Exercises for snowboarders. How to prepare for the ski season: exercises for skiers and snowboarders

Training program for snowboarders - here we will talk about winter sports such as snowboarding and for him. Any physical activity requires preparation. It doesn't matter what kind of sports you do, strength or game. In order for the muscles of the body to be ready for stress, they must be trained. This will help you in the future to avoid any injury and maintain your health.

For practicing this sport, it does not matter on professional level or amateur, special training program... The proposed workout is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender.

Otherwise, the untrained athlete will experience fatigue, pain and injury.

Training program for snowboarders: goals and objectives

The goal of training is, first of all, endurance, movement coordination and flexibility.

This training program for snowboarders is designed for four weeks of training, alternating between sessions with days of rest. Each exercise should be performed in several sets. The break between sets is no more than 30-40 seconds. the main task in this case not muscle mass, namely endurance! Select the weight of the weights in such a way that the maximum number of repetitions in one approach is performed 20 times. As a rule, medium or light weights are taken.

Some exercises and their purposes:

    With a jump. Exercise serves to increase leg strength, as well as to develop explosive power. The technique of the exercise is that from a deep squat, pushing off sharply with your legs, jump up. Hands should be kept in front of you, or on the belt.

    Weighted turns while standing. Exercise develops coordination. Performed while sitting on the floor. Starting position: the body should be tilted back, the legs should be torn off the floor, in the hands of a dumbbell or pancake, which should be held at the level of the press. Perform torso turns to the sides. Feet should not touch the floor.

    Power push-ups. This exercise strengthens not only the muscles of the chest and arms, but also works out the technique of a possible fall. Technique: lie on your stomach, rest on the palms of your hands, place your hands shoulder-width apart, rest on the floor with your toes. On exhalation, push off the floor, straightening your arms. On inhalation, return to the starting position.

    Standing Calf Raises. This exercise strengthens the calf muscles and feet.

    Standing forward lunges. Exercise develops coordination and leg muscles.

    Pull-ups on the bar. Exercise strengthens the muscles in the arms and back. Strong improves stability.

    Cycling or exercise bike. Develops endurance, strengthens the muscles of the legs.

    As before any workout, do a five minute warm-up.

    Now let's go directly to the training program itself ( this complex performed four times a week, alternating with rest days).

A set of exercises:

  • Jumping squats. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Weighted pivots while seated. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

  • Pushups. Perform 3 sets of maximum repetitions.

  • Barbell Calf Raises. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

  • Forward lunges with dumbbells or a barbell. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

  • Pulling up. Perform 3 sets of maximum reps.

  • Riding a stationary bike for 15 minutes.

At the end of this program, be sure to do stretching exercises on the muscles involved.

Here is a preparatory training program for snowboarders.

Train! And by snowboarding season you will be in great physical form!

Every snowboarder who wants to feel in great physical shape from the first day of skiing should prepare for winter season... First of all, anabolik-store.com will help the correct sports nutrition and banal daily charge... In addition, you can use the complex simple exercises... You need to start it four weeks before you get on the board. This will help you enjoy riding from the very first days, without feeling pain and unpleasant aches in the whole body.

Jump squats

This exercise is great for training your legs, making them strong. When snowboarding, this helps to increase explosive power. This ability comes in handy when doing a big jump if you want to do it cleanly.

Starting position: sit down and straighten your arms in front of you, or put them on your belt. After that, you need to sharply push off with your feet and jump out, trying to get off the ground as far as possible.


This exercise is used professional athletes which anabolik-store.com also find special sports nutrition. It is a twist that uses a special medicine ball.

You need to sit on the mat and pick up the medicine ball. The arms need to be slightly bent at the elbows. The ball is kept at the level of the press. The body deviates slightly back. In this case, the legs are lifted off the floor. The body turns left and right so that the medball touches the floor every time. Be sure to keep the abdominal muscles tense during the exercise.

