How to make a small fish trap. Types of fish traps: how to make homemade bait

Homemade fish trap, in the article briefly about how to make a fishing "muzzle" from the grass. You will definitely catch it in your ear.

There is a category of people who are ready to live in a natural environment with a minimum of means for survival. There is some kind of extreme in this. And until you try this lifestyle yourself (or games, as it is more convenient for you), until then you will not understand all the charm of such a way of existence. For example, our team has the most different people: from very young (18-19 years old) to adults under 60 years old who occupy almost all social niches in urban life (students, managers, directors, etc.). But we were united by the fact that several times a year we get together, plan a common route for several days, and hit the road. The basic rule that everyone in our group observes is that we get food ourselves. We take practically nothing with us, only the most necessary things, since situations are different. So, the ability to get food in the forest or on a pond is the key to survival in a difficult situation. Many people who in ordinary life did not believe in themselves, after such trips acquire some confidence in their abilities, which as a result affects their future life.

There are many ways to get food in nature. I will try to tell you a simple method of extraction (capture), provided that you only have a great desire to stay with food, the desire to live, and the trees growing nearby (ideally, spruce, pine, etc.). If there are trees nearby, you can build several devices with which you can actually catch fish. I'll tell you only about one thing - about the muzzle. The muzzle is a fishing trap, which is generally a cylindrical lattice structure with the neck pointing inward. The neck gradually narrows towards the base, not reaching the last by 20-30 centimeters. The fish swims into the neck, gradually moves towards the bottom of the structure, passes through a narrow part, and is no longer able to get out. A person can only pull the muzzle out of the water and collect the catch. Under normal conditions, the bottom of the muzzle opens to make it easier to reach the fish, but we will make the muzzle a more primitive type.

Making a homemade fish trap

So, the first step is to cut down a few young branches that bend well and twist them into a circle. The ends can be tied with thinner branches and pinched into a split. Then, from thinner branches, freeing them from needles or leaves, you need to connect the finished circles to each other so that the distance between them is about 30-40 cm.To impart density to the structure, you can use several thick branches, which are fixed with thin branches along the round branches ... The result should be a kind of mesh cylinder, the bottom of which is also covered with thin branches.

Now we will make the neck. To do this, you need to stick several dense sticks into the ground so that at the ground they form a kind of circle with a diameter of about 10 cm, and their top forms a circle comparable to the diameter of our cylinder. After that, you need to tie the sticks with thin branches to get a mesh structure. Special care is not required here, the main thing is that the structure has some strength. When the neck is ready, it is tied with thin branches to the upper part of the cylinder, not forgetting to fix the lower part of the neck by the middle circles of the cylinder. That's it, the homemade fish trap for fishing is ready. Ideally, the muzzle is tied with a rope and thrown into the water. But, you can do without a rope, just in this case, you will have to climb into the water behind the muzzle to get it. Sometimes, to get the structure out of the water, we use a pole, it all depends on the situation. Practice shows that such a homemade fish trap is quite catching, it is enough for it to stay in the water for about 3-10 hours. For those who are fond of the topic of survival, this skill will be interesting and useful, the schemes for making a trap are just below.

All the best to you.

One of the first, traps for fish were born, and only then, familiar to us, fishing tackle. But anglers to this day use primitive traps, especially if the question is about how to stock up on live bait. You will not catch with a fishing rod, because the fish is injured, after which it will not live on the hook for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to use non-traditional methods of fishing.

How to make a trap

The principle of operation of the trap is that the fish must freely fall into the trap, and it would not be able to swim out of it due to the design of the trap itself. Using this clever design, most of the trapped fish can be picked up.

Nowadays, anglers use a variety of improvised or unnecessary things for this. Some fishermen weave traps from a vine, others use various nets stretched over a wire frame, and still others use plastic bottles as a trap.

Simple plastic bottle trap

Human living space is literally stuffed with plastic bottles of various shapes and capacities. It is very easy to build a simple but effective fish trap from such bottles.

If you need to catch small live bait, then a bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters is suitable for this. If you need to catch more large sizes, then you should take a 5-liter bottle.

Making such a trap requires a tool and several items such as wire, line, and rope.

