It is customary to call a temporary decrease in working capacity. Fatigue A temporary decrease in physical performance is usually called

These tests help to check the knowledge of students in the subject of physical education. It will also allow you to qualitatively prepare for the Olympiad for schoolchildren in a subject or any form of control. The package contains questions and answers to these questions.

"Option 8. Questions"

Option number 8.Questions.

A) carbohydrates;

A) male sex hormones;

B) female genital organs;

B) protein substances

A) 1-2 times;

B) 10-12 times;

C) 15-20 times

4. Gymnastics.Projectile jump:

A) jump;

B) dismount;

A) keep upright;

B) tilt forward;

B) reject back

6. Basketball tactics.

A) personal protection;

B) zone protection;

B) mixed defense

7. Ski training.

A) no more than 2-3 cm;

B) not less than 5 cm

B) during the period of the games, wars stopped

A) Ancient Greece or Hellas

B) Egypt

10. What was the name in Ancient Greece pentathlon?

A) pankration

B) athletics

B) pentathlon

D) gymnastics

A) high jump

B) long jump from a place

C) triple jump

A) stepping over

B) cross-over

C) fosbury flop

D) bending over

B) four

D) eight

A) simulator;

B) stuffed balls;

B) hoops;

D) crossbar.

A) in 1956;
B) in 1960;
C) in 1952

A) fatigue

B) voltage

C) fatigue

D) overdose

A) the distance between the practitioners "In depth"

B) from the beginning of the warm-up

B) from the greetings of the teams

D) jump ball in the center circle.

A) "with a running start"

B) "stepping over"

C) "roll-over"

D) "scissors"


A) excellent;

B) "good";

C) "satisfactory";

D) "bad".

A) 80 - 70 beats / min;

B) 70 - 60 beats / min;

B) 60 - 50 beats / min;

D) 40 beats / min and below.

A) test for coordination of movements;

A) four sections: two ventricles and two atria;

A) buckwheat;

A) hiking trips;

B) compliance with the rules of hygiene;

V) sports entertainment;

D) unlimited TV viewing.

C) long running, skiing, swimming

28. The hardening of the lens of the eye is called ...

29. The ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular efforts is called….

30. Variety tobogganing called….

31. The impact on the human body of an external factor that violates the structure and integrity of tissue, and the normal course of physiological processes is called ... ..

32. The athletics pushing apparatus is called ... ..

33. The volleyball court separator is called ... ..

34. Uniform clothing sports team called ... ..

35. Items that protect the shins of football players and hockey players are called ... ..

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"Option 8. Answers"

Option number 8. Answers.

1. Food and drinking regime. The building materials of the body are:

A) carbohydrates;

B) proteins

2. Thieves of health. Anabolic drugs contain special synthetic products:

A) male sex hormones;

B) female genital organs;

B) protein substances

3. Athletic gymnastics... Optimal weights for the simultaneous development of maximum strength, strength endurance and muscle mass is the one that can be raised:

A) 1-2 times;

B) 10-12 times;

C) 15-20 times

4. Gymnastics.Projectile jump:

A) jump;

B) dismount;

5. Cross training. When climbing uphill, the body needs to be relative to the slope:

A) keep upright;

B) tilt forward;

B) reject back

6. Basketball tactics.Each player is responsible for the actions of a specific attacker of the opposing team:

A) personal protection;

B) zone protection;

B) mixed defense

7. Ski training.When determining the stiffness, the clearance between skis connected sliding surfaces it should be:

A) no more than 2-3 cm;

B) 4-6 cm;

B) not less than 5 cm

8. Why were the ancient Olympic Games called the holidays of the world?

A) the games were distinguished by a peaceful nature

B) during the period of the games, wars stopped

B) in Olympic Games ah athletes from all over the world took part

D) the Olympic Games were world famous

9. Birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games?

A) Ancient Greece or Hellas

B) Egypt

10. What was the name in Ancient Greece pentathlon?

A) pankration

B) athletics

B) pentathlon

D) gymnastics

11. Athletics. What kind of jumps is included in the rapid test program for schoolchildren?

A) high jump

B) long jump from a place

C) triple jump

12. Athletics. Indicate the incorrectly named type of high jump:

A) stepping over

B) cross-over

C) fosbury flop

D) bending over

13. Volleyball. How many replacements can you make in one batch?

B) four

At six o'clock

D) eight

14. Which of the following inventory belongs to artistic gymnastics?

A) simulator;

B) stuffed balls;

B) hoops;

D) crossbar.

