Which tricycle to buy? Why buy a tricycle for a child? The benefits of cycling for a child

Attractive cost; 2 is the best model for girls; 3 - maximum comfort. 1 - excellent equipment for a reasonable price.

The first bicycle models appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. Since that time, this very useful structure has been significantly modified, improved and received many different types... Here you can mention super-sophisticated sports models, and options for tourists, as well as special versions for performing various tricks or trial. Naturally, the youngest cyclists, children, were not left out.

Probably, almost everyone will be able to remember their first three-wheeled friend who helped us to start mastering the first vehicle. You could not be afraid to fall from it, but how many positive emotions and delight the riding on it caused! True, remembering the first bicycles from our childhood, you understand that today's children would hardly be interested in them, because these were the simplest devices of modest colors and without any additional "bells and whistles". In today's world, in order to interest a child in something, companies producing goods for children, including bicycles, have to put in a lot of effort and imagination. The bicycle practically had to be reinvented, using the achievements of modern technologies, the latest developments of engineers and designers.

Our review will present you not simple tricycles, but those models in which the parent can control the speed and direction of transport. After all, individual models are used for babies from a year old, and therefore this opportunity will be very useful. So, here are the most popular models of bicycles with a handle.

Video review: children's tricycles

The best bicycles with a handle for children from one year old in the budget category.

While the child is very small, special problems with the place of its movement does not arise - it is either a stroller, or a sled in winter. Well, with children a little older, parents are already starting to think. They were helped by bicycles of a special design, which are very well suited for children over one year old. The design usually has a special belay rim to prevent the baby from falling out of the seat. In addition, it is desirable to have a visor to protect from rain and create shade, so that the child can rest comfortably. Also, various toys and other devices that can arouse interest in a child are often attached to the steering wheel.

Assessment (2018): 4.4

Advantages: Minimum cost

Manufacturer country: Taiwan

The birth of a child is a great happiness for the whole family. However, it is not a secret for anyone that with its appearance it is necessary to reshape the family budget. And if parents are limited in money, then it is quite possible to save some money on such a device as tricycle and opt for a model from Jaguar. Of course, this bike is not equipped in the best way, sometimes there are complaints about the quality of performance. But, nevertheless, this option is very popular with kids, and in some cases more than some models with a higher price tag.

Assessment (2018): 4.5

Advantages: Most comfortable model

Manufacturer country: Israel

Dignity disadvantages
  • Anatomically shaped chair with five-point harness
  • On the steering surface there is a toy phone that can captivate the baby for a long time
  • The wheels are made of plastic, it will be harsh for a kid, and if you take into account the plastic box, it is quite noisy
  • The quality could be better, the parts are not fitted very well, as a result of which the structure often creaks and rattles during operation

The name of the Israeli company that produces this model literally translates as "Smart tricycle", which perfectly characterizes their products. Of course, there are user complaints about the not always perfect quality, but almost everyone mentions that the design is ideally thought out. First of all, it is worth noting the assembly of the model, it will not take more than thirty minutes even for parents who have no experience. Next, we should note the convenience for parents. So, other models have a bag on the handle, but in this case it is much more convenient.

Assessment (2018): 4.7

Advantages: Excellent functionality and equipment

Manufacturer country: Germany (assembled in China)

The leader of this rating category is a model whose name immediately attracts attention. The appearance of the bike at first glance arouses interest, although the model belongs to the budget segment, it looks quite serious, convincing the buyer of the reliability of the design. However, the first impression is somewhat misleading. Users often point out the fact that the rims are made of plastic material. Although the design remains very reliable, stronger materials would be more desirable here.


Buying a bike is not as easy as it might seem at first. To make the right choice, we advise you to study the main parameters, which we will consider below.

1 For a very small child, choose a model with a canopy that can be adjusted so that the baby is protected from rain and bright sunlight. 2 Do not leave your child unattended. It is desirable that the visor has a viewing hole. 3 To keep your baby comfortable at all times, choose a vehicle that has a soft seat. 4 It is better if the bike has rubber wheels, because our roads are far from ideal, and plastic wheels will not be able to soften uneven surfaces. 5 If your baby is too independent, it is preferable to choose in which you can lock the steering wheel control. In this case, the parents will be able to control the speed and direction of movement. 6 And so that your purchase in a year and a half does not turn into unnecessary trash in the closet, pay attention to whether it is possible to remove the visors, the handle and the support for the legs. In this case, a grown up kid of 4-5 years old will be able to ride a bike himself.

The best bicycles with a handle for children from 1 year old in terms of value for money

V early childhood the cost of the toy does not matter to the child. He will equally rejoice at your gift worth 500 rubles and 5000 rubles. And yet, some parents prefer that their child has only the best things and toys, no matter what the price is. We advise such parents to pay attention to bicycles with a handle from the following review.

These bikes already have some extra bells and whistles, the cost here will already be significantly higher thanks to famous brands manufacturers, however, and the quality is also increasing. More expensive materials of better quality are used, the designs are well thought out, that is, this purchase will appeal to both children and their parents. Let's turn to the most popular representatives of this category.

Assessment (2018): 4.4

Advantages: Great option for the little ones

Manufacturer country: China

Almost all models in this category can be recommended for babies over one year old. However, the model, which is in the third position of the comparative review, due to its design features, can be used for younger kids too. True, the model has a relatively low price tag and therefore does not pretend to have excellent build quality and ease of use, but users have no particular complaints.

