Male twine. Stretching the legs from a supine position

If you wondered how quickly and most importantly, correctly and without injuries, sit on the twine, then this article is for you. Moreover, we will analyze the recommendations and exercises that will not only allow you to sit on the twine, but will help you do it at home without resorting to the services of fitness centers, so you can save time and money. However, you need to warn in advance that you will have to work hard on yourself, because learning how to sit on the twine is not so easy.

If, for whatever reason, you cannot attend stretching classes, where you will practice under the close supervision of a trainer who at any time will be able to suggest how to perform the exercise correctly and point out possible mistakes... In this case, you need to know how to properly train at home, so that you can sit on the twine relatively quickly and without injuries. Why relatively? Because stretching in itself is quite traumatic and how quickly you sit on the twine depends not only on the correct technique for performing the exercises, but also on individual characteristics. Someone's ligaments are softer and stretch much better, but someone will have to try hard to stretch them and develop tendons so that in the end they would sit on a split. In any case, in order to sit on the twine, you need to know the rules and features of stretching at home.

How quickly and without injuries to sit on the twine at home?

  • The first thing to take note of for home stretching workouts is not to rush and set yourself a tight time frame, for example, sit on a split in a week or two weeks. Such short-term goals often lead to injuries, moreover, doing home split workouts without the supervision of a trainer and without having any experience in stretching, you can earn a sprain or even rupture of the ligaments. Therefore, if you decide to sit on the twine on your own at home, you do not need to rush, listen to your body, master the exercise technique and follow the recommendations for training for stretching at home and you will succeed as quickly as your body allows you, well, perseverance of course.
  • Before you start stretching exercises, you need to thoroughly warm up the muscles, ligaments and tendons, for this it is imperative to do a warm-up for everyone within 10-15 minutes muscle groups, especially the muscles of the legs. Doing a warm-up at the beginning of the session will not only make it easier for you to do the exercises, which will allow you to sit on the splits faster, but also reduce the risk of injury during the stretching process. You can also take a hot shower to help your muscles and ligaments warm up and become more elastic.
  • Stretch for 45-60 minutes (including warm up) about three times a week. Stretching days can be alternated with strength training, for example, if on Monday you had a heavy strength or aerobic load, then on Tuesday you can safely stretch, this will also help reduce muscle pain after training. If desired, stretching can be performed immediately after strength and aerobic exercise, when the muscles and ligaments are more than warmed up. If you want to do the twine as soon as possible, which is at home, I personally do not recommend, as they say, hurry up - you will make people laugh, you can do it more often, allocating just one day for rest. You can use this training regime when you get comfortable and will correctly perform the exercise technique, as well as learn to listen to your body.

  • In order to sit on the twine without injuries, the exercises should be performed at a slow pace without sudden jerks, make sure that the load is evenly distributed. A slight pulling pain should be felt. However, as a rule, when a person feels pain, they begin to strain their muscles so as to reduce and avoid this discomfort, because stretching is essentially not a natural process for the body. Trying to sit on the twine, to some extent, you injure the ligaments. You should learn to relax your muscles at the time of feeling mild pain, try not to hold your breath, but rather breathe as evenly as possible, so the pain will be easier to bear. Play some light relaxing music, this too great way distract from the pain. Do not bring the exercise to sharp and intolerable pain, this will certainly lead to stretching, everything should be in moderation.
  • You should be aware that there are two types of twine: dynamic, when percussion movements are performed (swinging legs) and static, exercises performed while sitting on the floor with a slow pace that turns into static. So, these two types of twine complement each other, because it happens that a person can swing his leg to the state of a twine, but he cannot sit in a twine on the floor and vice versa. Therefore, in order to effectively conduct training for twine, you should perform exercises, both statically and dynamically. The best option would be to alternate them. For example, if you sat in a static twine for 1-1.5 minutes, you should perform leg swings for at least 30-40 seconds.
  • When doing static twine exercises, do not freeze completely, but continue to swing slightly up and down, from side to side. You should not use too large an amplitude with sharp jerks, it should be light swinging, while the ligaments should be stretched like a string, and the muscles should be relaxed as much as possible.
  • Concerning static exercises, whatever you give yourself indulgences, take a timer (smartphone application) and start doing the exercise for 20-30 seconds, increasing the time with each lesson. It will also allow you to mark your progress towards the coveted splits.

  • In order to develop and stretch the ligaments well, especially the popliteal ligaments, pull the socks over yourself during the exercises. Keep your back straight, do not hunch over or drop your shoulders. If your back or knees hurt while doing splits exercises, most likely you are violating the technique of performing the exercise and the ligaments of your legs are not loaded enough.
  • Make sure that during your stretching workout you have appropriate clothing that will not hinder your movements and will allow your feet to slide on the floor. At home, these can be ordinary socks that can easily slide, both on carpet and on parquet.
  • If you are seriously thinking about how to sit on the twine, you need to monitor your diet, so when eating meat and meat products, the ligaments will be coarser and more resistant to stretching. Drink plenty of water, this will not only make muscles and ligaments elastic, but also support high level metabolic processes in the body.
  • The most effective stretching Of course, in the morning, however, at the first stages, you should still conduct classes in the evening, when the body is already warmed up, so the training will be easier and a little less painful.
  • I would like to draw your attention to outside "help". Unless, of course, this is a highly qualified coach, then it is better to refuse such an intervention. By exerting physical pressure on you while performing this or that exercise, a person can cause injury, because he does not feel at all the degree of tension in your ligaments. Remember, in order to sit on the twine, you do not need any helpers or additional devices, only you, your gender and your perseverance.