15. Football. When was the first world championship held?

C) 1930.

16. When did the USSR athletes take part in the Winter Olympics for the first time?

A) in 1956;
B) in 1960;
C) in 1952

17. A temporary decrease in working capacity is usually called:

A) fatigue

B) voltage

C) fatigue

D) overdose

18. What is meant by the term "Distance" in gymnastics?

A) the distance between the practitioners "In depth"

B) the distance between the practitioners "along the front"

B) the distance from the one in front of the student to the one standing behind the formation

D) the distance from the first rank to the last

19. The basketball game begins….

A) from the time indicated in the schedule of games

B) from the beginning of the warm-up

B) from the greetings of the teams

D) jump ball in the center circle.

20. One of the ways of the long jump in athletics denoted as a jump ...

A) "with a running start"

B) "stepping over"

C) "roll-over"

D) "scissors"

21. An eighteen-year-old student (student) covered a distance of 2 km 700 m (2 km 200 m) in 12 minutes. The degree of his (her) physical fitness according to the Cooper test:

A) excellent;

B) "good";

C) "satisfactory";

D) "bad".

22. In well-trained athletes involved in sports requiring endurance, the heart rate (HR) at rest is often equal to:

A) 80 - 70 beats / min;

B) 70 - 60 beats / min;

B) 60 - 50 beats / min;

D) 40 beats / min and below.

23. Romberg's test determines a person's ability to maintain balance in the absence of correction by the visual analyzer. It:

A) test for coordination of movements;

B) test for kinesthetic sensitivity;

C) test for proprioceptive sensitivity;

D) study of the functional capabilities of the neuromuscular apparatus.

24. The human heart consists of:

A) four sections: two ventricles and two atria;

B) three sections: two ventricles and one atrium;

B) three sections: one ventricle and three atria;

D) two sections: one ventricle and one atrium.

25. To ideally "clean" in sanitary and hygienic terms products diet food culture applies:

A) buckwheat;

26. What is not part healthy way life:

A) hiking trips;

B) compliance with the rules of hygiene;

C) sports entertainment;

D) unlimited TV viewing.

27. The most common means of developing endurance is:

A) running on short distances, gymnastic exercises

B) throwing the ball, long jump

V) long running, skiing, swimming

D) morning hygienic gymnastics

28. The hardening of the lens of the eye is called presbyopia.

29. The ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular efforts is called force.

30. A type of luge is called skeleton.

31. The impact on the human body of an external factor that violates the structure and integrity of tissue, and the normal course of physiological processes is called injury.

32. The pushing apparatus in athletics is called core.

33. The volleyball court divider is called net.

34. The uniform of a sports team is called the form.

35. Items that protect the shins of football players and hockey players are called shields.

1. The first official participation of Russia in the Olympic Games happened at the Games ...
a. II Olympiad in Paris (1900).
b. IV Olympiad in London (1908).
v. V Olympiad in Stockholm (1912).
the VII Olympiad in Antwerp (1920).

2. For the first time, the Olympic oath of athletes to fight honestly sounded in…. year.
a. 1912 b. 1920 c. 1952 1960

3. The International Olympic Committee has decided to hold the Winter Olympic Games in…. year.
a. 1920 b. 1922 c. 1924 1925

4. In the Winter Olympic Games, the USSR made his debut in ...
a. 1952 at the VI Games in Oslo, Norway.
b. 1952 at the XV Games in Helsinki, Finland.
v. 1956 at the VII Games in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy.
1960 at the VIII Games in Squaw Valley, USA.

5. The emergence and initial formation physical education how a social phenomenon was defined ...
a. the law of survival.
b. material status.
v. social necessity.
d. personal interest.

6. Complete the definition by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The pedagogical process aimed at teaching movements, fostering physical qualities, mastering special physical culture knowledge and fostering moral and volitional qualities is usually called physical ...

7. Complete the definition by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The process of formation and change of biological forms and functions of the organism, which takes place under the influence of the living conditions of upbringing, is called physical ...

8. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The level of physical development and readiness of a person, corresponding to the requirements of life, is usually designated as physical ...

9. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The most significant result of the full functioning of physical culture in society is associated with the concept of "physical ..."

