What is the name of the bench press. Bench press: execution technique

Hello everyone, today we will talk about bench press techniques.

Classic bench press technique.

Bench press seems pretty simple exercise, But actually it is not. In the bench press, many muscle groups are involved: pectoral, deltoid, triceps, and also, as stabilizers, biceps, middle and rear deltoid, latissimus dorsi. Also in static load (to keep the body in correct position): legs, trapezius and long muscles of the back.

For convenience, we divide the exercise into phases:

Phase I - preparation for the starting position.

In this phase, we are preparing for the starting position. We lay down on the bench, take the bar in our hands. The grip should be as wide as possible, 81 cm (if there are no injuries to the chest or shoulder joints) - this reduces the range of motion. The hands should be tilted back (the stay lies exactly over the joint, and not closer to the fingers). This makes it possible to further reduce the amplitude, as well as vary the position of the elbows, press them or spread them apart. With straightened hands, it is inconvenient to bring the elbows to the body. It is also not recommended to tightly clasp the bar (clench your hand into a fist). Thumb it is necessary to release and bend, and the neck itself is squeezed out with the palms. We reduce the shoulder blades, lower them as low as possible to the lower back. We bend as much as possible in the thoracic region (we become in the “bridge”) towards the barbell. After we start the legs back so that they are tense (we put on the toe or on the full foot - at the request of the athlete). This is necessary for the rigidity of the starting position and for inclusion in the work maximum number muscles. How to take the starting position, each athlete decides individually.

Phase II - starting position.

In the second phase, we remove the barbell from the racks (with or without the help of an assistant), fix the barbell on outstretched arms. When the bar is fed by an assistant, you need to bring the shoulder blades even more and bend. The starting position is fixed and the bar can be lowered (after the referee's command, if this is a competition, but this team is not present in all federations).

Phase III - lowering the barbell to the chest.

The speed of lowering the bar must be the maximum at which the lifter can maintain position and control of the bar. In the negative phase, the athlete's muscles are greatly depleted, so a lot of strength is wasted when lowering slowly. When lowering, the athlete's chest moves towards the bar, the legs and lower back are tense. The bar should be lowered to the highest point of the backbend, usually under the bust. The amplitude of movement must be strictly perpendicular to the ground.

IV phase - squeezing the barbell.

After touching the chest bar (or the referee's command, if this is a competition), the bar is squeezed out. The barbell should be pressed away from you in the shortest amplitude. It is impossible to take the bar towards the head (this is very important!), (in a bare bench press) in addition to the fact that this increases the amplitude, it reduces the work of the triceps and transfers the load to the shoulders. This is very traumatic, the movement will not be continuous.

Phase V - fixing the bar and returning to the racks.

After fully extending the arms at the elbows and fixing the bar in a stationary state, we return the bar to the racks (at the command of the judge, if this is a competition).
The classic bench press technique is considered generally accepted, it is what the trainer will teach you if you come to the powerlifting gym. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it suits the majority, which is why it is so popular.

Technique "Press with indentation"


After the referee's command "Start", the barbell is lowered under the bottom of the chest, if classical technique the bar is fixed at the highest point, then with the indentation technique, the bar is pressed into the chest for a couple of centimeters, but the athlete does not relax, but remains in tension. After the referee’s command “Press”, the chest moves up, thereby pushing the barbell, at the same time the barbell is squeezed out, thereby the movement becomes more powerful. With this technique, most athletes do not use the maximum grip, but the average.

It should be noted that with this technique it is important to have very strong long back muscles, it is they who help to move the chest forward at the start.

More muscles are involved in the work (than more muscle included in the work, when lifting weight, the easier it is for the body to cope with the load).
- Helps athletes who have a weak start (long back muscles will help with the start).
- For athletes who have strong triceps but weak chest, a medium grip and depression will help to cope with more weight.
- When pressed, it is easier to cope with the delay (in competitions, a long delay can greatly deplete the muscles, they will not be able to cope with the load, when pressed, part of the weight falls on the long muscles of the back (leaves the chest, delta and triceps), pressing will help to cope with this task ).

Indentation increases the range of motion (the shorter the movement, the easier it is to cope with the weight).
- When pressing after the command of the judge, the weight is not considered taken (some athletes accidentally press the barbell into the chest a little more after the command, this is prohibited by the rules).
- The technique is more difficult to develop than the classical one.
Auxiliary exercises.

It is very important to pay attention to the extensors of the back. If with a classic bench press they only support the position of the body in a static load, then with the indentation technique they perform a dynamic load at the beginning of the movement of the bar. Therefore, some of these exercises should be included in the training program.

Deadlift from plinths.
- Bent-over barbell row (not performed in the classic bodybuilding style, when the body is tilted almost parallel to the floor, but the body needs to be tilted by about 45%. The movement is performed in a high-speed manner with full reduction of the shoulder blades, the emphasis should be shifted to the long muscles of the back, rhomboid , not the lats).
- Snatch pull from plinths (weightlifting exercise to improve speed, will provide an opportunity to develop a fast and powerful start when pressing).
- Boat on a bench with weight (exercise to strengthen long muscles back, dynamic plus 2-3 seconds static on each rep, or just static for 15-30 seconds)

The indentation technique during the bench press is not suitable for all athletes, it is mainly suitable for those who have weak pectorals, but strong deltas and triceps, a weak start. When mastering the technique, it really works, which is evidenced by many athletes who put all-times in the press using the indentation technique, these are Vadim Kahuta and Jeremy Hoornstra.

