Anastasia Zagorulko biography. Anastasia Zagoruiko (Romanova)

The European Championship, which was held in Tyumen, brought the athlete first place in mixed relay... At this stage, Zagoruiko participated with Olga Yakushova, Matvey Eliseev, Evgeny Garanichev. In the sprint, Anastasia took 7th place, in the mass start - 5th place. In the pursuit race, the girl did not have enough four-tenths of a second to rise to the podium.

Despite the disastrous World Championship, the Russian team managed to mobilize within a month and took the first place of honor in the team standings of the European Championship, leaving Germany in second and Belarus in third places.

Family of Anastasia Zagoruiko

In the summer of 2011, Anastasia changed Romanov's maiden name to her husband's last name, Zagoruiko. Nastya's spouse is directly related to biathlon. But the athlete does not like to talk about her own family and believes that this topic does not concern outsiders, so photos of the athlete's relatives do not appear in the public domain often.

The personal life of Anastasia Zagoruiko is her beloved husband and adored daughter Daria, for whose sake the biathlete took a year-long break from sports career... The girl was born in January 2015.

Anastasia Zagoruiko was born on October 15, 1988 in the city of Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region. Almost all classmates were fond of skis future champion, however, only one she connected her life with sports, turning it into work. Nastya came to biathlon in the 9th grade at the age of 15. Then she already believed that the main thing in her life was sports.

After leaving school, Anastasia Zagoruiko received a profession not related to sports: she entered the Tyumen Oil and Gas University and graduated from it with a degree in Oil and Gas Well Drilling.

In the 2005-2006 season, the girl first took part in international competitions... It was the junior biathlon world championship, which was held in the American city of Presque Isle. However, Nastya was in for a failure - she was able to win only 34th place.

The disastrous performance in the USA did not break the athlete, she began to train even harder and soon Anastasia managed to prove that she did not come to biathlon by chance. In 2009, the Russian woman took part in individual biathlon competitions in the Canadian city of Canmore. There she won a silver medal, another “silver” in the same year, Nastya won at the World Championship in the pursuit.

In 2011, she won the silver medal at the 2011 Winter Universiade in the mixed relay. In 2012 and 2013, the biathlete held the lead in the overall IBU Cup standings. In the seasons 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, Anastasia was in the lead in sprint and individual races... In addition, in the 2013-2014 season, the athlete also managed to win the IBU Cup in the pursuit. After the birth of her daughter Daria, Nastya had to leave for a year big sport.

Her return in 2015 can be called triumphant. In December 2015, Zagoruiko was able to win 2 gold medals on the Pearls of Siberia tracks: one in the sprint, the other in the pursuit. On All-Russian competitions"Izhevskaya rifle" as part of the Zagoruiko relay four won the "bronze", it was allowed to compete for the World Cup.

In February 2016, it became known that Anastasia Zagoruiko was included in the Russian women's team, which will take part in the World Championship in Norway. The results of the performance disappointed the fans of the Russian team. For the first time, members of the national team were left without medal kits. The first place in the team competition was taken by France, the second - by Norway. But at the performance, Anastasia Zagoruiko showed the best personal result, taking 25th place in the race. Two months later, having competed in Khanty-Mansiysk, she took 18th position.

Date of Birth: October 15, 1988
Place of Birth: Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region
Height Weight: 160 / 50
Education: Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, specialty - drilling oil and gas wells
Family status: married

In the main national team team since the 2012-2013 season.
First coach: Ivanov Andrey Nikolaevich
Personal coach: Guriev Leonid Alexandrovich, Pylev Evgeny Anatolievich
Ski brand: FISCHER
Boot brand: ALPINA
Ski poles: SWIX

Like any athlete, Nastya dreams of performing at the home Olympics in Sochi. Before the races, he does not set himself up in any special way, believing that the less you think about it, the better. Judging by her interviews, she is a calm and level-headed person. She believes in herself and in herself, believes that everything is ahead of her. According to her, the most warm and friendly relations in the team she developed with Olga Vilukhina. This is understandable: they are the same age, together for several years they performed at the YChM, won relay medals.