Push ups

Strength push-ups help build strength. In the future, this will help prepare for falls, which are somehow inevitable when practicing snowboarding.

It is necessary to rest your socks and palms on the floor. Hands should be kept at a distance that exceeds shoulder width. Keep your back straight. You need to go down as you exhale, and push off the floor as you inhale.

When viewed from the side, it can feel like snowboarding is easy enough. However, as soon as you yourself get on the board, it becomes obvious that this assumption is erroneous. For this reason, it is recommended that the first sessions be conducted with an instructor. In most cases, a couple of lessons are enough to master the basics of board riding.

Therefore, today we will look at how to snowboard for beginners, as well as consider the best exercises and classification of riding techniques.

The riding technique depends on the quality of the initial, basic elements. The beginner rider should learn from the first training sessions to fall safely, to slide properly, to turn and to use a lift.

How to learn to snowboard?

Each beginner chooses his own path of learning to ride the board. Someone prefers to independently, by trial and error, learn to first stand on the board, and only then go down the track, trying to control the movement and speed of the board. The disadvantages of such training are obvious - the rider constantly falls, as he cannot understand the principles of riding, and as a result, all the basic elements remain unrecognized. Observing more professional snowboarders is only more confusing. Without seeing his own skating, a beginner cannot understand what his mistakes are and how to fix them.

The option of teaching snowboarding skills with friends is more effective. Skating together will allow you to quickly master initial exercises... The main thing is that friends do not give up and have the patience to explain and show the basics of snowboarding. Of course, this option is not optimal either, since if there are mistakes in the riding technique, friends and a beginner will make them. In practice, there are often such "professionals" who also take money for lessons in which there are rolled up mistakes.

Based on the above, it is obvious that The best way learn how to snowboard - training with an experienced instructor. A specialist in his field will not only explain theoretical basis snowboarding, but will also show how the elements are performed, what is their complexity or specificity.

Most of those who prefer to study on their own simply do not want to pay tuition fees, considering it unnecessary expenses. However, in practice, a couple of lessons are enough for a beginner to learn to stand confidently on the board and perform some simple exercises getting the most out of your snowboarding experience.

Starting to train, a beginner should be prepared for the fact that at first it will not do without falls, however, it is also not worth associating snowboarding exclusively with falls. You should start your studies in a good physical condition and in comfortable sportswear. Considering that you will have to sweat a lot, it is recommended to wear thermal underwear or layered clothing. The top layer of the equipment must be water-repellent.

In order to tone your body, you should warm up a little - a few squats, jumps and bends are enough. Even a simple warm-up will allow you to normalize your heartbeat and breathing, which during training will relieve shortness of breath.

Classification of skiing techniques

The ability to perform simple exercises can already be called a beginner's technique. If the rider is using elements such as side slip and associated cornering with slip, then the progress in riding is obvious. The following riding techniques are more difficult:

  1. Carving on a snowboard is the ability to leave a cut trail after rolling, as if from the edge of a sharp knife. You can also learn this technique on a beginner's board, which has less stringent characteristics. To master carving, you will need to master the turns with the laws, with angulation, long radius with unloading up / down, SSP.
  2. Short turns are a technique, knowledge of which is necessary to pass a track with obstacles (trees, bumps). As a rule, the utmost concentration of attention is required to descend in a forest zone like nowhere else. Basic exercises - short turns along the descent line, with dumping in the top or middle position.
  3. Freestyle - the ability to masterfully do tricks and jumps both when descending a mountain slope and on jumps. Freestyle is characterized by many elements. For example, for flat freestyle, it is necessary to master fakes in a switch rack, ollie and nollie (jump in which the “tail” acts as a spring), Tail press and Nose Press (lifting the “nose” and “tail” of the board), jumping 180 and 360 degrees.

In order to begin learning a specific snowboarding technique, you must confidently complete the basic elements.