Technique "Press with oncoming movement"


The counter movement technique is very similar to the classic bench press technique, but with one change. This technique was first noticed by the American athlete Ryan Kenelli, and became popular in Russian-speaking powerlifting thanks to D. Golovinsky.
When taking the starting position, the athlete stands in the bridge, bending to the bar as much as possible, after taking the bar from the partner’s hands, bends even more, brings the shoulder blades together and strains the legs. Lowering the barbell, the athlete, bending, meets the barbell with his chest, when the barbell (or the referee’s command) is touched, the start with maximum effort follows, and when the dead point passes, the pelvis is pressed against the bench, thereby the movement becomes faster and more seamless.

Rapid movement in which the athlete overcomes the trajectory with maximum speed, saving strength for future approaches (slow presses always greatly deplete the physical and psychological energy, which leads to the fact that the athlete is not able to give all the best in the third approach).
-With the developed technique, problems with a dead center are eliminated.
-Due to the speed of execution (less energy expenditure), the athlete is able to train longer, perform more volume in training, which favorably affects the final result.

-Technique is hard to come by.
-If the dead point has not been passed, but the pelvis has already been removed back, all the rigidity of the starting position will be lost, the speed will drop and the attempt will be blurred (with the classical technique, when the pelvis does not press against the bench, the rigid position of the body is maintained and the athlete is able to “fight” and squeeze bar).

Auxiliary exercises:

The counter movement technique is a very complex technique (unlike other bench press techniques), so it is worth including a lot of training to improve the bench technique.
- Press with a delay.
- Presses in the range of 40-50% (to improve technique).
Very important element technique is speed, it must be given special attention.
- Speed ​​presses.
- Presses from bars, with rubber bands, with chains in a high-speed manner.

A fairly new, but gaining popularity, oncoming traffic technique is working. After mastering the technique, it really helps, especially well on bench presses in the 10+ rep range (she has no equal here, if you do not take into account the rebound, as in the folk press).

Technique "Press with an emphasis on the chest"

Chest-focused bench press techniques are very popular, especially with beginners, for a number of reasons. Most people who come to the gym have one goal - to pump up, and only then, when they are good at bench presses or they learn about powerlifting and decide to perform. Also, the chest is the largest muscle group and many rely on it when pressing. There are also a lot of athletes high level with a well-developed chest (it is genetically dominant or it was just emphasized during training).


The technique is very similar to the classical one, the athlete also becomes a bridge (trying to reduce the amplitude), rests with his feet. The difference is that in the classical technique, the elbows are pressed against the body (usually an angle of 45 degrees or less), and when the emphasis is on the chest, the elbows are pulled apart (usually the angle is more than 45 degrees, but less than 90). Usually these athletes have a pronounced dead point in the middle of the amplitude, sometimes in 2/3 of the amplitude.
- The technique is easy to learn.
-Suitable for many athletes with developed breasts.
-Bench looks cleaner.

- Triceps are weakly included in the work.
-Obvious problems with dead spots (the chest is already almost reduced, and the triceps have not yet turned on).
-Due to less inclusion muscle fibers the speed is low (which complicates the movement).

Auxiliary exercises:

The main load falls on the pectoral muscles, so you should work with them.

Press on incline bench.
- Dumbbell press.
-Press-wiring dumbbell.
It also makes sense to work with the dead center.
- Press with a delay.
- Press from a bar 3-5 cm.

The technique is working, has proven its effectiveness by popularity and time. Also, many athletes who used this technique have achieved very good results (Sergey Grishko, Ange Galati), and some of them even achieved high results (Roma Eremashvili).

Bench press from the chest lying - an exercise aimed at working out the entire chest. In this exercise, all three zones are included in the slave pectoral muscles(top, middle and bottom). In addition, many auxiliary groups are still included in the work. This movement is the most basic bodybuilding exercise for chest muscles.

This guide will help you learn how to properly bench press with a barbell and achieve high results in gaining mass and strength. Lower your legs off the bench to the floor, sit back, pull your shoulder blades together, and grab the barbell with an overhand grip.

The most famous exercise of the three that weightlifters perform in order to develop strength and gain mass in the pectoral muscles is the bench press. Its easy to do, right? All you have to do is lie down on the bench, take the barbell off the rack, and think about nothing...until you hurt yourself.

Attention: in order to lift a large weight, it must be lifted correctly.

Below are 5 points, paying attention to which, you can develop the muscles of the chest, arms and even back and, therefore, become much stronger. However, think carefully: if you do not want your upper torso to be more developed in relation to your whole body, do better fitness.

Lie down on a bench so that your eyes are at the level of the bar. Press the buttocks and lower back to the bench and do not tear them off throughout the exercise. Rest your feet on the floor.

Take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders and remove from the racks. Begin lowering the bar in a controlled manner down to the level of your lower chest.

Lower the bar until it touches your chest, then push the weight up with force.

Hold your arms at about a 45 degree angle to your body. Do not press your elbows to the body and do not spread them too far to the sides. The horizontal barbell press is an exercise in which you can’t rush and do it at speed, otherwise you can get injured.

Also watch your breath, while inhaling - lower the projectile down, while exhaling - squeeze it out.

  1. The bench press is an exercise in which an extra safety net does not hurt. Therefore, if you are engaged with a partner, then always ask him to insure. If one, then ask someone from the audience. Do not be shy.
  2. Sometimes your hands get sweaty and start to move around, which throws you off your focus. To avoid this, you can smear your hands with chalk.

