Roll from one foot to the other. Twine stretching exercises - effective and simple

I breathe, so I live. Strelnikova's method Marina Evgenieva Antonova

Exercise "Rolls"

Exercise "Rolls"

This exercise is a little more difficult than the previous ones, and you can only do it while standing. You can put your hands on the belt. Basically, these are bouncy half squats.

We stand on both feet so that the left is one step behind the right. Now, squatting, we transfer the body weight to right leg... The left toe just touches the floor. We in no way rely on it, it only serves to maintain balance.

During this "roll-over" we inhale loudly and noisily through the nose. Now that the weight of the body is on the right leg, it is necessary to transfer it back to left leg... We also do this through the "roll-over" squat. Do not squat deeply! Body weight is transferred to the left leg, the right barely touches the floor and serves only to maintain balance. During this time, you took another breath. Again we "roll over" to the right foot, leaving the left on the toe. It turns out?


As we roll backward, the right leg straightens and the left bends. And when forward, the left knee straightens and the right knee bends slightly. The exhalation occurs at the moment when the knee from which we transfer the weight of the body,

unbends. As usual, we do not intensify the exhalation, we do not think about it.

Attention! This exercise is done not in 3 series of 32 times, but in 6 to 16. In total, it turns out 2 hundreds of Strelnikovs, 96 + 96.

In the pauses between the series, the legs must be changed. That is, we do 32 (or 8, or 16) rolls, then we put our left foot forward, and we take our right foot back.

Movements can be aggressive. When I did the exercise, I imagined the opponent standing right in front of me. More often than not, it was my ill-fated knot. The “opponent” and I evaluated each other, now advancing, now retreating, as in the ring.

Studying according to Strelnikova's method, I felt that my childish curiosity was returning to me. For many years I was not interested in anything other than my rather limited pop world. There is nothing surprising and beautiful, as many people think, in it. And suddenly I found so many interesting things on the Internet! I somehow did not notice in last years what is happening in the world. But first of all, of course, I decided to find out everything about this gymnastics. And for the sake of interest, I decided to ask the participants of the next forum a sensitive question. Namely: does anyone know whether paradoxical breathing helps to solve sexual problems or not? I was sure that at best they wouldn’t answer me, and at worst they would laugh at me. Imagine what my eyes were like when I read the following: “Please send your e-mail,

and I will answer your question in great detail in a personal letter. " I had no choice but to give my email address... Email this before you go to next exercise, I give in full, along with tips and tricks. This will be especially important for men.

Hello! I saw your message in the forum and decided that if you wrote, then there are some problems. The fact is that I, too, only recently coped with all the nasty diseases that followed me. In our youth, we are all fools, so I managed to get sick with gonorrhea. The little thing is not pleasant, but he recovered pretty quickly and even grew a little wiser. I got married. But then another misfortune happened. After all my outrages, I started having prostatitis. It's fun. It's good that my wife is patient, she never reproached me. The other would have gone long ago. Because our intimate life, forgive me for the details, was at first normal, then once a week, then once a month, and even then with great difficulty. There was no face on my wife. In five years family life she looked like a small gray mouse. She worked, did everything around the house and even loved me, but I think that every woman needs sex for health and peace of mind. It couldn’t have a positive effect on me either. And since I have a sedentary lifestyle, I am a programmer, a new "gift" of fate soon arrived - hemorrhoids. And at thirty, I felt as if I had been scrapped. It was painful to look at Lesya (wife). All her friends

asked why she did not have children, but she was silent. I didn't want it to go beyond the family. And my dad helped me out. Once he stopped by for coffee, looked at me and said: "You know, Yegor, you look as if you have at least hemorrhoids and prostatitis." I wanted to joke, but got to the point. I turned away. Dad looked at me and didn't ask any further. “So,” he said, “Take a pen and write it down.” - "What?" - "What you have to do to be like a man, and not like a programmer ... blinkered." I obediently took the notebook.

