How to make a tulle tulle. fishing rod

Net fishing is considered not so popular among real fishermen. This type of quiet hunting can be called poaching rather than a pleasant pastime.

What is bullshit?

Bullshit is one of the varieties of seine, which has a more specific modification and is used both in private fishing and on an industrial scale.

The history of this fishing tackle goes back to ancient times. Then a few tribes of people living on the banks of rivers and lakes tried to fish with their hands and spears. Few achieved success in fishing: only the strongest and most dexterous members of the genus.

The first nets began to be woven from long vines, vines or dried animal veins. Usually from two to three people fished, walking along the shore of the reservoir and carrying a drag. The meaning of the word takes a direct start precisely from the process: to wander through shallow water with tackle in hand.

What does a net look like?

Bullshit is a network with a length of 2 to 70 meters, a width of 2 to 3 meters. The classic nonsense consists of a left and right wing, and in the middle it has a special “pocket” - a skein. For ease of use, long sticks are attached to the edges of the nets. They help to pull the net along the reservoir and keep the seine in an upright position.

Motnya is a bag sewn from a net to collect caught fish. The size of such a "pocket" depends on the length of the gear. Often it makes up at least a third of the entire network. But the smaller the wingspan, the larger the bobbin can be, and vice versa.

Experienced fishermen prefer to use gear specially adapted for them on familiar reservoirs. They are prepared taking into account the features of the bottom topography and the fish that the fisherman goes for.

Types of nonsense

There are four types of nonsense:

  1. Classic bullshit. It consists of two wings of equal length and a bobbin. This type of fishing is carried out on shallow reservoirs, rivers and lakes. Two people pull the nets along the chosen place, and the third collects the catch accumulated in the motna.
  2. No moth. This is a regular network, no more than 4 meters long. It is great for catching fish at a depth of no more than 50 centimeters. The method is effective in the autumn-spring period, when the fish is basking in the water heated by the sun's rays.
  3. "Hen". This is a moth without wings. Ropes are attached to the edges of the net (nags). They help keep the whole system afloat. Fishermen, passing with a net along the entire reservoir, do not pull out the catch, but, lifting the net, take out the fish that have fallen into it.
  4. Wings of the network different lengths. Such nonsense is suitable for fishing in places where it is impossible to pull a seine along both banks of the reservoir. A semicircle is created from the nets, enclosing the section of the river where fishing will be carried out.

How to catch bullshit?

A bait is a long net, and it is best to use it in places that are known to anglers. To clear the nets of catch or debris that accumulates during fishing, a wide deserted coast is needed.

Catching with ravings is good during zhora, in warm weather in shallow water, but for this it is necessary to provide a net with a sinker (often a chain is used for this), placed in the middle under the bobbin and floats (you can also use ordinary foam).

It is better for anglers to start moving against the current, alternating between shallow water and depressions. Experienced fishermen, knowing the topography of their favorite places for fishing, try not to use several whirlpools. They are not cleaned of snags, algae and debris. In these places, the fish “rests”, the young grow, and the winter hut passes.

In this way, you can keep the same number of fish and be sure that they do not go further down the river.

In addition, they catch not only fish in rivers, but also on industrial ships. The tackle on fishing trawlers is similar to nets or hammocks. Thus, fishermen catch not only but also fry. After it is sorted and processed.

How to make a nonsense with your own hands

The cost of tackle today is such that for a complete outfit, a fisherman needs to pay a lot of money. But there is always a way! All equipment can be made by yourself.

Bullshit is a net that is woven from threads, fishing line or nylon. The weaving technique is very simple, and everyone can master it, since information about this is not difficult to find. the main task for the master - to determine what kind of tackle he needs to get.

"Chicken" has the shape of a cone, a log with wings - a shape with a net in the middle. The cells of such gear on the motna will be no more than 2-2.5 centimeters, and along the entire length of the wings no more than 2.5-3 centimeters.

Weaving a network takes from one day to several weeks. In addition, the weaving technique used by the master plays an important role.

If the net is too light, a tin sinker or ordinary chain links are attached to its lower edge. And in order for the net to stay on the surface, they use floats bought in a store or cut from a piece of foam.

It is easy to make a nonsense with your own hands, the main thing is patience and a desire to achieve your goal.

According to the law, fishing with nets is illegal. during which they catch all the fish, both large and fry. Firstly, it harms the number of fish schools, and secondly, the size of the caught fry is much less than allowed by law.

Net fishing is considered not so popular among real fishermen. This type of quiet hunting can be called poaching rather than a pleasant pastime.

The main condition for the effective use of the rod is a high concentration of fish, its low mobility, as well as a flat bottom with depths not exceeding 4 m.

The dragnet catches in one sweep an area 3 times smaller than the area caught by a throw seine of the same length.

The general principle of this type of fishing is simple. Two fishermen pull the shovel in accessible places. Then they either turn towards the coast, or gradually converge. All this time next to them and on the sides are beaters at a short distance. When the barge haulers converge, the beaters close the circle, slap on the water, and drive the fish into the shanks.

Then the bottom of the network gradually rises. Here you need to watch the top cord. It should not be close to water. Fish driven into a tight circle can jump out through the top. Choosing a net, raise the throat of the motni and select the fish. If there is no violation simple rules, the size of the catch will delight you.

