Boxing exercises at home. How boxers train: program, exercises

Regular training should become a routine for a true boxer, if, of course, you want to see the result sooner. In this case, home workouts are a very useful thing. Firstly, you are your own boss and control the time allotted for the exercise, secondly, you yourself create an atmosphere for yourself, putting background music to your liking, and thirdly, no one distracts you with unnecessary conversations and advice, and you do not have to worry about how you look, etc.

Boxer training at home - a set of exercises

Be sure to do a warm-up before training, warming up the muscles of the boxer's body, preparing them for future loads. It can be jogging, arm rotation, warm-up. elbow joints and compulsory attention should be paid to the warm-up of the brushes. Here's a small set of exercises a boxer can incorporate into his daily routine. training complex at home:

  1. Fist push-up... This exercise trains the triceps, the muscle responsible for the speed at which the arm is extended during a strike. Thus, such exercises will allow you to hit faster and stronger to boxer... It is necessary to ensure that for a boxer 20 times from 2-5 approaches are given without difficulty. The number of push-ups increases with each new week by 2. It is advisable to take a break of 5 minutes between exercises.
  2. Jumping rope... In order to move quickly during a battle, be dynamic, attack sharply and quickly leave the enemy's line of attack, you need strong legs and especially calf muscles... Therefore, we choose a rope. During each workout, the boxer must jump on the rope for 20 minutes, while varying with the difficulty and variations of the jumps. During the exercise, it is necessary to move around the room forward, backward, in a circle, mixing various movements. Jumping rope with different intensities is a good measure of running, which can additionally develop a fighter's stamina.
  3. Exercises for the press... There are a huge number of options. For example, lying on your back, arms crossed on your chest, we make a "fold" - first we raise the torso and a second later our knees, folding into a booklet.
  4. Squats. You need to do squats fifty times for each of the five approaches. About the benefits similar exercises already said earlier. Also, do not forget that the blow comes from the boxer's legs, so they need to be intensively trained.
  5. Pull-ups- a complex exercise that involves the muscles of the back and arms. Depending on the grip and method of execution, you can additionally swing the press, shoulders, and hands. You need to achieve the following indicator five sets of ten pull-ups with an average grip. After that, it should be increased weekly in each approach by one pull-up. By increasing the number of times during a specific rep and reducing the rest time between sets, you can train your strength endurance fighter.
  6. A fight with a shadow. Great exercise for movement, hitting, different series and combinations, protective actions... Shadowboxing is conducted independently. The essence of the exercise is to constantly make strikes and work out defenses with a non-existent opponent. You need to imagine an opponent in front of you, striking him. There are different variations when practicing, you can apply single or practice a series of blows. This exercise provides a great opportunity to practice or learn complicated multi-hit combinations, as well as learn how to improvise during combat.

Another plus of home workouts is that they do not require much investment. You will have enough available materials to make your workout intense and productive. With all other conditions, wherever you do, the main thing is your attitude.

Do you like boxing? Do you want to be like the stars of the ring? Do you think this cannot be achieved at home - without a coach, sparring partners, a ring with ropes and a whole set of equipment, like in a boxing gym? But you can train a boxer yourself at home and get excellent results - get a brilliant sports uniform, look like a fighter and feel invincible. What do you need for this and how to train?

It is true that it will not be possible to achieve victories in the ring without going to the gym - with partners under the guidance of a coach. If you want to become a champion, please sign up for the section.

To learn self-defense, master the skills of street fighting, it is recommended to find a competent mentor and take lessons at home or from him for an agreed fee. And boxing in this case is not the best choice.

Independent home workouts with practicing boxing strikes technique, movements during a fight, developing the strength and speed of a strike, and so on, serve other purposes:

  • Significant improvement in health;
  • Acquisition of speed and dexterity of movements;
  • Gaining the power of impact;
  • Strengthening muscles and ligaments;
  • Finding a beautiful athletic figure not like a bodybuilder, but like a boxer - many people like the second option more;
  • External resemblance to a fighter, which improves the image and scares off hooligans;
  • Mind hardening and the acquisition of fighting character traits.

