Dips with an incline of the leg on the ground. Push-ups from the floor with raised legs

Push-ups from the floor are one of best exercise, known since the time of Ancient Sparta. The push-up cycle is a powerful tool for strengthening muscles, enhancing their endurance, and in some cases for increasing explosive strength. Depending on the angle of inclination, position of the arms and the technique of execution, the load falls on various muscle groups, from the pectorals to the muscles. Therefore, push-ups - universal exercise which can be included in a split. Most the best option- alternate between different types of push-ups, since the body tends to adapt to the loads after performing one exercise after 2 months. So, today we will tell you about the 10 most popular types push-ups that include Spartan push-ups, bent-over push-ups, bounce push-ups, and other versions of the popular exercise!

Wide grip push-ups

Train the middle part of the pectoral muscles.

Starting position: lying position, arms are wider than shoulders.

Sink down and return to the original position, straining pectoral muscles.

During the exercise, the back should be straight and the neck should be an extension of it. The gaze is directed exactly to the floor.

Close-grip push-ups

Triceps work and interior pectoral muscles.

Starting position: lying position, hands are close to each other.

Sink down and with the effort of the triceps return to the starting position.

When doing push-ups, keep your back straight.

Spartan spin ania

Emphasis on the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.

Starting position: still lying down. Left hand is located strictly under the shoulder, the right one - on the palm above.

Push up from the floor, return to the starting position.

Move your hands. The right arm will now be under the shoulder and the left arm will be above.

Go down and repeat the change of hands again, repeating the Spartan push-ups the required number of times.

Knee push-ups

Depending on the location of the arms, the triceps or pectoral muscles work.

The lightest type of push-up. Starting position: hands are in support lying, knees on the floor, and feet are looking at the ceiling.

Sink down until your chest barely touches the floor. Return to starting position.

Bent over push-ups

Train the lower pectoral muscles.

Legs are on the floor, hands on the bench are slightly wider than shoulders. The body is in an inclined position.

To perform the exercise, lower yourself until your chest barely touches the bench. Hold for half a second and return to the starting position.

Reverse tilt push-ups

The main focus is on the upper part of the pectoral muscles.

Starting position: feet are on the bench, arms are slightly forward and are on the floor. The body is tilted, the head is below the level of the legs.

Get down, bending your elbows and return to the starting position.

Push-ups on one arm

Train the biceps and chest muscles.

Start from the starting position for regular push-ups, take one leg to the side. During the exercise, you will lean on the opposite arm of that leg.

The other hand must be taken behind the back or put on the ball, while not leaning on it. If the body is not stable, you can pull your leg a little harder.

Bend your arm at the elbow and start lowering your chest to the floor. If the muscles are not ready enough for the exercise, lower yourself 5-10 centimeters.

Return to starting position.

Recommendation. If you cannot complete the exercise completely, gradually increase the range of motion from session to session. Over time, the muscles will get used to the load and you can do push-ups on one arm from A to Z.

Plyometric push-ups

Exercise develops explosive power, improves muscle coordination.

Able to increase movement speed, strength and throw range. They work great for athletes involved in outdoor sports such as football, hockey, basketball.

At the beginning of the exercise, take the lying position. Get down to the floor and squeeze out with all your strength so that your body and arms are momentarily lifted off the floor. After - return to the starting position.

In the future, the exercise can be complicated by making a clap at the moment when the body comes off the floor.

Push-ups with body rotation

Triceps, chest and upper back muscles are involved.

Get into a position like a regular push-up.

Get down, then get back up.

Lift up right hand tearing it up from the floor. At this moment, the body turns around, and the weight goes to the other arm and legs.

Slowly bend your hand and lower it back to the floor. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Weighted push-ups

An easy way to increase your load is to add heavy weight... For these purposes, you can use an ordinary backpack, placing additional weight in it, for example, a sandbag or pancakes from a barbell. However, it is best to use specialized equipment.

Push-ups from the floor are considered one of the basic exercises designed to lay a strong muscle and strength foundation for the upper body using only your own weight. They are part of physical fitness military personnel and are performed by even the most seasoned athletes. Push-ups are pretty easy to learn and don't require any expensive equipment. Another plus lies in the variability of this exercise, shifting the emphasis of the load from one muscle group to another. So what muscles swing when push-ups from the floor and what types exist? Let's try to figure it out further.

