What does 15 reps for 3 sets mean? Sets, reps and rest

and the serious transformation of Alexander @AleksandrSadovsky Sadovsky (in just a year!) made a lot of people interested in how this guy trained to achieve such results. At our request, Alexander published his training program - so that beginners have some kind of guideline to which they should strive.

But he did not limit himself to only one program, and then, over the course of a couple of years, he published his other training programs in the comments. In this collection, we have collected all of his leg training programs!

Program #1: Squats

The squat program is designed for two months. Rest between sets for about a minute and a half, maximum two.

1 day
1.Set 5 reps
2.Set 5 reps
3. Set 10 reps
4. Set 10 reps

Day 2
1. Set 10 reps
2. Set 10 reps
3.Set 5 reps
4.set 5 reps
5. Set 10 reps

Day 3
1. Set 10 reps
2. Set 10 reps
3. Set 10 reps
4. Set 15 reps

Day 4
1. Set 10 reps
2. Set 10 reps
3. Set 15 reps
4. Set 15 reps
5. Set 5 reps

Day 5
1. Set 15 reps
2. Set 20 reps
3. Set 10 reps
4. Set 20 reps

Day 6
1. Set 15 reps
2. Set 15 reps
3. Set 20 reps
4. Set 25 reps

Day 7

Increase the number of repetitions in sets according to this scheme until you reach (at the end of the second month) the following number of sets and repetitions:

1. Set 100 reps
2. Set 100 reps
3. Set 100 reps
4. Set 100 reps
5. Set 100 reps

When you reach this mark, then move on to a more difficult exercise - pistol (squats on one leg):

1.Set 5 reps
2.Set 5 reps
3.Set 5 reps
4. Set 5 reps

The most important thing about single leg squats is TECHNIQUE! If you do this exercise incorrectly, you can injure your knee.

If it will be difficult for you to do this exercise and you will not have enough stretching, I advise you to stretch and warm up well before this exercise. For this, running a couple of kilometers at a slow pace or squatting in one approach for maximum amount repetitions.

Program number 2: A variety of exercises
(Exercise pace: slow)

1. Squats with narrow setting legs 4 sets of 15 reps

Starting position during the exercise - feet together, arms along the body, back straight. As you exhale, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your knees do not go beyond your feet! Hold at the bottom point, feeling the tension in the hips, and as you inhale, return to initial position.

2. Plie 3 sets of reps

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing to the sides, knees apart. Slowly do squats, linger in the squat as long as you can and return to the starting position

3. Lunges 4 types 4 sets of 10 reps

I. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your arms along the body. We raise the leg bent at the knee, then pull it forward and lower it, making a lunge. Please note that the knee should be perpendicular to the floor and not protrude beyond the toe. Raise the leg and return to the starting position

II. You can do a reverse lunge, the technology for performing the exercise is the same as in a regular lunge, only the leg is pulled back.

III. And a double lunge: after a forward lunge, the leg does not return to its original position, but immediately back.

IV. Lunges to the side. Lunges to the side are performed from a standing position, arms shoulder-width apart. Take the longest step to the side. Squat on the leg (the one on which the step was taken). The second leg remains extended to the side and does not bend
Push your feet back to the starting position. Do it alternately on each leg.

4. Jumping knees to the chest 2 sets of 12-15 reps

The goal is an explosive high jump, in which the muscle is actively involved abdominals and knees in the air are pulled to the chest. The back is positioned as vertically as possible.

5. Bench raise 3 sets of 10 reps

After inhaling, put your foot on the bench and rise on it. Straighten your leg completely. Standing on the main leg, lift the second leg bent at the knee. Breathe out. Slowly lower yourself onto the toes of your other leg and inhale. When the second leg is confidently on the floor, lift the foot of the main leg and repeat the exercise.

6. Pistol 3 sets of 10 reps

The pistol is fired from a standing position. The arms and leg that is free are extended forward to maintain balance. It is allowed to perform squats on one leg, supported by something (behind a bench, wall, chair, etc.) but not leaning. It is forbidden to tear off the heel from the floor at the bottom point. In this case, the repetition counts. Try not to bend your leg while squatting so as not to injure your knee. Pull your socks

7. Spartan Bends 4 sets of 10 reps

8. Sumo 4 sets of 10 reps

Put your feet wider than your shoulders, socks should look as far as possible to the sides, keep your hands on your hips

9. Swing legs while standing to the sides (to the sides, back, forward)
Mahi to the sides. 3 types 3 sets 20 reps

I. Take your starting position. Keep your back straight, near a support, which can be an ordinary wall or a chair.
Hold on to the support with your left hand, lift right leg v right side. It is very important that during the exercise the raised leg with the body and the left leg form one line!

