Swimming. Swimming as a sport Student's story on the topic I swim

1. Introduction.

2. History of sailing.

2.1. History of swimming as a sport

3. Methods, system and rules for conducting swimming competitions

4. Types of swimming

4.1. Freestyle

4.2. On the back

4.3. Breaststroke

4.4. Butterfly

4.5. Integrated swimming

5. Conclusion.


  1. Introduction.

Swimming is a very beautiful and exciting sport. In addition, this is a very useful and at the same time enjoyable sport, as it strengthens all muscle groups, and also helps to relax the body and the likelihood of injury is quite small here.

Swimming is also one of the effective means of hardening a person, contributing to the formation of persistent hygiene skills. The temperature of the water is always lower than the temperature of the human body, therefore, when a person is in the water, his body radiates 50-80% more heat than in the air. Bathing and swimming bring up resistance to colds. If swimming is carried out in a natural reservoir, then the natural factors of nature - the sun and air - also have a hardening effect. Swimming eliminates posture disorders, flat feet, harmoniously develops almost all muscle groups - especially shoulder girdle, arms, chest, abdomen, back and legs. Swimming perfectly trains the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

2. History of sailing.

Swimming has an unusually long history. Even the Ancient Slavs held swimming competitions, their essence was as follows: people swam in the river and caught fish with their hands, the one who brought the most big fish, and was considered the winner. These competitions are not at all similar to modern ones, but nevertheless, the ability to swim was of decisive importance in them. The history of the development of swimming has very long roots.

In ancient times, the cult of water was among all peoples. People revered the gods who commanded the waters (Poseidon, Neptune).

The earliest images showing people swimming in ways similar to breaststroke and front crawl are from the 4th 2nd centuries. BC. The art of swimming was greatly appreciated. Every year in Hermione, in honor of the holiday dedicated to the god of the seas, and since 1300, swimming competitions have always been held at the Games held on the Isthma at the sanctuary of Poseidon every two years.

In the Middle Ages, a knight at his initiation had to demonstrate his ability to swim in armor. The first amateur swimming school was founded in 1785 in Paris. In Russia, such an institution first appeared in 1825 in St. Petersburg.

2.1. History of the development of swimming as a sport

First competition international level in swimming took place in 1889 in the capital of Romania, the city of Budapest. Swimming made its debut at the modern Olympics already at the first of them in 1896 in Athens.

Swimming became especially popular at the end of the 19th century. In 1890, the first European swimming championship was held. Swimming has been included in the program since 1896 Olympic Games.

In 1908 it was created International Federation amateur swimming (FINA).In 1973, this organization united 96 national federations.

In Russia, swimming in ancient times developed mainly as an applied sport, and only at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century did it become a separate sport.

The first major swimming competitions in Russia were held at the Russian Olympics in Kyiv in 1913. They went down in history as the first Russian swimming championship. It was attended by about 60 people. The second Russian Olympiad, which included swimming, was held in 1914 in Riga. About 70 swimmers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and other cities came to the competition. Sports results in swimming at this Olympiad were also low.

In 1922, the swimming society "Dolphin" was formed, which soon became a kind of center sports swimming in the country.

In 1928, the All-Union Spartakiad took place in Moscow, which contributed to the further spread and development of swimming in our country. In the period 1926-1929. Soviet athletes hold their first international competitions for swimming.

Soviet swimmers took part in the Olympic Games in 1952 for the first time. They performed weakly, only M. Gavrish took the 6th place in the 200m breaststroke final.

The first participation of Soviet swimmers in the European Championship falls on 1954. At that time, women were very inferior in terms of development to men. Only men took part in this championship. Biggest international success sports arena Soviet swimmers account for the 60s. Speaking at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, which were held in 1964, G. Prozumenshchikova, a 16-year-old schoolgirl from Sevastopol, became the first Olympic champion swimming in the 200m breaststroke.

Galina Prozumenshchikova

Between 1966 and 1968 on the account of the Soviet swimmers was 1st place in Europe and 3rd place in the world. In general, during the period from 1947 to 1975, our swimmers set new world records 41 times, 128 European records, and also won at the Olympic Games: 1 gold, 13 silver and 26 bronze medals and about 40 European champion titles.