If training is needed only for these purposes, exercising at home has no disadvantages compared to the gym, and Benefits on the face:

  • The types of exercises and loads are determined individually, you are your own coach and do what suits you best;
  • You yourself choose the start and end time of classes;
  • No blows to the head and other places, which eliminates harm to the body and gets one benefit.

But does boxing require bulky and / or expensive equipment, can it be done in a small room?

Boxer's home inventory

To develop the force of the blow, without fail will need:

  • Boxing gloves - pounding a heavy punching bag with bare fists is fraught with danger;
  • Bandages-gloves, put on under boxing and eliminating the need to rewind the brushes with ordinary bandages, which is very inconvenient;
  • Heavy pear (bag);
  • Dumbbells weighing 1 kg - for more effective training of strikes without (before) a pear;
  • Heavier dumbbells are the best equipment for strength exercises houses due to their small size and low cost;
  • A bench for doing some strength training.

Provided that you practice for yourself, you can safely do without the rest of the equipment, leaving the helmet, mouth guard, paws, dynamic pears and other things to the professionals.

It is good if the house has a horizontal bar, even better - a set of wall bars + bench + horizontal bar + parallel bars, but you can train without it.

Clothes and footwear are suitable for ordinary sports - as for any sport at home.

Warm up

You need to start by walking slowly around the room with simultaneous head movements to warm up the neck muscles.

  1. Slightly speed up your gait and perform various movements with your hands, followed by turns of the body;
  2. Walk like a duck walk for 3 minutes, simultaneously flexing the hands and wrists;
  3. Walk in place, raising your knees high.

After you have warmed up properly, do muscle stretching exercises. It is imperative to stretch the spine, as in training program includes exercises for the back.

Technique and speed exercises

Boxing begins immediately after the warm-up. Getting started, do without 1-kilogram dumbbells, pick them up after 2-3 months.

How to move around the ring

To perform the exercises, you will need three starting positions:

  • Frontal stand (hereinafter abbreviated - FS): feet shoulder-width apart, hands clenched into fists near the chest, knees slightly bent;
  • Own stance (SS) - the weaker leg is put forward, weakest hand is also in front and covers the jaw, the other hand is at chest level. Usually ahead left leg and the hand, for left-handers, vice versa;
  • Opposite Stance (PS) - stronger leg and arm in front.

Front stand

You have seen your stand many times on TV, you will be able to copy it for sure, master the PS - too.

Exercises - perform 1 round (1 round = 3 minutes), after each rest 1 minute:

  1. Short jumps back and forth (hereinafter - shuttle jumps) in the SS with straight punches with the front hand.
  2. The same is in the PS.
  3. Direct punches in place from the FS with a gradual increase in strength and pace.
  4. Slopes in the SS.
  5. Side impacts in place from FS, according to the principle of exercise 3.
  6. Diving in the SS.
  7. Bottom punches (uppercuts) in place from the FS, according to the principle of exercises 3 and 5.
  8. A fight with a shadow.

At the end of this complex perform jumping ropebest exercise for leg strength. If physical training allows, make 3 rounds with breaks (hereinafter, by default, the break lasts 1 minute).

Peel the pear correctly

Relax 5-10 minutes walking slowly around the gym at home and continue boxing, wearing gloves and walking over to the bag.

Peel the bag heartily, following simple rules:

  • Starting position - SS;
  • Alternate blows - straight left with uppercuts, straight right with side;
  • Perform strikes not only individually, but also in series and combinations (straight + bottom + side + straight, etc.);
  • Hit the middle of the pear;
  • Increase the strength and speed of blows gradually;
  • If you pound in pretty fast pace without pauses, it is ensured not only to improve the impact, but also.

When practicing for yourself, it is useful to perform strikes first in the SS, then in the SS. But if it’s too inconvenient, it’s not worth it, because classes should bring joy.

How long to train on the pear, determine for yourself by listening to the precious organism. Slight fatigue is required, excessive fatigue should be avoided.

Important: if the bag began to sway strongly after the blows, the time has come to increase its weight.

