Exercises with a gymnastic roller for beginners. Abdominal roller exercises

Have you ever looked for a way to replace gym and create perfect body at home? Effective Abdominal Roller Exercises is the one that combines most of the exercises from the fitness center. The Gym Wheel uses all muscle groups in the upper body, but in particular it pumps your abs, arms and back. We will now explain how it works.

The seemingly small and useless wheel for the press is a powerful simulator, which is not particularly talked about, because it is inexpensive sports equipment is the main competitor of gyms and fitness centers. And this is not an exaggeration, because the roller for the press not only allows you to pump muscles to the limit, but is also able to provide a gradual load on certain muscle groups. To do this, it is enough to know which exercise with a roller for the press to use in order to work out a specific part of the body.

We will tell you which muscles work in certain exercises a little later, but for now remember - you should not immediately perform exercises with a roller for the press at full power, since the load in certain positions is comparable to lifting a barbell of 100 kg.

Some exercises with gymnastic wheel are equivalent to lifting the barbell with your back more than your weight or lifting the body on a horizontal bar, hanging on your legs, with weight.

What muscles work

Many may think they have strong abs. And this may be true. However, starting to do an exercise with a wheel for the press, there is disappointment in the strength of your "belly". In fact, in exercises with this projectile, not only the abdominal muscle works, but also a number of others.

All muscles that work:

  1. Abdominal region - rectus and oblique muscles of the press;
  2. Target region - muscles of the back, lower back and spine;
  3. Muscles of the chest, shoulders, delta, forearm;
  4. Stabilizers of abdominal, triceps, wrist, chest muscles;
  5. Femoral muscle.

These are the main muscle groups that are involved during gymnastic roller exercises. However, the benefit lies in the fact that they are pumped internal muscles that you haven't even heard of. It is the weakness of the inner muscular system and creates difficulties in performing lessons with a roller.

The gymnastic wheel is much more effective than the usual swing of the press, and allows you to burn up to 700 kcal in 15 minutes of training.

Start doing simple, but effective exercise with a roller for the press, and you will quickly notice an increase in strength, as well as disappeared body fat.

Correct roller technique

As with any sport, it is important to give Special attention exercise technique. This is necessary in order to receive maximum effect, do not harm yourself and get rid of such an unpleasant sensation of pain in the muscles, like DOMS. But sore throat is not the most pleasant phenomenon, albeit harmless. After 3 days, muscle pain disappears, and with regular exercise it does not appear at all.

By the way, it is soreness that will allow you to most accurately determine which muscles are working when exercising with a gymnastic wheel. Those muscles that hurt more the next day, respectively, and work harder.

  1. Perform the abs exercises we indicated gradually and in the order shown in our list below;
  2. First, do 3-5 repetitions of light exercises every day to get the muscles used to the stress;
  3. Breathe correctly - this is necessary to supply the muscles with oxygen. Breathe in on the "extension" of the body, and inhale on the rise while applying maximum effort;
  4. It is advisable to warm up before class;
  5. Use the support and relief techniques from the last chapter.

Abdominal roller exercises

There are only 3 basic exercises with a wheel for the press - they are "roll-out" from the knees and from the feet. We will tell you the technique for fully performing each of them and explain its features.

If these exercises are difficult to do, then use the lightening tips in the next chapter.

Extension-flexion of the body from the knees (difficulty 2 of 5)

  1. Get on your knees;
  2. Take a gymnastic roller in your hands and transfer the weight so that it is evenly distributed between your hands and knees;
  3. Move the wheel forward until the body is parallel to the floor;
  4. Inhale back into starting position keeping the body parallel to the floor.

Raising the body from a prone position (difficulty 3/5)

  1. Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms forward;
  2. As you inhale, pull the wheel towards you, while lifting your shoulders up and look up and back;
  3. Slowly inhale, lower yourself to a prone position, keeping your head as high as possible.

