Exercise chair. We study all the subtleties and secrets

Exercise timing:

45 - 50 minutes

The target audience:

Suitable for all groups. For open and corporate trainings. For personal and business training.

Band size:

8 to 30 participants

Added to the website on: 21.04.2014

Exercise composition:

  • Exercise timing
  • Methodology
  • Exercise modifications
  • Handling complex situations

  • Music suitable for the exercise

Price: RUB 790

Prices will rise very soon!

The exercise

Exercise challenge "Walk to the chair"

Exercise types: Challenge exercise

Challenges are powerful and memorable exercises designed to to draw attention groups to specific training topics, lead the group to important awareness... They are often quite complex, arouse the active interest of the group, and increase the motivation of the participants.. You can read more about the types of exercises. .

Training topics:

  • Sales, negotiations
  • Leadership, confidence, rhetoric
  • Goal setting, Time management
  • Personal growth
  • Communication trainings
Exercise objectives:
  • In negotiation trainings: to demonstrate to the training participants their ability to find out the interests of a partner and negotiate, the ability to be flexible, to select "keys" for each person.
  • In communication trainings: to visually show the participants their ability to convincingly argue their position, to achieve the required result in communication.
  • In goal-setting and personal growth trainings, the exercise allows training participants to discover new resources while achieving their own important goals, to see their attitudes towards the people around them and the world.

site offers exclusive training manuals the best games and exercises for training, containing unique recommendations trainer "tricks" that allow you to carry out the exercise with the maximum result. The manuals were developed by professional trainers specially for the portal site and you will not find this anywhere else!

Exercise "Walk to the chair" is a unique author's development of the doctor of psychological sciences, professor, famous trainer and writer N. I. Kozlov.

Powerful exercise to show participants in the training their usual patterns of behavior when achieving goals or, if necessary, negotiate.Exercise "Walk to the chair"reveals beliefs, attitudestraining participants, preventing them from achieving goals or negotiating more easily and effectively. The exercise also shows how persistent and confident the participants are in achieving goals that are meaningful to them or in negotiating.

it one of my favorite exercisestrainers-masters, conducting trainings of negotiations and trainings of successful achievement of goals.

Exercises "Walk to the chair!" powerfully engages the training participants, noticeably raises the level of their interest and motivation for further training. Allows you to analyze your emotional and behavioral reactions and draw critical personal conclusions based on meaningful personal experiences.

The exercise is ideal for negotiation training, goal achievement training, confidence training, leadership training, communication training, and personal growth training. If you conduct these trainings, we highly recommend that you add this exercise to your coaching piggy bank!

The volume of the proposed training manual for the exercise: 12 pages.

Bonus! The manual contains straightaway 3 exercise options(!) suitable for three different training topics.The training manual is accompanied by a suitable musical accompaniment to the exercise.

Why you should buy this exercise at Trenerskaya.ru:

  1. it unique authoring doctor of psychological sciences, professor, famous trainer and writer N.I. Kozlov.
  2. it detailedT training exercise manual with possible options trainer speeches, with specific questions that should be asked to the training participants, with an analysis of difficult situations that may occur in the group.
  3. That you are not found anywhere else! The manual was developed by a team of professional trainers specifically for the Trenerskaya.ru project.
  4. The manual contains 3 exercise options at once(!) suitable for three different training topics: achieving goals, effective communication, negotiation.
  5. Having in your hands our training manual, you will conduct an exercisemuch more effective and efficient.

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psychological exercises for trainings

Revelation Chair Exercise

Exercises, in which the rest of the group works for one participant, are used in training sessions quite often, but they should not be overused. The training is still a group method, which means a requirement for the leader to create conditions under which all participants have the opportunity to get the maximum benefit from the joint work. However, some gestalt therapists to this day believe that when one of the clients sits on a “hot chair” and it is to him that the presenter's attention is riveted, the rest of the group members also experience a psychotherapeutic effect due to the mechanism of empathy. Indeed, unfortunately, the time limits of training sessions often do not allow absolutely all members of the group to pass through some individual exercise.