Honored Master of Sports (2013)

Junior World Championships:

2007-2008 season, Ruhpolding

  • Bronze (relay)

2008-2009 season, Canmore

  • Silver (ind. Race)
  • Silver (relay)

World Winter Universiade 2011, Erzurum, Turkey:

  • Silver (mixed relay)
  • Gold (relay)
  • Silver (graze)
  • Gold (ind. Race)
  • Silver (relay)
  • Bronze (graze)

At the Junior World Cup, Anastasia Zagoruiko made her debut in the 2005-2006 season in the American Presque Isle, but did not show outstanding results there, taking 34th place in the sprint, 33rd in the pursuit. In the 2006-2007 season. she did not qualify for the junior championship. But in the 2008-2009 season. won a silver medal in the individual race and a silver medal in the relay.
In the 2009-2010 season, after leaving the junior age, she takes 3rd place in the individual race on the Izhevsk rifle and gets to the January stages of the IBU Cup. In Czech Nove Mesto in IG, she is in 5th place, and if not for the only mistake in that race, she could have been among the prize-winners. In the same year, she was selected for the European Championship in Otepää, but was unsuccessful there, taking 35th place in the Indus. race. Nastya does not take part in the rest.

Before the 2010-2011 season. she is being trained as part of the Tyumen team under the leadership of Leonid Guryev.
Stage 1 KR (Novosibirsk) - 2nd place (graze)
Stage 2 KR (Uvat) - 2nd place (sprint)
3rd stage KR (Tyumen) - 1st place (ind. Race)
Competitions for the prizes of the Uvat district administration - 1st place (mass start)

These competitions were qualifying for the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk, but following the results of two races, a sprint and a mass start, another Tyumen athlete, Anastasia Tokareva, won the right to participate in it. Zagoruiko, however, this season takes part in the World winter Universiade in Erzurum, Turkey, where he won a silver medal in the mixed relay. At the end of the season at the Russian Championship, she wins bronze in the marathon race and becomes third in the overall standings of the Russian Cup.

In the 2011-2012 season. she goes to pre-season training in team B. The year begins at the stages of the IBU Cup, wins the ind. a race in the second stage in Ridnaun, and a mixed relay in the third stage in Obertilliach. Then, at the end of December, she takes 2nd place in the sprint on the Izhevsk rifle, is selected for the European Championship in Osrblie, Slovakia, where she becomes the owner complete set awards: gold in the individual race, silver in the relay and bronze in the pursuit! By the way, in last time the Russians won the European Championship in 2005, seven years ago. Then Chernousova Svetlana became the champion in the sprint, and Svetlana Ishmuratova - in the indus. race.
Such a performance of Nastya gives her the right to participate in the 8th stage of the KM in Kontiolahti - sprint and pursuit, where she takes 44th and 26th places.

After the end of the stage, Pichler said that Nastya looked okay and that he was waiting for her in the national team again in two weeks. To which the biathlete smiled, they say, the matter is small - all that remains is to qualify for the World Cup. Which she did after a while, but, alas, she did not participate in the races themselves. About her stay in Ruhpolding she later said: “For me now everything is happening for the first time. I walk and as if I myself do not fully understand where I am. "

And the final chord was the conquest of gold medals in the Chechen Republic in the marathon and relay race and the victory in the Russian Cup. Nastya has repeatedly said in interviews that the past season is so far the most successful in her career and she is happy with it. In the off-season 2012, the athlete underwent pre-season training as part of the main team under the leadership of V. Pichler.

Almost the entire 2012-2013 season. Anastasia took part in the IBU Cup stages, winning the overall standings. The list of Nastya's podium places looks impressive:

Only in three races did she miss the prize. At the European Championships in Bansko, she won her second gold medal. As in the previous season - in the individual race. But at the stages of the World Cup (Ruhpolding, Antholz, Sochi) Nastya performed inexpressively: 35-52-38-48-71 places.
In the overall standings, she became the 89th. Nastya also qualified for the World Cup in Nove Mesto, but, as in the previous season, only a spare.