Just don't blush as you can. Will not help. Do you like to ride ... And I will not ask you anything. Sit down and write. The first (further I quote everything point by point).

1. Do not wear tight underwear. Go to bed naked. And the body rests, and ... everything else too.

3. You strip naked. It is necessary. You sit down on a chair. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise your open palms in front of you. Back side to yourself. Then you inhale sharply, at the same time clenching your palms into fists and in the same way clenching your buttocks and anus. You will breathe through your nose. You take four such breaths in a row, rest for 3 seconds, then do the same. I say again - you need to squeeze everything at the same time, then you relax with exhalation, then squeeze again. It is called "Spring".

You make 24 such "fours". It will be even better if, in addition to doing it twice a day, you can repeat it both on TV and at your beloved's box. Small work. Ten minutes is enough. And in the morning and in the evening, as I said: 24 times 4. Do not forget to breathe.

4. Lie on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees, hands under your head. Then you raise your hips, squeeze the anus and buttocks and take a sharp breath. You go down and again - the same thing. Breathe out as you like, and breathe in as I say. You do this eight times, then you rest. Then another 8 times. In total, it should turn out 12. The exercise is called beautifully - "Raising the pelvis." The computer is unlikely to succeed in this.

5. Stay on your back, spread your knees to the sides as wide as possible. The feet are on the floor. You put your right knee, without lifting your feet off the floor, towards the left knee. Together with this, you inhale sharply, like this. Raise your right knee and lower your left to the side of your right - inhale again. You need to breathe through your nose. You will count the same way - 8 times without stopping, so 12 times. It is called "Urological metronome". Muscles are everywhere. You need to swing not only biceps and abs.

6. "Squats are ordinary". You stand up straight, your legs are narrower than your shoulders, lower your arms along your body. You quickly squat down, your knees look to the sides, your hands fall on your knees. Do not rot your back, inhale in the same way - sharply and noisily, like a vacuum cleaner. Then you get up, again the buttocks and the anus are clamped, the legs are strong, tense, only the arms are free and hang. You breathe in again.

And everything is brisk, at the pace of the march. I would call this movement in another way: "Prostatitis - fight!" Write further.

7. Stand straight; legs - already shoulders, knees slightly bend. Hands hang along the body, if they interfere, place them on your hips. But don't think about them at all. After sitting down, just look, not low, you start jerking backwards and forwards. As savages dance their dances. Understood? At the same time, your entire household should also swing back and forth. You do this for a minute. Then the same thing with breaths. Forward - inhale, buttocks and anus are clamped, backward - exhale. You do eight such "back and forth", rest 3-5 seconds, then the same thing again. In total, you should get 96. You can count in your precious binary system, if it's easier for you. It is called "Forward-Backward" or "Bell".

8. The most interesting thing. "Pull-up". You squat in front of the mirror, spread your knees to the sides. Now, within a second, you pull the testicles as close to the body as possible. Without hands, of course. When the scrotum rises, the anus and abdomen also retract. Then you calmly relax everything and immediately tighten it up again. Do this four times. When you lift your scrotum, take a sharp and noisy breath. When you relax, on the contrary, you exhale. The inhale is sharp, the exhale is calm. You don't need him. I did it four times - you get some rest. You repeat this 24 times in the morning and the same amount in the evening.

Did you write everything down? Well, I'll go, and you start exercising.

Where did you get it from? I asked. - Have you decided to become a doctor in your old age?

I did not decide as a doctor, but one good doctor advised me. Incidentally, I advised your elder brother Vaska the same thing. He recently asked me if I know of gymnastics that will allow his wife not to get pregnant for the fourth time. He said that three would be enough for them. Well, I asked him a pepper!

Hal- Wait. Why did you need this gymnastics? My dad is sixty-eighth year old.

Did I ask you anything? No. Here you are, please be silent. Successful work!