3. Methods, system and rules for holding competitions

Swimming methods and distances

In swimming, competitions are held and records of the world, Europe and Russia (women and men) are recorded in the following ways and distances:

freestyle - 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 m;

on the back - 50, 100, 200 m;

breaststroke - 50, 100, 200 m;

butterfly - 50, 100, 200 m;

integrated swimming- 100 (only in the pool 25 m), 200, 400 m;

freestyle relay - 4x100, 4x200 m;

combined relay - 4x100 m.

Pool length

According to the first rules for swimming competitions (adopted by FINA in 1908), world records could be recorded in any pools that were at least 25 yards long. But at the same time, official international swimming competitions could only be held in pools 50 and 100 meters long. Since the mid-1980s. winter and spring swimming competitions in 25-meter pools have become very popular.

Swimming competitions are held indoors or outdoor pools 25 or 50 meters long, at least 1.2 m deep at the starting point. Number of lanes: eight (six for 25-meter pools).The optimum water temperature is +26C.

Level 3 competitions are allowed to be held in non-standard and floating pools, open water bodies. In the presence of a current, half of the distance must be overcome against the current. Competition distances of 25, 50 and 100 m are allowed to be overcome by any style, arbitrarily changing it.

Swimming competition system

Since 2001 official competitions in swimming are held according to a system consisting of preliminary, semi-final and final heats. Preliminary heats are held in the morning, final and semi-final in the evening.

At distances of 50, 100, and 200 meters, according to the results of the morning preliminary heats, 16 participants are selected, who (in the evening of the same day) participate in two semi-finals, where 8 participants in the final (which is held the next day) are determined.

For more long distances and in the relay races in the morning preliminary heats, 8 participants in the final are immediately determined (for distances of 800 and 1500 meters, the final is held the next day, for the rest in the evening of the same day).

If, according to the results of the preliminary (or semi-final) swims, the athletes show the same result, a re-swim is held, in the final swim, the participants who show the same result share the place.

General rules.

1. The start is carried out by jumping from the starting table or pushing the legs from the wall of the pool when starting from the water (track numbers are counted from right to left).

2. After a series of short whistles from the referee, the swimmers take off their training suits. After a long whistle, athletes take their places on the starting tables (so that both feet are at the same distance from the front edge of the table) or in the water near the pool wall. In the absence of a referee, the preparatory commands are given by the starter.

3. After making sure that all participants are ready to start, the starter fires a shot, which is the executive signal.

4. If one or more participants start prematurely, then all participants in the swim return and the start is repeated. On the first and second false starts, the starter returns. After the third false start of the heat, all swimmers who started before the starting signal are disqualified.

6. In the relay, the participants of the first stage start according to the rules of the competition. Participants of the subsequent stages of the relay race must take the start so that their legs are separated from the starting table (starting wall) no earlier than the member of their team finishing the previous stage touches the finish shield.

4. Types of swimming

4.1. Freestyle.

Swimming freestyle a discipline of swimming in which a swimmer is allowed to swim in any way, arbitrarily changing them along the course of the distance. At the same time, over the entire distance, with the exception of a segment of no more than 15 m after the start or turn, "any part of the swimmer's body must break the surface of the water." But already in the 1920s. most athletes began to choose a faster crawl as a freestyle.

Crawl (English "crawl" "crawl") swimming style on the chest, during the movement of which the athlete makes wide strokes along the body alternately with the right and left hands, and at the same time constantly performs kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete's face is almost constantly in the water; periodically, during one of the strokes, he turns his head to the side, lifting his face out of the water in order to take a breath.

4.2. Backstroke.

This style of swimming is similar to the reverse crawl. Here, as in the crawl, the athlete performs alternate strokes with his hands (but: the arm is extended straight over the water, and not bent, as in the crawl), and at the same time performs alternate kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete's face is almost constantly (with the exception of the start and turns) above the water.

Swimming on your back is not the best fast style swimming, but they can swim faster than, for example, breaststroke. And this is the only style of swimming in which the start is made from the water. The athlete, facing the bedside table, holds on to the starting rails with both hands, resting his feet on the side of the pool.

Backstroke was first included as a separate event in the 1900 Olympics.

4.3. Breaststroke

The name of this swimming style comes from the French word "brass" "hand". Breaststroke is a swimming style on the chest, during which the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical strokes with his hands, as well as simultaneous and symmetrical pushes with his legs in a horizontal plane below the surface of the water.

