Roller exercises. Abdominal roller exercises

Perhaps each of us at least once in his life held in his hands a gymnastic roller, which is a wheel with two handles: left and right. This shell does not take up much space, its price is quite democratic, and therefore it is quite often found at home at the very different people... True, not every one of the owners of the simulator uses it regularly. Meanwhile, such a simple device allows almost all muscles to work, although the main load falls on the abdominal press.

The gymnastic roller is an excellent equipment for home strength training. It is more suitable for "advanced" fitness enthusiasts than for beginners, since it allows you to perform a complex compound exercise that develops upper part body and abs.

Strength training or aerobics?

Contrary to popular belief among non-professionals, strength training in the matter of burning fat, it is much more effective measure than the favorite cardio exercises. After all, aerobics works only during the lesson, and strength exercises have a prolonged effect, lasting several hours, or even days, after you have finished the lesson. The point is that the more a person has muscle mass, the faster metabolism occurs in his body. Even during rest and sleep expedited exchange substances destroys unnecessary

Experts call a gymnastic roller the most effective home equipment for drawing the relief of the abdomen. The flexors and extensors are subjected to tremendous stress. The upper arms and shoulders work, but even more - the chest and back muscles... At the bottom, the buttocks, hip biceps and quadriceps are actively being improved (one of the most problem areas). The only thing that a gymnastic roller is not ideal in is that exercises with it are too difficult for beginners. Therefore, coaches advise starting with simplified forms, and as you improve physical fitness move on to full loads.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most people who use a gym roller praise it. The main advantage of the projectile is that the load from it is complex and affects a very large number of muscles. Its practicality is also noted: the size is small, the device is simple and sturdy, nothing but a floor is required to practice with it. It is a pleasure to work with such a simulator.

For objectivity, it is worth noting a couple of disadvantages. The first is the risk of injury. Problems are most likely with the lumbar region. To avoid them - observe correct technique... The second is insufficient efficiency in the opinion of some of the users. Believe them or not is a personal matter, however, the facts remain facts: with correct and regular training, the effect is still there, and considerable.


So how do you properly use a gymnastic roller? Below are the options for exercising with this projectile.

  1. Kneeling down, hold the roller with outstretched hands on the floor near your chest. Begin to slowly roll the projectile away from you until you touch your knees with your chest, and then roll it towards you just as smoothly, returning to its original position.
  2. Exercise variation 1. At the farthest position of the roller, hold for 2-4 seconds, and only then make the movement back.
  3. Sitting on the floor with your back straight and bent knees, place the roller under your feet and roll it away from you, bending your upper body in the direction of travel. When the slope reaches its maximum, you can move back. Don't try to do this exercise perfectly the first time - it requires a certain skill that comes with time.

To maximize the effectiveness of your workouts, take a deep breath before bending and exhale during the climbs.

A wheel, a gymnastic roller - this is the name of a sports equipment that is used to strength exercises... Most often it is used by those people who form a beautiful figure in themselves - slim stomach with pronounced "cubes", triceps and biceps, relief back and chest. But this video will be an excellent choice for those who seek to reduce body weight. It is a wheel of different diameters with handles.

Read in this article

The benefits of a gymnastics roller for weight loss

If we consider classes with a roller to reduce body weight, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the load is on the body, which means that all muscle groups "work";
  • breathing during exercise becomes frequent and deep - the body is saturated with oxygen, which stabilizes and accelerates metabolic processes (metabolism);
  • during the day after training, the body still continues to burn fat.

