What exercises can you do with the barbell? What is the most effective barbell exercise at home? Work with the lower leg

A decisive role in creating a perfect figure, both when gaining mass and when losing weight, is played by exercises with weights, for example, with a bar. Most common sport equipment is a barbell actively used in men's and women's training... There are several types of barbells, each designed for a specific exercise and purpose. Consider the theoretical provisions on the inventory and practical methods of training with a barbell at home.

Barbell varieties

To use the projectile correctly, you need to study its components.

The classic (standard) version of the bar is a bar - a horizontal metal rod - on which training discs with an internal thread are mounted, fixed with bindings. This inventory can be used in the most different exercises if no other options are available. The gym always has two or three standard barbells.

Technical characteristics of a classic bar: weight of components, diameters, length

The Olympic barbell has a number of features that make it more maneuverable. The "Olympic" neck is made of high-quality steel, the weight is evenly distributed, the bar has Kraevsky's markings, the rod has high strength properties. In addition, the rod has special bushings fixed in bearings. Typical characteristics of the projectile: weight - 20 kg, length - 2.2 m, diameter - 28 mm, bushings 50 mm. The Olympic barbell is most often used in the training complexes of professional athletes.

The bar for powerlifting has a larger diameter than the sweatshirt. When working with a barbell, oscillatory movements practically do not occur. The inventory is designed to work with large weights (the weight of the discs can reach 50 kg).

Groups of types of vultures

The bars that make up the barbell can look different and, accordingly, be used in different exercises:

  • The EZ bar is a curved bar that does not wring the hands when doing French presses, biceps curls, or triceps pulls from behind the head.
  • The W-bar is a highly curved bar that allows you to use a straight grip when doing triceps and outer biceps exercises.
  • Trap bar is a construction for performing exercises with a parallel grip (for example, deadlift).

The benefits of doing barbell exercises at home

Barbell training has a number of benefits, including highest value has an increase in muscle mass. With regular training with a projectile, muscles tend to develop and strengthen. Not only strength training for men should include various exercises with bar: women training complexes The goal of which is to increase the volume of muscles and create a beautiful relief should consist of exercises with weights, in particular, with the EZ-bar and the classic bar.

It is impossible to pump muscles just by training in the gym, even for male athletes, so the barbell cannot be categorically classified as a forbidden equipment. Only if you have health restrictions can you refuse similar training in favor of cardio, gymnastics and bodyweight exercises. If your goal is to gain / lose weight, then the barbell is one of the best weapons in the fight for a sports figure for both men and women.

Another advantage of using equipment can be considered an acceleration of metabolism, which makes you quickly get rid of excess fat (including subcutaneous fat during the period of intensive drying). In addition, periodic exercises with weights increase strength and endurance, comprehensively exercise muscles and contribute to harmonious physical development.

Female results strength training: before and after exercises with weights (dumbbells, barbells, weights)

A set of effective barbell exercises for women and men

For best result it is important to choose the right load: if you are a beginner, at first you can use the bar, and it does not matter whether it is straight or curved, and not a barbell, and perform the exercises in 1-2 sets. For training, you can use video tutorials.

Bench press (bar) lying for girls and men

This exercise is aimed at working out the pectoral muscles, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the triceps brachii. Bench press develops chest(makes it wider), helps to build strength and endurance. The exercise is performed from a lying position on a bench (horizontal or inclined); a barbell or bar can be used as equipment.

Execution technique:

  1. Lie on a bench, place your hands on the bar in front of you so that at the bottom of the forearm are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Remove the barbell from the holders, while resting your feet on the floor and bringing your shoulder blades together.
  3. With an inhalation, slowly lower the barbell to your chest until you lightly touch it, take a short pause.
  4. Pick up inventory in starting position on the exhale.

The number of approaches and reps: 3 x 8-10 times.

Video instruction for performing a group of exercises for girls with an ez-shaped barbell

Home Back Deadlift

The deadlift is aimed at the proportional development of the muscles of the arms, legs and back. Exercise is basic, which means that it should be present in male and female training, the purpose of which is to develop muscles. The deadlift can be performed using a classic barbell or trap bar, which is great for beginners, straight or reverse grip... Also, this exercise can be performed at home, with a specific training program.

Execution technique:

  1. Place the barbell (or bar) in front of you, feet about the width of the pelvic bones, toes apart.
  2. Lower the body by moving the pelvis back. The back is straight and inclined to the floor so that the shoulders extend slightly beyond the barbell line.
  3. Raise the bar, straightening in the back, chest slightly forward.
  4. Taking the starting position, first retract the pelvis and only then bend your knees.

The number of approaches and reps: 3 x 10-15 times.

