2 world winter war games results. World War Winter Games

Today, February 17, 2017 in anticipation of III winter World Games in the ski and biathlon complex "Laura" (Sochi) an open training session of the members of the national team of the Armed Forces was held Russian Federation in biathlon.

During the training session, key members of the national team demonstrated their strength and training: European champion ensign Eduard Latypov, world champion in summer biathlon warrant officer Petr Pashchenko, world champion in summer biathlon warrant officer Galina Nechkasova, European champion junior sergeant Anastasia Zagoruiko, European champion junior sergeant Ulyana Kaisheva. Athletes train under the supervision of CSKA winter sports coach Lieutenant Viktor Vasiliev.

After February 19, four more members of the Russian national team will join the Russian Armed Forces biathlon team, who now defend the honor of our country at the World Championships in Hochfilzen in Austria: ensigns Anton Babikov, Matvey Eliseev, Maxim Tsvetkov and junior sergeant Tatyana Akimova.

As part of the event, Viktor Vasiliev spoke about the features of such complex type sports such as biathlon, preparation of athletes for the III Winter World War Games, the rules for holding biathlon competitions at the upcoming Games.

For the first time in the history of the Winter World War Games, three disciplines will be presented in the biathlon competition program: mixed relay, the sprint race (7.5 km for women, 10 km for men) and the patrol race (15 km for women, 20 km for men).

« We study in the morning and in the evening, we get used toTo ski track and we train inshooting. At the "Rose-Khutor" you can meet very different weather conditions. There may be fog and clear weather, so we try to practice in a variety of conditions so that there are no misses due to meteorological changes, and everything depended only on our own skill ",- said the European champion ensign Eduard Latypov .

From 22 to 28 February 2017, the III Winter World War Games will be held in Sochi, within the framework of which climbing competitions will be held.

70 athletes from Russia, Spain, Belgium, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland and Kazakhstan will take part in the competition. Competitions will be held at a 15-meter climbing wall located in the Bolshoi Sports Palace (http://cismsochi2017.ru/sports/sport-climbing/#not-set:all).

The CSKA national team for the upcoming tournament included:

Dmitry Sharafutdinov ( Sverdlovsk region) - 3-time world champion (2007, 2011, 2012) in bouldering, world champion (2007) and Europe (2013) in all-around,
Anna Tsyganova (Krasnoyarsk Territory) - world champion (2016) and Europe (2013) in speed,
Olga Yakovleva ( Samara Region) - silver medalist of the World Championship (2012) in bouldering,
Dmitry Fakiryanov (Sverdlovsk region) - silver medalist of the World Cup (2016) in Xiamen in difficulty,
Tatyana Shemulinkina (Samara region) - bronze medalist of the World Cup (2007) in Sofia in bouldering,
Daria Kan (Bashkortostan) - 3-time winner of the world championships (2013, 2014, 2016) in speed,
Vladislav Myznikov (Chelyabinsk region) - the winner of the world championship (2013) in speed,
Sergey Luzhetsky (Sverdlovsk region) - silver medalist of the world championships (2010, 2012, 2014) in speed,
Arman Ter-Minasyan (Moscow) - silver medalist of the world championships (2006) in difficulty and (2009) in speed,
Evgenia Malamid (Voronezh region) - 5-time champion of Russia (2003, 2009, 20110, 2011, 2012) in difficulty,
Evgenia Lapshina (Sverdlovsk Region) - 3-time winner of the European Youth Cup stages (2012) in difficulty and (2014) in speed,
Vadim Timonov (St. Petersburg) - bronze medalist of the Russian Cup (2015) in bouldering.

The reserve composition of the CSKA team included:

Maria Musienko (Krasnoyarsk Territory) - bronze medalist of the European Championship (2016) in the all-around,
Evgeny Zazulin (Kaliningrad Region) - 3-time winner of the stages of the European Youth Cup (2006, 2008) in difficulty,
Sergey Skorodumov (St. Petersburg) - silver medalist of the Russian bouldering championship (2016).