The body should be straight, and the leg lifts should be as high as possible, since only in this case the exercise will be really effective.

II. Mahi back. Turn around to face the support and grab onto it. Keep your back straight. Take one leg back, swinging up so that it is at a height. Fix the body and slowly return to the starting position.

III. Move your feet forward. Stand near the support, hold on to it with one hand and raise your legs in turn forward so that they form parallel planes with the floor surface.

10. Lifting on the toe of one leg 4 sets of 25-50 reps

The sock support is necessary in order to be able to go lower and stretch the shin more. At the top point, it is desirable to pause.

The calf is a muscle that "likes" a lot of reps. You have to do 100-200 lifts per workout if you want to increase the volume of this muscle.

11. Raise the pelvis lying on your back 4 sets of 15-20 reps

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your feet as close to your buttocks as possible and firmly rest on the floor, avoiding slipping. Push your heels off the floor and lift your hips as high as possible, keeping your back straight. At the top of the exercise, pause for 2-3 seconds. Do the exercise with tension gluteal muscles. Try not to use the strength of your hips, try to relax them. After a static pause, slowly return back to the starting position.

.: Other articles

Remember, in our previous article, we considered theoretical issues in determining the number of sets and repetitions. So, I decided not to put things off indefinitely and wrote its continuation. In this post, you will learn about two (and one more, my favorite) methods in determining quantitative indicators training process. We will analyze everything piece by piece, and as a result, you yourself will decide on the option you like and learn how to display similar numbers, and even without resorting to help personal trainer, i.e. without throwing money away :).

Sit comfortably there will be a lot of interesting things, let's go.

Number of sets and repetitions: so how many after all?

For those who have just joined us (or just in a tank), let me remind you, the first part of the article is here:. And here's where we start the second one...

As I said earlier, the numbers regarding the number of approaches and repetitions have long been known and they look like this: (see picture).

… where, under the figures, such functional indicators as development are indicated:

  1. maximum strength;
  2. strength, speed and power;
  3. functional muscle hypertrophy (sarcoplasmic, SG);
  4. structural muscle hypertrophy (myofibrillar, MG);
  5. endurance (including as the ability to train for a long time).


SG - associated with an increase in the size of the non-contractile part of the muscle;

MG - increase in the contractile apparatus of muscles (number and volume of myofibrils).

This is the so-called common extended (American version) template for the “dosage” of approaches and repetitions. Russian version, which is most often handed out and advised to everyone who actively visits the gym, looks like this (see picture).

As can be seen from the figure, for the development of strength, it is necessary to perform 1-5 repetitions per set. Here you can use Weight Limit projectile and perfectly stimulate muscles to grow due to MG. Number of repetitions in a range 9-12 time, it is best for the SG. As soon as the number of repetitions exceeds the mark in 12 times, the processes of muscle hypertrophy are reduced and anaerobic endurance begins to develop.

It is believed that if you want to become as big as possible, you need to balance between two types of hypertrophy and work out both types of fibers. (fast/slow), which means that the set must consist of 6-8 repetitions, all of them (approaches) should ideally be 3 . Beginners are usually advised to "job" in the gym for 3 once a week and train the whole body while doing 2-3 exercises for each muscle group. All you need to do 2-3 approach to 10-15 repetitions. All this will allow you to pump the basic level well. physical activity and prepare the body for more serious stress in the future.

So, with regard to the standard scheme for the number of approaches and repetitions, there is also a scientific and intuitive one, which I consider the most adequate and correct, and which I will teach you at the very end.

And now let's look at the scientific approach in relation to the issue of the number of approaches and repetitions, so let's go.

Recently, wandering around the Internet in search of new research in the field of bodybuilding, I stumbled upon one authoritative foreign resource on an interesting study related to our topic today. It said that there were unequivocal answers regarding the ideal number of repetitions and repetitions for maximum results. Just his calculations, I will give further.


The study was conducted on both beginners and advanced athletes, so its results are valid for these categories.

Let's start with…


No. 1. Number of approaches.