Video instruction: the nuances of the deadlift technique

Bent-over barbell row at home

To train the broadest muscles of the back, rhomboids, traps and deltas, a barbell row is performed in an incline. If you are a beginner and new to weights, use a light barbell or an empty bar to complete the exercise. The number of approaches and repetitions also depends on the level of training: beginner - 3 approaches, 10 repetitions; experienced - 3-4 sets, 15 reps.

Exercise technique:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Bend your back forward (no more than 30 o), while the bar should be parallel to the knees.
  3. As you inhale, pull the barbell towards your stomach, bending your elbows.
  4. Hold the bar in its peak position for 1-2 seconds.
  5. Gently lower the bar to your knees.

Video Tutorial: Bent-over Barbell Row


Barbell squats are also basic. universal exercise aimed simultaneously at several muscle groups: gluteus maximus and medius, muscles lumbar and abdomen, quads and hamstrings. It is worth noting that barbell squats are a fairly popular exercise in the female fitness audience. It allows you to increase the volume of the hips and buttocks: remove subcutaneous fat and build up muscle mass... However, men also need to devote time to weighted squats in their workouts to balance the growth of muscles throughout the body and create a proportionate athletic figure.

Execution technique:

  1. Place a barbell or an empty bar on your shoulders.
  2. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, turn your socks to the sides.
  3. Take the pelvis back, slowly lower the body down. The deeper the squat, the better, however, if you are a beginner, do not go too low: first, you should feel every movement of the muscles of the hips and buttocks.
  4. Slowly rise to the starting position, without tilting your back forward, keep it static.

Repeat the exercise 15 times for 3 sets (20 times for 4 sets for experienced athletes).

Barbell Squat Video Instruction

French press with a barbell (dumbbells)

In the French press with a barbell, one joint works - the elbow. That is, the movement is performed by bending the arms in elbow joint... Thus, the biceps, triceps and pectoral muscles are being worked out. For men it is effective method to increase the volume of the shoulders, for women - to tighten inner part hands, get rid of "flabbiness". The exercise is performed while lying on a bench with a barbell or bar.

Execution technique:

  1. Lie on a bench, bend your legs at the knees and place them on the same support.
  2. Take a barbell (or ask the insurer to give it to you).
  3. Straighten your arms in front of you, begin to slowly lower the barbell behind your head, bending your elbows.
  4. Then, also slowly return the bar to its original position.

Sets and Reps: 3 x 15

Video tutorial: technique and nuances of performing the French press

Lifting the bar for biceps

Training the biceps in men's training is the central exercise for the development of the muscles of the arms, since the biceps muscle is an indicator of good physical fitness and strength. For women, working out the biceps is also necessary to make the arms and shoulders gracefully raised and toned. The technique for performing biceps curls is as follows:

  1. Take the barbell with your fingers pointing away from you.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. If you are using large weights or the exercise is initially difficult for you, lean against the wall for support.
  3. Start lifting the bar to your chin, bending your elbows, then slowly lower it to the starting position.
  4. Watch your breathing: exhale - raise inventory, inhale - lower.

Video instruction for lifting the barbell for biceps

At correct technique press the bar up in the work included deltoid muscles, muscles of the shoulder girdle and trapezium. With weight gain, the abdominal and back muscles are activated. In addition to developing muscle mass, exercise can improve your posture. If you are just getting started with the exercise, the up press can be performed with an empty bar or, for technique development, with a gymnastic stick.

Exercise technique:

  1. Stand near the barbell, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lean over to the inventory, grab the bar so that the fingers are facing in your direction.
  3. Raise the barbell to your chest, turning your hands back (palms facing up).
  4. Raise the bar over your head with your arms fully extended.
  5. Then lower the barbell to your chest.
  6. After 10-15 repetitions, slowly lower the bar to the floor.

The number of sets can be from 3 to 4, depending on your fitness level and general well-being.

Video instruction: lifting the bar up

Narrow Grip Barbell Row

The barbell row to the chin is another deltoid and trapezoidal exercise. The chin pull can be done in two ways: with a narrow grip and a wide grip. The narrow grip allows you to raise your elbows higher, while activating the deltas. Wide grip - reduces the load on the shoulders and activates the middle deltoid muscles, which visually increase the shoulders.

Technique for performing exercises for the back and shoulders:

  1. Take the barbell in your hands so that your palms are facing you.
  2. With a narrow set of arms, raise the bar as high as possible to almost the chin, while pulling your elbows up.
  3. With a wide stance, you do not need to put your elbows too far, it is enough to raise the barbell to your chest.
  4. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Sets and Reps: 3 x 15.

Deltoid Video Workout: Standing Barbell Row

Barbell lunges

Lunges are a basic leg exercise. But before grabbing the barbell, the lunge technique must be well honed. So if you are a beginner use gymnastic stick or an empty neck. When lunges with a barbell, first of all, the muscle emphasis is created on gluteal muscles and quads. As stabilizers: the muscles in the back of the thigh, which allow you to maintain balance at the peak point of the lunge.