Choosing a place to fish

When fishing on small rivers, the choice of length depends on the width of the river. Good places are river whirlpools and shallow water with rifts. If there are few fishing spots on a small river and the path to them is at a great distance, artificial backwaters and pits can be arranged on the river. A place with a flat bottom surface is selected. A small dam is being made that does not block the river, but greatly narrows the passage of water.

It is made from any improvised materials. The water level is rising. In this place, fish remain after spawning, as well as "local". It is only necessary to fish in a businesslike way, without barbarism, while simultaneously creating comfortable conditions for growth and development. You can drop trees here, make bait. And then this place will bring a stable catch.

On large and medium rivers, the length of the drag increases. Here good places are bays, channels among reeds and sedges. A weak current in floodplain places attracts fish. The technology of fishing here is already different. A short drag will bring only a trifle in the catch. For catching large fish, you should use a longer tackle.

On large lakes and rivers, fishing in this way directly depends on the length of the rod. It is better to fish in shallow places, but only before spawning and at other times when fish are brought into flocks.

Ponds, if they are small and have a clean bottom, can be fished without going into the water. Here you should look for places with streams flowing here, pits and edges between them.

Fishing methods

Before you start fishing, you should determine the tactics of dragging in a given place and the place of landfall.

What kind of tackle is a drag

Of course, the modern market offers a lot various options network canvas. At the same time, their industrial production is of very high quality.

If compared with home-made options, then the first ones will significantly surpass them in quality. There are only two main drawbacks here: a rather high price and the need to look for exactly the option that you need.

If you make the tackle yourself, then you can make exactly what suits you best. In addition, when buying, it often has to be modified in order to use it for fishing. So the decision in each case must be made taking into account the specific circumstances.

Knitting a net is a rather long process. But, at the same time, you can make exactly the tackle you wanted. Sometimes for a fisherman, not only the catch itself is exciting, but also the preparation for it. Having spent your labor, creating your own tackle, and having received good catch, the fisherman is unlikely to regret it.

In terms of its properties and design, with some differences, it is just a net. Fishing method and various design solutions:

  • the seine is thrown from a boat or vessel, the drag is stretched and pulled by people;
  • differences in the depth at which fishing is carried out. You can only fish with a bullshit in a place where the fishermen pulling it will pass. Seine is used at various depths;
  • the length of the log is a maximum of 50-70 meters. Although it will not be easy to drag such tackle. Its optimal length is 30 meters, for wide rivers, lakes and sea waters. And then it is more often used on ponds, for skidding along the shore. The length depends on the reservoir and the strength of the anglers.

Drawbar design

It has very few differences from the design of the seine and the netting. Wings, hook, top cord, bottom pick. Depending on the type of fish being hunted, different nets are taken with different cell sizes and thread thicknesses. A fine-mesh network is often used, with a cell larger than 25-30 mm.

The lower line is equipped with sinkers for a better fit to the bottom, floats are imposed on the upper line. They must keep the top of the tackle afloat. Their number and size are selected to fulfill this task. You should pay attention to this when buying ready-made drags in the store.

At the ends of the wings, above and below, small pieces of cords are made to secure the chalks (wooden or metal rods). They are used for skidding, pulling nonsense ashore. As a rule, the lower selection is made slightly smaller than the upper one. This allows you not to miss the fish when pulling the log ashore.

Good nonsense does not rise from the bottom, is able to withstand big weight fish, algae, other foreign objects. The floats are made of dense foam without coloring them (otherwise they are clearly visible in the water, and the fish may get scared, leave the nonsense).

By a simple improvement, the nonsense can be easily converted into a fight for catching crayfish and bottom fish. To do this, the lower selection is made of pipes, but it is better to tie a chain. For structural rigidity, the log is sheathed with a pipe around the entire perimeter. This structure can be carried by one person.

Drachka is pressed tightly to the bottom and even sinks a little into the silt. Motnya in such gear is made short. On delusions it is made long. At the very end, a load of more than 300 g is fixed. This is done to prevent the wings from being carried forward by a light winding in a strong tail current.

The entrance to the motnya should be large. Almost always it is equal to the wing span of the delirium. But here it is worth considering the depth of the reservoir. The size of the cod should be of sufficient length to prevent the possibility of the exit of the caught fish from it. To do this, a throat is made on the drags for the entry of fish.

The principle of operation is the same as on railings, vents. The wide throat gradually narrows, with its narrow end it enters the kut (the far part of the bobbin). Swimming inside, the fish can no longer get out of the cod.

What kind of fish can you catch

What does a net look like?

Bullshit is a network with a length of 2 to 70 meters, a width of 2 to 3 meters. The classic nonsense consists of a left and right wing, and in the middle it has a special “pocket” - a skein. For ease of use, long sticks are attached to the edges of the nets. They help to pull the net along the reservoir and keep the seine in an upright position.

Motnya is a bag sewn from a net to collect caught fish. The size of such a "pocket" depends on the length of the gear. Often it makes up at least a third of the entire network. But the smaller the wingspan, the larger the bobbin can be, and vice versa.

Experienced fishermen prefer to use gear specially adapted for them on familiar reservoirs. They are prepared taking into account the features of the bottom topography and the fish that the fisherman goes for.

