Dumbbells at home for beginners. Dumbbell Home Workout Program

12 T-nation experts talk about dumbbell exercises.

1. Cup squat

Dr. John Racine, Strength and Athletic Coach

For some reason, the cup squat is considered a preventive and rehabilitation exercise, which is prescribed only for the elderly and injured. Of course, it can be performed for these purposes, but if you take a lot of weight, this squatting option turns into one of the most effective exercises for increasing leg strength and mass.

Why don't lifters do it? Some are trying to quickly forget about the trauma and shameful movements that they were doing in the exercise therapy office. Others are simply unaware of his power potential. Cup squats are not only beneficial for developing lower muscles, but they also strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase endurance. Holding the weights in front of oneself during the approach requires significant stability of the shoulder girdle and spine.

Do you think if the bar is much heavier, then the squat with it is better in everything? Find the largest dumbbell in the gym and try to do as many reps with it. The next day, you will feel how much work your legs have worked, and you will probably want to include the cup squat in your program. And after a while, you will find that in a regular squat with a barbell, the weights began to grow.

The only warning: if you are lucky enough to find a giant dumbbell, then do not lift it from the floor, but take it from a bench or box, like a barbell from racks.

2. Press of dumbbells with a turn

Nick Tumminello - trainer and writer

I have included this exercise in my book Your Workout Perfected. In addition to pumping the deltas, it works the muscles that unfold the core and improves the mobility of the pelvic girdle. It is very useful for athletes who need to transfer effort from the bottom of the body to the top: boxers, fighters-strikers, athlete-throwers, etc.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Stand up straight with dumbbells raised to your shoulders.
  2. While squeezing the dumbbell with your right hand, turn to the left.
  3. To better rotate the pelvis, lift your right leg to the toes.
  4. Smoothly lower the dumbbell, pivoting to its original position.
  5. Then repeat on the other side.

After hard presses, you can add jogging with your legs (see video). This is even more useful for boxers and hand-to-hand fighters.
Once you are comfortable with alternating presses, you can try jogging with both hands at the same time; or use only one hand - this will both add power to the impact and strengthen the body stabilizers more.

3. Pullover with arm flexion (PJR pullover)

Akash Vagela - Powerlifting and Bodybuilding Trainer:

A couple of years ago, my triceps were a lagging group. I constantly went through different exercises and techniques until I learned this movement from Paul Carter. And since then I have been doing it every week. He has two huge advantages: 1) works the long head of the triceps better than any other movement, 2) spares the elbows - unlike many exercises for triceps.

A regular pullover is performed in two versions - with straight or bent arms, and here you bend your arms while lowering the dumbbell behind your head (the triceps is fully stretched), then, lifting the projectile back, straighten your arms. It turns out to be an average between a pullover and a French press (extension of the arms).

Add 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps at the end of each upper workout.

4. Triple press

Tom Morrison, weightlifting, martial arts and CrossFit coach:

This is a mega-set for building mass and developing endurance: you alternate three pressing movements, stretching the set. Of course, you need to be able to correctly perform all these exercises, work them out first with small weights.

Strict press: lifting the dumbbells to the shoulders and fixing the position of the body, squeeze the shells with the effort of only triceps and deltoids. Do not help with your body and legs.

Jerk press: sit down a little and, unbending your legs, push the dumbbells at the beginning of the movement, then squeeze with your hands. (in TA it is called "shvung bench press" - translator's note)

Jerk to half-squat: first push the dumbbells, and then sit down a second time, straightening your arms. Then rise from the overhead dumbbell half squat. In weightlifting, the exercise is called "push jerk".

Try to increase the weight or add reps to the total with each workout.
But don't limit yourself to the same range for each movement - do as many technical reps as possible before you have to switch to the next variation.

5. Burpee + lunge

Eirik Sandwick, Athletic Training Specialist

If you have to rest for a long time between exercises with a basic bar (and your fitness is poor), try this superset:

  1. Lower yourself to the support position, leaning on the dumbbells, and push up.
  2. With a jump, put your legs to your hands, taking the support while sitting, and stand up.
  3. Reverse lunge on each leg.

An easy option - when doing lunges with dumbbells in the lowered hands, but it can be complicated - lift the dumbbells over your head.

Increase speed and add reps (max 30, 45, 60 seconds) without increasing your working weight. This exercise is for endurance, not strength. It is best to place him at the end of the workout as a finisher. Once you're comfortable, you can alternate with supersets for other muscle groups to get a circular block for 3-5 minutes.

6. Slow Descent Jerk Press

Joel Seedman, PhD, Strength Coach, Athletic Training Specialist

The standing press is a great exercise for developing strength; push leg press adds power; the one-handed version connects multiple gimbals and improves coordination. Add a slow lowering to it to increase the load on the working muscles.

As a result, you will not only work your deltas and triceps, but you will strengthen the shoulder joint, spine, core muscles (and improve posture), which will contribute to progress in other exercises.

One-handed use and an emphasis on the negative will help correct imbalances in muscle development. If you have always pressed with only two hands, this option will be tricky at first, but will bring a lot of benefits over time.

It can be performed not only according to the power scheme, but also for the development of endurance; add reps and just one set will exhaust you like a sprint with maximum acceleration.

7. Cup jump squat

Calvin Heinch, strength coach

Jump squats are very effective for developing speed and power (and activating maximum fiber), but with a barbell doing them is somewhat awkward + not very good for the spine and knees. Even a technical landing with a barbell over your shoulders can overwhelm your joints.

The option with dumbbells on the sides is better, but also not ideal: subconsciously you try to bring your knees together so as not to hit your thighs with shells.

But the cup squat allows you to give all your best, freely working with your legs, and also relieves the spine. Try adding 3 sets of 5 reps on your next leg workout.

8. Lateral swing

Tim Arndt, strength coach

Previously, dynamic lifts through the sides were popular, but today few people do them - and in vain, they add strength and power to deltas and trapezoids.

Unlike strict side-ups, the swing is done with acceleration, with only one hand. To do this, of course, you need a reliable support - a power rack or another simulator. And, of course, you should wave without fanaticism, without breaking your hand out of the shoulder joint. When the dumbbell stops lifting and begins to lower, deliberately slow down the movement. An accelerated concentric phase and a delayed eccentric phase are the best combination for power and hypertrophy.

