Strength training of the pectoral muscles. Best pectoral exercises

are a system of muscle fiber hypertrophy due to the permanent progression of the load. The pectoral muscles belong to large muscle masses, so they should be trained hard and in the first place. Workout pectoral muscles on the mass involves the use of heavy basic exercises, since it is they who are able to provide an increase in the strengths of the body and, as a consequence, the constancy of the progression of the load. In general, training of any muscle groups for mass and for the development of power indicators is pre-used, first of all, basic exercises, since they provide - We are a CO-OT-VET-C-T-WOM, the hormonal background, the greatest innervation of targeted we-silent groups and, as a trace-s-t-vene, muscle hypertrophy. Formative controls are just as important, but they are correctly called auxiliary, since they are able to pro-s-ti-mu-li-ro-vat the development of the capillary network, to stretch muscle fascia, but hyper-trophy and hyperplasia of muscle cells are provided by heavy basic exercises.

Recommended materials: how to pump up the chest; chest workout; chest exercises;

So, for training, any muscle group you need to use heavy basic exercises, but the load should always be focused on the "weak" places. If it comes about the chest, then in this case the "weak" points are the top and the middle. The bottom line is that the muscle fibers are attached to the tendons under different angles, in this case, it will make it possible to innervate the lower segment of the pectoral muscles more quickly, so it makes no sense to deliberately tremble it. Yes, it makes sense for the development of strength, but for the development of hypertrophy of the pectoral muscles, it is useless. In order to not-ve-whether-ro-vat this pre-and-mu-shchess-t-in the lower segment of the chest, you should lie on a bench at an angle of 30-45 °. It should be noted separately that there is no "lower" and "upper" chest, the pectoralis major muscle is a whole muscle, therefore, performing an exercise for the chest, you, in every bom case, you innervate the entire muscle, only the emphasis of the load changes. It is in this way that it is recommended to train the pectoral muscles for mass by such exercises-not-not-me-mi, which load “weak” places, because the lower chest is still its part na-g-ruz-ki on-lou-chit. Under-rob-but about basic training the pectoralis major muscle is told by Denis Borisov!

Conclusion: pectoral muscles should be trained with heavy basic exercises, since they allow you to achieve the greatest innervation of muscle fibers, but the load should be accentuated on the "weak" areas, namely on the upper and middle segment - you pectoralis major muscle. Exercises can be performed both in simulators and with free weights, since the "basicity" of the exercise depends on the number of working suspensions, and not on kind of weighting. Nevertheless, it is better to perform the exercises with free-we-sa-mi, since they allow you to create a more in-di-vi-du-al-ny vector-tor na-g-ruz-ki, and simulators set one vector for all athletes, do not teach them ind-di-vi-du-al-neso-ben-nos-ti. The best exercises for training chest mass-su are

Welcome to the pages of my blog! And today we will pump the pectoral muscles, who are lacking muscle mass... What forms muscle mass?

If this is the upper body, then of course it is the pectoral muscles. In this article, I will introduce you weight training program. Go!

It is advisable to start the workout from a positive angle, this is a dumbbell press or a bench press. I find it most important to swing the upper pectoral bundle. It is more difficult to pump, heavier.

But it is he who creates a good shoulder array and gives volume to the upper body. Another volume to the top is given by the pull of the T bar to the chest in the slope.

And the first exercise will be bench press lying at an angle. For the thousandth time I will repeat that the warm-up should be started with an empty bar. No need to hang up 20-25 at once, an empty neck! And then we gradually increase the weight.

With regards to the technique of this exercise, of course, the exercise is popular. It has already been ground and ground to all and sundry. Well, in general: breathing is, of course, important when lowering the barbell, inhale, when lifting, exhale.

When we press shoulder joint removed as far back as possible, the shoulder blades are compressed as much as possible so that it is the chest and not the anterior delta that work. We must do the technique exactly in such a way that one particular muscle works, in this case it is the upper chest!

Considering the fact that the chest is not the most hardy muscle in the whole organism. That is, let's say the same biceps or triceps, we wave our hands through life, they are physiologically more enduring.