Why and how to swing

Is exercise for pumping muscles necessary for a person who chooses boxing? Needed because:

  • Developed muscles only increase the speed of blows and all other movements;
  • In this sport, both strong arms and strong legs are needed, which means they need to be strengthened - along with the buttocks;
  • Abdominal muscles - no explanation is needed here;
  • A strong abs hurts a weak back, so be sure to do it as well.

Have we convinced you? So here is a set of strength exercises for a beginner athlete with fists:

  1. For arms, shoulder girdle and chest - push-ups.
  2. For - supine leg raises.
  3. For the lower back - either hyperextension or forward bends with heavy dumbbells (when bending, keep your back straight!).
  4. For legs - squats with dumbbells in hand.
  5. For - side bends with dumbbells in hand.
  6. For arms, shoulder girdle and upper back - pull-ups. In the absence of a horizontal bar, after exercise 2, do bending of the arms with dumbbells, and instead of exercise 6, pull the dumbbells to the belt in the slope.
  7. For the buttocks - lunges alternately back and forth with dumbbells in hand.
  8. For the upper abdomen, either lying on the back, or "fold".

You can safely add exercises for muscle groups to this complex, appearance which you want to improve.

Start with two approaches, after three months, move to three. For pumping up muscles, the best number of repetitions is 6-10. But if 10 are easy to do, and there is no way to increase the weight of the dumbbells, do more.

Move on to strength exercises, after having a good rest after exercising with a pear (10-15 minutes).

And remember to end your workout correctly - walking very slowly with light movements(shaking) hands to relax the strained muscles.

We wish you to become the real king of the ring - for yourself!

Good day! This time we will analyze the topic of how boxers train. Each sport has its own unique characteristics. The tactics and rules of fights dictate their own conditions for how it should be held. As you know, training includes two basic components - these are tactical training(hitting, sparring, special exercises endurance, coordination, etc.) and the physical training of the fighter. For example, tactical training in classic boxing and in Thai will differ to some extent from each other, although these two sports are related to striking.

Before signing up for a section with a trainer, you can start with boxing training at home. Or at home you can study additionally if you do not have enough load in sports hall... The main difference between such classes is the absence of a coach or an experienced mentor (unless you find one for yourself, of course). Otherwise, home preparation includes the same exercises that are performed in mentored training. The only inconvenience is the lack of pairing, sparring and a person to point out mistakes. A full-length mirror can be the best assistant. If you know how to hit correctly (left straight at the same time with a short sub-step of the left leg, right straight with raising the right heel), then you can visually observe yourself through the mirror.

Workouts at home

The boxing training program at home may differ only in that there are no tasks with a sparring partner (work on the paws, sparring), and some exercises may be limited by an insufficient area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room.

While exercising at home, you can use without any restrictions:

  • A fight with a shadow;
  • Jump rope;
  • Practicing strikes in front of a mirror with / without dumbbells;
  • General physical training (general physical training) - push-ups, press, parallel bars, push-ups from behind, squats, exercises on the bridge, plank, horizontal bar.
  • Practicing blows on a bag, pear, makiware.

How long do boxers train? Extremely important question especially for beginners. Very often, in the first weeks, amateurs are overloaded in training, which later gives only the opposite effect. The flaw in the gym also has little effect. Athletic growth it also slows down. On average, a workout lasts about 1.5-2 hours three times a week. Much depends on the degree of loading of the program and the preparedness of the athlete. In any case, everyone determines for himself how much you need to train. If during the lesson you feel nausea, dizziness and lack of air, you should stop and slow down. If after training on the following days you feel body aches and fatigue - this is a sure sign of overload, therefore, you should review and facilitate the exercise program, revise the diet and rest regimen.

How often professional boxers train. In most cases, professionals train twice a day. The main difference in how professional boxers train is in a purely individual program developed in conjunction with personal trainer... In such training, work is underway to improve strengths for example punching power (puncher) or just a left hook and working out weaknesses, for example, low endurance or low reaction.

For example, Mike Tyson preferred, if I may say so, "fractional" classes. He jogged three miles in the morning, sparred ten rounds at lunchtime, then after about four hours he worked on a sack, a pear, then got on an exercise bike.

