What should be the length of the ski poles. How to choose ski poles? Shape of ski poles

As previously reported, new rules were established last week for all competitions held under the auspices of the FIS. The height of the poles for the classics should not exceed 83% of the height of the skier.

September 30 at the autumn meeting International Federation skiing (FIS) in Zurich, it was decided that at all international starts (World Cup stages, Continental Cups and any other races (including marathons) under the auspices of the FIS), skiers will be required to use sticks in classic races, no longer than 83% of the skier's height.

The skier's height is measured when the skier is standing in ski boots. Thus, it is a couple of centimeters higher than the physiological growth of a person. The length of the ski pole is measured from the end of the pointed tip to the handle (namely, to the hole where the lanyard for the hand enters).

Thus, the length of the sticks for the classics can be calculated by the formula: the height of the skier in boots (in centimeters) x 0.83. That is, for example, with a person’s height of 1 m 70 cm, the following option is valid 170 cm x 0.83 = 141.1 cm (the length of the sticks for classic move for an athlete with a height of 1 m 70 cm (in boots) should not exceed 141.1 cm).

Schedule of all starts held under the auspices of FIS on the territory of Russia in winter season 2016-2017, you can find . It is at these starts that the 83% rule will apply.

Below we publish the FIS clarification on the new rule itself. The explanation has been translated by the portal openski.ru .

Why was this rule adopted? What is its main purpose?

The main purpose of this rule is not to ban doublepoling, but to provide an additional tool for protection. classical technique in all its manifestations: alternating, simultaneous one-step and stepless moves, as well as when driving "herringbone" and with turning technology. So that everyone is on an equal footing in classical style competitions.

After two years of discussion, research, experience and scientific research, it's time to give clear signals and answers to this question to the ski community. The overwhelming majority are for the traditional division into classic and free style of movement in competitions. In addition, the Committee decided that if the classical technique were to develop only in the direction of double poling without holding ointment, then this technique would be impossible to control. It cannot be considered as a standalone style, and in the near future there will be no racing only using the stepless move. (whatever that means - approx.).

The Ski Committee emphasizes the need to involve in the discussion about the future of classic technique a wide range of people working and competing in various races. Even if the current situation seems to be more or less under control at the World Cup level, it is not so at lower level races and marathons. Modern methods of training and use of equipment, especially for young athletes, were also an important factor in the decision.

Who proposed and adopted this rule?
The decision-making process in FIS is complex. The Council is the highest body of the FIS and takes all necessary decisions between the congresses. The Council appoints the chairmen and members of the committees. The Subcommittees and Working Groups make recommendations to the Council and it is responsible for their technical implementation by the FIS.

Former elite skiers, head coaches of national teams, heads of federations and other experts represent Committees and sub-committees of national ski associations.

The cross-country skiing committee received a proposal for a maximum pole length for classics from the German Ski Association in the summer of 2016. All members of the Committee received this proposal with a request to discuss it in their national associations. At the autumn FIS meeting in Zurich, the proposal was discussed by the sub-committee on rules and enforcement, as well as the sub-committee of the World Cup and the Continental Cup.

After an open and democratic discussion, the cross-country skiing committee unanimously adopted a proposal to limit the maximum length ski poles for classic style.

Why was it decided at the autumn FIS meeting and not in the spring?
For several years, the ski community has been debating the future of the classic technique. Cross-country skiing has faced an intense evolution comparable to the advent of skating technique in the mid 80s. The evolution of doublepoling tests strength cross-country skiing. Several measures have been taken to slow this development.

Ideally, the maximum length rule should be passed in June, but the evolution has been too fast. After long discussions during meetings in Cancun (Mexico), each national association had to discuss all aspects of this problem at all racing levels. As a result, we received a concrete proposal from Germany this summer.