1. Watch the grip

First of all, let's figure out how to properly take the barbell with the bench press, despite the fact that the width of your grip is mostly a matter of personal preference, a clearly calibrated distance will distribute the load on the shoulders and muscles of the chest and arms correctly. A grip that is too wide will put too much stress on the shoulders; too narrow a grip can be bad for your elbows.

Unfortunately, the grip that is perfect for you may not work for someone else. Experiment until you find the optimal width for you. If you feel pain in your shoulders or elbows, then the grip is either too wide or too narrow.

Next: For a more comfortable grip, you can hold the bar by wrapping it around the top thumb, or take it with an “open grip”, which is also called the “suicide grip”. Here again, the choice is yours, but with an “open grip”, as I have seen from my own experience, a strong load is created on the wrists. I still recommend wrapping around the bar with your thumb on top so that the bar can be held as firmly as possible.

2. Arch your back

In order to get the most out of the bench press, you need to arch your back during the exercise. Thus, the load will move to upper part back and trapezius muscle. You will feel the need to squeeze the shoulder blades, as if to touch one shoulder blade to the other. It is of great importance for the rise heavy weight and safety while exercising.

If you lie on a bench with a flat back, without bending it or squeezing your shoulder blades, the main work falls on your arms and shoulders, while the pectoral muscles will practically not participate in the movement. Your shoulders won't thank you for it. This method will provide a weak bench press, and, in the end, you will be left with underdeveloped pectoral muscles.

3. No need to place your elbows strongly to the sides

Now that your grip is correct, your back is arched, and your shoulder blades are pulled together, it's time to take the bar off the stops and lower it. It is quite natural at this moment to either put the elbows out to the sides, or press them closer to the body. If they are too spaced, the load will be on the shoulders. If you keep them moved a little closer, the back muscles will be involved in the movement and chest and, consequently, become stronger.

With the elbows a little closer to the body, the movement will be more productive and safer. It seems to me a good comparison of this position of the hands with the position of the legs when a person squats, if you transfer the center of gravity to the hips instead of the knees. When we do complex exercises, we always want the result to be strong ligaments and strong muscles, and to be able to calmly lift heavy weights.

4. Target - the middle line of the chest

Now let's talk about where the bar should be when you lower it to your chest. You need to make sure that at the lowest point of the movement you do not bring it too close to the neck or move it too far. Many bodybuilders old school bring the bar close to the throat, which forces them to strongly spread their elbows to the sides. For most of us, this often feels unnatural: less weight to lift and more risk of shoulder injury.

On the other hand, if you lower the bar too far towards the middle of your body, you risk losing control of the bar. For best results, the barbell should drop right down to the nipple line. This will allow you to keep your elbows in the right position, properly distribute the tension during the downward movement, and help you make a jerk up.

Always lower the bar until it touches your chest. There is no point in stopping at the bottom. The full development of muscles depends on the correct movements.

5. Don't stop at the top

Now that you know the basic mechanics of the barbell press movement, the only thing left to talk about is how to press it up. Keep your chest high, elbows in the correct position, shoulder blades compressed. Move with the muscles of the back and chest, push the barbell to the ceiling.

If you are doing a barbell to build muscle, or you are a bodybuilder, I advise you not to stop at the top of the movement. Eliminating even a short stop, we provide a constant tension of the muscles of the chest and minimize the load on the elbows.

If you are a powerlifter, follow the requirements of your sport. If you just want to be strong and look cool, take the above into account and make the next workout more useful!

Mistakes in exercise

  1. Deflection in the lower back or "bridge". It is commonly used by powerlifters in order to achieve great results in strength, because in this position, you begin to press with your whole body, and not just your chest muscles. But if your goal is to gain muscle mass, then do not allow a deflection in the lower back and work only with the muscles of the chest.
  2. Strongly spread arms to the sides. This situation creates additional load on the shoulder joints, which is good.
  3. Lowering the bar closer to the throat. In this version, the upper chest, triceps and shoulders begin to work more.
  4. Execution on incomplete amplitude. With this performance, you do not stretch the muscle enough, thereby reducing the effect of the exercise.

Implementation options:

  1. Narrow grip
  2. Head down

In this exercise, there is a fundamental difference in technique for powerlifters and bodybuilders. These two videos show you how to properly bench press with a barbell in different styles under different goals and how one technique differs from another.

Powerlifting technique - video

Nuances of execution technique in bodybuilding

Important! To prevent injury, use proper barbell press technique.

Video about correct technique barbell press

Interest in this exercise is caused by almost every visitor to the gym. To many, the bench press is familiar as a bench press on a horizontal or incline bench. Other variations of exercise performance often do not fall into the sphere of interest of beginner athletes. More experienced athletes are forced to learn something new in order to affect the pectoral muscles from a slightly different “perspective”.

In addition to the chest muscles, the bench press is designed to strengthen the back and shoulder girdle. In the field of bodybuilding, there are more than ten options for performing a bench press. Due to this, by changing the grip, the angle of the bench, and other factors, you can emphasize the load on different groups muscles. We will try to list the main types of bench press, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time and by many professionals.

Reverse press

To perform such a bench press, you need a standard horizontal bench with racks. It allows you to load the shoulder joint and upper chest more. The working weight should be approximately 60% of what is involved in the classic bench press. After the first workouts, a feeling of unusual discomfort in the shoulder is not ruled out, this is quite natural, so do not panic.

