Selection of ski poles for skating. How to choose ski poles for height

For maximum comfort when skiing, it is better to choose skis and poles according to height and weight.

Selection table for skis and poles classic move

Skier weight Ski length Skier Height Stick length
<45 170-175 150 125
45-49 175-180 155 130
50-54 180-184 160 135
55-59 185-189 165 140
60-69 190-195 170 145
70-79 195-200 175 150
79-89 200-205 180 155
90> 205 185 160
90> 205 190 165
90> 210 195 165

For beginner skiers, they are suitable with notches or skins. They are almost maintenance-free and wider for better stability.

For experienced skiers, models with skins, or with a flat sliding surface, are suitable. They are narrower, which allows you to develop high speed, but require care to maintain high-speed qualities.

Selection table for combined skis and poles

In terms of properties, these are something in between classic and skating, and allow you to ski in two ski styles. The sliding surface is even - it has no notches and camus.

Selection table for skis and poles for skating

Models are suitable for beginner skiers, as there is a high probability of breaking skis and poles while improving the technique of movement.

Models suitable for experienced skiers famous brands, which have low weight and high speed qualities.


The skating style of skiing was invented in the early 80s, before that they moved exclusively by the classic course. Skating is the most fast style cross-country skiing. For skiing, you need a wide, prepared track. More suitable for active people, lovers of speed.

To master technology skating at least one season is required.

It is necessary to prepare the body physically: when skating, all the muscles of the body are involved in the work - the neck, shoulders, arms, abs, back, legs. With every kilometer you walk, your body will get stronger. And most importantly, without strong muscles can't be learned correct technique skating, which can lead to injury. Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the knees and lumbar back. And be sure to stretch all muscle groups before and after training.

Mastering the technique of skating is not an easy task. Need good coordination, strong back, strong hands and legs. This will give you a good rolling and high speed when riding. For the development of legs, back and coordination, ride without poles. To develop your arms, abs, and back, go cross-country skiing (double poling).

To begin with, it is worth mastering the skating two-step course. Learn how to do a long roll on one ski and how to push with your hands correctly. Gradually move on to a skating, simultaneous one-step move.

Equipment for skating

Buy inexpensive ones to get started quality skis and sticks. When shopping for boots, focus on comfort, not cost.

When you feel that you lack speed, switch to more expensive skis.

Classic move

The classic move is the very first move that was used for skiing. It is slower than skating and not as difficult to master. For skiing, you only need a ski track, which you can lay yourself in any convenient place near the house. Suitable for calm people for family holidays who want to strengthen the body and immunity.

Recommendations for those who want to ride classic style

Mastering technology

The classical move is mastered almost immediately, it is similar to normal walking. At first, your speed and endurance will be noticeably lower than that of experienced skiers, but over time, if you learn the technique and strengthen your muscles, you can easily cover 10-20 km without stopping at high speed.

Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the legs and the lumbar part of the back, this will help riding the classic move without sticks. And it is imperative that there are no injuries, before and after skiing, stretch your muscles.


For maximum comfort when skiing, you need to choose the right classic skis, especially the version with notches. The difficulty is that classical skiing there are 2 functions - it is good to roll forward, and not to roll back when climbing uphill. Each ski size has an individual stiffness that can be checked. Too soft skis will always bend - touching the snow with notches (this reduces speed), and too hard skis will always keep their bend - preventing the notches from catching on the snow (the skis will shoot through when climbing uphill).

If you are a beginner skier and ski rarely, buy inexpensive high-quality skis. If you are an experienced skier and like to ski often, buy more expensive and high-quality skis from well-known brands. It is better to buy boots in which you are comfortable, regardless of the price.

If you choose skis for walking or a child for physical education, then you are on the right track. From the article you will learn how to choose the right skis for height, material and other characteristics, what to look for Special attention and what can be neglected.

  • what do you need skis for (walking, cross-country for competitions, downhill, for hunting, etc.);
  • your level of skiing (novice amateur or professional);
  • your physical parameters(weight and height).

How to choose cross-country skis

Cross-country skiing is chosen depending on the preferred style of skiing. There are three styles:

  1. classical,
  2. skating,
  3. combined.

Classic skis

Our grandparents still rode the classic style, sliding along two parallel tracks, but it has not lost its relevance. The classic style is best for the beginner skier.