Why exactly 83% of the body length?
We have received quite a few messages from coaches that many athletes have been testing classic poles that have been extended by 10 centimeters this summer. The initial proposal of the German Ski Association was 85% of the athlete's body length (the average length of poles used by athletes in previous years), but without boots and full length. We came up with 83% of the height of the body with boots, measured from the pin to the point where the lanyard comes out of the handle.

Will it keep the traditional classics?
The maximum length of the sticks is not the only solution in this direction. This is just one of the tools. During recent years we paid a lot of attention to finding ski slopes for classic races. The jury has become more severe in punishing violators of technique when riding a semi-skate in a ski track, skating in a herringbone, passing turns with a skate, etc. In addition, the process of adopting sanctions has accelerated.

In addition, many national ski associations are going to test technical areas where no-stroke skiing will be banned. Now the cross-country committee has limited the maximum length of the poles. This won't stop any skier from going up the steep double pole climb, but it is expected to stop the undesirable development of classical technique. The experience of the upcoming season will be carefully evaluated in the spring next year and further steps, including a further reduction in the length of the sticks, can be discussed.

Does this rule only apply to the FIS World Cup?
No, the 83% rule applies to all FIS competitions and for all age groups.

How will the new rule be enforced?
The measuring device will soon be available during official training so that athletes can test their equipment on their own. The Jury will carry out both directed and random checks. They are possible before and after the competition. If necessary, several measuring devices will be installed.

What happens if an athlete comes to the start with the wrong pole length?
Such athletes will not be allowed to compete.

What happens if an athlete breaks a stick in a race?
Athletes quite often break sticks during mass starts, pursuits and sprints. In this case, he needs to get a replacement as soon as possible. It is possible that the new stick will be longer than 83%. In this case, a skier with poles of different lengths does not get an advantage. The size of one stick does not matter and the athlete can finish the competition without any penalty.

What happens if an athlete breaks both poles?
If both poles are broken in a race and an athlete receives a replacement, it must meet the 83% rule.

The original source of the text

To increase the comfort of movement and the economy of the course, we can recommend how to calculate the individual length of sticks for cross-country skiing or rollerski competitions using classic or free technique. When choosing the length of ski poles, it is important to take into account the nature of the route (flat, uphill or with slopes) and changes in FIS rules(2016) that limit the maximum length of ski poles.

Determining the optimal length of SKI poles, taking into account the terrain of the track

Melikov A.V., MS, Russian national roller skiing team, [email protected]

The evolution of classic technique towards double poling has been described by the FIS as "a major challenge for modern skiing". To preserve it, the FIS proposes to apply more severe judicial punishment for the use of half-skating or skating, sliding when lifting the herringbone and for the use of simultaneous moves in areas where this is prohibited.

On the autumn session FIS (01.10.2016, Zurich) The Cross-Country Technical Committee decided to limit the maximum length of poles for classic movement technique: “The maximum length of poles, measured from the tip to the point where the lanyard enters the handle, should be no more than 83% of the athlete’s height in shoes." This rule change applies to any competition held under the auspices of the FIS for all age groups. Pole length measurements may be taken before the start, after the finish, or randomly using measuring devices available to skiers. Athletes with ski poles that are longer than the established size are not allowed to start. If one ski stick breaks during the race, it can be replaced with a stick of any length, but if both sticks break, the length of the new pair must comply with the above requirements.

Within one year (season 2014-2015), the majority of athletes had their classic ski poles lengthened by more than 10 cm. The German Ski Association found in 2016 that average ski pole length is "85% of the length of the body measured without shoes " (Table 1). It was these data that justified the limitation of the length of ski poles by the FIS Cross-Country Skiing Committee - the maximum length of the ski pole from the tip to the point where the lanyard enters the handle must be 83% of the body length measured in shoes .

Research methods. Observation of the kinematics and performance of movement on skis and roller skis using classic and free technique on tracks of various terrain with sticks different lengths made it possible to evaluate the comfort and economy of the applied sports equipment. Four ski racers of the MS and MSMK qualifications, who also participate in roller skiing competitions, were selected as test subjects. Comfort was assessed by subjective sensations, and the economy of movement was assessed by changes in heart rate.