If such discomfort develops into acute pain, then reduce the working weight even more, or completely forget about such a bench press for now. Before you start to press, be sure to ask a reliable person who could insure you, especially on initial stage bench press when you have to remove the barbell from the racks. In addition, more than once the neglect of this rule ended in serious injury.

The mechanics of movements when pressing with a reverse grip

Bench press with arched back

In this case, the load goes to the lower part of the chest due to a change in the angle of the spine in two sections at once: the thoracic and the transverse. Therefore, to do this exercise, you need to bend your chest up and forward. In the thoracic region, maximum deflection is allowed, which reduces the amplitude of movement of the bar and thereby makes it possible to increase the working weight. Human physiology has served to ensure that the muscles of the lower chest are much more massive than the top and middle, and therefore the amount of working weight is growing significantly. Only trained and experienced athletes come to this option for performing a bench press, since the mechanics of movements are very complex and require special training. In addition, the ban on this exercise lies on athletes suffering from back problems.

Classic bench press

Not to mention the classic bench press, which effectively works out all the muscles of the chest, including the lower, middle and upper. The athlete lies down on a horizontal bench, fixing all points of contact in the supporting surfaces. The back of the head, the top of the spine, the shoulder area, and the buttocks rest against the bench. The entire surface of the foot is pressed into the floor. This is the classic starting position for the bench press. We hope you don’t have to explain to anyone how to do the exercise itself.

Bench press upside down

The starting position is practically no different from the classics, only here the legs do not rest on the floor, but on the edge of the bench. Care should be taken that the length of the bench is enough for the whole body. Thus, the load leaves the legs and is distributed between three reference points: the buttocks, the interscapular region and the back of the head. Such an unusual bench press in a different way, works out the chest, triceps and shoulders more intensively due to the fact that the range of motion reaches its maximum. No bridge, deflection in the spine does not have to be done. If you have back problems, then pay attention to this option. The disadvantage of the upside down press is that you have to sacrifice a significant part of the working weight that you managed to squeeze out when using the classics.

Bench press with legs on a bench

Bench press with chains (with band)

The technique for performing this exercise is quite simple, despite the complicated name. It allows you to increase strength and power for subsequent results in the classic bench press. A chain or rubber band is attached to both sides of the bar. Initial position athlete, such as with a regular press or with a backbend. The meaning of the movements lies in the fact that the more the bar approaches the chest, the sooner the load decreases. This is done in a directly proportional vector. Conversely, the load increases as the bar moves away from the chest. Such a bench press allows you to increase the athlete’s capabilities at the barbell pressing stage, since it works well on the triceps, the muscle that is just responsible for this movement. Exercise is useful professional athletes v preparation period before important competitions, as well as in the off-season.

Bench press on the floor

This is probably the simplest and affordable way bench press. There is no need to have a special bench with racks, it is enough to have a hard floor. But at the same time, difficulties almost always arise at the beginning of classes. The surface of the floor, unlike the bench, significantly limits the athlete's range of motion. This allows you to focus on the study of the upper chest and triceps. The triceps muscle remains in tension throughout the set. As weighting agents, it is desirable to use small weights, in addition to the barbell, dumbbells are also suitable. To hold the latter, use a neutral grip.

This exercise is quite effective for the middle part of the chest. In fact, the technique is the same as in the classical execution. In comparison with it, here it is possible to provide a stable amplitude during the whole approach. This is achieved due to the presence of guides in the simulator, along which the bar moves. Also, it is not necessary to have an insurer here, its role is perfectly performed by special limiters-latches on the fingerboard. It's just a pity that not all halls have a Smith unit. Not everyone has the opportunity to perform such a bench press, referring to human anthropology. If you feel a lot of discomfort, discard this variation.

Dead Press

As in the previous case, priority in the distribution of the load is given to the middle of the chest. Other parts of the pectoral muscles remain not deprived, despite the minimal influence. The bench press starts from the "dead" point and ends at the top. Wherein elbow joints experience a minimum range of motion, and this is an opportunity to significantly increase their working weight along with the classics. The disadvantage of the bench press is insufficient pumping of the chest.

Close grip bench press

As many as three muscle groups are responsible for lifting and lowering the bar in this press: triceps, upper chest and front delta. The main impact will be felt on the triceps, which increase markedly with prolonged practice. Consequently, the strength indicators increase at the finishing stage of the classic bench press, when you need to squeeze the bar to the end. This exercise has a wonderful effect on triceps muscle, due to parallel work with the front delta and the top of the chest.

Wide Grip Press

The main feature of this bench press is a significantly reduced range of motion due to the small distance between the chest and the barbell. A similar technique is often used in the field of powerlifting while practicing the push of the bar from the chest.

The first time many athletes make a mistake when they use the chest as a shock absorber for the barbell, they seem to “beat off” it and thereby knock down the respiratory rhythm. In addition, there is a high risk of injury to the chest or shoulder joint. Performing a wide bench press, it is possible to relieve the load on the triceps.

The bench press is a basic exercise for developing chest and arm strength. This required element any program for strength and mass. It is in this exercise that the athlete works with really big weights, as in the squat, deadlift.

Why the bench press is a basic exercise

A basic exercise is considered to be one that affects almost all muscle groups of our body. For example, squats with a barbell load not only the legs, but also the back, shoulders and a little arms.

Let's take a closer look at what muscles the bench press makes work.

So, the main working groups:

  • Large and small chest. The chest receives the maximum load in this exercise.
  • Anterior bundles of deltoids.
  • Triceps.