Assessment (2018): 4.7

Advantages: Better care for your baby's safety

Manufacturer country: China

The Chinese-made model, which is in second place in the ranking, is not far behind the gold medalist. The price in this case is slightly lower, and in terms of the build quality and materials used, the model does not differ much from the leader. But this option can offer the best protection for the baby in the group. And the structure will be able to protect not only from falls or bad weather, but also from cars.

Assessment (2018): 4.7

Advantages: Convenient universal model

Manufacturer country: Germany

The leader of our comparative review is a German-made model, even by its appearance, one can immediately determine that it is not cheap. Users praise the design for its superior quality and ease of assembly. A small flaw that I would like to note was noticed in the design of the model released in 2014. The rear axle was slightly bent, which caused a nasty squeak. In the future, this moment was finalized and now, buying new bike you needn't be afraid.

The best handle bikes for kids 2+

Of course, for kids who are barely a year old, we are not talking about cycling yet. After all, they have barely learned how to walk and pedal for them is still entertainment, which takes place under the constant supervision of their parents. Well, in this category of the rating, we will consider models that can be used for older kids, they only need to be slightly guided sometimes, basically they can already ride on their own. Such models, in comparison with those considered earlier, are already more simplified. They do not have any belts and safety arches, and there are no visors. Those. the models are as simple as possible and that is why they can be easily converted into ordinary bicycles without a handle, on which the child can ride for several more years.

Assessment (2018): 4.3

Advantages: Maximum comfort

Manufacturer country: Germany

The third position is occupied by a very controversial model. She seems to have all the necessary properties that will be useful for a baby of two to four years old. And at the same time, the price tag of the model is clearly too high. In the absence of any obvious outstanding advantages, the cost will be an order of magnitude higher than that of competing models.

Assessment (2018): 4.5

Advantages: Best Model for Girls

Manufacturer country: Germany

The manufacturer clearly intended this model from Germany for young ladies. More and more women are driving. And it is not surprising that girls at an early age are already striving to drive a vehicle. True, you can find many models in pink, but this one is exclusive, you cannot find such in other, "masculine" colors.

Assessment (2018): 4.8

Advantages: Attractive cost

Manufacturer country: Taiwan

The leader of this comparative review is the model that any boy will be delighted with. And the main thing here is not catchy appearance, small cost or something else, parents will pay more attention to this. But this model is a dump bike, and it really is a thing! The plastic basket, located at the back, is equipped with a special handle by means of which it tilts. For an older child, the game will be exciting.

The best handle bikes for ages 3+

As a rule, kids at the age of three can already ride a bike without the help of adults. However, some manufacturers offer grip models for this age category. True, the choice of such devices is not very large, and therefore there is only one representative in this review. So, we propose to consider it.

Assessment (2018): 4.8

Advantages: Excellent equipment for a reasonable price

Manufacturer country: China

When looking at this model, one wonders why it is intended by the manufacturer for older kids. three years? After all, here you can find the main characteristic features of bicycles from the group discussed above, for babies over one year old. This is a protective visor, an arc of safety and other details. But in general, such an unusual purpose does not detract from the positive qualities of the bike.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 16 minutes


Have you decided to buy a three-wheeled "friend" for your child? This means that it will be useful for you to find out how to correctly choose such a transport, and what models of tricycles are popular among modern parents.

Is the first birthday candle blown out yet? This means that your baby has already grown out of the stroller, and he needs more serious transport. Surely, he is already looking sadly at the owners of bicycles and dreams of pedaling and transporting his toys in a convenient basket.

Types of children's tricycles

  • Cycling stroller, designed for babies from one to two years old. Mom or dad drives such transport. The child got the role of a passive passenger. With the help of a special handle, such a bicycle can be rolled like a stroller.
  • Classic tricycle designed for kids from two to four years old. This option is suitable for crumbs who can already pedal on their own and want to ride with a breeze. The main selection criteria are technical characteristics.
  • Bicycles that combine the functions of classics and bicycle strollers... As soon as the baby grows up, the bike stroller, with a slight movement of the hand, turns into an ordinary tricycle. That is, the footrests, restraints, handle and safety rim are removed and the vehicle is ready to drive.

Why buy a tricycle for a child? The benefits of cycling for a child

The reasons for all parents are different. Some people need a bicycle as a bright toy for a baby, others take this transport so as not to carry a heavy stroller, still others introduce the baby to sports and physical activity... It should be noted that a bicycle will be useful for a child in all cases. The health benefits of it are undeniable. What exactly is a bicycle useful for?

  • Strengthening the muscles of the legs.
  • Development of coordination of movements.
  • Increased endurance and vitality.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Workout vestibular apparatus.
  • Improving blood supply.
  • Prophylaxis various visual impairments.
  • Also, cycling, according to doctors, useful for problems with the development of knees, feet and pelvis, at valgus curvature stop, with dysplasia hip joints... But, of course, only after consulting a specialist.

Features of tricycles for children from one to two years old

First of all, modern three-wheeled vehicles are one of the favorite toys of the kid, thanks to the lighting effects, the music panel and other entertainment elements. Toddlers love not only to press the buttons, but also to ride their favorite toys on a bicycle, driving vehicles using a special, folding, short handle (handrails). What other features of the bike stroller are worth noting?