And the movement is like a bench press or push-off, in general, we do not do in life, so the chest is not very hardy. Therefore, it does not need to be given a lot of load. She has enough 3-4 exercises per workout, no longer worth it.

We start unconditionally with hard exercise then we move on to lighter exercises. The exercise is performed at full amplitude before touching the pectorals.

Very often in the hall I see options when people do what I call "removing the barbell from the racks" is absolutely not the right option. The chest begins to work well here the lowest last 10 centimeters from the chest.

And when you do not completely lower it, it works mainly triceps, then the shoulders work, and the chest does not work out. Also, pay attention when you press the bar in your armpit angle should not be more than 90 degrees.

If the hand lifts up and the angle becomes larger, then the load goes to the shoulder, in particular to the joint. And sooner or later it can lead to injury, so the angle is slightly less than 90 degrees.

Here is such a program for training chest for mass. The next exercise I hope will help you in pumping up the pectoral muscles. And I call him PRESS BARS FROM THE BLOCKS.

How is it effective? It is effective in that, as you noticed, we make the first starting point at the very bottom, at the so-called dead center. What is a blind spot? The blind spot is the point at which the joints, ligaments, muscles are weakest.

And we need to sort of break through it, make it stronger. For this, such a bench press is done that the removal of the barbell occurs precisely from the dead center.

But do not forget that at the lowest point you must first draw air into the chest to stretch the pectoral muscle, and then push the barbell to the top with maximum effort. The weights here will be much less than in a regular bench press.

This exercise is quite specific, you do not need to expect the next day that everything will hurt, it is aimed precisely at increasing your strength. And force moves mass! And now there will be a third exercise DUMP SPRAY and then we will finish our chest with a dumbbell press.

Wiring more easy exercise therefore, we put it at the beginning, and we set the dumbbell press only later as a finishing exercise. This is a very good combination of exercises.

By the fact that the upper bundle of chest muscles is very well felt. About the technique for performing these exercises. Exhale to the top and inhale to the bottom. Very common mistake people this is when the dumbbells are not squeezed out to the end.

Hands should go to the center, converge. Then the chest will contract much more, it will be much better. Almost all of those standard rules are described in the bench press at an angle.

The exercises that are written here are already enough for a set of muscle mass in the area of ​​the pectoral muscles. You do not need to do many approaches to the chest, it is not so hardy.

Get maximum benefit from a minimum of time spent! But if you are so mega hardy, and right here strong, strong. Then you can finish off your chest next exercise it SPINS OF BARS.

Hello to all turnstiles! And if at the end of the workout you can do push-ups from the bars with weight, then you didn’t work out in the workout and you would have to repeat it in the second round. And that's all, thanks for being with us. All the best, see you soon, bye.

Regards, admin

It is extremely difficult. This is associated with their huge variety. An incorrectly composed complex will not give desired results... Consider the best pectoral exercises. They are very effective as they cover all the required areas. The complex is also universal: suitable for both men and women.

Where to begin?

The first workouts are recommended to be carried out at home. On the initial stage only light dumbbells are required. For greater efficiency you can connect an expander. Remember to warm up before doing basic exercises to warm up your muscles. This will protect them from sprains and prepare them for intense work. Choose from the proposed complex the best exercises for the pectoral muscles (several will be enough) and perform only them. Gradually increase the load with sets and reps.

When you feel that you are ready for more intense work, you can connect to the simulators. You don't have to go to a fitness club to do this. In order not to stand in lines, you can buy exercise equipment and exercise at home. But please be patient, even they will not give quick results.

In any workout, exercise intensity and regularity are important. But they don't come first. The main thing is to correctly perform all the movements and give the muscles a rest. That is, training should not be daily, but of high quality. If this is neglected, then even the best pectoral exercises will not be effective. What other nuances are worth considering?

  • Untrained people are better off staying at a two-day complex a week. This will create an optimal balance of load and recovery for the pectoral muscles.