If you do exercises with a gymnastic roller every day for 15 minutes or 2-3 times for 40 minutes, you will be able not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen muscle tissue. This means that as you lose weight, the skin will not become flabby, cellulite will disappear, and the whole figure will become more slender.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gymnastic apparatus

Considering the merits sports equipment"Wheel", then we can conclude that it is suitable for both women and men. Experts highlight the following positive aspects:

  • the simulator is small and does not need to allocate a lot of space in the apartment;
  • the cost of the wheel is extremely small, but this does not make its effectiveness less - training on expensive simulators with an instructor and on a roller independently brings the same result;
  • during the exercise, the abdominal muscles (press and oblique) are especially actively worked out;
  • with the correct implementation of the complex exercise stress turns out to be on other muscle groups - leg and gluteal, lateral and on the arms, on the back.

Gymnastic rollers

Thanks to the complex effect on the muscles, it is possible to increase the general tone of the body - energy is added, endurance improves, sleep is normalized.

Many are sure that the gymnastic roller has no drawbacks, but this is not entirely true. Doctors and trainers warn that the untrained in physically it will be not only difficult for people to perform even elementary exercises, but practically impossible. Therefore, before starting the training complex, you will need to slightly strengthen the abdominal muscles - classic exercises on the press will prepare the body for more serious stress.

Exercises for the press, from the abdomen and sides

Classes should be held in a comfortable environment, so some kind of rug is placed under the knees. One should immediately remember important point- all exercises must be performed so that the chest does not touch the floor, and the body is not located strictly parallel to it. The fact is that it will be almost impossible to rise from such a "deep" position - you need to train your body gradually, without jerking.

There are no separate complexes of gymnastics on the wheel, since all problem areas are worked out at once - the press, stomach and sides:

  • Get on your knees, grab the handles on the apparatus. Leaning on the wheel, you need to move as far forward as possible, tilting the body. Without delay at some point, you must immediately return to starting position.
  • Lie on your back, rest your feet on the handles of the gymnastic roller, bend your legs into knee joints, place your arms along the body. Raise the buttocks off the floor to the maximum possible height and move the wheel forward and backward with the lower legs. This exercise works great for the gluteal and thigh muscles.
  • Sit on the floor with straight legs, put the sports equipment on the side, grab the handles. The wheel should move to the side, "dragging" the body along with it. Return immediately to the starting position. The exercise is performed in both directions.
  • Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, pick up a gymnastic roller. Lower it to the floor, bending over, and begin to roll forward. Having reached the most distant point (if possible), return to an upright position.

These 4 exercises will give you desired result only subject to the recommendations:

  • Warm up before each workout. Enough 5 - 10 minutes for the muscles to "warm up", the joints are prepared for stress. You should do the usual exercises from charging.
  • The slimming roller can only be used for smooth and calm movements. People with overweight and will not be able to perform exercises too quickly, but each time this indicator needs to be increased.
  • Each of the 4 exercises should be repeated at least 10 times, preferably 15. It will be difficult for untrained people to fulfill this requirement, so you can increase the load gradually.

Correct training is when a person literally "falls" after a lesson, sweat pours out of him, and his breathing becomes much faster. But severe pain should not be felt, although such discomfort can be felt in the first days - this is how stagnant muscles react to the load.

For information on how to correctly perform an exercise with a gymnastic roller, see this video:

Will it help for the back

Losing weight is only possible if the muscles of the whole body are in good shape. Gymnastic roller perfectly trains the back - the muscles along the spine become strong, their endurance increases. With regular training, posture is corrected, a person even at rest moves with straight shoulders and an indented stomach - this already happens reflexively.

It is very important to understand that the load on the back during exercise turns out to be great. People with diseases of the spine (any) should not start losing weight in this way without first consulting their doctor. Just one careless movement, accidental jerking of the wheel may cause injury intervertebral discs, infringement of nerve endings.

The gymnastic roller can be used for weight loss - it is really effective. The instructors believe that additional training will not be needed, as the load is so great on all muscle groups in the body. But the results will not be noticeable immediately, but only after 1 - 2 months.

