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The school round of the XI All-Russian Olympiad "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" has started.

The Olympiad "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" is annually included in the list of subject Olympiads for schoolchildren of the RSOSH in the subjects "History" and "Theology". According to the results of the examination of the materials of the first Olympiad, which was held by the All-Russian Council of Olympiads, the second level was assigned to the Orthodox Olympiad. This is the only confessional Olympiad among subject Olympiads.

The Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture:" Holy Russia, keep the Orthodox faith! "" Has been held since 2008. The event is held with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with the support of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, The Russian Union of Rectors, the Russian Council of Olympiads for Schoolchildren, the Presidential Grants Fund.

Students of grades 4-11 of state, municipal and non-state can take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis. educational organizations implementing general education programs, including educational organizations of the Russian Federation located outside its borders.

The Olympiad is held on a complex of subjects related to the study of the history and culture of Orthodoxy. More than 350 thousand participants from 10 thousand schools (every fifth school) in Russia, representing 80 regions, take part in it annually.

The school tour takes place full-time in the field. The teacher in charge of the school registers on the website http://opk.pravolimp.ru, submits an application, downloads assignments in the personal account and after school tour publishes the results on the site.

In 2018-2019 academic year school round Olympiad tasks will be distributed for the following categories of students: 1) for students in grades 4-5, 2) for students in grades 6-7, 3) for students in grades 8-9, 4) for students in grades 10-11.

Students in grades 4 of the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" module will be able to take part in the Municipal Tour on an equal basis with students in grades 5-11 in accordance with the schedule of the Olympiad.

Students in grades 4-5 in the "Secular Ethics" module are invited to conduct two rounds: a school (autumn) round from September 2018 to January 2019 and a municipal (spring) round - in March 2019.

Topics of the 2018-2019 academic year Olympiad:

  • "Speculation in stone": stone church architecture of Ancient Russia

The topic draws attention to the history of the appearance of temples and monasteries during the period of stone construction, their architecture, initiators and architects, the painting system, as well as memories of temples, the reflection of the images and fate of these temples in painting and literature.

  • "The Slavic world in the era of Saints Cyril and Methodius"

The topic allows you to delve into the mission of the holy brothers, to better understand their feat, to consider the fruits of the mission in the Slavic countries - first of all, in Bulgaria and Serbia, in which their works contributed to the final establishment of Christianity, to see the cultural ties of Russia with other Slavic countries and the significance of the mission for spreading and the establishment of the Christian faith in the Russian land.

  • "Youth: Freedom and Responsibility".

More detailed information is presented on the website of the Olympiad.

Press service of PSTGU / Patriarchy.ru

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We invite students of secondary general education and professional educational institutions take part in the Olympiads organized by the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities in the period from September 2013 to April 2014:

  • VI All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in the Basics of Orthodox Culture (for students in grades 4-11).
  • Olympiad in Secular Ethics (for students in grades 4-5).
  • Open All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad "Our Heritage" (for students in grades 3-11).
  • Multidisciplinary Olympiad "Axios" (for students in grades 5-11).

All Olympiads are held on a charitable basis and do not involve any contributions to participate.

All participants are given certificates, winners and prize-winners - diplomas. Teachers and school tour organizers receive letters of thanks. The winners of the Olympiads have the opportunity to receive a presidential award for supporting talented youth.

Olympiad in Secular Ethics for students in grades 4-5: ucheba.pravolimp.ru

Open All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad "Our Heritage": ovio.pravolimp.ru;

Multidisciplinary Olympiad "Axios": aksios.pravolimp.ru

The VI All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in the Basics of Orthodox Culture for students in grades 4-5 studying "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics", the Olympiad is held in the modules "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" and "Fundamentals of Secular Ethics."

The Olympiad has been held since 2008 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. In the 2012-2013 academic year, over 250 thousand schoolchildren from 82 regions of Russia took part in it.

Organization and methodological support of all stages of the Olympiad is carried out through the official website. Registration of schools for participation in the Olympiad opens on the website: www.pravolimp.ru in September. School stage starts in October 2013, the leading theme of the academic year is "Russian Monasticism and the Cultural Heritage of Russia."

The tasks of the Olympiad include materials related to the life and work of St. Sergius of Radonezh, whose 700th birthday will be celebrated in 2014.

The school tour of the XI All-Russian Olympiad "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" has started, Patriarchia.ru reports.