During the bench press, the athlete pushes the weight up. At the same time, the chest contracts, the abdominal muscles tense, the legs try to push through the floor, and the buttocks are pressed against the bench, preventing the pelvis from breaking away from it. In addition, the shoulder blades are reduced, connecting the muscles of the back.

The bench press involves almost the entire body. And this is due to the fact that the weights in the bench press are quite large - this is the body weight of an athlete and above.

Is it true that you can't gain mass without bench press?

Growth muscle mass- the result of increased protein synthesis, which occurs due to increased testosterone production in response to ever-increasing physical exercise. Only heavy basic exercises can provoke this process.

If you do not do exercises with large weights (base), there can be no talk of any growth. We are talking about a natural way to build muscle without the use of exogenous testosterone.

Every time we lift weights in a compound exercise, our muscles are pushed to their limits. This stimulates their growth and strengthening. The body is given a kind of signal that the available hormonal reserves are not enough for such hard work. As a result, more testosterone is produced - the main reason for the growth of strength and mass.

Thus, the bench press, as one of basic exercises directly affects these processes.

What is dangerous exercise

You should be aware that the bench press can be a very traumatic exercise. This is due to the large weights.

Situations are especially dangerous when an athlete tries to conquer new weights without using the help of a partner in removing the barbell from the racks and bringing it to its original position. For experienced athletes, this is not critical. But beginners often put their muscles at serious risk, moving with gigantic steps to the coveted hundred.

Another common problem is a frivolous approach to the warm-up before the bench press. Some athletes immediately hang up. While they are young, these guys are lucky. Their muscles are elastic and still strong. Over the years, such a harsh technique can lead to a life-long shoulder injury. Some become "happy" owners of injuries after the first training.

To avoid becoming a victim of a shoulder sprain or pectoral tear, remember a few simple rules:

  • Warm up your muscles and joints well before you press.
  • Before pressing, do 15-20 intensive repetitions with an empty bar (20 kg).
  • Move to working weight gradually. If your working weight is, for example, 100 kg, hang first 50 kg, then 80 kg. With each intermediate weight, do at least 5-6 repetitions. Ideally, 10.

Do not bench press to the maximum one time more often than once a month. Also, don't work to failure more than twice a week. It all depends on the speed of recovery of your muscles. One hard workout in 7 days is enough for someone, someone will be able to work to failure twice in the same period. Everything is individual.

Bench Press Technique

So, let's figure out how to do the exercise correctly.

Classic barbell bench press horizontal bench is done as follows:

  1. We start with a warm-up. Lie down on the bench so that the bar is above your eyes.
  2. Spread your legs slightly apart, press the floor with your heels, as if you will not press your hands, but your feet down.
  3. Arch your lower back, but don't get into a bridge position.
  4. Flatten your shoulder blades slightly (straighten your shoulders).
  5. Grab the bar so that the index (ring or middle, whichever is more convenient for you) finger is at the far end of the bar.
  6. Raise the bar as you exhale, bringing it to such a position that it is slightly above the bottom of the chest. This will be the top barbell bench position.
  7. Lower the bar to your chest while inhaling. Be sure to touch the chest, and then, on the exhale, return the bar to the top point again.
  8. Do 15-20 reps on this warm-up set. Then smoothly move on to working weights.

Basic Mistakes

And again, a huge part of the mistakes in the bench press are made by beginners, although experienced athletes sometimes sin.

Separation of the pelvis from the bench

When you do a classic bench press, the 3 points of support for your body are the shoulder blades, pelvis and heels. A stool is more stable on three legs than on two. But the point is not only that.

When you tear your pelvis off the bench, lifting it up, your lower back gets a very strong load - this can break your back. The weight of the bar is redistributed between the shoulder blades and legs.

Thus, lifting the pelvis off the bench while doing the bench press, you not only risk losing balance, but also breaking your back. From this position, it is easiest to get injured.

Sharp lowering of the bar to the chest

One of the worst mistakes, leading to a fracture of the ribs and stretching of the intercostal muscles. As you all noticed, the chest is quite elastic. When you get down on no heavy barbell, the breast as though amortizes. From this position, the bar seems to bounce, returning back to its original position.

You can't make your job easier this way. The muscles of the chest, triceps and shoulders should be working, not the elastic resistance of the chest.

Consider this cushioning effect from an anatomical point of view. What is happening at this moment? And the following happens: internal pressure increases sharply in the chest, the lungs experience shock, the joints and ligaments also experience a state of shock.

It happens that one such time is enough to get a serious injury and wake up at night from pain with each coup from side to side.

So don't let the bar bounce off your chest. You need to perform the classic bench press smoothly!

Wrong breathing

In the bench press, incorrect breathing is very dangerous. When you lower the bar to your chest and hold it there with muscle strength, internal pressure rises sharply in the chest. If you did this on an exhalation, the lungs are empty at the bottom. There is no air in them, respectively, they cannot support the volume of the chest. And the chest, in turn, cannot fully absorb if you accidentally lower the bar sharply on your chest.

Breathe properly during the bench press, gentlemen athletes!


You understand, it is very unsafe to quickly press a barbell weighing over a hundred kg. After all, you will need to dampen the momentum when the bar is lowered to the chest - this is an additional risk of tearing your shoulder.

It's the same with the clean and jerk - an excessive jerk can lead to exactly the same consequences.

Work slowly, pump your muscles. Movements should be strong, but smooth. No jerks. Even in bench press competitions, lifters don't do that.