Execution technique:

  1. Place a barbell (or bar) over your shoulders.
  2. Take a step forward with your right leg, straighten your back.
  3. Start squatting on right leg so that the left one barely touches the floor with the knee.
  4. Eliminate inertia in the exercise! Lift up to the starting position only with the help of the leg muscles.

Do 10-15 reps on each leg for 2-3 sets

Video instruction on lunges with a barbell on the shoulders

Pressing Schwung

The push press is a standing barbell press that features dynamic performance. The main working muscles: the front of the thigh, calves, deltas, triceps, gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus. The push press develops shoulder strength and allows you to gradually increase your working weights. The shvung technique is as follows:

  1. Place the barbell in front of you (if you are a beginner, use a bar).
  2. Without arching your back, lower the barbell and lift it to your chest.
  3. Do a squat (quick squat) and push the bar upward, fully straightening your arms and body.
  4. Then lower the shell to your chest again.

Sets and Reps: 3 x 10.

The best bench press video tutorials

Home barbell training program

Program No. 1 "Block"

BLOCK 1. Training of hands.

  1. Press the bar up (3 × 8).
  2. Lifting the bar for biceps (3 × 15).
  3. French press (3 × 12).

BLOCK 2. Breast training.

  1. Bench press (3 × 8).
  2. Seated barbell press (2 × 10).

BLOCK 3. Training legs.

  1. Barbell Squat (3 × 15).
  2. Barbell lunges (2 × 15).
  3. Deadlift (3 × 12).

BLOCK 4. Back workout.

  1. Bent over barbell row (3 × 15).
  2. Barbell Row to the Chin (3 × 8).

Program number 2. "Free" with a warm-up.

  1. Burpee (5 minutes).
  2. Push-ups from the floor (3 × 10).
  3. Barbell lunges (3 × 15).
  4. Barbell Squat (3 × 15).
  5. Bent over barbell row (3 × 8).
  6. Lifting the bar for biceps (3 × 12).
  7. Press press (1x7).
  8. Plank (3 sets of 1 minute).

Barbell exercises at home according to by and large constitute the basic basis in strength training for girls and men. Therefore, it is important to be able to use the projectile and choose the right equipment for performing complex and sometimes polyarticular exercises... On initial stage workouts, you can only work with the bar. Once you have perfected the basic techniques, gradually increase the load using the removable discs. Working with extra weights is a direct path to an athletic, proportionally developed figure. In conjunction with proper nutrition, power training will help you quickly achieve high results.

Greetings to all lovers healthy way life and sports!

We all want to look slim and beautiful, strong and embossed, and we perfectly understand that without doing strength exercises we cannot achieve such goals. The most effective exercises are with a barbell. Many will say this for this you need to start visiting the gym and they will be right, but you can do it. and without it. Consider exercises with a barbell at home.

Just get a small barbell with a weight for your home, now this equipment is not in short supply in sports stores, just before you buy, look at the length of the bar and the diameters of the pancakes. After all, it is necessary that the bar does not take up extra space at home and does not interfere with loved ones. Then follow this article where I suggest the best and most effective barbell exercises at home.

The barbell is the most effective projectile in strength sports, be it weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding. With the help of just one barbell at home, you can efficiently and effectively work out all muscle groups. And this applies not only to the strong half of humanity, exercises with a barbell are also suitable for the beautiful floor. The correct execution of approaches and the right weights of pancakes will play the most positive effect for you. Not all of us are born of Hercules at once, you need to start with small weights, then you can gradually increase the load, the main thing is correct execution. Therefore, at home, unlike gym take small weights.By the way, if you do not know what barbells and barbells are for them, then read about it in. And now let's go directly to the best and most effective barbell exercises at home.

What exercises can you do at home using a barbell


This exercise is basic and is included in all complex training of all strength workers in the world, regardless of their professional level, so you can safely turn on the deadlift for the exercise with the barbell at home. When performing the deadlift, 75% of muscle groups are involved. This exercise is great for those who want to gain muscle mass.
When performing this effective exercise at home, muscle groups such as the latissimus dorsi, glutes, rhomboid, quadriceps, quadriceps and biceps femoris, biceps, triceps, forearms, trapezium are involved. There are several types of deadlifts (classical deadlift, Romanian deadlift, sumo deadlift, barbell deadlift) each of which is able to work out a certain muscle group to a greater or lesser extent, all at your discretion.

Romanian cravings
deadlift sumo
Bent-over barbell row

If you want to build a great back at home, this exercise is for you. Bent over rows are good for developing the upper part of the broadest muscle, the rhomboid muscles, and lower and the middle of the trapezium. Great exercise for the home. There is a variety of doing the exercise with an overhead grip (when you take the bar with the barbell and fingers look down, with a reverse grip when the fingers are pointing up and with a rasp). When performing an approach with the reverse grip option, the biceps are included in the work, The over-grip allows you to better hold the barbell when choosing very large weights.