My father is a man whom I used to trust from childhood. And I began to do this gymnastics. Then my brother said that this is a urological complex, which is also built on Strelnikova's breathing. I also went for a prostate massage. After a week, the pain during urination decreased, and then disappeared altogether. I felt that every day I was getting a year younger. I did this gymnastics very hard, which I continue to do to this day. I will not tell you how much it helped me. Just attaching my wife and I a photo taken a month ago in Greece. I don't think we look like a family of mice.

Health to you! Best regards, Egor Nikolaev, 30 years old.

A young couple, glowing with health and love, looked at me from the photo. Behind their backs

there was a white-stone hotel with palm trees. Lord, how I haven't rested for a long time!

But first, I'll tell you about Strelnikova's last gymnastics exercise. It can be considered that these are two different exercises though they are usually combined into one. If you break it by two, you get exactly twelve, as I said.

From the book Bioenergy Tutorial the author Sergey Petrovich Rozov

The observer position is a basic exercise. Exercise number 11 1. Stand near the wall and lean your back against it. 2. The legs should be joined together, straightened and slightly pushed forward 15-20 cm. 3. The sacrum, the whole back, and preferably the back of the head should fit snugly against the wall. 4.

From book Daily gymnastics for people of mental work author N.V. Korablev

The second exercise is breathing exercise with hand movements Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. The shoulders and elbows are slightly forward. The head is slightly tilted forward. Exhale (Fig. 3). Execution. 1. Smoothly straighten and spread arms and sides.

From the book Respiratory gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova the author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

The ninth exercise - breathing exercise with hand movements Starting position. Sitting on a chair. Hands on the belt. The shoulders, elbows and head are slightly forward. Exhale (Fig. 19). Execution. 1. Spread your arms to the sides and slightly up. Turn palms up. Bend the body. Head

From the book Improve Your Eyesight by Martin Brofman

Eleventh exercise - breathing exercise with hand movements Starting position. Standing. Legs together. The arms are lowered along the body. Exhale (Fig. 49). Execution. 1. Raise straight arms forward. Inhale (fig. 50). 2. Spread your arms to the sides. Turn the palms down. Continuing inhalation

From the book I breathe - it means I live. Strelnikova's method the author Marina Evgenieva Antonova

Twelfth exercise - breathing exercise Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Exhale (Fig. 52). Execution. 1. Take your elbows, shoulders and head back a little. Bend the body. Breathe in. 2. Move to the starting position. Exhale Instructions. The exercise

From the 365 Golden Exercise Book breathing exercises the author Natalia Olshevskaya

Fourteenth exercise - breathing exercise with "grouping" Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Relaxed arms are raised up. Inhale (fig. 127). Execution. 1. Sit down smoothly. Relax your arms and body down. Exhale (Fig. 128). 2. Smoothly go to

From the book Breathe on Strelnikova and the Young. A unique technique for health and longevity the author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

Exercise "Rolls" ("Forward-backward") Starting position: right leg in front, left leg one step behind. Body weight - on both legs. We transfer the weight of the body to the right leg standing in front (the left leg is on the back of the toe, bent at the knee - it is not

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Exercise IV. Hatha Yoga Eye Exercise This is a classic, highly effective approach to improving vision. The exercises are very helpful with a relaxed state of mind. With the help of this complex, you can carefully work out the muscles of the eye, moving the eye

From book Breathing techniques for harmony. Exhale overweight author Olga Dan

Exercise "Rolls" This exercise is a little more difficult than the previous ones, and you can do it only while standing. You can put your hands on the belt. Basically, these are bouncy half-squats where we stand on both legs so that the left is one step behind the right. Now, squatting, we transfer the body weight to the right

From the book Breathing according to Strelnikova for those who are over ... the author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

208. Exercise "Rolls" IP - standing; right leg in front, left leg behind, one step apart. Body weight - on both legs. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows. Transfer the weight of the body to the right leg standing in front, the left leg behind on the tiptoe only for support

