Climbing wall on the street. Adult climbing school

Mountaineering is one of the types of extreme sports, the purpose of which is to climb mountain peaks. Mountaineering originated in 1784, when Mont Blanc, the highest point of the Alps, was first conquered. When mountaineering, you have to overcome various natural obstacles: rivers, rocks, snow, icefalls, glaciers and much more ... And you can learn the basics of mountaineering by visiting a mountaineering club.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the section Mountaineering and climbing for adults in Moscow

This section presents mountaineering and rock climbing sections, climbing clubs and schools for adults. The search for a suitable place for mountaineering and rock climbing can be carried out directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations... You can choose the suitable sports section near your home and work. For each of the sports sections are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions for the subsequent registration of men and women for mountaineering, rock climbing in Moscow.

We often deny ourselves to discover something new. We live in a "vegetable" work-home mode. It's time to do something for yourself!

We have already talked a little about, now it's time to talk about climbing walls!

How to spend an exciting time "at the height"?

Introducing a selection climbing walls in Moscow! Almost every climbing club allows you to try yourself not only on the classic climbing walls, but also to find out what it is bouldering.

Bouldering is a type of rock climbing that uses short, challenging routes. The passage time is 5-6 minutes. The name originates from the English " boulder", Which means" boulder "in translation. For bouldering, low walls are used, about 4-5 meters. This type of rock climbing is quite popular and competes with conventional slopes.

Each center has instructors and the necessary equipment, so everyone can try!

Climbing wall RedPoint

Climbing wall Redpoint unique in its kind, construction "arch"(the only one on the territory of Moscow) allows you to make interesting and exciting routes! The height of the climbing wall is 12.5 meters.

A nice bonus: the climbing wall has comfortable changing rooms with saunas, and the cost of the sauna is included in the ticket price for the climbing wall!

Where: metro Savelovskaya, Vyatskaya street, 27, bldg. 12.

When: weekdays from 9:00 to 23:00, weekends from 10:00 to 22:00.

Climbing Center "Big Wall"

The center has everything to learn how to conquer the highest peaks: a large climbing wall (13.5 meters) with a variety of slopes and slopes for every taste, a real rock with cracks, the relief and texture of which accurately reproduce the real rocks of Bulgaria, beautiful bouldering hall(short difficult tracks).

Where: metro Savelovskaya, st. Paper passage, 19, bldg. 1.

When: weekdays 08.00 - 22.30, weekends 10.00-22.30.

Rock-climbing center "Rock Zone"

"Rock Zone" is bouldering center(short runs). Today, the bouldering hall of the RockZona climbing center is the most Big hall in Moscow, with an area of ​​600 sq. meters.

Where: Kolomenskaya metro station, Andropova Ave., 22.

When: weekdays from 15:00 to 23:00, weekends from 10:00 to 23:00.


The main direction of Scalatoria is bouldering(short runs), however 400 sq.m. climbing walls provide an opportunity to master all kinds of rock climbing... More than 50 tracks will be available to you.

In Scalatoria you will find moonboard(moon board) - special simulator, on which the strongest athletes in the world train!

Where: metro Paveletskaya, st. Letnikovskaya, 4, building 2.

When: Mon, Fri from 15.00 to 23.00, Tue, Wed, Thu from 8.00 to 23.00, weekends from 10.00 to 22.00.

Palace climbing club children's sports

One of the largest climbing walls in Moscow, includes a large number of tracks for different levels of training. There is bouldering hall(short difficult tracks). You can pay for a one-time visit or take a course of classes under the guidance of highly qualified trainers, study individually or in a group.

Where: metro Ilyich Square, Rimskaya, st. Rabochaya, d. 53.
When: weekdays from 18.00 to 22.00, weekends from 11.00 to 21.00.

Bauman climbing wall

Includes large, small climbing walls and a bouldering hall (short difficult tracks). At your choice - lessons with a coach, individually or in a group at a climbing school.

You can purchase a monthly subscription or pay for a one-time visit. The climbing wall attracts democratic prices!

Where: metro station Elektrozavodskaya, Hospitalnaya embankment, building 2/4, 4th floor.

When: weekdays from 18:30 to 21:30.