9. Squat with a dumbbell between the legs

Bret Contreras, Strength and Athletic Training Specialist

This is my client Tawna Eubanks McCoy's favorite exercise routine. Although indoor bros consider it "girly" and don't even try it, believe me, 3 sets of 20 reps with a 50-pound dumbbell will convince any doubter's quadra and glutes.

Stand on steps or plinths to lower the dumbbell between them until the legs are fully bent and the working muscles are stretched. Do 3-4 sets of 8-20 reps. Are Quadras still lagging behind? Place pancakes under your heels so that the load is not taken off at the top point. And for glute development, alternate this squat with a bridge.

10. French press of two dumbbells with a neutral grip

Mark Dugdale, IFBB professional bodybuilder

While it is common to have a curved bar or one dumbbell, I suggest trying two. This method has several advantages:

  • neutral grip (palms to each other) relieves the load from the chest, which are included in the version with a barbell,
  • separate work with two hands activates the triceps more,
  • after strict repetitions, you can change the inclination of the arms and continue the approach (see video), which cannot be repeated with one dumbbell,
  • this option is significantly easier on the elbows and wrists.

11. "Compression press" of dumbbells lying

Tony Gentilcore, Strength and Athletic Training Specialist

This is one of the best moves for anyone looking to build outstanding pectorals. The barbell is good (you can take more weight), but the dumbbell bench press is always more effective for chest development. The range of motion of the bar is limited by the bar, plus you are only doing lifting, but with dumbbells, the range is larger, and you can add arm reduction by pressing the dumbbells together throughout the approach.

I do as an auxiliary after a regular bench press:

  • Bench press - add weight to heavy sets of three reps
  • I unload the percentage by 10-15% and do another 3-4 approaches of 3
  • I finish with this "squeezing" dumbbell press in 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
  • And I regularly change the incline: head up, horizontal bench, head down. Give it a try, and soon your breasts will start cutting through the shirt.

12. Spider biceps curl

Michael Warren - Strength and Athletic Trainer

An excellent exercise for working out a short biceps beam. Usually, the biceps are aimed on the music stand, but the spider curls are better because they keep the muscles under load at the top of the movement.

One beat hack - press the dumbbells together throughout the movement and pause at the top, then slowly lower. When you reach failure, pull your elbows back a little (shortening your range of motion) and grind out a few extra reps.

Dumbbells are a versatile sports equipment: they can be used to work out literally any part of the body, they fit perfectly into the training programs of men and women, in addition, they are much safer than many simulators. In addition to these obvious advantages, exercises with dumbbells can be done anywhere: in the gym, at home, even in nature (as an option: if you have your own car).

General guidelines and motivation for training at home

Workouts at home, whether it's cardio or dumbbell strength exercises, are just as effective as exercising in the gym.

The only problem hindering our progress is laziness. disguised as a lack of motivation. People are looking for ways to quickly lose weight, quickly build muscle: no one wants progressive development, because in this case, in order to achieve the goal, you will have to sweat during training, do cardio and constantly monitor your diet.

So the magic formula is: if we want something, we just have to persist in achieving it... How long does it take for a child to learn to walk? Does it matter: he will simply try until he succeeds, despite endless falls and failures. If an adult learns this simple scheme, he will achieve his goal.

Let's put aside laziness and to the goal ...

Loads should be progressive

Since training at home requires sufficient willpower, it is worthwhile to "warm up" your interest day by day: to arrange a competition with yourself yesterday.

The most important thing in training is not to sit in the "comfort zone":

  • Never be lazy to warm up before a workout and always end it with a cool down;
  • Try new exercises, combine them with the old program, or add them to supersets;
  • Reduce rest time between sets, or do more sets;
  • Gradually increase the working weight of the shells;
  • Add jogging, cycling, skating, skiing, etc. to your workout routine. Any physical activity will do.

Proper nutrition

Beginner athletes overestimate the importance of effort in lifting weights during training and underestimate the importance of proper nutrition.

Muscles are not built up during physical activity, but on the contrary, they are most injured. An increase in size, an increase in speed and power indicators occurs exclusively in the process of recovering from a load.

Nutrition plays an important role in this process: first of all, the saturation of muscles with amino acids (constituent elements of protein and building blocks of muscles). Without adequate protein intake, training performance is extremely low.

The optimal nutrient ratio for progressive muscle building is 35% protein, 15% fat (of which 80% unsaturated fat and 20% saturated), 50% carbohydrates.

It is important not to starve during the day: the entire daily calorie intake can be divided into 5-6 meals. It is advisable to eat every 3 hours in small portions that meet the body's needs for protein and carbohydrates.

Rest and recovery

Rest is as important to progress in training as exercise itself. Post-workout recovery of most muscle fibers occurs during sleep.

The optimal duration of sleep for quality rest after heavy exertion is 7-8 hours. It is also useful to devote 1 hour of the day to sleep.

Muscle recovery time after exercise varies depending on the severity of the exercise and the level of fitness of the athlete. Even a professional athlete needs at least 2 days to recover: in accordance with these data, it is necessary to build his training process.

Dumbbell home workout program

You should not train the same muscle group for several days in a row: they need proper rest. A dumbbell workout routine at home should be broken down into several parts: set aside separate days for upper body workouts only and days for leg workouts.

This is just one of the possible strategies for sharing the load: you can also set aside days for combined training of the muscles of the upper and lower body, the main thing is to train individual muscles in isolation. It also makes sense to separate the days of cardio and strength training. This approach allows you to train as intensely as possible: while some muscle groups are recovering, others will be involved in work and vice versa.

Exercises with dumbbells for the muscles of the chest and back

Note for men: if there are dumbbells at home, they can be used to train the chest, no less effective than with a barbell.

To perform a basic exercise with dumbbells on the pectoral muscles - the press from the chest, you only need a stable bench. Exercise technique:

  • We lie down on a bench with both feet on the floor on one side and the other. Elbows level with the bench;
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells as you exhale. While inhaling, we return our arms to their original position: you can lower your elbows slightly below the bench.
  • Visually, the exercise is indistinguishable from the barbell press. The main thing is that the arms are raised and lowered flush, without distortions.

One of the best dumbbell exercises for women is a bench press with a raised head end (at home, you can replace the bench with a chair or sofa with an adjustable back). The exercise perfectly works the upper bundles of the pectoral muscles, tightening the mammary glands.