  • Rocking chairs. Some models of tricycles are transformed into rockers. To use the transport for its intended purpose, you only need to attach the rocking chair to the handle. It happens that the rocking chair simply folds down, after which it is fixed between the bicycle wheels.
  • Simulators... Certain brands offer trainer bicycles that can be used (in addition to their direct use) as a trainer or for teaching cycling.
  • Safety chair with backrest or a removable seat with a restraint (seat belts, cloth "pants", etc.).
  • Safety bezel. Additional protection against the baby falling out.
  • Foot rests. Better when they are pallet-shaped for a safe and correct position children's feet.
  • Stops - "pedals" can be lifted and fixed to be pushed off the ground by feet.
  • Parental handle. Adjustable in height, controls the steering wheel.
  • Roof awning. Indispensable when it rains or the sun beats down.
  • Trunk... It comes in a variety of shapes, from a built-in glove compartment to baskets, bodies and containers.

Features of tricycles for kids from two to four years old

Traditionally, these bicycles are made in classic strict forms, without unnecessary details. Their main purpose is to pedal and catch the wind at speed. Key Features:

  • Bicycle saddle or a high chair.
  • Wide wheels with rubber tires for better shock absorption and a quiet ride.
  • Klaxon.
  • Hand brake, allowing to stop transport not only on the road, but also on an inclined surface.
  • Rudder limiter and a special insert to protect the baby from falling out during sharp turns.
  • Pedals. Easy to rotate, not too small, not too forward.

It is best if the vehicle can “grow” with the small owner. That is, when additional parts can be removed, the steering wheel and seat are adjustable in height, the frame is moved apart. It's also nice when the bike can be folded for easy transport.

Rating of the best models of children's tricycles, according to parents

Lexus Trike tricycle


  • Fashionable design.
  • Safety belt.
  • Soft seat.
  • Sound signal.
  • Lightweight chrome frame.
  • Step.
  • Large rubber wheels.
  • Awning.
  • Luggage basket, backpack and toy basket.
  • Handle (112 cm), adjustable.


  • Lightweight frame.
  • Step.
  • Pusher handle.
  • Wheelchair seat.
  • Sun and rain canopy plus a protective hood with a mosquito window.
  • Wide tires.
  • Excellent shock absorption.
  • Safety belt.
  • Soft front bumper.
  • Removable rear basket.


  • Strength.
  • Ease of use.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Sun shade.
  • Music.
  • Footrest.
  • Rear and front bodywork.
  • Support seat.
  • Control knob.


  • Excellent equipment.
  • Ideal height for toddlers.
  • Comfortable handle (adjustable) with bottle storage and removable backpack.
  • Cartoon character figurine in front (seven melodies from the cartoon, from batteries).
  • Holding handle (up-down).
  • Sun awning.
  • Pallet for feet.
  • Frame with spring shock absorber.
  • Rear toy basket.
  • Conversion to a regular bike by removing the handle, pallet and tarpaulin.


  • Attractive stylish design.
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Excellent maneuverability.
  • Reliability.
  • Metal parts.
  • Sturdy, comfortable handle with height adjustment.
  • A pocket for various little things, a basket for toys.
  • Convenience when checking in on curbs.
  • Sun shade.

  • Practicality and convenience.
  • Music.
  • Comfortable, operated handle.
  • Footrest.
  • Folds easily for transportation and fits into the trunk of a car.
  • It quickly turns into a regular bike (there is no need to buy a second one).


  • Metal frame.
  • Musical panel.
  • Toy baskets (plastic and fabric)
  • Enclosed seat.
  • High price.
  • Metal wheels.
  • Removable awning.
  • High footrest (does not touch curbs).
  • Soft protection against falling out.


  • Ease.
  • Height-adjustable seat.
  • Ball bearing bushings.
  • Stability.
  • Rear footrest.
  • The parental handle is missing.
  • Ideal for the physical development of a child.


  • Ideal price-quality ratio.
  • Easy transformation into a regular bike.
  • Footrest.
  • Two baskets.
  • Mirrors on the steering wheel.
  • Comfortable colorful armrests.
  • Rolling handle (adjustable).
  • Removable awning roof with a window.


  • Maneuverability.
  • Ease.
  • Rubber wheels.
  • Effortless handling.
  • Adjustable handle.

It is worth remembering that any tricycle is, albeit tiny, but still transport. Check carefully during operation fastening parts ... Also does not hurt timely cleaning of wheels, footboards and pedals from dirt, and lubrication of parts .

Any child would like to have a bicycle and babies are no exception. Such a means of transportation helps to learn about the world, and also develops motor skills, attention and coordination of movements.

The main thing is to choose the right product for a child so that it is of high quality and fulfills its functions. Especially in order to help parents, this rating of children's tricycles with and without a handle has been compiled.

Chicco tricycle with handle

The rating of children's bicycles should start with this Chicco Pelican model. Such a vehicle has a number of advantages over others:

  • original design;
  • light weight;
  • comfortable handle for control.

This model is intended for children from 1 year old.

Tricycle Smart trike 1573800 Zoo Dolphin

Best children bicycle 2016 - Smarttrike. It is a vehicle from a well-known Israeli manufacturer and has the following strengths:

  • high comfortable back;
  • wide belts;
  • safety rim from falling out of the child;
  • rubber wheels;
  • steering;
  • sun shade;
  • comfortable handle for control;
  • footrest.

This model is designed for children from 8 months to 3 years old, which is also its undoubted advantage.

Bicycle three-wheeled Mini Trike LT-950ADS Trike

Talking about what good kids bike to choose for a toddler, the MiniTrike model cannot be ignored.