Several torso muscle groups work simultaneously during push-ups:

  • breast
  • triceps
  • shoulders
  • Press
  • serratus anterior

Push-ups are performed while lying down, which also helps to develop correct posture.

The pectoralis major muscle is without doubt the most frequently exercised group in bodybuilding and fitness. It is primarily responsible for the pushing action of the upper body. When you go up and down during push-ups, she does most of the work. Unfortunately, in our time, these muscles are much less able to contribute to our daily life, which means they are in an atrophied state in most people. That is why they have enormous potential both in the growth of strength and size.

During push-ups from the floor, triceps also works. This muscle, depending on the width of the arms, takes more or less load. Takes 2/3 of the volume from total mass arms and is responsible for their extension.

Consist of three parts - front, middle and back. The greatest stimulation is obtained during seated presses, and in push-ups they occupy a tertiary place according to the received load (front part). Despite the fact that they are weaker in comparison with the chest, they help them to lift the body.

Serratus anterior muscle

Gives an aesthetic and finished look to your torso. They serve to stabilize and displace the blade forward and outward. Located under the arms in the back of the pectoral muscles. Are activated and strengthened by push-ups.

The abdominal muscles also swing during push-ups. Helps to stay level when lying down. It is important to remember that in order to see the abs, the level of adipose tissue must be low. So more attention should still be paid to your diet.

The neck sways slightly. For correct execution horizontal push-ups, it is important to look not down, but in front of you.

As for other muscle groups, for example, the biceps and back - so that someone does not speak or write, but they are practically not used (with the exception of only a slight pressure exerted by their own body when lowering), and it is impossible to pump them up with push-ups. To do this, use traction or pull-ups on the crossbar.

Types of push-ups from the floor

There are many types of push-ups, but the most common are the following:

  • narrow
  • broad
  • on one hand
  • tilted down
  • tilted up

Wide push-ups

An easier version of the exercise, since the amplitude of the up and down movement is noticeably reduced due to the wide stance of the arms. Allows you to spread your elbows to the sides more and to use the triceps to a lesser extent. Works as much as possible outer part pectoral muscles, giving them volume and fullness.

Narrow push-ups

Here, the opposite is true - the elbows are pressed more against the body, shifting the focus to triceps muscle shoulder. The breasts receive less stimulation compared to the previous version. If your goal is to swing triceps, then it is better to use another exercise - push-ups from the bench to the triceps.

Push-ups on one arm

An incredibly energy-consuming and difficult exercise in which the working muscles are not only the chest and triceps, but almost the entire abdominal Press stabilizing your body during the approach. Develops strength indicators well.

Downward bend push-ups

Another way for experienced athletes, which maximally includes the upper bundle of the pectoral muscle, forcing to lift an even greater percentage own body... The higher the legs are placed on a hill, the more difficult the exercise will be and the more stimulation will be provided. The abdominal and oblique muscles also work, as well as the muscle that straightens the spine, stabilizing the body during execution.

Friends, welcome! Today we will look at the well-known push-ups at a new angle, namely, push-ups at an upward angle.

On the calendar 21 February, Wednesday, which means - the time for a technical note on the ABC of Bodybuilding. And today we will talk about push-ups at an angle up. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and analyze some practical points.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, we begin.

Push-ups at an angle up. What, why and why?

Analyzing exercises that are intended not only for the gym, but also for doing at home are the goals of our technical notes. The gym is good, but sometimes situations arise when it’s clearly not up to it, but you don’t want to be a “vegetable” at all. And that's when 4 wall training comes to the rescue. Upward angle push-ups are somewhat easier to master / perform, and also does not flatten (how does horizontal push-ups) chest, but lifts it, and thirdly - and that's enough :).

Well, let's take a closer look at the upward angle push-ups.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle Atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of basic / compound and has as its purpose the development of the chest.

The muscular ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - large chest (sternal head);
  • synergists - pectoralis major (clavicular head); front delta, triceps;
  • dynamic stabilizers - biceps (short head);
  • stabilizers - straight, oblique and anterior dentate muscle, pectoralis minor, quadriceps, gastrocnemius / soleus muscles;
  • the antagonists of the stabilizers are the back extensors.