From the book Living Capillaries: The Most Important Factor of Health! Methods of Zalmanov, Nishi, Gogulan author Ivan Lapin

Exercise "Rolls" Starting position: right leg in front, left leg one step behind. Body weight - on both legs. We transfer the weight of the body to the right leg in front (the left leg is on the back of the toe, bent at the knee - do not lean on it). We stand on

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Exercise "Rolls" I. p.: Standing, legs apart as follows: right leg in front, left - behind, approximately at a distance of one step. The body weight is evenly distributed over both legs (Fig. 10). Transfer your weight to the right leg in front of you. Left foot in this

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Exercise "Rolls" How to do 1. Take the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body, chin slightly raised, back straight. 2. From starting position put your right foot with the heel forward and, making a noisy breath (sniffing), roll with

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Exercise "Rolls" Starting position: right leg in front, left leg one step behind. Body weight - on both legs. We transfer the weight of the body to the right leg in front (the left leg is on the back of the toe, bent at the knee - do not lean on it). We stand on

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We bring to your attention exemplary complex cross twine stretching exercises of seven exercises. We remind you: just before doing the stretching exercises, you need to warm up well and do a good warm-up. This will increase your stretching efficiency and keep you safe from injury!

Exercise is good for developing the eversion of the pelvic joints.
1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended.
2. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together.
3. Pull your heels as close to your groin as possible.
4. Bring your knees down as deep as possible and hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times
Execution options:
1) With a partner. You sit in a butterfly pose. The partner slowly lowers your knees down.
2) "The butterfly flaps its wings." You sit in a butterfly pose, but instead of statically pulling the muscles, you do dynamic knees swinging up and down.

Fold the legs apart
Exercise helps stretch the inner thighs and lower back.
1. Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart.
2. Place your hands on the floor between your thighs.
3. Without bending your knees and without lifting your legs off the floor, bend forward, sliding your hands along the floor.

Execution options:
1) Take this pose, but bend not only forward, but also alternately to each leg.

Fold your legs together
The exercise is aimed at working out the lower back and hamstrings. With the socks pulled over, the hamstrings also stretch.
1. Sit on the floor
2. Straighten your knees, bring them together
3. Without bending your back, lean forward
4. In the tightest position, lock for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times
Execution options:
1) Sitting,
2) Standing.
Important! In all parts of the road, keep your back straight!

The main exercise for the eversion of the pelvic. It also stretches the groin muscles well.
1. Kneel down on the floor with your hands and forearms on the floor in front of you.
2. Slowly move your knees apart, spreading your legs. You should feel a gentle tension in your groin, but not pain.
3. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 minutes.

Rolls from foot to foot
Main goal: Stretching the groin muscles.
1. Stand with your feet wide apart.
2. One foot is inverted, the other is facing forward.
3. Bend the knee of the leg, the foot of which is twisted, shift your body weight to this leg. This should straighten the other leg.
4. Without lifting the pelvis, repeat with the other leg.
5. The exercise is dynamic, you don't need to linger anywhere.
6. Do 9-15 rolls on each leg.

Deep standing bends
Stretch the back of the thighs and lower back.
It is performed in the same way as the fold of the leg together, with the only difference that in this exercise legs are separated from each other by 30-40 cm.

Disembarkation on a twine
1. Sit down with your knees wide apart.
2. Put your hands on the floor
3. Gently, without sudden movements, spread your legs to the sides.
4. Try to keep your pelvis in line with your legs.
5. In the tightest position, lock for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times

The complex should be performed daily, or day, every other day.

The split, like other stretching exercises, must be performed very carefully so as not to damage the ligaments.

The main types of twine:

Cross twine - with this exercise, the legs are spread apart.

  • Longitudinal split - in this exercise, the legs are spread one forward and the other back.