Barbell squat

The barbell at home is the effect when you do the barbell squat, which is also basic in powerlifting and bodybuilding. The squat combined with the deadlift is the most effective approach for working all the muscles in the body. During the squat, the muscles of the legs are pumped (front hips, back thighs), the muscles of the back, abdomen and buttocks also work and are included small muscles stabilizers. This exercise also has varieties, but it is more suitable for more experienced athletes. In addition to the classic squat (barbell on the shoulders), at home you can perform a barbell squat with narrow setting legs, with a wide stance (sumo), squat with a barbell on the chest, squat with a barbell scissors.

Barbell press

The French press is an effective exercise for working out the triceps. This exercise allows you to pump the triceps along its entire length. While doing this exercise the stake is placed on working out the long head of the triceps, in addition to this, the lateral and inner head of the triceps work, add the ulnar muscle here. Way to big hands- this is French press, since the triceps muscles make up 70 percent of the muscle volume of the arm.

Lifting the bar for biceps

One of the most popular exercises that we know of. It is the basis for the development of the biceps brachii muscle, as well as the inner surface of the forearm. effective exercise for home it is suitable for athletes of all skill levels, just keep an eye on the weights. There are varieties of lifting the bar for the biceps with a regular grip and an overhead grip, when the fingers are looking down. In addition, by changing the width of the grip, you can shift the load or outer part(biceps) biceps or on the inside.

Press the bar up

The effect of this exercise, especially at home, cannot but be appreciated, since the deltoid muscles are being worked out. This does not require special simulators. If we take a barbell with a narrow grip, the front part of the deltoid muscles, the clavicular part of the pectoralis major muscle, and long head triceps, with wide grip the front and middle part of the deltas and the upper sections of the pectoral muscles are pumped.In addition, you can perform this exercise in front of you, lowering it as much as possible upper part chest, or behind the head. You can use the barbell both standing and sitting.

Barbell pull to the chin

This basic exercise is also called a broach. In approaches with a barbell, the deltoid muscles, especially the middle and rear deltoid muscles, work during the broach. The barbell pull to the chin can be performed with a wide and narrow grip. With a wide grip, the shoulders work mainly. With a narrow grip, the load is distributed between the deltoid muscles and the trapezium.

Barbell lunges

A basic exercise where the buttocks are heavily involved, as well as the muscles of the thigh. Great exercise at home. Just you and the bar. When performing the bar, be on your shoulders. There is an option when the bar is located on the chest. When doing, we get the advantages of the overall strength of the legs. , elimination of muscle imbalance (when one muscle group of the legs lags behind another or vice versa), improved activation of the gluteal muscles, improved balance and increased stability, unloading the spine and reducing the degree of compression of the vertebrae. There are two options for lunges with a barbell. These are forward and reverse lunge. - you put your leg forward and a reverse lunge, respectively, take your leg back. There is no significant difference between these approaches, they work out muscle groups in the same way. You can say that it is safer to perform reverse lunges, since less goes load on the knees and better maintain balance, the load remains on the front leg, which is not mobile.

Barbell Forward Bends

An exercise that you can do effectively at home. The forward bends with a barbell are designed to work out the lower back (erectors). The muscles of the legs-biceps and glutes are used. This exercise is also called GOOD MORNING, bow-greeting. The bar is located on the shoulders. Be sure to slightly bend your legs. in the knees in the starting position. This will increase resilience. Only experienced athletes who have hip joint It has excellent mobility. The bends perfectly stretch all the muscles of the back of the thigh. There are options that complicate the classic performance. This is an option when we put one leg on a step platform and bend on one leg. Bends when we perform sitting on a bench or chair.

Here are barbell exercises that you can do effectively at home, and you can use them yourself with just one athletic equipment, remember to use an athletic safety belt and barbell stands on the floor so you don't scare your neighbors downstairs. And of course the most important thing is desire and attitude, the rest will definitely work out. Sincerely, Sergey.

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Each exercise with a barbell at home helps to strengthen willpower and fortitude. Complexes, which include several effective exercises, are suitable only for people with a stubborn and persistent character. If you want to gain muscle mass or emphasize your own physique, you should pay attention to trainings, which include exercises with a barbell, dumbbells at home. More details about them are described in the article.

Often, novice athletes have a question about how to perform a particular exercise with a barbell at home (photos are presented in the article). In fact, there is nothing complicated. For full workout you only need a rug, a bench and, in fact, a barbell.

Workout Schedule

Having made the decision that it is time to take on your own body, you need to draw up a training plan. A standard home barbell exercise program is designed to work out 2-3 times a week. First of all, it should be noted that it is necessary to perform the exercises in the evening, spending about 45-60 minutes on this.