Extension-flexion of the body from the feet (difficulty 5/5)

  1. Standing, bend forward so that the wheel touches the floor;
  2. Transferring the weight to your hands, take the roller forward until the body is parallel to the floor;
  3. As you exhale, smoothly return the roller to your legs, trying to keep your shoulders and hips level with the floor;

The following roller gymnastics exercises are derived from the core exercises, but are effective for a specific muscle group.

Extension-flexion from knees to the side (4/5)

It is necessary to do the first exercise, however, it is necessary to unbend the body not in front of you, but to the side. This allows you to work out oblique abdominal muscles and also stretch them. This type of abdominal wheel exercise is especially effective by stretching the lateral core muscles.

Exercise with two rollers for the press (6/5)

  1. Take a position on all fours and hold each roller with one hand on the inside;
  2. First move the right roller forward while holding the left roller bent arm under the shoulder;
  3. Return the right roller, then move the left wheel forward;
  4. To reinforce this exercise, retract the roller while the other returns.

This variation of work with a gymnastic wheel allows you to work out the muscles of the arms, shoulders and especially the wrists well, but the press works at the level of standard extension.

Roller with leg bindings (difficulty 4/5)

In this variation, the roller is not held by hands, but is fixed on the feet, which makes it possible to additionally load the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. There are several options for doing exercises with a roller for the press - these are "walking on your hands" and extension-flexion with a roller on your legs. Both are great for full body workouts, so they can be used once you've mastered the standard gym wheel and for a change.

How to make exercise with a gymnastic wheel easier

If the full extension turns out to be too difficult, then you can reduce the load in the following ways:

  • Kneel down facing the wall at such a distance that at the moment of unbending the wheel rests against it and does not allow you to fall. Move further away from the wall as you master each difficulty;
  • Extend only the arms or only the hips to reduce the load (in this case, the ab exercise is not as effective);
  • Use a platform with an elastic band that lightens the load when bending the body;
  • When returning to the starting position, push your hips up and back, so the load on the abs will decrease.

You can see with your own eyes how exercises with a roller for the press are performed in this video, where everything is described and shown in detail.

I welcome to Sekh. Glad you took a look at my blog. And today I will show you exercises with a roller for the press for women and for men, of course, I will write them down in detail, and you will also receive valuable recommendations. Well, are you ready to receive knowledge? You came here for this?

general information

A gymnastic wheel, that is, a roller, a very effective simulator or apparatus, call it what you want - the essence does not change from this. Thanks to him, you can literally work out the whole body, including not only superficial muscles but also deep with joints. I wrote about this in my.

The wheel is a great addition to, but it can also be the main tool of an entire workout or even a program aimed at building strength, endurance or gaining muscle mass... Therefore, if you nevertheless decided to train with this simulator, I am sure that you will achieve success.

I note right away that the exercises below (some of them) can only be performed with a roller with special mounts for the feet. With the usual (where only the handles) this cannot be done. Therefore, I advise you to purchase with mounts. Although the need for invention is cunning. You can buy in store Activism.

Abdominal Roller Exercises for Men

1. Rolling forward and backward. Get on your feet, roller in hand. Lower the wheel to the floor. From this position, extend the body until it is fully extended. Do not touch the floor with your knees, stomach or chest - support only on the wheel and feet. If you cannot complete it in the first stages, you can replace it first female exercise until you are in good condition.

2. "Swiss knife". The legs are fixed on the roller, the roller is on the wheel. You should rest your hands on the floor, taking a lying position (only with a roller on your feet). From this position, it is necessary to pull both legs approximately to the chest, bending the spine and trunk (straining the abdominal muscles).

3. "Peak". The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but here you need to bring the roller as close to your hands as possible. Legs should be straightened, arms too, only your body in the lower back and abdomen should bend, thereby acting on the press.

4. Walking on hands. Again, the starting position is the same as in the two previous exercises (the apparatus is fixed on the legs). Remember how you walked on your hands in physical education lessons at school, and your best friend held your legs? It's the same here, only in the role best friend video clip. It is necessary to move with the help of your hands, but at the same time strain the press.