A complete muscle atlas presents the following picture:


By doing the push-up exercise at an upward angle, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • accentuated impact on the lower chest;
  • development of strength and endurance of the chest (predominantly sternal section / bottom);
  • improvement of pectoral stretching;
  • breast lift (relevant for women);
  • strengthening the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle;
  • elimination of chest;
  • improved results in bench exercises - at an angle down.

Execution technique

Push-ups at an angle up belong to the exercises of the entry level of difficulty. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows:

Step # 0.

Come up to horizontal bench, rest your hands (palms) on its edge, placing them shoulder-width apart. Take the plank at an angle in relation to the bench. Static tighten the press, direct your gaze freely.

This is your starting position.

Step # 1.

As you inhale, begin to bend your arms in elbow joints and, as soon as the pectorals touch the edge of the bench, as you exhale, squeeze out of it, returning to the PI. Repeat the specified number of times.

In a pictorial form, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this:


In addition to the standard version of push-ups at an angle up, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • from the bars;
  • from the neck;
  • from the step platform;
  • from fitball;
  • from a narrow platform using a parallel grip;
  • using TRX loops;
  • from the wall.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of your exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • throughout the entire movement, watch the position of the elbows - they should not "walk" on the sides;
  • throughout the entire movement, observe the position of the body - a stretched string;
  • at the end / bottom point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 counting and only then start the reverse upward movement;
  • slowly and in a controlled manner, lower yourself down and powerfully / explosively push upward;
  • use the positions of the socks both together and slightly to the sides;
  • to work out the chest, use different heights of the elevations;
  • breathing technique: inhale - when going down, exhale - when pushing up / going up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 4-5 , the number of repetitions - 20 .

We are done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

How to maximally load the pectorals in push-ups, or what does the angle affect?

One of the wishes of a woman who begins to visit gym, is mastering the skill of push-ups from the floor. However, the horizontal version of the exercise (when legs / body are parallel to the floor) is the most difficult due to the fact that it is held in the hands greatest weight (near 55-65% from your body weight)... Conventionally, it's as if an unprepared woman began to press a barbell with a weight 32-35 kg (60% by weight 50-55 kg).

Therefore, it is best for young ladies to master push-ups from an inclined version. (angled up), thus using physics to your advantage. The thing is that when you bend the upper body higher, the lower body holds more weight, so the athlete finds (from the side of its own mass) less resistance.

As a confirmation of the above, we present some calculations, the purpose of which is to show how the angle affects the generated resistance ( example, the average man).

  • growth 1,75-1,80 m;
  • length from shoulder to palm: 0,584 m;
  • length from shoulder to hip: 0,629 m;
  • length from hip to ankle: 0,8 m;
  • elevation height for push-ups: 0,45 m;
  • height counter: 0,8 m.

Calculate: resistance values (resulting forces in hand) arising from push-ups at different angles.

Solution: Using the principles of engineering statics, Newton's second law and some simplifications (metric system), we have the following:

Option number 1. Push-ups from a flat surface

Using trigonometry, the angle between the floor and the plane of the back is 24,12 degrees. The horizontal distance from foot to hip is 0,73 meter and up to hands - 1,304 0,73 0m) × W - ( 1,304 m) × FHand = 0. We get: 1,304 FHand = 0,730 W or FHand = 0,5598 W.

Thus, with the horizontal form of push-ups, the force generated in the hands is 0.5598W (56% from body weight).

Option number 2. Push-ups at an angle up from the chair

Using trigonometry and the Pythagorean theorem, the horizontal distance from feet to hands is 1,475 39,24 0,620 meters. The forces in the horizontal direction are zero, Fx = 0. The sum of the forces in the vertical direction is: FY = FHand + FFoot - W = 0. The sum of the moments relative to the foot is: MFoot = ( 0,620 m) × W - ( 1,475 0,420 W.

(chair height 0,45 m) up, the force generated in the hands is 0,420 W (42% from body weight).