Be that as it may, the "hot chair" method, invented by either gestaltists or psychodramatists (the priority is still disputed), is quite widespread and popular in training work. One of the options for using this method can be considered the exercise "Chair of Revelations". The essence of this exercise consists, firstly, in giving some of the participants the right to receive direct (that is, not veiled by metaphors and allegorical images) feedback from other participants, and secondly, in imposing the obligation to be extremely frank and absolutely honest when answering questions from your groupmates. In other words, this technique provokes a person to take the risk of opening himself in the eyes of others and at the risk of opening himself to others.

The facilitator should feel the moment when the group is “ripe” to accept this exercise and is able to deeply live the experience. It is important that the facilitator can predict with sufficient confidence that there will be at least two or three volunteers willing to take risks. If such a moment has come, then the presenter can say something like the following:

- From our discussion it seemed to me that N. would like to receive an extremely frank feedback from our group, would like to receive honest information about how they treat him here, how they perceive him. This is true?

If the presenter correctly understood the aspiration of this N., then naturally he will hear an affirmative answer.

Very good. I hope the group will give him this opportunity. Are you ready, N., to accept from your comrades not only compliments and praises, but, perhaps, judgments that are not entirely pleasant for you? Yes? Well then. Then I suggest that you first take a step towards the group yourself and earn the frankness on its part with your own frankness. Do you agree to this condition?

Having received confirmation again, the leader puts a chair inside the circle and continues:

- This is the "chair of revelations." Sitting on it, the participant takes on a very serious and responsible task: to be extremely honest, sincere and open. In return, he will be able to receive exactly the same response from the group. How will he solve this problem? Any member of the group has the right to ask him any question about his feelings, thoughts, desires, aspirations, about his attitude towards people, including towards specific people from our group. A person sitting on the “chair of revelations” is obliged not to evade, not to evade an answer, but to answer as it is. If the group gives me such a right, then I will have the opportunity to intervene and dismiss a question if I deem it necessary. I promise not to abuse this right.

Such a reservation seems to be a forced measure in order to still protect the participant in the “chair of revelations” from questions that could inflict deep mental trauma on him. The conversation should take place with the principle of "here and now"; not every "skeleton in the closet" pulled out from a person's past will be able to play a useful role in this situation. However, usually by this point, the group is at a stage of development that provides a combination of openness with a sense of mutual acceptance and tact, and the leader does not have to resort to measures of restraint.

Questions can be very different: from rather superficial, focused on gaining new knowledge about a person's hobbies ("how do you feel about the Agatha Christie group?" are you a sexual partner? "," to which of the people of the opposite sex in the group do you have feelings that can be called love? "or even such" tell me how you treat me? "). Such a “press conference” lasts about ten minutes (in our opinion, it should not be too delayed), after which the presenter proposes to change positions and now give the participant in the “chair of revelations” the right to ask questions to the rest of the group.

When doing this exercise, you should not forget about the main feature of constructive feedback - its valuelessness. The wording should not be in the nature of direct accusations, praises or comparisons. Participants talk about their feelings, experiences, thoughts about something or in relation to the behavior of someone present, but do not use words and expressions that contain a direct assessment of the personality.

The final discussion is often accompanied by expressions of gratitude to each other and acknowledgments that people have discovered something completely new in themselves, something that they never thought about and did not even suspect, realized the attitude of others around them. Sometimes there are more people willing to sit on the “chair of revelation” than the time intervals of the lesson can allow. In one of the groups, consisting of young specialists from a large industrial enterprise, at a training held in a boarding house, the desire to receive just such feedback turned out to be so great that the group gathered again after lights out and, sparing the tired leaders, continued this exercise on their own until four in the morning. - until all the participants have been on the “chair of revelations”. At the morning session, we, the hosts, learned that during our sleep the training process was actively developing.

I.V. Vachkov. Fundamentals of group training technology
M: Publishing house "Os-89", 1999

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Working in an office has many benefits, but sitting still for a long time is detrimental to your health and shape. A review of 47 scientific studies found that people who sit for long periods are more likely to suffer from cancer, type II diabetes, heart disease, excess weight.