  • for a start, the paper label is removed from the bottle and washed thoroughly so that there are no foreign odors in the bottle. Water or vegetable oil bottles are best used for this purpose. You don't need to wash a bottle of vegetable oil: it will attract fish with its smell anyway;
  • then, the neck of the bottle should be cut off, about a third of the body (depending on the size of the fish) and inserted with the neck inside the bottle;
  • after which, the inserted part of the bottle is fixed with a wire in its place. You can fix it in 4 places no more, so that later you can remove the neck to take out the fish from the bottle.
  • in the bottle itself, you should make many holes, of a small diameter, so that the bottle can quickly submerge in water, especially since with holes it will not resist water so much if the trap is supposed to be installed on the current;
  • after the trap is ready, bait is placed inside it, and a rope and load are tied to the trap. The load can be placed inside the trap so that there are no snags. The trap is ready for use;
  • the trap will be thrown upstream. If fishing is done in calm water, then it can be cast and set in any position, and the rope can be fixed on the bank.

Video tutorial on making a trap from plastic bottles:

For more large fish there is a trap of another kind:

Net Crate Trap

The frame for the box can be made from any material at hand: wood, water pipes (plastic or aluminum), aluminum corners, etc.

  • a mesh of any material is stretched onto the frame, the size of the cells lies within 1 cm. You can use a metal mesh;
  • two funnels are formed from the same mesh;
  • from both sides of the box, such funnels are installed and fixed. Funnels should be installed with the narrow end inside the box;
  • in the trap, you can place some kind of bait, depending on the type of fish that you can catch.

After that, the trap can be immersed in a body of water. If the trap is metal, then you will not have to immerse it, and if it is wooden, then you will have to tie a good load so that it sinks to the bottom of the reservoir.


If you analyze the above, then you can make such a trap yourself and without much effort, showing ingenuity and resourcefulness, especially since there are many interesting things lying under our feet, but which we do not notice.

Fish traps greatly simplify the fishing process. Such devices were invented even earlier than the rod itself. Their principle of operation is practically the same - the fish swims into an underwater trap, and then cannot get back out. The main advantage of this method is that the fish is not injured. Making a fish trap at home is quite simple. This requires simple materials that can be found at every home.

Characteristics of the main types

Homemade fish traps can be of several types. They are as follows:

  1. Stationary... These are hydraulic structures that are attached to the bottom and remain under water for a long period. The simplest version of a stationary trap is the stakes between which the net is stretched.
  2. Mobile... Portable fishing lures can be divided into tunnel and screen baits.

Tunnel varieties can be made from metal mesh or woven rods. The essence of such a trap is that the fish, getting into it, is simply lost in the tunnel, so it cannot get out of it. The structure should be made so that the fish can easily swim into it, but not swim back.

Screen traps are also called "spiders". They are flat in shape. Most often it is a net stretched between four rods, and a bait with a sinker is attached in the center.

The bait is also placed on top, so as soon as the fish gathers near the bait, the net can be immediately lifted.

Making a simple trap

Making a fish trap out of a bottle is as easy as shelling pears. Everyone has plastic bottles in their home, so this method is completely free, since you do not need to spend money on materials. Despite the simplicity of this trap, it is quite effective.

To catch small fish, you can take a bottle with a capacity of 1.5 - 2 liters. If you plan to catch large species, then you should take a 5 liter eggplant.

Additional materials will require wire, rope and fishing line. To make an effective DIY fish trap, you need to adhere to this algorithm:

  1. The bottle must be completely freed from the label and washed thoroughly. It is important that the container does not have any foreign odors, as they can scare off prey. Anglers recommend using a container from under mineral water or sunflower oil. You don't even need to wash the oil bottle, this aroma is pleasant for the fish.
  2. The neck of the bottle must be cut and inserted into the bottle neck. The structure must be fixed with a wire. You need to fix it so that it is possible to unwind the structure and pull out the fish.
  3. In order for the container to be submerged under water, a large number of holes of different diameters must be made in it.

After the fishing trap is completely ready, you need to put complementary food in the middle. It is also important to tie a rope and a weight to the bottle. so that it does not float away and can be reached at any convenient moment. For convenience, the weight can be placed directly into the container.

Stationary and unusual designs

It is recommended to catch large individuals using stationary structures. The simplest option is a mesh box. The frame can be made from wooden planks or plastic slats. You can also use two waist hoops to create a round trap.

After the frame is prepared, you need to create fasteners. It should be borne in mind that the box must be disassembled in order to get the catch out of it. The walls must be sheathed with plastic mesh. To do this, you can take a simple garden net with 1 cm cells or a Chinese nylon net.