Bullshit is a network with a length of 2 to 70 meters, a width of 2 to 3 meters. The classic nonsense consists of a left and right wing, and in the middle it has a special “pocket” - a skein. For ease of use, long sticks are attached to the edges of the nets. They help to pull the net along the reservoir and keep the seine in an upright position.

Chinese counterparts

V Lately a wide variety of cheap Chinese nets are offered for sale, which have managed to gain particular popularity among a wide range of anglers. The country of manufacture of these gear is exclusively China. In comparison, models that are supposedly considered Finnish are not always knitted in Finland.

Due to the low cost, it is not at all a pity to dispose of or leave such tackle in the water in case of a hook. The presence of various configurations of the length and size of the cells makes it possible to use the net to cover large lakes and rivers where various fish are found. However, the quality of such products is always questionable.

A serious problem is the production of insufficiently loaded structures that are not able to occupy the desired horizon in the water column and float to the surface. The knots used are not reliable enough, which leads to their untying in the event of a hook or attack by a large fish.

Types of nonsense

There are four types of nonsense:

  1. Classic bullshit. It consists of two wings of equal length and a bobbin. This type of fishing is carried out on shallow reservoirs, rivers and lakes. Two people pull the nets along the chosen place, and the third collects the catch accumulated in the motna.
  2. No moth. This is a regular network, no more than 4 meters long. It is great for catching fish at a depth of no more than 50 centimeters. The method is effective in the autumn-spring period, when the fish is basking in the water heated by the sun's rays.
  3. "Hen". This is a moth without wings. Ropes are attached to the edges of the net (nags). They help keep the whole system afloat. Fishermen, passing with a net along the entire reservoir, do not pull out the catch, but, lifting the net, take out the fish that have fallen into it.
  4. Wings of the network of different lengths. Such nonsense is suitable for fishing in places where it is impossible to pull a seine along both banks of the reservoir. A semicircle is created from the nets, enclosing the section of the river where fishing will be carried out.

Ways of weaving networks

To weave a network of fishing line, you need to study the step-by-step guide, and if possible, consult with an experienced colleague. Fishing line, sold in reels, is used as the main material for the upcoming work.

The smaller its diameter, the better the tackle will work, although strength suffers from this. To make the net design invisible even in clear water, it is advisable to give preference to models of lines with a dark gray or blue color.

In the process of weaving, you need to use a double rod assembly. By the way, the described method creates not only fishing tackle, but also nets for economic and domestic purposes. The size of the cells of the fishing gear is determined by the method of fishing and the amount of prey.

The procedure for weaving a net from a fishing line is divided into several stages, carried out in parts, the so-called divisions. These delhi are assembled into a large structure, which, in turn, is fixed on a thick rope or cord. To put the deli on the cord, markings are made.

With a cell size of 30 millimeters, the total length of the delhi will be 16 centimeters. As a result, the tackle will include three separate parts, and every third cell will be fixed on the cord with a distance of 16 centimeters.

Bullshit is a special design that resembles a hammock. A seine is created by a similar method, but it has an increased length.

The basting can have a circular weave and repeat the net. As for the drag, it is woven in cells from the largest to the smallest.

Initially, the net was woven by hand. It took a lot of time and required perseverance with concentration. However, with some knowledge and patience, it is quite possible to weave a network on your own at home. An avid fisherman will only enjoy making his own tackle.

First you need to acquire a tool and decide what material the network will be made of. To do this, you can use either a nylon thread or a fishing line.

The choice of a suitable thread depends on the purpose of the net (what kind of fish it will mainly catch), its parameters (length, height and mesh size) and on personal preferences.

You need to understand that a mesh made of nylon thread (“rag”) is stronger than wood, and therefore more durable. But such tackle is very confused, and the process of extracting fish from it causes a lot of trouble. The network from the forest unfolds easier, but breaks faster. A frisky, strong fish can make a hole out of it and slip out to freedom.

"Rag" is used when it is supposed to catch such breeds as silver carp, bream, large crucian carp. These representatives of the ichthyofauna can easily damage the fishing line net, but if they get caught in a kapron net, they will get entangled in it thoroughly and will not leave.

It is important to choose the correct section of the thread. Naturally, the thicker it is, the stronger the network. However, here you need to follow the rule of the golden mean. Too thick tackle is very noticeable (especially knots) and scares away fish, while too thin tackle is easily damaged and does not hold the catch.

Tools and fixtures

You will need a knitting shuttle and a template. You can make them yourself. The shuttle is made from a thin piece of aluminum or getinaks. The thickness varies within 3-5 mm. One edge of the shuttle is pointed and has a slot in the form of a rod, on which the thread will be wound. The other end looks like a bicorne that fixes the thread.

The thread is wound as follows: A loop is knitted and put on the rod at the top of the shuttle. Then the thread is pressed into tension to the lower edge, where the two-arm prevents the breakdown, and the consumables are wound, turning the shuttle in turn over the plane.

The amount of thread will depend on the length of the shuttle, the height of the rod and the depth of the two-arm. As a rule, the dimensions of the shuttle are slightly larger than the size of the knitter's wrist.

The template is usually made of plastic. It determines the size of the network cell and plays an important final role, so it must be done accurately and accurately. It is important that its edges are parallel and smooth.