How to quickly and correctly sit on the twine at home (video)

Effective stretching exercises to help you quickly sit on the splits at home

All of the stretching exercises below that will help you sit on the split at home can be used as a complex, where the exercises go one after the other in the order presented. However, if you wish, you can perform twine exercises in a varied manner, changing them each workout.

Begin all exercises for 20-30 seconds, while it is not necessary to completely freeze, you can perform light springs with a small amplitude. As you do your stretching workouts and your body begins to get used to the stress, gradually increase the duration of each exercise. You can also perform a set of exercises at the beginning on the ligaments of one leg, then for the second, or perform each exercise, alternating legs. Of course, the best option would be to work out at the beginning of one, then the other leg.

  1. Starting position: stand up straight with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed in front of you. From this position, slowly lower the body down, while the pelvis is not pulled back, but leave in its original position, perpendicular to the floor. Straighten your arms and rest your palms on the floor. After that, with light springs, push your hands back between your legs. Make sure your legs are not bent at the knees.

  2. This exercise for twine can be a continuation of the previous one. Place your legs a little narrower, tilt your body forward, bend your arms at the elbows, and rest your palms on the floor. Slowly pushing back the body, spring back, while your legs do not bend at the knees, they should remain as even as possible, and the muscles and ligaments should be tense.

  3. Derived from the previous exercise: The execution remains the same, the legs are straight, slightly wider than shoulder width, the body is even and tilted forward into the fold as much as possible. From this position, try to lower your hands and elbows to the floor. After standing in this position for some time (from 30 seconds), slowly begin to narrow your legs until you feel a slight pain in the hamstrings, while your legs do not bend at the knees.

  4. Next exercise, which will also allow you to prepare your body for a split, the well-known fold from a standing position. Legs together, toes pointed in front of you. Lean the flat body forward and pull it as much as possible towards your legs. The back should remain straight, and the knees should not be bent, you can slightly help yourself with your hands clutching your legs.
  5. Starting position: stand up straight, put one leg behind the other (in front), point your socks in front of you. From this position, rest your palms on the knee of your front leg and, while continuing to press, tilt your body down into a fold. First, do the exercise on one leg, then on the other.

  6. Stand straight, step with one foot in front and focus on the heel, supporting leg can be slightly bent at the knee. From this position, tilt the body towards the front leg and, with light springs, try to reach the knee with your chest. At the same time, keep your back straight, and do not bend your front leg at the knee.

  7. One more effective exercise for twine it is side lunges... Lunge (as wide as possible) on one leg, point your socks clearly in front of you, with your palms also focus in front of you. Now bend one or the other knee alternately, lunges in different directions. Try to lower your pelvis as much as possible and feel how to stretch the ligaments of an even leg. Try not to shift the center of gravity back, your back should remain straight.

  8. Continuing the previous exercise. Turn the leg bent at the knee so that the knee and toe are turned away from you, pull the straight leg like a string, while placing the emphasis on the heel, and pull the toe either away from you or towards you, do it at a slow pace. Tilt the body forward slightly. In order to keep the tension in the ligaments as much as possible, the leg bent at the knee can be slightly pushed with the elbow bent arm... The exercise is performed first on one leg, then on the other.

  9. Starting position: Make a wide lunge forward, bending the knee of the front leg, back leg keep as straight as possible with an emphasis on the half fingers. From this position, slowly, using light springs, push the pelvis down, leaving the back leg straight. In this case, tilt the body forward, pull your arms down and make a light emphasis with your fingers. To slightly complicate the exercise, align the body by moving the center of gravity strictly in the center. The exercise is performed at the beginning on one leg, then on the other.

  10. The next exercise is a continuation of the previous one, that is, you remain in the forward lunge position, with the back leg straight, but tilt the body well forward, parallel to the front leg bent at the knee. From this exercise, pull your pelvis down and your torso and front knee slightly forward. This twine exercise is performed first on one leg, then on the other.

  11. From the starting position of the previous exercise, leave the front leg bent, and bend the back leg in the same way and focus on the knee and half-toes. Tilt the body back, place your hands on the top of the buttocks. From this position, push the pelvis slightly forward with light springs.

  12. Further, from the position of the previous twine exercise, align the body, it should be perpendicular to the floor, keep your front leg bent, but move it forward as far as possible. Try to straighten your back leg and only lightly touch the floor with your knee. Fix the center of gravity in the center.

  13. Bring one leg under you and focus on the knee and half-toes, bring the second straight leg in front and focus on the heel, pull the toe over yourself. From this position, grab the toe of the front leg and tilt the body forward, try to reach the knee with your chest, while keeping your back straight.

  14. One of classic exercises, in order to quickly sit on the twine, "butterfly". Sit on the floor, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. From this position, press on your knees with springy movements, spreading them in different directions, as if the wings of a butterfly are obtained.