For people with a normal physique, these activities are quite enough to achieve desired result... But there are also such individuals who are inclined to be overweight, so they will have to increase the load from the very first lessons. To become the owner of chic relief muscles, you need to do about 4-5 times a week, and also add cardio loads to this workout.


Before performing this or that exercise with a barbell at home, you must remember the main rules:

  1. Correct selection. The training process should be carried out in such an order that the most difficult exercises are present in the middle of the lesson, because it is during this period that the muscles are best warmed up and ready for intense physical work.
  2. Burdening. The correct selection of the weight of the burden is also an important point. It must be done so that the very last stage of the repetition lasts up to the limit mark and complete refusal muscles. If suddenly the final approach becomes easier, then it is necessary to add weight, thereby increasing the load and the number of repetitions.
  3. Quantity. This point directly depends on the purposefulness of the athlete's training. If you want to increase your own strength indicator, you should engage in a barbell in 4-5 approaches. But if the goal of the trainings is to lose weight, then three standard approaches will be enough.

Important points

When performing any exercise with a barbell at home for girls or men, you should remember about others. important points... You definitely need to take time to rest and proper nutrition... You should not bring your body to a state of overtraining, because this is a big mistake, easily leading to injuries and other serious consequences.

In addition, there are other nuances that you need to pay attention to:

  • the phases of lifting and lowering the weight should be carefully monitored;
  • in one workout, it is allowed to work out no more than a couple of muscle groups;
  • classes do not need to be spent longer than one and a half hours;
  • after completing the training, it is necessary to stretch the muscles, because strength exercises significantly shorten the muscles.

A set of exercises with a barbell at home

For people who do not have time and money to visit gyms, experts have developed good exercise that you can do yourself at home.

First, you need to find the right weight. As a rule, it is selected through several experimental trials. Exercise with a barbell at home for men should be performed with a weight of about 40 kilograms, for girls - no more than 20 kilograms.

Once ideal weight selected, you can start training. Below are the well-known exercises included in the standard complex.


A fairly effective exercise with a barbell at home. The training program, both for beginners and for more experienced athletes, must definitely include it. It works on the muscles of the back, thighs, and also the buttocks.

From the starting position, it is necessary to bend forward without bending your back, take the barbell with the upper grip and, straightening your back, raise it to the line of the hips. When doing it, it is very important to pay attention to the fact that all the load is evenly distributed, and not completely transferred to the back. Lifting the bar must necessarily be carried out by straining the press, back and legs.


Despite the fact that it is customary to train the arms with a barbell, with its help you can develop well the muscles of the legs. To perform this exercise, you need to place the shell on your shoulders, place your legs shoulder-width apart, and then lower yourself into a squat. When a person descends, the pelvis should go back first, imitating sitting on a chair. The weight own body it is required to evenly distribute on both feet, while the heels should not come off the floor.

At the lowest point, the hips should be parallel to the floor, and the knees should be slightly apart. In no case should the back be rounded, as in this case it will be very difficult to avoid injuries.

French press

Another excellent and familiar to absolutely everyone exercise with a barbell at home is the French press. Men like him very much, because he is able to develop triceps shoulders that play important role in the formation of a horseshoe-shaped triceps. This exercise can be performed from a standing position using curved neck, on a horizontal bench or with a different setting of the arms to work out different muscular systems.

Press on a horizontal bench

One of the basic exercises aimed at working out the upper body (torso). It works great for the pectoral muscles, although it is performed quite easily.

Lying on a special bench, you need to take the projectile from the racks, gently lower it to your chest, and then squeeze it up and hold it there for a couple of seconds. In this case, you should lie on the bench in such a way that the shoulder blades are maximally reduced and clearly pressed to the surface. If there are unpleasant sensations in the area shoulder joints, then it is necessary to immediately lose weight, while reducing the amplitude of movement, that is, not to lower the projectile completely.

Bench press

Good exercise for the deltoids. Legs need to be spread a little narrower than shoulder width, place the barbell on the chest, and then push it to the very top, and then, without stopping at the top point, lower it again to the chest.

If there is a need to work better shoulder girdle, then it is allowed to alternate the standard bench press with a press performed from behind the head.

Biceps curl

Isolation exercise is quite often included in all kinds of complexes intended for beginners in bodybuilding. Such lifts contribute to a good study of the biceps, as well as a number of muscles in the forearms.

To perform, you should stand straight, hold the projectile in your hands with an average grip from below. Bending your arms, you need to raise the barbell, bringing it closer to your chest, and then lower it to its original position. For this exercise, it is recommended to take a small weight so as not to involve non-target muscles in the work.