Option number 3. Push-ups at an angle up from the table

The distance from feet to hands is 1,311 meters. The angle between the plane of the back and the floor is 53,96 degrees. The horizontal distance from foot to hip is 0,470 meters. MFoot = ( 0,47 0m) × W - ( 1,311 m) × FHand = 0. We get: FHand = 0,360 W

Thus, when push-ups at an angle (table height 0.81m) upward, the force generated in the hands is 0,360 W (36% from body weight).

General conclusion: Pushing up from a flat surface, you raise about 56% your body weight (other 44% held by feet)... The higher you take the push-up elevation (the angle becomes larger), the easier it is to perform them and the weaker the muscles are loaded. Therefore, if you are a girl and want to learn how to do push-ups at home, then start with high push-ups at an upward angle, gradually decreasing the angle.

Actually, we have finished the gist of the article, let's move on to ...


Today we got acquainted with the push-up exercise at an upward angle and found out why it is better for a girl to start mastering its standard version. Next Wednesday we'll sort out something else, wait, sir ...

PS: Are push-ups hard for you? How many do you do at a time?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Incline push-ups can be used to target specific areas of the chest or to add variety to your regular training program... Depending on the position of your body relative to the horizon, you can increase or decrease the load compared to classic push-ups, and also shift its emphasis to the lower or upper pectoral muscles.

Dependence of the load on the inclination of the body

In the classic version of push-ups, the legs and arms are on the floor, and during the movement, the body takes a position parallel to the floor. Depending on how we place our hands, we can force the pectoral muscles (palms wide) or triceps (palms narrow) to work hardest. But what happens if we raise our legs above our head, or, conversely, put our hands on a stand?

Legs on a support

When the legs are higher than the head, the weight of the body is mainly carried by the arms, and the arms are known to be smaller and weaker than the legs. Therefore, this type of push-up is a complicated variation. classic exercise... You should include such push-ups in your training program if you have already mastered the basic push-ups to perfection.

In fact, the kick-up push-up is an inverted version of the bench press with a positive incline. At the same time, it is emphasized that top part breasts. More specifically, the load distribution looks like this:

  • pectoral muscles (emphasis on the upper part);
  • deltoid muscles(front beams);
  • triceps;
  • the press and back muscles work statically.

The wider we put our arms, the more actively the chest works, especially the outer part, the narrower - the greater the load on the triceps. With a narrow setting of the arms, the load, which still goes to the chest, is shifted to their inner part.

Also, the higher you put your feet, the more deltoids are involved. If we continue to raise our legs and get to, it will actually be a shoulder exercise.

The optimal body slope for developing the upper chest is 30–45 degrees at the lowest point (chest near the floor). That is, in starting position it is enough to put your feet on a bench or fitball. With the latter option, the body is also actively working.

Hands on a support

When we place our hands above our legs, that is, on a bench or stand, most of the body weight falls on our legs. And this is a completely natural state of affairs, we daily carry all our weight on only one legs. Accordingly, this version of the exercise is much easier than the legs above the head.

This type of push-up is well suited for beginners who are still struggling with the classic version of the exercise.

Why do this lightness, a seasoned athlete will ask? The answer is simple - the exercise works great for the lower pectoral muscles. Therefore, if for some reason this area is lagging behind you, you can purposefully work on its development. So that life does not seem like honey, we take a burden in the form of a backpack or a vest.

The load distribution looks like this:

  • pectoral muscles (emphasis on the lower part);
  • triceps;
  • the muscles of the press, back and legs are under static stress.

Precautionary measures

Push-ups in most cases do not provide for mandatory additional weights. Therefore, they are safer than barbell presses or dumbbell presses. However, with elbow injuries, shoulder joints or brushes from exercise, it is better to abstain until complete recovery.

The inverted version of push-ups should be used with caution in case of increased pressure, vascular diseases of the head or eyes.

Push-up technique "legs above the head"

Get into a prone position as you would for a classic push-up. The palms are under the chest, the distance between them is chosen based on your training goals. If you want to load your chest as much as possible - put your arms wider, are working on the development of triceps, or you are specifically interested in the inner part of the chest - use a narrow palms position.

  1. Place your feet on a raised platform - bench, sofa, fitball. In this case, the body should be absolutely straight, without deflection in the lower back. The abs and back are under static stress.
  2. As you inhale, by bending your elbows, lower your chest down to almost the floor. Do not bend your back while doing this.
  3. As you exhale, push yourself upward using the force of the target muscle group (chest or triceps).