10. The need to prepare people for life, work, and others necessary types activity historically determined the emergence of ...
a. physical culture.
b. physical education.
v. physical perfection.
of sports.

11. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The state of the body, characterized by perfect self-regulation of organs and systems, a harmonious combination of physical, moral and social well-being is called ...

12. Reaction of cardio-vascular system is assessed as bad if the difference in heart rate between lying and standing is ...
a. less than 12 bpm
b. from 12 to 18 bpm
v. from 19 to 25 bpm
more than 25 beats / min.

13. The state of health is due to ...
a. way of life.
b. lack of disease.
v. the level of health care.
d. reserve capacities of the organism.

14. Wellness effect in the classroom of adolescent students is achieved with the help of ...
a. conducting classes on a regular, enlarged and reduced area.
b. changes in the number of repetitions of the same exercise.
v. aerobic exercises of medium and high intensity.
d. exercise with an intensity above the threshold of anaerobic metabolism.

15. The most important component of a healthy lifestyle is ...
a. motor mode.
b. balanced diet.
v. personal and public hygiene.
hardening of the body.

16. Which of the given definitions is incorrectly formulated?
a. Physical perfection is the optimal measure of all-round
physical fitness and harmonious physical
development that meets the requirements of society.
b. Physically perfect can be considered a person capable of
“Cope” with the Presidential Test standards.
v. Physically perfect can be recognized as a person, physical
the state of which allows you to implement any function,
which society will demand of him.
d. Physical perfection is a process of change
morpho-functional properties of the body throughout
individual life.

17. Wellness value physical exercise conditions them ...
a. the form. b. content. v. technique. d. hygiene.

18. The process aimed at improving the motor abilities necessary in life is designated as ...
a. physical training.
b. physical education.
v. physical perfection.

19. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The position of the student when his shoulders are above the fulcrum is called ...
20. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The position of those engaged in bent legs called ...

21. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

Free movement of a body about the axis of rotation is called ...

22. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

A quick transition from stop to vis is called ...

23. The basis of the methodology for the education of physical qualities is ...
a. age adequacy of the load.
b. training in motor actions.
v. exercise.
d. a gradual increase in the force of impact.

24. The relationship between the volume and intensity of physical activity is characterized by ...
a. an increase in the body's responses.
b. inversely proportional relationship.
v. indicators of the pace and speed of movements.
d. by directly proportional dependence.

25. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The impact on the human body of an external factor that violates the structure and integrity of tissues and the normal course of physiological processes is called ...

26. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

It is customary to call a temporary decrease in working capacity ...

27. The method of repeated exercise with non-limit weights when performing actions performed to failure is used in education ...
a. strength.
b. you were fast.
v. endurance.
speed power.
28. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The maximum range of motion achieved by the application of both internal and external forces characterizes…. flexibility.

29. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The method of organizing the activities of students, when everyone performs the same task, is called ...

30. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The method of organizing the activities of students, providing for the simultaneous execution of several groups of different tasks, is called ...

31. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The method of organizing the activities of students, providing for the sequential execution of a series of tasks dosed individually on the basis of the maximum test, is called ...

32. The basis of the "continuity" of physical education is ...
a. lack of rest intervals.
b. the interaction of the effects of exercise.
v. a combination of health-improving and developmental activities.
d. a variety of forms of employment.

33. In the process of teaching motor actions, the methods of holistic or dismembered exercise are used. The choice of method depends on ...
a. teacher preferences.
b. the number of elements that make up a motor action.
v. the possibility of dismemberment of the motor action.
d. the complexity of the motor action.

34. Indicate the sequence of solving problems in the process of teaching motor actions.
1. Anchoring. 3. Learning.
2. Familiarization. 4. Improvement.

a. 1, 2, 3, 4.b. 2, 3, 1, 4.c. 3, 2, 4, 1.d. 4, 3, 2, 1.
35. Complexes of genetically determined biological properties of the human body, due to which physical activity is possible, are usually called ...
a. physical qualities.
b. muscle tension.
v. functional systems.
d. coordination abilities.

37. The method of uniform continuous exercise is the most common in education ...
a. special endurance.
b. speed endurance.
v. general endurance.
d. elementary forms of endurance manifestation.

38. Exercises promoting the development of endurance are advisable to perform in ...
a. at the end of the preparatory part of the lesson.
b. the beginning of the main part of the lesson.
v. in the middle of the main part of the lesson.
d. the end of the main part of the lesson.

39. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

Periods of ontogenesis, within which the most significant rates of development of certain human abilities are provided, especially favorable prerequisites for the formation of certain skills and abilities are called ...

40. What vitamin has a beneficial effect on the functions of the central nervous system, increases the body's resistance to adverse factors? Its deficiency leads to a decrease in mental and physical performance, and excess - to insomnia, headache, kidney stones.
a. A. b. V. in. S. g. RR.

Physical education test

Option number 1

1. Physical culture means:

A) part of the culture of society and man;

B) the process of developing physical abilities;

C) a type of education aimed at teaching movements and developing physical qualities;

D) the development of the natural forces of nature and the education of hygienic qualities.

2. Result physical fitness is an:

A) physical development;

B) physical perfection;

V) physical fitness;

D) the ability to correctly perform motor actions.

3. When did Russia first take part in the Olympic Games?

A) 1908 in London;
B) 1912 in Stockholm;

B) 1952 in Helsinki;

D) 1928 in Amsterdam.

4. Running with stops and change of direction on a signal predominantly contributes to the formation of:

A) coordination of movements;

B) movement techniques;

C) speed of reaction;

D) speed strength.

5. Sunbathing is best taken:

A) from 12 noon to 16 noon;

B) before 12 and after 16 noon;

B) at any time of the day, subject to the necessary precautions;

D) from 10 to 14 hours.

6. Cyclic sports include ...:

A) wrestling, boxing, fencing;

B) basketball, volleyball, football;

B) walking, running, cross-country skiing, swimming;
D) throwing a ball, disc, hammer.

7. Where and when were the first modern Olympic Games held?

A) 1516 in Germany;

B) 1850 in England;

C) 1896 in Greece;

D) 1869 in France.

8. The main cause of poor posture is:

A) sedentary lifestyle;
B) weakness of the back muscles;

B) the habit of carrying the bag on one shoulder;

D) long stay in a sitting position at a desk.

9. What is the name of the first Russian Olympic champion:

A) Nikolay Panin-Kolomenkin ( figure skating);

B) Ivan Poddubny (wrestling);

C) Sergey Eliseev (weightlifting);

D) Anatoly Reshetnikov ( Athletics)

10. The document representing all aspects of the organization of the competition is:

A) competition calendar;

B) regulations on competitions;

C) competition rules;

D) the program of the competition.

11. Prevention of posture disorders is carried out when:

A) speed exercises;

B) exercises for flexibility;

B) strength exercises;

D) endurance exercises.

12. What organization is involved in the preparation and conduct of the Olympic Games?

13. What sport did she win gold medal Far Eastern woman Yulia Chepalova at the 17th Olympic Games?

A) downhill;

B) speed skating sprint;

C) freestyle;

D) cross-country skiing.

14 The position of the student, in which the legs bent at the knees are pulled up by the hands to
chest and hands grab the knees, in gymnastics it is designated as


15 Motor actions, which are aimed at solving problems of physical education,
formed and organized according to its laws, called

1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 14-grouping, 15-physical exercise.

Physical education test

Option number 2

1 .What defines safety technology?

A) knowledge skills of physical exercises without injuries;

B) a set of measures aimed at teaching the rules of conduct, the rules of insurance and self-insurance, the provision of first aid;

V) correct execution exercise;

D) organization and conduct of educational and extracurricular activities in accordance with hygienic requirements.

2. Choose the correct sequence of actions to provide first aid for fainting:

A) put the victim in a cool place, fan with a towel, give an abundant warm drink;

B) a cold compress on the head, rest, the legs are given an elevated position;

B) a warm compress on the head, unfasten clothes that are restricting breathing, shallow massage of the neck area, cold drink;

D) give the victim a horizontal position, provide an inflow fresh air, wipe your face cold water, give a smell of ammonia .

3. What definition does not apply to the main properties of muscles?

A) stretching;

B) reduction;

B) elasticity;

D) constancy of state

4. The meaning of physical culture as a component of the culture of society is:

A) strengthening of health and education of physical qualities of people;

B) teaching motor actions and improving working capacity;

C) in improving the natural, physical properties of people;

D) motor activity organized in a certain way.

5. What test does not determine the physical quality of endurance?

A) 6 minutes run;

B) running 100 meters;

V) ski race 3 kilometers;

D) swimming 800 meters.