Essential elements of snowboarding for the beginner rider

Snowboarding is considered a fairly traumatic type of winter recreation. Most damage is due to a bad fall. For this reason, even before learning the elements of riding, every rider must be able to fall correctly.

A fall is the result of a loss of balance, for example, when trying to make a changeover. If you can't hold it, then you need to sit down and grasp your knees with your hands, and then straighten your legs. In this sequence of actions, the center of gravity is shifted back, as a result of which the rider does not fall face forward. Such a landing backwards is less traumatic, at least it will save the face. Helpful advice- when buying your first equipment, you should not spare money for useful and even necessary accessories - a helmet, knee pads and coccyx protection. It is they who will save from damage even with a safe fall.

It is clear that after a fall, a rise follows. This must also be done correctly. First, try to position your body perpendicular to the board. Secondly, in order to avoid slipping, it is recommended to bury the board with snow. It is better to transfer your body weight to your knees, from which it is much easier to get to your feet.

Having dealt with the first element - the fall, you can start moving on the board. The first rule is that the legs should always be slightly bent at the knees, they are constantly at work, performing one element after another. For this reason, it is difficult for a beginner to quickly switch to the next element. Instructors usually advise starting with long arcs to give time to prepare for the turn.

The movement on a snowboard begins with a basic stance - a pose in which the legs are in a relaxed slightly bent state when the weight is distributed 50/50. It is also important to slightly turn the shoulders and pelvis in the direction of movement. In this position, you can feel maximum traction on the slope and full speed control. Of course, at first you will have to control correct position body. It is important to remember that the main stance must be present throughout the entire descent, when performing all the elements of the ride. Even when turning, you cannot move, otherwise the board will immediately get out of control. Rotation of the shoulders or body and lowering of the arms during movement are not allowed. During the execution process, it is not always possible to track the presence of errors. For this reason, there should be an instructor nearby who will immediately point out the shortcomings.

Every beginner starts learning skiing techniques with the following elements:

  • oblique slides - for turning. The movement starts down the slope from the back edge, after which the weight is transferred to the leading foot and moves to the opposite side of the track. To turn the body, only turning the pelvis is used, otherwise control over the board and the speed of its movement will be lost. At the end of the movement, the weight is transferred to both legs and the board stops;
  • falling leaf - descent on the board along a zigzag without changing the edge, the movement is carried out on one edge forward and backward. This exercise resembles a traverse - sliding across the slope, but only with a choice of direction;
  • J-turns - turns with edge change are intermediate elements between the main movements. The J-turn represents sliding down the slope, sometimes on the back and then on the front edge, while it is important to feel how the speed of movement changes with the change in the inclination of the board.

Surprisingly, despite the still flat shape of the board, long, flat movement is not encouraged in snowboarding. First, all the elements are worked out separately, then you can try to make a garland of J-turns. Knowing how to do even these simple elements of snowboarding will allow you to experience the incredible sensation of downhill skiing.

Rest on ski resort will be an exciting, impressive and fun event for everyone who falls into its cycle. And only amateurs will be able to appreciate the fresh mountain air and fantastic and fabulous landscapes. winter species sports. In order for bends on slopes to give only pleasant moments, you need to prepare your muscles before the trip.

Special exercises for skiers will help you prepare properly for the ski and snowboard season.

Why ski preparation is needed

On a snowboard or ski, definitely, without sports training to become is not worth it. You will get little pleasure from this, because untrained muscles after exercise will languish from stretch marks. In addition, since these sports are considered traumatic, you can ruin your entire holiday. It's better to take the time to take care of how to prepare for the ski season.

Already on the slope, do not ignore the warm-up, which should be done every time before starting to ride, but while you are still at home, prepare your muscles using the complex described below.

Home exercises for skiers and snowboarders

Before daily workouts, you should do a light free warm-up. It will improve tissue circulation, ligament elasticity and develop joints. You should not strain your body after eating or before bed. In terms of the number of repetitions and intensity, exercises should be increased gradually, listening to your own feelings.