Skis for the classic course should be 20-30 cm longer than their own height. For beginners, you can choose a slightly shorter length, then it will be easier to manage them.


If you have seen skis, you know that they are arched and if you put them on the floor, then their middle will not touch it. The more difficult it is to push the ski to the floor, the stiffer they are.

Rigidity must be selected depending on your weight. The heavier the skier, the more rigidity should be.

You can check the correct selection of skis for stiffness in the following way:

  1. put your skis on the floor;
  2. put a sheet of paper under the middle;
  3. stand with both feet on both skis, there should be a gap to the floor and a sheet of paper will walk freely;
  4. stand with both feet on one ski, it should completely touch the floor, and the sheet of paper will be pressed to the floor and you will not be able to pull it out.

Following the above example, choose the stiffness of the skis. Some manufacturers indicate what weight they are designed for.

With and without notch

Skis for the classic course can be notched on sliding surface and without it.

Skis without notches are suitable for any weather, for long walks and fast rides.

They are more difficult to ride as they can slip backwards. To eliminate this deficiency, special ointments are used.

This is a new style of skiing, it is also called freestyle. The skier makes skating movements, pushing off the inner surface of the skis. With it, you can develop the highest speed.

For skating style, a compacted wide track is ideal, but you can do without it, then you won’t have to count on high speed.

Skis for skating are selected a little shorter and stiffer than for the classic style.


For skating, the length of the skis should be 10-15 cm longer than the height of the skier.


Rigidity should be about twice as much as for the classics. If you press the ski with your hand to the floor, then a gap of 1.5-2 mm should remain.

Universal skis

As the name implies, universal skis are something between classic and skating. This applies to both ski selection parameters (average length and stiffness) and mixed skiing style.


Universal skis should be 15-20 cm larger than the height of the skier.

Summarize: cross-country skiing suitable for flat terrain, for beginners it is better to choose classic notched ones, and for advanced universal ones.

Table how to choose the length of skis by height
Skier HeightSkis for classic skiing Skis are universal Sticks for the classic move Skating poles
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Ski material

All skis are made of wood or plastic.

Before plastic skis were rare and expensive. Now, on the contrary, most people ride on plastic.

Advantages of plastic skis:

  • they are stronger, respectively, more durable than wood;
  • snow sticks to them less during a thaw;
  • more speedy.

The most reputable firms producing plastic skis are Atomic and Fischer. You can buy equipment from them, both for beginners and for professional sports. You can also highlight the domestic manufacturers of skis "Karelia" and "Tisa".

How to choose the right skis

Alpine skiing is very different from cross-country skiing, both in design and in the way it is chosen. Their main purpose is to descend from the mountains, with the development of high speeds.

Remember right away, if you are new to skiing, then you cannot choose professional skiing. They are designed to develop very high speed, which you, as a beginner, may not be able to handle, which will lead to injury.


The size skiing is selected not only depending on the height of the skier, but also on his professional skills. The shorter the skis, the easier they are to manage.

If you are a beginner skier, then the length of your skis should be 20 cm less than your height.

If you have been skiing from the mountains for more than a year and have achieved good results in this, then you should have skis 10 cm smaller than your height.

For a professional, skis with a length of his own height are suitable.

For women, it is better to reduce the above length by another 5 cm, and for people with above average weight, on the contrary, increase by 5 cm.


The basic rule for choosing the stiffness of alpine skis is that the higher the professional skills and weight of the skier, the more rigid they should be.

A beginner will approach with the least rigidity, as they are easier to manage.

Hard and medium hard skis are suitable for professionals and people who have been skiing confidently from the mountains for more than a year. Since they are designed for tight turns and the development of high speeds.

Another parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing skis is their structure:

  • carving;
  • classic.

Carving skis differ from classic ones in that they look like fitted ones, i.e. the ends are wider than the central part. They are more stable than classic ones, so they are recommended for beginners.

  1. Outwardly, both skis must be exactly the same and not differ in width, length and weight.
  2. Look at the skis from the side, the curve of the sliding surface should be smooth.
  3. The longitudinal groove on the sliding surface should be straight, without any wobbles.
  4. The sliding surface should not have any scratches, cracks or other defects.
  5. Put the skis with the sliding surface to each other and squeeze them as hard as possible with your hands. The hardness should be the same. The toes must remain closed.
  6. Find the center of gravity of the skis, it must match, a deviation of no more than 1.5 cm is allowed.