The study found that newcomers (work experience up to 1 of the year) should work with more repetitions and less weight. For the approach it is necessary to perform from 12 before 15 repetitions. This amount allows you to develop the power of adaptation of the nervous system to the load. Lifting weights teaches the nervous system how to quickly and efficiently turn on the right amount of “correct” muscle fibers to lift the weight. Using a high number of repetitions allows the nervous system to get more practice in this matter, since. it must control every repetition that is made.

The study says that in order to get good "bulk" results, beginners should perform about 3-4 sets for each part of the body. Those. must be carried out 3 set of one exercise for each muscle group.

Moreover, it should be borne in mind that this one exercise should be basic or conditionally basic - not a single muscle group should be included in the work. Exercises such as: bench press lying on a horizontal (inclined) bench are perfect; shoulder dumbbell press; squats; barbell / dumbbell lift for biceps, bench press narrow grip on triceps. Given the low volume of exercise, you can do one workout at once for the whole body or divide muscle groups into 2 days (1 day - chest, hips, triceps, quadriceps; 2 day - back, shoulders, calves, biceps).


The best type of training is 2-3 day split (separation of muscle groups on different days).

No. 3. Training frequency.

Beginners should train each muscle group three times a week. They can split their split into two workouts, resulting in 6 days of practice per week. High-frequency training trains the beginner's nervous system faster and it adapts to work with iron in more fast pace. At first glance, it may seem that it is nonsense to do so many times for a beginner. However, at the heart of such a concept, “bicycle”, is one simple phenomenon - practice, i.e. the more often certain actions of the same type are performed, the faster the body learns them. Remember the riding of a bicycle by young children, the more often they “climb” on it, the faster they begin to ride.

With beginners finished, moving on to a more advanced level ...


No. 1. Number of approaches.

For more advanced athletes (experience over 1 of the year) the greatest benefit comes from heavy weights and lower (unlike newbies) number of repetitions. Optimal for the development of strength and muscle indicators is the number of repetitions in a set from 6 before 8 . The principle of gradual overload is already working here, this is when the muscles have adapted to the weights and their re-training must be done with a heavier weight.

No. 2. Total training volume.

Research says that optimal amount sets counted from 4 before 6 on each part of the body, i.e. that's three sets of two exercises per muscle group. The best option is to choose one main exercise for each muscle and one auxiliary (exercise help).

TO basic exercises include: chest - barbell / dumbbell bench press; shoulders - vertical barbell / dumbbell press overhead; back - traction with one hand dumbbells to the belt, cable traction on the simulator; legs - squats or "cart" (platform leg press) with subsequent attacks; triceps - bench press on a cable simulator, bench press with a narrow grip, push-ups from the uneven bars; biceps - lifting the bar while standing or extending the arm with a dumbbell.

As auxiliary exercises, it is necessary to use those that are performed in a similar manner to the basic ones and prepare it for the main work. Examples of such “assistants”: chest - butterfly on the simulator, bringing hands together in a crossover; shoulders - lifting the neck to the chin; legs - extension in the simulator while sitting: triceps - extension on the block with a handle, etc.

No. 3. Training frequency.

Advanced athletes should not train a muscle group more than twice a week. Nervous system such people are already adapted to the loads and therefore the increase in strength (and as a consequence muscle mass) occurs due to the adaptation of the muscle fibers themselves. Heavy weights and more sets take a heavy toll on the body and therefore need more time to recover. During the recovery period, enhanced regeneration occurs muscle proteins and the muscles get bigger and stronger.

Actually, we also finished with the advanced level, now let's sum it up ...

Global output

The research results presented here tell us which "number chips" work best for most athletes, but that doesn't mean that these recommendations will work best for you. Try the proposed calculations in practice and fix the result. If it's positive (there is an increase in strength / muscle mass) then use them often in your training program, in otherwise change any "variables" and try again.

So, I laid out everything I knew on this topic, now you just have to re-read everything and draw a conclusion, and it’s simple - listen to your body and determine the required number of approaches and repetitions yourself. Well, in order to do this as correctly and efficiently as possible, and indeed, in order to once again “settle down” all of the above information, remember the following tips:

  • do not adhere to any standard clichés, just take it, try it, fix the result and adjust the numbers depending on it;
  • include in your training program work in the entire range of “repeats” (e.g. Monday - 5 ; Wednesday - 15 , Friday - 10 repetitions);
  • focus on such extreme ranges of repetitions: 1-3 - development of maximum strength; 4-10 - simultaneous increase in muscle endurance and strength development; more 11 - sculpting / fat burning;
  • be guided by such extreme ranges of approaches: work on relief - 2-3 ; weight gain - 3-4 ; development of strength 4-5 ;

It is also very important in determining the number of approaches and repetitions to answer simple questions for yourself: 1) how old am I; 2) training experience (level physical training) ; 3) body type.