A complex exercise for working out the pectoral muscles, biceps and shoulders - wiring with dumbbells. Execution technique:

  • The starting position is the same as for the bench press;
  • Hands with dumbbells are perpendicular to the floor, slightly bent at the elbows, palms facing forward;
  • With a slow movement, we spread our arms to the sides in maximum amplitude. When they are below the level of the chest, the arms return to their original position.

Triceps exercises

The classic triceps exercise is the French dumbbell press. It can be done in a variety of ways: lying on a bench, sitting and standing. Technique for performing the French bench press:

  • We lie down along the bench, hold the dumbbells in bent arms, palms look at each other;
  • We press our elbows on both sides of the head (they should not wag during the exercise) and, unbending our arms, raise the shells up;
  • We return to the starting position.

Pressing from behind the head while standing is done in much the same way. It is more convenient to work out each triceps in turn. During the exercise, we strain all the muscles of the body, maintaining balance: swinging and helping with the body is unacceptable.

Exercises for biceps

Exercises for biceps with dumbbells are extremely diverse:

  • Hammer curls: starting position "standing", arms with dumbbells down and palms facing the body. Alternately raise our arms towards the shoulder, pressing tightly with the triceps to the sides;
  • Bending the arms while sitting: from a sitting position, raise both hands with dumbbells simultaneously or alternately, turning them across at the top point (palms facing the shoulders);
  • Isolated flexion of the arms with triceps support on an inclined surface.

Shoulder exercises

Classic exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders:

  • Bench press;
  • Breeding arms to the sides (2 positions: standing straight and tilted): we spread arms slightly bent at the elbows, lingering at the top point;
  • Thrust to the chin: performed with one or two dumbbells from the "standing" position (the palms holding the projectile must be raised to the chin, lingering at the top point);
  • Pullovers.

Dumbbell pullovers work the entire shoulder girdle and chest. Technique:

  • We lie down across the bench, bend our legs at the knees;
  • We take a dumbbell from the floor (you need to start with small weights to stretch the chest and feel the technique) and slide so that the upper back rests on the bench with the shoulder blades. The loin "hangs" in the air;
  • We grab the dumbbell by one side with both hands, raise it in front of the chest and lower it behind the head, stretching the muscles.

Exercises for the trapezius and latissimus dorsi

One of the most effective exercises for the trapezius muscles of the back is dumbbell shrugs:

  • Starting position "standing", hands with dumbbells down at the seams;
  • We raise our shoulders (as if shaking them) up to the ears, lingering in this position for a few seconds;
  • Hands do not bend at the elbows, we keep the body straight and do not swing.

Lats Exercise - Bent Over Row:

  • The exercise can be performed on a bench, or simply leaning against a wall. We put the knee of the left leg and the right hand on the support, the right leg rests on the floor;
  • We take a dumbbell with our left hand and pull it to the belt, while bringing the shoulder blades together (the movement is similar to sawing with a one-handed saw);
  • We do a few repetitions and change the hand.

Perfect figure at home

The concept of an ideal figure is individual: men want to build up large, relief muscles, and for women, weight loss is a priority. Nevertheless, at the time of complete "cutting" of excess fat, there should be a strong muscular frame under it, because the desired curves of the body depend on it: strong buttocks, a flat, toned stomach, slender sides.

Fitness for girls

To strengthen muscles and at the same time burn excess subcutaneous fatty tissue, women should do exercises at an intense pace: supersets, circuit training.

Since girls cannot exercise with large weights (we do not take professional athletes into account), a circuit training scheme with dumbbells with an emphasis on the hips and buttocks is suitable for them.

A set of exercises (perform at least 3 circles, performing one circle, do not rest between exercises):

  • Lunges;
  • Push-ups from the floor on dumbbells (you can do push-ups from your knees);
  • Standing dumbbell press;
  • Squats
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Bench press;
  • Dumbbell curls for biceps (for example, hammer style);
  • Layout of hands;
  • Pullovers;
  • Plie with one dumbbell;
  • Bent over row (latissimus dorsi).

In each exercise, you need to do at least 15 repetitions.

The main feature of girls is the weaker muscles of the upper body in comparison with the legs, hips and buttocks. Therefore, it is worth choosing the weight of the dumbbells individually for each exercise: for this you need to have 2 sets of type-setting dumbbells available. If this is not possible, it is best to swap the exercises by doing all sets with heavy dumbbells first and then moving on to exercises with lighter dumbbells.

Bodybuilding for men: how to achieve maximum effect

Getting the most out of your exercise requires a holistic approach: regular exercise, adequate rest, and protein-rich nutrition.

If you can't get the required amount of protein from regular food, you can drink protein shakes or a gainer (suitable only for training during the mass-gaining period, should not be used by people prone to weight gain).

Regularly working out all muscle groups, increasing the load as you get used to and restoring damaged fibers with a high-protein diet, you can achieve excellent results even at home, having only dumbbells in your inventory.

Yes! You can and should! Be convinced of this in just a month by performing the exercises given here in a circuit training format. That is, in a row, without stopping, until you do all ten. Finished - great, you did 1 circle. Rest until your breathing is fully restored and repeat the whole circle again. Start with 3-5 laps per workout. Increase the number of laps by one each week. As a result, by the end of the month you should be doing 6-8 laps.

Do this workout 3-4 times a week:


6 reps with each hand

Sit with a straight back and grasp the dumbbell with your right hand (A). Straighten up and lift the dumbbell, guiding it close to the body, above your head (B). Return to starting position, change hands and repeat immediately.


6 reps with each hand

From the starting position, as in the first exercise (A), pull the dumbbell up and, while it is flying, quickly spread your legs back and forth (right forward), getting into a not very deep lunge. Take a dumbbell on a straight arm (B). Return to the starting position and repeat with the other hand, throwing your left leg forward.


10 repetitions

Hold in the same way as in the previous exercise. Stand two steps from the bench and put your right foot on it (A). Lower into a lunge with both legs bent (B). Return to starting position and repeat. After doing all the reps, change your leg and continue immediately.


10 repetitions

Holding the dumbbell in your left hand, with your back straight, bend forward while lifting your right leg behind you (A). Straightening, put your right leg to the supporting one (B). After completing all the reps, change your leg and continue immediately.


20 repetitions

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and hold a dumbbell in front of your chest (A). Raise your body and curl to the right (B), this is the 1st rep. Go back to the starting position and repeat, but twist in the other direction - this is repeat number 2.