A tourniquet is useful, which fixes the beginning of the network, as well as a fixed support. As a rule, this is a gas pipe or a battery. A thread is attached to it, from which the height of the net is gained, and subsequently the ready-made tackle is tied.

Knitting knot

The strongest and most immovable knot is performed as follows. A template is brought to the finished loop (the first one that is knitted by hand), and the shuttle is threaded into it.

The thread passed through the loop is attracted to the edge of the template (it must pass from above) and fixed thumb. Now the shuttle can be freely moved.

A loop is formed under the thumb, which must be held until the knot is completed. Next, the shuttle is passed into the finished loop so that the thread wraps around the previous loop on both sides. Then the shuttle is passed a second time between the right edge of the loop and the thread already passed.

After double threading from top to bottom, the shuttle is passed into the loop held by thumb. The knot is tightened synchronously, i.e., the thread is pulled with the shuttle, and the pressure on the loop is simultaneously reduced with the thumb. A slight characteristic click will signal the readiness of the node.

It is quite possible to do it by hand. Of course, this will require some work, but the manufacturing process itself is not particularly difficult. The most well-known methods of carrying out such work are hand knitting or working using a special machine for this. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Manual way

In order to make a fishing net in this way, you will need very few tools. To do this, you will need a shuttle that is easy to make yourself, a plate resembling a ruler (this tool is called a template) and a strong wire loop to which the cord is attached at the very beginning.

In the future, node by node, the entire network is gradually knitted. First, half loops of the first row are made, then, row by row and the rest.

Knitting machine

In order to somewhat reduce the knitting time, there are special machines. There are several varieties. We do not consider here industrial machines that serve to produce fishing nets. The most common type is the following type of machine.

Let's talk a little about how this device works. The whole body is made on the basis of an aluminum tube. The shuttle is also made from this material.

In its front part there is a special slot through which the thread will pass. On the shuttle there is an oblique cut located at an angle of 45 degrees.

  • To fix the bobbin, a recess is provided in the back of the hook. It has the shape of a cone and its depth is two and a half millimeters. This hole is for fixing the bobbin.
  • This part must be made of bronze, processed on a lathe according to the drawing. This part must move freely inside the shuttle.
  • Aluminum is used to make the shuttle plug. A narrow hole of 2-3 mm is provided in the center of the shuttle so that the second end of the bobbin can be fixed. The cork should be inserted tightly and not move during operation.
  • It will also be necessary to provide for a shuttle stroke limiter. It will need to be made of aluminum plate.

Suppose you decide to tie yourself such a tackle with your own hands. What is required for this? For this, very little is needed.

What tools will be needed

  • Of course, a shuttle is needed. It looks like this.

It has just such a shape so that a cord or fishing line can be wound on it in a certain way. First, a small loop is made on the cord and hooked onto the tongue.

Then it is pulled down, passes through the recess and approaches the tongue with back side. Then covers it and goes down. After that, the lower recess passes and is again brought to the tongue from the front side, bypasses it and goes down. This pattern is repeated until the entire cord is wound.

  • In addition, you need a template. By appearance it resembles an ordinary school ruler. Its width is half the cell size in the network we are creating. You can make it from plastic, wood or other similar material.
  • You need a wire hook to which the cord will initially be attached at the beginning of the net knitting process. It is attached to the wall or something similar where we will work.

Weaving of fishing nets is carried out from fishing line purchased in reels. The thinner the line, the more catchy it is, but also the less durable.

So that it is not noticeable at shallow depths, it is better to use a dark gray or blue fishing line. It is necessary to weave a network of fishing line with a double rod knot.

From fishing line you can weave not only fishing tackle, but also economic for various domestic purposes. Fishing for various types of fish is carried out on a stack with cells of various sizes.

Do-it-yourself weaving of forest nets is carried out in parts, the so-called divisions. They are collected in a direct network, fastened to a thick rope or cord.

To put on a deli, it is necessary to mark on the cord how many of them can be attached to this markup. So, if the size of each cell is 30 mm, the total length of the deli will be 16 cm.

Therefore, one network will consist of three parts, and every third cell will be attached to a cord with a gap of 16 cm.

The landing sequence will be as follows:

  • The fishing line must be fixed on the shuttle.
  • The end of the thread from the shuttle and the extreme mesh of the mesh is tied to the cord.
  • The required number of cells is threaded into the shuttle.
  • The shuttle thread is attached to the next marking applied to the cord.
  • The manual procedure is repeated until the entire mesh is strung.

How to catch bullshit?

A bait is a long net, and it is best to use it in places that are known to anglers. To clear the nets of catch or debris that accumulates during fishing, a wide deserted coast is needed.

Catching with ravings is good during zhora, in warm weather in shallow water, but for this it is necessary to provide a net with a sinker (often a chain is used for this), placed in the middle under the bobbin and floats (you can also use ordinary foam).

It is better for anglers to start moving against the current, alternating between shallow water and depressions. Experienced fishermen, knowing the topography of their favorite places for fishing, try not to use several whirlpools. They are not cleaned of snags, algae and debris. In these places, the fish “rests”, the young grow, and the winter hut passes.

In this way, you can keep the same number of fish and be sure that they do not go further down the river.

