Why do older people have bent legs? O-shaped legs

Crooked legs in children always cause concern for parents. When is their unevenness a temporary phenomenon and a physiological norm, and when should urgent action be taken?

Features of the baby skeleton

The child, being in the womb, is located there very compactly. His legs are drawn to the body and slightly arched in an arc. Therefore, the first time after birth, the lower limbs of the newborn still keep a similar shape, gradually straightening as the muscle tone decreases.

In a healthy child, crooked legs can remain for a whole year until there is sufficient strengthening of the muscles and ligaments that support the skeletal bones. lower limbs.

The correct development of the musculoskeletal system is monitored by an orthopedist during routine examinations in the first year of a baby's life.

Since the skeleton of children is very plastic, it is important to notice slight deviations from the norm in time and correct them. It is also necessary to avoid certain mistakes in caring for the baby in the first year, so as not to provoke the development of deformity and not to bend the legs of the crumbs.

If the child's legs are still crooked even after a year, be sure to visit an orthopedist.... The specialist will examine the baby and decide whether such a curvature is a physiological age norm or requires a certain correction. If a pathology is detected, it is important to immediately start treatment and follow all the recommendations of the orthopedist. After all, crooked legs in a child are not only an aesthetic problem:

  • the child's legs will be very tired;
  • the baby will suffer from heaviness and pain in the legs;
  • due to discomfort, the child will strive to limit his activities and will not walk;
  • trying to reduce pain, a child in a year may begin to place his legs incorrectly, which will lead to deformation of the knee joints and feet;
  • the child's spine takes on serious stress, which leads to defects in its formation.



If you do not notice in time and do not start treatment, this disease can deform the joints of the child. Due to the lack in the first year of life, there is a calcium deficiency in the bone tissues, which makes them malleable. The loads that the joints experience when walking deform the bones of the lower leg, and the legs of the crumbs become crooked.

But such cases are quite rare, since pediatricians prescribe the intake of drugs containing vitamin D in courses, depending on the health of the child and the time of year. If parents strictly follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician, crooked legs do not threaten their child:

  • regular walks on fresh air;
  • course intake of vitamin D during the "sunless" months (from October to May);
  • relieving muscle tone.

Early loads

Any motor skill can be learned strictly by the baby as his muscles are strengthened. All his skills are connected, follow each other, and any unprepared "advance" can lead to the fact that the legs and other joints are deformed. Many parents, striving for their child to master a certain skill on time or even earlier than their peers, encourage the baby to sit down for up to 6 months, decide to put him on his legs and encourage him to walk with support when the child is not yet ready for this. Similar exercises negatively affect the state of the skeleton and the location of the internal organs of the baby.

If you put the child on his feet and encourage him to take the first steps at 9-10 months against the background of muscular immaturity of the lower extremities, this can provoke deformation of the legs and spine.

Therefore, it is important to observe the basic rule: any new movements in the first year, the baby must make himself.

The child must sit down on his own and take the first steps, and no matter how many months this event occurs. Your task is with the help of certain exercises to strengthen the muscles of the crumbs as best as possible so that he can do everything himself.

Excess weight

Excess weight not only slightly slows down the pace of mastering certain skills by the baby, but can also lead to the curvature of his legs. Pediatricians, as a rule, strictly monitor the weight gain of children, and give recommendations on the diet so that the child's weight can be corrected in time and brought to normal.

Toddlers with overweight it is not recommended to stand on the legs even independently, since a large mass will affect the plastic bones of the lower leg and lead them to deformation.

Moreover, such babies should not be put at the support ahead of time.

You should strengthen your child's muscles as much as possible in the months leading up to standing up and talk to your pediatrician about taking calcium supplements for further strengthening bones.


Sometimes crooked legs are hereditary. If the physiological deformation does not go away even in a year, and you or your relatives have lower limbs with a "wheel" or "X", then it is likely that the child could have received them "by inheritance."

Influence of shoes

Uncomfortable or tight shoes can negatively affect gait. one year old child... He will try to put his legs in such a way that he is more comfortable, but this can lead to deformation and curvature of the joints. To avoid such a pathology, you should choose a crumb at any age with a hard back, a small heel and an instep support. Do not put on someone else's shoes, as they have taken the shape of another child's leg and will negatively affect the development of your baby's foot.


