Why does the plane fly? Flying people Four-legged friends are the pioneers of space flight.

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Indian "flyers"

The first reports of a person floating in the air (levitation) came from India. Returning from a trip to this wonderland, the first Europeans enthusiastically described the cases they observed of a person hovering in the air.

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The listeners had the feeling that everything was flying in India. In fact, the number of Levitants in India was very small. Who were these "flying people"? Each of them has gone through a long long path of spiritual self-improvement. These were already people not of our world, operating in conversations with philosophical concepts that are outside of our consciousness. They levitated in a state of trance, preparation for which took up to several days.

The compiled by them has reached us practical guide on levitation, but just to understand what has been written, it will take several years beforehand to devote oneself to the study of Indian philosophy. Levitation itself is available only to individual initiates who have learned to control psychic energy.

Not only Hindus flew

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The most famous Levitants in Europe are the Carmelite nun Sister Teresa (mid-16th century) and the Italian Joseph Deza (1603-1663).

Sister Teresa left notes describing the feeling of elation that accompanied every flight. Teresa did not know how to manage her gift, it always happened spontaneously, often right in the church during the service in the presence of numerous witnesses. Teresa constantly prayed that the Lord would deliver her from this unusual gift, and, in the end, the prayers were answered.

Joseph Deza was also a monk. He levitated during prayers, and so often that he made a voyage through the monasteries so that as many people as possible could see the miracle. (Therefore, the number of left testimonies exceeds all reasonable limits.) An unusual monk was summoned to Rome, where he hovered during prayer in the presence of Pope Urban VIII.

Other levitants

As for our compatriots, there is evidence of levitation of the Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov John, Seraphim of Sarov and Basil the Blessed, who repeatedly flew across the Moskva River in front of the crowd.

In total, there are more than 300 described cases of levitation in church records, both by church ministers and parishioners. All of them were sincere and deeply believers and levitated at the moments of the highest emotional uplift - during prayer. This once again confirms that the solution to the phenomenon of levitation lies in the spiritual sphere.

Daniel Dunglas Hume

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In the 19th century, Daniel Dunglas Hume, a spiritualist medium and clairvoyant, who also owned telekinesis and levitation, toured Europe and the United States. He demonstrated his abilities in the presence of a huge number of people, spoke to the reigning persons (Napoleon III, Kaiser Wilhelm I, Alexander II). I never objected to the presence of independent observers at the sessions. Moreover, he himself often invited world-renowned scientists to the demonstrations as experts and was never convicted of fraud. Hume was a very religious person, he always said that he was just an instrument of God, he conducted many sessions for free or for charitable purposes.

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Finishing touch

In 1957, the Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi formulated the foundations of the Theory of Transcendental Meditation, which he created, which later grew into a whole movement. According to his theory, a person who has mastered the technique of transcendental meditation will be able to fly by the power of only his psychic energy.

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In July 1986, in Washington DC, Maharishi's followers held the first flying yogi competition. The competitions have become annual. At the sixth competition in The Hague in 1993, the winner Subha Chandra managed to rise 90 cm above the ground, stayed in the air for 3 minutes and flew 187 cm horizontally during this time.

Man flew

The Wright brothers had already taken off the ground (no one knew about Mozhaisky's flights at that time), Bleriot had already flown over the English Channel, and the names of Russian aviators - Efimov, Utochkin, Nesterov - began to appear in newspapers.

In what year it was - I will not say for sure, but only once in our city there were posters that the flight of an aviator such and such on a Farman airplane would take place at the hippodrome, tickets are on sale. At that time, no one had seen and knew how it happens in practice, and they did not understand that once the airplane rises into the air, it will be visible to everyone without a ticket. Everyone rushed to buy tickets and went to the hippodrome.

We see: an airplane is standing on a running field - a kind of fragile whatnot, fastened with wires (about a flying whatnot has already been said so many times, but really - this comparison immediately comes to mind), and near something they are busy: an aviator - a young, gypsy-looking fellow in leather a jacket, and an entrepreneur - the owner of an airplane, a stout uncle in a sports jacket with pockets, breeches and leggings and a seven-leaf-one-rivet peaked cap. There is also a beautiful brunette - the wife of an aviator - in a hat with a long veil, her eyes are crying: she is worried about her husband. There is a slight wind blowing, and the flight is in doubt because of this. The owner persuades me to fly. What is it to him! He raised money and is most interested in the proceeds. The wife squeezes the aviator's fingers and looks at him with pleading eyes: she wants him to give up the flight. And the people are waiting.

The aviator bites his lips and decides to fly!

The engine chirps, the propeller spins, the aviator sits in plain sight between some completely toy sticks - spacers. What courage - to entrust your life to such an unreliable structure!

Look: the airplane ran, ran along the ground and suddenly separated from the path, and, my God, here it is in the air - is it a joke? - at the height of the second floor, and maybe even higher! Everyone shouted with delight and began to throw up their caps. But now it seems to be blown away by the wind, blown away, and now it is already outside the circle of the hippodrome. We rush to the exit in the field, and we see: the airplane descends and, hobbling and bouncing, rolls sideways along the pasture.