Based on the answers, your logic and the above information, you can easily derive specific digital values, taking into account your body characteristics. They will be the starting point, in the matter of pulling the glands, from which it will be necessary to dance.

Actually, that's all for me, about three methods (standard, scientific, independent) in determining the quantitative indicators of the training process, I told you, so my conscience is clear :).


Today we dealt with the questions - “whom, what and how much?” do in the gym. I'm just sure that now you can easily answer this question, and not only for yourself, but also help your less experienced brothers in pieces of iron figure it out. Well, something like this, until we meet again, my dear, do not be bored!

PS. Unsubscribe comments, questions, wishes and other miscellaneous, I will be glad!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Behind every good training program is correct execution specific exercise. Training can be done in many ways, and none of them is unambiguously better than the rest. So, how many sets and reps for mass, strength, and sculpting exercises do you need to do? The following tips will help you decide how many sets and reps to perform.

Repetition- performing movement in an exercise in both directions is the basis of personal progress and required condition performing each exercise. One repetition consists of an eccentric contraction, during which the muscle is lengthened, and a concentric contraction, during which the muscle is shortened.

Performing multiple repetitions without a break in between is called approach. However, what really defines a set is the break between multiple repetitions.

To create a training program, you need to define number of sets and repetitions in the exercises you will be doing. In each approach, you determine the number of repetitions based on the goal of a particular training program. Sets and reps notation is denoted as follows: X sets x Y reps. For example, 3x10 means 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Before you start training, however, you must understand that the manner in which you perform repetitions will affect how a particular muscle develops. Probably the most important point The thing to remember is that each repetition must be performed correctly.

To be successful, you must strive to perform the rep perfectly on every set. This will keep you from acquiring bad habits in terms of lifting weights, reduce your chances of injury, and increase your chances of developing quality muscle.

Very often you can hear that approaches in the English manner are called “sets” (from the English “set”). In this case, they say: 4 sets of 8 repetitions. Repetitions in English “reps”, short for the word “repetings” - repetitions, repetitions.

For a perfect rep, spend 2-3 seconds lifting the weight and 3-4 seconds lowering it. The weight of the weight should be such that you lift it the right number of times, excluding excessive swinging and watching correct technique doing the exercise.

In general, one to three sets of 8-12 reps are recommended. Muscle fibers respond well to repeated stimulation in this range. However, once in a while it is better to do only 5 reps, or conversely, you suddenly want to do 20 or more reps. As the weight increases, the number of repetitions usually decreases. It takes more effort to lift more weight, and you need to “build up” your strength first.

Optimal for the development of strength and muscle performance is the number of 6 to 8 repetitions in the approach. The principle of gradual overload works here - when the muscles have adapted to the weights and their re-training must be done with a heavier weight.

Lifting lighter weights allows you to perform more reps, improving your ability to work for longer. The general rule is that more a light weight and more repetitions increase muscle endurance, while more heavy weight and fewer reps increase strength.

The number of sets depends on your ability to recover from each set. Usually, the harder you push yourself during a set, the harder it is to complete more sets.

The general recommendation for doing one to three sets is best option. Avoid doing too many sets, whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete. Even one approach to the exercise already leads to significant results.

Bigger doesn't mean better; the number of approaches depends on the quality of repetitions. Personal progress comes with the number of quality approaches, not just the number of them.

Rest between sets

Recovery is an important part of training. How long should you rest between sets? It may be obvious, but the harder you push, the more time you need to recover. The length of time you rest affects the number of reps you can complete.

Recovery is also affected by the total number of sets you complete the exercises with. Good general rule Rest 60 to 90 seconds between sets. More a short time rest, such as 30 seconds, promotes muscle endurance, but also requires lighter weights.

A longer rest period (3 minutes or more) means you will develop great power and you can lift more weight in subsequent approaches.

Number of sets and reps for mass, strength and relief

The following table categorizes general goals and approximate training criteria.