Hip dysplasia is a congenital pathology that is diagnosed in a newborn either in a maternity hospital or during the first routine examination by an orthopedist. It occurs due to vitamin deficiency, stress, bad habits, hormonal disruptions, or previous diseases during pregnancy. The disease is very serious and is characterized not only by the fact that the child has crooked legs. Improper joint placement affects internal organs crumbs, and makes movements very painful. The treatment of dysplasia is delayed for several months and must be carried out strictly according to the recommendations of the orthopedist.

Legs "wheel" as a result of spasm of the ligaments

In a child a year, the curvature of the legs by the "wheel" is most often noted. It is associated with immaturity or abnormal development of the knee joint. The ligaments on the outside are very stretched, and on the inside, they are spasmodic.

To eliminate this developmental defect and straighten the legs, the orthopedist will prescribe a course therapeutic massage... The specialist will intensively massage the outside of the knees, and lightly stroke the inside. With the help of such an effect on the muscles and ligaments, tension can be relieved from spasmodic areas, and stretched areas can be stimulated. How many sessions you need, the orthopedist will determine, based on the state of the crumbs. As a rule, in one or two courses of therapeutic massage, it is possible to achieve that the joints begin to be located correctly, and the child's legs are straightened.


In order not to think about how to straighten crooked legs at the crumbs, it is important from birth to take care of his health and correct development... The formation of joints takes place along with the strengthening of the muscles and ligaments that support them, therefore tight swaddling will not affect the "straightness" of the legs. Gymnastics and the timely development of motor skills will help to avoid bone curvature.

  1. Monitor your baby's weight and adjust with your pediatrician.
  2. From 4-5 months, try to make the baby's diet balanced.
  3. Do a little gymnastics, a massage therapist in a children's clinic will show you how to conduct sessions according to age.
  4. Follow all your pediatrician's recommendations and give your baby vitamin D supplements.
  5. Take your time to master motor skills - you can put the child on his legs when his muscles and ligaments are strong enough for this.
  6. Buy high-quality and correct shoes for your baby and watch his gait. Sometimes, in order to teach a child to put his feet correctly in a year, you can change the shoes in places, so he will not be clubfoot.

The child's skeleton is still quite plastic, and most of the visible defects are corrected on their own (as they grow), but if the curvature is very strong, and the deformities are caused by serious health problems, time for correction should not be missed.

All babies are born with crooked legs, since in utero they lie in a very compact state: the legs are pressed to the body and slightly curved outward in an arc. After birth, this curvature is quickly corrected, since there is no longer a need to take a forced position. At 3-4 years of age, the curvature of the legs is almost completely eliminated independently. And to monitor the condition of the legs, doctors have developed a system of examinations by an orthopedist in the first year of life and thereafter.

The essence of the problem

Usually, in the first years of life, the legs are bent in the area of ​​the legs and knee joints, they can be X-shaped (the knees are pathologically bent inward) or O-shaped (or, as they say, "legs with a wheel"). There may be several reasons for this:

Mom's inadequate nutrition during pregnancy, early onset of walking, especially actively supported and encouraged by parents, overweight child, congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, manifestations of rickets, especially in winter babies.

Parents usually adhere to two directly opposite opinions - some, by all means, want to correct even the physiological, age-related curvature of the legs, fearing that it will become forever. Others believe that beauty is not the main thing, and "crooked legs are not scary", forgetting that this is not only a cosmetic problem, but also an orthopedic one.

The curvature of the legs can seriously affect health - the legs get tired quickly, pain and heaviness appear. Children refuse to walk, thus limiting their load. With an incorrect distribution of loads with the curvature of the leg, deformation and degenerative changes occur in knee joints, and the spine is under heavier stress. This is how a defect in posture is formed from childhood.

If the reason is rickets ...

Crooked legs in a child can form rickets if parents do not use prevention methods and do not notice the first signs of this disease. Most often, rickets are susceptible to children premature, painful or from twins, or babies who were born in winter time... They usually have a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, which is why the calcium in their bones is less deposited. The bones become more pliable, due to the pressure on the lower leg by the weight of the body, the legs are bent.

Today, rickets in severe forms, leading to severe deformities of the legs, is rare. Since pediatricians carry out its active prevention, they use walks in the sun and take preventive doses of D. (This is useful from October to May from 3-4 weeks of life, especially if the baby was born not in the summer season). After a year, for the purpose of prevention, calcium supplements can also be added, especially if your little one is not a fan of dairy dishes or is allergic.

With rickets, massage will also be useful, it increases muscle tone.

Diaper or undershirt?

