizers of official sporting events in order to ensure public order and public safety and compliance administrative bans to visit the venues of such competitions on the days of their holding, up to thirty calendar days before the start of such competitions, notify the relevant territorial body of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs of the place, date and time of such competitions and immediately notify about changes in this information ...

1.8. When holding official sports competitions on the corresponding sections of roads, temporary restrictions or stoppages of traffic are carried out Vehicle on such road sections in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.9. Responsibility for violation of safety rules during official sports competitions lies with the organizers of such competitions, owners, users of sports facilities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

2.1. The organizers of official sports competitions, owners, users of sports facilities, in agreement with the organizers of official sports competitions, establish requirements for the sale of entrance tickets and other documents granting the right to attend such competitions. The organizers of official sports competitions, in agreement with the owners, users of sports facilities, have the right to establish requirements for the registration and control of the specified entrance tickets and other documents, including those providing for the identification of the identity of spectators by documents proving their identity. When selling tickets, other documents granting the right to attend such competitions, and entering the venues of official sports competitions determined by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of a particular sport and depending on the level of the sports competition (international, all-Russian, interregional, regional , inter-municipal, municipal), identification of the identity of the audience is mandatory. The procedure for such identification is established by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

(see text in previous edition)

4. The organizers of physical culture events and (or) sporting events own the rights to their coverage by broadcasting the image and (or) sound of the events by any means and (or) using any technology, as well as by recording the said broadcast and (or) photographing the events.

(see text in previous edition)

5. The rights to coverage of physical culture events and (or) sports events can be used by third parties only on the basis of the permission of the organizers of physical culture events and (or) sports events or written agreements on the acquisition by third parties of these rights from the organizers of such events.

6. Organization and conduct physical culture event or a sports competition are carried out in accordance with the regulation (regulations) on such a physical culture event or such sports competition, approved by its organizers.

7. General requirements for the content of provisions (regulations) on interregional and all-Russian official physical culture events and sports competitions, providing for the specifics of individual sports, are established by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

7.1. To ensure public order and public safety during official sports competitions, the organizers of such competitions and (or) the owners, users of sports facilities may involve controllers-stewards. This attraction can be carried out by contacting organizations that train controllers-managers and (or) provide services to ensure order in places where public events are held. The federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports establishes requirements for organizations that carry out special training for controllers-managers and (or) the issuance and registration of certificates of controllers-managers. Requirements for the content of the program for special training of controllers-administrators are approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. The issuance and registration of certificates of controllers-managers are carried out in the manner established by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports. The form of the certificate of the controller-manager is approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

(see text in previous edition)

8. The procedure for approving the provisions (regulations) on official physical culture events and sports competitions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the requirements for their content are established by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports.

9. The procedure for approving the provisions (regulations) on official physical culture events and sports competitions of the municipality, the requirements for the content of these provisions (regulations) are established by local government bodies.

10. The procedure for approving the provisions (regulations) on official physical culture events and sports competitions held in military-applied and service-applied sports, the requirements for their content are established by federal executive bodies that manage the development of military-applied and service-applied sports ...

11. In the event that the organizers of a physical culture event or sporting event are several persons, the distribution of rights and obligations between them in relation to such an event is carried out on the basis of an agreement and (or) a provision (regulation) on such an event. Unless otherwise provided by the specified documents, the organizers of a physical culture event or sporting event shall be jointly and severally liable for the harm caused to the participants of the event and (or) third parties.

12. The organization of a sports competition in a military-applied or service-applied kind or kinds of sports, which has the status and name of a championship, cup or championship of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation, is allowed only if a federal body is included in the organizers of this sports competition. the executive branch in charge of the development of this military-applied or service-applied kind or kinds of sports.

13. The status and name of a championship, cup or championship of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation can only have official sports competitions.