Repeat the exercise the required number of times, for example, 10-15, rest and do 2-3 more approaches.

Push-up technique "arms above legs"

Everything here is almost the same as in the previous version. Place your hands on a support and step back with your feet until your body is completely straight.

  1. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower your chest almost to the support.
  2. As you exhale, rise to the starting position.

If the exercise seems too easy for you, use additional weights (to emphasize the work of the lower chest) or go to the classic push-ups (to increase the load).

Do the exercise for 10-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

By regularly performing push-ups, both oblique and classic, you can comprehensively work out the muscles of the upper body, increase strength and endurance.

Everyone has heard about push-ups from the floor. After all, this is one of the simplest and most affordable exercises. Even non-athletic people can do push-ups at least a few times. The topic of the post is push-ups from the floor and the technique for performing them.

Many push-up lovers are subject to misconceptions about this, it would seem simple exercise... For example, this refers to how to correctly shift the focus to different parts of the muscles working in push-ups, how to place your hands correctly, what width to place them, etc.

Often you can see a complete lack of imagination in push-up practitioners. But meanwhile, there are more than fifty types of push-ups only known to me from the floor. And if you get down to business creatively and with passion, then you can think of up to a hundred!

There are especially many misconceptions about methods for increasing the number of push-ups. Well, we will talk about these techniques separately and even analyze some of them. And in this article we will discuss some of the nuances of push-ups and talk about several useful varieties of this wonderful exercise. So, the nuances.

What muscles are developed by push-ups from the floor?

Generally speaking, push-ups maximize the development of the chest muscles, triceps, the front of the deltoid muscles and the muscles of the front of the core (abdominals, thigh muscles). This is clearly shown in the diagram.

More strictly speaking, push-ups require well-coordinated work of almost all large and small muscles body. You need to keep your head, you need to keep your legs straight, do not let your pelvis sag, you need to rest your feet on the floor. Push-ups involve a large mass of stabilizing muscles that perform a supporting and stabilizing function. It is safe to say that push-ups develop all the muscles of the body, but especially the already mentioned triceps, pectoral muscles and deltoid muscles.

Changes in the position of the arms, body, legs, lateral displacement - all this leads to a change in the work of muscles. So various push-ups give different load on the indicated muscles.

By the way, it is enough for an experienced trainer to look at how a person is doing push-ups in order to understand which muscles are lagging behind in development. Moreover, by push-ups, you can determine what kind of flexibility a person has (see below for a special test).

Pushups. Correct hand position.

In classic push-ups, the palms are positioned so that the fingers point forward or at a slight angle inward or outward. A slight rotation of the hands does not play a noticeable role and does not shift the emphasis in the exercise.

But if necessary, you can unfold the brushes in the way you want to give the exercise the desired specifics. For example, you can do push-ups with narrow setting hands, unfold the hands so that the fingers are directed back. However, be careful! Wrist joints can be easily damaged. This option is suitable for people with flexible wrists.

And with a wide position of the hands, it will be most convenient to point the fingers to the sides. You can even stand on your toes!

In martial arts (boxing, karate), push-ups on fists are often used, on back surface palms, on the edges of the palms, on the fingers (all or even one). I have even seen such a variation of push-ups, when after each push-up the position of the hand is changed (from the fist to the palm, from the palm to the back of the palm, then to the edge of the palm, etc.) All these exercises are designed to increase the stability and strength of the hands, to strengthen the percussion surface. However, you should definitely keep in mind so that you do not regret later that these exercises are very dangerous and should be introduced very carefully, gradually, so as not to lead to serious injuries that will remind you of yourself for the rest of your life.

In general, you should know that not everyone is naturally given plastic and flexible wrists. For many people, their mobility is not as developed as for some lucky ones. The author of this article cannot boast of remarkable mobility in the hands, which constantly led to painful sensations until the main rule came to him: The position of the hands during push-ups should be comfortable.

You should be comfortable doing push-ups and there should be no discomfort in your wrist joints. These joints should not bend or bend excessively during exercise, nor should they twist excessively, as this will quickly lead to injury, which will force you to abandon most exercises altogether. Find a hand position with which you are comfortable doing push-ups.