  • bright colors;
  • straight back, preventing the development of scoliosis;
  • rain shade;
  • seat belts and safety rim;
  • durable metal body;
  • horn;
  • comfortable curved handle.

The model provides an additional backpack on the handle.

Tricycle Seca 003-KSRHarley

The coolest kids bike on the internet is the Seca Harley. The model has the following advantages:

  • stylish design;
  • rubber wheels;
  • lift bar design;
  • soft fork;
  • robust reinforced construction.

This model does not provide a handle, the child will have to pedal and overcome obstacles on his own.

Tricycle Smart trike Cupcake

The best bike for a child in the light category is the Smart trike Cupcake. In addition to its low weight, it has a number of advantages:

  • original colors;
  • straight, stylish steering wheel;
  • plastic wheels that are difficult to damage;
  • steering wheel fixation;
  • two baskets, one of which is tipping.

The model is designed for children 1-3 years old. The footrests can be lifted.

Tricycle Mini Trike LT-950 A

The best children's bike from 1 year old - Mini Trike LT-950 A. It has the following advantages:

  • nice design;
  • soft headrest;
  • light sun shade;
  • comfortable curved handle;
  • horn.

The model is designed for children from one year to four.

Three-wheeled bicycle Navigator Lexus T55927

The best bike for a child 2 years old - Navigator T55927 Lexus. The vehicle has the following advantages:

  • straight padded back with a backpack;
  • voluminous rain visor;
  • horn;
  • front fender that protects against splashing mud;

The maximum allowable weight for a child is 25 kg.

Three-wheeled bicycle Navigator Lexus T55912

In the category best bike for a child 3 years old, the leader can be called the Navigator T55912 Lexus. This model has a number of advantages in comparison with other similar ones:

  • light weight;
  • stylish design;
  • light sun shade;
  • front and rear wheels different sizes, which contributes to good cross-country ability;
  • easy control;
  • comfortable grip that allows you to control the steering wheel.

For safety, the model is equipped with a rim.

Tricycle Seca Explorer 1419

Speaking about which bike is better for a child, one cannot ignore the stylish Seca 1419 Explorer. It has the following advantages:

  • soft seat with a small back;
  • bright attractive design;
  • a handle without the ability to control the steering wheel;
  • voluminous sun visor and backpack to match;
  • rear basket with lid.

The model has bright, eye-catching lettering.

Tricycle Navigator SpongeBob T57575

The lightest children's bike on the site is the Navigator T57575 SpongeBob. In addition to its low weight, it has a number of positive aspects:

  • attractive design with the cartoon character SpongeBob, beloved by many children;
  • sturdy metal frame;
  • comfortable non-slip seat;
  • horn;
  • Lantern.

The product also has a spacious basket in the back. Model T57573 Peppa differs from this only in color and more girlish design.

Tricycle Navigator Lexus T56853

Original children's bicycles are represented by the Navigator T56853 Lexus model, which has the following positive aspects:

  • attractive design;
  • large foldable rain canopy;
  • comfortable curved handle with the ability to control the steering wheel;
  • voluminous fabric basket;
  • footrests;
  • comfortable steering wheel.

The safety rim has a soft cover, which minimizes the risk of injury to the child.

Three-wheeled bicycle Zhuravlik 820703-2

An interesting children's bike is represented by a three-wheeled model without a handle Zhuravlik 820703-2. It has the following advantages:

  • low height, thanks to which it is convenient to sit on the vehicle for children of all ages;
  • stylish original design;
  • curved steering wheel with a horn;
  • a lamp in the front of the bike;
  • comfortable plastic seat with backrest.

At the back there is a footrest that a second child can stand on.

BicycleTricycle Seca Speed ​​Motorcycle Tricycle 17719-XG

Not the last place in the ranking of children's bicycles is occupied by the Seca 17719-XG Speed ​​Motorcycle Tricycle tricycle. The model has the following advantages:

  • light weight;
  • comfortable straight steering wheel;
  • plastic resistant wheels;
  • seat with a small back.

Such a vehicle has an original design and looks like a motorcycle.

Tricycle Bicycle Kid Head Robot 800707-4A

It is quite difficult to say unequivocally which bicycles are best for children among the presented models. However, the vehicle - Kid 800707-4A definitely deserves attention. It has a number of advantages:

  • nice unobtrusive design;
  • rubber wheels;
  • straight steering wheel with a toy on it;
  • wide handle for steering and steering the bike;
  • safe mirrors;
  • two baskets of different sizes.

The design of the product successfully combines two colors that do not irritate the nervous system.

Tricycle Bicycle Kid Duckling Head with Button 770304-7

In addition, there are spacious footrests on the sides.

Tricycle bicycle Kid Head bear 800507-5

When making a rating which children's bicycles with a handle are better, one cannot ignore the model - Kid 800507-5 with a bear's head. This is an original vehicle that has the following advantages:

  • delicate design that is pleasing to the eye;
  • wide footrest;
  • sun shade;
  • a handle that allows you not only to push the bike, but also to control the steering wheel;
  • a toy on a straight steering wheel.

In addition, there is an additional handle on the back for pushing or holding the bike.

Tricycle bike Kid Mouse head 770302-16

Among the best bicycles, one cannot fail to highlight the model: Kid 770302-16 with a mouse head. It has the following advantages:

  • bright, attractive design with carefully crafted details: head, upper and lower legs of the mouse, etc.;
  • soft high back, which is also a headrest;
  • spacious footrests;
  • comfortable handle that allows you to control the steering wheel of the bike.