A gymnastic roller is a simulator that is ideal for both athletes working on the relief of the muscle corset and for those who are losing weight who are struggling with fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Among the many items and equipment for strength training, a gymnastic roller is considered the most effective for strengthening abdominal... A simple-looking device, consisting of a wheel with a holder rotating on an axle, helps to tidy up the figure, acting on the abdominal muscles, while pumping up the arms, legs, buttocks, and back.

The principle of the gymnastic roller

The gymnastic roller very effectively fights excess fat in the abdominal area and forms an elastic muscle corset. It would seem that it could be easier: rolling the wheel back and forth with the effort of the hands, fixing the initial and final position of the body, is within the power of anyone, even a beginner. But it is precisely for novice athletes who have chosen a roller as a training tool that do not immediately manage to cope with it, since with proper exercise of the exercises they actively work:

Complex load - the main objective training with a gymnastic roller, as a result of which fat leaves the "problem" areas, and the muscles of the press acquire the desired relief.

There are several types of sports equipment that are designed to "make life easier" for people who have started strength training... So, the more the number of roller wheels (there can be two or four), the easier it is to maintain balance during exercise. Manufacturers also offer gymnastic rollers complete with a footrest - undoubtedly, such a device adds convenience to the organization of training. Beginners can pay attention to models with a return mechanism, which significantly reduces the load, "helping" to return to its original position. A roller with an offset center of gravity, on the other hand, is suitable for an advanced athlete, since additional effort is required to spin the wheel.

Advantages and disadvantages

This versatile ab machine is in the arsenal of many athletes, as it has several undeniable benefits. It:

  • multifunctionality (along with the muscles of the press, other muscles of the body also receive a load);
  • compactness (for home workouts, it is enough to free up only 2 square meters of apartment space, storage also does not require much space);
  • ease of use (the rubberized wheel rim does not make noise when driving on the floor and does not leave marks, and the embossed surface of the handles prevents the hands from slipping);
  • availability (the price of a gymnastic roller ranges from 150 rubles for a "no bells and whistles" model to 1500 rubles for a simulator with pedals or with a flexible cable).

The disadvantages include:

  • the difficulty of its use by beginners (untrained, weak muscles unlikely to cope with the weight own body trying to return it to its original position);
  • the lack of prospects for professional athletes (in contrast to the possibility of progress with an increase in the load during deadlift and working with weights, a gymnastic roller assumes only maintaining the existing form and working with its own weight).

Gym Roller Exercise Options

Simple appearance a simulator is not an indicator of the effectiveness of working with it: correct execution roller exercises provides the activation of several muscle groups at once. The main thing is to study systematically, observing the principle "from simple to complex".

Before starting classes, you will need to prepare a gymnastic (or hiking) mat, as well as gloves that will help prevent the formation of calluses on your hands and prevent injuries due to slipping. The level of load during training with a gymnastic roller is regulated, firstly, by the initial position, and secondly, by the number of approaches.

1. So, for beginner athletes, the initial position "kneeling" will be optimal: holding the wheel handles with straight arms, you need to roll the roller forward as far as possible, gradually lowering the body parallel to the floor, and then, fixing the position, return to the starting position, rolling the projectile hands in the opposite direction. To begin with, it is recommended to perform at least eight repetitions in one approach. Total approaches - 3-5. If the exercise turned out to be too difficult or practically impossible, the number of repetitions for initial stage can be shortened a little.

2. The second level of difficulty is rolling the roller from a standing position. With your feet shoulder-width apart, you should bend over without bending your knees, placing the roller wheel in front of you. It is necessary to roll the projectile forward until between the legs and top the body does not form an obtuse angle. After the maximum muscle tension is fixed, you should slowly return to its original position, rolling the roller back. Optimal amount repetitions in this more difficult exercise should be at least 6 times with three to five approaches and two-minute breaks between them.

3. As an option for training the oblique muscles of the abdomen, you can apply exercises with a roller, rolling it to the right and left sides alternately.