Research results. In Russia, it is traditionally customary to determine the individual length of ski poles by subtracting a discrete value from the height of an athlete: 30 cm for classic poles and 20 cm for skating poles. To optimize the length of ski poles, it is proposed to use not a discrete, but a proportional approach, taking into account the height of each skier-racer, as is accepted by the national associations of European countries.

The results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of ski poles of various lengths showed that for classical technique the most convenient are ski poles, the length of which on average is 85% of a person's height, and for free technique - 90% of the height (Table 1). In this case, “height” is defined as the length of the human body, measured from the plane of the feet without shoes to the top of the head. These recommendations are intended for trails with a typical average distribution of flat areas, descents and ascents, as well as for sprint distances.

Table 1 - Calculation of the optimal length of poles for roller skiing competitions, taking into account the terrain of the track

Stroke technique style

Data source

The formula for calculating the length of sticks for an average-typical route

For the uphill race

On the slopes

classical technique

Melikov and others*

shorten by

Free technique

FIS Rules

Melikov and others*

shorten by

lengthen by

A slight change in the length of the ski poles does not significantly affect the comfort of the move (no more than 10%), however, it can accelerate the appearance of fatigue on long distances and reduce sprint performance.

It should be noted that it is advisable to choose ski poles of the same length for both cross-country skiing and roller skiing competitions. On rollerskis, the shoulders of the skier-racer are located higher than on skis, to the height of the platform, so that the foot of the ski pole is at the level of the lower surface of the boots standing on the platforms. On the ski run this difference is leveled out when the tip of the stick hits the snow up to the foot, which also lies on the same level with the plane of contact between the shoes and the skis.

If the distance is dominated by climbs, for example, when racing uphill, then it is advisable to shorten the ski poles by a relatively average size for classical technique and for free technique. On skating slopes, it is recommended to lengthen the ski poles by more than the average size (table 1). These recommendations are suitable for both skiing and roller skiing.

The validity of our recommendations is indirectly confirmed by the fact that the author's conclusions about the rational length of ski poles, published in the summer of 2016, coincided with the conclusions made by the German Ski Association and presented to the FIS in the autumn of the same year.

Conclusion. To increase the comfort and economy of skiing, it is recommended to select ski poles taking into account the height of the racer, the chosen technique of movement (classic or free) and the terrain of the track. In the case of a predominance of ascents on the track, it is advisable to use poles shortened relative to the average size by , in the case of a predominance of descents - elongated by a similar amount. It should be borne in mind that the new rules (2016) prohibit the use of ski poles for classical technique with a total length of more than 85% of a person’s height without shoes, or a length to a lanyard, more than 83% of a person’s height in shoes.


  1. Q&A maximum classic technique poles. URL: http://www.fis-ski.com/cross-country/news-multimedia/news/article=maximum-classic-technique-poles.ht...
  2. Ramenskaya T.I., Batalov A.G.. Cross-country skiing.- M.: Buki-Vedi, 2015.- 564 p.
  3. Melikov A.V., Korsakov S.V., Artamonova I.A., Andreeva E.G.. Features of the choice and preparation of roller skis. Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgaft. - 2016, No. 7 (137). - P. 66-75.
  4. Artamonova I.A., Melikov A.V., Andreeva E.G.. Determining the optimal length of poles for rollerski competitions, taking into account the terrain of the track // Materials of the open final scientific and practical conference faculty of RGUFKSMiT.- M.: RGUFKSMiT, 2016.- P.22-26.

Skiing is one of the most popular sports activities in winter period. But before those who have just decided to try to ride, a natural question arises - how to choose skis and poles? You need to select them according to your height.

Skiing is one of the most popular sports activities in winter. But before those who have just decided to try to ride, a natural question arises - how to choose skis and sticks? You need to select them according to your height.