Previously, there was a belief that crooked legs can be corrected in early childhood by tight swaddling. Poor kids were twisted into soldiers and kept in tight fetters for hours. This did not contribute to the correction of the curvature of the legs, but it created additional problems. Today, doctors are categorically against tight swaddling - it leads to circulatory disorders in the limbs, delayed physical development, disruption of normal breathing due to clamping chest child. Therefore, today doctors recommend either free swaddling with or without handles (legs only), or - wearing undershirts with sliders or suits.

Do not hurry!

If your baby is plump enough, you should not rush to get up on his legs, even on his own. And it is strictly forbidden to put it on its feet. Heavy weight torso will press on the fragile bones of the legs and knees, forcing them to deviate from their normal axis. As the bones get stronger, the baby will make more confident and longer attempts to stand and walk on his own, there is no need to rush things.

Prevention and correction.

To avoid deformity of the legs or to correct existing defects, it is necessary to actively help physical development child. It is important to pay attention to the weight: overfed and obese children have a hard time, an enormous load falls on their skeleton. Therefore, it is important to feed your baby correctly and in a balanced way.

So, with a sufficiently pronounced curvature of the legs, they help special exercises on a high chair - the baby is asked to hold the ball between the legs and spring with the knees. It is useful to reach with your heels to the butt, lying on your stomach, walking with your knees raised high, and then on the outer or inner edges of the foot.

Children also like the “clap feet” exercise, when it is necessary to bring the feet together with the soles.

The help of doctors, and possibly surgical correction, may be needed in very rare cases when a child's crooked legs remain after 3-4 years: one of the legs is shorter than the other, the curvature is very pronounced and interferes with normal walking, or - associated with severe hereditary skeletal defects , or - is a consequence of injuries (legs). In all other cases, the legs, with regular exercise, quickly correct themselves.

In 2001, the leading Russian orthopedic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Artemyev developed the most popular classification of the shape of the legs today, which is generally recognized and is taken as the basis in methods for correcting the lower extremities.

In addition to classification, Dr. Artemiev introduced into use such terms and concepts as ideal legs, their true and false curvature.

What do these concepts mean, how to fix crooked legs at home? How to determine your shape? Find out the answers right now.

The beauty of the legs is a concept that everyone builds on their personal aesthetic perception. Simply beautiful, and that's it, you say. But it turns out that there are ideal legs, and their shape is calculated mathematically.

They should be up to 55% of your height in length, it is also necessary to observe certain proportions between body growth and the volume of the hips and ankles. But the main thing is the straight line rule: If you draw an imaginary straight line from the middle of the thigh through the closed knees and ankles, then three gaps will be visible along the even inner contour of the limb: from the perineum to the knee joints, under the knees to the calves and from the calf muscles to the ankles. Perfect legs are in front of you. But nature has not rewarded everyone with such. Anthropometric cosmetology deals with the correction of such defects.

The legs of many men and women are characterized by curvature, different in severity and divided into two types - false and true. What is it and what is their fundamental difference?

1. True Such a curvature is the result anatomical features or deformities of the skeletal bones of the thigh and lower leg. In this case, the lower limbs, as it were, form an arc. The cause of the true, that is, bone curvature is most often hereditary genes or diseases transferred at a young age, for example, rickets, or metabolic disorders. 2. False This curvature is a disproportionate distribution of the soft tissues of the thigh and lower leg with an even, without defects, position of the skeletal bones. We can say that false curvature is the appearance of curvature in its real absence.

Types of true curvature and the method of determining them in oneself

True curvature is classified into two types:

O-shaped, or varus

People with such deformation of the bones are said to have legs like a wheel or like a football player. Wherever the divergence begins - from the level of the thigh or the area below the knee, all the same, in the end, the shape of the legs will be similar to the letter "O". The knees will "fall out" from the three ideal points of contact - they do not close with such a deformation. X-shaped, or valgus In this case, the knees, on the contrary, are tightly closed, but the ankles cannot come together. As a result, the shape of the lower limbs resembles the letter "X" and such people are said to have legs "X".

We offer a simple verification mini-test:

  1. Stand in front of the mirror straight, bend one limb and observe the kneecap of a straight supporting leg. If it is displaced inward, you have an O-shaped deformation, outside - an X-shaped.
  2. Put your hands on your belt, do a simple squat at a slow pace. Watch your knees: with an O-shaped curvature, they tend to the sides, with an X-shaped curvature, they want to connect, if the legs are straight, they bend parallel to the feet.