  • Exercise will give results in muscle growth. Therefore, give preference to classic push-ups. Trained people can incorporate isolation exercises into their program. For beginners, they will be too traumatic.
  • For training the pectoral muscles, it is optimal 5-6 different exercises 5 approaches each. If your goal is to increase strength, then 6 repetitions of the movements are enough. If you want to make your chest muscles more voluminous, then do them 10 times. For beginners, this amount should be reduced by 2 times.
  • Even the best exercises for you need to be split up by week. This is necessary to evenly distribute the load. At the same time, it is not recommended to touch the muscles of the chest and triceps. Better to do them on different days. This will allow your body to relax and adapt to the stress. V otherwise energy will be wasted.

for chest

This set of exercises for correct execution gives very nice results... What are the reasons for its effectiveness?

1. Exercises are varied, so they work out the pectoral muscles in different directions.

2. The complex is designed in such a way that it covers several problem areas... This is achieved through a natural range of motion.

3. It is necessary to perform the proposed exercises with strict adherence to the technique. This engages the stabilizing muscles, which are responsible for maintaining balance and controlling movement.

It is for these reasons that you can be sure that only the best pectoral exercises are offered to you. For women and men, the effectiveness is exactly the same.

Classic push-up

The floor push-up is perhaps the most important anatomical exercise for the pectoral muscles. When doing it, you need to spread your arms wide and not lift your buttocks up. It is important to feel the muscles working. If you feel tension in your chest, then you are doing everything right. An additional burden in the form of barbell pancakes on the back will help to enhance the effect. This exercise works on almost all areas of the body.

Bench press

This exercise is usually performed on a bench lying on your back with dumbbells or a barbell in your hands. They need to be kept parallel to the body. Do not use the weight on your chest or straighten your elbows. The chest muscles should always be tense at the lower and upper points of movement. At the count of 1-2, lift the weighting up, by 3-4 - linger, and by 5-6 - lower it down.

On the special simulator the position can be slightly changed, modifying the best exercises for yourself. There will be a load on the top of the pectoral muscles if the bench in the head area is raised above the legs. If you lower it, then the lower section will be pumped up. It is extremely difficult to carry out such training at home in the absence of suitable equipment. But a simple incline bench can be found on just about any playground.

Dips on the uneven bars

This is another classic exercise for a beautiful bust. It works well in a complex upper part housing. But mainly the lower chest, triceps and shoulder girdle are pumped. Hands need to grab the bars and raise and lower the body. When lifting, the movements should be jerky and sharp, as if you are suddenly throwing something up. Lowering the body should be done smoothly and slowly. It is also important that the distance between the bars is about 70 centimeters. Otherwise, it is not the chest that will be pumped up, but the triceps muscles.

This workout is simple, easy to understand, and very effective. For these reasons, it is categorized as "Best Pectoral Exercise". For men and even young boys push-ups on the uneven bars are very familiar, so they will not cause difficulties. And you can do the exercise on any sports ground.

Dumbbell classes

Here you can even compose a separate set of various exercise options. This can be chest presses and arm extensions. Moreover, in both versions, the exercises can be performed in different directions. All movements with weights must be done smoothly and without jerking. Otherwise, the effect will not be one hundred percent. Also watch your breathing. Exhale with exertion, and inhale when relaxing.

Note that dumbbell presses give volume, and spreading movements do chest wide. The workout can be done at home on the floor (mat) or in the gym on the bench. Just don't overdo it with the weight. Choose a weight that is comfortable for you.

The following are not very popular in gyms... And in vain, because this is also the best exercises for the pectoral muscles.


These exercises involve bringing the hands together. Muscles are worked out by stretching and weights. By varying the directions, different areas of the chest muscles can be pumped up. If you are interested in the center, pull the handles of the simulator straight in front of you. Crossover from bottom to top to work out your upper chest. To increase the lower area, do the exercise the other way around - from top to bottom.

Do not forget to set a suitable weight at which all movements will be performed without jerking. It should be the same for both pens. The body is usually tilted slightly forward, and the feet are left shoulder-width apart. For more stability, you can put your foot forward. But in the next approach, it must be changed to another. If you do it right, then make sure that these are the best exercises for the mass of the pectoral muscles.