How to choose ski poles

After choosing skis, you may be faced with the question of choosing ski poles. This is an important part of the ski equipment, which you can not do without.

Ski poles must be:

  • durable;
  • hard;
  • lungs.

Sticks as well as skis are selected depending on the height of the athlete. For lovers of skating, the sticks should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the owner, and for the classics, 25-30 cm less than the height.

You can not buy sticks for a child "for growth", as he will get confused in them and it will be inconvenient to ride.

For an amateur, aluminum is quite suitable. ski poles.

Handles are best chosen from non-slip material, such as cork or leather with anatomical recesses for the fingers.

It is better to choose a support for sticks with a reverse cone (the safest), and not with paws (the most uncomfortable when riding).

For children under 7 years old, choose the length of the sticks to the armpits, with a blunt tip.

How to choose hunting skis

Hunting skis are designed to move hunters or fishermen with additional cargo on loose snow. Therefore, unlike running shoes, they should not be long and narrow, but short and wide.

The average length of hunting skis, regardless of the height of the skier, should be about 175 cm.

The best hunting skis are made from maple or birch and are more durable than spruce.

Ski preparation before use

Once you have bought your skis from the store, you need to prepare them before using them for the first time.


  1. Wipe the treated surface with a cloth soaked in turpentine.
  2. Apply melted paraffin in toe-to-heel movements, just under the boot.
  3. Warm up with an iron heated to 200 degrees. And let it dry for a few hours.
  4. Excess cooled paraffin must be carefully removed.
  5. At the end of all processes, wipe the sliding surface with a synthetic cloth.

The above procedure must be carried out at least once a year.


  1. Sand the sliding surface with fine sandpaper.
  2. Apply a special resin from a sports store to a sliding surface and heat it with a blowtorch or a special burner.
  3. Wait until the resin is absorbed and repeat the previous paragraph 3-4 more times. The skis should darken, but do not overheat so that the wood does not begin to char.

The onset of the cold season does not mean at all that you need to hide at home under cozy bedspreads, as winter provides a lot of opportunities for outdoor activities. And it is precisely such a rest that should accompany your leisure in order to keep you in a normal state. physical form and help improve your health. Skiing is full workout of all major muscle groups with maximum exposure, and even on fresh air. For example, you can go skiing, familiar to us from childhood. Whereas in last years more and more fans of alpine skiing began to appear, there are also lovers of more relaxed cross-country skiing. However, before choosing skis for skating, you need to decide what types of these products are in general.

Main varieties

Cross-country skiing according to its purpose is usually divided into two main types: for classic and skating. In the classical style of skiing, the skier moves the skis parallel to each other, and in the skating course, the athlete steps in the same way as skaters walk, that is, he uses inside skis to push off the snow. That is why it is worth knowing how to choose skis for skating, so that when you visit an online store or a regular sports equipment store, you will be guided by your needs.

Production material

If we talk about what these products can be made of, then there are only two options - plastic and different types of wood. The former have a whole range of advantages over the latter, as they are characterized by strength, durability and the ability to develop significant speeds. They do not delaminate, which cannot be said about wooden ones, which are prone to changing their properties as a result of repeated contacts with water. However, the main advantage wooden skis consists in their value, as a result of which they become the best option for beginners who are just starting to take their first hard steps in the snow.

Skating ski options

Knowing the basic parameters will help answer the question of how to choose skis for skating. What to choose, in the end, will depend on their rigidity and length. The selection process should be as thorough as possible, since the convenience of the skier depends on this, but the personal preferences of the athletes also play a significant role in this situation. It is important to understand that skis are intended for skating, which are shorter and more rigid compared to the classics, but here it should be remembered that hard skis are much more difficult to manage. If you answer the question of how to choose skis for skating by height, then it must be borne in mind that their length should be 10 cm more than the athlete’s height.