For lovers of skiing and snowboarding, a general physical training, based on exercises for skiers at home.

1. Learning to keep balance

So that you can easily conquer the slopes, in order to avoid maneuvering in risky positions, you must learn to keep balance.

V initial training included, skate, rollerblading, walking in a straight line. In the future, it is recommended to perform various stances. For example, putting your feet together, standing for a while with your eyes closed, complicating this exercise stand on toes and alternate stand on one leg. The "swallow" exercise is well suited, where you need to maintain balance for as long as possible. Rotational exercises of the head, pendulum movements of the trunk, turns around its axis are gradually introduced.

2. Flexibility and stretching

The ability to control your body is an essential skill of extreme riding enthusiasts. alpine skiing and snowboarding. Plastic exercises for skiers will help keep joints, ligaments and muscles healthy. The number of exercises for must be increased gradually. Here you can use standard forward bends of the body, as if trying to reach the toe, springy bends to the left and right with an outstretched arm, as well as lowering the arm bent behind the head, as low as possible along the spine. Alternating pull-ups of the bent leg to the buttocks, stretching the arms and legs while lying down or on all fours, arching the back are perfect. An integral part of the training is a variety of slow tilts and turns of the head and cervical spine.

3. Strengthen the abs and back

For successful ski or snowboard control, it must be fully included in the work. Only thanks to his strong muscles will this task become feasible. A program of physical exercises will help to achieve the desired results, which includes lifting in a prone position of the legs, trunk, various twists aimed at strengthening the upper, lower and oblique muscles of the press, with turns, "bicycle".

Training of arms, muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle

Famous from the floor or on chairs - best training for hands and pectoral muscle... Swinging movements of the arms and shrugging will help to strengthen the shoulder region. Reduction and extension of hands will train chest... You can strengthen the last exercise with dumbbells.

Strong legs are the key to successful skiing

For skiers, the main load falls on the inner and outer thighs. The most affordable and ideal exercise for skiers on their feet is jogging or, and if you are swimming, then your legs are ready to get on the skis. Squats, flattening and spreading legs lying on your back, "bicycle" will help to tighten and increase the tone of the thigh muscles.

When snowboarding, the main load falls on the feet and ankles that play important role to stabilize the body while moving. Therefore, snowboarders, in order to stay on their feet as long as possible, need physical exercises to strengthen the back of the thighs and calf muscle which are directly related to the ankle joint. To do this, introduce to the exercises alternating leg abductions, exercises for the fingers and feet, their various flexion and extension, lifting on toes, as well as walking on toes and heels, rotating the feet.

Strength training for seasoned skiers and snowboarders

To exercise for skiers in gym gave desired result, basic physical training is required. If you feel your body is in good shape, you can start your workout by doing a five-minute warm-up on a treadmill and stretching your major muscle groups.

The set of exercises includes:

  1. Twists for the top of the press. You need to lie on the floor, throw your legs back on a hill at an angle of 90 °. You need to perform the exercise slowly, without lifting the lower back from the base, about 20 times in a row, 3 approaches.

  2. Ascents hip joint lying down with bent legs in the knees, for training the lower part of the press. The exercise is performed in 2 sets of 20-30 times.

  3. Press the bar to strengthen the muscles of the chest. It should be performed lying on horizontal bench, with legs lowered to the floor at an angle of 90 °, 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

  4. Next exercise is done to strengthen the back on the "hyperextension" simulator. For tilting the body with fixed limbs, 2-3 sets of 30-40 repetitions are enough.

  5. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders. This exercise uses the muscles of the legs, back and abs. Perform 15-20 times, 2 sets.

  6. Thrust vertical block to the chest - to strengthen the spine and muscles of the thoracic region, about 15 times in 3 stages.

  7. Press the vertical in a sitting position, in a simulator to strengthen the thoracic and shoulder regions, performed for 12-15 repetitions.