Also, Mike used a rather interesting method - hitting the numbers written on the bag. The coach voiced several numbers in a different order, and Tyson had to strike. The quality directly depended on the speed of execution. Also, Tyson separately conducted strength training on simulators, parallel bars and with a barbell.

Different training approaches

How Cuban boxers train. I think it's worth raising this topic, since on sports arena there are enough professionals of this school who showed really beautiful boxing.

It may be interesting that in the early stages of the formation of boxing in Cuba, a considerable foundation was laid by Soviet coaches, for example, the foundations of defense against blows. Worth considering physical fitness Cubans and their endurance (very often the workers of the sugar plantations were engaged in boxing, exhausted by the sun and physical labor, they still went to training).

The main feature by which any Cuban boxer can be recognized is the bolo kick. The fact is that, as already mentioned, many athletes earned their living by working on reed plantations. The main tool of labor was the bolo machete. You had to be a knife to cut down a plant. roundabout from below. It was thanks to this “professional deformation” that the bolo strike was successfully adapted in boxing.

How amateur boxers train. Boxing classes among amateurs are less stressful. Amateurs practice three or even two times a week, on average, 1.5-2 hours each. Professional sports mean a tough daily regimen with proper nutrition and complete rejection from bad habits. Competitive fights among amateurs last three rounds of three minutes. The winner is determined by the most successful blows to the head and body.

Boxing training for girls is mostly the same as for men. In sparring, it is important to wear chest protectors. Without her, many coaches do not allow girls to study. It is also quite likely that the girl will be asked to collect her hair in a ponytail or in a bun so that it does not interfere with the lesson and does not get into the eyes. For the rest, an independent desire to train is important. The main advantage for both girls and guys is an increase in volitional resources, self-confidence and the ability to stand up for oneself.

Anyone who wants to can do boxing. The main thing is to properly distribute the load and pay attention to contraindications (for example, severe concussions the day before, injuries to the hands, arms, etc.).

Boxing and gym. Reaction, stamina and accuracy

How to combine boxing training and gym, after all, one of the conditions for victory is the absence of soreness in the body, i.e. muscle elasticity. Dyspnea leads to a decrease in the speed and flexibility of the body. But on the other hand, the athlete must have strong legs in order to withstand all rounds and take the blow, strong shoulders, triceps and forearms for maximum effective strike... It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the level of a powerlifter or bodybuilder, and in principle it is not necessary. The muscles of the boxer are designed for anaerobic and explosive loading, while the muscles of the powerlifter are designed for short-term but extreme loading. To achieve strength, not bump, you need to work with free weights(everything that does not apply to simulators).

Top Iron Exercises for Boxers - deadlift, barbell squats, bench press, vertical press from a standing position, parallel bars and weighted bar. To "break" the muscle mass, trainers recommend that you regularly go for a massage and take a steam bath in the sauna to remove lactic acid from the muscles.

It is also better to do strength exercises for extension rather than flexion in order to maintain dynamic abilities (in other words, striking technique). If you are not a fan of dietary supplements, then work with free weights should be given no more than 60 minutes. This time period is ideal for testosterone production, then only processing goes on.

Iron compatibility can be easily traced to Mike Tyson. This man possessed the ideal level of both striking technique and physical fitness... To defend effectively, as well as to carry out counterattacks, physical strength and strikes will not be enough. A separate place is occupied by the reaction rate.

How boxers train their reaction. The best practice for this reflex is to practice sparring. It is not necessary to spar 100% at the same time. Slopes, dives and blocks are great for protection. To perform them, you need to actively connect your legs, body and at the same time keep your hands in a fighting stance.

Especially big problems with reaction it will be great to take advantage of throws tennis ball into the wall. You just need to throw the ball into the wall and catch it with the same hand. After that it is better to change hands.

Hanging for working off slopes small ball to the ceiling. Everything is very simple, you just need to shake it and, keeping your hands in a rack, hone the skill of your inclinations.

Another way. Very simple yet effective. Your opponent takes five balls and tries to hit you right in the face. Your job is to dodge.