The hardest part is creating the entrances that will resemble a funnel. They will need to be placed on different sides of the box. The advantage of this design is that it is easy to transport and is suitable for catching fairly large fish. You can put a jar of fry inside as bait. This type of structure is great for winter fishing.

Another option for traps is a screen for catching fish. With his own hands, he is done quite quickly. This will require thick wire and mesh. Two pieces of wire will hold the net in the water in a standing position to form a kind of screen where the fish will float. You need to place a feeder in the center, it is important that the bait is washed out of it gradually. It is recommended to lower such a structure to a depth of about 2 meters.

More experienced anglers make flat lures with their own hands on several screens, increasing the amount of catch.

Sometimes there are situations when there is no special trap or bottle at hand to make self-traps for fish with your own hands. You can use the items that are at hand. This can be a simple saucepan, cheesecloth, or a thin cloth. So, on a saucepan or bucket, you need to pull gauze and fix it well so that it does not sleep under water. It is also necessary to make a hole in the center of the gauze: through it the fish will swim into the container. Bread or small grasshoppers can be used as top dressing.

You can fish even without special fishing tackle... They do an excellent job with this task. homemade traps... Most of them work according to the same principle, so it will not be difficult to build such a structure yourself.

Attention, only TODAY!

A river fish trap is essential if you want to catch fish intact. If fishing is a pleasure for you, you need a fish to release it, if you fish for further resale live, do not want to injure it, then you need to use simple, effective and easy-to-use traps. They can be created from a variety of materials.

How to make a plastic bottle fish trap?

Manufacturing plastic traps are in demand because this homemade a model variant can be created anywhere. In plastic bottles we take clean water, they can be found in nature, purchased at the nearest store, or borrowed from people vacationing nearby.

The plastic bottle fish trap varies in size. If you are planning a small catch, then take a base of 1.5-2 liters. If expected big booty then the 5-liter models will suit you.

  1. Washing the bottle. First plastic the attribute is washed thoroughly. It is important that there are no foreign odors on it. Remove any existing stickers. If design is prepared from a bottle of vegetable oil, you do not need to rinse it. This smell attracts fish.
  2. Remove 1/3 part. Remove the part of the bottle from the side of the neck. The area of ​​the structure to be liquidated depends on the volume of the future catch. As a rule, cut off 1/3 of the part, turn it over, insert it with the neck inside the bottle.
  3. Fixation. Homemade the model must be fixed on starting position... For this, wire is used. It is desirable to create 2 to 4 anchor points. It must be borne in mind that this neck will then have to be removed. So don't overdo it.
  4. Small holes. Fish traps on the river should have relatively small holes. Then the bottle can quickly sink to the required depth.
  5. Place the bait. Into the created tackle a small amount of bait is placed. This allows you to speed up the fishing process.
  6. Adding cargo. It is best to place it inside the bottle. Such a weight allows you to avoid snags during the diving and fishing process.

Everything, your fishing the attribute is ready to be applied. The ways its uses are varied. You can throw the model upstream, fix it with a rope on the shore. Can be omitted in standing water in any position.

How to make a fish trap from the network?

The fish will have no chance of survival That is, if you create a trap from the network. It needs a frame. You can create it from any solid materials at hand. It can be plastic, aluminum rods, corners, etc.

  1. We stretch the mesh. A do-it-yourself fish trap is created from a mesh in which the cells do not exceed 1 cm.
  2. Funnel formation. It is necessary to create funnels from the same mesh as the shape wrap.
  3. We insert the narrow part of the funnel into the mesh on the frame. This must be done from two opposite sides.
  4. Bait. When a fish trap is created, there should be no questions about how to use it. It is important to be sure to put the bait inside and lower the model into the water.
  5. We lower the model into the water. If the frame of the trap is metal, then the immersion process should go very quickly. With a wooden frame, it is recommended to place additional weight on or into the trap.

Types of fish traps

There are many different traps that you can purchase from specialized stores or make your own. Let's consider briefly the most popular ones.

  • Stationary traps. They are made once and serve for many years. They are not immersed in water - they are constantly in it.

  • Tunnel traps. This is a death maze for fish. After the prey swims inside, it gets confused in the labyrinth, does not find a way out of it.

  • Spider trap. Consists of a screen and several arcs connected to each other at the highest point.

Going to fish on a natural body of water, do not forget about waterproof fishing backpacks. You can save the bait in them. Even if there is a heavy downpour, all things that are located will be safe and sound. You can always change into dry clothes, keep your health and enjoy the exciting fishing process.