  15. Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs on the sides, as wide as possible, then bend one leg at the knee and turn it back so that the heel touches the buttocks, the second should remain straight with the toe pulled over itself. From this starting position, tilt the body to an even leg, trying to lie on it, but do not hunch over, at the beginning it should touch the stomach, then the chest, and at the end the head. During the exercise, make sure that the buttocks are firmly pressed to the floor and the center of gravity does not shift. After you have reached your leg, without changing the position of your legs, stretch forward, according to the same principle, touching the floor with the whole body. Also in this position, you can stretch sideways to a straight leg, that is, do not turn the body to the leg, but try to touch the entire lateral surface of the body to the leg. Then change legs.

  16. This exercise is similar to the previous one, however, you just need to bend one leg in front of you. Again, you need to stretch according to the same principle at the beginning to a straight leg, and then forward.

  17. Without changing the position of the legs, it is necessary to stretch not with the body turned towards the leg, but sideways. For convenience, you can grasp the sock with one hand and pull it towards you, and yourself towards the sock.

  18. Another exercise in this series, without changing the position of the legs, put the opposite hand to the bent leg on bent knee, and with the other hand we grasp the toe of the straight leg and stretch our shoulder to the knee of the straight leg. If this is too easy for you, complicate the exercise and reach with your shoulder not to the leg, but to the floor in front of the leg. Try not to hunch over, but to reach for the top of your head to the side.

  19. Sit on the floor, take one leg back, bend the other at the knee and place it in front of you. Try to keep your back leg straight. Next, leaning on the palms, unfold the body in such a way that the knee bent leg was strictly under your chin and between your palms. From this position, stretch the toe of your back leg back and your chest forward. To complicate the exercise, focus not on your palms, but on your elbows, while touching your hands with your forehead.
  20. Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs as wide as possible, then stretch your chest first to one and then to the second leg, after which you need to stretch forward, laying the body on the floor in front of you. The principle remains the same; the first should touch the stomach, then the chest, and then the head. By observing this rule, it will be easier for you to ensure that your back is straight and the stretching is as effective as possible. Stretch the body after the crown, make sure that your legs remain straight and your buttocks are firmly pressed to the floor.

  21. Remaining in the starting position of the previous exercise, stretch your shoulder first to one leg, then to the other, while lower arm can be put on the opposite leg, and upper hand grab the toe of the leg to which you are reaching. As in the previous exercises, try to stretch out as much as possible behind the crown.

  22. Remain sitting on the floor, bring your legs together, pull your socks over yourself. From this position, lower the body to your feet, lying in the fold. Try not to bend your knees or hunch your back. You can stretch your arms out in front of you.

During training, try not to hold your breath, breathe as evenly as possible. Also, make sure that during the feeling of mild pain you do not pinch your muscles, try to relax as much as possible and distract yourself from unpleasant sensations. To do this, you can turn on light relaxing music and think about something pleasant. Remember that the pain should not be sharp and sharp, be sure to monitor the sensations and listen to your body. This is perhaps all the basic tips and exercises that will help you sit on the split at home without resorting to the services of a trainer. Remember, you will succeed in order to sit on the splits without injuries, just be patient.

Stretching at home for cross twine (video)


First you need to warm up the muscles - otherwise you can earn a muscle strain. Even a warm bath can warm up the muscles, but it is better to stretch the leg muscles yourself. After warming up, you can start the exercises themselves.

The very first and main exercise to help you sit on is leg swings. It is done simply. Stand on one leg with the entire body weight on it. Raise the other leg to the maximum height you can. It's okay if the leg does not rise above the waist yet, this will change over time. Next, switch legs and swing with a straight and straight back.

Now let's do the second exercise in order to sit in. Place your foot on a table or any other surface that will be flush with your belt and bend down to the floor. Then switch legs. If the exercise does not work right away and it hurts, do not worry, it will work out next time, the most important thing here is the regularity of the exercises.

Next, let's move on to the third exercise, which will help you sit on the twine at home. Actually, try to sit on the twine as far as possible until it hurts. You can try to sit on both the cross and on.

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Helpful advice

Do not do the exercises abruptly, and immediately, do everything gradually and smoothly, otherwise you risk getting injured.

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  • who sat on the twine at home

Learn to sit on leg-split really at any age. By diligently doing stretching exercises, after 2 to 3 months you can boast of a flexible body, muscle tone and good health.


Wear stretchy, tight-fitting clothing to keep you comfortable and relaxed. Start your workout by warming up your muscles. Jump rope or walk quickly, squat actively for 5 - 10 minutes.

Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Reach your toes with your hands, while not arching your back, push your chest forward. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat the same exercise, but bend your right and left legs alternately.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your left knee up to the side, grab the foot with your left hand. Pull your body up. Then bend forward, put your hands behind your back in a lock, grabbing the extended knee, and pull it as high as possible. Come back to starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Place your legs at a right angle while sitting with one leg straight and the other to the side, with your back straight. Change legs after 30 seconds. Then lift them up 90 degrees, stretch your body forward, keep your back straight, do not bend over.

Swing straight leg to the side, trying to lift the leg higher each time. Place your leg on the table or wall bars and lean either to the floor or to the toe of your raised leg. Then switch legs.

Lunge at right angles forward with one leg and lift the other parallel to the floor for 30 to 60 seconds. Now pull your leg forward and hold for another minute. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

Lie on the floor near the wall and lift your legs up, spreading them in different directions. Pull your feet down. Stand up and straighten your back, bend one leg forward and pull the other back. Then change legs.

Spread your legs wide, turn your toes to the sides. Try to sit down as deep as possible, lean forward and place your hands on the floor. Transfer the weight to your arms, arch your back, lift your head up a little and spread your legs to the sides as wide as possible. After this exercise, try to sit on, each time dropping lower and lower.