The goals of strength training and its specification

In fact, the situation with approaches and repetitions is really complicated. As for the number of repetitions, there are at least basic concepts, namely:

  • 1-4 reps develop mainly strength,
  • 5-12 - muscle volume,
  • 13-15 - relief.

However, there are plenty of examples where athletes achieved impressive relief by doing 5-6 reps per set, and made a real breakthrough in terms of muscle volume, performing 12-15 and even 20 reps.

As for the set of relief, it has long become clear that the main factor is still not the number of repetitions, but a competent diet. But with the build-up of muscle tissue is still foggy. Therefore, many fans of bodybuilding and fitness constantly vary the number of repetitions performed.

Let's say you can work out one workout for 6 repetitions, and the other for 12. Or, within the framework of one lesson, using the "pyramid" principle, do 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 and even 4 repetitions in succession, as if providing your own body full range of repetitions.

As for the number of approaches, there is also no consensus, although in Lately something started to become clear. In fact, there are two directions in bodybuilding: strength training, which includes a minimum of approaches in exercises (1-2), and when 4-6 or even more sets are performed in one approach.

The minimum number of approaches implies prohibitive intensity: impressive weights, work to full muscle failure and even special techniques to increase the effectiveness of training such as “forced” repetitions. At the same time, in volume training, small weights are used, work to “failure” is not carried out.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that muscles grow well from 1 approach in an exercise, and from 5 they do not grow. Similarly, the opposite cannot be said. Muscles grow from both. Therefore, choosing one or another training system, it is better to be guided by personal feelings.

For example, some are sickened by long monotonous work and small weights. These athletes are best trained in power mode with a minimum of sets. And vice versa - if a person can hardly endure the straining associated with working on extreme scales, volume training- his element.

It is only clearly known that a small number of approaches and heavy weights are a much faster path to injury. So, if you proceed from security considerations, draw your own conclusions.

To create your own training program, you need to set the number of sets and repetitions and the time that you will spend on rest, so that you can achieve the desired results.

I am glad to greet my esteemed readers, admirers and others good people! As I remember now - the number of approaches and repetitions - a question that I asked myself literally from the first days of visiting gym. At first I studied books on bodybuilding, but I didn’t find a clear answer understandable to a beginner, then I got into the global web, and there a huge number of conflicting opinions fell on me. Some repeated the magic number 6-8 repetitions, others with foam at the mouth proved what to do 10 , still others were generally silent in a rag and remained unconvinced. The last hope for me was the answers of the “experienced” and regulars of the gym, and I must say that it was they who set the true young green in the form of me on the path :).

Today we will just talk about all these things, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the training process, let's go.

Sets and repetitions: debriefing.

So, February is already on the calendar - the second month of your workouts in a rocking chair, and you still don’t know in any eye how many sets and repetitions you need to do? It doesn't matter, this note will fix everything. But first, a little background.

If you drive the title of our article into the search bar, you can instantly get tons of different answers, after reading which, you can understand that at the moment there are two approaches to this issue. The first is the classics, standard conventional schemes and the second is scientific, we will look at both, and even more. I want to say right away that I am not a supporter of “frozen forms”, i.e. I do not like clichés, the same type composed for a completely different people, standard advice given to everyone without exception. I prefer a different approach, and I try to stick to it, it lies in the fact that each person is individual (in terms of muscle structure, metabolic processes and muscle gain), and it is necessary to build his training relationship with iron and a nutrition program based on this positions.

Many coaches are accustomed to labeling beginners and giving them standard advice. For example, a skinny came to the hall and the “expert” said to him: “oh-ooh, go squat!”. Your mother, and his face has all the signs of scoliosis, curvature of the spine, completely missing legs or there was some kind of serious injury to the lower back in childhood. Why am I saying all this? And besides, in order not to bother with a new ward, it is best to say: go do this, that is. apply template. The same rule applies to quantifying training – go do it. 2 approach to 8 repetitions and do not tweet :).

With all this, I want to convey to you that yes, there are standard proven schemes that work well, but this absolutely does not mean that they will also work great for you. Perhaps it is easier for a beginner (so as not to bother him) to give specific advice (to avoid unnecessary questions on his part), but even then you have no right to ask anyone for the result. Understand, asking such a question - “how much to hang in grams?” the answer will almost always be a template, and it may not always suit you. I think we figured it out here, let's move on.