Program for beginners

Every amateur or professional who has been involved in sports for a long time is able to independently create a training program for himself based on the characteristics of his body. Beginners, however, cannot do this, so there is specially for them universal program suitable for both men and girls. It consists of following exercises(all are performed in 3 sets of 12 times, the last one is 3 sets of 15 times):

  • bench press;
  • squats;
  • bench press;
  • pushups;
  • deadlift;
  • lifts for biceps;
  • twisting and lifting the legs.

At the first stage, the exercises will be the same, but over time, exercises using dumbbells will need to be added to this complex. It is recommended to put them after training with a barbell, so that it will be better to finalize the target muscles.

After adding new exercises and increasing the working weight, it will be necessary to change the training schedule. Therefore, you should switch to a split system - separate trainings, when a separate muscle group is worked out on one day. The most optimal schedule is:

  • the first day - deltas, chest, triceps;
  • second day - abs, back, biceps;
  • third day - legs, abs, buttocks.

This method makes it possible to increase the load on some muscles, while not increasing the total load.

The barbell is a sacred object of every weightlifter, bodybuilder and powerlifter, with which you can pump absolutely any muscle in our body.

In this article, we will analyze the basic exercises with a barbell, curved (E-Z) bar, which are easy to perform at home. Videos will be added to the most technically difficult videos, viewing of which is mandatory for personal safety. And also at the end there will be a set of exercises with a barbell for 3 for.

Most Effective Barbell Exercises

Bench press

Basic exercise. Is working on pectoral muscle, triceps and deltas. The bench press can be performed at different inclinations of the bench for distribution to the upper, middle or lower chest, but we will only consider the horizontal position. Also added a video on the correct technique.

To do the bench press at home you will need horizontal bench or 2 sturdy chairs that can support your weight and the barbell.

  1. Lie on a bench, slightly bending in the lower back. The upper back and pelvis are pressed tightly against the bench;
  2. Take a barbell with a closed grip about 20 cm wider from the shoulders. The narrower the grip - the load goes more to the triceps;
  3. Lower the barbell to your chest and squeeze to the starting position. If lowering to the chest does not work due to any physical features, then lower it to where possible (the lower the barbell goes down, the more the pectoral muscle will stretch).

Technique video

There is a little trick here. If the goal is to maximally load the pectoral muscle and minimize the load on other muscle groups, then you need to remove the bend in the lower back as much as possible; when lifting, you should not straighten your arm to the end, do not squeeze it to the limit by about 15 cm.

Bench press with a narrow grip

It is the triceps that works very well.

The grip width should be approximately 30cm between the palms. During execution, the elbows should fall along the body.

A very famous exercise in bodybuilding. It is an isolating exercise for the triceps.

Perform both lying and sitting, both with a straight bar and E-Z shaped. During the execution of the recumbent version, the bar is lowered to the parietal part of the head, and in the standing version, it drops to the back of the head.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. Lie on a bench, put your hands in such a way that the bar is at the level of the chin.
  2. We fix the elbows in one position, shoulder motionless.
  3. Slowly lower the barbell almost to touching the head and then squeeze it sharply into the opposite position.

In the standing option: we hold the bar over the head, the elbows are also not mobile and we lower the bar to the back of the head.

Lifting the bar for biceps

Is an accentuated exercise in biceps shoulder. Performed while standing. Grip shoulder width apart. We press the elbows to the body and leave them motionless throughout the entire exercise. Raise your arms to the maximum, hold them in this position for 1.5-2 seconds and strain your biceps as much as possible.

For greater isolation of this muscle, and in order to exclude cheating, you can press your back and elbows against the wall, and perform the exercise E-Z shaped... In this way, the biceps will be pumped most efficiently.

Reverse Grip Barbell Curl

Mandatory for execution. It works brachialis muscle... It helps to increase the total volume of the arms, also, when working out this muscle, it begins to grow and, as it were, pushes the biceps to the top, which gives it the appearance of large volumes.

It is performed in the same way as classic biceps, only a grip from oneself.


The basic exercise, works out a very large number of muscles, the main ones are the quadriceps and biceps of the legs, the broadest muscles and the upper back, the forearms.

The deadlift is not recommended for beginners because of their danger of getting a spinal injury, or if performed, then with a small weight and be extremely careful. Be sure to watch the video on the technique. Avoid curvature of the spine.

Consider only classic way execution:

  1. Feet shoulder width apart. The grip is closed, slightly wider than the shoulders. The gaze is directed as far upward as possible.
  2. Bend over in such a way that the bar was exactly under the shoulders. Start lifting the bar with just one leg effort, when it reaches the knee, then you need to start straightening. At the peak point, bring your shoulder blades together.
  3. We lower the bar in the same sequence as we raised it.

Technique video to reduce the risk of injury

Bent-over barbell row

An effective exercise for working out the back. Enter almost every set of exercises. In this traction, weight is not so important, it is worth focusing on the execution technique.