4. The most difficult level, which only trained athletes with developed muscles can master, involves performing the exercise from a prone position. At the same time, the legs are closed, the socks should rest on the floor. The roller is rolled by hand to a standing position and back. Keep your knees and arms straight, and your torso, in the starting position, not touching the floor. Six repetitions are enough for one approach.

It is recommended to perform each exercise slowly, without fail fixing the starting and ending points of the body position. It is important to monitor your breathing by inhaling and exhaling air in a measured and rhythmic manner. A gradual increase in the load should occur by increasing the number of repetitions and approaches in one workout. Rest between sets can be jumping rope or running in place for 2 minutes.

Build your abs with the roller machine and ab exercises in the comfort of your home. It may sound like a promotional offer motivating you to buy a sports gadget, but after 2 weeks of operation, you yourself will see how effective it is. You don't have to buy a gym membership or bulky exercise equipment to keep your body toned. A compact press roller and regular press rollers are suitable for this purpose. 10 minute lessons 5 days a week.

Despite its uncomplicated design, it is in no way inferior in efficiency to its expensive counterparts with numerous options. Models with 1 or 2 rubber wheels on the pivot axle are designed to work the upper torso.

What zones are pumped

When performing exercises with a roller, the muscles of the back work - the lats, the lower spine. Peak load occurs when the wheel is rolling forward and backward. All grasping and holding movements are carried out with the help of deltas, triceps,.

Press roller exercises load small skeletal muscle which when working with free weights are often out of work.

In total, up to 20 muscles are involved. The thighs and shins are devoid of dynamic load, but throughout the entire practice. When tilting and straightening the pelvis, the buttocks are included in the work.

Remember that the key to high-quality training with a gymnastic roller:

  • sequencing;
  • smoothness of movements;
  • constant tension of the abdominal muscles;
  • correct breathing.

On the slope of the body, inhale, at the time of returning to the IP - exhale.

A set of techniques for a press with a roller lying

Learn to roll it before you get into serious loads. kneeling... This is one of basic exercises with a video for beginners, allowing you to master the basics. Practice consists of 3 stages:

  1. Take a PI - get down on your knees, round your back and rest on the side handles of the simulator.
  2. Move your body following the wheel without bending your lower back.
  3. After reaching the culmination point, when the chest is completely on the floor, in reverse order, go back.

Detailed exercise technique with roller in video format:

Extension with a roller for beginners

  1. Lie on your stomach, hold the mini simulator in straight hands.
  2. Without lifting your hips from the surface and arching your back upward, with force pull it towards you.
  3. After exhaling, roll forward in a smooth motion.

Exercise with a gymnastic roller for men and women for the lateral abdominal muscles

  1. Kneel in a basic position in front of the machine.
  2. Grasp the handles with your palms, push the wheel forward, maneuvering your body left and right until it straightens like a string.

Oscillating movements engage the oblique abdomen and strengthen them.

Another version for pumping oblique muscles.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward.
  2. By left side put down the press roller.
  3. Grab it with your hands and roll the wheel to the side until it touches the floor of the lower chest zone.

Repeat 10 times in 3 sets for each side.

but more often than 1 time in Week lateral exercise with press roller girls do not need to do... The enlarged muscles give the waist a visual volume.

How to do middle and lower abdominal roller exercises

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs bent.
  2. Bring the wheel under your feet and lean on the side handles like on a pedal and roll it forward.
  3. The further it goes, the closer you move chest to the knees. With your chin touching the tibia, return to the PI.

Standing Extension with Back Roller

  1. Take an upright position with your feet at shoulder level.
  2. Place the projectile in front of you.
  3. Bend, rest your hands on it and follow it along one path to the horizontal of the body with the floor, without touching the surface.
  4. Then return to the PI and duplicate all the movements the required number of times.

To do exercises with a gymnastic roller correctly, avoid common mistakes:

  1. For beginners, it is preferable to work with a large wheel.
  2. At first, 5 repetitions are enough.
  3. Do not overstrain your back, trying to keep your body straight. Stop exercising if you feel uncomfortable.