  • The basic rule if you want to sit on the twine and not pull your muscles at the same time is the gradualness of the loads and the fulfillment of the rule from simple to complex, that is, you should not fly headlong and try to sit on the twine, you should properly prepare for this and follow the basic rules of technique security:
  • Do not rush;
  • Exercise regularly, preferably at least once a day in the morning, but better in the morning and before going to bed, this will not only improve your well-being, but will also lead to the final goal, namely, to sit on the twine;
  • Do not forget to rest - if you feel bad or too tired, then it is better to rest than to force your body;
  • Burning is normal, pain is bad. It seems that everything is clear, but still it should be said that when stretching muscles and tendons, a slight burning sensation is a normal process, but in no case should stretching cause acute pain, if you feel pain during stretching, then it is better to perform the exercises under the supervision of a doctor, or at least after consulting with him;
  • Workout time should be 10 to 30 minutes minimum;

A bit of physiology or what muscles work when doing longitudinal or transverse splits:

The main working muscles in longitudinal and transverse splits:

  • Quadriceps femoris muscle;
  • Rectus femoris muscle;
  • Long adductor muscle;
  • Calf muscle;
  • Big gluteus, etc.

So, after you have read about safety precautions and understood which muscles will be involved, let's move on to the sweetest, namely stretching exercises, but first I would like to remind you that every person is unique, so do not get upset if you cannot perform any of exercises, just try a simpler one and when you can do it without straining, move on to a more complex one. All sorts of people happen to me, for example, the physical education teacher always called me wooden)))

Equipment you may need:

  • Walls;
  • Yoga mat.

The set of exercises is designed for 10-30 minutes, each dynamic exercise it is advisable to perform 20-30 times on each side, static exercises perform from 30 seconds to a minute.

Before performing the “twine in a few weeks” complex, it is advisable to warm up and warm up the muscles, joints and ligaments, the most best exercises to warm up:

  • Jogging;
  • Bicycle or exercise bike;
  • Bodyweight squats;
  • Jump rope.


This list of exercises will help your body become more flexible and prepare you for the split.

Exercise 1

The first exercise in our complex is fingers to toes (the exercise is familiar to us from childhood, however, if you are “wooden”, you should not try to immediately reach your socks, just stretch your muscles as you should)

Exercise 2

  • Get into a sitting position on the floor:
  • You need to straighten one leg and pull the sock towards you as far as you can. You will instantly feel a tight feeling in your hamstrings and the back of your thigh.
  • Wiggle up and down. Thanks to this exercise, it stretches backside thighs and popliteal ligaments.
    If you have difficulty doing these exercises, you can make it easier by placing your hands in front of you.

Exercise 3 Rolls from one leg to the other.

  • Sit down, straighten one leg, bend the other at the knee, turn the body to the straightened leg and lower it to the knee as far as you can. Try not to drop to the floor bent leg.
  • Bend one leg in front of you on the knee, the other needs to be pulled back and spring. You will immediately feel the muscles tightening on the front of the thigh at the back leg. In addition, the muscles of the bent leg are also involved in this exercise. It should be repeated for the other leg.
  • Sit on squats, knees and feet should be positioned so that the pelvis can pass between the heels. Now swing your booty up and down, as if you want to sit on the floor. To control weight, it is allowed to rest your palms on the floor.

Exercise 4

  • Get into a sitting position on the floor with your butt between your heels.
  • In the same position, tilt your torso forward as far as you can.
  • Sit on the floor again with your feet to the sides. Try to sit completely on the floor.

Exercise 5 "Butterfly":

  • Sit with your legs bent in front of you at the knees;
  • Bring your feet together tightly;
  • Try to get your hips to reach the floor.
  • In the same position, bend forward, as if you want to reach chest to the feet. Whoever succeeds can lie down to stretch the muscles.