Take the barbell slightly wider than the shoulders, bend a little at the knees, for ease of execution, bend in the lower back. At the beginning of the exercise, the shoulders should be lowered, and the shoulder blades should be as far apart as possible, the upper back should be relaxed. Pull the barbell to the stomach, while at the extreme point, the shoulders should be turned back, and the shoulder blades should be brought together.

Barbell Shrugs

Accentuated with the elaboration of the trapezoid. If your training regimen includes a deadlift, then shrugs are not necessary, as the deadlift works perfectly on the trapezoid.

Take a barbell, approximately at shoulder level, and begin to raise and lower it with just your shoulders. You can do Roundabout Circulation shoulders, this will load the trapezium more, but accordingly, the execution becomes more difficult, also with this option, there are chances to injure the ligaments.

Bench press sitting or standing

The best exercise for the deltoid muscles, also, with a wide grip, affects the upper chest, great for workouts at home. In the standing option, the load is on the spine. You can lower the barbell on your chest or behind your head.

Consider a standing option with a wide grip lowering to the chest:

  1. Take the barbell over your head.
  2. Lower the barbell to your chest and squeeze to the starting position.

Be sure to keep your back straight, you can even lean against the wall,

Chin pull

Aims at the deltas and slightly touches the trapezoid. Fits well with barbell exercises at home. The most optimal grip is slightly narrower than shoulder width.

The technique is quite simple: take a barbell, stand straight and raise it to neck level.

Back Squat

It is basic.

Squats are a very effective exercise, but also a traumatic exercise, in the provided video all the nuances in the technique are described.

It involves not only the legs, but also the back, buttocks and abdomen. General strengthening exercise and helps well in rehabilitation after many injuries.

  1. Put the barbell on the trapezoid.
  2. Strain your stomach without bending your spine, start squatting, taking your buttocks back.
  3. Having dropped to the point where your hips are parallel to the floor, start to stand up.

Squat Technique Videos for Beginners


It is basic. Pumps the buttocks and hips.

  1. We put the barbell on the shoulders and hold it with our hands.
  2. We take a wide step with our left foot, and with the other we kneel.
  3. We get up and bring the right leg to the left, as if we just walk.
  4. We repeat this with our feet on the turn. That is, first we step with the left, then with the right.

3 Day Barbell Split

The most optimal set of workouts at home will be 3 times a week with such a distribution as chest-biceps, back-triceps (after the dead, it is desirable to do a couple of approaches on the horizontal bar), shoulders-legs. Be sure to give your body 1 day rest between workouts.

Before starting a workout, do a warm-up, abdominal exercises and hyperesthesia.

Since training takes place at home, you can choose music for yourself, watch a motivating video, classes will be more fun. It is advisable to perform each exercise near a mirror, this will make it possible to see mistakes. Remember to breathe properly. Be sure to increase the amount of protein consumed, this will significantly increase muscle volume.

15 exercises with a barbell and barbell pancakes

Exercise 1

Bench press with a barbell

The bench press with a barbell can be performed as on a bench if there is one at home or lying on the floor. If the size of your pancakes does not allow you to lie under the barbell, which is on the floor, then place something under the pancakes so that you can squeeze under it. When you do this, bend your knees, firmly resting both feet on the floor, arch your back slightly and smoothly perform the exercise.

There are two options for performing this exercise, this is the standard execution of the barbell lifting, and you can also increase the emphasis on muscle group breasts. By doing this exercise a little differently than usual. To do this, take a barbell with a narrow grip, spread your elbows and take it a little to the side, performing this exercise as partial repetitions, while lowering the barbell by only 15 - 20 cm.This option will significantly increase the load on your pectoral muscles.

Exercise 2

Barbell press

You can perform this exercise both lying on a bench and on an ordinary floor. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, bend your back slightly. Take a barbell in your hands and slowly lower it, while your arms should be motionless and bend only at the elbows.

Exercise # 3

Support push-ups

You can perform this exercise as on uneven bars, if you have such at home, or perform this exercise Pushing up from any support from a chair, sofa or bench, etc. etc ... In the future, as your strength grows, you can add extra weight by placing the barbell pancakes in your hips.

Exercise 4

Spreading hands with pancakes to the sides

Everything here is the same as when training with dumbbells. You can perform lying arm raises as with dumbbells or make a bunch of pancakes from a barbell and use them instead of dumbbells. This exercise can be performed as on a bench, if there is one, or on chairs put together. Also, arm spreads can be performed while lying on the floor. In this case, the reps performed will be more like partial reps, due to the incomplete range of motion, you can use more weight.

Exercise # 5

Lifting pancakes for triceps

This exercise is also performed with dumbbells, but if such houses are not available, then you can also replace them with a bunch of pancakes from the bar connected to each other. This exercise can be performed both standing and sitting, do not forget that the main technique in this exercise, and not heavy weights. Also, this exercise can be performed, either alternately with each hand, or with both hands at once.