Such a vehicle in the category: the pleasant design of children's bicycles can occupy one of the leading positions.

Tricycle Mini Trike LT-7811

Another interesting children's bicycles include a vehicle - Mini Trike LT-7811. It is easy compact model, which has several other advantages:

  • stylish design;
  • small size;
  • voluminous backpack with a comfortable handle;
  • the ability to control the steering wheel;
  • three-point seat belts;
  • height-adjustable sun canopy;

The bike also has two baskets: a small one in the front and a large one in the back.

Tricycle Mini Trike 960

Choosing the best bike for a child 3 years old, you should pay attention to the model - Mini Trike 960. It is a stylish vehicle with the following benefits:

  • sun shade with several positions;
  • steering wheel with the ability to turn the steering wheel;
  • wide and high back, which also serves as a headrest;
  • stylish signal on a straight steering wheel;

The product has a solid metal structure that can support a child weighing up to 25 kg.

Three-wheeled bike Mars Trike CHIC-2 Print

The MarsTrikeCHIC-2 Print model closes the rating of children's tricycles with a handle. It has the following strengths:

  • attractive design;
  • original combined colors;
  • a fabric seat pad that can be washed if necessary;
  • wide seat belts;
  • baskets with a cover at the front and a net at the rear of the vehicle;
  • large backpack;
  • stylish horn in retro style.

The model is also equipped with a printed rain hood that can be folded out in several positions.

Every child should have a child's bike because it is critical in physical development child. Now there are a huge number of models on the market, ranging from budget to luxury. In order not to get lost in this variety and make the best decision on which children's bike is better to buy, you should carefully read the characteristics. We have prepared for you a rating of children's bicycles for various age groups, as well as parental feedback.

The best children's bicycles with a handle from 1 year old

This category of child transport is great alternative wheelchair. The child learns to be independent and to sit for a long time. Despite the fact that the movement is carried out by adults using a special rear handle, such bikes train the ability to hold on to the steering wheel, turn it and honk. When choosing, you should pay attention to:

  • seat dimensions
  • steering comfort
  • visor
  • wheel quality
  • the presence of special footrests for the smallest
  • overall structural strength

Below are the most popular models in this category at the best price-quality ratio.

1.RT ICON 4 Cream Gepard

Opens a high-quality rating and comfortable bike for a child from six months to 5 years. It is equipped with a comfortable handle for parents, a sun visor that does not block the view and durable rubber wheels. Thanks to the adjustable seat and steering wheel, it can be used from the moment the child starts to sit until he reaches the age of 5 years. According to the parents' reviews, it is a high-quality model with a long service life.


  • optimal ratio of cost and quality
  • stable and agile
  • ease of use


  • no basket

2. Cartoon Teddy Bear with a shock absorber

An inexpensive domestic bicycle with a bright design that will delight every child. It can be used for children from 1 to 4 years old, a special safety rim is an additional guarantee of safety. This is the lightest kid's bike that you can easily take for a ride. There is a basket for small things at the back of the structure, a convenient sun and rain shade, footrests. The seat with springs and a backrest provides a long-term comfortable stay in the child's bike with a visor and a handle.


  • bright design
  • budget price
  • comfortable stand under the legs
  • the presence of a visor and a basket


  • wheels made of plastic
  • inability to adjust the height of the seat and steering wheel

The best tricycles for kids 2-4 years old

Even if up to 2 years old the baby did without transport, after reaching this age it is time to think about purchasing it. Durability, maneuverability and ease of use are the main criteria for choosing a bike for 2-4 years. Below are the most popular models based on parental feedback.

1.RT ICON 4 Fuksia Angel

The list of three-wheeled models opens with a wonderful inexpensive children's bicycle with a handle, which is convenient for both adults and children. The stylish, austere design is complemented by the high quality of the product and the presence of an agile steering wheel and rubber wheels. The height of the seat and handlebar is adjustable as the child grows, therefore, having bought this at 2 years old quality bike for a child, you can use it for a long time.


  • stylish design
  • sturdy rubber wheels
  • high steering maneuverability
  • the presence of a comfortable visor
  • the ability to adjust transport according to the child's height


  • lack of a large selection of colors

2. Moby Kids Comfort 950D Green

The most budget-friendly bike for toddlers, made in vibrant colors. Equipped with a large sun and rain canopy, durable rubber wheels and an agile steering wheel. This is an inexpensive but good kids bike that can be used for a long time. As the child grows up, the structure transforms: the voluminous visor is removed and a compact children's bicycle for a 3-year-old child is obtained.


  • there is a safety rim
  • special stands for small legs
  • there is a backpack on the handle and a rear basket
  • comfortable and maneuverable on the road
  • the most budgetary price


  • lack of seat belts

Best kids bikes for ages 3 to 5

When choosing a children's bike in this age category, you should pay attention to the driving performance of the model. The best choice is tricycles with 14-inch front wheels and small rear and / or side wheels that can be removed. At this age, you can begin to get used to riding a two-wheeled vehicle. Below are the best models for 3-5 years in different price categories.

1. STARK Tanuki 14 Girl

A popular bike made especially for girls. Made of bright aluminum and fitted with a stylish handlebar basket. Little fashionistas will surely appreciate the shiny tassels hanging from the handlebars and the stylish pink color of the bike. This is the best children's bike for girls in terms of cost-performance ratio, which will allow you to painlessly switch from a three-wheeled vehicle to a two-wheeled one.