This is the oldest and slowest swimming style. In the Egyptian "Cave of the Swimmers" there are rock paintings depicting swimming people who, apparently, moved in the water in much the same way as modern athletes swim breaststroke.

At the beginning of the 20th century, even professional athletes swam breaststroke, keeping their heads above the water. Only in the 1930s. many swimmers (including representatives of the Soviet school) began to lower their heads into the water while stretching their arms forward.

In 1904, breaststroke was included in the program of the Olympic Games in the form of a swim over a distance of 402 meters, only men were allowed to compete. On next games it was replaced by the 200m, which has been featured in every Olympics since then. Since 1924, the 200-meter race among women has been held at the Olympics, and since 1968, the 100-meter race has been added to the 200-meter race for both men and women.

4.4. Butterfly.

The name of this swimming style is translated from English as "butterfly" (colloquial name in Russia "dolphin"). When swimming with a butterfly, the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical movements of the left and right parts body. The swimmer makes a powerful wide stroke with his hands (at the same time top part his body rises above the water), while simultaneously performing symmetrical wave-like kicks "from the pelvis". Butterfly is the most energy-intensive swimming style, it requires maximum endurance and perfect mastery of technique.

This swimming style is the youngest. Butterfly is one of the most difficult ways of swimming and is considered the second fastest after the crawl. Butterfly "came into the world" in 1935, and at that time it was considered simply the newest variety of breaststroke. Only almost 20 years later, in 1953, the butterfly was officially recognized as an independent swimming style.

4.5. Integrated swimming

Integrated swimming is a discipline in which a swimmer overcomes equal parts of the distance with butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.
The program of the Olympic Games includes two distances of integrated swimming, both for men and women - 200 meters and 400 meters. At a distance of 200 meters, participants swim in a 50-meter pool for 50 meters with each style, in a swim twice as long as 100 meters with each style.

The 200m individual medley was included in the program of the Games for the first time. 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, but then it was excluded. Distance returned to Olympic program V 1984 in Los Angeles. 400-meter race appeared at the Games in 1964 in Tokyo.

4.6. combined relay

Swimming relay, during which four team members alternately swim in four different styles. The order of styles differs from the order in individual medley:

  1. On the back
  2. Breaststroke
  3. Butterfly
  4. Freestyle (crawl)

The program of the Olympic Games includes one 4x100 meter medley relay for both men and women. She first appeared in the program of the Games on 1960 Olympics in Rome. There is also a 4x50 meter medley relay, held in both long and short pools, not included in the Olympic program.

5. Conclusion

Training of high-class swimmers capable of achieving victories in major international competitions is carried out in many countries of the world. Over the past decade, swimmers from the USA, Australia, Russia, Germany, China, Ukraine, Hungary, Ireland, South Africa, Finland, Canada, Spain, Japan, New Zealand, Belgium, Costa Rica, Poland, Sweden have become champions of the Olympic Games and the world , Netherlands, France.

The work of the Russian Swimming Federation is perceived with satisfaction in Europe and in the world. The fact of recognition of the efforts of the Federation in the international arena is the election in 2000 of G.P. Alyoshin Vice President of FINA. He is also President of the Russian Swimming Federation and Vice-President of the Russian NOC. A sign of the authority of Russia in sports swimming is decision about holding in Moscow in 2002 the World Championship on "short" water. Today, a number of names of athletes trained in Lately famous all over the world: A. Popov, D. Pankratov, Ya. Klochkova, R. Sludnov, I. Chervinsky, D. Silantiev and others. Over the past three years in Russia, 13 athletes received the title of "Honored Master of Sports", 55 swimmers became masters of sports of international class.

Finishing the work, I would like to draw the following conclusions: swimming has been known to man since ancient times: images of people found during excavations, swimming in ways similar to crawl and breaststroke, date back to the 4th millennium BC. Swimming develops muscular system, mobility in the joints, improves coordination of movements, strengthens nervous system, improves metabolism, expands the functionality of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. There are recreational, sports and applied swimming.

Recreational swimming one of the forms of mass physical culture and health-improving work with the population. Systematic swimming exercises have a hardening effect, contribute to the prevention of respiratory diseases, improve physical development.

Sports swimming is one of the most popular sports. Training in sports swimming should start from the age of 5, from 9 years old it is allowed to participate in competitions.


