A story about fun starts at school. "Funny starts" in the kindergarten "Smile": provocatively and with sports passion

Natalia Sevostyanova

The real Russian winter has stood out this year. For pupils of kindergarten "Firefly" from. Yarlukovo educators Anikeeva O. A. and Sevostyanova N. S. conducted sports outdoor event « Winter fun » . The competition was attended by two teams: command preparatory group "Snowflakes" and senior team "Christmas Trees". Many relay races were held, in which the guys showed not only strength, agility and endurance, but also the ability to work in a team, which is no less important. During the competition, we saw how many emotions the children had, and how happy they are when they win. Celebration passed in one breath. All stages of this exciting competition were held in a tense struggle. Fans and spectators followed the course of events and very loudly "worried". Guys get a good tempering of character in the process of playing on fresh air. What is a competition without prizes? All teams received sweet gifts. This celebration will remain in the memory of the children for a long time. And it doesn’t matter who won the competition, the main thing is that everyone felt the atmosphere holiday, cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. We, kindergarten workers, are sure that a variety of work in winter period time will improve the health of our children. It will contribute to the unity of the children's team and the emergence of a desire to continue to engage in sports. We are also sure that it will definitely grow in our "Firefly" Olympic champion Because it all starts in childhood!

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Dance of the sun to the music. The sun shines for everyone. Relay race: "Collect the sun" Teams "Freckles" and "Rays" are invited. On distance.

Surely in every school there are those who succeed in something more than others: winners of various olympiads, successful dancers or musicians. And I want to tell you about a boy who goes in for biathlon.

But first, about what biathlon itself is. This is a very exciting sport that combines ski race with rifle shooting. It originated in ancient times when northern peoples hunted the beast. It was hard to walk in the snow, so people had to put on their feet the first semblance of skis. It was only in the 18th century that this activity began to be considered as a sporting event. First official competition biathlon took place in 1767.

So, the hero of my story is Nikita Aikashev, a student of grade 9A of secondary school No. 6. In early childhood, he often watched biathlon competitions. I decided to try myself in it and, as they say, did not lose. Nikita is the winner and prize-winner of many city, regional and Russian competitions. He has more than 45 awards in his piggy bank! Of course, such results are simply not achieved.

Every day Nikita has training. About seven times a year he rides sports camp, which, by the way, was at the time of writing this article.

Concerning school life, then Nikita never stands aside and is always happy to compete for the honor of his native educational institution or class. Of course, it is difficult to combine sports and study, therefore Nikita's success in general education subjects is average. However, returning from competitions or training camps, he always works hard, catching up with the school curriculum.

Nikita is kind and sympathetic. This helps him maintain good relationships with his classmates. In addition to biathlon, my hero loves to play tennis, tries himself in new sports. BUT free time spends the same way as all teenagers: at the computer or on the street with friends.

In the future, Nikita dreams of becoming a great biathlete and be like his idol - Anton Shipulin, who at the age of 19 won the relay at the junior world championship. I think that the hero of my story will succeed, because in addition to natural data, he has perseverance, perseverance and the desire to win.

Maria Petrova, secondary school №6

On a creative flight

Each person is unique in their own way, and everyone has their own interests. So Dasha Maslova, an 11th grader from the tenth school, found a job to her liking.

FROM early childhood she was fond of creativity: she sang, drew, attended other additional classes. But she was most interested in beadwork, which Dasha learned in a school circle. Her success in this area is confirmed by numerous diplomas, including those for the first places.

Along with creative work, Dasha is also attracted to social activities. At the moment, the student is a member of the council of high school students of secondary school No. 10. Together with the rest of the members of this children's association, she organizes school events and all kinds of actions. So, they participated in the preparation of an event dedicated to the rap session. “Some members of the council, including me, are journalists for the school newspaper and the Shkola FM news portal on the VKontakte social network,” says Daria.

In my opinion, if a person has an active life position and is truly passionate about something, he will certainly achieve significant results and achieve his goal. I sincerely wish Dasha success!

Anna Kucheryuk, secondary school №5

On October 14, on the day of the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, a sports festival "Merry Starts" was held, dedicated to the third anniversary of the Sunday school, in which the pupils of the Sunday school and their parents took part.

The competition program included fun team competition, whose participants, in order to achieve victory, had to show strength, dexterity, speed, endurance, as well as ingenuity and an outstanding team spirit!

Thus, the well-known principle of the Olympic competitions “faster, higher, stronger” received the addition “more fun”.

It is important to note that in order to monitor compliance sports principle competitions, as well as to solve the important task of counting the points scored by teams, a competent jury was created.

So, the competition itself!