Bridge and what it is eaten with

If you're into bodybuilding, you don't need a bridge. By the way, who does not know - the bench press bridge is a body position when the athlete arches the lower back as much as possible in order to reduce the distance from the bar to the chest in its original upper position. It's kind of officially sanctioned cheating.

It's about taking on more weight. But not about the best pumping of muscles. Experienced athletes say that for effective work chest and shoulders, the bar should be pressed with a slight (physiologically correct) deflection in the lower back.

We conclude - if you are not chasing weights, the bridge is not for you. Work on your muscles. Of course, for those involved in powerlifting, the bridge is a standard element of the program. And you can only bench press with him. This is the special technique.

Be sure to learn how to get into this position correctly, otherwise you won’t be able to press heavy weights. Sometimes you can see how beginners make a bridge by lifting the pelvis high up. The buttocks in the case of the bridge touch the bench, and the main weight falls on the legs and shoulder blades.

Other bench options

Consider several variations of the classic exercise.

Smith simulator

You can press the barbell while lying in the Smith machine. The bench press in Smith is well suited for those who have not yet tried working with a free bar. On the one hand, it is better not to start with this, and on the other hand, why not strengthen the muscles with the help of such an isolated exercise.

The big advantage of the bench press in the simulator is that you do not need to insure. At any time, you can fix the barbell and stop the exercise.

The bar in the simulator is fixed in such a way that it moves only in a vertical plane. This is convenient as you don't have to exert any effort to keep the weight from swinging in the horizontal plane.

To bench in Smith, place a bench under the bar. When you lie down, the bar should be over your eyes.

Warm up with an empty bar (usually in the simulator it weighs 20-25 kg). Then smoothly move on to working weights. The number of repetitions and approaches here is similar to the classic version.

Incline bench

A separate article on our website is devoted to how to do the bench press on an inclined bench. Here we only note that this option is needed for pumping the top of the chest and the anterior bundle of deltoids.

The weights in this exercise will be less than in horizontal press. This bench press can also be done in the Smith machine.

From this position during the bench press, you can damage your shoulders. Often this is due to the wrong choice of weight. The shoulder simply turns out, especially at 45 degrees. Don't forget about it.

The right insurance

Insurance is a mandatory thing during the bench press. It will allow you to work to failure, score muscles, give everything one hundred percent. Belaying is not just a help in lifting the bar, you need to belay correctly. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

  1. Stand at the head of a bench press.
  2. Lean over the bar from above, help raise the bar and bring it to its original position (sometimes athletes do this themselves, but it won’t be superfluous to ask).
  3. When the bar is in the desired position, release it. Both people must act in sync. To achieve this, the one who presses usually accompanies each movement with a voice.
  4. Now you should observe that the athlete independently squeezes the barbell the required number of times. Be careful, do not leave, do not talk on the phone. Your help may be needed at any time.
  5. As soon as the presser can no longer handle the weight of the barbell, use a few fingers to help him finish the rep. Try to dose the effort so that the person works at the limit. After that, put the barbell back on the racks.

A common mistake when belaying is to lean too far over the bar. Sometimes the belayer falls forward with her. Be careful and keep your balance.

It is important not only to know how to bench press, but also how to insure correctly. Then the implementation of this basic exercise will become as productive and safe as possible.

Champion's opinion

Denis Piklyaev. Elite of Russia, master of sports of international class in bench press. Master of sports in powerlifting. World champion, two-time champion Europe, Russia and Moscow. Included in the top 20 best athletes in Europe in its category. Performing athlete. Trainer of the network of clubs "Fitness Territory".

The bench press is rightly considered the king of exercises in gym. What questions are asked of any guy who comes to the gym? Right: “How much do you press?”. And now we can observe how a whole queue is lining up to the treasured bench for the bench press.

This is basic multi-joint exercise. I will add that when it is executed, they work as a help latissimus dorsi back and biceps, acting as stabilizers. Therefore, the bench press will be a lifesaver if you want to develop your upper body.

Technique can and should be different different people. This is primarily due to the width of the shoulders and chest, as well as the length of the arms. But there are rules to follow:

  1. It is important to choose the optimal grip width.
  2. In the lower phase, when the bar touches the chest, the forearms should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Lowering the projectile is on the lower section of the pectoral muscles. If you bring the barbell to the middle of the chest, then the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles will receive an excessive load.
  4. Elbows can be wide apart or pressed to the body. This is also individual, and is determined empirically. The shoulder blades should be slightly flattened - this will help preserve the front deltoid muscles, which can take away part of the load from the chest.

I will add about the chest bridge. During the bench press, athletes strongly arch their backs. With this technique, the buttocks barely touch the bench, and the shoulder blades and legs become the support. What does it give?

With this technique, the muscles of the legs and back are included in the work. Therefore, if the only goal is to lift as much weight as possible, then this is acceptable. That is why the chest bridge is popular in professional powerlifting, when all means are good to win the competition.

In this performance, the bench press really puts too much stress on the spine. And if you just want to put yourself in order, strengthen the pectoral muscles and pump them up a little, then you don’t need extra “helpers” (and extra load).

If you have been going to the rocking chair for quite a long time, then you have definitely been asked more than once "how much you press"? And, interestingly, you already know exactly what we are talking about - the maximum weight in the bench press.

The fact is that people are fascinated by the spectacle of lifting large weights from a prone position - which is why beginners in this business are often unhappy with their results, because they also want to catch respectful glances. But not only universal recognition leads people to include bench press in the training program - in fact, this exercise is extremely important for the development of the upper body (triceps, and pecs). This bench press indirectly affects the development of the legs, so it is stupid to underestimate it.