1. Gordon S. M., "Technique of sports swimming", M., "Physical culture and sport", 1978.

2. Materials from the site http://www.sport.iatp.org.ua/

3. Firsov Z.P. Swimming for everyone. M., 1983.

4. Wikipedia: Swimming.

6. http://www.fizkult-ura.ru/node/211

Since childhood, everyone has been told that sport is very important for human health and development. But for some reason, there are always excuses not to go to some section: either there is not enough time for lessons, or the stadium is far away. But once you decide, and your whole life will change forever.

My friend went swimming for a long time, his grandmother took him there at the age of five. Before each of his workouts, he persuaded me to go with him, and I had excuses. But when I no longer had the strength to object, I decided. Of course, I heard his stories about how it is

It's great, but I didn't expect this.

After training, I realized that swimming great way keep yourself in good shape physical form. Naturally, the first times were very hard physically: all the muscles hurt, in the mornings I didn’t want to get out of bed. But it is worth holding out for two or three workouts and you can feel how with every wave of your hand or movement of your legs, the body is filled with strength.

It is worth mentioning that swimming is a special sport, it is not at all necessary to achieve Olympic success, because even small children benefit from being in the water. There is even a special direction - therapeutic, it is prescribed

People who cannot walk. After all, water helps a person develop all muscle groups and feel in good shape. If we talk about me, for several years now my friend and I have been going swimming, now I cannot imagine my life without training.

After them you feel refreshed. There are several styles of swimming: front crawl, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke. Each swimmer prefers one of these, but must master all of them. For example, I like to swim breaststroke. In it, you need to emerge very rhythmically and clearly monitor your breathing so as not to stray from the rhythm.

I began to get involved in swimming, I do not miss a single competition. I am sincerely admired by the Olympic champions, because now I began to understand how much strength and perseverance was invested in every victory. After all, even getting into any competition is a huge job, and even winning is even more difficult. My idol is Michael Phelps, he's eighteen times Olympic champion. At the same time, he masterfully owns all types of swimming.

Now I know exactly what kind of sport will forever remain in my life. After all, it is swimming that gives me strength and health, helps me breathe properly, and most importantly, disciplines me and makes me stronger. Everyone is free to make a choice for himself, for me the best sport there was and will be swimming, even if I do not achieve any success.

Option 2.

I appreciate free time and I try to make good use of it. Every person should have a hobby. Hobby brings joy and paints gray everyday life in bright colors. Sports, namely swimming, became such a hobby in my life. Now I perceive training not only as a means to be healthy, but also as a way to relax, have fun and share adrenaline. Swimming is not just a favorite sport, it is part of me.

I remember my first day at Dolphin very well: our task was to show the coach our skills in swimming pool 12.5 meters long (due to its small size, it is also called a paddling pool). Then I didn’t know how to swim at all and just floundered in the water, moving my feet along the bottom, however, like a dozen first-graders like me.

My coach quickly found an approach to each of us, and it is not surprising that from the first training session I fell in love with swimming. Very soon, literally in a couple of weeks, the fear of water disappeared, in addition, I already confidently kept afloat. Our group trained three times a week. And a month later I got into a large, real 50-meter pool.

Since then, swimming has become both a goal and a meaning for me. When I completed the second junior category at the competition, I was given a badge with the inscription “I can swim”. I keep it as a memory of those beautiful days. Then I began to have more serious competitions. Year after year, I trained sparingly, because I wanted to achieve great success in this sport. Gradually, my results began to grow upward. I cannot express the feeling of pride that you feel every time you stand on the podium and receive another medal.

I am best at swimming breaststroke, it is with this style that I perform in competitions. I also like medley swimming, especially at a distance of 200 m. In general, I like long swims where good endurance is required. But in training, in addition to breaststroke, I prefer to swim crawl, as this is the first type of swimming in terms of speed. Butterfly quickly tires, so it is an excellent style for endurance training. But on the back you can “rest” after completing tasks for a while.

Why do I love swimming? For the fact that the risk of injury here is zero, for the fact that swimming adds vigor, allows you to feel at sea or a river like a fish in water, and also teaches you to quickly restore breathing. For me it is definitely best view sport of all.

A short story about swimming contains interesting information about this sport.

"My hobby is swimming" essay

There are many interesting hobbies and activities in the world. But sometimes finding something specific for yourself is quite difficult. That's what happened to me when I was eight years old. Then I really seemed to be standing at a crossroads. I couldn’t draw, I didn’t understand music. There was nothing she could do about it.