  • special design for girls
  • maneuverable wheels
  • the presence of side wheels that can be detached over time
  • availability of accessories


  • not found

2. STARK Tanuki 14 Boy

The best children's bike for boys from 3 to 5 years old, made in a stylish, simple design. The model is presented in two colors: black and dark green. Equipped with a rear brake, maneuverable wheels (side and rear can be removed). If you want to get a good kids' bicycle with inflatable wheels for your boy, this model will be an excellent intermediate stage in the transition to two-wheeled transport.


  • design specially designed for boys
  • quality workmanship
  • budget price


  • not found

The best kids' bikes for ages 4 and up

At this age, children already confidently ride their vehicles, so you can choose models with an emphasis on the characteristics of maneuverability. The side and rear wheels must be removable, because the child must already learn to ride on two wheels. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the size of the wheels, the number of speeds and the type of brake. Below are the models from the best manufacturers of children's bicycles in this age category.

1. STELS Arrow 16

One of the best budget children's bicycles opens the top two-wheeled models. A steel frame, high-quality rubber wheels, the presence of two brakes - this model of the bike can boast of such characteristics. The steering wheel is adjustable and, thanks to its curved shape, has excellent maneuverability. Suitable for both boys and girls who love fast but safe driving.


  • high quality
  • stylish design
  • the presence of two brakes
  • high level of security
  • budget cost


  • not found

2. Novatrack Girlish Line 16

The second position of the rating is occupied by a beautiful, high-quality bicycle with a delicate design, developed especially for girls. Made of aluminum alloy, equipped with a curved, maneuverable handlebar with 16 "wheels and removable side casters. It has one speed of movement, which indicates the increased safety of the structure. And little princesses can put everything they need for a comfortable walk in a stylish white basket.


  • special feminine design
  • the presence of a basket and trunk
  • the position of the steering wheel is adjusted
  • comfortable spring-loaded saddle
  • removable side wheels


  • no front brake, only rear

Best kids bicycles for ages 6-9

During this period, when choosing a children's two-wheeled bicycle, you need to pay attention to how the child rides. The standard for this age is a bike with 18 "wheels, but if a small biker prefers a fast ride, models with other diameters can be considered. The brakes should still be foot brakes, but models with an additional hand brake should not be ruled out so that the child gets used to it. Below are the most popular children's bicycles for this age category.

1. STELS Pilot 170 20

Not the cheapest children's bike, the cost of which is justified by the material of manufacture - a lightweight aluminum frame. Despite this, the weight of the bike is quite large - 14.8 kg, which suggests good physical characteristics of the cyclist. The model is equipped with a high-quality foot brake, and a special frame design removes restrictions on the child's height.


  • original design
  • removable wheels
  • availability of protection for the steering wheel and chain


  • heavy model weight

2. Novatrack Turbo 20

A relatively cheap kids bike, equipped with 20-inch wheels and a spacious trunk for transporting things. Additional protection against contact with the chain is provided by a special pad. Additional wheels can be used during the training period, then removed.


  • the presence of a bell, trunk and removable wheels
  • additional protection against contact with the chain


  • not found

Cheapest kids bicycles

Judging by the reviews about children's bicycles, good quality does not always involve a high price tag. Thanks to a wide variety of models, now you can choose a bike that meets all your needs at a very budgetary cost. Below is a list of the best models for low prices that you can buy for your child without fear of low quality.

1.1 TOY T57655 SpongeBob

One of the funniest bikes for the little ones. The three-wheeled structure is made in the design of the hero loved by kids, the model is equipped with a rear basket and a bell. This is a great choice if you are looking to buy cheap bike for a child to learn to ride.


  • bright design
  • lightweight, its weight is slightly more than 3 kg
  • low cost


  • no handle for parents

2. JAGUAR MS-0569

If you want to buy an inexpensive bike for your child, on which he will learn to ride, this model will be an excellent solution. Despite the low cost, you will find the ability to adjust the steering wheel, a comfortable handle for parents, a comfortable seat with safety belts and a removable basket. Great for your first cycling experience.


  • low price
  • the presence of durable seat belts
  • bright design
  • steering wheel with lift


  • not found

3. Smoby 444168 Be Fun Spiderman

Made in the style of a favorite hero, this is an inexpensive tricycle with a handle, in which it is convenient to ride a toddler from about 2 to 3 years old. There is no steering wheel control, so the model can be used as a stroller substitute. There is a convenient basket where you can put the necessary things for a walk.


  • budget cost
  • thematic design


  • lack of steering control

Best kids bikes for twins

Children's transport deserves special attention, in which two children can ride at once. When children have learned to sit, such a bicycle can successfully replace a stroller. Below are the top 10 best bikes for twins and blouses.

1. Capella Twin Trike

Inexpensive, but very good children's bike for twins with a handle, in which the children sit one after the other. A bright red design, a comfortable sun visor, the ability to control the steering wheel - all this refers to the undoubted advantages of this model. There are also leg rests and a handy basket in the back.


  • good value for money
  • agile steering wheel
  • safety rim
  • quality rubber wheels
  • possibility of further transformation


  • not found

2. Small Rider Cosmic Zoo Twins

Bright children's bike with a basket located at the back. Designed to carry two babies, 1-3 years old. The comfortable handle allows children to roll for a long time without feeling tired. The vehicle can be driven by the wheel, which is important for the child to ride independently in the future. It has comfortable seats, an adjustable steering wheel and a sun shade.