Now, in fact, about these most generally accepted conventions and stereotypes regarding the numbers of the training process. There are the following 3 myth:

Myth #1. 8-12 reps.

This is the optimal "repeat" range in terms of .

Original (origin): V 1954 Ian MacQueen, MD and performing bodybuilder, has published scientific work, in which he recommended performing a moderate number of repetitions ( 8-12 ) for increase muscle growth.

Truth: In this range of work, the muscles are under average amount of time under average stress, which does not allow you to get the maximum benefit for them.

Scientific Approach: Higher Voltage Corresponds heavy weights, it is the weights that encourage the muscles to grow, muscle fibers get bigger, they gain strength. On the other hand, more time of tension increases muscle size by increasing the energy-producing structures around the fibers - increasing muscle endurance. Classic version from 8 before 12 repetitions provides a balance between tension and weight. But by doing so much all the time, you will miss more high level tension that comes with heavier weights and fewer reps.

Conclusion: Vary the number of repetitions and, accordingly, change the working weight of the projectile so as to stimulate each type of muscle fiber. Try this method for a month, doing three full body sessions a week. Those. do 5 reps per set in your first workout, 10 reps per set in the second and 15 - in the third.


Repetition - the execution of a movement with controlled observance of the phases of lowering and raising the projectile.

Set (approach) - the number of sessions allotted to perform the given repetitions.

Myth number 2. Do 3 sets for each exercise.

This will provide the ideal workload to achieve the fastest muscle volumes.

Original (origin): V 1948 Thomas Delorme (Physical Medicine Physician) reported that doing the three sets in 10 repetitions are as effective (for developing leg strength) as doing 10 sets by 10 repetitions in each.

Truth: There is nothing magical about numbers for muscles. 3 . The number of approaches (sets) should not be determined 50 -year recommendations. Remember the rule: the more repetitions you perform, the fewer sets you need to perform and vice versa. This means that the total number of “reps” (total per exercise) should remain roughly the same and should not depend on the number of repetitions you do per set.

Conclusion: If you do 8 (or more) repetitions, then the number of sets should be 3 or less. If you are doing 3 repetitions, it is necessary to perform them in 6 sets.

Myth number 3. Do 3-4 exercises for each muscle group.

This ensures that you target all the muscle fibers.

Original (origin): Arnold's postulate, recorded from his words in 1966 year.

Truth: Working in this mode will require a lot of time and here's why. This Schwarzenegger recommendation 40 years ago also involved (almost always) doing three sets, up to 8-12 repetitions in each. Simple math and simple calculation gives us the following numbers - up to 144 repetitions for each muscle group. The problem is that even if you are able to perform about 100 repetitions (for any muscle group), then you are not working hard enough. How voluminous workout the less time the body will be able to maintain this level of effort.

Conclusion: Instead of focusing on a number of various exercises what you are doing, stop at the total number of repetitions from 25 before 50 . This means - work with one exercise in five sets of 5 repetitions (total is obtained, 25 ) or one approach from 15 repetitions in 2-3 exercises (total is obtained 30-45 ).

There is also a fourth myth, which has little to do with the topic of repetition, but I simply could not not mention it, because. I consider it very important.

Myth number 4. Never let your knees go beyond the plane of your toes.

Your knees should not be too far forward during exercises such as or. Otherwise, the knee ligaments will be subjected to dangerous lateral forces.

Original (origin): V 1978 A Duke University study showed that by keeping the leg as vertical as possible during the squat, the lateral forces on the knee are reduced.

Truth: Leaning forward too much will cause injury. V 2003 year, researchers at the University of Memphis confirmed that the voltage in knee joint increases by 28%, when the knees go beyond the plane of the feet. However, scientists also observed the opposite effect: the tension in the thigh increased by almost 40% as a result of limiting forward movement of the knee. The reason was hiding in the tilt of the torso (during squats) further and forward. This is also a problem since forces acting on the hip transfer the load to the lower back, and this area is a more common site of injury, even compared to the knees.

Conclusion: Pay more attention to the position of the upper body, and be less critical of the location of the knees. When doing squats, try to keep the body as straight as possible, thereby reducing the negative load on the hip. To be in this position, remember the tips:

  • firmly bring the shoulder blades together and hold them in this position throughout the entire trajectory of movement;
  • try to keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor.


If you want to give extra support to your back while squatting, then tighten your abdominal muscles (as if you are about to be punched in the stomach). This will activate all three layers of the abdominal wall, and spinal column get more stability. This will generally increase performance in squats.