But one day everything changed. We have a new student in our class and we quickly become friends. He was an interesting conversationalist, had many hobbies. One of which was swimming. At the time, I had no idea how it would change my life. But she took a risk.

I still remember my first day in the pool. After all, she never knew how to swim. And thanks to a wonderful coach, she quickly mastered the difficult task. Since then, swimming has become my hobby and the meaning of life. Gradually, I developed and won one award after another. Trained, sparing no effort. It is in the water that I forget about all the problems, failures and worries. It encourages me to go further and further.

Of course, swimming is good for health. It keeps the body in good shape, supports physical development. Both adults and children love to splash in the water. It improves mood and even has medicinal properties. Particularly for children.

For me, this sport is the meaning of life. It makes me stronger, more resilient, helps me breathe properly and develops. Therefore, for myself, I decided for sure that after graduation from school I would develop my abilities even more. So that when parents can be proud of their little fish.

Composition on the topic: "Swimming"

I love swimming very much. This is my favorite sport! I go to the pool, I go there in the swimming section. I especially like this style of swimming, like butterfly, which is very similar to breaststroke, only you take your hands out of the water. By the way, this style originated from the breaststroke.

Swimming is very good for strengthening the body and developing breathing! I have corrected my figure well, acquired an even posture since I took up swimming seriously. I even participated in regional swimming competitions, however, I didn’t take any place, but it doesn’t matter - after all, I go in for sports not for obligatory victories, but for health.

In addition to strengthening my health, I also get the joy of communicating with my friends, who appeared with me with the start of classes at sports section. We all lead healthy lifestyle life, we do not smoke, like our other peers, since smoking is the main enemy of a swimmer. It is impossible to smoke and swim well at the same time! My parents are also happy that you don't have to worry about me. And before, they often had tiresome conversations with me about how bad it was to smoke. Now we are talking with them about other, no less important things, we go to major competitions swimming when they are in our pool. It seems to me that my parents are even proud of me, my successes.

Today, when various technologies are developing at an immeasurable speed, viewing from another country is no longer new. Thousands and even millions of spectators are worried about the athletes. It seems that swimming as a sport was born recently. Basically, it is. Of course, people learned to stay on the water and even move on it quite a long time ago, but swimming became a sport later. Among other things, it is worth noting that it is useful for the body. An excellent method for losing weight is used by many as the easiest. Now this sport is gaining popularity. Beautiful artistic swimming, spectacular freestyle competitions cannot be ignored. When and where did swimming as a sport originate and become so popular? What types and styles are there? What is the characteristic of swimming as a sport? You will learn all this from this article.


Scientists have found that swimming originated in ancient times. As a sport or as a necessity - is unknown. Drawings have been found on the walls of the caves, which presumably date back to 5000 BC. e. Ancient people noticed that many animals were able to move on water and adopted this ability. As you might guess, the first style was the doggy style of swimming. It existed for quite a long time, until it was replaced by breaststroke. And that became the basis for all subsequent innovations. In ancient civilizations, swimming began to gain particular popularity. The first written mention dates back to 2000 BC. e. It is also known that in Ancient Rome Swimming has become the basis for the training of athletes, including those who participated in the Olympic Games. But the history of swimming as a sport dates back to the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. It was then that the first competitions began to be held.

Thus, swimming appeared quite a long time ago. Even ancient people used it to move on water. Swimming developed, new styles appeared, and it gradually became a sport. Oddly enough, the history of the creation of swimming as a sport resembles running. It was also used in the beginning as a necessity, and only after a large amount of time did running become a sport. Swimming is one of the most famous and popular activities today. Many use it as an exercise for weight loss and recovery.

History of styles

As already mentioned, at the very beginning, when swimming was born, it had only one style - “dog-like”. However, then breaststroke appeared, on the basis of which new types began to be invented. The next style was the side. Legs when swimming resembled scissors. Then people began to swim with seedlings, which made it possible to develop a greater speed compared to others. Further, John Trugen in 1783 invented a style named after his last name. Then the competitions were already quite popular, and the new method allowed many world records to be set, including its creator. Then, finally, the rabbit appeared. He was "brought" to England by Richard Cavill from Australia. Soon the style was recognized as the fastest, which to this day is. Today it is he who is very popular.