Do not overdo it with stretching, there is a possibility of muscle injury. If this does happen, apply ice to the sore spot, try not to move for a while and see a doctor.

Helpful advice

Perform all exercises evenly, breathe deeply and stretch your muscles gradually.

Everyone can sit on the twine. Regardless of gender and age. Of course, it will be easier for the young than for the elderly. But patience and dedication over several weeks or months will certainly lead to the desired result.


Remember, your ligaments will hurt during stretching exercises. Pain is a sign that everything is going right. But the pain should not be severe or harsh - control your efforts. Sharp pain can be a signal of muscle or ligament injury. After such an injury, it will take a long time to recover, and the achievement of the goal will be postponed for a long time. Train regularly, 2-3 times a week, for 30-60 minutes. Perform all exercises smoothly and slowly, without overexertion and sudden movements.

Warm up thoroughly before exercising. Jogging works well for this. When jogging, replace with jumping rope, squats, leg swings forward, backward and to the sides. When performing the swings, keep your legs straight, do not try to raise them as high as possible. Also, do knee warm-up exercises, twists, and side bends.

Start your main workout with lunges. To do this, put one leg forward, bend at the knee. Straighten the second and take it back. Keep your back straight. Do bouncy squats up and down, then switch legs. To make the exercise more difficult, extend your front leg as far as possible and put your back leg as far as possible.

For the second exercise, spread your legs wide apart. Begin to sit on one leg, bending it at the knee. Leave the other leg straight. Keeping your body straight, roll smoothly from one foot to the other. In this case, the pelvis should move in a straight line, and not in an arc.

The next exercise is "". To perform it, sit on the floor, put your feet together, spread your knees to the sides. Make springy movements with your knees up and down, trying to lower them as low as possible. Help your knees with your hands to be effective. After the end of the exercise, without changing posture, grab your feet with your hands and begin to perform forward bends.

Move on to transverse exercises. Sitting on the twine as low as possible, squeeze your legs with maximum effort as if you are trying to stand up. Do this exercise with wool socks on parquet and linoleum. For 10 seconds, hold the maximum muscle tension, then relax them for 5 seconds.

In a sitting position on the maximum split, begin to gently sway so that your legs gradually move wider and wider. Also from this position, tilt the body forward and to the sides. Then, sitting on the maximum split, put a stack of books under you and sit on them. Try to relax your muscles as much as possible, and then slowly remove the books from under you.

When starting to train, do at least 15 repetitions for each exercise. Every 2 weeks, add 5 repetitions until you reach 45 times. Try to stretch a little more with each subsequent repetition of the exercise than with the previous one. But when a sharp pain appears, relax your efforts.

Preparation and stretching

Stretching exercises will help you to sit in a longitudinal twine for 2-3 months, even if at the moment you are not doing it at all.

Stretching requires a chair with a backrest or any other high support. Let's say you are using a chair. Stand to him with your left side, lift the leg of the same name and lower it with your lower leg on the back, make sure that the sock is directed forward, and not up.

Raise your hands, exhaling sideways, bend over to your left leg, while trying not to bend your knee. If you can't bend low, don't worry, daily exercise will gradually help you become more flexible. While stretching, breathe calmly, try to relax the muscles of the leg and core as much as possible. Take your time to quickly get out of the position, let your leg stretch well. With an inhalation, slowly straighten, place your foot carefully on the floor. Stretch on the other leg.

The next exercise is similar to the previous one. Stand facing the support, raise your left leg again, point your toe up and pull it towards you, straighten your knee. When exhaling, stretch your arms in front of you, push the body forward, trying to reach with your chest as much as possible to the thigh. Breathe calmly. When doing stretching, you should not experience severe pain; if it begins to bother you, place your body further from your leg. Hold the position for about 3 minutes. While inhaling, take your time, straighten up and lower your leg.


It may not be possible to perform a longitudinal twine immediately. This is due to the fact that the ligaments, muscles and joints are not yet sufficiently prepared for this position. But you need to try to do the twine every day. Day after day, you will get better and better at this position.

Get on your right knee, extend your left leg forward, rest your hands on the floor. Make sure that the knee of the left leg is fully extended, point the toe towards you. Slowly lower your groin closer to the floor. Do not bring to severe pain, a slight discomfort is permissible, but no more. Hold this position for a few seconds at first, but over and over again try to stay in it longer and longer. Try to do a longitudinal split by swapping your legs.

How to quickly learn to do twine?

Good afternoon everyone! I, Albert Valitov, a professional trainer and leading author of our blog, welcome you, our dear guests and regular readers. Today I will tell you how to learn how to do twine.

Agree that the split, performed by an athlete with ease, evokes feelings of admiration, and this movement, performed by dancers in the air or standing, leads to enthusiastic applause from grateful spectators.

The flexibility of these people makes them feel like they are missing bones or joints. Although, as you understand, the bodies of these people are arranged in the same way as those of others.

However, in order to learn how to perform the split, they needed a great desire, perseverance and constant training.

Do you think twine is a prerogative of twelve year olds? You are greatly mistaken. Everyone can learn it at home.

A woman lives in our house, she is 65 years old. Her legs ached constantly and began to refuse to move. At the same time, she did not want to get into a wheelchair.