Rock city

Rock City allows you to choose a track from a large number (about a hundred) of varying degrees of difficulty. A climbing school for adults and children has been opened.

Climbing stand with a height of 12 meters and an area of ​​437 sq. meters. All conditions for active recreation have been created for you!

The climbing wall is a kind of "simulator" of mountainous terrain in an urban setting, where you can practice rock climbing. In Moscow, there is a wide selection of climbing walls for children and adults with different sizes and heights. On any convenient day of the week, you can visit one of these centers: there are walls with reliefs of varying complexity - both for beginners and for those who practice professionally.

It is better to start climbing in specially prepared centers. Professional trainers will help you master the basics of safety and teach you the necessary techniques. Full list climbing walls in Moscow is presented on the site, with addresses, photos and ratings based on customer reviews.

The advantages of climbing walls

Climbing gyms - great option not only for those who want to have fun free time but also to develop flexibility, strength and dexterity. There are climbing walls for children and adults, in which the heights of the walls and bindings are calculated taking into account the height and weight of the client. In such centers, a security system has been thought out and special sites have been created where you can try different types rock climbing.

Many large climbing walls have shops where you can buy everything. necessary equipment for self-study outdoors. A visit to a climbing room is beneficial for children of all ages and adults, it has a positive effect on the body as a whole and helps to develop all muscle groups.

I hope this article will help you understand what rock climbing is, what types of rock climbing are, where to start, how and where to practice in Moscow and what equipment you need.

Wikipedia defines rock climbing as “ a kind of sport and kind of active recreation, which consists in climbing on natural (rocks) or artificial (climbing wall) terrain. Having originated as a kind of mountaineering, rock climbing is now an independent sport ".

Nowadays rock climbing is not so much the lot of strange bearded extreme sportsmen with a heavy backpack on their backs, staggering for weeks somewhere in the mountains, as a very beautiful, graceful, elegant and, one might say, intellectual kind of "sport".

The word "sport" is deliberately put in quotation marks.

Climbing is not only a sport with its required attributes- competitions, but also simple great way keep yourself in shape.

Look at a climber - the body's tightness, strong muscles, shine in the eyes and excellent mood are immediately evident!

Due to its peculiarities, such as a wide range of movements, the ability to accurately regulate the volume of the load and its intensity, one can really say that climbing is "of all ages."

Climbing can be practiced from an early age, literally from 4 years old and continue to actively climb until….

But the upper limit simply does not exist!

Climbing is a lifelong practice! And it will be a truly amazing life, full of aspiration, movement, improvement, defeat, victory, adventure and travel!

Rock climbing is a great alternative to fitness.

Climbing develops all 5 physical qualities human - strength, endurance, flexibility, agility and speed.

Of course, climbing is not bodybuilding, and you should not expect to build large muscle mass with climbing.

Rock climbing, especially on initial stage, it is, first of all, coordination, grace, smoothness and economy of movements.

In addition to physical qualities, the ability to think tactically, quickly make decisions in difficult situations, helps in the fight against fears.

In children, rock climbing develops a sense of responsibility, communication skills.

Climbing is practiced on artificial (rock climbing walls) and natural (real rocks) terrain.

For myself, I found perfect formula: A climbing wall is a training facility, rock climbing is a goal.

Each person, of course, has their own ideal formula.

Someone prefers a climbing wall in the "fitness" mode, someone sees themselves in competitions, and someone loves to travel and climb real rocks ...

Every formula, every idea has a right to exist.

I will say more, all this can be combined!

For example, our Club regularly conducts climbing training, participates in various climbing competitions and organizes rock climbing trips around the world. Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey and even Australia - this is not a complete list of places that we love to visit.

Very often I am asked the question: "How much do you need to practice to go to the rocks?"

My answer: "Not at all :-)"

Indeed, in almost all climbing areas there is an opportunity for beginners to practice.

In order to feel more confident on the road, I recommend that you master the methods of belaying in advance, get acquainted with the equipment, and do a little workout at the climbing wall.

Climbing types (according to the method of organizing insurance)

Sport climbing.