Russian climbers made their debut at the Winter World War Games in March 2013 in Annecy, France. Four years ago, our athletes won six medals. In difficulty, Evgenia Malamid won, the third was Yana Churikova (Chereshneva). In bouldering, Malamid finished in second place, and in speed the entire women's podium turned out to be Russian: Churikova won, Alina Gaidamakina was second, Malamid was third.

Eight sets of awards will be played in Sochi: two in bouldering, difficulty and two types of speed (on the standard and in the classics).


February 24 (Friday)
11:00 - 12:30 Difficulty. Qualification. Women.
13:30 - 16:30. Difficulty. Qualification. Men.

February 25 (Saturday)
11:00 - 14:00. Difficulty. Semifinal. Men, women.
20:30. Difficulty (duel). The final. Men.
21:20. Difficulty (duel). The final. Women.

February 26 (Sunday)
10:00 - 14:00. Bouldering. Qualification. Men, women.
20:30 - 22:30. Bouldering. The final. Men, women.
22:30. Award Ceremony.

February 27 (Monday)
10:30 - 12:00 Speed. Classic format. Qualification. Men, women.
12:30 - 13:30. Speed. Classic format. Final round. Men, women.
15:30 - 16:30. Speed. Record format. Qualification. Men, women.
16:30 - 17:30. Speed. Record format. Final round. Men, women.
20:00. Award Ceremony.


Especially for the III Winter World War Games, a unique complex of climbing walls was assembled, which has the most high level complexity of tracks among similar Russian structures. The height of the structure is 15 meters, width - 12 meters, overhanging the base - 7 meters, the deviation is about 30 degrees.

This particular climbing wall has already gone to Sochi on 15 trucks to be installed in the Bolshoi Sports Palace, where climbing competitions will take place from February 24 to 27 within the framework of the III Winter World War Games.

For fans and spectators, tickets are FREE (after registration).
REGISTER (https://prclimbing.timepad.ru/event/447347/)!

Official website of the III Winter World War Games - http://cismsochi2017.ru/

Organizers: Central sport Club Army (CSKA), Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

FSR partners: Red Fox, DoorHan, Skalodrom.Ru. Team preparation partners - climbing center BigWall, Limestone climbing wall.

Alexey SERGUNIN, press service of the FSR

On Friday, the first meeting of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the III Winter World Military Games 2017 in Sochi was held at the National Defense Management Center of the country under the leadership of the head of the military department Sergei Shoigu.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Photo: Vadim Savitsky

The work plan of the Organizing Committee and the main activities for the preparation and holding of the Games were approved there. Opening the meeting, the Minister of Defense recalled that Russia won the right to host the III Winter Military World Games in 2017 on May 22, 2015 in Kuwait at the 70th General Assembly of the International Council of Military Sports (CISM - Conseil International du Sport Militaire). They will be held in Sochi from 22 to 28 February. Solemn ceremony The opening of the Games will take place on February 23 and will be timed to coincide with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

According to Sergei Shoigu, the program includes biathlon competitions, alpine skiing, ski race, rock climbing, ski mountaineering, orienteering skiing and short track.

"In accordance with the Charter of the International Council of Military Sports, 134 member countries of this organization will be sent invitations in April. By order of the Russian government, an Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the competition was formed. It included representatives of the Ministry of Defense, other federal executive bodies and Federation, "- explained the head of the military department.

He drew Special attention that Russia will host such competitions for the first time. "We, as they say, cannot lose face, we must confirm the high sporting authority of our country and its Armed Forces... In addition, in a difficult international situation, the Games acquire special significance for strengthening trust and partnership between states, "the head of the military department emphasized. Shoigu set the task for all officials involved in the preparation and conduct of the Games to responsibly approach the implementation of the plans and given instructions.

"Everything preparatory work it is necessary to carry out it efficiently and on time, "the minister demanded.