14. International sports events, in respect of which obligations of the Russian Federation arise, are held on the territory of the Russian Federation only subject to the agreement of decisions on their holding with the all-Russian sports federations in the respective sports, with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the territories of which such events are planned. international sporting events, and with the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports. An application for the holding of such international sporting events on the territory of the Russian Federation, including for participation in the competition for the right to hold such events, may be sent by the All-Russian sports federation in the relevant sport in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

(see text in previous edition)

14.1. During the period of international sports events specified in part 14 of this article, entry into the Russian Federation of foreign citizens or stateless persons is not allowed if in relation to such foreign citizens or stateless persons there is information about the facts of violation by them of public order during public, sports , entertainment and (or) other mass events outside the territory of the Russian Federation or violation of the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions on the territory of the Russian Federation or about the intention to commit the corresponding illegal acts on the territory of the Russian Federation. In the presence of this information, a decision is made with regard to such foreign citizens or stateless persons not to permit entry into the Russian Federation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14.2. In order to ensure the safety of international sports events specified in part 14 of this article, the President of the Russian Federation may introduce enhanced security measures, including:

1) establishment of controlled and (or) prohibited zones;

2) restrictions on entry and (or) temporary stay of citizens and residence of citizens;

3) restriction of the movement of vehicles;

4) limitation of flights of aircraft;

5) restriction of navigation;

6) strengthening the protection of public order and infrastructure;

7) restricting the holding of public events not related to the preparation and holding of international sports events;

8) full or partial suspension of the activities of certain hazardous industries and organizations that use explosive, radioactive, chemically and biologically hazardous substances;

Purpose of the event:

Strengthen the relationship kindergarten and families in the field of moral and spiritual education of preschoolers;


· Develop independence in the use of acquired motor skills skills

· Introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle.

· To create a friendly atmosphere, a cheerful sports mood for children and their parents.

· To foster a benevolent attitude towards peers, interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle; foster a sense of friendship and collectivism, cohesion.

The sporting event takes place on the territory of the Balapan kindergarten.

From each group 2 families of 3 people take part. (dad, mom, child). Everyone should have a bike.

Equipment: Chips, inscriptions "Start", "Finish", stopwatch, flag, whistle.

Solemn music sounds. Teams are being built.

The course of the event.

Leading:Armysyzdar kymbatty bizdin zharisқa kaysushylar!

Hello dear participants of our competitions .

2014 marks exactly 100 years since the development of cycling in our country. ( Happy birthday cycling in Kazakhstan can be considered July 6, 1914, when the road bike competition took place in the city of Aktyubinsk. The main "engine" of the popularity of cycling in Kazakhstan is the victories of an outstanding Kazakh cyclistAlexandra Vinokurovaat prestigious races ProTour and of course his gold medal on the London 2012 Olympics ... Alexander's victories served as a powerful impetus for the mass character of cycling in Kazakhstan).

Most recently, our city hosted the participants of the international bike ride Tour de Ustkamen , thousands of peoplewent to the startand our garden is no exception, we keep up with the times , does not miss a single sporting event .

Lead: Tүзель тіқ түр! Level up, at attention! ( Hymn)

The floor is given to the head of the kindergarten, Khmilevskaya L.V.

Leading:To do sports.

And welcome to the participants

Loud "Fizkult-hurray"!

I am glad that today we have gathered with you on our bike ride, because in the hectic days there is rarely enough time for a common cause with the whole family. What is a family?

Parents :

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Leading :

Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about you:
What a good family you are!

Our competition will be held in two stages, the first stage is "Sprint",

Your task is to drive a short segment for the maximum fast time... By better result the winner will be determined.

Second phaserelay race - the whole team takes part. The task of the participants is to drive around the garden, pass the baton to the next participant, etc. Dad is the first to start, pass it on to mom, mom pass it on to the child. Three teams start at once. And the competition will be judged by the methodologist d / s Balapan Kozhevnikova O.A.

Observe safety measures, do not push, do not cut each other.

So the Yagodka team, are you ready? "Yes!!!" etc

Participants and fans go to the first stage.

At the end of the first stage, the results are summed up, at this time the music sounds, the participants prepare for the relay.

The chief judge of the competition repeats the rules of the relay.

At the end of the relay, the teams are organized for rewarding. Music sounds.

Host: No matter how old you are,

Get on your bike more boldly.

Having spurred the "horse", drive out into the yard

And rush to the service, bypassing the traffic jam!

And no matter how old you are,

Get on your bike on Saturday

And hit the pedals all the way

To get out in the morning quickly to nature.

Why do you need a car? Why do you need a chauffeur?

The pedals are more reliable than the motor.

When a lot of years will be

Get your family on a bike:

The wife is on the trunk, and the frame is for the grandson.

Your friend and helper is a great thing!

He will bring health and youth.

Spin the pedals and boldly FORWARD!


Our competition has come to an end.

May family competitions be remembered for you,

May all adversity pass by

May all your wishes come true

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