Forum about bodybuilding, powerlifting, sports nutrition and training. Height, weight, biceps, chest, bench press arnold schwarzenegger - anthropometry and power Van Damme in the gym

Jean-Claude van Damme was born in Belgium, in the municipality of Sint-Agatha Berchem. His real name is Jean-Claude van Warenberg. First hitting Hollywood in 1981, he took on the pseudonym Frank Cujo. But even as Kujo, he could not find work either as an actor or as an athlete.

He worked in a carpet shop, was a chauffeur, pizza delivery man, coach, bouncer, attended English courses.

In 1984-85 he got his first roles in the films Monaco Forever (1984), Do not retreat and do not give up (1985), and some other low-budget films.

He was married five times, has three children from the third and fourth marriages.

Jean-Claude van Damme's training scheme

Workout # 1
Workout # 2
Workout # 1
Workout # 2
Workout # 1
Workout # 2
Forearms Forearms Forearms
Shins Shins Shins
Hips Hips Hips
Shins Shins Shins

Workout # 1

Monday / Tuesday / Friday
Bench press
Incline Bench Press4 X 15 (warm-up *) 10, 8, 6, 4
Dumbbell set3 X 10, 8, 6
Dips on the uneven bars3 X 15, 10, 8
Pullovers3 X 15
Pull-ups4 X minimum 10 reps
Narrow grip pull-ups4 X 10
T-bar rod4 X 15, 12, 8, 6
Bent-over barbell row4 X 8-12
Squats5 X 20 (warm-up *) 10, 8, 6, 4
Barbell Chest Squat4 X 10, 8, 8, 6
Hack squats3 X 10
Leg curls on the machine4 X 20, 10, 8, 6
Standing leg curls4 X 10
Standing on straight legs3 X 10
Donkey climbs4 X 10
Standing Calf Raises4 X 15, 10, 8, 8
Crunches3 X 25
Crunchy twists
Crunches on the simulator3 X 25
Crunches100 repetitions

Jean-Claude van Damme training

Workout # 2

Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Press from behind the head5 X 15 (warm-up *) 10, 8, 8, 6
Side Dumbbell Raises4 X 8
Abduction of dumbbells to the sides in the slope
4 X 8
Barbell curls5 X 15, 10, 8, 6, 4
Incline Bench Curls4 X 8
Concentrated flexion3 X 8
Extension of the arms while lying on the bench4 X 15, 10, 8, 6
Triceps extensions on the block3 X 8
Extension of one arm from behind the head3 X 10
Barbell wrist curls4 X 10
Reverse grip wrist curls3 X 10
Seated Calf Raises4 X 10
Reverse crunches4 X 25
Side turns100 repetitions in each direction
Vertical crunches **
4 X 25

* Use very light weights to warm up
** Vertical crunches... Take a position in support with your elbows on parallel bars. From this position, pull your legs bent at the knees towards your chest. Return slowly to the starting position. Do the next repetition.

43-year-old Terry Crews (based on the film - Hale Caesar) is a former player in the National Football League. His sports career ended 15 years ago, giving way to a vibrant film career. But according to Terry, all these years he did not slow down and continued to train as if he had the World Cup ahead:

Terry Crews Signature Exercise and Diet: Preparing for The Expendables. Source -
49-year-old Randy Couture (Tall Road) is a multiple champion in Greco-Roman wrestling and mixed martial arts in the past. Randy recalls the years spent in the ring, not without pleasure, but in his opinion, professional athletes "drive" themselves too much, not giving their bodies time to rest. The same applies to protein-protein diets: the star of "The Expendables" suggests not to get hung up on them and eat as varied as possible.

How to pump up supermuscles, but not overwork and maintain health? Randy Couture on preparing for The Expendables. Source -

About the training mode of The Expendables and The Expendables 2 creator, 65 Sylvester Stallone, said his personal trainer Gunnar Peterson. How many hours a week do you think Sly spends on the simulators? Fifteen? Twenty? But they didn't guess: a maximum of seven. How does he manage to remain such a strong man?