Subtleties of choice

Skis for skating differ from classic models in the absence of curved noses, and their height, as already mentioned, should be only 10 cm more than the height of the skier. When buying this option, it is very important to choose the right stiffness. Ideally, it should be calculated as follows: skis must be installed on a flat surface, after which a person stands on them, evenly distributing their weight on both skis. Next, you need to take a probe, it can even be a sheet of paper to measure the clearance area between the floor and the ski in front and behind in relation to the boot. It should be approximately 35-40 and 10-15 cm, respectively. After the skier transfers the entire body weight to one ski, the clearance zone should become 10 cm smaller and less in the back and front, while the gap should end earlier than the heel of the boot is located.

However, not every store will allow you to do such a check, so you can use another method. If you are deciding how to choose skis for skating, then there is another option for checking them. It is required to install the skis vertically, fold them to each other with sliding surfaces, put your hands on the blocks, and then squeeze them with force. If the gap between the skis is about 3-4 mm, then they are quite suitable for you, and with a gap of 1-2 mm, we can conclude that they are too soft for you.

So, now you understand how to choose skis for skating in terms of stiffness. Now it is worth saying that it is not recommended to buy these products in a hypermarket. It would be best to go to a sports store, where you can, with the help of a consultant, choose the most suitable option for yourself. Usually, such specialists are well versed in how to choose skis for skating. Fisher is a popular brand to look out for as it makes products High Quality at a reasonable price. Each manufacturer has its own line for each category of skis, with different features and prices. In this case, the choice of one or another option depends primarily on how much you are willing to spend.

ski boots

If we talk about how to choose skis for skating, then one of the important attributes in this case are ski boots. They should be rigid, high, fix the ankle. For these purposes, it is completely inappropriate to use classic boots, since they are low, and the legs in them will get tired very quickly during such skating. As a result, you will not get any pleasure. The size should correspond to the size of the foot, while there is no need to leave a margin for woolen socks. Modern boots are characterized by density, softness, and their thermal parameters are designed for use with one toe, but rather dense.

The right choice of boots is an additional answer to the question of how to choose skis for skating. Much distinguishes them from the classics, so in the store you should once discard all unsuitable options. Boots may well become the most expensive part of the “skis - bindings - boots - poles” set, but you should not save on them, because poles and skis can be changed next season, and boots will last you another 10-15 years, no less.

ski poles

There is one here general principle: The lighter the sticks, the better. The same principle applies to skis and boots. Lighter sticks are made from carbon fiber or carbon fiber, but they are quite expensive, so it is recommended to take fiberglass products. They are characterized by rigidity, lightness and relative cheapness. If we talk about how to choose skis for skating by height, then it is important to know that poles should also be selected according to height. On average, their length should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the athlete himself. But even here it is possible that the skier will select sticks according to his own criteria, because it is convenient for everyone to use them in different ways.

Ski waxing

If it has already been said about how to choose skis for skating, now it is necessary to decide on the preparation of skis for operation, and this is impossible without their lubrication. In professional circles, at least ten layers of different lubricants and accelerator powders are applied to the sliding surface using a special iron, scrapers and brushes. Skating enthusiasts do not need to resort to such tricks, but they cannot completely abandon the use of lubricant. It's all about the composition of the sliding surface of the skis, because it consists of high molecular weight polyethylene, and it begins to gradually wear out from constant contact with snow. If you do not lubricate the skis, then this surface will gradually turn into completely unsuitable for skiing, which will require you to carry the skis to a professional for the scraping operation. After every 2-3 rides, it is recommended to rub the skis with special purpose paraffin, and then rub it with a stiff brush. Manufacturers have taken care of the laziest as well, for these purposes they produce aerosols that must be used before each ride.


If your decision to learn how to ski is pretty solid, then you should first decide what style of skiing you will use. In accordance with this, you also need to purchase skis. Not so long ago, people began to skate - in the eighties of the twentieth century. The ancestor of this style is Gunde Swan - legendary skier from Sweden, who became Olympic champion four times.

The peculiarity of this type of skiing is that the athlete is repelled from the track by the inside of the ski. At the same time, the route should have a large width, and also be well-packed. The advent of skating style has led to a change in the familiar look of traditional classic cross-country skiing. In addition to the fact that these are shorter skis with blunt noses, these are also products with a center of gravity shifted by 25 cm. In this case, in order to answer the question of how to choose skis for skating by weight and height, you need to understand that not only the type of snow is important here, but also your personal preferences.