20 repetitions

Lie on the floor, lifting a dumbbell above you in straight arms. Take your legs slightly bent at the knees off the floor (A). Twisting slightly, raise your legs to the hands (B). Return to starting position and repeat.

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  1. A flat stomach and a thin waist are 100% the result of following the correct diet. The stereotype that it is possible to locally burn fatty tissue in the abdominal region through super-intense training for the abs and obliques has long faded away. However, this does not mean that core training is unnecessary for girls. Perform sit-ups with dumbbells in your hands, crunches with additional weights and vacuum to tone your abdominal muscles and prevent sagging skin as a result of rapid weight loss.
  2. Likewise, with deposits on the buttocks and thighs. Exercising in these areas will not burn fat on its own, but will help tone your muscles and increase your overall calorie burn. In combination with diet, this will ultimately lead to excellent results.
  3. The general conclusion is that the set of exercises for gaining muscle mass and losing weight can be the same. The whole difference will be in nutrition. In the first case, you need a daily calorie surplus, in the second, a deficit of 10-20% of your norm. So you can safely choose any exercises you like from the list that will be presented below.
  4. A good option for exercising with dumbbells for weight loss is circular training. We perform one exercise for each muscle group (doing from top to bottom: shoulders, back, chest, arms, quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks). In total, we do 3-5 circles (beginners should start with 2). With each circle we change the exercises, we do not rest between them. Let us rest for 2-3 minutes between circles. The loss of calories during circuit training is higher than during normal training, which can be useful to you during the period of weight loss.

You can watch the video for more information about nutrition for weight loss:

Exercises for the back and beautiful posture

Exercises with dumbbells for the back for women are practically no different from the exercises performed by men (except for the weight of the equipment used). They help to qualitatively work out the lats, round, trapezius, rhomboid and other muscles. Various horizontal pulling exercises are especially good in this regard. The horizontal load vector develops the back thickness more and makes it possible to concentrate on the peak contraction of the working muscle group. The vertical load vector is aimed at developing back width - these are exercises such as pull-ups and deadlifts on the vertical block.

Bent-over row of one dumbbell

Bent-over dumbbell rows are a basic exercise for developing back muscles. It loads the entire array of lats, however, it is not suitable for people who are contraindicated in axial load on the spine, since during the exercise there is too much load on the lumbar region.

  1. The athlete rests her arm and leg of the same name on a horizontal bench or any other similar object (for example, a chair), holding a dumbbell in her other hand. With the foot of the other leg, rest firmly on the floor. The angle of the torso can range from slight to nearly parallel with the floor, find a position where you can best feel the stretch and contraction of your latissimus dorsi. The gaze is directed forward, the back must be kept level throughout the entire approach, rounding of the lower back is not allowed.
  2. We begin the pulling movement of the dumbbell upward, exhaling with effort. We try to concentrate most of all on the position of the shoulder blades and elbows: this way you maximally "turn off" the biceps and rear deltas from the movement.
  3. The dumbbell should not be lifted straight up, but slightly attracted to the belt. This is how you engage not only the top but also the bottom of the lats. At the top, the elbow should be above the level of the back. Here you can linger for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Smoothly lower the dumbbell down, stretching your lats as much as possible, while inhaling at the same time. The movement is smooth, in no case should you “drop” the weight - this way you will not only disrupt the neuromuscular connection, but also risk getting injured.

Row of dumbbells lying on an incline bench

Row of two dumbbells lying on an incline bench is an exercise similar to the previous one in biomechanics, but it has its own distinctive features. First, there is no axial load on the spine, so there are no contraindications to this exercise. Secondly, the movement is more isolated, since there is no static load on the stabilizing muscles: the extensors of the spine and the abdominal muscles. And thirdly, it is almost impossible to use cheating in the dumbbell deadlift on an incline bench. Because of this, the athlete works with less weight and better feels how the load falls on the working muscles.

It is done as follows:

  1. Lie on a bench inclined at an angle of 30-45 degrees with your stomach down and take dumbbells in both hands. Take a comfortable position, you should not feel any discomfort. The gaze is directed forward, the back is perfectly straight. If you cannot keep the thoracic spine straight and it "rounds", then the working weight is too much for you.
  2. As you exhale, begin an upward pulling motion, as with a regular bent over row. Remember to press the dumbbells a little closer to the waist to load the lower lats as well. At the top, there is a peak contraction of 1-2 seconds.
  3. As you inhale, gently lower the dumbbells down. It is very important not to round your back at this moment; for this, rest your feet a little harder on the floor.

Dumbbell Deadlift

The dumbbell deadlift is another basic exercise for developing your back muscles. In addition to the back (the main work is on the extensors of the spine), a huge number of other muscle groups work in the backbone: quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, abdominal muscles and biceps. Such a complex load perfectly contributes to an increase in energy consumption during training.

It is done as follows:

  1. Place the dumbbells on the floor at a symmetrical distance from you, they should be approximately at shoulder level. Sit down to them, grasp them tightly, straighten your back, and put your feet parallel to each other, shoulder width apart.
  2. We begin to lift, exhaling. The first phase of the movement is called a breakdown, here the muscles of the legs are more involved in the work, and the body is slightly tilted forward. After the dumbbells are at about knee level, proceed to the second phase of the movement - back extension. Take a fully upright position. There is no need to lean back. The load on the back muscles is greater in the second phase of the movement, the extensors of the spine and trapezius muscles are actively working, and the lats and rhomboids carry a good static load.
  3. Lower the dumbbells to the floor, keeping your back straight and inhaling. Start the next repetition.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

Dumbbell bench press

Dumbbell bench press is a basic exercise for developing chest muscles. Depending on the level of inclination of the bench, you can vary the load and load more on certain sections of the pectoral muscles. For example, pressing dumbbells on a horizontal bench puts more stress on the middle of the chest. When pressing dumbbells on an incline bench, the upper part and front bundles of the deltoid muscles work more. Pressing dumbbells on a bench with a negative incline (head down), you emphasize the load on the lower chest.