Finally, an X-ray will help to put an end to this issue. She will not be fooled by the false curvature - in the picture, the axis of the leg, whatever impression the disproportionately distributed muscles make, will be straight.

It should be said that the distortion of the lower extremities is not only a problem of aesthetics. It can harm your legs and back. But today, almost any curvature lends itself to straightening and leveling - it can be carried out independently or using special techniques.

Peculiarity! There are times when valgus and varus refer to false curvature. Eventually age-related changes or ligament injuries, the joints that are not fastened by them may loosen, as a result, the knees may stop closing. It can be difficult to figure out on your own, due to which the shape of your legs is distorted, and to distinguish a false curvature from a true one.

False Curvature - What to Do to Win?

We emphasize right away that false deformity of the legs is not a pathology. She does no harm physical health, a is only an aesthetic defect. This means that we are quite capable of correcting the curvature of the legs without surgery.

How to fix and correct true curvature? We will begin the correction with the correct physical activity. The result, depending on the degree of deformation, can be seen in six months or a year, and even completely get rid of the defect. But time and effort will not be wasted - your body will be healthier and stronger as a whole, you will look and feel much better. And the proposed complexes can be performed not only in the gym, but even independently at home.

A set of exercises for correcting O-legs

How to make your legs straight with this type of defect? The impact should be aimed at strengthening the adductor muscles, as well as the lower leg. So, we present you exercises for crooked legs at home.

  1. Walking on the inner arches of the foot and on the heels with toes facing outward, lifting toes and others.
  2. Running or walking up the stairs, lifting toes with each step. Can be replaced.
  3. Squats: as deep as possible with knees brought together, the second type is ballet "Plie". The legs are spread as wide as possible, the socks look in different directions, the emphasis during movement is on the inner surface of the thigh. ...
  4. Swing your leg to the side from a standing position - free or with.
  5. Raises of straight legs: one leg lying on its side, alternating from a sitting position with support on the arms behind
  6. vertical and horizontal or.
  7. Lunges. Move the body weight to the heel of the working limb, lifting from the lunge - without a jerk with the tension of the buttocks, not the knee.
  8. Mixing-breeding. Legs - shoulder-width apart, bring your knees closer and apart without lifting the entire surface of your feet from the floor.
  9. Transverse "twine". It not only straightens, but also lengthens the limbs.

Classes must be held three times a week, every other day. Walking takes 5-10 minutes, with hands connected it can be considered a warm-up. Each exercise - 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

To correct the O-shaped curvature of the legs, it is useful to do speed skating, ballet and swimming. Also watch the video on how to straighten your legs using exercises:

Below you can see a photo of o-shaped types in women before and after training:

A set of exercises for adjusting the X-legs

The abductor muscles are subject to work. outer surface hips.

  1. Walking on the outer arches of the foot.
  2. The so-called and others.
  3. We gradually increase the weight from class to session.
  4. with the toe pulled over itself - from a position with an emphasis on the knees and elbows, lying on its side or standing.
  5. Step to the side should be wide, arms extended in front of you, heels do not come off the floor.
  6. Squats - regular or with a ball sandwiched between the knees.
  7. Static exercise
  8. Abduction of the knee. Standing on one leg, pull the knee of the second higher and turn it to the maximum back possible for you (such an element can be seen in ballet). Do it in turn for each limb.
  9. Turkish Squat. In this position, press on your knees, bringing them as close to the floor as possible. Do the same, slightly changing the position and bringing the soles together.
  10. Lying on your stomach, bring your soles together and spread your knees apart. Hold on for at least 3 minutes, gradually work up to 10-15 minutes.

Such a charge is also performed 3 times a week, for each exercise - 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Sports that will benefit from X-legs are yoga, breaststroke swimming, equestrianism, and cycling.

In the above complexes, the load is directed to the target muscles and, in combination with stretching, can increase the volume of the calves, correct the hips and shape of the legs.

We present you a photo of x-shaped legs in women before and after exercises:

Important! The most effective exercise to add volume to calves - toe rises. For building muscle mass you need to do not 50 or more repetitions, but 12-15 in three approaches, preferably with an additional weight of 10-20 kg until a slight burning sensation in the muscles during the last repetitions. Do not forget about stretching, keeping your knees slightly bent during exercise and correct setting feet with toes inward or outward, depending on the problem.