If you just love Sunday skiing in the snow, then your best bet is to opt for models of medium and low hardness. Very rigid products have quite significant drawbacks - they spring and slip at the moment of push. But here it is important to understand that their rigidity is proportional to their own weight - the larger this indicator, the greater the rigidity should be. For children, only soft skis should be selected. With their help, the process of mastering skiing will be much easier. Buying skis "for growth" is the most significant mistake of parents. This is with regard to the question of how to choose skis for skating by weight.

The length is selected according to the formula already indicated earlier: height plus 10-15 cm. For sticks, the formula is a bit similar - height minus 20 cm. How to choose shoes has already been said earlier.


Another important point, which addresses the question of how to choose skis for skating. It is associated with the choice of mounts for them. For amateur skiers, experts usually recommend stopping at NORDIK 75 bindings. In general, these devices can be mechanical or automatic. The first option involves manual latching, and their reliability is quite high. Automatic bindings have a peculiarity in that they work after the boot bracket is placed in the groove. This type for amateurs will be the best choice.

Fisher skis

How to choose skis for skating "Fischer"? There is something to say here. Why do people prefer this particular brand? These are high quality skis with excellent performance. The main advantage of Fischer skating skis is their highest strength and a special hollow core, which makes the body as light as possible. In addition, many models are produced using advanced technologies, for example, in the carrier material there are special carbon fibers that take on the task of providing maximum flexibility with extreme strength. Perfect skating comfort is ensured by the use of a patented profile. Reducing the mass of skis became possible due to the use of a holey toe.

Another advantage of these products is the maximum removal of reference points. This allows the athlete to gain the maximum stability that can be required in biathlon training and competition. We continue to figure out how to choose skis for skating. Reviews of the products of this brand speak of their wide temperature range. For example, in their lineup there are representatives focused on riding on dirty snow or during a thaw. However, practice shows that they are well suited for training in cold weather, and you don’t even need to use any special lubricants. This versatility is quite captivating.

The only disadvantages of Fisher skis are their high cost, which is beyond the reach of most domestic consumers. For professional products, the price is 30 thousand rubles or more, which is quite expensive for amateurs. But the brand also presents standard modifications that have good characteristics.


Now you understand how to choose skis for skating. Photos of these products and pictures of skiers demonstrate that this is a very important task, because they not only provide the convenience of skiing, but also the safety of the athlete. It is not necessary to immediately buy these products for yourself, you can limit yourself to renting skis. This will allow you to feel in practice which option will be most convenient for you. And if you don’t have such an opportunity, then all the indicated recommendations should be useful to you. Good luck with your choice and happy riding!

skiing- one of the most popular sports activities in winter period. But before those who have just decided to try to ride, a natural question arises - how to choose skis and poles? You need to select them according to your height.

Skiing is one of the most popular sports activities in winter. But before those who have just decided to try to ride, a natural question arises - how to choose skis and sticks? You need to select them according to your height.

To begin with, let's still decide what exactly you want to do - cross-country running or learning to go down the mountains? Sports are far from the same, they are very different from each other, and the parameters for choosing sports ammunition in them are also, respectively, different.

In skiing, there are several ways to go, for each of which there are separate types of racing skis. First of all, these are classic icon methods. Also, in sports shops you can find walking skis for ordinary outdoor enthusiasts. Now, let's figure out how to choose them according to your height.

If you are seriously planning this sport, then skis for classic and skating are at your service. The main rule of their choice is something like this: if the main way of running is classic, then the skis should be 20-30 centimeters higher than your height. For the ridge method, this figure is approximately two times less. Concerning recreational skis, then their size should be 15-20 centimeters more than your height. However, so that you do not get too confused in the measurements, we provide a table with all the necessary values.

Table for selecting the length of skis

What about zhepalki? For them, too, there is a separate classification, according to which they should be selected. Sticks for the classic move should be 25-30 centimeters shorter than your height. For skating sticks are selected that are 15-20 centimeters smaller than the athlete.