The waterproof bag is the ultimate companion for any fisherman. If comfort and coziness are important to you, if you want to feel free near any body of water, then take care of the accessories in advance that will turn the usual fishing process into an exciting hobby that you cannot refuse.

First, try making a fish trap with your own hands in your familiar home environment. Here you have all the necessary items and materials at hand. Choose a trap that you would like to use outdoors. After the skills are brought to automatism, you can try to make a trap near the reservoir, just before you start fishing.

When summer comes, fishing enthusiasts go to places where a huge number of crucians are found. Not only men but also children like to catch carp, because they are often sent to their grandmother in the village, where they can run to the river to catch carp. Their golden scales, which shimmer in the sun, fascinate anglers.

When summer comes, fishing enthusiasts go to places where a huge number of crucians are found.

What is the best time to choose for catching crucian carp?

Many people have a love for fishing just from catching the first crucian carp in the river. Summer time is considered the most best time for fishing, and crucian carp can be caught in different sizes. It should be noted that in June the nibble of crucian carp is not very active, because they are recovering after cold frosts. It is better to start catching carp at the end of June, when it is already a hot day.

Summer is considered the best time for fishing.

If a good and warm day is expected, then it is better to go fishing at five in the morning and spend time on your favorite business until about ten in the morning. When the heat comes, the crucian carp hides and reacts little to the bait. The most promising day for catching carp is considered cloudy and warm, it may even rain, for carp it is not terrible.

If a person decides to catch a lot of crucian carp, then it is better to choose a day with a thunderstorm. If it is a hot day and it rains heavily during it, you can book a seat by the river.

If a good and warm day is expected, then it is better to go fishing at five o'clock in the morning and spend time on your favorite business until about ten o'clock in the morning.

During a downpour, crucian carp becomes very active. But it is better to catch a large crucian carp in the evening or in the morning before - earlier, in the daylight, it hides deep in the waters of the river.

It is necessary not only to know in what weather to catch crucian carp, but also in what place. Crucian carp is very fond of places that are closer to vegetation and reeds. The angler should be aware that the crucian carp tries not to get out to cleaned places where there are no algae. Crucian carp is considered a fish that is not agile and fearful; it very easily becomes a predator's lunch.

How to make the crucian carp bite effective?

There are several simple rules, which must be observed in order for the bite to be the most effective:

  1. If a person is going on a fishing trip, then he should not use perfume, because the crucian does not like strong smells very much. Any spirits will only scare off the crucian carp from all the baits.
  2. You need to choose the right place and location. You need to position yourself correctly on the coast so that the sun is behind the person.
  3. When the angler prepares the tackle, he must make sure that the floats are sensitive, they must be one third above the surface of the water. It is better to choose a small hook.
  4. The rod can be used up to three meters, it must be equipped with a special reel of very strong and thin line.
  5. For bait, it is better to take insects from the same reservoir.
  6. To catch fish, the line must be kept in constant tension, while the fish must be slowly brought to the shore, and then use the jump.

If you learn all these rules, then fishing for crucian carp would be a great idea. Carp can be caught the most different sizes while they will be good.

What is the best way to prepare the bait?

It is better to catch crucian carp from the shore, because waves and noise distract the fish, and the bait will not hold well on the hook. For a day of biting, you need to calculate a place for fishing from about two squares from various reeds and thickets. For this, you can bring a rake with you and prepare a place, this will help you find bait for the fish. Many anglers take a scythe with them to cut excess grass.

If a person decides to catch carp in the summer, then dough or corn is best suited for bait. At this time, crucian carp like food of plant origin more.

It is better to catch crucian carp from the shore, because waves and noise distract the fish, and the bait will not hold well on the hook

When a change of season comes, for example, spring or autumn, then the water at this time is not warmed up well enough. Therefore, for bait, you need to use food of animal origin, for example, a worm will do.

Many anglers argue whether crucian carp is better for bread or a worm. It is best to take both types of bait for effective fishing. The line can be equipped with two hooks. The top hook should be secured three centimeters from the bottom hook. For fish, you can attach both products to it of your choice. Even if the crucian carp chooses one thing, he is sure to have another. What else can you take into account: crucian carp goes very well for the smell that mixes from the worm and bread. On such a bait, he will swim even from afar, because he has a good sense of smell.

It is impossible to get carried away with a large amount of groundbait. In warm water, the bait will begin to decompose, which will interfere with a good bite and affect other inhabitants of the reservoir.

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