As a reminder, more than 4,000 athletes from 60 countries will take part in the Games. 50 sets of awards will be played in personal and team competition... Sergey Shoigu was the initiator of the Games at the Olympic venues in Sochi. And the main organizer of their training was the Central Sports Club of the Army. Competitions will be held at the Olympic sports facilities in the coastal and mountainous clusters of Sochi. It is planned to use the Bolshoi Ice Palace for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games, as well as for rock climbing competitions. winter sports"Iceberg" for short track competitions, Sports complex"Laura" for cross-country skiing, biathlon and orienteering on skis, Ski Center "Rosa Khutor" for skiers and ski-climbers. The World War Winter Games do not have such a long and rich history as the summer ones. The first Winter Games were held in 2010 in Aosta, Italy. The second - in 2013 in the French Annecy, then about 1000 athletes from 40 countries competed in eight sports. The competition was attended by best athletes national teams who are also military personnel, including Swiss Dario Cologna, German Evi Sachenbacher-Stele (cross-country skiing), Frenchman Martin Fourcade, Norwegian Lars Berger (biathlon), Italian Ariana Fontana (short track) and many others.

Now the International Council for Military Sports (SIZM) unites 134 countries and is the largest sports organization after the International Olympic Committee and International Federation student sports. The head coach, head of the CSKA winter sports team, two-time Olympic champion in Sochi, Major Alexander Zubkov, is in charge of the preparation of the Russian national team. The best CSKA athletes, military personnel are included in the team sports mouth(there are 20 percent of them in the team now).

On the eve of the Games, a number of events are planned that will impress sports fans both in Russia and abroad. For example, a military sports torch relay is planned by analogy with the Olympic torch relay. Its route will pass through large military garrisons and cities of the country, in which branches and sports centers CSKA. Famous athletes, the most distinguished servicemen and public figures will become torchbearers. In front of the building of the Ministry of Defense and on the main squares of the mountain and coastal clusters of Sochi, it is proposed to install a stylized clock with a countdown 100 days before the start of the competition.

There is also an intention to coincide with the Games a sea voyage of the famous ocean-class yachts "Adventure" (donated by Prince Charles for the 300th anniversary of the Baltic Fleet) and "Orion" (a trophy from the Second World War), which are in the CSKA squadron. In the period from June 12, 2016 to February 23, 2017, it is planned to organize, together with the Russian Geographical Society, the "Adventure" passage from the water area of ​​the Gulf of Finland of St. Petersburg along the inland waterway to Sochi, accompanied by auxiliary vessels. The best athletes from among the cadets of higher military educational institutions of the Navy will become crew members. Along the route in the cities of Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, events will be held to popularize the III Winter World War Games. Orion will join Adventure in Sevastopol. The yachts will proceed to Novorossiysk, where they will take on board a torch-bearer of military sports fire and continue their journey to Sochi.

Also in ceremonial events and festive provision sporting events CSKA helicopter aerobatic team ( recognized leader world aviation sports) and army paratroopers. At the previous Winter World Military Games in 2010 in Aosta (Italy) and 2013 in Annecy (France), the Russian national team did not rise above the fourth place. Considering that Russian athletes will perform in their native walls, in places of Olympic sports glory, there is no doubt that they will do their best to please their fans loud victories, with record results, to become the first in the team classification.

TASS-DOSSIER. On February 24, the III Winter World War Games will start in Sochi. The first official training sessions will begin on 23 February within the framework of the Games.

The World War Games is a summer and winter sports competition among military athletes.

The World War Games are held under the auspices of the International Council for Military Sports (Conseil International du Sport Militaire, CISM; SIZM). The organization was founded on February 18, 1948. Its first members were Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France. The stated aim of the SIZM is "to promote the international peace process by establishing close and permanent ties between the armed forces different countries in the field of sports and physical education ".

Currently, 135 states are members of the SIZM (Russia joined in 1992). The headquarters of the organization is located in Brussels. The President of the SIZM is Colonel Abdulhakim Al-Shino (Bahrain), the Secretary General is Colonel Dorah Mambi Koita (Guinea).