5. Rolling forward-left and forward-right from the knees. The name of the exercise speaks for itself - we kneel. The video is initially located next to them. Roll forward and to the left, go back, forward and to the right, back. Only the movement of the roller should not be in a straight line, but in an arc.

Why is there so little exercise, you ask? Believe me, these 5 exercises will be enough to pump up, and if you do each of them several approaches.

Abdominal Roller Exercises for Women

1. Rolling back and forth from the knees. Yes, this is a somewhat simplified form of the first exercise of the male complex, but no less effective. Roll back and forth from your knees without lying on the floor or touching it with your chest. If the chest big size, put on a sports bra.

2. "Birch". The legs are attached to the handles of the gymnastic wheel. Lie on the floor with your arms along your body, palms on the floor. Pull up the legs to the body, rolling the roller on the floor, and then raise the legs into a "birch tree", lifting the pelvis off the floor. Hold on for two seconds. Return.

3. Walking on hands in a semicircle. You continue to stand on your hands and with the wheel on your feet. From this position, begin to move to the left, stepping alternately with your hands, then to the right. In both directions, you must move in a semicircle. The roller in this exercise should not run, it should rotate in different directions, but in place.

4. Alternate pulling up of the legs to the chest. Place both hands on the wheel handles and keep your balance. Feet are on toes. Pull up to your chest first right leg straining the press. Then the left one, doing the same.

5. Raising straight legs with a roller behind your back.
Sit on the floor, straighten your legs, pull your socks, and bend your back. The roller is behind your back, and you lean on it with both hands. Your task is to raise your straight legs to a height of 50 - 60 centimeters from the floor, while moving backward at a distance of 15 - 20 centimeters. Don't run the wheel too far.

In principle, if there is a desire, the female and male complexes can be supplemented with exercises from the opposite complex. I think you will like it. It is so?


How is it? Do you like the selected abdominal exercises for men and women? Be sure to write your opinion in the comments - it is very important to me.

I would like to recommend the course “ PERFECT PRESS IN 30 DAYS", In which you will find a complete program of training for the press, as well as the execution technique, secrets and recommendations on how to pump up beautiful press like Hollywood actors.

Learn more about the course ""

I just have to say goodbye to you. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, as well as share in social networks this article with your friends. Goodbye to everyone.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Almost every woman dreams of becoming owners perfect abs... And even if you can't achieve sexy cubes, you don't really want to have a flabby tummy. This question begins to gain momentum in popularity before the warm season, when most men and women begin to bare their bodies.

However, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in regularly visiting the gym. Which becomes the impetus for home workouts. But what is the right way to do it at home? Using tips from acquaintances, most women try to practice using videos offered on the Internet. But, not seeing a lightning-fast result, they immediately quit classes.

And what have you heard about such a simulator as a roller for the press? A little? So, exercises with a roller for the press can "give" you an attractive tummy in a relatively short period of time. Are you interested? Let's go with you and consider these very exercises with a roller on the press. Go!

Today you can find a huge number of exercises for pumping the abdominal muscles, both using sports equipment, and without them. The most common machine for tightening abdominal muscles is the gymnastic rink. Using it, you can get a good power load.

The advantages of this projectile:

  • Versatility.
    By doing abdominal roller exercises, you also stimulate everyone else to work. muscle groups their body, which, in turn, helps them to develop naturally and proportionally.
  • Small size.
    This sports equipment is small in size, which distinguishes it very favorably in comparison with other sports equipment. However, this does not affect efficiency. If used correctly, a mini-trainer will help to tighten not only your abs.
  • Versatility.
    Abdominal roller exercises can be done anywhere, both in the fitness center and at home. The main thing is that there is enough space. In addition, all family members can work with this sports equipment.
  • Fast effect.
    If you regularly engage with this sports equipment, then the first results can be seen after a week.
  • Ease of use.
    Each set of exercises with a gymnastic roller is very simple and straightforward, therefore, mastering the technique will not have any difficulties even for novice athletes.
  • Availability.
    Due to the low cost, practically everyone can work with the roller for the press.
  • An excellent helper for weight loss.
    This gym machine will help you shed a couple of extra pounds without much effort, which is important for women who are struggling with annoying centimeters on their figure.