Good news: site found 6 chair exercises for you to help you feel refreshed and energized. They can be performed directly at the workplace.

Strengthens the abdominal muscles, improves digestion, and also helps burn fat.

How to do it:

1. Sit on a chair. The back is straight, do not lean on the back of the chair.

2. Place your feet flat on the floor in front of you, hip-width apart.

3. Keep your back straight. Lift your right knee and bring it up to your chest. The belly at this time stretches to the spine.

4. Place your hands on your shin for better stretching. lower press.

5. Do 20-30 reps, alternating knees.

In this position, all abdominal muscles work gently but effectively.

How to do it:

  1. Bring your legs together.
  2. Place your hands on a chair.
  3. Keeping your back straight, raise your knees, bringing them closer to your chest. At the same time, the abdominal muscles should be strained.
  4. Get your feet back in starting position but don't let them touch the floor.
  5. Do 10-20 reps.

Corrects the waist. The increased work of the lateral abdominal muscles helps to remove the fat folds on the sides.

How to do it:

  1. Sit close to the edge of the chair with your back straight. Place your hands on a chair.
  2. Tilt your torso to the side, leaning on one buttock.
  3. Bring your legs together and bring your knees to your chest, as in exercise 2.
  4. Return to starting position. Repeat bending over to the other side.
  5. Do 10-20 reps in each direction.

Helps burn fat on the sides and thighs.

How to do it:

1. Place your feet on the floor.

2. Straighten your arms to the sides at shoulder height.

3. Rotate the upper torso into right side and lean forward, touching the toes of your left foot with your right hand. Hold this position.

4. Level up. Repeat the movement by touching your right toes with your left toes.

5. Repeat 20-30 times, each time changing the side of the turn.

Helps to quickly burn fat and tone the muscles of the abdomen, back, shoulders. To increase the load, you can do an exercise on a chair with armrests. The chair must be without wheels.

How to do it:

  1. Sit on a chair and put your hands on the armrests.
  2. Raise your torso by lifting your hips and legs off the chair. At the same time, use your abs to bring your knees up to your chest.
  3. Hold this position for at least 15-20 seconds, then slowly lower yourself down and rest.
  4. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Very good for the waist: makes you work lateral muscles and the muscles of the lower abdomen. The principle of execution - one knee meets the opposite elbow, while the body turns slightly.

How to do it:

  1. Sit on a chair with your back straight, do not lean on the back of the chair. Place your hands behind your head.
  2. Raise your right knee towards your chest, at the same time tilt your left elbow towards it so that they eventually touch each other.
  3. Return to starting position. Repeat 15 times.
  4. Change knee and elbow, do 15 reps.
  5. It is better to do 4 series of such exercises.

The previous 6 exercises are done while sitting on a chair. But we suggest that you get up and do one more thing for greater effect. Don't stray too far from the chair!

Benefit - in strengthening gluteal muscles and effective fight with fat on the waist and belly.

How to do it:

  1. Stand behind a chair and rest your left hand on its back or armrest.
  2. Right hand lift it over your head.
  3. Slowly lower your raised hand. At the same time, raise right leg so that the hand touches the heel.
  4. Return to starting position, repeat 10-15 times.
  5. Change arm and leg, do 10-15 reps.
  6. Make 4 episodes.

Now it's just a small matter - incorporate these exercises into your daily workout, and the results will not be long in coming. Especially if, in parallel with the exercises, we introduce into practice healthy eating and quality rest.

It's no secret that playing sports not only ennobles and helps maintain health, but also improves your emotional state and mood. However, not everyone has the opportunity to visit gyms due to lack of time, hard work and other things. In this case, save short daily activities physical education and healthy image life.

No time?

Home workout may include completely different exercises on the press, back and hips, but the simplest and most accessible exercise is the "chair" against the wall. It does not take a lot of time and effort, but it brings tremendous benefits. Moreover, this is one of the few exercises for which you can set a time limit, after which the load not only does not help, but can even be harmful. And most importantly, this limit is only five minutes.