Thanks to hard work and a wise attitude towards his body, Stallone, even at 65, will give odds to the younger "jocks". Here's how he prepared for the shooting of the action movie "Bullet to the Head" (Russian distribution title - "The Unstoppable"), which is scheduled to premiere in 2013:

Stallone performs his signature Dragon Fly exercise. Source -
51 years old Jean-Claude Van Damme did not participate in the first "The Expendables", but, to the delight of fans, agreed to play in the second film. The role of the main villain is a great responsibility, and the Belgian actor, formerly a famous karate and kickboxer, took his task very seriously.

Van Damme prepares for The Expendables 2. Source - JCVD ​​online
"Brussels muscle" is an example of how you can turn your body into a real work of art without having outstanding natural qualities. The main thing is to listen carefully to yourself and not get carried away with any one type of training to the detriment of everyone else. And then age will not be terrible.

Another Van Damme workout: the main thing is variety. Source - JCVD ​​online
The Expendables and The Expendables 2 are not only dynamic, exciting action movies with their favorite actors, but also a source of inspiration for those who dream of doing the impossible. The strength and dexterity of the charming "veterans" of the genre, effortlessly performing the most difficult stunts, prove that absolutely anything is possible - you just have to want it right. It is possible that this was the reason for the frenzied success of the first film about the Expendables. And on August 16, the second is released.

The Expendables 2 Dubbed Movie Trailer

The real name of Jean-Claude Van Dam is as follows - Jean-Claude Camille François Van Warenberg, was born in Belgium. He was born into a rather modest family of an accountant. There was no place for art or films in his family. However, at the age of 10, his father gave Van Dam to the karate section. It was called Shotokan karate, as well as in the kick boxing section. After 8 years, Jean-Claude won his black belt, at that moment he was already 18 years old.

However, he was not satisfied with just one black belt, so Van Dam began training with free weights, as he wanted to change weight classes. His passion for bodybuilding began when he became convinced that he was very small in comparison with the guys in the gym.

Van Dam is known as a man who knows his craft very well in karate, however he also practiced kick boxing and Muay Thai. In total, he had 18 wins and 1 defeat in his entire career. Interestingly, in 1978 he won the Mr. Belgium bodybuilding competition. But for some reason no one talks about it and no one almost knows about it. Everyone knows Van Dam as an actor.

So in the building industry, Jean-Claude is unpopular, he is popular for his cinema. He even starred in classic films. However, the most famous films with his participation is "Bloodsport", in which he starred with Bolo Yong, remember his crown guards, as well as his gorgeous role in the movie "Universal Soldier", in which he played excellently with Dolph Lundgren.

Use of steroids and drugs

In the mid-90s, Van Dam had serious drug use problems. Every day he took 10 grams of cocaine, and a week he spent $ 10,000 to buy it. He could not get rid of this bad habit even after going through the rehabilitation period. He needed to drastically change everything in order to stop drug addiction.

Looking at the appearance of Van Dam, many would immediately like to know what else he used. According to rumors and open discussions by the bodybuilder, Jean-Claude used not weak compotes from preparations to always stay in shape and at the same time be dry and embossed. Therefore, he did not use Deca Durabolin or Sustanon. However, he did not disdain anavar, winstrol and, probably, clenbuterol.

I believe that he never used GH, since there were no side effects in the form of large intestines and similar organs, jaw growth and others. Since Van Dam used steroids in the 90s, not everyone is interested in what his ancient course was. It's probably more logical to assume what he would look like in his form today, with the current anabolic steroids and other drugs.

Why exactly these drugs?

Winstrol- stanazolol is used as a steroid for muscle density and helps to get rid of fat. Helps stay both strong and recovered from filming.

Anavar (oxandrolone)- it is used for fattype and has a mild anabolic effect.

Other drugs could also be used to support the health of the digestive tract, heart and other internal organs.

* the above course is our opinion, this is the course that Jason Statham could have used in due time, the information is presented for informational purposes only.

Movie star, martial artist and once bodybuilder Jean-Claude Van Damme was born in 1960 in Belgium. Every teenager in the 90s knew Van Damme by sight and tried to adopt all his movements in the cinema. More than one guy knocked his feet into the blood trying to repeat the famous painting from "Bloodsport" when Jean-Claude knocks down a small tree after a few days of training on it. Van Damme truly represents a legendary man who went through fire and water and copper pipes.