The crawl is on the stomach. When using it, the left and right parts of the body move alternately. The arms stroke along the axis in turn while the legs rise and fall. Difficult technique compared to other styles. The swimmer's face should be in the water and rise beyond it only to take a breath. Crawl is considered to be the fastest type of swimming. At competitions, there is the concept of "freestyle", in which athletes have the right to swim the way they want, but everyone chooses the crawl.

Due to the fact that the head is lowered under the water, the hands can make large strokes, and this is positively displayed at speed. If you compare the crawl with the first one, that's why it's faster. When compared with the butterfly, the latter also loses due to the fact that the hands mainly work, and the body does not help. Uniform acceleration, which is only possible in freestyle, helps athletes cover long distances at speed without getting tired.

It turns out that the crawl was born a long time ago. It was originally used by the Indians. And Europe met him in 1844, when the Americans defeated the English swimmers. The defeated but proud athletes did not want to use the new style, as they considered it "barbaric" due to the large amount of spray. The history of the emergence of swimming as a sport, in particular, styles, had such strange moments.

After the Australian rabbit, the American rabbit appeared, thanks to improvements. It is the latter that today is the very “freestyle”. The initial position in the freestyle is “at attention”, the swimmers are turned face down, legs are straightened, arms are extended upwards.


As already mentioned, it was the breaststroke that became the transition from the doggy style and practically the basis for all the rest. Swimming as a sport would not exist without it. The look has been around for a long time: the first image of people using a breaststroke-like style was discovered in the Egyptian "Swimmers' Cave". The painting dates back to around 9000 BC. e. There is also a well-known Assyrian drawing of a soldier using this method, but the image was created between 1292-1225. BC e. Dane Nicolas Vinman in 1538 was one of the first to describe the breaststroke in his book. The well-known "frog kick" with legs began to be used only in the 19th century.

At various breaststroke competitions, it was Russian and Soviet athletes who often won. The style was included in the Olympic Games only in 1904, then the swim took place at 402 m, only men participated. Then swimming as the beginning of its development. Already at the next games, the distance was reduced to 200 m. Since 1924, competitions for women began to be held at the same distance. And in 1968, athletes began to compete in the 100 m.


Butterfly is a belly swim, one of the hardest strokes. Tiresome and complicated. The name comes from the word "butterfly". Indeed, some similarities can be found, mainly due to the characteristic strokes with the hands. Unlike the front crawl, the arms stroke at the same time, lifting the body above the water. At the same time, take a deep breath. The legs, together with the pelvis, move in the form of waves, giving acceleration. Although the execution is one of the most difficult, the butterfly is still the second fastest style. Its main difference from the front crawl is that the acceleration in it is uneven due to sharp strokes with the hands.

Interestingly, the butterfly is an improved breaststroke. In the beginning, swimmers realized that for greater speed it made sense to raise their arms above the water. The movement of the body and legs was subsequently replaced with a more comfortable and natural one.

As already mentioned, the technique in the butterfly is extremely complex and requires proper execution. This is what many beginners fear. Learning to combine movements with arms and legs, as well as inhaling with exhaling, is quite difficult, so many go over to crawl. If in most other styles technically correct execution is important, then in butterfly, in addition, physical strength is important.

Difficult is the wave-like movement of the body, which is present (if we take into account only known styles) only in butterfly. Therefore, such swimming as a sport for children is not the best option.

Equipment and regulations

For any style of swimming, the equipment is the same: a cap, goggles, swimming trunks or (for men or women, respectively), wetsuits are also often used. They began to appear in the 2000s. and are divided into types: from the neck to the ankle, from the neck to the knees, wet pants, shorts for swimming. In 2010, FINA (International Swimming Federation) banned synthetics. Therefore, now only textiles are used.

Swimming as a sport today is held in 50- or 25-meter pools. Many competitions include breaststroke and crawl swims. For example, on Summer Olympics, World Championship, Universiade, World Cup. The latter is held annually.


  • crawl (aka freestyle): 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m;
  • butterfly: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m;
  • breaststroke: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m;
  • Backstroke: 50m, 100m, 200m.

What to choose

Those who are just starting to swim, not necessarily professionally, should try crawl. But for people who don't even know how to float, you need to start with the doggy style. It is he, if you look, that underlies all the rest. Then, accordingly, you need to move on to crawl or breaststroke, where you can stop.