However, the technical principles are the same for all types of dumbbell presses. It is performed as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and lie with them on the bench, straighten your arms in front of you. Place your feet firmly on the floor. The back is slightly arched, but not strongly, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  2. As you inhale, lower the shells down to a comfortable point. It is not necessary to lower them as low as possible, in which case you will most likely feel pain or discomfort in the shoulder joints. Better to work in a comfortable amplitude, maintaining a constant load on the working muscles in both the positive and negative phases of the movement.
  3. As you exhale, begin to squeeze the dumbbells up, trying to additionally strain the pectoral muscles as the projectile rises. At the top point, do not unbend your elbows to the end, immediately start a new repetition.

Press on a horizontal bench:

Incline Bench Press:

Reverse Incline Bench Press:

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Breeding dumbbells lying on a bench

Breeding dumbbells lying on a bench is an isolating exercise for local working out of the pectoral muscles. Unlike the bench press, the negative phase of movement is much more important in breeding, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the feeling of stretching in the muscle fibers. Similar to the bench press, the routing can be performed on a bench with different incline levels to emphasize the load on different parts of the pectoral muscles.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and lie down on the bench. The first movement is to squeeze the dumbbells up and start breeding from the top position.
  2. Keep the dumbbells parallel to each other and start lowering them to the sides, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Lower them until you feel the maximum stretch in the outer chest. The movement should be smooth, so it will be easier for you to focus on stretching and contracting the muscles.
  3. In the positive phase of the movement, you need to return your hands to almost their original position. It is not necessary to bring the movement to the end, in the last 20-30 cm, the movements of the pectoral muscles almost do not work, and all the work is done by the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles.

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Dumbbell push-ups

Dumbbell push-ups are an exercise that loads the middle and lower chest, performed with your own body weight. This exercise is common in CrossFit, since it makes it possible to load slightly different muscle fibers by working with your body, and not with additional weights. In addition to the chest, the load falls on the triceps and front deltas, and the abdominal muscles, buttocks and spinal extensors act as stabilizers in this movement.

It is done as follows:

  1. Place the dumbbells on the floor slightly wider than shoulder level. Grasp them with your hands using a closed grip. It is important to correctly distribute the center of gravity so that the dumbbells do not part to the sides when lifting, try to keep them at the level of the lower chest throughout the entire approach.
  2. Slowly lower yourself down while inhaling. The greater the range of motion, the better, so try to touch the floor with your chest if the stretch and elasticity of the shoulder joints and ligaments allows you.
  3. Push up from the bottom position, straining your pectoral muscles. Tighten your triceps and hands so that the dumbbells do not move apart when lifting up. In the upper part, you can not extend your arms to the end.

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This exercise could be attributed to the category of the back, since the pectorals, triceps and lats are actively working here. But when performing a pullover with a dumbbell across the bench, it is the pectorals that receive the greatest load.

Execution order:

  1. You need to lie across the bench so that you rest on the bench with your upper back. Also, keep your feet firmly on the floor.
  2. Take a dumbbell in your hands, raise it to outstretched arms and, while inhaling, slowly begin to lower it behind your head. You do not need to bend your arms, then you will practically not use the triceps.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position - your arms are perpendicular to the body.

Exercises for the abs

The abdominal muscles respond equally well both to work with their own weight and to work in simulators or with additional weights in the form of dumbbells. Dumbbell abdominal exercises for women are a more challenging variety of basic exercises like sit-ups or crunches. They are not suitable for beginners.

The sit-up is exactly the kind of exercise for the press that perfectly develops the speed-strength qualities of the core muscles. It is performed in an explosive manner, while the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle is predominantly loaded. The dumbbell variation is somewhat more difficult, since it also involves the front bundles of the deltoid muscles in the work.

It is done as follows:

  1. Lie on the floor, fully straighten your back, keep your legs bent. Place your feet firmly on the floor. Hold the dumbbell in straight arms at about solar plexus level.
  2. Begin to move your body upward by contracting the abdominal muscles, while exhaling. Try to lift the dumbbell slightly above you due to the efforts of the shoulders so that at the top point it is located above the head in outstretched arms. Try to round the lumbar spine as little as possible when lifting the body off the floor, this will save you from unwanted injuries.
  3. Smoothly lower yourself down, inhaling and returning the dumbbell to the starting position.

Dumbbell crunches

Dumbbell curls are a variation of the classic curls for more advanced athletes who do not have enough body weight to properly work their abdominal muscles. A similar principle of work can be attributed to any type of twisting: classic, on an incline bench, oblique, with raised legs or on a fitball.

Let's analyze the execution technique using the example of classic twisting with dumbbells:

  1. The athlete lies on the floor, holding the dumbbell in bent arms at the level of the lower chest. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are firmly pressed to the floor.
  2. Begin with an upward movement of the body, slightly rounding the thoracic spine and exhaling. The movement should represent exactly twisting, not lifting the body, so the load on the press will be much higher. The feet and lower back do not need to be torn off the floor when lifting. By holding the dumbbell at chest level, the load will be more emphasized on the upper part of the press.
  3. Slowly lower the body back to the floor while inhaling. It is not necessary to go down all the way; it is better to work in a slightly shortened amplitude to keep the muscle under load throughout the entire set.

Hand exercises

All exercises for biceps and triceps are associated with the biological function of these muscles - flexion and extension of the arm. And there is no fundamental difference whether it is done with dumbbells, a barbell or in simulators, this practically does not affect the biomechanics of movement. Girls definitely need to load their hands as part of their training process, this will tone the muscles and help them maintain the correct technique in basic exercises.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps

Lifting dumbbells for biceps can be performed alternately, simultaneously with two hands, with and without supination, sitting, standing, with an emphasis on the bench - you will only locally load this or that area of ​​the biceps muscle more strongly. For girls, especially for beginners, all these subtleties are not particularly useful, so we will consider the technique using the most accessible and common example - curling dumbbells for biceps while standing. They are performed as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells in both hands. Straighten your back, press your elbows as much as possible to the body. Keep your hands with shells on the sides of your hips, palms "look" at each other.
  2. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbow so that there is a sharp angle between the biceps and forearm. In the process of lifting, unfold the brushes so that they "look" at you. It is important not to change the position of the shoulders and elbows during lifting, otherwise the load from the biceps will go to the elbow and shoulder joints and ligaments. There is also no need to move the body.
  3. Gently lower the dumbbells down, turning them back into a neutral grip. Do not extend your arms to the end, immediately start a new repetition.

Lifting dumbbells while standing:

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When performing while sitting, cheating is excluded - you will not be able to swing the body and throw dumbbells using your back and shoulders. As a result, the weight of the projectile will be less here. Another important feature is the starting position of the hands. The biceps are already in an extended position, so they will not rest throughout the entire set.