When doing push-ups on one hand, a serious load falls on the wrist. And it made me feel uncomfortable. But only as long as I did not start using special push-up stops. In general, push-up stops are a good solution for those with problematic hands.

Recommend to develop flexibility in the wrist joints special exercises (apply carefully and carefully, do not force stretching). And before push-ups, knead your wrists properly. One exercise is to fold your hands, palms facing each other, in front of your chest. At the same time, try to keep your forearms horizontal.

Stretching the muscles of the forearms before push-ups

You can feel the stretch of the forearm muscles in a dozen other ways. Various hand rotations are also good. Be careful and gradually increase the amplitude of the stretch.

Another good way to prevent wrist injuries and sprains is to use wristbands or elastic bandage... This is especially true if you practice push-ups on one hand, push-ups with an unusual position of the hands.

And, at the end of this paragraph, I give one little hint: the hands can be placed not only symmetrically, but also asymmetrically. For example, doing push-ups, you can turn one hand with your fingers forward, and the other with your fingers back. Of course, the hands should be placed so as not to break the main rule. Another option is to put one hand slightly forward and the other slightly back. The load will be distributed asymmetrically over the body. Imagine, and you will come up with an insanely many options.

The width of the setting of hands in push-ups from the floor

Conventionally, there are three options for setting hands in push-ups: narrow, medium and wide.

The narrow position of the hands can vary from shoulder width to a position where the palms are placed on top of one another. In the general case, a narrow setting of the arms is designed to develop the triceps and deltoid muscles, as well as to draw the parts of the pectoral muscles located closer to the middle of the body (medial). With a developed muscle mass such push-ups will help to draw a furrow separating the pectoral muscles. Personally, with such push-ups, the upper (clavicular) section of the pectoral muscles develops well.

The medium hand position uses the triceps, deltoids and pectoral muscles in the most beneficial combination for their even development. The most common opinion about this provision is as follows. The middle position is when, with the arms bent to 90 degrees, the forearms are strictly vertical. This position is really very physiological and allows many to develop maximum efforts in push-ups, as well as set records in push-ups. But that doesn't apply to me. My average hand position is somewhat narrower than the one described above. I came to this experimentally when I found out that I have very strong triceps. I discovered this fact by chance, when it turned out that in training in the gym in the exercise French press lying down to my strength, the weight is one and a half to two times more than other guys. At me this weight sometimes reached 80-90 kg for eight repetitions. Thus, doing push-ups with a narrower setting of arms, I am using my physical personality. For records, it is simply beneficial for me to shift the main load to the triceps. You may also find that the classic recommendations are not right for you.

A wide stance of the arms involves the pectoral muscles (especially strongly affecting their outer parts), the front deltoids, biceps (and very strongly) and, to a small extent, the triceps. With this setting of the hands, the abdominal muscles are significantly strained. Even just standing in this position is already a serious test of static strength and endurance. I'm not even talking about this exercise, when the arms are extended forward by 20 cm or more. The range of motion during push-ups is thus small.

The position of the elbows relative to the body during push-ups

If you look at the push-up person from above, from the side of the back, then the angle between the shoulder section of the arm and the body is very clearly visible. This angle can vary from 0 to 90 degrees. And for some extreme types of push-ups, it can be equal to 180 degrees.

If you press your elbows to the body (the angle is 0) during push-ups, then some muscle groups... Which ones, depends not only on the width of the setting of the hands, but also on the position of the body relative to the horizon, the angle of inclination of the hands relative to the floor and a number of other factors. But in general, the load on the pectoral muscles decreases and is transferred to the triceps and deltoids.

In general, the degree to which a muscle is engaged in an exercise depends not only on weight and biomechanical leverage, but also on how much it is stretched. How stronger muscle stretched during exercise, the more it sways.

The position when the angle between the shoulder and the body is 45 degrees has its own peculiarity. This is a position that allows you to develop serious effort, while at the same time, it is safe for the shoulders.

The 90-degree position is found by many to be the most beneficial when it comes to training the chest muscles. Here they show their full power! However, this provision has its own significant drawback. It is quite traumatic, especially if you do push-ups with significant weight or at high speed. I recommend placing your arms in such a way that the described angle is slightly less than 90 degrees. In the diagram, this position is indicated on the left.