The number of repetitions determines the level of fitness. At the beginner level limit yourself 10 repetitions in 2 sets. After 2 months workouts, bring the number of takes 15 x 3.

Hello dear readers of the sports blog sportivs. Today will delight you with an article called gymnastic roller exercises. You will learn many useful features, the main one of which is doing it at home. How to make beautiful slim figure using a gymnastic roller at home, read this article.

What is a gymnastic roller for?

This small roller serves as a trainer that helps you achieve good athletic performance... If you regularly practice on a gymnastic roller, you can strengthen the abdominal, as well as lumbar muscles... This simple yet effective abs trainer delivers superior results. After this brief overview of the gymnastics roller, let's take a look at the main benefits of this little exercise machine.


If you are looking for a simulator on which you will practice at home, and so that it takes up little space, then I recommend paying attention to the gymnastic roller. The exercises that will be described below will include all the muscles of the body in the work, which will allow you to fully and evenly develop and strengthen the muscles.

  • The first advantage is that you can use the simulator without leaving your home. You do not need to go to the gym, at any time convenient for you, you can work out on a gymnastic roller.
  • Perfect for both men and women.
  • It has a low cost due to which a gymnastic roller can be purchased by everyone.
  • The simulator is easy to use. Thanks to this, you will not have any difficulties during the lesson.
  • Thanks to the press wheel, you can pump up the press and get rid of those extra pounds. During the exercise, all the muscles in your body are tense, the maximum load with regular exercise will bring wonderful results. However, it is worth considering proper nutrition, because no matter what efforts you put in, without food you will not achieve maximum results.

A set of exercises

1. Exercise with a gymnastic roller on your knees. I put this exercise first on the list, since it is the simplest and will help prepare for the next, which require more effort.

The most standard exercise that you've probably heard of before. Kneeling, grasp the wheel handles with both hands and pull the wheel forward with your back straight. In the maximally extended phase, you should not touch the floor with your stomach, maintaining tension in the press and lower back. For beginners, I advise you to do it 6-8 times. Over time, you can increase the number of repetitions to 10-12.

2. Standing wheel exercise. This is an alternative but more complex version. While standing, you must lower and straighten with the wheel on the floor, then return to the starting position. Do it 8-10 times.

3. Lying on your stomach, pull the gymnastic roller towards you, bending at the same time. You should start from the position of outstretched arms. Pull the roller as close as possible, at the maximum stage, lock in for 3-4 seconds. Do it 10 times. The upper and develops excellently.

4. Sitting on the floor with straight legs, place the gym wheel to the side of you. Place your hands on the wheel and stretch out in right side until the chest touches the floor, then repeat the exercise on the other side. Do it 8-10 times on each side. Exercise is good for stretching as well as pumping up. This will help make your waist look slimmer and more beautiful.

Don't underestimate such a small machine. Despite its size, with correct use it is very effective. Many large exercise equipment that stand in gyms will not be able to provide you with the results you need, unlike a gymnastic roller, which in turn is useful not only for the press, but also for the back.

The first tip is to warm up thoroughly. It is important before any workout, especially before a gymnastic wheel. Warm up well and you will warm up your ligaments, bring muscle fibers in tone.

The second tip is correct breathing. If you breathe often and in small sighs, the effectiveness of your workout will be minimized - breathe deeply and evenly.

Tip number three. Keep your back always straight. If you bend, you can injure your lower back.

To achieve beautiful figure and lose a couple of extra pounds, first of all, you need to remove all negative foods, normalize proper nutrition. With regular exercise, the correct daily routine and nutrition, you will always be in shape, feel good and healthy.

Dear friends, we examined the advantages of classes on a gymnastic roller, I talked about effective complex exercises, and also gave practical recommendations, by performing which you will always be in good shape. Finally, watch an interesting video. Have a nice day and a positive mood.

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