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The hammer grip is used to develop the shoulder and brachioradialis muscles. Women rarely use this type of exercise.

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Concentrated biceps curls

In this position, you can pump the biceps in more isolation. No other groups will work, so the weight is very small. Suitable as a second exercise for the biceps brachii.

Execution order:

  1. Sit on a bench, spread your legs wider.
  2. Take a dumbbell in one hand, rest your elbow on the thigh of the same-named leg.
  3. As you exhale, bend your arm at the elbow joint, lifting the dumbbell up. At the top, make a peak contraction for 1-2 seconds.
  4. While inhaling, in a controlled manner, lower the projectile down, without extending your arm to the end, and immediately start a new repetition.

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French press with dumbbells

This exercise is a complete analogue of the French press with a barbell, only, perhaps, a little safer for the elbows.

Execution order:

  1. Pick up dumbbells and lie on a horizontal bench.
  2. Raise your arms in front of you and straighten them.
  3. Now tilt them slightly towards your head (without bending). This is the starting position.
  4. As you inhale, gently bend your arms, lowering the dumbbells.
  5. As you exhale, extend your arms to the end, but do not forget that they should be slightly deviated from the vertical.

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Seated dumbbell extensions

Seated dumbbell extensions are an exercise for developing a long triceps head (like any other movement on the triceps, when the arm is extended upward). It is important to use small weights in order to focus as much as possible on slowly lowering the dumbbells down - this will perfectly stretch the triceps and give him all the prerequisites for growth.

It is done as follows:

  1. Sit on a bench holding a dumbbell in your hands. Raise the dumbbell above you and grab the bar of the dumbbell with your thumbs and forefingers, forming a kind of ring.
  2. Smoothly lower the dumbbell down, try to press your elbows as close to your head as possible. If you spread your elbows to the sides, the load will go from the long triceps bundles to the medial ones, and the exercise will be nothing more effective than the triceps extension in the block trainer.
  3. When you have lowered the dumbbell to almost touching the traps, start lifting it up.
  4. Similarly, you can work with one dumbbell in turn.

Extension with two arms:

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Extension with one hand:

© bertys30 - stock.adobe.com


Another great exercise for a variety of hand workouts. It can be performed while standing or with support on a bench (in the same way, when pulling dumbbells to the belt with one hand).

Execution order:

  1. Lean on a bench or stand in a small lunge and rest your free hand on the thigh of your front leg (see the picture below).
  2. The back should be straight throughout the exercise, the shoulders should not be rounded. Movement occurs only in the elbow joint.
  3. As you exhale, extend your arm, taking the dumbbell back.
  4. While inhaling, smoothly and under control, return it to its original position.

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Exercises for training shoulders

The deltoid muscles are unique in that they can perform two biomechanical functions: traction and bench press. This should be used when building a training program for the shoulders.

Swing with dumbbells to the sides

Standing or sitting dumbbell swing is an isolating exercise for developing the middle bundles of the deltoid muscles. It is done as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and hold them at the sides of your hips. Keep your back straight and look forward. The arms and legs are slightly bent.
  2. Begin to lift the dumbbells to the sides, trying to position them when lifting in such a way that at the top point of the amplitude, the elbow is above the level of the dumbbell, and the little finger is above the rest of the fingers. The movement should not be too amplitude, it is best to bring the dumbbells to about chest level. Do not help yourself with the body.
  3. Smoothly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. If you lower the dumbbells not to the hips, but bring them out in front of you, the load will go from the middle bundles of the deltoid muscles to the front.

Another useful tip - do not go below 15 in the number of repetitions. Swings are performed quickly enough, so if you do 8-10 repetitions, then spend 10-15 seconds on it, which is not enough for a high-quality workout of the muscle.

Mahi standing:

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Mahi sitting:

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Bent-over dumbbell swings

This type of swing is needed to work out the back beam of deltas. It is this part that lags behind most athletes. It is quite difficult to feel it, it is easy not to notice that instead of the rear delta, you are pumping your back.

Execution technique:

  1. Pick up dumbbells, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend forward almost parallel to the floor. Bend your legs slightly. Lock in this position.
  3. As you exhale, swing to the side, trying to perform the movement precisely at the expense of the deltoid muscles. A lot of weight is not needed here.
  4. While inhaling, slowly return to the starting position and begin a new repetition without rest.

© Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

Another option for performing the exercise is swinging with an emphasis on the chest on an incline bench:

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Mahi with dumbbells in front of you

This exercise is for pumping the front of the deltas. The same beam works in all shoulder presses, but many girls do not do them, in which case they need to include these swings in their program.

Execution order:

  1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Place your hands on the front of your thighs.
  3. Gently raise one hand forward until parallel with the floor. Do not swing the body, keep your back straight.
  4. Slowly lower the projectile and start lifting with your other hand.

© Mihai Blanaru - stock.adobe.com

Alternatively, you can raise both hands at the same time, without giving the deltas a rest:

© ruigsantos - stock.adobe.com

Seated Dumbbell Press

Seated dumbbell press is a basic exercise for the shoulders, mainly loading the front beam. Consider a classic variation of this exercise recommended by all qualified fitness trainers:

  1. Adjust the angle of the bench so that it is slightly less than the right angle. Sit on the seat, place the dumbbells on your hips, and then alternately throw them to shoulder level.
  2. Begin lifting the dumbbells up, trying to keep your elbows in the same position for each rep. Hold the shells with your pinky finger higher than the rest of your fingers. At the top, do not extend your arms to the end.
  3. Lower the dumbbells down. Do not lower them too low, bring them to about ear level.

© Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Exercises with dumbbells on the legs for women and girls should become an obligatory part of the training program. With their help, you can perfectly load the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles.

Dumbbell Squats

The dumbbell squat is an exercise to develop the front of the thigh. They are performed in the same way as classic barbell squats, you need to keep your back straight and try not to bend forward.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells, fully straighten your back, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, turn your socks slightly to the sides, look slightly upward. Pull your pelvis back a little and position yourself so that the center of gravity is at the level of the heels.
  2. Start going down, keeping your back straight and inhaling. The movement should be amplitude, at the lowest point the thigh line should be below the parallel line with the floor. Do not push your knees too far forward.
  3. Exhaling and straining the quadriceps, get up from the bottom position and take the starting position.