In addition, they catch not only fish in rivers, but also on industrial ships. The tackle on fishing trawlers is similar to nets or hammocks. Thus, fishermen catch not only big fish but also a little one. After it is sorted and processed.

Required Tools

When creating the first gear, you must first find a special tool - a shuttle for knitting nets with your own hands. You can buy it in the market, in a fishing store, or try to make it yourself. A fishing line or thread is placed on the shuttle, and then you will need to work with it like with a regular needle.

The shuttle itself is a special tool made of solid raw materials. Its length is from 10 to 15 centimeters, and its width is two times less than the cells of the grid. One end of this "needle" has a pointed base and a small slot where you need to wind fishing line. Then it is fixed at the other end in a bicorne.

For weaving nets at home, another die tool is used. This is a special plate made of metal or wood, which has the same length as the shuttle. The product acts as a kind of template on the basis of which the cells are created.

When using the shuttle, you must follow these instructions:

  1. At the first stage, you need to put a loop on the first pointed end of the shuttle.
  2. Then it is pulled up a little, pressing it to the second end.
  3. Then you need to make a ring through which the thread will be pulled. In this case, a loop should be formed with a diameter of 5 centimeters - thus, a knot will appear below, where the bar will be applied in the future.
  4. At the next stage, the shuttle must be brought under the template, and the thread must be brought out through the ring created earlier. Then it is carefully pulled and fixed with a finger, while tying the loop with a simple knot. There are two types of knots - with single and double overlap.

As for the dimensions, namely the height and width of the created network, they are determined by the number of woven cells. After making the first row, a cord or tourniquet must be passed through the cells, which, in turn, is fixed on a pipe or any other object. After completing this fixation, you can start weaving in length.

In fact, it occurs according to the same technique as weaving in width, and the only difference is only in the way the template is applied - it is applied not to the lower, but to neighboring cells.

How to make a nonsense with your own hands

The cost of tackle today is such that for a complete outfit, a fisherman needs to pay a lot of money. But there is always a way! All equipment can be made by yourself.

How to weave a net out of rope

To tie a network of fishing line and rope, it is enough to prepare a high-quality shuttle and a bar, the width of which corresponds to the size of one cell. If we are talking about rope gear, then the thread must be placed on the tongue of the shuttle and gradually wound around it, clinging to the tongue and lowering to the two-arm of the shuttle.

The rest of the thread is cut off, and the ends are set on fire.

The next step is to create a loop with a diameter of one meter. This loop is attached to any durable object, and then the end of the thread from the loom is hooked to it. Next, you need to substitute the bar under the thread and bring the shuttle into the loop.

After carefully pulling the thread, it is necessary to do it again Roundabout Circulation around the hand. As a result, another knot will appear that needs to be pulled towards you and firmly tied.

At the next stage, the working thread is held with a finger and thrown over the hand, while the shuttle must be brought under one extreme thread and tightened the loop again to create a double knot. After the formation of the first row, the bar can be removed from the loops.

Weaving a rope net is not difficult even for a beginner. All the same shuttle and bar are used, the width of the latter is the size of one cell.

The thread is fixed on the tongue of the shuttle, wound around it. At the same time, it is hooked onto the tongue, then lowered down, where the two-horned shuttle is located, after which it is turned and the thread is lifted up, clinging to the tongue.

The shuttle must be completely filled with winding ropes. After that, the thread is cut off, its ends are sealed with a lighter.

Then you need to make a loop with a diameter of one meter, fix it on some object, and tie the end of the thread to it from the loom. The bar is substituted under this thread, and the shuttle is wound into a meter loop.

The thread is stretched, a circular movement is made around the hand, the machine is wound up under the extreme two threads, and the resulting knot is pulled in the direction “toward itself”. A knot is tied.

All subsequent rows will be formed by capturing the free cells of the previous row.

Machine for knitting fishing nets

The total length of the log depends on the size of the fished labors. The height of the log depends on the topography of the bottom and the depth of the pond. To do this, depth measurements are made in separate sections of the pond.

By hand, even with great experience and dexterity, it takes a long time to weave a network. There is also a knitting method using special home-made equipment.

The machine for the manufacture of fishing nets is made of five parts:

  1. Housing - made of aluminum tube;
  2. Shuttle - has a cut at an angle of 45 0 and a hole on the side for moving the thread (a cone-shaped recess of 2.5 mm is made on the back wall, in which the bobbin is attached);
  3. Bobbin - a bronze product, turned on a lathe, which moves freely in a shuttle;
  4. Aluminum plug - designed to fix the end of the bobbin (inserted tightly into the hook and should not fall out during knitting);
  5. Shuttle movement limiter.

Preparatory actions

Thread is wound on the bobbin and inserted into the hook. Then it is closed with a cork. The shuttle is assembled and installed with the stopper forward in the body of the machine until it stops. The gap between the limiter and the shuttle is approximately 3 mm. The thread will pass through it during knitting.

Knitting net

The size of the cell of the future network determines the shuttle on which the thread is wound. The cell includes the bottom area of ​​the machine. The thread enters under the hook and exits from above.

Pressing the thread with your finger, pull it to the template and throw it in a half ring to the left. Then a couple of cells are captured so that the thread passes from the bottom of the machine, and the knot is tightened.

