Mirzakarim norbekov the experience of a fool or the key to enlightenment. The basis of the treatment and rejuvenating program by norbekov and photina

The self-healing program proposed by Norbekov and Fotina includes 14 lessons in which the necessary knowledge is given on self-treatment, healing and rejuvenation of the body.

Norbekov and Fotina emphasize that the proposed methodology is not therapeutic, but educational. “We are not going to treat anyone. In this case, it is probably appropriate to compare us with the signs by the road that we offer you. "You will go to the right ... you will go to the left ...". You choose yourself. The saying is true: a thousand healers offer a thousand paths, but they all lead to the temple of health. We suggest one of the roads. Hundreds of thousands of people have already passed this road. Those who chose it consciously, voluntarily, believing in themselves and their strengths - as a result, achieved what they went in this direction for. First of all, these are people with a lively, young soul, regardless of age and almost regardless of their state of health. It's never too late to start. "

The main condition is a sensitive soul, as in youth. It is from her, how from the center will go wellness process... If a person with his soul cannot generate healing impulses, then any treatment gives temporary results. The main thing is to run a wellness generator in it.

Norbekov and Fotina propose to do this in just 12-14 days. “During this period, most of our students manage to master the methodology and basic exercises, after which, as after the start, a very quick recovery, healing and rejuvenation of the body begins. By the end of each cycle of classes, our students change internally and externally, become somewhat similar to each other, somehow prettier and those changes that they note in their questionnaires, sometimes even surprise us: for such short term Having reconsidered his attitude to himself, his failures, to the world around him, practicing this technique, he manages to get rid of many diseases that have often tormented for decades ... There are also failures. According to our latest data, about 3-4% of our students do not achieve positive changes. "

In my opinion, failures happen to those people who, due to their hardened spiritual qualities, cannot perceive the recommended and do not start a spiritual generator. They are unable to change themselves, their spiritual qualities. And since this is not there, then there is no result. Such people need a personal pusher-interpreter for a year, or even two, in order to move something in their soul.

Norbekov and Fotina point out that people who study according to their method recover very quickly and give a list.

"The terms of recovery for the main chronic diseases after mastering the basic exercises and with the beginning of the internal start." ("Inner start" is the launch of the spiritual generator to generate its own healing energies in the field form of life.)

So, sleep is normalized within 3 days.

Appetite improves and stools normalize by 3-4 days.

Diseases of the digestive and urinary organs up to 5 days.

Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer - up to 6 days.

Cholecystitis - up to 5 days.

Chronic hepatitis - up to 11 days.

Hemorrhoids - up to 8 days.

The beginning of the removal of sand and stones from the gallbladder and kidneys from the 2nd day to 6-8 days.

Descent of the kidney - up to 14 days.

Diseases of the respiratory system and respiratory tract up to 5 days.

Sinusitis - up to 7 days.

Bronchitis, bronchial asthma- up to 15-23 days.

Diseases of the sense organs - up to 15 days; cataract - up to 36 days.

Diseases of cardio-vascular system... Hypertension: elimination of the causes - up to 15-18 days after that, the normalization of pressure - up to 4-5 days. Ischemic disease heart (angina pectoris) - from 13 to 22 days. Thrombophlebitis - up to 12 days. Varicose veins - up to 8 days.

Gynecological diseases on average - up to 6-12 days.

Some types of benign anemias - up to 17 days (elimination of the causes - up to 6 days).

Diabetes mellitus - up to 18 days (normalization of sugar levels by day 4).

Allergy - up to 13 days.

Nonspecific polyarthritis - up to 28 days.

Chronic prostatitis - up to 27 days.

Decreased potency - elimination of causes - 8-9-11 days.

And also a number of many other diseases.

Norbekov and Fotina emphasize that the way out of the disease begins after an “internal” start, that is, after mastering the technique. Someone will need one day for this, others 3-4 days, and the third even more time. "After all, we are all different and we perceive and master new things at different rates."

Norbekov and Fotina interestingly describe the process of self-healing and the reason why some people get healed, while others do not.