As for the shortcomings, there is only one: if you have a bad physical fitness and did very little sports, then this simulator will be traumatic for you, since it puts a strong load on the muscles of the lower back.

Have you decided to pump up your abs with a roller? Then let's not drag out this moment to the last and start right now. Let's get started!

Learning how to work properly with this sports equipment

A few rules that everyone who wants to practice with a roller for the press needs to know:

  1. When working with a gymnastic rink, it is very important to pay great attention correct breathing: it is necessary to tilt the body while inhaling, and return to its original position mainly on exhalation.
  2. You need to repeat each exercise at least 10 times, otherwise you will not achieve desired result in a short time.
  3. To perform exercises with this simulator much more comfortably, you need to get a fitness mat.
  4. You need to do a set of exercises regularly, at least 4 days a week.
  5. Yes, if you are going to work out with a gymnastic roller in order to lose weight, then you should revise your diet and exclude from it all "harmful" foods that help inhibit the process of removing toxins from the body.

A set of exercises with a gymnastic roller

Here are some exercises that will help you tighten virtually every muscle group in your body.

They are great for both women who want to get their figure in good physical shape, and for the opposite sex, who simply support an already formed body.

We roll the roller on our knees

We do each of these exercises for at least 10 repetitions. To begin with, one approach will be enough, but after a while it is necessary to increase the number of approaches to two.

We roll the roller lying on our stomach

We lie down on the floor, back up. We stretch our arms forward and grab the handles of the simulator. Now we pull the simulator towards us, using the back bend, trying not to tear the hips off the floor surface.

We fix this position for a few seconds, after which we slowly return to the starting position. We carry out this exercise in two sets of 12 repetitions.

Rolling the roller from a sitting position

  1. Exercise # 1.
    We sit on the floor, pull the legs forward. We put the simulator with right side Push. We begin to move the roller towards the moment until you touch the floor surface with the bust. In this case, the legs should not come off the floor. After that, we fix the position for a couple of seconds and, by the reverse movement, we return to the starting position. Now we rearrange the gymnastic roller to the left of ourselves and perform the same body movements. Thanks to these manipulations, you can build the oblique abdominal muscles. For this exercise to give maximum effect, it must be done slowly.
  2. Exercise number 2.
    We sit on the floor and bend our legs in knee joint... We bring the gymnastic skating rink under the feet. Holding the roller with our hands, we rest our feet on its handles. Then, with a smooth and unhurried movement, we straighten the legs until your chest touches your knees. We return to the starting position using the reverse movement.

We perform each exercise in two sets of 10 repetitions.

We roll the roller on straight legs

We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We install this simulator on the floor in front of us. Leaning on the handle of the roller with the handles, we begin to move it forward until your chest touches the floor surface. We linger for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position by the reverse movement. We perform at least 10 repetitions.

Now you certainly know how to properly train with a roller for the press in order to bring your body into proper physical shape.

The main thing is to remember that your health is always in your hands. We wish you good health and extraterrestrial beauty!

Happy to greet everyone who is now reading this article. From it you can get information about what a press roller is, what muscles are involved when working on it. And this is already the 100th article on the blog, with which I congratulate myself and you.

I am sure you have seen such a device on the Web more than once. Typically, the press roller is a wheel with two handles on the sides, but there are other designs as well. This very video in artistic gymnastics is called a gymnastic wheel, so if you come across a similar name, you should know that it is one and the same device.

By the way, you can buy it at trusted store and the cost is small.

What is a video?

In modern society, now you rarely find a person who has a similar equipment for training the whole body at home. Yes, you understood correctly - for training the whole body. Although in Soviet times, these simulators were popular and widespread.