Pool or sea

If you choose between the sea and the pool, then there can be no definite answer. But the first option is not available to most Russians or is possible only in the summer.

If you want to swim professionally, you should go to the coach in the pool. You can train there all year round and it is easy to learn how to hold and move on the water from scratch. However, for amateur activities, you can also choose open water bodies. So, in the sea, waves and wind create natural barriers, and water carries health effect. If you need to pay for a ticket in the pool, then open water bodies are in the public domain. Everyone chooses according to their abilities and preferences. However, the artificially created pool is safe, in most cases lifeguards are provided there. And in open water, there is a chance of not coping with the current and drowning. Combination is ideal.

Like this interesting story sports. Swimming is very popular, but there are other disciplines to which it is directly related. The following are the two most popular ones.


Swimming, cycling, running as one sport are called triathlon. The name speaks for itself. The sport appeared not so long ago, its beginning goes back to 1920-1930, when an analogue of today's La Course des Debrouillards triathlon was held in France. At that time, running took 3 km, cycling - 12, and swimming was carried out across the Marne Canal. Unfortunately, there was no mention of triathlon from the 1930s until 1974, when in the USA a group of fellow athletes did not unite and form a club where everyone trained together. They represented several sports, namely running, cycling and swimming. Also, friends began to organize competitions. Thus, the first competitions were held on September 25, 1974, 46 athletes participated in them. At first, the cycling race took 180.2 km, the run - 42.2 km; swimming - 3.86 km.

The participants argued for a long time about which sport requires maximum endurance. As a result, an article was found, which said that the cyclist Eddy Merckx had the highest rate of oxygen consumption. And this sport was recognized as requiring maximum endurance. Triathlon has become so popular that many are seriously considering including it in the Olympic Games. Competitions are usually held according to the standard: 1.5 km / 40 km / 10 km. The standard was developed by triathlon racing director Jim Curl in the mid-80s.

Synchronized swimming

Perhaps, synchronized swimming as a sport is one of the most beautiful disciplines. Usually only women participate, but recently men have also joined. The main thing in synchronized swimming is a well-coordinated performance by the team, combining diving and jumping out. Wherein exercise stress colossal. You need to spend a lot of time in training to achieve high results. Russian athletes are leading in this sport, all rivals are equal to their training.

However, in addition to the standard technical and physical difficulties, there is also a special one: it is quite difficult to breathe during a performance. Constant, and often even long dives under water require a large amount of time. In order to protect the lungs, athletes wear special clips on their noses.

But where does synchronized swimming as a sport originate from?


As you know, a huge number of disciplines were created in Greece. And synchronized swimming originates from there, then groups of boys and girls led round dances on the water. Only at the end of the XIX century. It was the beginning of synchronized swimming. Then in England, groups of swimmers were created, men who performed various figures in the water. And the first competition was organized in 1891 in Berlin. Then artistic swimming, as it was then called, began its development. And in 1952 there were demonstration performances at the Olympics, after which the sport was named synchronized swimming. In the same year, an appropriate committee was created in FINA. And in 1958 the first international competitions were held. Synchronized swimming was included in the program of the Olympic Games only in 1984.

Swimming as a sport is rich and varied. History and development go back to ancient times. Today, swimming is gaining popularity among all the inhabitants of the earth. Everyone can find what they like best, as there are a lot of species. most beautiful, triathlon is rich in different disciplines, and ordinary competitions remain classics. Many swim amateurs, parents give their children to the section. The history of swimming as a sport continues its active development today.

  • A year is, on the one hand, a lot of time, on the other hand, a rather short period, during which, with a serious approach and large-scale goals, you really do not have time to do anything.

    So, about a year ago, my doctor friend, with the most serious expression on her face, which there was no way to ignore, opaquely hinted that swimming should be in my life, period. Exactly. No options. It makes no sense to list the arguments known to everyone and everyone about how useful and practically irreplaceable this type is. physical activity, but I will repeat the main arguments of the specialist: the harmonious work of almost all muscle groups, a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system (read, an almost ideal environment if there are problems with the spine or, for example, knees) and cardiovascular system. If you are suddenly interested, you can ask Google, for example, to compare the volume of the lungs of a swimmer with us, land. There is a difference.