Ideally, this exercise is performed in a gym on a dedicated machine. But it can be replaced. The point is that you need to lean on your elbows or lie on a bench and pick up a weighting agent. Then raise it in front of you, and then take it behind your head almost to the floor. For chest and triceps muscles, it is better to train with arms bent at the elbow. With straight lines, the back will be additionally involved.

As a weighting agent, you can take a barbell, dumbbells or a pancake. But with the first option, a clear technique cannot be achieved. And she is very important for getting a beautiful pumped up body. It will be a pity to waste energy and time, because with the help of a pullover, almost all of the pectoral muscles are involved.

In addition to training

Even a well-designed complex will not be enough if the training is not supported by anything. What else is required for a beautiful breast?

1. Proper nutrition... Food should be eaten frequently, but in small portions. Make your diet so that protein foods, fiber, vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates. These are fresh vegetables, legumes, lean fish, poultry, various cereals and dairy products.

2. A good rest. Even the best pectoral exercises, like any workout, take a lot of energy. Therefore, a long and sound sleep is important to restore energy.

By following these tips and following the exercise technique, you will be able to build chest relief and tighten your body.

I really enjoy training on various machines and free weight machines. Sometimes I even buy a one-time membership to try out equipment that is not in my gym. However, as much as I love machines, when it comes to a weight training program, I go for the good old base.

Therefore, my chest training program is very simple and includes only four (or rather four and a half) exercises. Why I included them in the complex and how I do them will be discussed further. But first…

Warm up before chest workout

Why warm up before working out the chest, I will not talk, and I will also keep silent about the importance of warming up and triceps. But I'll tell you about two important aspects preparation for performing exercises for pumping pectorals, which few people know about:

  • Back warm-up... The back is the antagonist of the chest, just like the triceps in the biceps or in the quadriceps. At first glance, it seems that it makes no sense to waste time on their warm-up, but any professional will say that the back is actively working in any basic chest exercise. Therefore, before starting chest workouts, your back must be warmed up. This, albeit not much, but improves the quality of any pressing movement. I warm up my back in the gravitron, doing 2-3 sets of pull-ups for 12-15 reps until the feeling of light blood filling in the lats.
  • Breast pumping. Having “pumped” blood into the pectoral muscles, I manage to control them more easily during the main exercises of the complex. Therefore, before starting to perform it, I do 3-4 approaches with minimal weight. I did not choose this exercise by chance, because it loads the entire array of pectoral muscles at once and ideally copes with the task of filling them with blood.

Of course, you can refuse such a prelude to training the pectoral muscles, so as not to waste time and precious glycogen and immediately take the bull by the horns, moving on to heavy presses.

To be honest, these "chips" are not mine, I overheard them in an interview with Kai Green. So, this is not a gag, but two professional training secrets of people who know well how to pump breasts.

Conclusion: correct pumping of the chest begins with a warm-up of the back and light pumping.

A set of chest exercises

Exercise 1. Incline Dumbbell Press

Volume: 6 sets of 7-9 reps each. Why press dumbbells, why on incline bench and why already 6 approaches? I explain in order:

Why does the pumping of the pectoral muscles start from the top?

I (and most tall people). Therefore, to start pumping the pectorals with the exercise to the top is logical and natural. The principle of priority in action - the lagging muscle (or part of the muscle) is trained first.

12 Best Chest Exercises to Swing Your Breasts Right

While we are full of energy and nervous system vigorous and ready to work, a similar technique will allow you to use in exercise Weight Limit and make the exercise itself more effective. For this reason, everyone is a pro. Pumping the upper pectorals is the "nail" of any well-designed program.

Why am I pumping my chest with dumbbells and not a barbell?

I know people who have pumped great upper pectoral muscles with the bent over press, but there are very few such unique ones. Bench press, at least on horizontal bench, even on an oblique, loads everything (front delta, triceps, bottom of the chest), except for the top. The only exception is the guillotine press, which I talked about earlier. According to Vince Gironde, the guillotine press is the best exercise for pumping chest muscles. Classic barbell presses do not breathe into his navel.