True Curvature - 5 Ways to Fix

Unlike the false curvature of the legs, where efforts to eliminate it must be directed to working with muscles and fat deposits, the true one is deformation of the skeleton. And more effective methods are needed here, with the involvement of medical specialists. What is proposed for this today?

1. Surgery

There are two options for orthopedic surgery:

1. Surgical intervention with the installation of the Ilizarov apparatus on the lower leg bones

10 days after the installation, the process of bone correction begins, which consists in compressing the bone by regularly tightening the nuts for 1.5-2 months.

Application is recommended not earlier than 14 years of age. After removing the device, active physical exercise excluded for 4-6 weeks. This method can be called traditional, but, according to experts, its application gives the maximum result.

2. An operation in a plastic surgery clinic called cruroplasty.

It can be carried out according to two methods - installation on the lower leg area, in the area calf muscle, corrective silicone implants of the required shape and size and lipofilling, when a volume of fat cells pumped out of the patient's abdomen is formed on the same area of ​​the legs. The operation lasts an hour and a half, rehabilitation takes 1.5-2 months. The disadvantages include the fact that over time the implants can move on their own, distorting the shape of the leg, as well as a ban on sports.

2. Massage

As an independent measure of influence, massage to correct the curvature of the legs is effective only for children under the age of three.

For adult patients, he can only help if the key to the problem with the limbs lies in the back, and an experienced chiropractor undertook to eliminate the defect.

But still the massage remains auxiliary measure, he is not able to completely eliminate the deformation of the bones.

3. Pulling machine

The principle of operation is horizontal stretching of the spine and legs.

With regular exercise, it gradually relieves spasms and tension in the bones and joints, restores blood circulation, lengthens the limbs.

4. Correction belts

This device consists of three length-adjustable belts, which grab the legs in three places.

In this position, you should perform a number of exercises described in the instructions.

5. Visual effect

A few little tricks will help provide it.

    • Overlays.

Visually correct the curvature and create the appearance of an increase in calf volume, silicone flesh-colored correctors will help. They must be attached directly to the limb - from the inside, in the area of ​​the gastrocnemius muscle. After that, you can put on tight tights or skinny jeans.

    • Correct clothing.

To hide crooked legs with clothes, in your wardrobe you need straight classic trousers or jeans, straight cut breeches, skirts or dresses of maxi or midi length - flared and lush year, boots with a free toe and boots for wearing with shorts or a short skirt.

Check out the before and after photos of the true curvature correction using various methods:

If you have taken the path of correcting false curvature of the legs, try to say goodbye to several bad habits:

  • sleep on your stomach after all, in such a position the spine does not rest and a difference in the length of the limbs can form, but it is often quite insignificant. The effect of constantly sleeping on your stomach is the same as from carrying a bag on one shoulder;
  • cross your legs while sitting and cross your legs while standing;
  • walk on high heels, which constantly keeps the muscles in tension. The result is a deterioration in blood circulation and lymph flow, pain and swelling in the extremities, the development of varicose veins and the formation of cellulite.

Step by step - to the feet of your dreams.

Many things that are a tragedy for us are perceived by others as something insignificant or even imperceptible. Spectacular beautiful legs are the dream of any girl. But there are no people who do not have their own special beauty at all. Learn to correctly place accents in appearance, be an interesting conversationalist and, of course, do not leave your dream of having beautiful legs. Even women after forty can correct defects. Go to it step by step, achieve your goal, using our advice and recommendations - and you everything will work out for sure!

The human body is asymmetrical, it happens, this leads to the curvature of the lower limbs. The curvature of the legs is divided into types:

  • O-shaped;
  • X-shaped;
  • Legs with a wheel;
  • False curvature.

Legs in the shape of the letter "O" are noticeable in a person standing, having closed the limbs together, but the knees do not touch each other. "X" is defined by touching the knees, the ankles diverge to the sides. "Wheel" - when the knees and ankles do not touch each other. False curvature - the bones are even, the legs seem to be crooked. Curvatures appear when certain muscle groups are not developed correctly.

It is difficult to achieve the result of ideal legs, but small deviations from the norm are not a reason for tragedy and the development of complexes. For selected people, medical intervention will be a way out of the situation.

In many cases, it is possible to correct the situation on your own, without contacting medical professionals. Creating beautiful legs is achievable at home, without medical care and sports instructors.

Excellent results are achieved with regular exercise. Before starting the exercise, it is worth determining the limb deficiency. You will need to stand near the mirror, move the limbs together, make out well. Often the legs are straight, just a little weak, without strong muscles, which creates difficulties for the owner. If you constantly do exercises to straighten your legs at home, it remains possible to get good result, correct the curvature of the limbs.