Another option is the goblet squat. In this variation, one dumbbell is taken and held in front of the chest. The rest of the technique is the same.

It is done as follows:

  1. Take a dumbbell, straighten your back, spread your legs wider than your shoulders so that when lowering you feel a slight tension in the adductor muscles of the thigh. Get down to the highest possible, but comfortable point.
  2. Begin to rise to an upright position while exhaling. The movement should be performed due to the work of the legs, the extensors of the spine work only in the final phase of the movement. If, when lifting, you do not fall forward and you keep your back straight, then you are doing everything right.
  3. Lower the dumbbell down in the same style of work: without bending forward and working with the inside of the thigh. It is not necessary to put it on the floor, you can work in a shortened amplitude without a pause at the bottom.

The Romanian Deadlift is an exercise for working out the hamstrings and glutes.

It is done as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and place them at the level of the front of the thigh. Lean forward slightly and push your buttocks back.
  2. We begin to do the exercise. The dumbbells should go down not by tilting the body forward, but by pulling the buttocks back. The greater the abduction amplitude, the better, the burning sensation in the buttocks and hamstrings will be an indicator that you are doing the exercise correctly. The legs should be slightly bent.
  3. Return to the starting position by unbending the body and pushing the pelvis forward. Do not fully straighten at this point so that the load does not leave the working muscles.

Dumbbell lunges

Dumbbell lunges are a leg exercise that can work on both the front and back of the thigh and buttocks, depending on which technique you use. The shorter you step, the more the quadriceps work, the longer - the more the gluteal muscles and hamstrings are involved in the work. It is recommended to perform lunges with a forward movement, and not in place, so it will be easier for you to "catch" the contraction of the desired muscles and psychologically tune in to work out the approach to the end.

It is done as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and hold them in lowered hands at your sides. Keep your back straight.
  2. Take the first step. Immediately after placing your foot firmly on the floor, bend that leg as much as possible. The knee of the back leg should almost touch the floor. Pay attention to the position of the front knee: it should not go beyond the level of the toe.
  3. Crossfit complexes

The modern world offers a huge number of opportunities for people who want to improve their body and become healthier.

Inspirational ads encourage the person to work their body by showing massive athletes and bodybuilders in gyms, but does everyone want to be like them? Surely many, after deciding to do something, begin to feel the fear of failure, and some are afraid of "pumping", which brings you to the topic of this article. The best choice is dumbbell exercises at home.

Dumbbell advantages

Dumbbells play an important role in sports, building and strengthening muscles for both professionals and ordinary people. It is almost impossible to remember all the exercises performed with their help.

The sports equipment market opens up to the buyer a number of dumbbells of different types, divided into two main groups: with the ability to adjust the weight and without. Collapsible dumbbells will cost more. Over time, you will be able to increase the number of plates on the bar and continue to build up your muscles.

This article invites everyone interested to get acquainted with the world of dumbbells, and for experienced users - to discover new information.

How to choose dumbbells

Each person is a person with individual taste and their own characteristics, so you need to select dumbbells to suit your needs. And these tips will help you choose:

  1. Functionality. It is important to know that for optimal physical development, you need to start small and take steps forward. It is useful to be able to increase and decrease the weight while exercising with dumbbells at home, this is possible due to the number of plates on the bar. Pancakes are an important component of the dumbbell. They are available in almost any weight starting from 0.1 kg. Pancakes weighing from 0.5 kg to 2 kg are recommended.
  2. Convenience- the key to successful training. Choosing beautiful, but uncomfortable shoes, it is very difficult to feel free and ready for achievements. Let's draw an analogy with sports. The equipment will be good if it suits you personally. Dumbbells must be made of good quality, and this is manifested in the coverage of the neck with rubber or notches that help to hold the shells during training.
  3. A less important point is appearance of this device. Exercising with dumbbells for women is why beautiful bright equipment is needed. They should inspire the desire to work on themselves, and for some, a nice-looking color will also matter.

Basic training rules

Many people advise starting classes with an experienced trainer, because he helps to determine what kind of load will be optimal for training a particular person. Others do not advise to get upset in the absence of the opportunity to visit the gym, because all the necessary information is on the Internet. This article will also help you understand an important component of training - dumbbells.

The load should be increased every two months, the body begins to get used to the weight and does not make the necessary efforts to increase the muscles. In the next paragraph, an example will be given that is effective with dumbbells at home. It's simple - periodically lifting the weight, the body becomes stronger and stronger.

Warming up before starting a workout serves as important a function as the workout itself. Preparing for the lesson gives you the opportunity to improve the processes in the body, without which there is a risk of serious injury.

The effectiveness of the exercises depends first on the execution technique, and only then on the weight of the dumbbells. It is worth noting that overwork has a very negative effect on subsequent workouts.

Stretching is performed after the end of the workout on the muscle group that was tense. A good goal is to relieve fatigue and restore strength.

Proper nutrition is another critical prerequisite for effective training.

Exercises for beginners

An exercise such as squatting can be done with or without dumbbells. A more effective method is to use dumbbells. The list of dumbbell exercises at home for men is constantly expanding, professionals create new ways to train muscles every day.

The following is a list of basic dumbbell exercises for beginners, helping to get into the rhythm of training and understand the training system. The list includes a set of exercises performed to train all muscle groups:

  • squats;
  • bench press with dumbbells, performed with arms raised in front of you and from the sides;
  • alternate flexion of the arms in front of you, as well as from the hip;
  • traction (while standing or sitting, it is necessary to bend the arm, bringing it to the forearm and back);
  • with the correct lifting of the shells above the body, a load on the triceps will be given;
  • to strengthen, it is necessary to do the spreading of the hands while lying;
  • the shoulder muscles are strengthened by raising the arms in a forward bend;
  • the chest is trained by the method of alternately attracting shells to the chest;
  • dumbbells greatly increase the effectiveness of the lunges.

Workout program for men


This program is aimed at strengthening and increasing muscle mass. All exercises are selected for training with dumbbells at home for men. This program takes exactly four weeks, which includes 4 workouts every week.

The workouts are divided into four parts. Each is designed for the perfect pumping of a specific muscle group, namely:

  1. Pectoral and dorsal muscles.
  2. Triceps and biceps.
  3. Muscles of the abdomen and legs.
  4. Shoulders.


The basic structure is a super set of three exercises, one after the other, and rest after the end of the last. To move on to the next exercise, you need to complete all the approaches prescribed in the plan. These exercises are great for all categories of people.