It is necessary not only for girls in physical education lessons. There is a desire to increase endurance - pay attention to the rope. Besides this exercise perfectly helps to warm up the body. In a sense, the rope follows the movement and uses the same leg muscles as in the ring.

How to train a boxer on a bag. If the mass of the pear is 50 kg or more, then it is suitable for working out the impact force in conjunction with working out combinations. It is important here to put your feet correctly, and to put your kick correctly. You can also hit with speed, but lighter pears (5 to 30 kg) are more suitable for this.

Pear on dedicated platform called pneumatic. Due to a small impact, it bounces off the platform and thus it is very difficult to get into it. It is necessary for practicing the accuracy of the strike. You can hit it with different angles... To begin with, I hit it after three bounces, after a while you can increase the speed.

Conducting boxing training allows you to stay in good shape and has a beneficial effect on health, if you do not overload the body. Remember the main stages of training and carefully monitor your condition! Good luck!

Boxing today is not only professional sports, which can only be watched on TV, there are thousands of amateurs working in small halls. Boxing is now firmly established in the top ten amateur sports for both men and women. At the right approach can help to acquire an excellent physical fitness and become stronger, more enduring.

Like any type of training, this martial arts has its own training features: most often they are group and sparring. Not only does it develop here physical strength, but also coordination of movements, reaction speed. Since kicks are prohibited in boxing, there is an opinion that the main attention is paid to the "development" of the muscles of the arms and body, nevertheless, other muscle groups are also involved - after all, in order to "take a punch" and quickly move in the ring, you need strong legs. The psychological factor is also important for achieving high results: good coach not only can "deliver" a blow, but also set one up for victory, develop self-confidence in a person. That is why attending boxing training will be useful not only for those who dream of a triumph in the ring, but also for athletes who are simultaneously involved in other sports.

A training session for any of the disciplines begins with a warm-up. Boxing is no exception. As “warming up” exercises, coaches usually suggest using jumping rope (2-3 minutes), a complex of stretching (lunges, swings, rolls), bends, jerks and swings with arms, turns of the torso and pelvis - in a word, a standard warm-up complex. Then proceed directly to boxing training.

Basic Boxing Workout Program:

  • punches on "paws" (special boxing equipment held by a coach or partner) - 2-3 rounds. This exercise helps to practice the technique and accuracy of striking;
  • 2-3 rounds on the "bag". Needed to develop the power of impact;
  • "Shadow boxing" - working out the technique of strike and defense. 2-3 rounds;
  • a few minutes should be devoted to the pneumatic bag - this helps the athlete to develop speed and coordination of movements;
  • and finally, sparring - 2 to 5 rounds. Consolidating and honing all skills, practicing defense and attack with a real partner.

After that, a classic cool down with stretching elements is carried out. Cooling down is no less important than a warm-up, because after a workout, the release of lactic acid into the muscles is activated and the final, "soothing" exercises help to avoid muscle burning and pain.

Boxer's diet

Historical facts Boxing is one of oldest species sports. In its modern version, it originated in England in the 18th century. However, drawings of boxing athletes can be found in Egyptian and Sumerian reliefs. In 688 BC. NS. fist fights were included in the program of the Olympic Games.

No training will bring desired result if the athlete does not pay due attention to his diet. For boxers, especially during periods of intense strength training, you need to carefully design and monitor sufficient calorie intake, as well as the correct ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates (approximately 20% -25% -55%). During the period intense training the percentage of fat can be slightly reduced and the content in food can be increased (up to 40%). Also, do not forget about the drinking regimen - drink at least the prescribed rate of fluid per day (based on weight in kg × 0.024).

It is worth emphasizing once again that the combination proper nutrition and regular training is the key to success and future victories.

Boxing is a serious sport and therefore even to amateur training you need to be extremely responsible and adhere to the program individually compiled by the trainer. After all, everyone has their own body capabilities, and this must be taken into account, especially with intense loads.

Experts will be able to conduct an introductory briefing for those wishing to climb into the ring, draw up a lesson plan and a personal menu for each athlete. We are also always ready to provide you with fully equipped gyms and equipment for any workout, be it boxing or yoga.