Known complexes simple exercises that can be done at home, leading to the desired effect. To be successful, remember:

  • It is forbidden to stand on one leg or cross limbs;
  • High heels are rarely required;
  • You need to sleep on your back;
  • It is forbidden to redistribute weight on one leg;
  • No need to carry the bag on one shoulder.

Professional simulators for straightening limbs at home have been developed, the exercise is simple, shows good results. You can get a noticeable effect by doing ten standard squats three times a day.

Initially, you will need to remove excess fat located on the lower leg, thighs. It is worth walking more, riding a bicycle, rollerblading, performing more simple active movements.

First exercise

Lie sideways, on top of a hard surface, strain your muscles. Raise the leg on which you are lying up, as far as possible, hold it in the raised position for twelve seconds. Then turn the other side, repeat the movement with the second leg.

It is important to do the exercises constantly, daily, four times for the limb. Chosen to become stronger.

Second exercise

Stand up straight, head slightly raised. Straighten your back, pull in your stomach. The muscles of the body should be relaxed. One leg is bent back and held by the hand, the muscles of the other are stretched. Charging continues for one leg for twenty seconds. Then the limbs are changed, the exercise is repeated again. Do it regularly, preferably daily, twice.

Third exercise

Sit on the floor, straighten your back, take the toes of one foot, slowly, without sudden jerks, pull towards you. Remain in the reduced position for seven seconds. Repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Exercise four

Take a standing position, the leg is placed in front of the other, leaving a step distance. The back is straight, no need to waddle forward or backward. We start doing lunges. Take advantage of dedicated platform for classes, in this way the load increases, the result improves.

Exercise five

The stance is similar to exercise 4. Slowly bend the front leg at the knee, parallel to tear the heel of the other leg off the floor. After that, transfer the weight to the toe of the leg located at the back. It is required to take a position when both limbs are bent at the knee at a right angle. Hold out for a few moments, return to the starting position. It is recommended to place your arms in different directions; such a movement helps to maintain balance. The exercise is done fifteen times, in two approaches.

Shown to treat curvature of limbs using the "Sport-1" simulator. The device provides the ability to do exercises for specific muscle groups. This includes squats, jumps, lunges, and calf raises. Constantly practicing, performing the exercises the prescribed number of times, the legs become embossed, gradually leveled. It is possible to treat curvatures with the help of yoga.

Exercise for "O-shaped" curvature

A variety of exercises are known for this type of leg curvature. Corrections are possible with the execution of movements:

  • Walking on the inside of the foot.
  • Walking with heels, the toe looks out.
  • Dilute socks as far as possible, squat.
  • In a standing position, take your leg to the side.
  • Raise your leg while lying on your side.
  • Sit down, rest your hands behind, raise your straightened legs in turn.
  • Lie on the floor, raise the limbs up, make crossing movements, slowly, lowering to the floor.
  • Close your legs with belts and correctors (specially created), then stretch out lying on a hard surface, then pull your feet towards yourself. An occupation is possible where the body and head do not come off the floor, the legs smoothly rise up and down.
  • Stretching "twine" helps to straighten the legs.

Having an "O-shaped" curvature, it is enough to close your legs as tightly as possible when standing straight. The voltage should become as strong as possible, fix the position for five to seven seconds.

Put your feet shoulder-width apart, perform squats twenty times, connecting your knees. Then sit down, legs should be extended. With a quick movement of the foot, turn outward, and the muscles are tense at this moment. We do twenty exercises. Then, kneeling, spread the socks on different sides, try to sit on your heels, on a hard surface. Twenty approaches are repeated.

With such a curvature, experts advise swimming, figure skating, ballet dancing, cross-country skiing.

X-shaped curvature of the legs

The result of the exercise is noticeable in the elongated boot, where the muscles of the gastrocnemius, soleus, with a low position, are located on the short. The short shin reveals a high position of the muscle and an elongated tendon, it is less amenable to correction.

For the curvature of the limbs of the "X-shaped" type, several exercises have been developed. Start jumping rope, gradually increasing the number of jumps, walk outside feet, squat with the ball sandwiched between the knees. It is recommended to cross your legs, sit down, get up quickly without using your hands, do the exercise thirty times.

New exercise: Back straight, feet joined together. Dissolve the legs as far as possible, fix for five seconds. The back is kept straight, the feet are together, do not come off the floor.