Three teams-participants, balanced in their composition, came to the start: "Falcons", "Daredevils" and "Cool Peppers". Among the athletes were both the smallest participants and their adult partners.

The competition began with a cross-country relay race, and from the first meters of the distance it immediately became clear that, despite the cheerful nature of the competition, the most serious struggle was ahead. The rivals alternately stepped forward, replacing each other, leadership from the first to the last competition passed from one team to another!

Of course, the fans were also active, and there were quite a few of them!

After the first competitions, it becomes clear that the usual scoring system will not be able to determine the winner: the potential of the teams was approximately equal. In addition, against the backdrop of the desire to win, which was demonstrated by the athletes, it was almost impossible to keep track of the movements of the participants.

Therefore, it was decided to introduce a bonus for the team with an additional ball for "the purity of the performance of the competition task."

The tasks at the competitions became more and more difficult. It was necessary to go the distance while holding the ball with your feet; moving sideways and holding the ball with his head; driving the ball backwards with a hoop; jumping over teammates; running on hands and feet in support from behind.

It should be noted that in an equal fight before the final stage of the competition, the team "Daredevils" was in the lead, which was only one point ahead of its rivals from the team "Cool Peppers". The task of the last competition provided for a relay race, which the participants passed in a “brook”, holding hands.

It so happened that in this competition, the victory at the last stage was obtained by the team "Cool peppers", which became the winners of the final standings of the competition! We congratulate the winners.

But, as usual in such competitions, their format does not provide for the presence of losers.

After all, as another well-known Olympic principle says: “The main thing is not victory, but participation”! Therefore, no one was left without gifts, which, like competitions, were of a sporting nature.

At the end of the sports festival, father Ilya turned to the young athletes, who said about the importance of not only strengthening physical strength but also the acquisition of new knowledge, as well as the daily strengthening of spirituality.

Batiushka also awarded certificates of honor to some Sunday school pupils who demonstrated top scores learning.

And, of course, as expected, all the participants of the holiday were photographed for memory!

On June 1, 2018, a sports event "Sports Games" was held among students of grades 3-4 of school No55 in Krsk. The event was carefully prepared. The venue of the event was decorated with slogans and emblems, the participants of the competition had a single sports uniform.

The program of "Sport Games" was interesting and quite eventful. At the beginning of the sporting event, the teams greeted each other, the jury and other participants. The jury consisted of 4th grade students. Each team had its own interesting name. Before the sports holiday, the students were asked to do a short run, as well as a warm-up for quick wits. It was necessary to solve riddles on the theme of sports.

The competition program consisted of relay races.
All stages of the sporting event were held in active struggle. The participants of the event actively cheered for their teams. All team members strived to be the first to finish.

At each stage of the competition, the teams were given tasks to perform various physical exercises: running at speed with overcoming various obstacles, jumping with balls, hoops, jump ropes, hitting a target, tug of war. All exercises are aimed at versatile physical development. Competent alternation physical activity Helped all team members to actively complete assigned tasks. After a difficult exercise in speed running, a simpler exercise was given.

The competition program included tasks not only for physical development, but also tasks that contribute to the development of thinking, attentiveness, purposefulness, and dexterity. For example, from the letters lying in a chaotic order in a hoop, it was necessary to select the desired letter, run to the place and quickly compose a hidden word or combination of words.

The inclusion of humorous tasks in the competition program added to the fascination of the competition. This caused a lively interest among all participants in the sporting event, including fans and spectators. The tasks set for the teams could only be completed if they provided mutual assistance and support to each other.

After completing part of the team tasks, a break was announced.
A pleasant moment of the sporting event was a musical pause between the stages of the competition, which, on the one hand, was a small rest for the participants of the event, and on the other hand, a festive sports spectacle.
Students performed with numbers rhythmic gymnastics, from demonstration performances martial arts.
During the musical break, fans and participants of the competition enjoyed watching the performance of the students. After the end of the musical break, the competition resumed.

The sports festival rallied the guys and left no one indifferent. By participating in sports games”, the guys felt like a real team! Competitions have become a celebration of sports, health and youth! All teams were awarded certificates of honor, medals, as well as an excellent charge of vivacity and positive emotions.

We express our gratitude to the organizers of the sporting event, high school students, leading for organizing an interesting sporting event. Such a fascinating form of extracurricular work on physical education contribute to the involvement of students in systematic classes exercise, increase interest in the development of a particular sport, contribute to the development of versatile physical qualities: speed, strength, agility, flexibility, jumping ability, coordination of movements, and also develop and strengthen morally volitional qualities: perseverance, perseverance, the will to win, unite the children's team.