Exercise "chair"

The principle of the exercise is very simple. It is necessary to sit down and press your back against the wall so that its entire surface is adjacent to the plane. Top part legs should be parallel to the floor. This position will provide maximum load on the entire surface of the leg and buttock. The arms should be parallel to the body. Basically, you sit in a chair without it.

If it is difficult to start performing the exercise right away, you may not bend your legs completely at first, but the effect of such incompleteness will be much less.

Breathe deeply and evenly during execution. If breathing is intermittent and confused, blood circulation is disturbed, it becomes quite difficult to be in this position, but you should not hold the air either.

It is performed for one or two minutes, while there is strength. If it becomes very difficult, then it is better to stop the exercise by repeating it on the next approach. It is important to avoid putting excessive pressure on your knees.

The number of approaches depends on the fitness of the body. On average, 3-5 approaches are done. It is very important to stretch after the exercise in order to stretch the muscles and thus relax them. Otherwise, the leg may seize a cramp, and the muscles will remain in tension.

Complicating the exercise

A more difficult form of the same exercise is to do the same without a back support, that is, without a wall. This option is more difficult to perform due to the desire to relieve tension and lean forward. It is important to keep your back straight. But both with support and without it, the "chair" (exercise) is complex for the whole body.

You can add a load to the legs and raise them one by one, holding them in the air for about 5-7 seconds and pulling them forward a little. This will have an additional effect on the leg on the ground, and the glute workout will become more active.

You can also take the dumbbells in your hands and lift them one by one, trying not to disturb the balance. Without dumbbells additional load you can put on your hands if you stretch them in front of you parallel to the floor or bring them behind your head.

Exercise options are completely different, but do not forget the basic principle, which is of great benefit in training.

How is it useful?

Firstly, the "chair" (exercise) is suitable for both working out the gluteal muscles, lower back, abs and arms. Essentially, exercise is anabolic, that is, without active movement. This type of exercise helps to increase the endurance of the muscles in the body and directly promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue.

Secondly, universal exercise suitable for the whole family, even children. It is useful not only for those who practice regularly, but also for those who have just started. By the way, this type of load is included in the school physical education curriculum.

Finally, the simplicity and affordability of the exercise allows it to be performed with the busiest schedule. Having devoted only two minutes a day, everyone has the opportunity not to interrupt their workouts.

First of all, do not forget about other exercises. Despite the fact that the "chair" (exercise) perfectly trains almost all muscle groups, you will not go far on one. Both the abs and buttocks need additional work.

Also, don't rely on this exercise as a key exercise. Over time, muscles tend to get used to physical activity of the same type, and special attention training of the buttocks requires. Once you feel that you are no longer getting the effect of this exercise, you can replace it with kneeling back kicks or simple squats. In any case, you need to maintain an active tone for each muscle involved.

And in no case should we forget about a healthy lifestyle in addition to all the loads. A home workout should be accompanied by regular, nutritious meals, eight hours of sleep, and outdoor exercise.

Immediate results

There is no doubt that the result will not be long in coming. After just a few sessions with this exercise, your legs will become stronger, and your buttocks will be stronger. The most important thing is regularity and patience.

The exercise is approved by all trainers and fitness instructors, which once again confirms its effectiveness. Even without being able to regularly visit the gym, you can get in shape, and the "chair" (exercise) will help you achieve your goal.

By following these tips and instructions, you can check if you are doing the exercise correctly. In no case should you feel a sharp pain in the back and legs. If you feel such pain, then you should stop doing the exercise. In any case, it's never too late to tweak and fix everything.

Hello again, my dears! What can we talk about on Wednesday? Of course, about the technical side of the training, and today the highchair exercise is on the agenda.

After reading you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the advantages and the technique of its implementation, also, especially for the ladies, we will analyze whether the chair can contribute to the rounding of the buttocks.

So, sit back, let's start.

Exercise chair. What, why and why?