Personal best: 25th place at the World Championships in Holmenkollen on March 9, 2016 in the individual race. Improved on March 17, 2016 in Khanty-Mansiysk in the sprint - 18th place.

Leonid Guriev, the coach of the Tyumen region women's national team, told about the updated team of Tyumen biathletes, the maternity leave of Anna Frolina (Bulygina) and Anastasia Zagoruiko, the training camp in Crimea, plans to prepare for the season and the upcoming summer world championship in Tyumen. Olympic medalists and champions Luiza Noskova, Galina Kukleva, Albina Akhatova, Olga Melnik.
- Leonid Aleksandrovich, how are biathletes “grown” in our region?

- We have 11 sports schools, where they are engaged in biathlon, while on initial stage there is no clear division - you only do skiing, and you only do biathlon. Career guidance is underway: if a young athlete has good eyesight, shooting turns out - you can go to biathlon. As soon as the pupils of sports schools had the opportunity to try themselves in biathlon, the occupancy rate increased several times - all children want to shoot. The next stage is the center sports training by name reserve Olympic champion Louise Noskova. She also heads it. There are teenagers born in 2001 and older. Juniors born in 1994-1995 and older, as well as adult athletes are representatives of the CSP of the Tyumen region.

- Have new faces appeared in the Tyumen team?

- Yes, to biathlon from ski racing passed to Nadya Izhutina, born in 1990. She is a participant in the Universiade, was a member of the junior national team of the country. I see her as a promising athlete: she shoots very well, knocks out 90–93 while lying down, sometimes even 10 out of 10 while standing. It makes sense to work. The Smirnov sisters have moved from Ugra to us - Inna is the second year since she began to engage in biathlon, Christina is the fourth. Thanks to the Noskovaya center, our reserve began to replenish, and seven juniors came from there. Now we even have a bust of candidates for the national team of the region, we have to hold screening camps, select the best, since we cannot take all of them. This is only for the benefit of the team - healthy competition has appeared. We were stranded for about four years - there was no reserve, now everything is fine with that.

- Where did Anna Frolina and Anastasia Zagoruiko disappear to?

- Both girls are on maternity leave. Anya will become a mother in June, Nastya - a little later.

- Who is working with Tyumen girls this season, besides you?

- The coaching staff is complete. Strong specialists are involved, among them there are famous athletes... Albina Akhatova works on weapons debugging. All the pieces of wood in the rifle are her handiwork. She sharpens, adjusts individually for each athlete, since everyone has different hands and cheeks. Albina does not give the athletes the opportunity to say that my piece of wood is bad, therefore we shoot badly, Maxim Maksimov completed his sports career, switched to coaching, he is in charge of the technical part and shooting. He began to work with great zeal and desire. Our team includes the Honored Coach of Russia Sergey Shestov, athletes from children and youth sports schools pass through him. He worked with many Olympic champions, for example, with Nastya and Anton Shipulin, who began to engage in biathlon with us. I would like to note that this year there is no Evgeny Pylev in the national team, because he became the senior coach of the junior women's team country.

- The first training camp is in Zavodoukovsk at the center winter species sports "Sosnovy Bor". There we spend general work: doing strength work, strengthening the ligaments, working on coordination - rollerblading. Three gatherings, in June, July and August, will take place in Tyumen at the Pearl of Siberia. From the second training camp, we will slightly increase the load, prepare more specifically for the summer world championship. In September we plan to go to Austria, to the mountains, to the snow, where the athletes will start skiing. After that we will go to Crimea for 12 days. In October, between the seventh and eighth, the training camp will begin in Tyumen, where by that time the track with snow will be ready. We will not go far in November - training will be held in Uvat.

- It turns out that you will spend the lion's share of training on your native land?

- Why not? We have three powerful biathlon bases in the region. The first one is in Zavodoukovsk, where all conditions for training are created - a game and a gym, a shooting range, which is used when it is cold outside or it is raining. It can comfortably accommodate 12 people. Recently, two lifts were dumped and asphalted, now the third will be dumped. This must be done in order to bring the center to the level of cross-country skiing, and any biathlon competition can be held here. It has a good shooting range and is unusual by world standards. When the Finns came here to mount equipment, they were surprised that the shooting range was covered with clapboard. There is no such thing anywhere in the world.