She began every morning to do a little exercise, feasible for her age, gradually increasing her load. It is clear that the result did not appear in 5 minutes, it took time and painstaking work.

Therefore, as a result, elderly woman overcame the blues, brought back to life her ossified ligaments with joints, and the crown of her achievements was twine and healthy legs. Isn't it a perfect example for many to follow.

Features of twine stretching

Split is a specific sports exercise performed by a person for stretching, which characterizes the elasticity of his ligaments and muscles.

It is very useful not only for professional athletes, but also for ordinary people who are pleased to feel the flexibility of their body, and especially when they have received this wonderful result at home.

Performing this exercise helps a person:

  1. Prevent varicose veins.
  2. Improve the functioning of the intestines.
  3. Improve the work of the pelvic organs.
  4. "Open" the thoracic region, restoring deep breathing.
  5. Stretch the spine.
  6. Relieve depression.
  7. Improve mood.
  8. Overcome laziness.

How to achieve your goal

Many of those who dare to learn how to sit on the splits consciously go to not only get a beautiful stretch, but also a healthy body.

At the same time, they understand that in 5 minutes the result will never be obtained. Everything here is individual. After all, each person has his own genetics and constitution.

At the same time, a person's ability to master the twine depends on:

  • Paul;
  • Age;
  • Natural data;
  • Physical fitness;
  • Compliance with the correct diet or water-drinking regime.

It is here that I want to stop and tell those who wish, to learn how to do the splits, that this is a completely achievable dream.

Do you work for a prestigious company and have been dating a wonderful girl for half a year already? You really like her, how wonderful person, an interesting conversationalist and a reliable friend.

Is the girl so pleasant to you that you started thinking about a serious relationship? At the same time, you want to please her with an unusual surprise. I see, your goal is very commendable!

But since your girlfriend has an unusual profession of equilibrist in the circus, as a pleasant surprise for your beloved, I can advise you to learn how to do a split in the air to show her the flight of your soul, love and joy.

It will not only be cool, as it will raise your rating in the eyes of a girl, but it can also become that first virtual step to your family happiness.

Training Basics

Initially, I want to say that the key to success in doing the split is a clearly understood goal.

At the same time, an untrained person should not immediately start with difficult exercises that can harm health, cause pain, or cause injury.

An ordinary person can learn to sit on the twine not only in the gym under the guidance of an experienced trainer, but also independently at home, having previously studied the basics of the training process.

Therefore, it is on the last option that I would like to focus the attention of our readers in order to tell how to properly organize their home workouts, which should consist of such fundamental components.

I welcome everyone! Glad to see you again in my blog. We cooked delicious here, lost weight, swayed ... Recently we even stretched! I suggest not to give up this useful and beautiful practice. After all, I am sure that for many, the childhood dream of stretching out into twine has remained a dream.

What is twine and its types

Everyone has seen weightless ballerinas gracefully performing splits. Many small children and even some adults, endowed with good stretching by nature, cope with this task perfectly. But most people have to work hard to do the splits at home from scratch. And without a theory here, alas, it will be difficult (sorry for the pun).

Some proudly note that they are sitting on a twine, but in fact they are doing its faded semblance. In order not to get into an uncomfortable (in every sense) position, remember the "three whales" of the correct twine:

  1. The spread legs form a straight line.
  2. The angle between the inner thighs is 180 degrees or more.
  3. The pelvis, depending on the type of twine, is located either parallel to the line of the legs, or strictly perpendicular to it.

The last point causes special difficulties for most self-taught. It seems that stretching allows, but the result is depressing. But we will come back to the question of why this is happening, and now we will continue to study the theory.

Exists different types twine, but you can't go wrong by designating only two - transverse and longitudinal. The rest are just variations of them. So, the following types of twine are distinguished:

  • sagging (negative) - performed from a chair or high support, the hips form an angle of more than 180 degrees;
  • vertical - performed on one leg;
  • in the air - performed in a jump or with a run;
  • on the hands - it is performed, as expected, in a handstand or elbow stand.

We probably won't strive for these miracles today, but I see no obstacles to longitudinal and transverse splits!

What is the use of twine

Actually, yes. Why do you need this beautiful skill? Not because of beauty alone to torture the body with training ... Why not read on the Web - twine and stool normalizes, and cellulite disperses. No, definite effect on blood supply internal organs stretching definitely does. And the skin tones - you can not argue. However, the purpose of stretching is different.

Regular, specifically for twine, has the following effect on the body:

  • forms a beautiful posture;
  • strengthens the muscles of the back, legs and perineum;
  • is the prevention of arthritis;
  • helps to strengthen blood vessels;
  • prevents varicose veins and thrombosis of leg veins;
  • improves joint mobility;
  • in girls, it normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • helps you to relax and just improves your mood.

It turns out that sitting on the twine is useful for both an adult and a child of any gender and physical fitness... You can stretch on purpose, devoting an hour daily to the process, or simply use it as morning exercises... It is good to end strength training with stretching.

It is a mistake to believe that the availability of the twine depends solely on the elongation of the muscles of the perineum. On the contrary, the greatest difficulty is stretching completely different muscle groups and ligaments. When you stretch correctly, you are using:

  • back muscles from the lumbar to the shoulder region;
  • pectoral and gluteal muscles;
  • and, of course, absolutely all the muscles and ligaments of the legs.