His future was laid at the moment when his father brought him to the karate section. Van Damme at the time was 11 years old, he was a thin, gloomy teenager who, on top of that, was often beaten by his classmates for doing ballroom dancing. Jean-Claude became interested in karate in a way that only a true fanatic can do. He spent hours studying in the hall and his teacher, seeing the rich potential of his ward, in every possible way contributed to his development. He developed in Jean-Claude not only fighting technique, but also muscles. " Strength, first of all, is given by muscles ”- these words the teacher Claude Goetz repeated to his student more than once, and Van Damme perfectly learned this lesson.

In addition to combat training, Jean devoted a lot of time to the development of his muscles. As a rule, after an hour and a half of jogging and karate lessons, he worked out the same amount in the gym. The result was an excellent physical form, which Jean acquired in a couple of years.

Seeing the significant success of his son in sports and his athletic appearance, his father insisted that Van Damme take part in a bodybuilding tournament. In 1978 Jean was ranked third in the European Junior Bodybuilding Championships. At the same time, he received a black belt in karate and became a real martial arts master. And the next year he receives the title of the absolute champion of Belgium in bodybuilding. After that, no one doubted that the guy had a great future.

However, Jean-Claude himself imagined his future life associated with a more profitable business than sports. In general, he was always a very calculating person and, it should be said, this helped him a lot. For example, his first marriage at the age of 18 with a rich 25-year-old native of Brussels brought him his own gym, which he sold, leaving to conquer Hollywood, and his second wife, already in America, provided him with the patronage of his father, a wealthy industrialist. Van Damme shamelessly used the funds of his wives, as it was necessary to build his future.

After several months of wandering, one-off jobs, numerous film tests, he was finally taken on the main role of the film "Bloodsport". This marked the beginning of his incredibly successful career. It so happened that almost every role of Van Damme was an example of courage and strength, and Jean-Claude had to constantly keep himself in shape. In many ways, the skills of a bodybuilder, acquired by him in his youth, helped here: special training programs, sports diets and proper nutrition.

In the late nineties, inspired by success and fame, Jean-Claude began to gradually give up his position, and becomes a hostage to booze and drugs. Constant noisy parties, a gradual transition to heavier drugs, a lot of alcohol and, as a result, Van Damme ended up in a clinic where he underwent treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Leaving the clinic, Jean-Claude promised himself that he would never come to such a state again, and he still keeps this word.

Jean-Claude Van Damme is now married to formerly successful bodybuilder Gladys Portugues. It is worth saying that Van Damme was never particularly loyal and changed 5 wives, and twice it was Gladys. It was in her that he found everything he needed: care, affection and love. The couple has two children and they are not going to part, although there are reasons for this from time to time. For example, the recent scandal in 2010, the essence of which was that Jean broke up with his wife because of the Ukrainian 23-year-old model. Of course, he has grounds, but according to Van Damme, he is definitely not going to get divorced.

On the contrary, in September 2011, a joint book by Jean-Claude Van Damme and Gladys Portugues called "Bodybuilding Encyclopedia" was published, on which the couple has been working for 3 years.

User comments

Only 2 pages 1

Who can you not find here))

+2 -1

Even you have Damme here). In 1978 he finished third in his weight category at the European Amateur Bodybuilding Championships.

He is a great actor, my favorite films with his participation are Double Strike, Hard Target, Universal Soldier, Legion.

+1 -1

By the way, Van Damme took part in BB matches and once won the competition in Belgium.

+0 -0

I advise everyone to watch the JKVD movie. A completely different Van Damme, who said everything about himself. You will not regret a minute. Many critics after seeing the picture, said that he played no less than the Oscar. By the way, he has a pen there at his 47 years old, which is not often seen in a good amateur in BB.

+2 -1

Van Damme was treated for cocaine for a very long time, but he could not, the man had no willpower, and about his abilities as a fighter, only fairy tales, as they say, the driver who was dismissed by him piled on him so much that his mother did not grieve, in front of a heap of witnesses , I'm sorry of course the idol of youth, but what to do (((((

+1 -3

Why not also post a biography of Dolph Lundgren, he was also in good shape at the time.