Exercise 6 should be done while sitting on the floor:

  • Put one leg in front of you without bending it;
  • Bend the second at the knee and place it on a straight leg;
  • Place your knee on the floor;
  • Bend, trying to reach a straight leg.
  • Then put the bent leg behind the thigh and perform the bends in the same way, trying to reach with the forehead to the knee of the straight leg.

Exercise 7

  • Sit on the floor with one leg straight in front of you, the other bent at the knee and located behind your back;
  • Bend to a straight leg;
  • Then to the bent one.
  • Keep your back straight.

Exercise # 8

  • Sit on the floor;
  • Straight legs in front of you;
  • Perform knee bends.

Exercise 9

  • Sit on the floor;
  • Place your left leg in front of you;
  • Take your right foot and try to lift it up so that it is straightened.
  • Repeat up to ten times, fixing the position for at least one minute;
  • Perform for the second leg.

Exercise # 10

  • Sit on the floor;
  • Stretch your straight legs to the sides as far as you can;
  • Take turns to tilt on the right and left legs;
  • Then tilt in front of you, trying to lie on the floor. Remember, your back should be straight.

After 2-3 weeks of such stretches, you can try to sit on a split, but again, do not overdo it, if you feel pain, return to the stretches and measure your results after another week.

How to do stretching exercises so that they are more effective?

  • Control breathing during exercise. A lot depends on our breathing, the body can strain, or vice versa, relax. When you exhale, the muscles tense, and during inhalation they relax, due to which they rest and accelerate the metabolic processes of the body. Therefore, while stretching, you need to relax and breathe in correctly. While stretching, breathe in with your full chest, or hold your breath and notice how your muscles quickly relax, relieving pain, which allows you to hold your body position longer.
  • Stick to stretching technology. Usually the coach gives instructions, but since we are doing it at home, you just need to remember: continue to pull the muscles until the pain goes away.
  • Observe the regime of complex lessons for flexibility. All exercises that are dynamic (bends, squats, etc.) must be done gradually and slowly. This is due to the body's reflexes, which prevent muscles and ligaments from stretching during sudden movements.
  • Duration of classes. Flexibility exercises must be done for at least thirty seconds, if you do less, then we can assume that you are wasting your time, since there will be no result. The effectiveness of the exercises will depend on the time of classes and your efforts, so you should not be embarrassed by the fact that you are doing this or that exercise for half an hour, an hour, or even three hours a day. It is natural.

Additional reasons that affect the speed and effectiveness of the result

  1. The age of the person.
  2. Floor. According to statistics, the female sex, in contrast to the male, has better flexibility.
  3. Genetic factors (amount of protein in muscles (collagen, elastin), length of ligaments, etc.).
  4. The readiness of the body for physical activities.
  5. Coordination of human movements.
  6. Muscle flexibility that was before training.
  7. Do you adhere to the recommendations, do you do a joint warm-up before exercise?
  8. The intensity of the classes.
  9. What is the duration of one exercise.
  10. Variety of performed complexes.
  11. Exercise regularly.
  12. Follow the rules of nutrition, it must be complete and balanced.
  13. How much water do you consume. Water is needed for metabolic processes and muscle recovery after exercise.
  14. Your desire and desire for classes.
  15. How ready you are for the lesson. In the event that you are relaxed and not ready for stretching, there will be no result.

It doesn't matter why you needed to sit on the splits - for showiness, perfect stretching or health benefits (yes, her splits also bring, and considerable). Whatever you are up to, know that splitting is actually not that difficult. If you regularly perform several effective exercises - even more so.

If your parents in childhood sent you somewhere to ballet or to acrobatics, then you are most likely one of those lucky ones who know how to sit on the splits. But what if childhood is over, and the ancient dream of splits still bothers you? Is the train gone, or is there still a chance?