Important! Unfortunately, the peculiarities of the structure of the pelvis do not allow individual people to sit on a transverse twine. But don't be tempted to quit your workout - good stretching is never superfluous.

Five classic questions

It's time to gradually move on to practice and figure out how, after all, to stretch your legs. Everyone who tries to do the splits is worried about the same questions. Let me bring them together and we will not return to this.

  1. How long does it take. There is no universal answer to this question, because people are different. Age, natural flexibility, regularity of classes, and other factors play a role.
  2. How to speed up the process. Stretch regularly and pre-heat your muscles. If you have the opportunity, seek help from a trainer - on your own, by the strength of your own muscles, the result is achieved longer.
  3. How to stretch without pain. HM. Yes, perhaps not. The heated muscles hurt less, but it will not be possible to completely stop the unpleasant sensations.
  4. How often to stretch. To easily and quickly achieve results, you will have to train daily or at least once every two days. This is a systematic, calm process, and therefore the muscles do not need to withstand the recovery period.
  5. Where to start a beginner. If you don’t know how, start with the basics. Base of the split in well-stretched hamstrings and correct hip opening.

I will not answer questions about how to do a split in a week or in 10 minutes. Let some brave coach take on this responsibility. And I recommend not to risk your own health and not to rush.

Effective stretching rules

Most recently, I already talked about how to properly stretch the muscles, and all the rules described earlier apply to the twine:

  • breathe, saturating the muscles with oxygen;
  • warm up before doing a full range of stretching exercises;
  • exercise regularly;
  • do not allow burning pain.

Important! We considered the types of stretching (dynamic, ballistic ...) and it is worth noting that it is safer to use static or passive stretching for twine.

When doing static stretching, follow these simple rules:

  1. Stretch to the first tension and stay in this position for 15-60 seconds. We felt that the muscles got used to it - as you exhale (!), Try to stretch them a little more.
  2. Keep your back straight at all times! Bring the shoulder blades together, the chest forward, the pelvis is "twisted" under you.
  3. Performing "folds", stretch your chest and stomach to your knees. Not with your forehead.
  4. Always pull on your socks! Forget ballet, or the hamstrings will stretch long and painfully.
  5. No need to spring and make sudden movements! Do a slow, gentle, almost meditative stretch.
  6. We learn to relax. The muscles of a person reflexively tense, trying to prevent rupture, and when you relax, you give the brain a command that everything is in order and stretching is not dangerous.

Once under the tutelage of a coach, just humble yourself and relax. Breathe deeply, do not resist, but do not allow sharp pain. And don't trust own body for beginners! They have something, and then you suffer with torn ligaments.

Stretching machines are still in fashion today. What can I say ... If you have the opportunity, try it. But my opinion is that newbies are better off not messing with them.

Twine stretching exercises

I propose to consider several groups of effective poses - from the simplest to the most difficult.

Cold stretching for beginners

Seize the moment and write it down. The three exercises below are great - oh well, just great! - a way to stretch with quality without much effort, warm-up and suffering. Rest assured, they really work.

  1. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible and stretch forward. Painless, but correct (back, chest, socks, remember?). After a minute, stretch your fingers even further. Repeat as long as you have patience.
  2. "Frog" at the wall. Lie on your stomach with your feet against the wall. Spread them shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs so your hip and knee are at a right angle. Try to lower your pelvis to the floor, but do not bend in the lower back. You will become like a kind of toad. Hang in this position as much as you want, just put a towel under your knees.
  3. Lie on your back with your pelvis against the wall. Raise your legs, put them on the wall and spread them as wide as possible. Pull your feet towards you. Everything. Get some rest.

These exercises are allowed to be performed as many times a day, every day and as long as you want. They seem trivial, but they teach muscle fibers not to be afraid and not to shrink with each pull. Remember them while watching a movie, reading a book, telephone conversation… Taking such positions regularly, even inflexible people can stretch out without being noticed.

Exercises for every day

It is best to warm up before doing these exercises. Even an adult finds literally 15-20 minutes a day enough to make the longed-for dream of twine closer.

  1. Crease (hamstring sprain). Sitting on the floor, bring your knees to your chest and grasp your feet with your hands. Firmly pressing your stomach and chest to your legs, slowly begin to ride with your feet forward. At some point, you will feel that you can no longer hold your chest at your knees - that's all, for today this is your limit. Now you have to endure the pain a little - try to smoothly, not abruptly, straighten alternately the right and then the left leg.
  2. Butterfly with a secret (disclosure hip joints). By the way, this exercise is ideal for pregnant women, in the absence of contraindications. The starting position is the same, but now we spread our knees to the sides. The back is straight, the flippers are glued together, we are sitting. Then, with the elbow, we press the knee of the right leg to the floor, and with the palm of the other hand we take the second knee to the side. We repeat the exercise on the left leg.
  3. Sagging (improving the flexibility of the lumbar spine). Find a chest of drawers or a chair in the house with high back... Place your hands on it and tilt your body parallel to the floor. Hang on your arms and legs in this position and gradually lean towards the floor, leaving your hands on the support. It is very important to bend in the lower back and reach with your chest towards your legs.

You can find a couple more interesting exercises in the video below. They will all prepare the main muscles for work. Now, finally, step by step, we will begin to "creep" into twines.

Longitudinal twine

Many are interested in which twine is easier to sit on. Usually, the longitudinal is given faster - we will start with it. Do not rush to disperse immediately, first perform several lunges.