6. What is the length marathon distance at the Olympics?

A) 42 km 195 m;
B) 32 km 195 m;

B) 50 km 195 m;
D) 45 km 195 m.

7. In which city will the 2008 Summer Olympics be held?

A) Grenoble (France);
B) Tokyo (Japan);

B) Beijing (China);

D) St. Louis (USA)

8. Indicate what exercises are typical for the final part of the physical education lesson?

9. How are flexibility exercises dosed, ie how many movements should be done in
one episode? Flexibility exercises are performed ...

A) 8-16 cycles of movements in a series;

B) until the range of motion begins to increase;

B) before the onset of pain;

D) 10 cycles in 4 series.

10. Who came up with the proposal to revive the Olympic Games?

A) Jean Jacques Rousseau;

B) Juan Antonio Samaranch;

C) Pierre de Coubertin;

D) Jan Amos Kamensky.

11. What is adaptation?

A) the process of adaptation of the body to changing environmental conditions;

B) alternation of load and rest during training process;

C) the recovery process;

D) a system for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the competition system and the training system.

12. What are the normal resting heart rates of a healthy untrained adult?

A) 60-80;
B) 70-90;

Answering questions 13-15, you need to independently choose a word that, completing the statement, forms a true statement. Enter the selected word in the assignment form.

13 A jump from an apparatus in gymnastics is denoted as ______________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­


Physical education tests.

1. The oldest form of organization of physical culture were:

A) running

B) single combat

C) chariot competition

D) games

2. The physical culture of a slave society had:

A) applied focus

B) military and recreational orientation

C) educational focus

D) educational orientation

3. The Russian Olympic Committee was established in

a) 1908

b) 1911

c) 1912

d) 1916

4.Alexander Popov - Champion of the Olympic Games in ...

A) swimming

B) athletics

C) cross-country skiing

D) cycling

5. Which of the listed types is not included in the modern pentathlon program

A) shooting

B) fencing

B) gymnastics

D) horse riding

6. Why were the ancient Olympic Games called the holidays of the world?

A) the games were distinguished by a peaceful nature

B) during the period of the games, wars stopped

C) athletes from all over the world took part in the Olympic Games

D) the Olympic Games were world famous

7. What kind of program did the program of the first Olympic Games of Ancient Greece represent?

A) javelin throw

B) fight

C) running one stage

D) running in four stages

8.What was the name of the species sports program Olympic Games of antiquity, combining wrestling with fistfight?

A) dolichodrom

B) pankration

B) pentathlon

D) diaul

9. What organization is leading the modern Olympic movement?

A) United Nations Organization

B) International Council of Physical Education and Sports

C) International Olympic Committee

D) International Olympic Academy

10. Who was the first President of the International Olympic Committee?

A) Pierre de Coubertin

B) Alexey Butovsky

C) Michael Killanin

D) Demetrius Vikelas

11 who was the first Olympic champion from Russian athletes?

A) N. Orlov

B) A. Petrov

C) N. Panin - Kolomenkin

D) A. Butovsky

12. Why is the Fair Play Movement awarded the Pierre de Coubertin Prize?

A) for fair refereeing

B) for victories at three Olympiads

C) for an honest and fair fight

D) for a great contribution to the development of the Olympic movement

13. Who is the President The Olympic Committee Russia now?

A) Shamil Tarpishchev

B) Vyacheslav Fetisov

C) Leonid Tyagachev

D) Vitaly Smirnov

14.At the opening of the Olympic Games, the parade of the Olympic delegations of the participating countries opens (goes first):

C) the delegation of the host country of the previous Olympiad

D) the delegation of Greece

15.At the opening of the Olympic Games, the parade of the Olympic delegations of the participating countries ends (goes last):

A) delegation of the host country

B) the delegation of the country whose name begins with the first letters of the alphabet of the host country

c) the delegation of the host country of the previous Olympiad

d) the delegation of Greece

16. In what year was the International Olympic Committee formed?

A) 1890

B) 1894

C) 1892

D) 1896

17. The term "Olympics" means:

A) the four-year period between the Olympic Games

B) the first year of the four-year anniversary celebrated by the Olympic Games

C) synonym for the Olympic Games

D) competitions held during the Olympic Games

18. What year did the Olympic Games take place in our country?

A) were planned in 1944, but were canceled due to World War 2

B) in 1976 in Sochi

C) in 1980 in Moscow

D) have not yet been carried out

19. What disciplines did pentathlon - ancient Greek pentathlon include?

1.fist fight 2.high riding 3.long jump 4.high jumps

5.disc throwing 6.running 7.arrowing 8.wrestling

9.Swimming 10.Javelin throwing

A) 1,2,3,8,9

B) 3,5,6,8,10

B) 1,4,6,7,9

D) 2,5,6,9,10

20.Pierre de Coubertin was awarded the Olympic gold medal at the art competition in ...