Tell me how in spirit, where does the Motherland begin to create elastic priests? Many girls are sure that with squats, and therefore, the first time coming to gym, begin to "force" their glutes with a variety of exercises. It would seem logical that you need to work out the target muscle group. But the secret, which few young ladies know about, is that you need to start building “zhenya” with developing the hips and strengthening the knees, and that's why ... Glute muscles are hardy and strong muscle group who loves, for the most part, voluminous power load, i.e. do not penetrate them with a light weight on 7-1 0 reps per 2-3 approach. Light weight is considered 1/2 from the woman's body weight. For example, with a girl's native weight of 50 kg, the weight of the bar with pancakes will be 25 kg. For a rookie girl who just came to the gym and has never squatted before, 25 - decent enough weight. But that's not the task! Buttocks need a lot for their growth more weight (in this case, we do not take into account the position of the legs), however, the knee joint already at 25 does not feel so hot.

It turns out that the volumetric development of the fifth point will restrain the hips (usually women have weaker than men, muscles of the quadriceps and hamstrings) and knees (start to get sick when working with any serious weights)... What to do? Give up your goals at the very beginning of the journey? No, not refuse, but include a chair in your training.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle Atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of static / isometric and has the goal of working out the muscles of the legs.

The muscular ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - the front of the thigh;
  • auxiliary - hamstrings, gluteus maximus, adductors, calves, lower back muscles, rectus abdominis muscle.

A complete muscle atlas presents such a picture.


By performing the chair exercise, you can count on the following benefits:

  • development of strength of the front and back of the thighs;
  • increasing the endurance of the body, in particular the lower body;
  • strengthening of knee joints;
  • the ability to perform heavier squats;
  • development of concentration and balance.

Execution technique

The chair belongs to the exercises of the entry level of difficulty. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step # 0.

Walk up to the wall and press your back against it. Take a step forward, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, and turn your toes slightly outward. Place your hands along the wall along the body. This is your starting position.

Step # 1.

Inhale and, sliding your back against the wall, lower yourself down to a position until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Holding the corner at knee joints 90 degrees hold in a static position as long as you can (not less 30 seconds)... After the expiration of the time, return to the IP. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

In motion like this:


In addition to the standard version of the chair, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • with a dumbbell / weights in hand;
  • with closed legs;
  • with fitball m / at the feet;
  • on one leg.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of your exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • during squats, do not close your hips, but keep them at a distance from each other;
  • watch the angle in the knee joints, it should be strictly 90 degrees;
  • while in a stand, place your feet on your heels;
  • the rougher the wall, the easier it is to perform the exercise;
  • to reduce the load, place your hands on your knees;
  • Ideally, stand in a static position each time until a burning sensation occurs in the quads;
  • breathing technique: arbitrary, free inhalation and strong exhalation through the mouth, lips with a tube;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-5 , holding a position from 30 seconds.

We are done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

How to develop leg strength while exercising at home

Professional athletes know that mass starts with strength, i.e. muscle volumes follow an increase in muscle strength. Exercise high chair is a great tool (for both men and women) development of lower body strength. Research shows that isometric exercises are in a great way development of strength.

If your goal is to pump / enlarge your legs (men) and buttocks (women), then you should include the chair exercise in your PT of the legs. For a beginner, it is enough for 2,5-3 months 5 once a week, hold home gatherings in the rack, doing 4-5 approaches to 30 seconds. Every week (ideally a new day) it is necessary to increase the time for 5-10 seconds. The chair is especially relevant for women with weak knees who want to remove the flatness of the buttocks.

Use this exercise, and over time you yourself will be surprised at how quickly the buttocks began to increase in volume.

How long does the chair last?

Despite the seeming ease of the exercise, it is very stressful for the leg muscles. On initial stage You can hardly sit in one place for more than 30 seconds. The American Council on Exercise has compiled the following highchair score chart:

  • men: excellent result - more 100 sec, good - 75-100 sec;
  • women: excellent result - more 60 sec, good - 45-60 sec.

Bring your gatherings to the specified values, and strong legs You are provided with.


On the AB project, we try to analyze not only classical themes and movements, but also something new, not overused. Today this exercise is a high chair. I am sure that until now you have never done it before, and the key here is until now, because at the end of the reading you will definitely include this statics in your daily activity. It is so?

On this I hasten to take leave, see you soon!

PS: Do you do isometric exercises? Which?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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