  1. Lunge on right leg and keeping 90 degrees in knee joint, spring gently with the pelvis down.
  2. Omit left hand in support on the floor, with the right, try to take the knee of the same leg to the side (it is convenient to put the foot on the edge).
  3. Place both hands in support and gently twist your hips, sway from side to side.

After repeating the complex with your left foot, you can gently disperse. Make sure that your shoulders and hips are facing straight ahead, and the knee of your back leg is on the floor.

Transverse twine

We start with the fold already described with the legs spread apart. Stretch well forward with your chest, and then to the sides (first facing the leg, then sideways).

If at your first workout you can't take correct posture, place a special cube or rolled towel under the buttocks. To those who have excess weight or the ligaments are completely unprepared, it is difficult to reach the foot. Do this exercise with the tape until you start touching your toes on your own.

Interesting! The transverse twine is easier for men, and the longitudinal twine is easier for women. And it's not about statistics, but about the physiological features of the structure. In beautiful ladies, the adductor muscle of the thigh is more developed, and in men, its front surface.

But do you know what is most important? The main thing is to enjoy stretching! The twine is a wonderful goal, but not everyone achieves it, and sometimes, striving for it, only hurts himself. Therefore, stretch not for the sake of the result, but for the sake of the process itself, pleasant fatigue and good mood.


In general, it is allowed to sit on the twine for everyone who does not have pathological changes in lumbar spine, recent surgeries and injuries. Older people should be more careful when stretching than adolescents. As for the question of whether men can stretch in this way, there are no more restrictions here than for women. Stretch your health, but wisely!

Well, it seems to me that now you have a better idea of ​​how to do splits at home and I hope you believe that it is quite affordable and easy. I wish you success and beautiful splits! Good luck!

How quickly to do the split? Stretching at home.

Any kind of sport is great achievements, efforts on oneself and hard training... It is necessary to set a goal for yourself and go to the end - to achieve it.

Leg-split- This is a sports position, for which a certain elasticity of tissues and joints is required.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to prepare for 20 minutes daily.

If with free time problem, then you can do special exercises in one day.
In this case, you may not succeed for a short time do the splits.

Beginners need more time to practice themselves, and

it is enough for athletes to stretch the muscles for 10 minutes and they can immediately sit down in a position.

Splits: how to quickly sit on the splits?

  • Only a person himself can force himself to do classes and become better and more beautiful.
  • The key to success is a clearly set attitude for oneself and an awareness of the upcoming loads that need to be overcome.
  • This is the only way to easily and quickly sit on the twine.

How to quickly sit on the twine?

This question is often asked by novice athletes and those people who do not know how much effort must be made to achieve the goal.

Important: Correctly assess your physical capabilities. No need to repeat for professional athletes, because they have many years of hard training behind them.

Tip: Don't do it right away challenging tasks so as not to harm your body!

Many people find it difficult to do the splits even after several months of stubborn self-training.
Each person has his own body characteristics, so something is easy for some, while others need to try to achieve good final results.

Therefore, it will not work quickly for those people who do not have good flexibility by nature.

How to sit on the twine without preparation? - Practical advice

To quickly sit on the twine, you need:

  • endure the pain
  • strive to improve results and
  • great desire
  • You should not stop half way, even if you are sure that nothing is working out and disappointment has come.

Important: When completing the assigned tasks, you may experience muscle pain - this is normal if the pain is mild. If you experience severe colic, finish the warm-up.

Remember: Tearing muscles is painful injury to be treated. Therefore, do not bring your exercises to the painful state of the tissues. Exercise should be easy and enjoyable.

How to sit on the twine without preparation?

This question is often asked by people who have never been engaged in sports exercises or they did it very rarely.

In order to have good stretch and flexibility, you need to train yourself daily, stretching at a slow pace, without sudden movements. The following practical advice will help all beginners:

Warming up is an important part of preparation..

  • Warm up the muscle tissue by doing standing jogging, jumping rope, and squats.
  • A good activity for warming up all tissues and joints is swinging straight legs in different directions.
  • Preparation exercises should be performed with a straight back.

After the warm-up begins muscle stretching- a long stage of training.

The twine is not perfect without stretching.

Important: Treat your preparation responsibly. It is necessary to spend 10 minutes warming up the fabrics and at least 5 minutes stretching.

Stretching twine - video

When a person works out at home, there is no coach next to him who can suggest and advise something in a given situation.

How to properly stretch the twine?

The video allows you to see what the position of the body should be and how long it takes to complete each task.

Video: Stretching for beginners every day / Stretching

Twine exercises - learn twine on your own, instructions

When warm-up exercises and the stretching is completed, you can start performing the training tasks for the twine.

Instructions will help you learn the twine on your own.

Remember: Perform twine tasks on a regular basis. This is the only way you will see results that will improve every day.


  • Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart.
  • Lean forward deeply while pulling your arms forward.
  • If there is mild pain, linger in this position.
  • Get up from the previous position and after a few minutes repeat the exercise again

Remember: If you have completed all the stretching tasks and started basic training, it is forbidden to sit on a chair during the break between exercises. The muscle tissue will relax and lose its elasticity. The break between classes should take place on your feet (you can lie on the floor, but not sitting down). Otherwise, you will have to repeat all the stretching training tasks again.