A) in 1894 for the draft of the Olympic Charter

B) in 1912 for the "Ode to Sport"

B) in 1914 for the flag donated by Coubertin to the IOC

D) in 1920 for the text of the Olympic Oath

21. The Olympic symbol consists of five intertwined rings, arranged from left to right in the following order ...

A) above - blue, black, red, below - yellow and green

B) above - green, black, red, below - blue and yellow

B) above - red, blue, black, below - yellow and green

D) above - blue, black, red, below - green and yellow

22.The Olympic Games consist of ...

A) competitions between countries

B) competitions in winter or summer species sports

B) winter and Summer Games Olympiad

D) opening, competitions, awarding participants and closing

23. What was the name of the special rooms for the preparation of athletes for ancient greek games Olympics?

A) palestra

B) amphitheater

C) gymnasium

D) stadium

24.The mascot of the Olympic Games is:

A) the image of the Olympic flag

B) the image of five woven rings

C) the image of an animal popular in the country hosting the Olympics

D) the image of an architectural monument popular in the country hosting the Olympics

25.The talisman, as if bringing happiness to any Olympian, to any fan, first appeared at the games in ...

A) 1968 in Mexico City

B) 1972 in Munich

C) 1976 in Montreal

D) 1980 in Moscow

26. Motor skill is:

A) the level of knowledge of movements

B) the level of mastery of motor action

C) the level of proficiency in tactical training

D) the level of proficiency in the system of movements

27. The implementation of the goal of physical education is carried out through the decision:

A) motor, hygienic and educational tasks

B) tempering, psychological and philosophical tasks

C) the tasks of the development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems

D) health-improving, educational and educational tasks

28. A temporary decrease in working capacity is usually called:

A) fatigue

B) voltage

C) fatigue

D) overdose

29. What are the main means of physical education?

A) training sessions

B) exercise

C) teaching aids

D) hardening means

30. Which of the following physical exercises are cyclic?

A) throwing

B) jumping

C) somersaults

D) running

31. One of the main physical qualities is:

A) attention

B) performance

C) strength

D) health

32. What physical quality develops during a long run at a slow pace?

A) strength

B) endurance

C) speed

D) agility

33. Indicate the sport that provides the greatest effect on the development of flexibility:

A) weightlifting

B) gymnastics

C) modern pentathlon

D) athletics

34. The best conditions for the development of agility are created during ...

A) outdoor and sports games

B) high jump

C) running at maximum speed

D) practicing athletics

35. What are the main physical qualities.

A) coordination, endurance, flexibility, strength, speed

B) agility, strength, speed, endurance, flexibility

C) general endurance, strength endurance, quickness, strength, dexterity

D) general endurance, strength endurance, flexibility, speed, agility

36. The main and mandatory form physical education at school is:

A) competition

B) physical culture pause

C) physical education lesson

D) morning exercises

37. What characterize the tests carried out in physical education lessons?

A) the level of physical development

B) the level of physical performance

C) the level of physical education

D) the level of physical fitness

38. What is the basic law of the World Olympic Movement?

A) encyclopedia

B) code

B) charter

D) constitution

39. What events influenced the fact that the Games of the 6th, 7th and 8th Olympiads did not take place?

A) inconsistency of actions of countries

B) refusal to participate in the Games of most countries

C) the first and second world wars

D) refusal of the host country to host the Games

40. Alexander Karelin - Champion of the Olympic Games in ...

A) gymnastics

B) boxing

C) swimming

D) fight

41.The Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Mari EL is:

A) Sergey Kropotov

B) Sergey Kiverin

D) Vladimir Chumakov

E) Valery Korablev

42. The chairman of the committee on physical culture and sports of the administration of the urban district "City of Yoshkar-Ola" is:

A) Peter Kagalo

B) Alexander Sergeev

C) Anatoly Podoinikov

D) Vladimir Tyan

43. The position of the student on the apparatus, in which his shoulders are below the grip points, in gymnastics is denoted as:

A) grip

B) emphasis

C) grouping

D) hang

44. The position of the student, in which the legs bent at the knees raised by the hands to the chest

and the hands grab the knees, in gymnastics it is designated as:

a) grip

b) capture

c) roll

d) grouping

45. A jump from an apparatus in gymnastics is denoted as ...

A) departure

B) recession

B) dismount

D) jumping

46. ​​A rotational movement through the head with successive contact of the supporting surface with separate parts of the body in gymnastics is denoted as ...