How do the splits. Video instruction from Lifehacker

Of course, not everyone will be able to do the splits the first time, someone may need a week or a month. But by repeating these exercises regularly, you will improve your stretching and strengthen your muscles:

If the twine is something more symbolic than yoga

For some, twine is nothing more than good stretch, healthy ligaments, yoga exercise. But for me, as a person who grew up on the action films of Jackie Chan, Van Damme and Donnie Yen, it was something much more important and symbolic. Already in my student years, I reproached myself for the fact that in the seventh grade, when I went to hand-to-hand combat, did not show due diligence to sit on the splits. And when I was 20 years old, it seemed that time had passed, that I was old and that I shouldn't even try to sit on the splits.

A miracle happened - right after university I went to study in China. This university turned out to be very strong school Wushu, whose adherents regularly take first places in the All-China Wushu competitions.

It's one thing when you live in the world of pedestrian office workers who don't particularly ask questions about stretching, but it's quite another thing when you find yourself in a training room where absolutely everyone is spinning somersaults, flasks and splits, even children. In such an environment, being the greenest, oldest and most non-technical student, you somehow begin to reach upward. This aspiration, as well as the advice of the wushuists, helped me to sit on the side split in less than a year of training. I put their knowledge and experience into a list of recommendations for those who want to do the splits.

How do the splits. Instruction from the champions of China in wushu

  1. Forget deadlines. There are no "New Years" or "two months in advance". The rush to stretch is bound to lead to injury.
  2. Less heroism. It is better to go slowly and systematically towards the goal for half an hour every day than rare, but pounding workouts for several hours at a time.
  3. Get to know your body. Although we are all similar anatomically, each of us has our own characteristics: structure hip joint, elasticity of muscles and ligaments. For example, with a varus deformity of the femoral neck, a person simply physically cannot sit on a transverse twine. Therefore, if your acrobat brother approached any one method to sit on the twine, then it is far from the fact that the same method is suitable for you. During training, you must independently determine your problem areas that do not allow you to sit on the twine. For example, I had no problems with the popliteal ligaments, they stretched well. But the ligaments at the thigh were like wood. Therefore, I paid more attention to them.
  4. Drink plenty of water. When you drink enough, connective tissue glides over the muscles, but when water is scarce, the fascia can stick to muscle fibers reducing the range of motion.
  5. Start training gradually by gradually increasing the frequency of stretch marks. I started with one workout every two days and went up to three workouts a day.
  6. In the evenings, our joints and muscles become 20% more elastic, which reduces the risk of injury and allows you to achieve better results... Dynamic stretching can be done in the morning to relieve the feeling of stiffness and stiffness after sleep, but do not strive for exploits immediately after waking up.
  7. Before stretching, be sure to warm up your leg muscles: run, do air squats and regular warm-up exercises within 10-15 minutes. Stretching on a warm body reduces the risk of sprains.
  8. Distribute the load. When you do splits, it is tempting to sit closer to the floor with your knees. Remember, if your knees or back hurt while stretching, you are doing it wrong.
  9. There are two types of splits: dynamic (when you swing your leg - split on impact) and static (sitting on the floor). It so happens that a person can swing his leg to the state of twine, but cannot sit in it on the floor. It also happens vice versa. These two types of twine complement each other, so they should be developed in parallel. Dynamic stretching must be fully controlled, without jerky, jerky movements, otherwise the swing can result in injury.
  10. When you stretch, then pull the sock towards you, and not from yourself (as in ballet).
  11. When you are in a static state, you do not completely freeze, but you continue to lightly oscillate - up and down, like a string - at a convenient frequency for you.
  12. Figure out how to let your feet slide on the floor. It can be both socks on linoleum and shoes on the spitting of a ushuista.
  13. Be extremely careful when third parties offer to "help" you. Nobody, except you, can know in what state your ligaments are now. The coach is not a psychic. How many stories have I heard about a coach who "accidentally" tore someone's ligaments. As for me, all these paired stretching-constrictions with the help of a partner pursue one goal - to make the process more interactive and complex. By by and large you do not need anything for the twine, except for the legs and the floor.
  14. Relax... For the body, stretching is an unnatural activity. When stretched beyond the normal range, the muscles automatically contract to prevent injury. Learning to relax and breathe evenly while stretching will help you deepen the split faster.
  15. Stretch every day. Unlike strength training after which rest and recovery are required, stretching does not require such breaks. To do the splits faster, stretch every day, seven days a week.
  16. Use a hot shower. After a hot shower, your ligaments will be more susceptible to stretch marks.
  17. Use a timer. Sitting on a twine set a stopwatch in front of you... Start small, like 30 seconds, and gradually work up the time. These measurements will also help you feel your progress more clearly. Instead of the timer, you can use your favorite music, in which you are guided either by the words or by the beginning of the chorus.
  18. Sign up for a section where twine is appreciated. For example, acrobatics, yoga, break dance or martial arts... It doesn't matter if you know how to sit on the twine or just work in this direction. A person is a social being, therefore any "public" training, and even more so in a circle of like-minded people, will morally support you and give you additional motivation.