The word "sport" in the name of this type of rock climbing does not mean a compulsory attitude to the sport (competitions, titles, etc.), but only that all belay points are set in advance (by the builders of the climbing wall or by the preparers on a real rock). At the same time, the insurance points are as reliable as possible and are located so that in the event of a breakdown, the likelihood of injury is minimal.

To practice this type of rock climbing, you need a minimum amount of equipment.

On climbing walls and on specially prepared rocks, it is almost always sports climbing that is practiced.

Traditional rock climbing.

When practicing traditional rock climbing, the entire arsenal of equipment is used to organize insurance, which is used in mountaineering to overcome rocky terrain: hooks, embedded elements, friends, etc.

It takes a lot of experience to work reliably and quickly with all this equipment.

Types of rock climbing (in sports - "disciplines")


The length of the routes is usually from 10 to 40 meters.

The belay is carried out by a partner using a rope.

In the competition in the discipline "difficulty", the winner is the one who managed to climb the track the farthest.

The routes for the competition are always different and are prepared just before the start of the competition.

The word bouldering comes from the word "boulder". Indeed, on natural terrain, bouldering is climbing boulders. Rope is not used in bouldering; special portable mats are used for insurance.
Climbing bouldering on a climbing wall means climbing short (4-10 movements) and extremely difficult routes. Gymnastics mats (stationary and / or portable) are also used as insurance.


Competitive discipline.

The challenge for the athlete is to climb the track faster than anyone.

There are two types of speed competition: "classic" and "reference".

When conducting the "classic speed", athletes compete on an uncomplicated, but previously unknown track.

The “reference speed” is the reference because the track is known in advance. There is a diagram of this route, all its parameters are known.

You can build it in your country house and train.

Despite the fact that this format of climbing (at speed) is more related to competition, accelerated climbing is often used as a training tool, even among those who do not compete in this discipline.

How to start climbing?

Step 1. Find the climbing wall closest to you (your place of residence, place of work).

Climbing walls are three types:

Boulder halls.

These are usually low bouldering halls. Rope belay is not used when bouldering, gymnastic mats are used as a safety device.

In the halls, these are stationary mats, they usually occupy the entire floor area next to the climbing surfaces.


Mixed halls.

As the name suggests, such a climbing wall can be used for bouldering and climbing "difficulty" ie. with a rope.

We train mainly at the Redpoint climbing wall, which is located within walking distance (7 minutes) from metro Savyolovskaya.

Step 2. Choose a trainer.

Each climbing wall has its own full-time trainers, as well as various sections who conduct classes.

Usually, both the sections and climbing walls provide organized classes for beginners.

In our Club every day (in accordance with the schedule of the Club), classes are held with newcomers.

Our beginner classes are always by appointment.

For a more effective and high-quality introductory lesson, we limit the number of beginners with whom 1 coach can train.

Can I climb without a coach? Sure! For rope climbing you need a partner, but you can boulde yourself.

It is also necessary to know, understand and observe safety precautions when practicing rock climbing.

If something is not clear to you about the safety precautions, check with the climbing gym instructor on duty. Safety comes first!

Prices for rock climbing lessons.

The cost of services depends on the climbing wall and its pricing policy.

The cost of visiting a climbing wall in Moscow for self-study in evening time is about 500-700 rubles.
At the Arena climbing wall for our students, the entrance fee is 350 rubles, and at the Redpoint climbing wall - 380 rubles.

Lesson with a trainer in a group from 1000 rubles.

See for yourself:

Using ropes - is free.

The use of fall arrest systems - is free.

Using belay devices - is free!

Why is that?

Our goal is not just making money, our mission is to show the world of rock climbing. it wonderful world... And we teach to be in this world, to be realized in it ... We pass on all our knowledge and skills ...

Yes, this is our job. But this is our life ... and we have been living this life for many years.

Step 3. Purchase climbing equipment.

Climbing equipment:

1. Rock shoes.

2. Climbing belay system.

3. Carabiner and belay device.

4. Bag with magnesium.

A harness and harness are not required for bouldering.

For your first lesson, of course, you don't need to buy anything.

Everything can be rented.

In our Club in the first lesson, all equipment is issued free of charge.

But if you do rock climbing on a regular basis, you cannot do without buying equipment.

And in the first place will be climbing shoes. This is the most important purchase.

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