It would seem, well, what is there in this gymnastic wheel. But in fact, it turns out that all the main and many non-main muscle groups are swinging.

To work out the whole body, it is enough to limit yourself to 6 - 8 exercises - this will be enough for muscle growth, stretching, increasing muscle strength and overall strength, endurance, if you can perform a large number of repetitions (more than 15).

In order to understand which muscles are involved, we will consider standard exercise- rolling the roller back and forth from a standing position. That is, you stand on your feet, but rest your hands on the handles of the roller, the wheel of which is on the ground.

After that, you need to, so to speak, "move apart" and "close" without touching the knees, belly or chest of the floor. Support only on the wheel itself through the arms and legs. It is best to do this exercise from your knees at first. For men, I advise you to press at home.

What muscles are working?

Well, in a few words, all muscles. But still, let's take a closer look at a working corset.

Back. Believe it or not, the back muscles, and to the greatest extent those located along the spine (trapezius, lats, lumbar), receive a tremendous load during rolling forward and backward. The voltage peak occurs at the lowest point when it is necessary to keep the entire body straight.

Breast. Not so much involved in the work, but still contributing.

Deltas (shoulders). Oddly enough, but a huge load also falls on your shoulders - it is they who allow you to bring the roller back and forth and it depends on them whether you can do it or not.

The rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen (abs and sides). Like the back, it receives a rather large load, because it is responsible for bending the body, and when lowering it also stretches. The sides are not so tense during work - they play the role of stabilizing muscles, monitoring the balance of the body.

Muscles of the legs and buttocks. While it seems obvious footwork, it is not. here they are even more involved in work than all the lower muscles.

The muscles of the thighs and legs are stretched and tense only statically, if this is a non-specific exercise on the legs (but after all, we are discussing with you now basic exercise, I'll write about all the exercises tomorrow). The buttocks tighten during flexion and extension of the hip joints, which also pumps them enough.

Hands. As in the case of the legs, the arms are loaded only statically (, triceps, forearms), responsible for the grip, holding the projectile and the position of the arms (bent or straight).

Small muscles of the neck. The neck is also involved in the work, but in general it does not contribute too much to the exercise, although if the neck muscles are sore, during the lowering and lifting you will feel exactly when they come into action.

Round, diamond-shaped and serrated. These small muscles obey the "older muscles" near which they are located. That is, if a large group of muscles standing next to it strains strongly, then they will be more involved in the work. And vice versa.

Skeletal. As you know, our body is not limited to the muscles that we can see. Is there some more skeletal muscle, which also work quite well during this exercise. Characteristically, the roller allows you to train these muscles, although during normal exercises with free weights or with own weight this effect is very difficult to achieve.

Joints. Well, and of course, the joints, to which the above muscles are attached, receive tremendous training and strengthening. You may not have outstanding muscles and large dimensions, but thanks to the strength of the joints, you can do what some "pitching" cannot. Bruce Lee is an example.

Sporting goods stores, fitness rooms and "rocking chairs" are now ready to offer their visitors exercise equipment that amazes with their versatility and dimensions. Against their background, the unpretentious and compact gymnastic wheel, inherited from the parents, looks very ugly. Nevertheless, the mother's figure, despite her age, is attractive and slender, and the father still boasts prominent muscles. So does the effectiveness of training devices depend on their complexity?

The design of the classic gymnastic roller for the press is simple: a small-sized wheel equipped with an axle-handles.

But not every beginner is able to complete the entire set of exercises at once. Therefore, depending on the fitness and endurance of the athlete's muscles, the appropriate model of the simulator is selected from a wide range of sports equipment.

Features of Fitness Wheel Exercise for Beginners

the first lessons are difficult for beginners, so it is recommended to perform 3-4 approaches

How to choose a roller for the press and how to prepare the musculoskeletal system, heart and lungs to perform a set of exercises in full? A properly selected model of the simulator will help to avoid injuries:

  1. Roller with two wheels. A stable structure will help you quickly master the principles of training without distracting attention to maintaining balance and coordination of movement.
  2. Roller with return mechanism. It will also help to avoid overloading. Mechanical forced return of the wheel to its original position greatly facilitates the athlete's task and reduces the load on lumbar spine.