Each person may have their own favorite and more effective ways to stretch: someone will sit in the "bow tie", and someone will swing their legs more - that is why I did not describe any exercises here, you probably know them. If not, then you know where to find them.

The most important thing is to remember that with due perseverance, people sit on the twine at 30 and 40 years old, the main thing is to believe in themselves. When, after a few months, I finally managed to sit down in my side splits, our main wushu player smiled at me and said: "功夫 不负 有心人" - which means "if you work hard, you will definitely achieve success."

Women's legs will look attractive only if all muscles are evenly tightened and pumped. Therefore, a representative of the fair sex should include in the training program special exercises to strengthen the inner thigh.

These muscles in Everyday life get minimum load, which negatively affects their condition. But you can solve the problem by regularly practicing in gym or at home.

Best Exercises

The complex offered to your attention is very simple but effective. It includes:

Rolling from foot to foot. Sit down with one leg bent at a right angle and the other stretched out, thereby contracting the muscles of the inner thigh. Smoothly, keeping your back straight, move your pelvis parallel to the floor, transferring the center of gravity from one lower limbs to the other. Make sure that the knee does not go beyond the level of the toe of the working leg - otherwise the load on the joint will be too high.

Squats with open socks allow you to effectively pump up interior hips. Place your legs as wide as possible so that your hips form a straight line. Slowly, without stooping, lower yourself down and rise up. The exercise can be done with weights (dumbbells) if you are in good physical shape.

Leg raises from a lying position on your side. Lower yourself onto your right side, place your hand under your head, and bend your left leg, place your foot on the floor in front of your right. Without changing position, rhythmically lift your right leg up. Try to work with maximum amplitude. Then do an exercise for the inner thigh muscle.

Dilution and reduction of the legs while lying down. You should sit on your back, raise your straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees, and then bring them together and spread them without lowering them to the floor. To make it more difficult, you can perform "scissors", each time crossing the legs.

Kicking circles. We train the inner part of the thigh without changing the position taken earlier, start "drawing" circles in the air with your feet. First, they work with one leg, and the second, absolutely flat, lies on the floor. Then the working limb is changed and, in the end, both are drawn.

These are the most effective exercise for pumping the inner thigh. But if for some reason they do not suit you, you can choose another option using video lessons offered by famous coaches or athletes.


Success is easier if you act wisely. Therefore, heed the recommendations of experts in the many videos about pumping the inner thigh.

  • You need to start training after warm-up;
  • At the end of the set of exercises, stretch the muscles of the inner thigh;
  • Do not forget about other muscles of the legs and body in general, pumping the inner thighs;
  • Try to do the exercises correctly, do not get distracted, follow the technique;
  • Periodically (every 2 - 3 months) change the nature of the load, not allowing the muscles to get used to;
  • Exercise regularly.

Due to the observance of the listed rules, you will pump up the inner part of the thigh, strengthen your legs, make them slim, fit, attractive.

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