To begin with, let's still decide what exactly you want to do - cross-country running or learning to go down the mountains? Sports are far from the same, they are very different from each other, and the parameters for choosing sports ammunition in them are also, respectively, different.

In skiing, there are several ways to go, for each of which there are separate types of racing skis. First of all, these are classic icon methods. Also, in sports shops you can find walking skis for ordinary outdoor enthusiasts. Now, let's figure out how to choose them according to your height.

If you are seriously planning this sport, then skis for classic and skating are at your service. The main rule of their choice is something like this: if the main way of running is classic, then the skis should be 20-30 centimeters higher than your height. For the ridge method, this figure is approximately two times less. Concerning recreational skis, then their size should be 15-20 centimeters more than your height. However, so that you do not get too confused in the measurements, we provide a table with all the necessary values.

Table for selecting the length of skis

What about zhepalki? For them, too, there is a separate classification, according to which they should be selected. Sticks for the classic move should be 25-30 centimeters shorter than your height. For skating sticks are selected that are 15-20 centimeters smaller than the athlete.

Table for the selection of the length of the sticks

Skier Height
(cm) Stick length for
classic stroke (cm) Length of poles for
skating (cm)150 120-125 130-135 155 125-130 135-140 160 130-135 140-145 165 135-140 145-150 170 140-145 150-155 175 145-150 155-160 180 150-155 160-165 185 155-160 165-170 190 160-165 170-175 195 165 175

If you are going to put a child on skis, then it is worth remembering that the method of picking up skis in this case is somewhat different from the standard one. The determining role in the choice of sports equipment for children weighing up to 40 kilograms is not height, as in adults, but weight. If your child weighs from 10 to 20 kilograms, then skis with a height of 70-80 centimeters are suitable for him. The guys in weight category From 20 to 30 kilograms, skis 90 centimeters long are optimal. For children weighing from 30 to 40 kilograms, you should buy meter skis. As for the sticks, everything here is like in adults - they should be 25-30 centimeters smaller than the height of the child.

Speaking of skiing ah, we note that their selection depends not only on your height and weight indicators, but also on the conditions in which you are going to use them. For non-professionals, manufacturers divide skis into three categories: carving, which is divided into fan-carving (allowing you to enter the turn almost lying down) and autocarv (they have a lightweight steering system), freeride and universal. Karving designed for those who ride on prepared slopes. For those who like to ride cross-country mountainous terrain, we advise you to take freeride skis. However, skiing on them is practically inaccessible to beginners due to their complexity. They are suitable for the so-called universal skis, which can be ridden almost anywhere.

Table for the selection of alpine skiing

Recently, in our country, there have been ample opportunities for children to practice skiing. Naturally, the child also needs a careful selection of equipment according to his height and weight. Note that children's skis are from 70 to 120 centimeters in size. As a rule, unlike adults, they have a simplified design, without control amplifiers and other things. Below we present sample table mountain skis for children.

Table for the selection of skiing for a child

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Choosing ski poles is easier than choosing skis or boots. But ski poles also have their own characteristics, which we will discuss in this article: what material, what length, which handles and lanyards are better to choose.

Selection of ski poles by material

Cross-country ski poles are made from several materials:

  • Aluminum. Aluminum ski poles are strong, cheap, but heavy. They have one big plus - they are almost impossible to break. Bent, straightened and moved on. Cons - weight and insufficient rigidity for sports riding. If you like to walk through the forest outside of prepared trails, then choose lightweight ones. aluminum sticks .
  • fiberglass(plastic and fiberglass) - light, cheap, but soft and fragile. Fiberglass is similar in softness and vibration to aluminum, but is much inferior in strength. fiberglass sticks will not withstand powerful repulsions, therefore they are only suitable for skiing on prepared tracks.
  • Carbon(carbon fiber) or a mixture thereof - carbon fiber(plastic and carbon). Carbon ski poles are rigid, light and strong. Carbon is easy to break only when side impact by stick. There are options in 100% carbon and a mixture of carbon with plastic or fiberglass. Buy poles with at least 60% carbon content. carbon sticks withstand powerful repulsions, so they are suitable for training and competition.