The Olympiad "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" is annually included in the list of subject Olympiads for schoolchildren of the RSOSH in the subjects "History" and "Theology". According to the results of the examination of the materials of the first Olympiad, which was held by the All-Russian Council of Olympiads, the second level was assigned to the Orthodox Olympiad. This is the only confessional Olympiad among subject Olympiads.

The Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture:" Holy Russia, keep the Orthodox faith! " Humanities University... The event is held with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with the support of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Rectors, the Russian Council of School Olympiads, and the Presidential Grants Fund.

Students of grades 4-11 of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations implementing general education programs, including educational organizations of the Russian Federation located outside its borders, can take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis.

The Olympiad is held on a complex of subjects related to the study of the history and culture of Orthodoxy. More than 350 thousand participants from 10 thousand schools (every fifth school) in Russia, representing 80 regions, take part in it annually.

The school tour takes place full-time in the field. The teacher in charge of the school registers on the website http://opk.pravolimp.ru, submits an application, downloads assignments in his personal account, and after the school tour posts the results on the website.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the tasks of the school round Olympiad will be distributed for the following categories of students: 1) for students in grades 4-5, 2) for students in grades 6-7, 3) for students in grades 8-9, 4) for students in grades 10 11 classes.

Students in grades 4 of the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" module will be able to take part in the Municipal Tour on an equal basis with students in grades 5-11 in accordance with the schedule of the Olympiad.

Students in grades 4-5 in the "Secular Ethics" module are invited to conduct two rounds: a school (autumn) round from September 2018 to January 2019 and a municipal (spring) round - in March 2019.

Topics of the 2018-2019 academic year Olympiad:

  • "Speculation in stone": stone church architecture of Ancient Russia

The topic draws attention to the history of the appearance of temples and monasteries during the period of stone construction, their architecture, initiators and architects, the painting system, as well as memories of temples, the reflection of the images and fate of these temples in painting and literature.

  • "The Slavic world in the era of Saints Cyril and Methodius"

The topic allows you to delve into the mission of the holy brothers, to better understand their feat, to consider the fruits of the mission in the Slavic countries - first of all, in Bulgaria and Serbia, in which their works contributed to the final establishment of Christianity, to see the cultural ties of Russia with other Slavic countries and the significance of the mission for spreading and the establishment of the Christian faith in the Russian land.

  • "Youth: Freedom and Responsibility".

For more information, see

The school round of the XI All-Russian Olympiad "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" has started.

The Olympiad "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" is annually included in the list of subject Olympiads for schoolchildren of the RSOSH in the subjects "History" and "Theology". According to the results of the examination of the materials of the first Olympiad, which was held by the All-Russian Council of Olympiads, the second level was assigned to the Orthodox Olympiad. This is the only confessional Olympiad among subject Olympiads.

The Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture:" Holy Russia, keep the Orthodox faith! " The event is held with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with the support of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Rectors, the Russian Council of School Olympiads, and the Presidential Grants Fund.

Students of grades 4-11 of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations implementing general education programs, including educational organizations of the Russian Federation located outside its borders, can take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis.

The Olympiad is held on a complex of subjects related to the study of the history and culture of Orthodoxy. More than 350 thousand participants from 10 thousand schools (every fifth school) in Russia, representing 80 regions, take part in it annually.

The school tour takes place full-time in the field. The teacher in charge of the school registers on the website http://opk.pravolimp.ru, submits an application, downloads assignments in his personal account, and after the school tour posts the results on the website.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the tasks of the school round Olympiad will be distributed for the following categories of students: 1) for students in grades 4-5, 2) for students in grades 6-7, 3) for students in grades 8-9, 4) for students in grades 10 11 classes.

Students in grades 4 of the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" module will be able to take part in the Municipal Tour on an equal basis with students in grades 5-11 in accordance with the schedule of the Olympiad.

Students in grades 4-5 in the "Secular Ethics" module are invited to conduct two rounds: a school (autumn) round from September 2018 to January 2019 and a municipal (spring) round - in March 2019.

Topics of the 2018-2019 academic year Olympiad:

  • "Speculation in stone": stone church architecture of Ancient Russia

The topic draws attention to the history of the appearance of temples and monasteries during the period of stone construction, their architecture, initiators and architects, the painting system, as well as memories of temples, the reflection of the images and fate of these temples in painting and literature.