Are you a boxing lover? Is your dream to become like the stars of the ring? Do you think that training a boxer at home is not serious, and it is impossible to achieve any success here?

Yes, indeed, at home there is no ring, and ropes, and other equipment. There is no coach or sparring partners.

But independent training of boxers is possible in such conditions. With serious effort, the results can be very, very decent. You will get in good shape and become a real fighter. What exactly is required for this?

How effective is a boxer's home workout?

Of course, one cannot seriously dream about victories in the ring without training in the gym - with partners and a coach. Classes in sports section the future champion cannot be avoided.

If your goal is to master self-defense techniques for your own safety and feel confident in the street, it is best to study individually for a specified fee from an experienced trainer, and boxing is not the only and far from the best option.

Well, the goal pursued by independent training of boxers at home is somewhat different - working out the nuances sports equipment, honing fighting movements, developing speed and strength of blows. The point of all this is to improve the overall physical condition, the growth of dexterity and speed of each movement, strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the body, the acquisition of a beautiful sports silhouette, as well as a sports (fighting) image and strong-willed character.

The benefits of homework

If this is basically what you need, then homework is the best choice, because the disadvantages of the gym are absent here, and there are many advantages. Which ones?

First of all, you do not have an average training plan for boxers, you train according to an individual program. That is, the one that suits your body best in terms of stress and purely psychologically for you as a person.

The start and end times of your workouts are at your discretion.

Absent dangerous blows on the head and other vital places that do not add to your health. That is, the inevitable harm to the body in boxing is reduced to nothing, classes are only beneficial.

But is it possible to train in a small room, and what about the equipment in this case?

What a boxer needs at home

Here is a list of what normal boxing training is impossible without (namely, working out the strength of your punch):

  • Let's start with boxing gloves - you can't hit a heavy punching bag without them.
  • It is desirable to have bandages-gloves that are worn under boxing gloves. They eliminate the lengthy and inconvenient procedure of rewinding each hand with ordinary bandages.
  • It is imperative to have a heavy pear (bag).
  • You can not do without kilogram dumbbells. They are needed in order to effectively work out blows in addition to the pear.
  • In addition, strength exercises will need to be carried out with larger dumbbells. This is the best equipment for such activities, combining an acceptable cost with a small size.
  • For certain exercises, you will need a bench.

And it's all?

If you are doing exclusively for yourself, you don't really need anything else.

Such "bells and whistles" such as a helmet, mouth guard, dynamic pear, paws, etc., can be safely attributed to the category of excesses.

It's great when the apartment has at least an elementary horizontal bar, not to mention a set with a bench, Swedish wall and uneven bars. But, in general, there is no urgent need for all this.

Dress and put on your most basic sportswear - just like for any workout.

Let's warm up

Training a beginner boxer is impossible without a high-quality warm-up. We begin to walk slowly on our home gym- your own room, while moving and rotating your head. The goal is to knead cervical muscles... Then the tempo accelerates a little, we move our hands in different directions, we turn the body. For about three minutes we walk in the so-called "duck gait" with simultaneous rotations of the wrists and hands to warm up. Then - we walk in place, we raise our knees as high as possible.

After warm-up, it is necessary to stretch the muscles, for which purpose do exercises for each of their groups, and do not forget about the spine. He, too, should receive his portion of movements with the aim of stretching, since the program in mandatory includes back workout.

Having warmed up, we go directly to boxing classes. Kilogram dumbbells are not yet recommended for beginners; they should be picked up after the first two or three months of training.

Boxing racks

Learn and memorize several starting positions (there are three in total), from which you will perform the exercises.

  • Frontal stance (abbreviated as FS) is a position in which the legs are placed shoulder-width apart with a little bent knees, hands with clenched fists are held near the chest.
  • With our stance (or SS) - when the weakest leg is put forward, the one of the hands, which is also less strong, moves forward (its task is to cover the jaw), while the other is held at chest level. Most often with right-handers it is left hand and a leg, in left-handers, respectively, right;
  • With the opposite rack (designated as PS), push forward strong arm and a leg.