The use of the machine can speed up such work. Therefore, although its creation will require effort, if you intend to repeatedly engage in netting, using such a device can increase your efficiency.


  • In order to start work, the bobbin must be carefully inserted into the hook. After that, it will need to be closed with a cork.
  • After this is done, the shuttle must be inserted into the body (with the plug forward, pushed all the way).
  • After that, the sharp part of the shuttle will be located at the bottom of the machine. In this case, the limiter should not reach it by 2 - 3 millimeters. Such a hole is needed for the movement of the cord in the process network manufacturing.
  • The thread must pass into the slot of the shuttle and it must be tied to the net.

The process of knitting a network on the machine

  • For knitting with a loom, we also need a template. First, the thread is drawn over it, then it is wrapped around from below and threaded into the previous loop.
  • The thread of the cell should now go under the shuttle and come out on top of it.
  • We pull the shuttle to the template, press the thread with our thumb.
  • We draw a thread from the shuttle to the left in relation to ourselves and thread it, while capturing one or two threads. In this case, the loop once again passes from the bottom of the shuttle to the top.
  • At the same time, the cord that passed on the left needs to be pulled slightly towards you, while passing from the bottom of the machine. Now we tighten the knot and move on to the next cell of the network.

Bullshit construction.

The drag consists of two wings, two drives and a bobbin. All parts of the log are cut out from the mesh fabric, while the mesh fabric has longitudinal edges along the length of the log.

Each part is cut out separately, taking into account the landing coefficients. For this fishing gear, the following landing coefficients are most often used: for landing horizontally in the wings and drive 0.67, in the coil 0.5, for landing vertically for all parts, the landing coefficient is 0.87.

The parts to be cut out are rectangular in shape and are obtained by cutting in a straight line. All separately cut parts are interconnected with a seam "in the scar".

At the same time, 4 cells are taken into the seam on each side. It is also necessary to ensure that the seam does not receive more tension than the mesh del, as this leads to the formation of "pockets" in the wing, which is undesirable.

How to plant a bullshit

The design and manufacture of bullshit

The design of the delirium is visible in Figure 5 (many delusional fishermen have no idea how the components of the tackle are correctly named). The net is used with a fairly fine mesh, usually 25-30 mm on the wings, 20-25 mm in the bobbin.

The floats on the upper line are larger and are imposed more often than on the fixed net; the lower selection is also made much heavier.

Bullshit is a practical tackle for catching fish in rivers, lakes, ponds. It is mainly used in the warm season: in the spring after floods in floodplains in river floodplains, in spring and autumn in small stagnant lakes overgrown with algae in summer, and in early summer in shallow ponds 1–3 m deep.

In winter, it is used only during the thaw period. For different reservoirs, gear of one design or another is suitable. Therefore, for good fishing, you need to know how to choose the right nonsense and how to catch fish with it.

In most countries, fishing with a decoy is allowed only for the purpose of commercial fishing by owners of ponds and farms that officially breed it for sale.

Fishing drag (another name is drag) is a net 5 to 30 m long, 1.5–2 m wide, which 2–3 people lead into a pond and wade, moving through shallow water and reaching the lower part of the bottom with a device. From this process came the name of the tackle.

Design features

The main details of the nonsense are:

  • 2 wings capturing fish;
  • motnya (pocket from the net) for the catch - located in the center;
  • 2 rebounds (upper and lower), on which the net canvas is planted;
  • sinkers or weight cord attached to the bottom;
  • floats - located at the top to keep the gear afloat.

Motnya can be in the form of a bag, trapezoid, wedge, rectangle, etc. For high-walled gear, part of the clearance for the spool from below and from above is covered with a dense mesh plate (shirt).

The floats are placed along the entire edge of the log at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other, and above the pocket more often - by 30-50 cm, with the largest one being in the center so that you can see the position of the pocket during fishing.

On the wings, sinkers are placed after 90-100 cm, above the entrance to the motnya - after 30-50. Total weight the load should be 2.5 times more total mass floats, then the tackle will not float completely to the surface and will not go to the bottom.

At the ends of the wings, above and below, there are rings or ropes for fastening wooden or metal rods (nags), with the help of which the log is kept in a vertical position, carried or pulled ashore. It is important that these poles are comfortable to hold with your hands.

The lower selection of tackle is shorter than the upper one by 10%. This design allows you to lift and pull out the portage without losing the fish. Along the edges of the network there are wooden cuttings, or rods with a rounded section, with a diameter convenient for gripping with hands.


There are such types of nonsense:

  1. Classical. It has a motna and the same wings. It is used in shallow reservoirs - bays, ponds.
  2. With wings of different lengths. It is used on wide reservoirs: a short wing and a bobbin are placed closer to the shore, and a long one is wound in a semicircle.
  3. Without wings (or "Chicken"). Created for night fishing in narrow places, such as along reeds.
  4. No moth. Used in shallow water, for catching small fish and crayfish.

In addition, they can be with detachable wings, a valance, a curtain, lightweight, specially designed for lake or river fishing. Which one to choose depends on the fishing conditions and the type of fish you intend to catch.

The network web of nonsense can have cells of different diameters. On reservoirs overgrown with algae, a fine net twists and turns more. The most popular nonsense with a cell diameter of 25-30 mm.