Bent over dumbbell press - the main exercise for pumping chest muscles

I really enjoy doing the guillotine press, but I naturally have very strong front delts and they frankly steal the load from the chest in all exercises with a barbell. But the dumbbell press does not close the body into a rigid frame, so the load is not the front deltas in it is lower than in the barbell press.

In addition, the incline dumbbell press allows you to stretch the pectoral muscles at the bottom and contract them at the top. So that 2: 0 in favor of the dumbbells. But I cannot say that this exercise is simple, in technical terms, it is more difficult than the barbell press and therefore not everyone can get the proper return from it. I propose to watch the story about the errors in performing the dumbbell bench press in an incline:

Incline dumbbell press, execution errors

Why is the incline dumbbell press as many as 6 sets?

All complexes of chest exercises, as a carbon copy, will bequeath to do 4 approaches in each exercise, but since my goal is to pump the upper chest (lagging behind in development), why not increase the volume of work by one and a half times?

Also, I start the bent over press, setting the bench angle to 45 °, doing two sets, and decreasing the angle. I do two more approaches and again reduce, already to 30. Thus, I pump the upper section at three different angles, which allows loading the chest areas, which usually take time off from work. For these reasons, there are 6 approaches.

Conclusion: any chest training program should start from the lagging area and spend maximum time and energy on eliminating its lag.

Superset on the chest. Exercise 2 and 3.

Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench with a wide and narrow grip

Volume: 5 sets of 8-10 reps. Why superset and why does it have two dumbbell presses?

Why pump your breasts with a superset?

Are two exercises performed without interruption. A similar technique is shock and forces the body to connect all available in reserve muscle fibers to deal with it. In other words, a superset to the chest (or any other muscle group) is a great method of gaining muscle mass.

You can combine any exercises into supersets, but my task is to pump the pectoral muscles for mass, so I include two basic exercises with dumbbells in it. Among other things, this allows you to shorten your workout time.

Note: I do both presses while holding the dumbbells with a parallel (neutral) grip. Many underestimate him, but he, meanwhile, allows you to hold heavier shells and take much more care of the elbow joints.

Dumbbell press neutral grip lying, loves to use Branch Warren. So this is not my know-how either.

The first exercise, a wide-grip dumbbell bench press (I mean, with a wide setting of the arms), pumps the outer sections of the chest, stretching it in width. And the second, aimed, while forcing the muscles to work in a contracted state.

Such a superset on the chest allows you to load external and internal muscles breasts, and do it quickly and with the highest quality. There are not many exercises for training the middle of the chest:

  • convergence of hands in a crossover
  • butterfly in the simulator

But their effectiveness pales before the dumbbell press. narrow grip... If only because this exercise is basic and, in addition to the very middle, it loads a wider area of ​​the chest, making it truly powerful.

Conclusion: superset on the chest is a shock pumping technique for the pectorals, aimed at increasing the volume of muscles and improving their shape.

Exercise 4. Push-ups on wide bars

Volume: 4 sets of 10-12 reps

This is the last exercise for pumping pectorals and the penultimate one in our complex. Its task is simple - to additionally stretch the pectoral muscles and make them as wide as possible. A wide grip dumbbell press pulled them in a horizontal plane, and push-ups on the uneven bars do it in a vertical plane.

There is nothing unusual about this exercise, except that it is performed without weight and with a slowed down phase. The challenge of the dips in my pectoral training program is not to increase the mass of the already large lower pectoral muscles, but to stretch and give them maximum width. but making it wide is much more difficult. For this reason, I advise you to do push-ups on the uneven bars without weight. Slowly and under control.

Note: unfortunately, because of what I received many years ago during triceps training, I cannot do push-ups on the uneven bars, so I do the exercise in the gravitron. This is the only deviation from the basic exercises on my part towards the simulator.

Conclusion: push-ups on wide bars - an exercise for stretching the chest in a vertical plane.