+0 -0
This photo comment

The body is super-shaped.

+0 -1

years to our idol bodybuilder

turns 51! Wish

happiness, health and

creative success!

+2 -0

Alex, look at the statistics of kickboxing and karate fights, he is the european karate champion. And then everyone is so strong-willed .. I was a sparring partner of Chucky, but we all know =))

+0 -0

He actually broke a tree in the Kickboxer movie ...

+1 -1

He achieved the maximum from his body ... with such a body and so move ... For this it is worth respecting ...

+1 -0

Yes, he is not that healthy, ordinary volumes, just due to the relief it climbs out and junk is overly developed

+1 -2

Curious power to find out

+0 -1

Recently I watched workouts on YouTube, now he is 50 and power harm would not be very bad, but he tries to keep in shape, but in a squat he was probably strong in his youth, all the same his legs were strong.

+1 -0

Judging by the former forms, we can confidently say that squatting about 170, maybe even more than 5-10 kg, lying down sting 140, deadlift 200.

+0 -2

This is how the power data appears in the athletes' pro files, by eye. :)

+4 -0

Damn, in childhood he seemed such a super-duper jock to me ... But breaks stereotypes, including children. "Do you still have stereotypes? Then we go to you." :)

+1 -1

I was especially pleased with the comments about the deadweight at 200!)

Schwarzenegger's height: Schwarzenegger's height is 188 cm. Arnold Schwarzenegger's height is a matter of frequent controversy - some say he is shorter and some say that he is taller. In addition, in the last photographs with Russian President Medvedev - Arnold's visually growth was 170 centimeters altogether. However, this is nothing more than an illusion of photography. If you look at official sources - Arnold's encyclopedia, Arnold's interviews and many others, you can find out that Schwarzenegger's height was always about 188 centimeters (with an error of 2 centimeters during his life). Schwarzenegger's weight: Arnold Schwarzenegger's maximum weight in competition form was 107 kg, and in the off-season - 115 kg. Of course, these numbers have changed over the course of life, and it would be foolish to talk about the exact correspondence of grams to grams. It happened that Arnold, during the rest period from training, weighed less than 90 kilograms. But at the height of his bodybuilding career, Schwarzenegger's weight was always over 105 kilograms. Schwarzenegger's biceps: Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps The size of Schwarzenegger's biceps was 54-57 centimeters, depending on the form and time of the athlete's performance. It is still debated that the volume of Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps is not 55 centimeters, but less than 49. These rumors were started by Arthur Jones, who claimed that when he measured Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps, he received just such results. However, given the height of the athlete, this is very unlikely. Again, Jones may have measured Schwarzenegger's biceps while the bodybuilder was resting from training. Schwarzenegger's chest: Schwarzenegger's chest Arnold's chest volume was 135-145 centimeters. It is this part of Arnold's body that is the reference and most developed. Two huge plates on Arnold's chest are still the reference. Power indicators of Schwarzenegger: Bench press of Schwarzenegger: Arnold performed bench press with a maximum weight of 220 kg at a time. But basically, he used multi-rep and multi-approach techniques in his workouts, and he pressed in a pure style, with maximum concentration on the chest. For such a technique, Schwarzenegger's 220 kg bench press is a real admiration. Deadlift: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Deadlift The maximum deadlift that Arnold performed was 330 kg per rep. He performed this result in the powerlifting championship, while still very young - he was only 19 years old. This is a fairly high result, even today. Later, Arnold was not so keen on conquering new weights, but paid more attention to the harmonious development of the body. Therefore, he no longer set deadlift records. Squat: Arnold used a rather peculiar squat technique that is rarely used now. He put a bar under his heels and squatted very deeply, with great amplitude. In this technique, he reached a working weight of 240 kg for 8 repetitions. Other Exercises: There are many rumors about Arnold, like any other great personality, including both the incredible strength of the athlete and the weakness. Which bodybuilder does not know the envious expression "all muscles are inflated and there is no strength in them." However, it is reliably known about the fairly high strength indicators of Arnold in many other exercises - such as spreading, donkey lifts (an exercise for the calf muscles, which Arnold performed with a weight of more than 300 kg, and the weights were performed by 2-3 athletes sitting on Arnold's back) ...

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