How to catch

For effective fishing nonsense is used, having previously studied the reservoir. The most suitable shallow coastal area with a dense bottom, a small amount of aquatic vegetation and a sloping coast.

A 5-7 m long rod can be fished by 2 people. They do it like this:

  1. One person holds the tackle by the horse and leads it into the water to such a depth where he can walk, then the second comes in, holding the second horse upright.
  2. Most often, the log is pulled along the coast against the current, while it bends, forming a semicircle.
  3. The lower part of the tackle should be dragged along the bottom so that there is no gap into which the fish could escape. The ends of the log should be slightly lifted and shaken so that the catch moves towards the center.
  4. Turning to the shore, the anglers come together and pull the tackle together. But, if the fish needs to be kept alive, the bobbin is lifted and fixed near the shore on sticks stuck in the bottom.

A good log does not drag along the bottom and is able to withstand a lot of weight. If a lot of algae or debris got into it, it must be pulled ashore and cleaned. The longer the net, the more fishermen should participate in fishing - up to 5-6 people.

Pulling tackle, it is important not to miss the catch. Therefore, when a log 10–15 m long is brought to the shore and the fishermen pull it out by the wings, folding it near them, 1 person at this time pulls up and presses the lower selections to the bottom.

A long drag (20-25 m) is difficult to lead in the water, it is more suitable for catching fish in small pond when the fishermen do not wade, but along the coast. This fishing option is optimal for autumn, after the vegetation has fallen in the water.

Catching nonsense is an exciting and gambling activity, but also difficult, especially winter fishing net in winter on the lake. It is possible only if you use a special torpedo that allows you to place gear under the ice.

Fishermen need to cut through a large lane for launching and dredging the seine, and intermediate lanes for running a torpedo with a rope and for creating noise with a pole so that the fish do not go beyond the hole.

When pulling out the catch, the log is not pulled out completely, the net is placed around the edge and the fish is taken out with a net.

From a boat

If the bottom of the reservoir is covered with a thick layer of silt or peat and it is impossible to walk along it, fish are caught with a log from a boat in this way:

  1. The lower part of the nags is weighted, for example, with lead, so that they do not float up, long strong ropes are attached to them and the tackle is carefully laid in the boat: a rope, a nag, a wing, a bobbin, a second wing, a nag and a second rope.
  2. The end of the rope is left on the shore, it is held by the angler.
  3. The boat should describe a semicircle. Moving from the shore, they lower the rope and the nag, after which they turn the boat along the shore and gradually sweep out the rest of the tackle, making sure that the bobbin does not twist. When the second wing is in the water, the boat is turned to the shore, the second nag is lowered and the rope is swept out.
  4. Anglers from the boat go ashore and immediately begin to pull the log from both sides, hitting the water with ropes so that the fish cannot leave the covered area, and gradually approach each other.

For such fishing, a portage 20–25 m long with a minimum load is suitable. A large float located above the central part of the bobbin helps to control the uniform pulling of the tackle.

We make bullshit with our own hands

You can knit nonsense from threads, fishing line or nylon. The weaving technique is simple and, depending on the size of the product, it can take from several days to 2-4 weeks. But more often tackle is sewn from a finished mesh.

The most durable is considered to be a mesh made of twisted nylon or polyamide thread. But, if you fish no more than 4-5 times a year, you can use a polyethylene net.

Before you make a log with your own hands, you need to know the proportions between its length, width, the dimensions of the log and the fished areas:

  • for a winder, a network with a smaller cell diameter is chosen than for wings;
  • the length of the bobbin should be 1.5-2 times the height of the log;
  • if the tackle is 10–15 m long, the entrance to the motnya should occupy a third of it, i.e., equal to the length of the wing, for smaller logs, the entrance to the pocket takes more than 1/3;
  • tackle should be 1.5 times higher than the deepest part of the reservoir and wider than the largest area.

In order to cut the network, you need a lot of space. The longitudinal edges of the network are located along the length of the product, the parts are cut out taking into account the following landing coefficients:

  • in motna - 0.5;
  • along horizontal lines in the wings and drive - 0.67;
  • vertically - 0.87.

For a wedge-shaped bobbin, 4-6 wedges are cut out. The parts are connected with a seam "in the scar", taking 3-4 mesh cells on both sides. You can not tighten the seam, otherwise unwanted "pockets" are formed in the wings.

Fishing with a nonsense that is incorrectly planted will be unsuccessful, the landing of the upper and lower edges to the rebounds (cords) is done as follows:

  • the cord is fixed in two places and pulled;
  • the mesh is tied to the cord with a thread using a shuttle, grabbing every second cell of 2-3 rows and tying it with a slight sag so that the canvas moves.

Ready-made floats or pieces of foam are attached to the upper part of the nonsense. They should be white - this will scare away the fish and prevent it from jumping over the surrounded area.

The central lower part is weighted with a chain with an anti-corrosion coating, and the side ones with lighter weights. Do not use metal objects with sharp edges.

A lead weight of 200 g is attached to the tip of the cone-shaped bobbin, and also if it is supposed to fish with the flow, This will prevent it from eversion.