Since the early 1950s. SIZM organizes the largest sporting events for military athletes, including continental and world championships as Olympic sports sports, and military applied (military pentathlon, naval pentathlon, etc.).

Since 1995, SIZM has been holding the most ambitious events in this area - the World War Games.

To date, six Summer World War Games have taken place: 1995 (Rome, Italy), 1999 (Zagreb, Croatia), 2003 (Catania, Italy), 2007 (Hyderabad, India), 2011 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and 2015 (Mungen, South Korea) years. The Russian national team four times - in 1995, 1999, 2007 and 2015. - excelled in the unofficial medal standings. In 2011, the domestic team did not participate in the competition. Also to date, the Winter World War Games have been held twice.

Winter World War Games

The 1st Winter World War Games were held on March 20-25, 2010 in Valle d'Aosta (Italy). 800 athletes from 43 countries took part in the competition. Their program included six sports: alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, rock climbing , short track and ski orienteering. The first place in the unofficial team event was taken by representatives of the Italian Armed Forces (16 awards; 6 gold, 3 silver and 7 bronze), the second - by representatives of the French Armed Forces (12; 6-2-4), the third - representatives of the Chinese Armed Forces (10; 3-7-0). The Russians are on the fourth line (6; 3-2-1).

The II Winter World War Games were held on March 25-29, 2013 in Annecy (France). They were attended by about 1,000 people from 40 countries. The program of the games included seven sports: ski mountaineering (a sport that combines skiing and a kind of cross-country skiing). The first place in the unofficial team event was taken by the representatives of the French Armed Forces (30; 12-7-11), the second - by the representatives of the Italian Armed Forces (24; 11-10-3), the third - by the representatives of the Swiss Armed Forces (11; 5-3-3). The Russians finished the competition again in fourth position (11; 4-5-2).

Winter World War Games 2017

The decision to hold the III Winter World Military Games in Sochi was made on May 22, 2015 in Kuwait at the 70th General Assembly of the International Military Sports Council. In accordance with the order of the government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2015, the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the Games was created. Its chairman is the Hero of Russia, Defense Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu.

About 1,000 athletes from 27 countries (including Germany, China, France, Turkey, South Korea, Italy, etc.) will take part in the competition. 550 volunteers are involved in organizing the Games.

The Russian national team includes 59 athletes. Among them are the world champion in biathlon Maxim Tsvetkov, the winner of the World Cup in alpine skiing Alexander Khoroshilov, the bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in cross-country skiing Nikolai Morilov, the bronze medalist of the World Short Track Speed ​​Skating Championship Sofya Prosvirnova, and others.

The competition program includes seven sports: biathlon, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, ski mountaineering, short track, rock climbing and ski orienteering. 44 sets of awards will be played.

The opening and closing ceremonies of the Games will take place at the Ice Cube multifunctional arena. Rock climbing competitions will be held in the Bolshoi Sports Palace, short track competitions - in ice palace"Iceberg", in alpine skiing and ski mountaineering - in the ski center "Rosa Khutor". Biathlon, cross-country skiing and ski orienteering will be hosted by the Laura ski and biathlon complex.

The Ambassadors of the Games are: Olympic champion pole vaulting Elena Isinbaeva, two-time Olympic champion in diving Dmitry Sautin, two-time Olympic champion in biathlon Svetlana Ishmuratova, Olympic champion in fencing Sophia Velikaya, sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev, People's Artist of the RSFSR Nikita Mikhalkov and others.

From 11 to 13 February, the fire of the III Winter World War Games was lit on the territories of five military districts of the Russian Federation. The ceremonies took place: in the village of Yantarny in the Kaliningrad region, in a Sami village in the Murmansk region, in Kabardino-Balkaria at the top of Elbrus, in the Chelyabinsk region at the Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant, at the Lopatinsky lighthouse in the city of Nevelsk, Sakhalin region.

Within the framework of the Games, a torch relay was organized for the first time. The ceremony of uniting the fire of the World War Games will take place on February 23 at the State Kremlin Palace during a festive concert dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. After that, the fire will be sent to Sochi, where on the evening of February 24 in Olympic Park will pass final stage relay races in 2017 m and the official opening ceremony of the Games.