For soleus internal muscle fit seated exercise... A shovel handle or a similar stick is placed on your knees. It will be necessary to press down strongly, at the same time the shins are raised on the toes and lowered. After a series of activities, the stick should be weighted down, heavy weights should be hung around the edges. Exercises are performed at least three times a week for three sets, fifteen repetitions.

Exercises to correct the external curvature of the hip

The deformity of the thigh appears when the internal muscle is building up. You will need to sit down, fix a small ball between your knees, twenty centimeters will do. Squeeze, unclench the ball fast pace, for two minutes.

If you practice regularly, in a month a small result will be noticeable, in six months it will turn into a tangible and visible one.

Straightening toes

Some girls are very complex because of crooked toes, more often in the summer, when it is customary to wear open shoes. When straightening the toes of the foot, several simple exercises doable at home.

Walking on tiptoes will help, it is useful to squeeze, unbend the fingers, straining the muscles. Orthopedists advise against wearing shoes in the apartment, or wearing light, open shoes.

Pros and cons of leg alignment exercises

The above exercises are easy to perform and accessible to humans. You can correct the curvature at any age. With the desire and hard work, the work ends with a victorious result. For achievement greater efficiency from classes you will have to gradually increase the number of loads, it is useful to consult with a sports instructor about the selected set of exercises. Perhaps the trainer will approve of the selected complex or recommend his own set of exercises, created specifically for the correction of the legs, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

The above exercises have no disadvantages, but there are many advantages. With the help of exercises, the legs will become slender, pumped up, and acquire an aesthetic relief. It does not matter whether physical activity, yoga treatment or the "Sport 1" exercise machine will be useful. Well-being will improve, benefiting the body.

You can't be lazy! For straight and beautiful legs, you will have to work regularly. Exercise at least twice a week. For several sessions, the result cannot be achieved, the temporarily unwanted curvature of the legs will hide under a long skirt, boots or tights with a large pattern.

- a pathological condition in which the legs are bent at an angle open to the inside. Usually, this pathology occurs due to arched or, less often, angular curvature of the legs, which arose as a result of congenital malformations or diseases characterized by a decrease in strength bone tissue... It is accompanied by compensatory deformity of other parts of the lower extremities, especially the feet. The diagnosis is made on the basis of examination, X-ray data, CT, MRI and other studies. Treatment can be both conservative and operative.


M21.1 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified

General information


Normally, all newborns have a slight arcuate curvature of the legs (up to 20 degrees), due to the intrauterine position of the fetus. In this case, the child's legs are symmetrical, and the shape and position of the feet can be asymmetrical. By the age of 2 years, the O-shaped deformity disappears and is gradually replaced by the X-shaped (hallux valgus). A slight valgus curvature of the legs (up to 15 degrees) persists up to 3 years, and then begins to decrease and by 8 years does not exceed 7-9 degrees. In the future, both the complete disappearance of the curvature and the preservation of an insignificant residual angle are possible.

Curvature of varus that persists at 2 years of age or older is the cause of the abnormal development of the knee joints. The outer condyle of the thigh increases, the inner one decreases. The joint gap becomes uneven - narrowed on the inside and expanded on the outside. The inner meniscus is compressed, the ligaments along the outer surface of the joint are stretched. Initially, the feet take a flat-topped position, with their front sections and heels deflected inward. Subsequently, a compensatory planovalgus deformity of the feet is formed. In severe cases, the legs rotate inward, and the thighs outward. Flexion in the knee joints is limited. There are gait disturbances and fatigue when walking. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, redistribution of the load and other pathological changes in children with O-shaped legs, posture changes, sometimes a curvature of the spine (kyphosis or scoliosis) develops.


The cause of unilateral O-shaped deformity in infancy is usually congenital hypoplasia due to neurofibromatosis or fibrocystic dysplasia of the tibia. In contrast to the physiological varus curvature, in this pathology, uneven deformity is observed (one lower leg is curved more than the other). The outcome of congenital hypoplasia of the bones of the legs can be pseudoarthrosis.

Traditionally, one of the first places in the list of causes of O-shaped legs is rickets. And although today in pediatrics this pathology is quite rare, it can occur, therefore it must always be excluded in the course of differential diagnosis. It should be borne in mind that rickets can develop in three periods of a child's life: in utero (that is, to be congenital), at an early age and in adolescents. The cause of fetal rickets of the fetus is a deficiency of vitamin D in the mother. Currently, this pathology is detected mainly in economically disadvantaged countries.