Exercise 6

Bench press sitting or standing

Here you can also perform this exercise, lowering the barbell to the chest, and lowering it from behind, both while standing and performing this exercise, and while sitting. Regardless of which of the options you choose for yourself, the main thing is to follow correct technique execution.

Exercise 7

Barbell Shrugs

This exercise is performed in the same way as with dumbbells, except that you have a barbell in your hands. Everything else is the same, in any case, do not twist your shoulders, this can lead to injury to the ligaments. Perform vertical lifting and lowering of the bar with your shoulders without circular motions.

Exercise 8

Barbell Deadlift

There are two styles of Deadlift in this exercise:

1.Classic deadlift.

2. Deadlift in the style of "Sumo".

I will make a reservation right away. Deadlift in the "Sumo" style is used only in powerlifting for lifting maximum weights, if you have never worked with her then you should not even take it if you are not preparing for a competition. Low athletes also use the Sumo style. it is easier for them to pass the blind spot in this style, but if you are a rather tall athlete then you should still work in the "Classic" style.

Although anyone else ...

For all beginners, I recommend using the Classic Deadlift. it is easier to learn, and even at home it is most acceptable.

This exercise requires increased attention to the technique of execution, so in no case do not chase heavy weights!

Also in the "Classics" there are two options for performing this exercise.

1. This is to lower the bar just below the knees (I advise all beginners).

2. Lower and raise the barbell exclusively from the floor (Advanced method of execution).

In this case, start the exercise from the first option in the future, when you master the technique and get to heavy weights, start working on the second option.

Exercise 9

Barbell Row

One of the best exercises for developing your back, if you do it correctly. And to do it correctly heavy weight it is not required here, the whole point is in the correct technique, it consists in excluding jerks as much as possible when lifting the bar. And also the most important thing when lifting the bar, try to reduce as much as possible at the same time back muscles, with the right movement, your shoulders go back a little, contracting your back muscles as much as possible. To learn how to do it correctly, this exercise will take you a lot of time to master it and get the most out of it!

There are also two versions of this exercise with a regular grip and palms away from you. Try both options and choose the one that works best for you.

In addition to the standard row, you can do this exercise in the T-bar style, lifting only one end of the bar, you should not take too much weights, the main technique, not the weight ...

Exercise 10

Barbell Front Squat

This exercise is different in that you do not need to throw the barbell on your back where there is a high probability that you will be crushed or you will get injured without power racks and safety net. This exercise does not require any safety equipment from you or a training partner. You can easily throw the barbell on your chest and squat with it and just as easily, then lower it. If you cannot throw the barbell on your chest yourself, then use the barbell stands, it can be anything, for example, two stools or old bedside tables, if you wish, you can invent a stand yourself in order to make it convenient to take the barbell on your chest with a heavier weight.

Become familiar with the correct technique with low weights before doing this exercise.

Exercise 11

Raising hands through the sides with pancakes

You can perform this exercise with barbell pancakes, tying them together in one bundle. Bend your arms at an angle of 30-40 degrees and perform this exercise with emphasized smoothness and slowness without jerking movements until you can do no more repetitions.

Exercise 12

Raising arms through the sides in a slope

As with dumbbells, this exercise can be done with barbell pancakes. The main thing in this exercise is correct technique, not weight. Therefore, you should not chase the scales here, it is better to follow the correct technique. Performing this exercise slowly and smoothly without jerking.

Exercise # 13

Biceps curl

This exercise is performed while standing with a barbell, do not chase large weights, concentrate on the correct execution technique.

Try to do this exercise slowly and without jerking movements, do not try to throw the barbell. Keep your back straight, do not lean back, no matter how you would like it, thereby helping to raise the bar with your back.

In this exercise, only your arms should work, and your body should remain motionless.

You can also experiment with the width of the grip and choose the one that suits you best. the best option... You can also experiment later with the reverse grip exercise.

Exercise # 14

Rise on socks (calves)

The main exercise for calf development is lifting on socks with dumbbells or with pancakes from a barbell in a weighting machine. The illustration shows an option for lifting on one leg. But if you have enough weight in the weight, then it is best to do the toe raises with both legs at the same time.

Exercise 15

Crunches on the floor with barbell pancakes

In all training programs the muscles of the press are actively working, albeit not purposefully, but only indirectly, they still receive an active load. For those who want to include as much of the abdominal muscles as possible, you can include one exercise in your program.

In general, the purpose of the press is not limited to bending the body. The main job of the rectus abdominis muscle is to stabilize the core, so the best ab exercises are those that force the body to tense up to stabilize posture. Again, deadlifts and squats are the best exercises for these needs.

For a detailed study of the press, exercise number 1 is " Twisting with extra weight". The weight must be supported by the hands on the chest.

Climbing slightly higher than shown in the illustration is prohibited.

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