On February 20, the presentation of the Games medals took place at the site of the TASS news agency. Within the framework of the event, the uniform of the Russian national team was also presented.

The leopard was chosen as the mascot of the Games, symbolizing strength and courage.

On May 22, 2015 in Kuwait, at the 70th General Assembly of the International Council of Military Sports (CISM), Sochi gave up another Olympics, which will take place exactly three years after the landmark (but already tainted by doping history) Games in 2014. From 22 to 28 February 2017, in the resort city, the World Winter Military Games is an analogue of the real Olympic Games, but exclusively for the military.

SCAPP understands what these games are and what to expect from them.

World War Games are Olympic Games among the active military personnel. By analogy with the Olympics, there are winter war games and summer ones. At the same time, participating countries often exhibit professional athletes who are listed in the armed forces, but are actually exempted from valid military service(serve one month a year for 10 - 12 years). For example, in the entire history of the winter military games such famous athletes like Martin Fourcade, Ariana Fontana, Dario Cologna, Evi Zachenbacher-Stele and Natalia Korosteleva.

Throughout history?

Do they have a story?

Yes. The first (summer) games took place in 1995 in Rome and were dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. As for the winter games, they began to be held much later: the first competitions were held in March 2010 in the Italian city of Aosta. Then athletes from 43 countries took part in the games.

  • 1995 - Rome, Italy
  • 1999 - Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2003 - Catania, Italy
  • 2007 - Hyderabad, India
  • 2010 (winter) - Aosta, Italy
  • 2011 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2013 (winter) - Annecy, France
  • 2015 - Mungyeong, Republic of Korea


Who is the organizer? IOC?

No, the International Olympic Committee has nothing to do with it. Organizer - CISM - International Council of Military Sports. The organization was founded in 1948 in Nice, France and now unites 134 countries. It is considered one of the largest international sports organizations, second in size only to the International the Olympic Committee and the International sports federation universities. By the way, CISM is officially recognized by the IOC and the UN.


So there will be hockey at the games, figure skating and so on?

No. And although the sports included in the competition program sometimes change, figure skating and hockey are not held as part of the war games. For example, the program of the Winter Military Games in Sochi-2017 includes 8 sports:

  • Biathlon
  • Ski race
  • Skiing
  • Orienteering skiing
  • Ski mountaineering
  • Patrol Race
  • Indoor sport climbing
  • Short track

It's clear

And how do our people perform there at these war games?

Better than the Olympic team. Russian team participated in all summer games(except for 2011, when Russia refused to participate), where it took a confident first team-wide place (not counting 2003, when they surpassed China in the total number of medals, but lost in gold). And in 2015, the Russian national team generally established absolute record Summer War Games, winning a total of 135 medals (of which 59 are gold). If in summer we have no problems, then with the winter games the situation is worse: both times (in 2010 and in 2013) - 4th place.

What will happen in Sochi?

And where will all this go?

The III World Winter War Games will be held in Sochi from 22 to 28 February 2017. It is planned that more than 4,000 athletes from 60 countries will take part in the competition, who will compete for 44 sets of medals. For comparison, the last winter Games 850 athletes from 40 countries came to Annecy.

The opening ceremony will take place on February 23 (yes, on Defender of the Fatherland Day) at the Bolshoi Ice Palace. For the sports part, Olympic facilities will be involved: the Bolshoi Ice Palace (sport climbing), Iceberg Winter Sports Palace (short track), GTZ Gazprom (cross-country skiing, biathlon and ski orienteering), Rosa Khutor Group of Companies "(Alpine skiing and ski mountaineering). The closing ceremony of the Games will take place on February 27 at the Bolshoi Ice Palace.

In addition, a military sports torch relay is planned (again by analogy with the Olympic flame), the installation of a countdown clock before the start of the competition (in the main city squares) and the participation of the CSKA helicopter aerobatic team.

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