Infantile rickets occurs after breastfeeding is stopped. At this stage of development, the child's body requires a large amount of vitamin D. If the baby does not receive this vitamin in sufficient quantities, his bones become not strong enough and gradually bend when walking. Possible O-shaped curvature of both the legs and hips. In some cases, asymmetric deformation is observed: the varus curvature on one side is combined with the valgus curvature on the other side. An anterior bend can also form - the so-called saber-shaped shins. At the same time, in contrast to the defeat of the legs in syphilis, when the legs are bent only anteriorly, there is a combination of deformity in the lateral and anteroposterior directions.

Another critical age at which the likelihood of developing rickets increases is the period of intensive growth in adolescents. The reason for the formation of deformity is a lack of exposure to the sun, a deficiency of vitamin D in food, unfavorable living conditions and some diseases. Allocate stable late rickets, which, unlike the usual form of the disease, does not respond to treatment with standard doses of vitamin D. Stable rickets develops due to a genetic predisposition, chronic kidney disease and steatorrhea.

Intestinal rickets (rickets with steatorrhea) can occur with any type of long-term bowel disorder. It occurs due to impaired absorption of fats, vitamins, phosphates and calcium. Similar disorders can be detected in adults, but in the latter case, there is not rickets, but osteomalacia. The cause of the development of renal rickets is chronic renal diseases that interfere with the retention of phosphates and calcium in the blood serum. With renal rickets, it is more often observed hallux valgus, however, O-shaped curvature is also possible.

Another reason for the formation of O-shaped legs is Blount's disease (deforming osteochondrosis of the tibia). In this disease, there is not an arcuate one, as in rickets, but an angular curvature of the lower leg with the apex of the deformity at the level of the proximal pineal gland. At an early age (2-4 years) with Blount's disease, as a rule, bilateral curvature is detected, at an older age only one lower leg can be bent.

In adults, O-shaped legs can form with Paget's disease (osteitis deformans), accompanied by damage to the femur and tibia. It is possible to damage both several and one bone, but more often several bones are involved in the process. Curvature is caused by excessive growth of bone tissue with insufficient destruction of it. At the same time, the newly formed bone does not have sufficient strength due to incomplete calcification. It thickens and at the same time becomes soft, resulting in curvature and transverse fractures.


An adult orthopedist and a pediatric traumatologist-orthopedist can diagnose patients with O-shaped legs, depending on their age. The most important task when examining patients with O-shaped legs is to identify the underlying disease that caused the deformity. When making a diagnosis, the clinical picture, features of the curvature, the age at which the first symptoms appeared, heredity and the state of other organs and systems are taken into account. All patients with O-shaped legs are prescribed an x-ray of the shins. In case of concomitant deformity of the upper extremities, an X-ray of the thighs is additionally performed; if there is a suspicion of the presence of compensatory changes in other parts of the extremities, an X-ray of the hip joints and an X-ray of the feet are performed.

To exclude rickets, the level of alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus and calcium is studied in blood tests. If there is a suspicion of persistent forms of rickets caused by diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, the patient is referred for consultation with a nephrologist and gastroenterologist. To exclude Blount's disease and Paget's disease, radiographs are examined, if necessary, MRI and CT of the legs are additionally prescribed. To identify a hereditary predisposition, a family history is studied in detail.

O-legs treatment

At an early age, patients are prescribed complex conservative therapy. Exercise therapy, massage, individual orthoses and specially made orthopedic insoles... According to the indications, the underlying disease is treated. It should be borne in mind that the correction of O-shaped deformity without eliminating its causes may be ineffective and in some cases even leads to the progression of curvature, the formation of false joints, etc.

In adults, only operative correction of the shape of the legs is possible. Usually, with O-shaped legs, a corrective osteotomy is performed in combination with the imposition of the Ilizarov apparatus. Incomplete osteotomy (dissection of the bone only along the inner surface) is used with a true O-shaped curvature and a favorable distribution of the soft tissues of the lower leg from an aesthetic point of view. In other cases, a complete osteotomy is used. Depending on the size and nature of the deformation, both one-step and gradual elimination of the curvature is possible. In the first case, the patient's legs are immediately taken out to correct position, in the second, the relative position of the fragments is corrected, gradually "untwisting" the nuts and increasing the distance between the rings from the inside. In the postoperative period, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed. It usually takes about 2 months to correct the shape of the legs, but with severe deformities, this period may increase.

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