  • "The Slavic world in the era of Saints Cyril and Methodius"

The topic allows you to delve into the mission of the holy brothers, to better understand their feat, to consider the fruits of the mission in the Slavic countries - first of all, in Bulgaria and Serbia, in which their works contributed to the final establishment of Christianity, to see the cultural ties of Russia with other Slavic countries and the significance of the mission for spreading and the establishment of the Christian faith in the Russian land.

  • "Youth: Freedom and Responsibility".

More detailed information is presented on the website of the Olympiad.

Press service of PSTGU

On April 12, the second federal round is being held at the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Theological University All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren on the basics of Orthodox culture.

Here are some of the questions and tasks of the Olympiad:

  1. This holiday arose in Russia as early as the 17th century, but began to be solemnly celebrated only from the 20th century. Local Cathedral 1917-1918 decided to celebrate it exactly one week after all saints day(i.e. on the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost). In 1941 this holiday coincided with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
  2. In what year was the first subway line put into operation in the USSR, and was the New Year tree allowed?
  3. The Psalter, a book written by the king and prophet David, begins with the words “ Blessed is the husband, who does not go to the advice of the wicked... ". And with what words does it end?
  4. This pious girl married the Byzantine emperor Theophilus, who was a staunch iconoclast. After the death of her husband, she had to rule the whole empire until her son Mikhail grew up. During her reign, a number of military victories were won, the state treasury was replenished, and most importantly, a church cathedral was assembled, which restored icon veneration in the empire. In memory of this event, a special holiday was established.
  5. Who is this saint and what is the name of the holiday?
  6. What does the word have in common metamorphosis with the name of one of the twelve great holidays?
  7. In the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Semyon Marmeladov, when meeting with Rodion Raskolnikov, exclaims: "Behold a man!" Where does this phrase come from and who does it belong to?
  8. In parentheses, indicate the Orthodox holiday, on the day of the celebration of which events related to the Great Patriotic War took place (you only need to indicate the number under which the holiday is written).

9. Before you is a fragment of "Words on the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus", compiled by the great devotee of the twentieth century, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin). April 11 marks the 100th anniversary of his birth. What newly-glorified saints are we talking about?

“Now, in the jubilee year, the Lord has given Russia new intercessors, filled with God's grace. At different times they lived and walked on different roads along the path of God to the Kingdom of Heaven, but their hearts burned so brightly with love for God that this light did not die out in time, but reached us and now it shines on our way to God ...

Today, at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus ... His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Pimen proclaimed: “Be pleased with the Holy Spirit and we can rank among the saints of God:

The blessed Grand Duke of Moscow ________________________________ (1350-1389), who showed the feat of a righteous and pious life ... who gave his soul for his friends (John 15:13). He defended the faith of Christ, founded many monasteries, built churches and donated to the poor.

Reverend ___________________________________ (1360 - 1st half of XVc.), a fasting and ascetic, a famous icon painter, theologian, who completely expressed the dogma of the Triune God in his icon _______________________.

Monk _________________________________ (1470-1556), a locally revered saint of Radonezh, miracle worker, ascetic monk and teacher of monastic life. As a spiritual teacher, he deepened the patristic tradition.

Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia ____________________________ (1482-1563), who showed the feat of a virtuous and fasting life, for which he was honored with the gift of clairvoyance and miracles. His church activities are marked by the struggle against heresies, as well as by the collection of the spiritual treasures of the Russian Church.

Schiarchimandrite ___________________ (__________________________) (1722-1794). He revived the school of old age in Russia.

Blessed _________________________________________________ (XVIII- early.XIXc.) She carried the feats of love for neighbors throughout her long-suffering life, received the love of God in the gift of clairvoyance and miracles and human love, which has not faded away for the second century.

Bishop _________________________ (_________________________) (1807-1867), an ascetic of piety, teacher of Christian life and spiritual writer.

Hieroschemamonk _____________________________________ (1812-1891) - an elder, a shepherd and a preacher, a doer of love for God through people.

Bishop ________________________________________________ (1815-1894). He showed the height and holiness of life, preserving Orthodox purity and God-enlightenment in his fruitful service to the Church. "

We will ask the Lord for blessings, and from all Russian saints - prayers for the entry into the second millennium, so that the Orthodox faith in Russia in all its purity does not become scarce with their prayers, so that neither we nor our descendants of God's commandments and covenants are forgotten. And we will also thank the Lord for the millennium that has gone into eternity.

Our God, glory to Thee for everything and for everything forever and ever! Amen".

10. Describe the first photo: what was captured on it, in what time interval could it have been taken? What connects these two images?

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