Another base is located in Uvat, it is also being improved, an additional roller track has been made there.

And, of course, the best center is in Tyumen. New hotel, GYM's, modern medical Center, where, for example, there are hypoxic rooms where any height up to six thousand meters can be simulated. There are excellent tracks, including a roller track. A unique 2.5 km long refrigerated track was made. The vertical drop is more than 40 meters, the track includes an approach to the shooting range for 30 installations. Snow has been prepared, from the beginning of October to May it will be possible to ride on it.

- When it becomes clear which of your players will perform at the World Cup summer biathlon?

- Tyumen, as the host of the Summer Biathlon World Championship, has the following quota: two women, two juniors. Now it is very difficult to say who will perform, we have a lot of talented newcomers, so the selection is coming, the strongest will win the right to run. Everyone will come to Tyumen on July 24-27 Russian athletes, and we will have the selection of the championship participants. Let me remind you that it will take place on August 21-24 at the Pearl of Siberia. 21 numbers were given to mixed relay races, 22 - a day off for spectators, for athletes - training, 23 - sprints, 24 - graze. Two ages will start on the same day at once: juniors and adults.

- Who from Tyumen is preparing for the season in the national teams of the country?

- Larisa Kuznetsova, who changed her surname to Kuklina, became a member of the main team, is engaged under the guidance of the head coach of the women's team Vladimir Korolkevich, from May 24 this group began training in Belokurikha. Olga Shesterikova and Elena Ankudinova are in the reserve youth team, which is now training camp in Sochi. Victoria Slivko entered the junior team. Quite a sufficient representation of Tyumen athletes. I assure you that those who remained in the regional team were not in the worst training conditions, I would call them ideal.

- A new one has been formed for the upcoming season coaching staff national team. What will change in preparation?

- The new headquarters is well known to me. I have known Korolkevich since 1995, he is looking for an individual approach to each athlete, which Wolfgang Pichler did not have. He pays the closest attention to the results of biochemistry, control is carried out during training, the results of analyzes are necessarily taken into account. A foreign specialist trained 23 Russian athletes, six of them from Tyumen. None showed outstanding results. Pichler had an overestimated intensity of loads, the girls swayed a lot, which is absolutely unnecessary. Yes, Svetlana Sleptsova lifted 50 kg, is there a lot of this? Nastya Zagoruiko was told that her legs were skinny, she needed to pump up. I pumped up and completely stopped showing the result. Nobody canceled the gradual training, seven months were given to prepare. In general, Pichler had some methodological mistakes.

Anastasia Gennadievna Zagoruiko - Russian biathlete, three-time gold medalist of the European Championship, winner of three IBU Cups, Honored Master of Sports.

Nastya Romanova, now known to all sports fans and especially biathlon fans as Anastasia Zagoruiko, was born in the ancient city of Zavodoukovsk, in the Tyumen region. Siberia, where there has never been a shortage of snow and ski slopes, has long been famous for its athletes-skiers.

Nastya's classmates were fond of this sport. But only Romanova turned entertainment into work, linking her future destiny with sports. First, Anastasia rode wooden skiing... Then I changed them to plastic, professional ones.

Anastasia Romanova came to biathlon at the age of 15. Then the girl studied in the 9th grade and already clearly understood that the main thing in life is sports. The first coach of the girl was Ivanov Andrey Nikolaevich.

But after the end comprehensive school Nastya decided to acquire another profession, not related to sports. The girl chose the Tyumen Oil and Gas University and received a diploma in oil and gas well drilling.


Anastasia Romanova's entry into the big sport fell on the 2005-2006 season. The girl fought for the first time in serious international competitions. It was the junior biathlon world championship, which was held in the American Presque Isle. But then, in January 2006, Nastya managed to reach only 34th place.

The first pancake was lumpy. But bad luck in the beginning sports biography did not break the young biathlete, but spurred her to great efforts in training. The athlete mobilized the available forces and soon managed to prove that she did not come to biathlon by chance, and that she would definitely occupy her niche in this complex and exciting sport.