I consider it too risky to put your hands so that the angle exceeds 90 degrees. And if you use it to solve certain training problems, then it is extremely careful.

By the way, you can practice push-ups in which the angle of one arm is different from the angle of the other.

The angle of inclination of the hands relative to the floor

In some types of push-ups, this angle has great importance... For example, in push-ups with a narrow stance of the arms, shifting the arms back (towards the legs) shifts the load from the triceps to the deltoids and chest. And the displacement of the arms forward (towards the head) leads to a significant increase in the load on the triceps.

I already mentioned extreme views push-ups that only seriously trained athletes and gymnasts can do. In these exercises, the arms are extended forward or backward much more than in the photo.

How fast to do push-ups

Do you want to know how fast to do push-ups? And I have a counter question: What do you want to achieve from push-ups? How you answer this question depends on how fast you do push-ups.

Fast, explosive (plyometric) push-ups will help build strength and speed. Remember to warm up properly before doing these push-ups. Explosive push-ups can be so explosive that your hands are lifted off the floor and you can clap in front of you. My nephew is a boxer and can clap in front of him in such a jump, then clap behind his back and another clap in front of him before his hands touch the floor again!

Slow push-ups will help build significant endurance and muscle definition. I have a friend who does just THREE push-ups per workout. But if you saw how he makes them, you would not want to fall into his clutches! His push-up workout consists of three sets, one at a time. But…. Each push-up lasts exactly two minutes. One minute is spent going down, the second going up. To say that this person is damn tough is to say nothing.

But push-ups from the floor at an average pace will allow you to do the most repetitions. It is the average pace that allows most people to do the most push-ups. Although there are exceptions here, depending on the structure and composition of the athlete's musculature, on his experience and recovery abilities.

Keep in mind that not all push-up options can be done at a fast or very slow pace. Some of them are simply uncomfortable to do quickly, while others simply do not have enough stamina to do others slowly.

But you can change the speed of the push-ups within one set or even within one repetition!

Push-ups and exercise range

Push-ups from the floor, like all other exercises, are always characterized by such a parameter as amplitude. Push-up range is the degree of flexion or extension of the arms, which determines how much the muscles involved in the exercise are stretched.

When solving some training problems, it makes no sense to do push-ups until the chest touches the floor. An example from practice: for many women, and sometimes for men, push-ups are very difficult. They can't do push-ups even once. And in order to somehow move in this regard and train the right muscles, I recommend doing push-ups several times with slight bending of the arms. Gradually (for everyone, this period is individual) we increase the amplitude of push-ups, dropping lower and lower, until we achieve our goal - one full push-up. Then things get easier.

For natural anatomical reasons, many women are unable to do full-range push-ups. In this case, I recommend using special push-up stops, which artificially increase the amplitude (I described them above). This is one of the best ways out of a situation like this.

Another example: the task was to increase the record in the bench press. I have recommended a special type of triceps push-ups using stops. We will talk about this type of push-ups in the continuation of the article. One of the requirements was to perform the exercise only in the lower third of the amplitude. The result - the bench press grew by 15 kg in a month!

Body position relative to the horizon

The position of the body relative to the gravity vector (directed, as you know, to the center of the Earth) directly depends on which muscles and with what intensity are being worked out.

When push-ups from the floor, when the legs are on the floor, the load is already greater than in the first example.

If you place your legs on a dais (stool, bench, table or wall bars), then the load on the pressing muscles will increase even more. Moreover, the higher the legs, the more difficult it will be to push up. At their extreme, these push-ups become upside-down push-ups.

The higher the legs, the less the chest muscles are loaded and the greater the load falls on the triceps and deltoids.

If you multiply the number possible options body position by the number of possible options for setting hands, and then multiply by different options speed, amplitude, angle of inclination of the arms and the angle between the body and the shoulder, we get a fantastic figure. And this, by the way, is far from all the push-up options that you can use in your workouts. There are also all sorts of training principles, cycles, combinations from the arsenal of fitness and bodybuilding. Therefore, people who say that they cannot pump anything without iron make me smile 🙂 Kind ...

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