What are the exercises

The boxer's training program assigns each one a round to perform (who does not know - the duration of a round is three minutes). Rest intervals between rounds are one minute each.

Exercise 1. We make small, short jumps (they are also called shuttle jumps) in the forward-backward direction, taking the CC position (that is, taking our stance), the front hand leads straight strikes.

Exercise 2. We repeat the same movements in the opposite stance (PS).

Exercise 3. Accepting front stand(FS), we make direct strikes on the spot with an increase in their tempo and strength.

Exercise 4. Consists of SS deviations.

Exercise 5. Having accepted, as in the third exercise, a frontal stance, we produce side impacts on the spot.

Exercise 6. Consists of dives in the SS.

Exercise 7. It is done according to the same principle as exercises No. 3 and No. 5 (from FS in place), and consists in blows from below, called uppercuts.

Exercise 8. Shadowboxing.

Upon completion this complex it is worth doing what is called "strength training of boxers for the legs." Jumping rope is perfect here. With a good level of preparation, you can jump for three rounds, making each time a break between them for a minute.

How to hit the pear correctly

Take a short break for five or ten minutes to rest before you start. You can take a leisurely stroll around your home gym at this time. Then we put on gloves and go to the pear.

The rules according to which a fight with a punching bag should be fought are as follows:

  • As starting position accept our stance (SS).
  • The punches should be alternated - a straight left alternates with an uppercut, a straight right - with a side kick.
  • Do not stop at individual blows, go to whole series and combinations.
  • Try to hit the center of the projectile.
  • You should increase the speed, as well as the strength of the shock effects, little by little, without sudden jerks.
  • Entering a fast rhythm and leading the beats with virtually no pauses, you will provide yourself, in addition to improving your technique, a good cardio workout.

Individual details

With independent training, it is better to start with strikes from the SS position, then move on to the SS. But if a different sequence is convenient for you, be guided by your individual preferences. Sports activities should deliver muscle joy.

How long to devote to training with a pear is up to you. The body will tell you when to stop exercising. The appearance of slight fatigue is imperative as a signal of a job well done. But a strong overvoltage should not be allowed.

If the pear sways too much under your blows, then it's time to replace it with a heavier one.

Boxer strength training

Does a boxer need to build muscle?

It is not just necessary - it is necessary. The point is that without good developed muscles the high speed of blows, and other movements, is impossible. Legs are also important in such sports, and strengthening them together with the muscles of the buttocks should be given no less attention than training the arms.

It seems unnecessary to talk about the importance of strong, pumped-up muscles of the press. At the same time, a weak back will nullify all achievements - that is, it is necessary to strengthen it too.

Strength exercises to help a novice athlete and boxer (approximate complex):

  1. The best tool for pumping up the shoulder girdle, arms, pectoral muscles- do push-ups regularly.
  2. Lower part abdominal strengthen with leg raises from a supine position.
  3. Lower back - bending forward, keeping it straight, and with hands - heavy dumbbells.
  4. Legs - squats with dumbbells on weight.
  5. The lateral abdominal muscles are trained by bending from side to side and holding dumbbells in each hand.
  6. In addition to push-ups, on hands, shoulder girdle and all upper part hulls are great for pull-ups. If you do not have a horizontal bar, you can replace it by bending your arms with dumbbells (perform after the second exercise), and instead of the sixth one - pull the dumbbells in tilt to the belt.
  7. Strengthening the buttocks is done by lunges back and forth, holding dumbbells in your hands.
  8. We swing the "upper" press by lifting the body from a supine (on the back) position.

If you want to improve the appearance of any specific areas of the body, you should find and add to the proposed exercises for specific muscle groups.

How much to train?

Beginners should start with just a couple of approaches, no more, after three months you can add another one. The optimal number of repetitions is from six to ten. But if this load is not enough, and you do not have heavier dumbbells, you can do more.

The transition to the performance of strength exercises should be done only after having properly recovered from the fight with the punching bag. The rest should last at least a quarter of an hour.

It is important to complete the workout competently - walking at an extremely slow pace with small shaking of the hands, contributing to general relaxation, is suitable as its end.

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