Exercise 4.5. Army press with a barbell

Volume: 3 sets of 15 reps

Stop, stop, you say, the army press is a shoulder exercise, not a chest exercise, what does it do in this weight training program? Yes, indeed, the standing chest press is a classic exercise for shoulder girdle... But I include it in the set of exercises for pumping pectorals for a different reason ...

The load during the bench is placed on many large and small muscles, but I'm only interested in one - the subclavian. It is a very small but important muscle. And its importance is that, increasing in size, it covers the collarbone, being in fact the uppermost section of the pectoral muscles. If the subclavian muscle is not developed, the top of the chest remains empty.

And so, by the time of execution army press, my delts and triceps are already so tired from dumbbell presses that they no longer respond to the load. This means there is a chance to pump a small but extremely important section of the pectoral muscles and make it grow a little. True, the technique of performing the army press differs from the classical one. I do it like this:

  • I press my elbows tightly to the body, so that they squeeze my chest, I tighten my pectoral muscles and protrude forward and up, and I bring my shoulder blades together and lower them down
  • I hold the body as straight as possible, and I press in a shortened amplitude (I do not fully straighten my arms at the top, and I do not put the barbell on my chest)
  • I lower the barbell in a controlled manner, deliberately keeping the upper chest in a strong tense state throughout the entire approach

The peculiarity of the army press is that the vector of movement in the exercise is almost vertical, so the load for the upper chest is unusual, and for the most subclavian, it is extremely stressful.

The army press is also an exercise for pumping chest

I decided to try using the army press in the chest training complex after reading about Denis Wolf's training. Because of its tall, it was difficult for him to pump up the upper pectoral muscles and only with the help of a standing barbell press, he managed to solve this problem.

Conclusion: the army press at the end of the chest workout allows you to pump the subclavian muscle and gives a chance to complete the creation powerful top chest.

What are the benefits of such a breast training program?

Of course, there are other pectoral mass training programs. But this one, in my opinion, has a number of advantages:

  • Specialization... The main emphasis is on the pumping of the upper pectorals. It takes to work on this site maximum amount time and effort. This allows you to quickly eliminate its developmental lag.
  • Time... In total, 18 (including the army bench press) working approaches come out, so high-quality breast pumping takes only 30-35 minutes. This means that all exercises are done with maximum working weight and maximum mental concentration.
  • Full study... All sections of the chest are loaded from top to bottom and from the middle to the outer edges. Pumping the top of the chest is of course a priority, but you shouldn't forget about other departments either.
  • Muscle fibers... Various are involved in the work, due to the fact that the exercises for pumping the pectorals are performed with a repetition range from 7 to 15.
  • Effectiveness. The program includes the most effective basic exercises for each individual chest area. Thanks to this, the rate of weight gain in the breast increases.

Conclusion: such a weight training program rationally uses time and energy while at the same time allows you to pump up large, wide and well-developed breasts.


I hope that the story about my chest training program will be interesting and useful and will allow you to simultaneously and significantly increase the volume of the chest, and improve their shape. May the strength be with you. And the mass!

Greetings to all lovers healthy way life and sports!

Today in this article we will look at various pectoral workouts. Increase Pectoral Mass, Strength, and Consider Explosive Training. Everyone wants to get strong muscles, and of course the big ones. Consider all these wishes. In previous articles, we got acquainted with the pectoral muscles and with training for various parts of the pectoral muscles.

Pectoral Mass Training Program

Any athlete attending gym, performs exercises on the pectoral muscles and this is done correctly, because the chest is the business card of your body, the standard of your success in bodybuilding or fitness. Therefore, they pay great attention to build this particular part of your body. But sometimes, especially beginners, in order to get results as soon as possible, begin to abuse one exercise of the bench press to gain mass. I would like to remind you a little that our muscles are under stress and muscle tissue cells begin to grow only when doing different types load, since when performing the same daily exercises, stress does not come and will not lead to an increase in mass, because the body already knows in advance what you will be doing. Therefore, for the effective growth of the muscle tissue of the pectoral muscles, it is necessary to use such a load mode in the training program so that an excellent result is obtained from this.