The price of carbon sticks starts from 2500 rubles. For example, carbon sticks Nordway Carbon or STC Avanti. These sticks have a good carbon shaft, but the handles and lanyards are of poor quality.

Better models of carbon sticks will cost from 6000 r, for example KV+ Viking or KV+ Tempesta– durable handles and lanyards, more than 70% carbon fiber, quick release system for straps.

The lightest and toughest racing carbon sticks cost from 10,000 rubles. For example, models KV+ Elite, Tornado, Bora or Swix Quantum, Team and Triac– 100% carbon High Quality, durable lanyards and handles, convenient lanyard release system.

Handles, lanyards and paws for ski poles

Source: www.flgr.ru

Table of selection of ski poles by height

Ski poles by height: FIS table for classic skiing

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Someone on winter snowy days prefers to stay at home in front of the TV with a cup of hot tea in their hands. Some people don't like this pastime. Many children and adults like to go skiing on their day off. To do this, it is not at all necessary to be a professional, the main thing is to choose the right and high-quality equipment. In this article, we will talk about how to choose ski poles wisely.

How to determine the length of ski poles?

The length of ski poles is one of their most important characteristics and the main selection criterion. Choose them strictly for your height, otherwise you will simply be uncomfortable riding. In no case do not buy ski poles for children for growth, as this can create certain inconveniences and completely discourage the kids from doing this exciting winter sport.

Before making your choice, decide which riding technique is closer to you. For the classic style, the length of the ski poles is determined as follows. Just put them next to you. The inventory that suits you will reach armpit level, and the options above and below are not for you. There is another way to choose the length of the sticks: measure your own height and subtract 30 cm from it.

For skating skiing, the sticks should be longer (a separate section of the article is devoted to this).

What material should the sticks be made from?

In order for your ski poles to serve for a long time, pay attention to the material from which they are made. In stores you will see products made of carbon fiber, carbon fiber, fiberglass, aluminum. How to make a choice? There are two main points.

  1. If you have been skiing for a long time, then the best choice It's carbon fiber and carbon fiber. These materials are tough, but strong blow may bend or break. But such sticks allow you to avoid vibrations when skiing (this is important for professionals).
  2. If you are new to skiing, then choose sticks made of aluminum or fiberglass. Fiberglass is a flexible material that will definitely not bend. True, when pushed, it can emit vibrations. But for beginners, this is not so important, since the force of their repulsion is much less than that of professionals. Aluminum ski poles are the most durable. Their only drawback is their heavy weight.

Additional details when choosing ski poles

When choosing ski equipment and poles, pay attention to a few important details.

  1. The stick can be straight or narrowed towards the bottom. The latter will be easier than the former. The strength of such sticks does not differ.
  2. Paws. If you have been skiing for a long time, then choose models with small paws. For beginners, it is better to purchase ski poles with large, convenient these elements.
  3. Pen. For expensive models, it is made of plastic with the addition of rubber or cork. More budget options are made entirely of plastic. Loops must be made of nylon or be belt. Put your hand in the loop, pay attention to how you feel. She shouldn't rub her hand. The length of the loop should be such that the palm rests on it, and not on the handle of the ski pole.

How to choose ski poles for skating?

When choosing sticks for skating, the classic formula for calculating their length does not work. More precisely, there are certain moments.

  1. If you ride at low speed and for a long time, choose sticks 2 cm higher perfect formula.
  2. Poles just below the ideal formula are suitable for skiing at high speed if the skier actively uses shoulder girdle, but less actively - the abdominal muscles.
  3. When lifting diagonally, consider your height. tall people it will be convenient to work with sticks just below the formula. People of small stature, on the contrary, need longer sticks, as they will make it more convenient to push off the ground with their hands.

Choose ski poles slowly, and they will please you for a long time!