  • bright design
  • very low price
  • comfortable foot rests
  • safe bike, has a safety rim and seat belts
  • availability of accessories


  • a little squeaks when driving

Which children's bike to choose

When deciding what kind of children's bike is best to buy for your child, you should proceed primarily from his age. Despite the fact that most models "grow" with their small owners, you should not use one bike for more than 2 years. If a child loves cycling, he needs bikes with increased functionality, and for those who prefer quiet riding, it is also useful to change vehicles over time in order to learn something new.

When choosing a bike, pay attention to its age-appropriateness, the presence of characteristics necessary for your child personally, and the ratio of the cost and quality of the product. In the presented rating, the most popular and high-quality models are considered, on the basis of which you can make a good choice.

Teaching a child to ride a bike is the responsibility of every parent, because it is in childhood that it is necessary to instill in your child such habits as patience and attentiveness, as well as develop coordination of movements and motor skills. In addition, a children's bike is the first transport for your grown-up baby. In order not to endanger your child, you need to be responsible when buying a bicycle. From this article you will learn the features of the selection and rating of the best two-wheeled and three-wheeled children's bicycles.

Features of children's bicycles under 7 years old

A child's bike should be of interest to the child and fit all the criteria that parents should pay attention to. First of all, this is the material from which it is made and the size of the wheels suitable for the age and height of the baby. Many mums and dads do not see the point in spending a lot of money on a children's bike and “overpaying for the company,” while the true price is the safety and health of your child. Manufacturers of high-quality children's bicycles take into account all the nuances so that the purchase will serve you for a long time and bring you only joy, and selling branded vehicles when the child grows up will be much easier than getting rid of an inexpensive Chinese bicycle.

The skeleton of young novice cyclists is still being formed, so saving on the child's posture and correct development calf muscles also not worth it. Depending on the developmental characteristics of the child, it is necessary to select a bicycle with a specific wheel size. To know which bike is better to buy, you need to focus on the following recommendations.

Bicycles for children from 1 to 3 years old

At the age of 3 years, the height of a child usually does not exceed 1 meter and, in accordance with this, the size of the wheels on the bicycle is chosen the smallest - less than 12 inches. For babies, tricycles, bicycles with a handle or scooter bicycles are most often made.

Bicycles for children from 3 to 6 years old

Bicycles with wheels 12 - 16 inches are purchased for children from 3 to 6 years old, when their height ranges from 100 to 115 cm. Wheels 14 inches in diameter can be found only on domestic stealth bicycles, while most foreign models do not have exactly this sizes, limited to diameters 12 and 16. Models are in most cases two-wheeled and there are already side small wheels.

Bicycles for children aged 7

For children from 7 years old and with a height of more than 115 cm, it is necessary to purchase two-wheeled models with a wheel diameter of 16 - 20 inches. As a rule, they no longer have training wheels on the sides. Here you can already find Mountain bikes and models with more speeds, front and rear brakes. Depending on the "stuffing", the price for such bicycles can be very different. It is worth noting that 18 inches is another intermediate wheel size that is available on bicycles from the same Stealth company. Obviously, most foreign firms do not have such a large selection of wheels, but it is quite possible that, unlike domestic ones, they will serve you more.

It is worth noting that if you want to save money on the purchase and buy a bike "for growth", you can, as an exception, buy a product with a large wheel diameter, but the frame should be suitable for the child so that there is no discomfort during the ride. One way or another, general recommendations on how to choose children's transport can be too vague, therefore, below in the article specific models of children's bicycles and their rating will be considered.

Rating and description of three-wheeled models up to 4 years

Children grow up quickly between 2 and 4 years of age, which is why tricycle manufacturers produce models with a wide age range. Many models have a removable parent handle, a hood or visor, and a removable seat (baby seat and baby frame). Thanks to this functionality, a tricycle can even cost more than a two-wheeled one. Therefore, it is most rational to purchase such models at a sale or for a promotion, another option is to outbid a used bike, if it is not badly worn out by previous owners. The following bike models are in the top of the best.

Azimut Air Lamborghini

Azimut Air Lamborghini is an affordable and quality no-frills tricycle. Equipped with adult handles, seat belt, basket and 2 backrest positions.

Azimut air lamborghini three-wheeled

Capella air trike

The high-quality model of the Capella Air Trike children's tricycle with rubber wheels, a seat back and everything you need provides maximum safety and comfort for your little one.

Elit A28

Elit A28 is an excellent walking bike from 2 years old - lightweight, with stable wheels, a front basket for things. It is worth noting that this model lacks basic safety devices such as straps, parental handle and rim. Therefore, it is better to purchase a bicycle for use away from the roadway, for example, in the courtyard of a private house or in an area intended for children.


Formula F-3000 / F-5000 / F-7000 - bicycles that can support a child's weight up to 35 kg, have a soft seat, everything you need for the child's safety and several colors. The F-5000 and F-7000 have rubber wheels, while the F-3000 has PVC. And the F-7000 bike, unlike the other 2, has a straight handlebar without lifting.

Injusa city trike

Injusa - Spanish-made children's bicycles. The City Trike features a dual aluminum frame for light weight, an adjustable adult handle, comfortable footrests for a child and bright colors to impress.


Italtrike bicycles always have unusual design solutions, high-quality and quiet tires, but the disadvantages include the inability to detach the visor and the absence of a rear basket for things in most models. In addition, the price of bicycle models is quite high, so it is most profitable to purchase them with discounts.