Table for the selection of the length of the sticks

Skier Height
(cm) Stick length for
classic stroke (cm) Length of poles for
skating (cm)150 120-125 130-135 155 125-130 135-140 160 130-135 140-145 165 135-140 145-150 170 140-145 150-155 175 145-150 155-160 180 150-155 160-165 185 155-160 165-170 190 160-165 170-175 195 165 175

If you are going to put a child on skis, then it is worth remembering that the method of picking up skis in this case is somewhat different from the standard one. Determining role in the choice sports equipment for children weighing up to 40 kilograms is not height, as in adults, but weight. If your child weighs from 10 to 20 kilograms, then skis with a height of 70-80 centimeters are suitable for him. The guys in weight category From 20 to 30 kilograms, skis 90 centimeters long are optimal. For children weighing from 30 to 40 kilograms, you should buy meter skis. As for the sticks, everything here is like in adults - they should be 25-30 centimeters smaller than the height of the child.

Speaking of mountain skiing, we note that their selection depends not only on your height and weight indicators, but also on the conditions in which you are going to use them. For non-professionals, manufacturers divide skis into three categories: carving, which is divided into fan-carving (allowing you to enter the turn almost lying down) and autocarv (they have a lightweight steering system), freeride and universal. Karving designed for those who ride on prepared slopes. For those who like to ride cross-country mountainous terrain, we advise you to take freeride skis. However, skiing on them is practically inaccessible to beginners due to their complexity. They are suitable for the so-called universal skis, which can be ridden almost anywhere.

Table for the selection of alpine skiing

Recently, in our country, there have been ample opportunities for children to practice skiing. Naturally, the child also needs a careful selection of equipment according to his height and weight. Note that children's skis are from 70 to 120 centimeters in size. As a rule, unlike adults, they have a simplified design, without control amplifiers and other things. Below we present sample table mountain skis for children.

Table for the selection of skiing for a child

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Published: February 4, 2016.

Why you need to select ski poles for height

The technique of skiing involves the performance of certain movements. Among these movements there is also repulsion by hands with ski poles. At the same time, such repulsions must be synchronized with the rest of the body movements.

At such moments, the body of the skier is in a certain position. And to work with your hands in such positions, sticks of a certain length are needed. Since all skiers are of different heights, everyone needs their own length of poles. And the only criterion in this case was the growth of a person. That is why the selection of ski poles for the height of a particular skier is so important.

Everyone can verify this for himself. Just enough to ride with sticks different lengths. Sticks that are too long or too short are uncomfortable to push. And in order not to test when buying, they have long been using the experience gained by many years and generations of skiers in the selection of ski poles.

Especially this experience will be useful for beginner skiers. They are just beginning to get acquainted with the technique of skiing. And it will not be easy for them to determine what length of stick is best. And how do you even use sticks?

How to properly wear ski poles

For those who decide to try the length of ski poles now, it will be useful to learn how to hold them correctly. And for other novice athletes or amateur skiers, this knowledge will also be useful.

To properly hold the ski pole with your right hand, you need to take it with your left hand just below the handle. Brush right hand from bottom to top, you need to insert into the strap loop of the handle of the ski pole. Then grab her hand with your palm. This places the pen strap under the palm and around the wrist. See pictures below.

This is the best way to hold the stick. When pushing, the hand will rest on the strap and the fingers will not strain too much. After the push, the stick will remain hanging on the hand and will not be lost. To do this, you just need to adjust the length of the strap according to the brush in place.

What are ski poles made of?

Since we got to the handle with a strap, it will be useful to find out what else ski poles consist of. Main parts of ski poles: shaft, handle, lanyard, paw and tip. Where is the strap and rings? A little more on this below.


The shaft or shaft of a ski pole is its main part. Actually, once upon a time it was she who was limited to the complete set of ski poles. The main purpose of the shaft is to transmit force from the hand to the surface of the earth. With the help of the shaft, in fact, there is a push by the skier's hand.

The rod can be made from a variety of materials. Once it was just a wooden stick. Then they began to use stronger and lighter bamboo. Bamboo sticks have been used for a very long time. And only from the middle of the last century, aluminum and its alloys began to be used for its manufacture.

Today, even titanium is used to make the shaft. It is a light and durable metal that is used in the aviation industry. Widely applied composite materials and products of the chemical industry. The most comfortable sticks are made of carbon fiber and fiberglass. But they are also the most expensive.