We run to the place of descent, and the aviator walks towards us, limping slightly (apparently, something is still not entirely safe during landing), but safe! Whole! His wife grabbed his arms and looks into his face with happy eyes full of tears.

Dozens of people pick it up and shouting "Hurray!" they are being dragged to the hippodrome in their arms. An exciting minute: yes, damn it, take off, brothers, hats - the man flew, and we all saw this miracle today with our own eyes!

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Intensive space exploration began only in the last century. For centuries, people have studied the stars and the celestial sphere, but only in the 20th century scientific and technological progress made it possible not only to enter the Earth's orbit, but also to be in outer space, to set foot on the Moon. Who flew first into space? Below we will answer this and other questions related to such flights.

The first living thing in outer space

Many are sure that the famous mongrels Belka and Strelka were the very first in space. However, this is not the case. Before their flight, at least 10 years, various experiments were carried out, during which various animals were released into low-earth orbit. The very first were the squirrel monkeys, which were launched by the Americans in 1949.

Four-legged friends - space flight pioneers

It was only in 1951 that experiments began on our four-legged friends. The first dogs to fly into space were the mongrels Dezik and Gypsy. They were launched on high-altitude rockets to an altitude of 450 km. They made it back successfully. In 1957 the legendary Laika made the first real orbital flight on the Sputnik-2 rocket. The dog died from stress and overheating after a short time after takeoff. In any case, Laika was doomed to die, since the ship's design did not imply a return to Earth.

And only in 1960 on the Sputnik-5 rocket the well-known Belka and Strelka. They survived the flight successfully and returned home safe and sound. It became clear that the first manned flight into space was not far off. Soviet and American scientists worked hard in this direction.

Who flew first into space?

Any student will answer this question. Everyone knows who first flew into space. The name of this hero is Yuri Gagarin. Space rocket Vostok launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan 12th of April 1961 year. Gagarin exclaimed during takeoff: "Let's go!" He was calm, there is information in the archive that the sensors recorded a pulse of 64 beats per minute. Already in orbit, Yuri was surprised: "The Earth is blue! How beautiful!"

He circled the planet in orbit in 108 minutes and returned successfully, landing in a field near the village of Engels, Saratov region. Gagarin recalled that a peasant woman with her daughter was the first to see him in an orange spacesuit and were frightened ...

The whole world spread the news that the first manned flight into space took place. This great event is the starting point for human exploration of outer space.


Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the Smolensk region. His father and mother were simple collective farmers from the village of Klushino.

In June 1951, Yura graduated with honors from the Lyubertsy vocational school. In the same year he graduated from the Lyubertsy School of Working Youth.

In 1955 he graduated from the Saratov Industrial College with the highest marks and graduated from the Saratov Aero Club. In the same year he was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. He served as a fighter pilot in an aviation regiment.

In 1957 he graduated from the I. Voroshilov (Orenburg) with the qualification of a military pilot of the first category. Yu. A. Gagarin was a student of the famous test pilot Akbulatov.

On March 3, 1960, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Air Force, he was enlisted in the cosmonaut corps. A year later he made his famous flight. After him, Yu. A. Gagarin became a living legend, received worldwide recognition, was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union and awarded with many medals. Yuri was declared an honorary citizen of various cities.

The personal life of the one who first flew into space was also successful. In 1957, Gagarin got married, then he had two daughters.

However, on March 27, 1968, at the age of 34, during the tests of the MiG-15 fighter, the first person to fly into space died tragically. At that time the whole country was grieving!

The weaker sex does not lag behind

The first woman to conquer space was also a citizen of the USSR. This is Valentina Tereshkova. She was born on March 6, 1937 in a simple family. She graduated from high school, worked at a factory, then - as a weaver at a combine. At the same time, she studied in absentia at the technical school of light industry. Her hobby - parachuting in which she was one of the best in women's team... In 1960, Valentina became the secretary of the Komsomol committee.

When Academician Korolev had the idea to send a woman to near-earth orbit, a competition for applicants was announced. A woman had to be no older than 30 years old, no more than 170 cm tall and weighing no more than 70 kg, have good health, be politically literate, morally stable and have experience in skydiving. Valentina immediately applied. She and 4 more applicants were selected among several hundred applicants.

Tereshkova's difficult flight

Tiring training began, which lasted several months. In November 1962 Tereshkova and the rest of the candidates successfully passed the exams. However, the choice fell on Valentina, although according to the conclusions of the doctors, she was fifth on the list. But political factors became decisive - the woman was from a simple family, the secretary of the Komsomol cell. A big plus was the fact that she knew how to speak well at meetings (the experience of the Komsomol member affected). Indeed, in the event of a successful flight, Tereshkova was expected to travel internationally, to meet with Western journalists. According to contemporaries, Khrushchev personally insisted on the candidacy of Valentina.