Soon it happened. The first serious award awaited Anastasia Zagoruiko in the 2009 individual biathlon competition in Canmore, Canada. It was the silver medal at the World Junior Championships. The year was a turning point for Nastya. Indeed, in 2009, the girl managed to win another silver medal at the World Cup in the pursuit race.

2012th and 2013th years turned out to be super-successful in the career of Anastasia Zagoruiko. The biathlete managed to hold the lead in the IBU Cup overall standings for two years in a row.

In the seasons 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, the athlete was in the lead in both sprint and individual races. In addition, in the 2013/2014 season, Nastya managed to win the IBU Cup in the pursuit. Two gold medals - the athlete managed to achieve this result with great work and hard training.

After a one-year break associated with the birth of a child, Anastasia Zagoruiko returned to sports. In December 2015, the biathlete managed to win 2 gold medals on the Pearls of Siberia tracks: one in the sprint, the other in the pursuit.

Nastya also showed good results at the All-Russian competitions "Izhevskaya rifle". As part of the relay four, Zagoruiko won the bronze medal and was allowed to compete in the World Cup.

The athlete from Siberia managed to show excellent results and catch up. On February 28, 2016 it became known that Anastasia Zagoruiko was included in the Russian women's national team of the World Championship. The competition took place in Norway, in the suburb of the capital of Oslo - Holmenkollen. The results of the performance disappointed the fans of the Russian team. For the first time, members of the national team were left without medal kits. The first place in the team competition was taken by France, the second - by Norway.

But at the performance, Anastasia Zagoruiko showed the best personal result, taking 25th place in the race. Two months later, having competed in Khanty-Mansiysk, she took 18th position.

The European Championship, which was held in Tyumen, brought the athlete first place in the mixed relay. At this stage, Zagoruiko participated with Olga Yakushova,. In the sprint, Anastasia took 7th place, in the mass start - 5th place. In the pursuit race, the girl did not have enough four-tenths of a second to rise to the podium.

Despite the disastrous World Championship, the Russian team managed to mobilize within a month and took the first place of honor in the team standings of the European Championship, leaving Germany in second and Belarus in third places.

Personal life

In the summer of 2011, Anastasia changed Romanov's maiden name to her husband's last name, Zagoruiko. Nastya's spouse is directly related to biathlon. But the athlete does not like to talk about her own family and believes that this topic does not concern outsiders, so photos of the athlete's relatives do not appear in the public domain often.

The personal life of Anastasia Zagoruiko is her beloved husband and adored daughter Daria, for whose sake the biathlete took a year-long break from her sports career. The girl was born in January 2015.

Anastasia Zagoruiko now

In March 2017, at the Russian Championship, Zagoruiko took second place, losing the championship. Later, Anastasia analyzed her own mistakes that prevented her from coming first. The athlete did not open the cap on the rifle, so the weapon had to be reloaded at the turn. Anastasia also did not cope with the acceleration at the finish, which was undertaken by Svetlana.

According to the results of the individual championship of the season, Anastasia Zagoruiko entered the reserve Russian biathlon team along with colleagues Alexandra Alekshnikova, Valeria Vasnetsova, Anastasia Egorova, Ekaterina Moshkova, Kristina Reztsova, Olga Shesterikova and Olga Yakushova.

The male part of the team was made up of athletes Dmitry Ivanov, Eduard Latypov, Timur Makhambetov, Petr Pashchenko, Alexander Povarnitsyn, Nikita Porshnev, Kirill Streltsov, Semyon Suchilov and Alexey Kornev.

Now biathletes have already started training in Tyumen on the basis of the "Pearl of Siberia" winter sports center. The final stage of preparation will begin in November in Beitostolen, Norway.


  • 2011 - silver medal at the Universiade
  • 2012 - gold, silver and bronze medals at the European Championships
  • 2013 – gold medal at the European Championship
  • 2016 - gold medal at the European Championship
  • 2017 - silver medal at the World War Games
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