For an amateur skier, poles made of aluminum alloys are quite suitable. They are quite light and durable. What else does a skier need? Yes, one more thing. When there were not enough strong materials for the rod, its shape was in the form of a cylinder. Today, the shaft is made cone-shaped. This shifts the center of gravity of the stick towards the handle. When using such a stick, the athlete's hand gets tired less.


The handle is needed in order to make it more convenient to hold the ski pole. Therefore, the handles are often made anatomically shaped with notches for the fingers. In addition, a small stop or ledge is sometimes made at the bottom of the handle, which takes some of the load off the fingers.

The handles are mostly made of plastic. More expensive sticks use cork, leather, and other materials, and combinations thereof. It is better to use handles with a non-slip surface. It is better to hold them by hand. And there is another very important factor to consider.

Ski poles are used in winter, when the air temperature can reach quite low values. And so that your hands do not freeze, it will be better if the handle is made of a material with low thermal conductivity.


It is also called a strap or a loop. When pushing, the hand rests precisely on the lanyard and only partially on the stick. The task of the lanyard is also to keep the hand on the handle during the push. Well, do not lose the ski pole after the push, when it practically hangs on the wrist.

Everyone's hand size is different. To adjust the length of the strap on the handle, a special adjusting device is made. Today, the lanyard is made not just a strap, but it is made in the shape of a hand. As a result, it becomes completely different from the strip of skin that it was originally. The material for the manufacture of the lanyard can also be synthetic fabrics.

Once upon a time, rings made of various materials were used to support the stick on the snow. They were fixed at its lower end with leather straps or otherwise. Today, rings are used in cases where ski poles are used on soft snow or even on virgin soil.

They are used by tourists during ski trips, hunters and just lovers to wander through the virgin snow. Due to the large surface of the support, sticks with rings fall less into the snow. On a prepared ski track, small supports in the form of bird legs are more often used. There are enough of them on a compacted ski track.

The material for the manufacture of paws are different kinds plastics. This material is strong enough and weighs a little. The shape of the foot can be the most diverse.


The tip on modern ski poles is often combined with the foot. But sometimes they are made separately. The only task of the tip is to keep the stick in one place during the push. To do this, the tip is made sharp and metallic. After all, a ski pole can also rest on a hard surface. It could be ice too. The task of the tip is to keep it in any conditions.

Since the tip is very sharp, the stick must be used carefully. This will help prevent injury to those around you.

How to choose ski poles

Selection of ski poles by height

There are several ways to choose ski poles depending on the height of the skier. In addition, their length varies depending on the style that the skier uses.

How to choose ski poles for classic skiing

The size of ski poles for a classic course is chosen depending on the height of the skier. A skier in full gear and boots places poles next to him. With the correct length of the sticks, they top part should be level with the skier's shoulder.

Well, or another way. If you hold the ski pole in your hand vertically and at the same time set it aside, then the hand should take a horizontal position. Another way. If there are skis, then stand on the skis and put the sticks next to you. They should enter under the shoulder (in the armpit) with a little effort. It is allowed to slightly raise the shoulder without rising on the toes.

Length of ski poles for skating

The length of the skate sticks should be slightly higher than for the classics. The size of ski poles for skating is also chosen based on the height of the skier. A skier in boots places sticks vertically next to him. Their height should reach the earlobe or the tip of the nose.

If there are already optimal length ski poles for the classics, then the task is simplified. It is enough to add 10 cm to their length. We get the size of ski poles for skating.

How to choose ski poles by height according to the table

It is even easier to choose the length of ski poles using the data in the table below. It shows the sizes of sticks for skating and classic skiing, depending on the height of a person.

How much do ski poles cost

The price of ski poles depends on the manufacturer, the materials from which they are made, and the quality. The cost of sticks starts from a few hundred rubles and ends in many thousands.

It is not necessary to chase expensive and prestigious sticks. The main thing is that they perform the functions assigned to them. Moreover, you should not buy expensive ski poles if you plan to ski only a few times per season. Good amateur sticks can be bought for 500 - 800 rubles. But, if possible, it is better to buy sticks more expensive and better quality.

Where to buy ski poles

Ski poles can be purchased at the nearest store sporting goods. If there is none nearby or there is not a very rich assortment in it, then you can become the happy owner of good ski poles by wandering around the online store. In case of purchase, delivery directly to your home is possible.