A) somersault

B) roll

C) coup

D) somersault

47. The position of those engaged in bent legs in gymnastics is designated as ...

A) sed

B) squat

Point blank

D) rack

48. What is meant by the term "Distance" in gymnastics?

A) the distance between the practitioners "In depth"

B) the distance between the practitioners "along the front"

B) the distance from the one in front of the student to the one standing behind the formation

D) the distance from the first rank to the last

49. Which of the following teams in gymnastics has only an executive part?

1. "Be equal!" 2. "Less often!" 3. "Around!" 4. "At ease!" 5. "Attention!"

A) 1,2,3

B) 1.3.5

B) 1.4.5

D) 2.4.5

50. The ability of students to build in different kinds building, line, column, circle, as well as rebuilding in them, in gymnastics is called ...

A) drill techniques

B) movements

C) openings and closings

D) constructions and rearrangements

51. An arched, maximally bent position with the back to the support plane with support by arms and legs, in gymnastics is called ...

A) rack

B) "bridge"

C) coup

D) "twine"

52. Which gymnast is the absolute record holder for the number of Olympic medals(18 medals - 9 of them gold)?

A) Olga Korbut

B) Nadia Comaneci

C) Larisa Latynina

D) Lyudmila Turischeva

53. volleyball like sport game appeared at the end of the 19th century in….

A) Canada

B) Japan


D) Germany

54 In volleyball, a player who is in the 1st zone, when “moving”, moves to the zone ...

A) 2

B) 3

AT 5

D) 6

55. When volleyball was recognized Olympic view sports?

A) In 1956

B) in 1957

D) In ​​1958

E) In 1959

56. Specify full composition volleyball team:

A) 6 people, coach, assistant coach, masseur, doctor

B) 10 people, coach, assistant coach, masseur, doctor

C) 8 people, coach, assistant coach, masseur, doctor

D) 12 people, coach, assistant coach, masseur, doctor

57. LIBERO in volleyball is ...

A) defensive player

B) offensive player

C) team captain

D) substitute player

58. How is the transition of volleyball players from zone to zone carried out?

A) arbitrarily

B) clockwise

B) counterclockwise

D) as directed by the coach

59. Is it possible to change the placement of players in volleyball?

A) Yes, as instructed by the coach

B) no

C) yes, as directed by the judge

D) yes, but only at the beginning of each game

60. How many volleyball substitutions are allowed in each game and during several breaks?

A) maximum 3

B) maximum 8

B) maximum 6

D) maximum 9

61. Mistakes in volleyball are ...

A) "three hits of touch"

B) "four hits of touch", hit with the support of "double touch"

B) the player jumps once on the block and makes two touches of the ball

D) the ball touches any part of the body

62. Submission of the ball in volleyball after the referee's whistle is performed during ...

A) 3 seconds

B) 5 seconds

B) 6 seconds

D) 8 seconds

63. Height of volleyball net for men's teams:

A) 2m 44cm

B) 2m 43cm

B) 2m 45cm

D) 2m 24cm

64. Height of women's volleyball net:

A) 2m 44cm

B) 2m 43cm

B) 2m 45cm

D) 2m 24cm

65. Can a volleyball player play without shoes?

A) yes

B) no

B) only at high air temperature

B) only at high air humidity

66. "Scourge - by will" is:

A) game action

B) beach volleyball

B) serving the ball

D) receiving the ball

67. Indicate the number of volleyball team players who are simultaneously on the court.

A) 5

B) 6

AT 7

D) 8

68. The basketball game begins….

A) from the time indicated in the schedule of games

B) from the beginning of the warm-up

B) from the greetings of the teams

D) jump ball in the center circle.