Actually, we are done with the myths, now let's move on to the practical part. Or not, wait a minute...

Recently, I began to notice that “Ostap suffered”, i.e. articles are quite voluminous, and given the fact that they are also technical, it can sometimes be difficult to absorb all the necessary information. Therefore, I beg your pardon, but “there will be no kin - the electricity is over! :)”. But seriously, the next delicious practical part of the note will be released very soon (literally just about), so subscribe to updates so as not to miss anything!


Today we began to deal with such a question as the number of approaches and repetitions when performing exercises. We have reviewed the existing positions on this issue in general terms, got acquainted with the main myths. Now we only need to decide on specific numbers and find out how to correctly determine them for ourselves, but this is a completely different story.

Until we meet again, brethren, see you soon!

PS. We do not pass by the comments, they are always waiting for your heated discussions.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

How many sets?
This issue is the subject of heated debate. Some experts believe that it is necessary to do one set, but perform the maximum number of repetitions, others advocate several sets and fewer repetitions.
I recommend that you use the classic proven way of doing exercises, namely 3 sets. Someone is better than 4, someone 2 approaches, but in general, 3 is the golden mean, which is convenient to navigate. The exception is newcomers. When you are just starting to train, it will be difficult to complete three sets at once. After 3-4 weeks you should increase the number of sets as your body gets more advanced.
While you are a beginner, you will need one exercise for each part of the body.

If you have average level training, you can break the workout into two parts (upper and lower for example). Each body part will require 2 types of exercises with 3 sets (6 sets in total).
If you are advanced, you should do 3 exercises per muscle group with 3 to 4 sets, for a total of 9 to 12 sets per muscle group.
Why 3 sets? Your power training should be within 30 to 60 minutes. In order to be on time, you must adjust the amount of exercise to this time. From a scientific point of view, your muscle fibers will not have time to work out as much as possible in one set. Moreover, Scientific research showed that several approaches allow you to more activate the production of growth hormone and testosterone, which is very important for muscle growth and fat burning.
It should also be added that the larger the muscle group, the greater the load they can withstand.

How many repetitions?
The number of repetitions is mainly determined by your goals.

I recommend taking not a fixed number of repetitions (for example, 3 sets of 10 reps), but a range of 6 to 12 so that you have the opportunity to maneuver. For example, if you are doing a back exercise, then you can do, say, 9-9-9 (three sets of 9 reps) reps. The next workout will give you the opportunity to do 9-9-10, then 9-10-10, then 10-10-10, and so on. Those. using this system you will be able to monitor your progress. When it becomes easy to do 12-12-12, then you increase the weight to such a mark that you can do 6-6-6, then again 6-6-7, 6-7-7, 7-7-7, 7-7- 8…12-12-12 etc.,
The biggest mistake is constantly repeating the same exercises for a long time using the same weight. If you are not having a hard time, then you are not achieving something new. Only new load makes you stronger

Will High Reps Help Me Burn More Fat?
In fact, a high number of repetitions does not burn more fat, because during training, fat is not burned at all. Yes, calories are burned during training, but fat burning occurs after training due to increased calorie consumption. The faster the metabolism, the faster the fat burns, and the metabolic rate depends on the amount of muscle mass. A large number of repetitions does not give the opportunity to increase muscle mass.

How much rest do I need between sets?
The break should be about 60 seconds. Sometimes up to 120 seconds for large muscle groups in order to have time to rest and recover.
The universal duration is 60 seconds.
If your goal is to increase strength, then the break should be increased to 120 seconds.
If your goal is maximum fat burning, then the break is reduced to 20-45 seconds, which adds an aerobic effect.

At what speed should I raise and lower the weight?
Do the exercises slowly and carefully. It usually takes 2-3 seconds to lift the weight and 3-4 seconds to lower it. Never make sudden, jerky movements. Shocks do not allow the muscles to be thoroughly worked out. Only a slow, even load distribution is correct for muscle development. In addition, sudden movements can lead to injury.

What should be the intensity of the workout?
If you have chosen the right weight, then the last two or three reps should be difficult to complete.
For example, 1-2-3 easy -4-5-6 normal 7-8-9 hard 10-11 limit 12 - impossible.

How do I choose exercises?
I believe that one of best books ever written in the history of bodybuilding is the "modern encyclopedia of bodybuilding" written by