An important element is correct breathing... But the main focus should be on training with an incomplete range of motion: this is how the strength and endurance of the muscles develops without overstraining and painful sensations.

The catch lies in the constant control over the retention of the projectile along the entire trajectory of movement.

Exercises for beginners

the back should be straight, do not bend in the lower back

Kneel down with your feet against a wall or other fixed support. Place the wheel in front of you, and leaning on the handles with straight arms, slowly move it forward. Bend your torso, trying to touch the floor with your chest. If possible, linger at the end point for a couple of seconds. Return smoothly to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 8 to 10 each. The number of repetitions with training can be increased to 15.

How to learn how to work with a press wheel (video tutorial):

Advanced Abdominal Roller Workout

exercises with a double wheel and tension harnesses significantly increase the load on all muscle groups

Alas, our body is created in such a way that it is, and most staunchly resists our desire to be slim and fit. That is why every effective exercise aimed at correcting problem areas is so appreciated.

For men

Of course, by combining this machine with an ever increasing weight, you can build muscle volume. To achieve steel with beautiful "cubes" will allow the slow execution of the program on the appropriate simulator:

  1. With 1 wheel and offset center of gravity.
  2. Scrolling the wheel of this projectile requires significant effort, which is suitable only for experienced athletes.

  3. Trimmer with tensioners.
  4. The movement of the double wheel of this projectile is complicated by the tension of the harnesses attached to the legs. An option is possible when a roller is completed with a tensioner for each hand separately.

  5. With the "Assist System" mechanism. The internal system reinforces the load with additional resistance.

For women

unusual arrangement of the handles increases the load on the press

Flatten your belly and shed it overweight fast and dynamic movements with a suitable model will help:

  1. With 1 wheel and classic handle arrangement.
  2. This design requires an average physical fitness and certain skills.

  3. With side handles arranged like bicycle pedals.
  4. Diversifies the program, increasing the load on the shoulder girdle and abs.


When doing it, it is extremely important to strain the abs and buttocks, keeping your arms straight and your back without bending.

    Take a prone position with the roller in outstretched arms. Slowly bending in your back so that your hips do not come off the floor, roll it towards you with your straight arms. After a pause of 2-3 seconds, slowly return to the starting position. Take 3-4 sets. The number of repetitions increases from 8 to 15 with training.

    Sit on the floor with your back and legs straight. Lower your straight arms onto the roller at your right thigh. Roll it to the right until your chest touches the floor. Go back and repeat the bend 10 times. Move the roller to your left thigh and repeat 10 times while moving the roller to the left.

    The transition to the most difficult exercise is possible after a long study of the previous ones. Stand in front of the wheel with your feet shoulder-width apart. Leaning on it with straight arms, roll forward without bending your legs. Touching the floor with your chest, fix the position for 2-3 seconds. After doing the exercise in reverse order, take the starting position.

Anatomy of a gymnastic wheel exercise

during exercise, the load is distributed to the abdominal muscles, shoulder girdle, arms, back and hips

It is believed that this simple the sports equipment belongs to the category of pilates and cardio training equipment. Indeed, its use helps to burn extra pounds, and maintain muscle tone, develop their strength, endurance and give noticeable relief.

First of all, straight and oblique bundles of the anterior abdominal wall are being worked out. The payload also falls on other muscles:

  • Large, small and dentate pectorals.
  • Respiratory muscles.
  • Girls with broad shoulders and developed arm muscles should not focus on the strength models of the simulator: a large load falls on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and, including muscle fibers forearms, and.

  • Surface and deep muscles back. Loaded depending on the range of motion.
  • Big gluteus. It is used statically, i.e. does not increase in volume.
  • Front of the thigh and lower leg.
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