So, for starters, it is important to understand that the bench press is an exercise that must be performed strictly according to a certain technique, mistakes in this matter are fraught with unpleasant consequences (which, however, applies to any other exercise). If you do not understand what exactly and how you are doing, then sooner or later you will run into your “ceiling”. This article will just tell you how to competently and most effectively perform the bench press.

Fundamentals: theoretical and practical

What, in fact, is this bench press in the prone position? This is a basic (multi-joint) exercise that does not involve the use of any fixed weight, which is designed to increase the mass of muscle groups in the upper body, as well as to develop strength. Most of the load on the bench press goes to the pectoralis major muscle, but some of the load also goes to the deltoids and triceps.

There are several variations of the bench press:

1. The so-called "press to touch", which involves powerfully pushing the bar up immediately after it touches the chest.

2. Classic barbell bench press. It is performed lying on a horizontal bench, it is important to hold the barbell on outstretched arms. As in the case of the press to the touch, the bar is lowered to a light touch of the chest, but after that a short pause is maintained, after which the neck is again squeezed into outstretched arms.

3. Bench press in the Smith machine. This simulator is generally quite a unique design - it allows you to perform most of the most basic exercises with maximum efficiency. The bench press is also possible to perform with this machine. To do this, you need to fix the guides and take a horizontal position on the bench, which must be prepared in advance for the exercise.

4. Bench press in the frame. power frame also allows you to quite effectively perform the bench press. Take a position in the frame: the bar should initially be on the limiters, which must first be set at chest level, and then proceed to the exercise. As a rule, the bench press is used by athletes who have been injured and are now temporarily unable to use other bench press options (or there is simply no one to insure you).

5. Incline bench press. This version of the bench allows you to work out not only the upper part of the pectoral muscles, but also the lower one, which is very good.

In addition, in the bench press, you can direct the load to the desired muscle group, it all depends on the width of the grip of the bar. For example, a narrow grip has a stronger effect on the triceps, a wide grip on the middle of the chest.

Bench Press Technique

So, the equipment is prepared, you also warmed up - it's time for the bench press.

1. Take a position on the bench so that your eyes are exactly under the bar.

2. Next, lift your chest, squeeze your shoulder blades and press them against the bench. At this moment, you should feel tension in the upper back - this indicates the correct position, maintain this position throughout the exercise. Now you can grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.

3. Take the bar in the palm of your hand is closer to the wrists, and not to the fingers. Squeeze the bar as hard as possible. The wrists at this moment should not bend towards the head - they should be straight (in the future this will help you a lot, because you will thus avoid wrist pain).

If you're not sure about your grip width, ask someone to help you with that. Have your assistant stand behind you, looking down, assessing the position of the forearms - they should be perpendicular to the floor.

4. Now you need to slightly bend your lower back and place your legs at a right angle to your knees, shoulder width apart. Of course, your back will sag a little - this is normal, but do not overdo it.

Tip: Just maintain the natural curve of the body. As for the legs, they should stand confidently, not slip or move during the exercise. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs should also be tense, because. they will slightly lift you off the bench (remember, however, that there should be no separation of the pelvis from the bench).

5. Now it's time to remove the bar from the racks with straight outstretched arms. Once this has happened, move the bar in a horizontal line until it is exactly over your shoulders. Now, in fact, the "bench press" begins.

Repeat all of these movements whenever you are about to move on to the bench press during your workout - this will help you develop your technique better, as well as accustom your body to proper preparation. Naturally, this will also help avoid injury.

Weight Lowering Technique

In addition to lifting the weight, it is also important to understand how to lower it correctly, because. the load at this moment is quite serious. To begin with, remember that your elbows should be at an angle of 50-60 degrees in relation to the body - this is the most stable position for bench press. Many beginners spread their elbows out to the sides, or vice versa, press them too close to the body - both will sooner or later lead to injury, it is because of this that the bench press is considered one of the most dangerous exercises in terms of shoulder damage.

If, for example, in the lower phase of the press, the elbows are at an angle of 20-30 degrees, then this is considered too close, and 90 degrees is already too wide. So 60 degrees is considered the most optimal and safe position of the elbows in relation to the body.

We figured out the elbows, now you can return to the intricacies of the exercise. The bar must touch the chest, by all means avoid incomplete repetitions. Lower it at medium speed. Optimal time lowering - 2 seconds.

Lifting the bar and placing it on the rack

So, the neck touched the chest - it's time to press the barbell. Although the name of the exercise contains the word "bench", it is best to imagine that you are pushing the body away from the bar, and not vice versa. In the process of lifting, the neck should describe a small arc - from the chest to its original position. It is important to straighten your elbows, and not keep them slightly bent - this will help you keep the weight.

Remember that the shoulder blades during the bench press should always be brought together and pressed against the bench, there is a slight deflection in the lower back, the feet are firmly pressed to the floor, and the buttocks, respectively, are on the bench.

Theory: Bench Press Muscles

The muscles that are involved in this exercise work not only in their normal mode ( we are talking about physiology), but also in a rather specific way, developing a static effort. Simply put, they are concerned with stabilizing various parts of the body. The muscles that take on the load in the bench press can be roughly divided into 2 broad categories:

1. The main driving units that make the most significant contribution to the strength of the exercise. Otherwise they are called "direct movers". There is also another type of synergistic muscle, the "auxiliary movers", which work in the same direction as the main muscles to help move the limbs.