The historic launch took place on June 16, 1963 on the Vostok-6 rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The flight into space lasted three days, and during this time, emergency situations arose. The most serious and threatening was the temporary disorientation of Tereshkova, as a result of which she sent the spacecraft in the other direction, moving away from great speed from the planned trajectory of flight into open space. The observers got their bearings in time and switched the rocket to automatic control mode, returning it to the correct route. V.V. Tereshkova, the first woman-cosmonaut on the planet, told many years later that she physically felt very bad. Indeed, immediately after the presentation, she was in bad shape and was urgently hospitalized. However, after a couple of days, she accepted congratulations with a smile.

For her heroic flight into space, Valentina Tereshkova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and other honors.

Other victories of the USSR

The Americans were shocked by the news of Gagarin's flight, and then by the news of Tereshkova's orbital flight. The USA launched the first man - Alan Shepard - into space a month after the USSR, but it was not a real space flight, but only a suborbital one. Only on February 20, 1962, the American Mercury-6 rocket made its first real orbital flight with astronaut John Glenn on board.

In the space race between the USA and the USSR, the country of the Soviets took almost all the prizes:

  • The first satellite in the world was launched by the USSR on 04.10.1957.
  • Gagarin is the first cosmonaut on the planet.
  • Tereshkova is a pioneer woman in astronautics.
  • Alexey Leonov, a citizen of the USSR, performed the first spacewalk on 03/18/1965 from the Voskhod-2 spacecraft.
  • Soviet citizen Svetlana Savitskaya- the first woman who dared to go into outer space on July 25, 1984
  • Anatoly Soloviev spent a record 82 hours and 20 minutes in 16 spacewalks in total.

The United States took revenge when it first landed its astronauts Neil Armstrong and Alvin Aldrin on the moon. Although many argue that it was a big scam, and so far a man's foot has not set foot on the moon.

  • 1964 - the first civilians were sent into space - doctor Boris Egorov and doctor of technical sciences Konstantin Feoktistov.
  • 1978 - Czechoslovakia joined the ranks of countries conquering space, sending astronaut V. Remek into airless space.
  • 1985 - the first politicians in space - Senator Edwin Garn and Prince of Saudi Arabia Al-Saud.
  • 1990 - Japanese journalist Toehiro Akiyama went into outer space.

Tourist space

The idea of ​​space tourism was put forward back in 1967. The first official report on this topic was presented in 1986 at the International Astronautical Congress. In the same year, the first tourist was supposed to fly into space - the American Christy McAuliffe, the teacher who won this prize in the competition. However, during the launch of the Challenger shuttle, she died, which became the reason for the state ban on flights into space for non-professionals.

The idea of ​​such tourism did not die, but continued to develop at an unprecedented rate. Already in 2001, Russia was able to send the first tourist into space, the American Dennis Tito, who paid $ 20 million for the flight. This mission caused a lot of discontent with NASA. However, in 2002, again, Russia sent a second tourist into space - Mark Shuttleworth, who also paid $ 20 million for the flight.

Tito and Shuttleworth are the first people to fly into space as tourists. Today day cosmic the space has already been visited by 8 travelers. The cost of the flight increased to $ 40 million. An additional service for 15 million was announced - spacewalk.

The United States is actively working on the creation of ultra-modern safe shuttles for space tourism and promises to reduce the cost of flights to $ 50 thousand by 2020, which will make it possible to send up to 500 tourists a year to the International Space Station.

Flyby and landing human onto its surface. Once into space flew Yuri Gagarin (April 12, 1961), and later Alan Shepard (May 5, 1961), the Moon Race began. In May 1961, the United States adopted a program for the conquest of the moon. The Americans were extremely annoyed by the fact that the first human flying into space was ...

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5 such "slides" were made, and in total it took about 2 minutes of weightlessness. Components of success Until the moment the first exit human conflicting assumptions have been made into outer space. Some argued that the cosmonaut could "weld" to the spacecraft. And ... The crew of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft required special coherence and harmony. Such difficult task, how first output human into open space from the cabin of the ship through the airlock, it was possible to solve only with full ...

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Lived Adam in the gardens of Eden,
But his time has come
And God created Eve for him,
From him, from the rib.

So in Paradise Adam, with him Eve.
God-given virgin.
Lived, listened to the birds,
We ate pears and figs.

But in the remote gardens of Eden,
Eve met a problem ...

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Our world must also achieve the goal of its creation. All other nature, except human, in its fix depends only on the fix human. Human working on oneself, "spiritualizes" the whole nature by the end of the correction. Independently neither ... worlds. Then from the most truly egoistic desire, the core of all creation, Malchut of the World of Infinity, a soul is formed the first human, Adam, which also breaks then into small fragments - our souls. Those who begin to study Kabbalah are wrong ...

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First teacher

Someone opens in the sky new star,
With its light I appear in the world!
My first teacher opened a dream in me
I spread my wings to fly into life!

As the very first snow melts under the sun,
He gives the moist earth to drink,
My first teacher is the first ...

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