Definitions and characteristics of nonsense

Fishing with brednem (from the word "wander") is an ancient, but still the most popular and popular Russian way to get some fish. Village children always dragged window tulle or gauze from the house. In a warm summer stream, the children started their first nonsense in their lives, and then they warmed themselves by the fire, fried the little ones on twigs and seemed to themselves adults.

The wading method of fishing, when the drag is pulled along a river or lake with the help of two or more man-powers, distinguishes the drag from its older brother, the seine. The seine according to the official classification is a big nonsense, over 100 meters long. Carrying such a long drag is incredibly hard work. It will take a lot of people. Therefore, the usual length of the log does not exceed 50 meters.

The seine net, in contrast to the nonsense, is a hook fishing tool, it sweeps over the fish with the help of a swimming facility (boats, cutters, seiners), so the efforts of people are spent only on pulling it out. In commercial sea and river fishing with a seine, the process of pulling it ashore or onto a ship is mechanized.

- This is a strainer fishing gear that has a fine mesh and a thicker nylon thread, compared to. Like any planted and ready to be deployed network, an equipped bullshit also consists of a number of elements:

  1. Network fabric - increased thickness. Usually made of three parts: the right and left flat wings, as well as a special cone-purse (scrambled, kutka) embedded between the wings. Less common are designs of nonsense without a skein. Like the net, the canvas of the bullshit also has its own fit on the upper and lower rebounds. Landing is carried out with K = 0.33 (this canvas is stretched more strongly, this mesh fabric), in a hard way.
  2. The upper selection or bowstring of the nonsense is made, in contrast to the selection of the network, from a thicker and more durable cord. This is due to the heavy loads when fishing with bullshit. Basically, the top pickup is mounted with large lifting floats.
  3. The lower selection is also a thick, durable nylon cord equipped with heavy weights. A non-aqueous cloth sits firmly on this cord.
  4. The bobbin is made from the same net as the wings, but for catching certain types of fish, the bobbin has a reduced mesh size. The entrance to the motnya is a rectangular hole. In some cases, a round hole is made and a bobbin is sewn into it.
  5. In rare cases, the drag is pulled right behind the rebounds - this greatly reduces the catchability of the short drag. The ends of the pick-up are tied to special smooth sticks, with shallow annular cutouts along the edges for the cord - nags, the height of which is not more than 2 meters. The lower selection is tightly tied at the bottom of the nag, and the upper bowstring is closer to the top.

Like any network, nonsense has its own varieties. Ordinary nonsense has wings of equal length and is called "equal-winged". For a better sweep of fish, one wing is often lengthened. This allows you to bypass deep places along the shallows. There are other modifications of nonsense.

For catching northern whitefish - vendace and tugun, 50-meter long rods are allowed, which do not have a bobbin. Such ravings are less catchy than with motneys, but they are much easier to pull.

How to catch fish on a fly

There is a golden popular rule catching fish on a delusion - do not chase the length. The length of the log depends entirely on the size of the river. With an average width of the river of 10 meters, even a 25-meter long log will bring neither fish nor the joy of fishing. He will cling to all stones, snags and bushes. It is very difficult to work with him, and even more difficult to display a disproportionately long nonsense. For such a river, a 5-8 meter bredeshok is enough.

Hooks are the main problem of fishing for bullshit. Tires for automobiles and headboards, motorcycle parts and coils barbed wire- all this falls into nonsense immediately and for a long time. Such objects often tear even the strongest nonsense. It is advisable to pull all the hooks out of the water and remove them as far as possible. When fishing in shallow places, one more person is desirable - this is the 3rd "number" - the unhooking one, who goes behind the nonsense. Usually the drag is pulled downstream, the bob should always lag behind the wings. For the convenience of catching, the float above the center of the bobbin is usually marked or put 2 floats side by side. In a number of cases, the open part of the river bay is circled with a bullshit and pulled up to its toe.

When fishing in ponds, lakes and reservoirs, aquatic vegetation prevents prey fishing. Sinkers of nonsense often come off the bottom and go through dense water grass. All the fish run away under them. The place for fishing with a bullshit, where algae has been cleaned, where snags and other hooks have been removed, is called a tonya. The cost of creating it will always pay off with interest. For good fishing with a large 100 meter long log, it is desirable to have at least 4-5 people.

In order to successfully catch on a delirium in any water bodies, it is necessary to immediately select the optimal delirium according to the length, cell size, weight of sinkers, or a good mentor. Part of the information can be obtained from the literature and on the relevant sites.

Nonsense repair

Any fishing does its damage to nonsense. Sometimes it is big. There is no need to be afraid of this. The repair of nonsense is not as difficult as the correct repair of the network with plucking and tying the cells. You need to have a pair of shuttles in stock - needles, the size of a mesh of nonsense and, usually 0.5-0.8 mm in diameter. The holes in the log are simply sewn together with a thick thread, which is located vertically.

The role of nonsense in the development of fish farming (aquaculture)

In modern pond fish farming, when it is impossible to completely drain water from reservoirs, nonsense and seines different type play a huge role in the removal of marketable fish, as well as in the cleaning of the pond from weedy fish (ichthyological reclamation) and unwanted aquatic vegetation. Nonsense is practically the only effective means of rescuing thousands of fry, trapped in closed pools on the floodplains, after the decline of water on the rivers.