A prerequisite for obtaining the desired result is the exact implementation of the plan.


  • 4 sets;
  • 10 reps
  • 60 or 0 seconds rest;
  • 2010 - temp.

Lying on the floor, hold the shells at chest level. Do not bend your elbows in a fixed position. Lower your arms down, and then raise them, fixing in the first position.

This exercise makes it possible to feel well due to the fact that this position is quite stable, and this contributes to the lifting of a lot of weight.

Taking the dumbbells and taking a lying position (while the arms should be wide apart, and the legs brought together), bend your elbows, lowering the body slowly and skillfully, and after reaching the minimum height, energetically and quickly unbend your arms, returning to the first position.

Lean forward, holding the shells (palms should be directed towards each other), pull the shells towards your chest, and then skillfully lower them into the past position.

This exercise builds the muscles of the upper back. The bottom should also be tense.

Having taken the shells of the desired weight, be sure to lean forward. Keeping your back as straight as possible, raise the shells to shoulder height (elbows slightly bent), and then lower back to the first position.

With the right exercise, you can achieve great success in training the rear deltas and upper back.

For this exercise, you need to take dumbbells, while taking a lying position (hands should be shoulder-width apart), and straighten in a straight line from head to toe. Bending your elbows, gradually lower your body, and then vigorously rise to a fixed position.


Squat down with your elbows on your hips. Raise the dumbbells so that the biceps are tensed in the upper phase, and after that, gently lower them to the first position.

Standing straight, hold the projectile above your head in your previously selected hand. Bend your arm, lowering the dumbbell behind your back, and then raise it to a fixed position. The exercise is performed with each hand in turn.

Holding the shells in your hands (arms bent), bend over, keeping your back straight. Straighten your arm and take it back, and then lower it to the first position. The exercise is performed with each hand in turn.

Standing straight, hold the dumbbells at your sides. The elbows should be pressed to the body so that other muscles do not strain during the lift to the shoulders. Only the biceps in the upper phase should work.

Having taken an emphasis lying down, put your hands in such a position so that the shells touch each other. Bend your arms, slowly lowering the body, and then vigorously rise to a fixed position.

Stand so that your back is straight, and your arms with the shells are turned forward. Press your elbows to the body, lift the shells to your shoulders (while the biceps should work in the upper phase), and after execution, lower your arms down to a fixed position.

Legs and abs

Standing straight, arch your back slightly, and hold the projectile in front of you. During the exercise, it is strictly forbidden to bend your back. Squat technically, without falling down, until the dumbbell comes closest to the floor, and then return to the first position.

This exercise is performed while standing, holding the projectile above you. Move the dumbbell clockwise the desired number of times, and then change to the opposite direction.

Standing straight, hold the projectile in two hands over your shoulder. Sit down a little, lower the projectile along an inclined line across the body, and then perform a backward movement, returning to the first position.

Standing straight, lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Next, you need to take a step forward so that your legs are bent at a right angle, and then push with your front leg to get up again and return to the first position. Change legs after completed reps.

Standing straight, with dumbbells already taken in each hand, start squatting as low as possible, and after reaching the minimum height, begin to jerk with dumbbells up in order to take the first position.

For this exercise, you need to lie on the floor. The dumbbell should be at chest level. Start with abdominal tension, and then lift your torso and back to a fixed position.


This exercise is performed while standing or sitting with dumbbells held at shoulder height. Start by raising the projectile over your head until your arms are fully extended. Then lower it to the first position.

This exercise is also performed while standing with shells. Keep them in front of your body without bending your elbows. Raise the dumbbells until they reach the level of your chin, and then lower them to the first position.

Perform this exercise while standing, taking the dumbbells and lowering them along the body. Turn your palms towards each other. While lifting in different directions, take a slight forward bend. After lifting, return to a fixed position at a moderate pace.

Shoulder lift

This exercise is performed while standing with arms down. They take dumbbells in their hands, after which they begin to raise their shoulders, pausing. Then they return to a fixed position.

The exercise is performed while standing or sitting with the shells, previously taken in hands, raised to shoulder level, palms facing you. You should raise the shells above you, turning your wrists and straighten your arms as much as possible, and then lower them to a fixed position.

Stand up straight with the shells in front of your body and do not bend your elbows. Raise the shells to shoulder level and back to the first position.

Dumbbell exercises at home are just as important for women as they are for men. Every woman wants to look great, and dumbbells are perfect for that purpose. Fitness for women using weights plays an important role in muscle building and weight loss.

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on the floor and bend your knees. Take the dumbbells in your hands and stretch them out in front of you, then bend your elbows 90 degrees and straighten them. Do everything slowly and technically.

Taking the dumbbells, begin to lunge with one leg back, and bring the other forward. The dumbbells should be held at head level with the elbows bent. During the lunge, your hands should squeeze the dumbbells up. Then the whole body returns to its original position.

Lift one leg up, bending it at the knee. Themselves remain standing on the second, raising and lowering your forearms above head level and down to shoulder level. The arms should be bent at right angles.


Leaning forward slightly, bend your knees and align your back. It is required to stretch the hand forward, the second back, and then change the position of the hands so that the back is in line with the front hand.

Laying with dumbbells lying

To complete this task, you need to lie down and slightly bend your legs or raise them in a bent position for a more intense load on the abdominal muscles. Begin to spread your arms with dumbbells in different directions, bending them slightly, and then return to a fixed position.

For this exercise, you need to take the shells with your palms towards your body. Next, start lifting the dumbbell to the chin, while feeling the muscles of the shoulders, and then lower it to a fixed position.

Proper nutrition during exercise

The home exercise program for dumbbell exercises includes the nutritional needs of the athlete. Every sports enthusiast should know that nutrition is just as important as exercise.

There are several rules that professionals follow:

  • eat a lot of vegetables and fruits that are well absorbed and do not provide extra calories;
  • be sure to calculate your diet for BZHU;
  • eat small amounts of food, but often;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water a day.


As you know, the main muscle growth occurs after the end of the workout, namely during rest. It is important to note that sleep is an essential component of a quality workout. Cyclic training performs one of the most important functions, therefore, adherence to cyclicity affects the growth of muscle mass.


In this video, a 15-minute workout for girls with dumbbells.

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