    What does a person who works in a cool fitness company do? Right! He understands that the option “there is no pool nearby and in general” is not viable, not only a resource in the form of several dozen excellent pools is at hand, but also a team of pros, conducts a series of self-hypnosis sessions and calls a swimming coach friend (successfully, right?) with a question how to start swimming. For example, tomorrow, so as not to change your mind and start asking yourself unnecessary questions...

    Here is a small digression: I can swim. All my childhood smelled like a swimming pool, and by the age of 17, a persistent allergy developed both to the process and to the smell. The pool was confidently excluded from the shortlist with the wording: “Swimmed. We know. Forgotten forever." Therefore, all attempts to “sell” me the idea of ​​​​swimming training for the next 20 years or so were not successful. Water has long ceased to smell like bleach, a lot of interesting equipment and programs have appeared for every taste and interest, but, alas, this did not work for me.

    So here's a coach friend who recent years five-seven from time to time made attempts of varying degrees of intensity to bring me for swimming and knew the whole story, apparently, out of pure curiosity, agreed to look at this number, and we quickly agreed where and when.

    As a result, I came out with three main impressions-revelations:

    Revelation number 1 (expected): for twenty years, some kind of swimming technique, in principle, remains. Not that one could rest on one's laurels and turn up one's nose, but the arms and legs are able to reproduce the necessary sequence of movements in agreement with each other.

    Revelation number 2 (unexpected): 500 meters is a lot! Really long and hard.

    Revelation #3 (Bonus): The pool is absolutely the perfect place to take a break from the flow of information, calls, and conversations. 100% hit on target!

    Feelings after the first workout are difficult to describe. The main thing that I remember was the feeling of incredible pride in myself and the expression on the face of my friend-trainer when we agreed on the next lesson.

    The next few weeks were all about integrating swimming into my life and me into swimming as much as possible. A proven reliable scheme was brought to work, which proved to be excellent in the history of running.

    So, I firmly believe in two things: public commitments (pride simply does not allow you to quit what you started and makes you resist and move forward) and the right equipment that pleases the eye. The swimsuit, cap and goggles should be cool, functional, matching in style and color. This is my extra motivation! The most extensive and in-depth studies of the issue were carried out, which ended with the acquisition of several sets. For the mood.

    Swimming, among other things, is wonderful because, firstly, almost all muscle groups work, and secondly, it is absolutely impossible to skip and shirk, although in my childhood I somehow solved this problem. But that childhood, then sport was for my mother, it didn’t give me much pleasure myself ... Now it’s a different matter and a different motivation.

    Literally a month later, I caught myself on the fact that the goal of “swim for health, but where to go” changed to “I want to swim longer and faster.” At this stage, a beautiful swimsuit still pleases, but it doesn’t help so much anymore ... A system was needed. Training according to the schedule and plan, not for fun. Diet and recovery. Proteins, amino acids and isotonics. The goals loomed: to swim such a distance in this time, to track how the result changes. Compare yourself with yourself two weeks ago, complain to the coach that you can’t see the result, despite all my titanic efforts, and hear the surprised: “Come to yourself, you’ve only been training for a few months! And anyway, it's time to add Gym. At the same time, there will be something to run. We need muscles."

    Gym?! Wait a second! This was not in the plans. What kind of base?

    Ok, let's go to the hall. Yes, yes, public commitments and equipment, of course. My closet was just looking forward to another portion of something functionally cute.

    The situation with the schedule, meanwhile, is starting to approach the tragic: running, swimming and the gym require time and attention. There is no way to give up just one thing, and I begin to angrily look through the posts of triathletes in social networks and look unkindly at my acquaintances who naturally talk about how sports in general and triathlon in particular entered their lives organically and unstressedly. How it strengthens, tempers, inspires and organizes. Tri-at-lon! I don’t do it yet, but I don’t really understand where cycling training could be attached. I would like to set up a swim-run-simulator in the corners so that they do not swear with each other. space people, but oh well ... At the very least, life has improved, and thanks for that! And here, like a bolt from the blue, another statement from my coach, who had almost been a girlfriend by that moment, because sometimes it turns out to endure all these bullying and still love her like a native, with visible tension: “It would be nice to start swimming in an open water."

    A curtain. Let's go. I don't like open water. Drowning. I remember. Did not like.

    A couple of weeks later, my long-suffering closet got acquainted with a beautiful, functional wetsuit ...

    Who, excuse me, is responsible for making decisions here?

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