KETTLER Happytrike Air Rocket is an orange tricycle for children 2-4 years old with adjustable seat, frame, wide inflatable wheels and folding handle for adults. Due to its functionality, this German bike is a lot more expensive than other children's ones, but the build quality and feature set justifies the price.

Kettler tricycle

Super trike

The Super Trike bike is an excellent choice for teaching your toddler to ride independently under your control. There is a long handle for adults, but the child can control the movement, while the steering wheel can be adjusted in height. It is worth noting that many models do not have seat belts, but almost all are equipped with a visor.


Another manufacturer of high-quality and expensive children's bicycles is Lamborghini. The most popular Lamborghini L2 has inflatable wheels, a steel frame and many nice touches such as an illuminated dashboard, 3 backrest positions, a basket, a fold-down step and a protective tarpaulin.

Little tikes

Little Tikes is one of the most popular brands of baby products from America. In addition to bicycles, you can find other children's transport of this company, a catalog with a full list of products can be found in their online store on the English site of the same name littletikes.com.


German Puky bikes are of excellent quality, have a thoughtful but discreet design and have the highest degree of safety (harness, removable covers, safety net on the basket, hand brake and high footrests for the child). The following models are worth highlighting:

  1. Puky 2223 -2227 CAT 1S - musical bike models;
  2. Puky 2403 CAT S6 Ceety;
  3. Puky 2413 CAT S6 Ceety;
  4. Puky 2400 Ceety.

Rich toys

Rich Toys is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of children's products, the quality of which is satisfied with many buyers. The most requested model of a tricycle at Rich Toys is Lexus trike with inflatable wheels and a spacious basket for things. At the same time, the bike is distinguished by its maneuverability. In addition to the popular Lexus trike model, you can also consider the Family and LXS-TRIKE.

Smart Trike

The following models are the most popular among all children's bicycles:

  1. Smart Trike Recliner;
  2. Smart Trike Deluxe;
  3. Smart Trike Zoo-Collection - has several colors - blue-blue for boys and pink for girls.

All models have everything you need for a child aged 2-4 years - three wheels, straight steering wheel without or with the option self-management and, as a rule, are equipped with a padded seat with a backrest and a handle for adults.


Navigator bicycles for children under 3 years old have everything you need for the comfort of your baby. There are no seat belts in the package, but there is a safety rim, there are also footrests, a visor, a horn, an adult handle and a steering wheel. Assorted colors.

Tilly trike

The Tilly Trike is a bike with rubber wheels and a great design that is easy to handle for both adults and young riders. The functionality of the model raises it to the rank of one of the best and safest children's bicycles.

Turbo trike

The turbo trike with removable parts will appeal to many parents. The large hood, durable wheels and easy-to-clean seating material make this model one of the most practical.


The kid is one of the most budgetary, but acceptable options for children from the age of 1 year old with a backrest on the seat, or a model for 3-4 year olds without a backrest. There are no seat belts and a visor, the main material is plastic.

Rating and description of two-wheeled children's bicycles

Two-wheeled bicycles for children from 3 to 7 years old

When switching from a tricycle to a two-wheeled bike, it is still better to give preference to the new good vehicle, on which your child will be able to travel for more than 1 year. Among all the variety of models and manufacturers, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points that a bicycle with two wheels should have:

  1. Possibility of attaching and detaching auxiliary training wheels;
  2. Headlamp for the opportunity to learn to drive in the dark;
  3. The presence of a horn;
  4. For small cyclists, a child's helmet should be provided with the bike. But protection can be purchased separately.

Among the popular tricycle manufacturers, of course, there are those who make two-wheeled models. The most popular are:

  1. Forward mountain bike with 14-inch wheels.
  2. Merida Spider J12 with 12 "wheels and 7" frame.
  3. Stels Pilot 110 12 - suitable for beginner cyclists from 4 years old.
  4. Stels pilot 170 14 - a bicycle with 14-inch wheels is suitable for the age of 5 years.
  5. Puky ZL 16-1 Alu - a bicycle with large wheels, suitable for large and fast-growing children from 5-6 years old.
  6. Schwinn lil stardust - 1 more bike with 16-inch wheels.

Forward 14-inch two-wheel

Two-wheeled bicycles for children up to 14 years old

Between the ages of 7-8, it is necessary to purchase good branded bicycles for your children, since at this age the child's safety plays a special role. For those who care how much a particular model costs two-wheeled bicycle you can recommend checking the prices on the Internet, where you can buy a reliable two-wheeled friend at an affordable price. Don't be stingy if you can find one of the following options at an affordable price:

  1. Trek Jet 16 inches.
  2. Trek Mystic 16 or 20 inches.
  3. Scool Nixe 16 and 18 inches.
  4. Stels Pilot-190 18 inches.
  5. Author is a company that produces high-quality and safe bicycles for children from 7 years old with wheels with a diameter of 20 inches.
  6. Stels-Navigator - bicycles for children from 10 years old up to 160 cm in height with 22-inch wheels.
  7. Scoop Half-model for children 11-14 years old with tall(above 160 cm), wheel diameter 24 inches.

Scool nixe 18 inches

Among all the variety of bicycles, you can find what you want for your child. First of all, decide on the correct dimensions of the seat and wheels so that the baby is comfortable driving his vehicle, regardless of age. If you buy your child a high-quality bike, it will instill a taste for good things and teach you how to be an adult (if you have steering control, signals, brakes and other little things that are important for the child).

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