To do this, you need to learn a number of points.

  • use two exercises and do them at a high-intensity pace for 6-8 reps.
  • use two exercises and perform them with small weights, high quality and with high repetition 12-15 times.
  • after training, stretch the pectoral muscles. To do this, you need to rest against the wall at the distance of an outstretched arm or two and resting your hand on it, perform a movement with your chest forward.

By observing these points, we create conditions for the growth and load of the pectoral muscles.

Now let's look at the program for training the pectoral muscles for mass

When running this program, please note:

  • the program is performed once a week or on a day when you do back or biceps exercises
  • the program is designed for 6 weeks, after which it is necessary to change the training program
  • working weight in basic exercises must be performed by you in the specified number of repetitions or one more repetition
  • weight at isolated exercise pick up which you master and perform correctly with 12-15 working reps.

With an increase in working weights, and this inevitably occurs with intensive training, the pectoral muscles progress, not only to increase, but also to strength. To consider the issue

Pectoral Strength Exercise Program

Consider the basic principles of strength training of the pectoral muscles:

  • cyclical increase in working weight with a decrease in the number of repetitions. We will not increase the weight of the barbell every workout, but after a week, while reducing the number of repetitions at the same time.
  • an increase in working weight should occur only in basic exercises, since in isolated exercises we continue to pay attention to the quality of the execution technique. As strength grows in basic exercises, it will accordingly be reflected in weight gain in isolated exercises.
  • to maintain the intensity of the exercise, it is necessary to take creatine in order to maintain a high load and avoid a shortage of it in the body.

Now the program itself

1,3,5,7 weeks

2,4,6, weeks


  • every second workout (2,4,6), you need to increase the weight in the first two exercises by 2-2.5 kg while reducing the repetitions to 4.
  • every first workout (3,5,7) we work out the previously increased working weight, but already by 6 repetitions
  • the increase in the second workouts is no more than 2.5 kg, since in subsequent workouts you will have to lift it not 4, but already 6 times.
  • the duration of this pectoral strength program is 7 weeks
  • the program is suitable for training the back or biceps on the same day

With the correct implementation of this program, you are provided with an increase in working weight in basic exercises by 7 kg, do not forget to eat and rest properly. After passing this complex, you can safely go to complexes for increasing the mass of the pectoral muscles. Since the intensity at power load more effectively reflect on the increase in mass.

Heavy and Explosive Pectoral Training

For effective work on the pectoral muscles, we use days with "heavy" loads and with "light" ones, since constantly heavy loads can lead to overtraining and loss of strength and desire to visit the gym. Therefore, competent athletes train exactly according to this scheme "light" and "hard" days. On hard days, the weight should be 85% of the one-time maximum ( RM) weight at 6-8 repetitions, in light - 70% ( RM) -10-12 repetitions, while working to failure. Such training program allows you to avoid muscle addiction to the same type of load, and we avoid overtraining.

Under the "hard" days we take exercise, with maximum weights 1-5 reps. Do a set of 2-5 reps and one set with one rep at maximum weight. Under "light" or "explosive" days, we charge 50% of the RM of your one-time maximum. On this day, we are pumping explosive power using the quickness of sharpness in motion. We perform 3 reps from 50% RM, but at the maximum pace. On this easy day, you don't need to do more than 3 reps per set. Here we aim to build up explosive power our pectoral muscles need execution speed for this.

Tough day


Intensity (% of PM)

Bench press1 10 50%
1 5 70%
1 3 80%
3 1-3 90-100%
Dumbbell bench press1 5 75%
2 3-5 85-95%
Incline Bench Press1 5 75%
3 3-5 85-95%

Explosive or easy day

By "explosive" push-ups, we mean push-ups, in the upper phase of which we throw up our body a little and lift our palms off the floor and immediately when lowering we do a push-up and repeat the process. Add these two factors of hard and explosive training and in 4-6 weeks you can easily switch to a program for gaining pectoral muscle mass. Best regards, Sergei.

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