  • Move one leg to the side
  • The second should be bent at the knee
  • Lean to the side of your outstretched leg
  • The gap from this leg to the floor should be gradually reduced.


  • Sitting on a level surface, spread your legs to the sides
  • Place your hands on the surface in front of you.
  • Transfer the weight of your torso to your arms, lifting your pelvis off the floor and leaning forward.
  • Spread your legs to the sides, reducing the distance between the pelvis and the surface

Twine at home - how to sit correctly?

It is much easier for young children and adolescents under 18 to get good stretching.

But, if there is no natural flexibility, even a child can find it difficult to master the twine..

For many adults, it can take up to several months to master the exercises.

The level of physical fitness is of great importance. If you have practiced before athletics, dancing, basketball, volleyball, it will be much easier for you to sit on the twine on your own at home.

How to sit properly so as not to damage your muscles?

Important: Do not put hard limits on yourself. Listen to your body. If you overdo it, you increase your risk of serious injury.

  • Do the exercises until a pleasant pain appears in the tissues (the pain should be pleasant, not severe).
  • A little discomfort during class is normal.
  • Don't ask more of yourself than you can do.

ADVICE: Watch how you breathe. Breathing should be calm, even during vigorous self-training.

Splits in a day - quickly and correctly

If you have been involved in sports before, then it is really possible to do splits in a day.

The main thing in such a question is not quickly, but correctly.

Warm up the muscles, devoting 1.5-2 minutes to each exercise.

Effective exercises that will allow you to sit on the twine in one day


  • Step forward and bend your front leg 90 degrees
  • Lower the leg that was left behind the torso to the knee
  • Move your pelvis forward and stay in this position for a few seconds
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercises with the other leg.

THE EXERCISE: Alternate leg stretch.

  • Sit on the floor
  • bend your knee so that it is between your hands
  • The other leg should be straight and behind.
  • Bend forward, pressing against the leg as much as possible, lowering your head


  • Get on your knees and straighten one leg in front of you
  • Place your hands on your thigh and bend forward.
  • When bending down, lock your body for a few seconds.


  • Place the body on the floor on your back.
  • One leg should be bent at the knee, and lift the other up and wrap your arms around you, pulling it towards you.
  • Do 10 of these approaches, and
  • Repeat this exercise with the other leg.

I sat down on a twine, my muscles ache - what to do?

Every person has the opportunity to achieve success. You should not start training if there are any injuries to muscles and bones, as well as after past injuries of the spine. It is forbidden to train if increased blood pressure or there are cracks in the bones.

Remember: It is important not to harm yourself and your body, so that later you do not fight the consequences of improper training.

It often happens that a girl sat down on a twine and her muscles ache. What to do in this case, and how to relieve pain?

  • A good pain reliever should be drunk
  • If there are no medicines at hand, it will help hot tub, albeit for a short period of time
  • A good remedy is a massage on a heated muscle.

Important: If you experience severe pain, see your doctor to rule out rupture of muscles and ligaments. Self-medication in this case can be dangerous.

Tip: If the pain is mild, but does not go away with pain relievers, see your doctor.

If the exercises are not performed correctly, pinching occurs sciatic nerve, which causes pain in the form of lumbago. Symptoms of this disease are severe pain in the perineum.

Longitudinal and transverse twine - photo

The twine can be performed in two versions - longitudinal and transverse. If you were able to perform a transverse view, this does not mean that you can also easily make a longitudinal twine. In the photo you can see how both twine options should look correctly performed.

Home stretching - how to sit on a longitudinal and transverse twine?

The toes turned up body stance is a simple cross twine variation. If you are new to the sport, do this type of split. A long and persistent home stretch will help you sit on a longitudinal and transverse twine.

The main rule in development flexible body- "do not rush". Flexibility and stretch builds up over time. The less you rush, the better and more stable the result will be.

How to do a split in 10 minutes?

This question is often asked by beginners who do not understand that it is possible to sit on the twine after stubborn training for a long period of time.

You can do a split in 10 minutes if you train for half an hour a day for a certain period of time, doing stretching and flexibility exercises. After a year or two, you will be able to do the twine in 10 minutes, and with constant training for several years, you will be able to do the twine net immediately after a short warm-up.

Stretching for beginners, twine for beginners - advice and feedback

As mentioned above, a successful split is based on good muscle elasticity. You need to work on it, improving and developing muscles. Stretching for beginners and twine for beginners can be performed if there are no contraindications - injuries bone tissue and joints and various inflammatory processes.

Our advice and feedback will help you do all your stretching and flexibility tasks correctly, and help you avoid injury. If injuries do occur, see a doctor.

It is worth highlighting such tips from professionals that will help achieve good results:

  • Pay attention to your breathing. It should be measured. Control your breathing during all exercises
  • Slowness - nice results when stretching. All flexibility and stretching exercises should be done slowly. Sudden movements can lead to injuries and sprains
  • Containment of negative emotions. During training, something may not work. You don't need to be angry even if it hurts. Get some rest and start over
  • Light dinner. Avoid eating meat at night or before training. This reduces the elasticity of the muscles. A light snack will help you feel light during difficult exercises.

Set achievable goals for yourself. Act harmoniously by completing all tasks in sequence. Warm up your muscles well before training and do not seek to gain quick result... If you experience severe pain, stop exercising and see your doctor. Watch your diet, exercise - it will be easier to achieve desired results when doing twine. Good luck!

Video: How do the splits?

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