  8. Curling the arms with weights while standing to work out shoulder muscles... We do 3 sets of 12-15 times.

For a quick recovery after exercise, it is recommended to work out on a cardiovascular machine for about 20 minutes.

Strength exercises for skiers are aimed at strengthening the technique of maintaining posture and the dynamics of movement. The preparation includes sprints for 60 and 100m, running downhill, jumping in a squat, with a jump rope, walking on the outer and inner arches of the feet. The sense of balance is improved when walking on a tightrope with closed eyes, long and high jumps, as well as imitation exercises in a half-bent position typical of a running skier. Exercises with weights, all kinds of pull-ups and push-ups with the support of an expander are included in the preparation. Strengthened flexibility and arm strength exercises are performed on gymnastic apparatus... Best effect strength training brings circuit training, the meaning of which is to quickly move from one exercise to another.

At proper preparation skiing and snowboarding will give you a lot of pleasant impressions and positive emotions. And do not forget that or keep in shape, if you will not forget about proper nutrition.

You need to prepare in advance for going on the snowboard track. Otherwise, the increased loads will be taken by surprise and the body, weaned from downhill skiing in a year, will very quickly overwork. When your legs hurt, your back hurts, your breath gets out of hand, and your heart jumps out of your chest, it is difficult to enjoy riding (and let's add here injuries and health hazards). It is especially important for a beginner to snowboarding to go through preliminary training - it develops endurance, strength and coordination.

Fitness for snowboarders: strengthening your legs

One of best exercise for training the muscles of the legs - squats with a jump. It helps to increase explosive strength, which is important when practicing snowboarding. Starting position: deep squat, hands are in front of the body. They try to jump higher, pushing strongly off the floor with their feet.

The calf muscles become strong and robust in those who practice barbell calf raises. This exercise also develops the muscles of the feet and strengthens the ankle joints. They have their feet shoulder-width apart, while the socks are slightly turned to the sides. Roll gently from heel to toe, lingering for a short while in this position. It is advisable to put a disc or stand under the socks - this will increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

A training program to strengthen a snowboarder's legs is not complete without walking lunges. When performing a lunge, take a wide stride. right foot and descend on it. The knee of the left leg should almost touch the floor, and both legs should be bent almost at right angles. Thus, they alternately step with their left and right feet.

Less tired on long distances exercise on a stationary bike will help. Pedaling perfectly develops the endurance of the leg muscles.

Training before winter starts: loading the core muscles

Strong back muscles are needed for better balance. The crossbar will help to work them out. When performing pull-ups, they use a straight grip, put their hands shoulder-width apart and try to raise the body higher.

They strengthen well upper part torso push-ups. Here, the hands are placed slightly wider than the shoulders, with the toes of the feet rest against the surface of the floor. Taking a breath, descend as low as possible. Exhaling, straighten your arms and return to the starting position.

To strengthen the muscles of the trunk, they take a weight in their hands - for example, a disc from a barbell - and rotate the body from side to side while sitting. The weight is kept at the level of the abdomen. When performing a turn, the legs are torn off the floor, and the body is thrown back a little. Turning to the left (right), touch the disc to the floor.

Approximate training program for healthy lifestyle fans

To prepare the body for the dizzying snowboarding, four weeks of fitness is enough. You need to train three times a week, every other day.

You can start training with squats. Continue by turning left and right. Then do push-ups and calf raises. Move on to lunges and pull-ups and finish off with a stationary bike.

All exercises are performed in 3 sets, and riding a stationary bike in one fifteen-minute approach. Do 20 repetitions in each approach, and in push-ups and pull-ups - the maximum possible number. No more than a minute rest between sets.

The second workout can be made more difficult by reducing the pause between sets to thirty seconds. And the third weekly fitness session is recommended to be made the most difficult - with five approaches in each exercise and maximum number repetitions.

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