69. The basketball game ends ...

A) when the timekeeper's signal sounds to indicate the end of playing time

B) teams leaving the site

C) at the time of signing the protocol by the senior judge

D) the ball went out of bounds

70. The ball in basketball "comes into play" when ...

A) the referee enters the circle to conduct a jump ball

B) the ball is in possession of the player at the place of the throw-in, out of bounds

D) the referee blows the whistle

71. A basketball ball becomes live when ...

A) he reached his highest point on a jump ball, and is fought by the first player

B) the referee places it at the disposal of the free-throw shooter

B) the ball is touched by a player on the court after a throw-in from outside the court

D) the ball is in possession of the player at the place of the throw-in outside the court

72. The ball in basketball becomes "dead" when ...

A) any ball is thrown

B) the referee's whistle sounds when the ball is "live" or "in play"

B) the ball is at the disposal of the free-throw shooter

D) the signal "operator 24 seconds" sounds when the ball is "live"

73. Which member of the basketball team is eligible to request a break?

A) any team member

B) team captain

C) coach or assistant coach

D) nobody

74. Team "A" in basketball is given a break. After 30 seconds, team "A" is ready to continue the game. When should the referees resume play?

A) 1 minute after the entry of the team "B"

B) in any case after 15 seconds

B) in any case after 1 minute

D) immediately

75. Indicate the number of basketball players on the court at the same time.

A) 5

B) 6

AT 7

D) 4

76. What does the term "run" mean in basketball?

A) performing more than one step with the ball in hand

B) performing two steps with the ball in hands

C) performing three steps with the ball in hand

D) performing more than two steps with the ball in hand

77. Indicate the number of players football team at the same time on the site?

A) 8

B) 10

AT 11

D) 9

78. What is the height of the football goal?

A) 240 cm

B) 244 cm

B) 248 cm

D) 250 cm

79. What is the width of a football goal?

A) 7m 30cm

B) 7m 32cm

B) 7m 35cm

D) 7m 38cm

80. How far is a penalty kick in football?

A) 9 m

B) 10 m

B) 11 m

D) 12 m

81. What does a yellow card mean in football?

A) remark

B) warning

C) reprimand

D) deletion

82. What is the most accurate shot on the ball in football?

A) the middle of the rise

B) inside lifting

V) outside lifting

G) inside feet

83. Which of these terms denotes a striker in football?

A) forward

B) goalkeeper

B) stopper

D) midfielder

84. Indicate the abbreviation International Federation football?





85. Which country is considered the birthplace of the game of football?

A) Brazil

B) Spain

C) Germany

D) England

86. Which of ours football goalkeepers became best player Europe - the owner of the Ballon d'Or?

A) Yashin

B) Dasaev

C) Ovchinnikov

D) Akinfeev

87. After how many yellow cards during the Russian Football Championship is a player disqualified for one match?

A) after 2 cards

B) after 3 cards

B) after 4 cards

D) after 5 cards

88. One of the ways of the long jump in athletics is designated as a jump ...

A) "with a running start"

B) "stepping over"

C) "roll-over"

D) "scissors"

89. In athletics, the core is:

A) throw

B) throw

C) push

D) launch

90. Name the way of jumping, which athletes overcome the bar on international competitions in high jumping.

A) "dive"

B) "scissors"

C) "overstepping"

D) "fosbury flop"

91. The “Queen of Sports” is called….

A) artistic gymnastics

B) athletics

Play chess

D) skiing

92. Sprint in track and field athletics includes ...

A) running 5000 meters

B) cross

C) running 100 meters

D) marathon running

93. Cross is -

A) running with acceleration

B) running on the artificial track of the stadium

C) cross-country running

D) run before the jump

94. Running on long distances in athletics the main physical quality determining success is ...

A) speed

B) strength

C) endurance

D) agility

95. What is the fastest ski run?

A) simultaneous non-step

B) simultaneous one-step

B) simultaneous two-step

D) alternating two-step

96. Which stance of the skier is faster when descending?

A) high rack

B) middle stance

B) low stance

D) main rack

A) 30 km race

B) 50 km race

C) 60 km race

D) 70 km race

98. The main element of the skier's tactics is

A) start

B) leading

C) distribution of forces

D) overtaking

99. Height of poles with free (skate) ski course must be…

A) to the level of the student's shoulders

B) to the pupil's eye level

D) 3-4 cm below the student's shoulders

100. Height ski poles at classic course must be…

A) to the level of the student's shoulders

B) to the pupil's eye level

B) 3-4 cm higher than the student's height

D) 3-4 cm lower than the level of the student's shoulders

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