2. Engineering units. This type includes stabilizing muscles, which are responsible for the technically correct execution of the bench press - they fix the posture, as well as the position of all involved parts of the body with powerful efforts.

If you are clearly aware of which muscles work at each step of the exercise, you will be able to master it better, as well as develop an anatomical atlas of muscles. Of course, this will allow you to understand which muscles are lagging behind, increase strength and muscle volume without injury and overload. Now let's take a closer look at the contribution of the auxiliary muscle groups.

Step 1: Starting the exercise

Most beginners do not pay enough attention to the legs during the bench press, because it seems that the legs are not involved in the exercise. But in fact, this is not so - at the bottom point, the body resembles a spring, which helps to repel the bar. And if this spring unclenches too weakly, then about further development breasts can be forgotten - you have to switch to strengthening the legs. Do barbell squats or deadlifts.

Step 2: Back

Many people get the impression that the main load during the bench press goes to the pectoral muscles and arms. But once you train your lower body enough and learn how to use it in the exercise, then you will feel that the back muscles have come into play. No wonder, because it is these muscles that accelerate the upward movement of the neck and allow you to make more powerful pushes. So do not forget about the development of back muscles - use block simulators and master the pull-up technique.

Step 3: Shoulders

Feel your optimal rhythm and pace of movement of the bar during the bench press and keep it in every workout. Don't rush, control every move. In addition, work on strengthening your shoulders, because they help maintain stability when lifting heavy loads, and also protect muscles from damage. One of the best shoulder exercises is considered to be a military bench press, it is recommended to add it to your program.

Step 4: Completing the Exercise

Develop triceps, otherwise you will not be able to smoothly and calmly bring the barbell to the top position. Can train long head French bench press, do block extensions.

Bench press: types and methods of execution

The traditional barbell bench press is compulsory exercise in the majority, but there are also several varieties of it that allow you to develop various muscle groups. Consider the most popular:

1. Dumbbell bench press.

In truth, this exercise cannot be called a full-fledged replacement for the bench press with a barbell, but still it deserves attention. The hardest part of this exercise is keeping the dumbbells in the correct position. But it develops coordination and the ability to keep the load balanced, which helps when working with a barbell.

2. Incline bench press.

There is a lot of controversy in the bodybuilding community about "upper chest". Is it necessary to focus on the development of this so-called upper part, or is it better to train the entire thoracic region at once? What, in fact, is included in this "upper" part?

The top of the chest usually means the muscles located in the region of the collarbone, and although they are part of the pectoralis major muscle, their structure is quite different. So that various exercises differently affect the upper chest and the chest as a whole. Of course, you can’t train exclusively the clavicular muscles, because, as already mentioned, they are part of the pectoral muscle, but you can choose exercises that will have the greatest impact on strengthening the upper chest. Incline bench press is the best of them all.

Try different bench inclinations ranging from 30 to 45 degrees to find the one that works best for you.

Another point - the bar during the exercise should pass near the chin and touch the body not in the nipple area, but just below the collarbone. Thus, the vertical trajectory of the rod movement will be achieved.

3. Bench press with a narrow grip.

If you decide to strengthen the triceps, then the narrow grip bench press is best exercise you can't find. And trained triceps will show best result in the traditional bench press. The main thing is not to overdo it with a narrow grip - if you spread your arms literally a few centimeters apart, you will achieve unpleasant consequences in the shoulders and wrists. So just keep your arms a little narrower than in a standard bench press, all other recommendations are the same (legs to the floor, shoulder blades to the bench, the bar goes in an arc and touches the chest).

If you feel discomfort in your wrists, just spread your arms wider. Dilute them until the discomfort disappears.

4. Press with a reverse grip.

Grasp the bar firmly with your palms facing you - this reduces the load on the shoulders and increases the efficiency of working out the upper chest. Basically, that's all you need to know about reverse grip, all other recommendations for the exercise are the same as the traditional grip.

5. Bench press on an inclined bench upside down.

This type of bench press is practiced to develop the lower part of the pectoralis major muscle, but for training this part of the chest, it is better to give preference to push-ups on the uneven bars.

Calculation of the optimal weight

The surest way to determine your optimal weight for training is practice. Just do the exercise with different weights, and you will understand which one is right for you with the current physical training. But if you are used to believing formulas and tables, then you can use the Brzycki formula (there are also Bachley and dos Remedios formulas):

1 one-time maximum= M * (36 / (37 - k))
(where M is the weight of the barbell, k is the number of repetitions with the given weight)

You can use the following tables to get an idea of ​​what people with different levels preparation:

The "no preparation" column shows the average results of the bench press for those who did not perform it before, the column " average level" for those who have been in the gym for several years, and the "professional" column for competitive athletes (1% of athletes).

Instead of a conclusion: how to increase the performance in the bench press?

1. Always grip the bar firmly.

2. When you have removed the bar from the racks, immediately proceed to the exercise, do not pause. Lead the bar in a straight line.

3. Do not get carried away with training the pectoral muscles - two sessions per week should be enough. Training affects the whole body and the central nervous system, and not just a specific muscle group, it is important to give the body a rest. Avoid overtraining.

4. Constantly improve your movement technique. If you feel that closer to the end of the exercise you don’t think about technique at all, it’s time to unload the bar. Do not chase the maximum weight, prepare the body gradually.

5. Visualize. Imagine how you press a certain weight, scroll through the workout in your head. Thus, you prepare yourself and the brain for an increase in load.

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