The healing process. "Recovery for all our students comes through pain, but the pain is somehow special, pleasant, with pleasant sensations."

“Answer yourself openly: have you ever deceived (well; at least a little, harmlessly)? Did they steal (they took some other people's trifle without asking and did not return it)? Envy (even if "white" envy)? Did you slander (well, at least a little gossip)? Let's not remember the big sins. These are enough. Usually there are no sinless people, everyone is sinful, everyone answers to themselves: yes. It means that you are deceivers, envious people, thieves and foul language. This means that you yourself, being sinful, do not believe in yourself, do not believe in the purity of others. But do not despair, confessing these sins is not a sin, but evidence of your ability to renew. This suggests that your character will help us overcome our weaknesses, do without outside help. After all outside help always subconsciously humiliates, especially strong man... You can restore your health yourself, if you really want it, you want it at the subconscious level, at the level of subconscious faith in yourself, in your strengths, and not in someone or something ”.

The first wellness work must happen in the character of the person.

Norbekov and Fotina first of all advise to remove from consciousness all thoughts of lack of will and doubt, to begin to train faith in ourselves. Wellness starts with thinking about how you feel about your body? “How do you treat him? How do you feel about your mortal body, which is forced to drag your eternal soul? Are you saving it? Do you care for him? Probably, many can admit that they live as lodgers in their bodies, and not the owners, without thinking too much about the consequences of their lifestyle, do not take care of themselves. Then you can consider their ill health as the result of such a disdainful attitude towards themselves, towards their body, as, if you will, punishment, revenge of nature for violating its laws. "

“Thought is a person's attitude to the world around him. Thought is an attitude, a symbol, energy flow... This is a thought outside of us. Thought within us is a program of action. Thought enters the cerebral cortex as a program of future action. A person is preparing to do something, he predicts future events, as if he loses them, goes into the future.

Then the program goes into the subconscious and the whole body prepares for action. Sechenov wrote that thought is a delayed movement, that is, thought is the readiness of the whole body for future action, thought is the whole body.

When a person prepares to do something, a certain muscle group contracts, the corresponding amount of hormones, enzymes, nutrients required for this action.

This confirms that thought is material. It is known, and in recent times and scientifically proven direct link between negative emotions and thoughts and many very formidable diseases. In this case, very unfavorable biochemical and bioenergetic shifts occur in the body, against the background of which diseases arise. But it has also been proven that positive emotions and thoughts have a beneficial effect, causing the corresponding shifts in the body. It has long been noted that "the wounds of the winners heal faster." So be the winner, but treat yourself first of all. Change yourself, because the cause of your ill health is in you, in your way of thinking and way of life ”.

Ingeniously simple! Depending on his thinking, a person creates diseases or health in himself. This was known for a long time. But understand this simplicity. and even more so, it is not given to everyone to realize it.

Distinctive features of the Norbekov and Fotina technique. “This is a complex of Eastern and European methods - the most effective, the best, which have undergone a very strict selection over many years of exercises and training aimed at rejuvenating the body. They are carried out in a state of meditation and are aimed at activating the internal reserve abilities of the body for self-healing and self-improvement, but on condition that the spiritual, psychic principle should prevail over the physical and be in harmony with it ”.

Norbekov and Fotina emphasize: “It was very important for us what the recovering people feel, what state they are in, what physical sensations arise in this case. … At some stage of treatment, there comes a moment of unconditional belief in recovery and a quiet deep expectation of the coming recovery. These people begin to foresee what they will become, their doubts disappear. "

It is this vivid image that must be created in one's own mind. It is he who launches the soul generator for healing. When it is launched, a person has an indescribable range of sensations of coming youth and health. Healing work is underway in the area of ​​the unhealthy organ. There they appear in waves: feelings of warmth - in one, cold - in another, tingling - in a third. All of these sensations come on spontaneously. A pleasant itching sensation, as when healing a wound, indicates restoration of function.

When a person directs all his attention to the restoration of his health, this sets in motion the healing forces of field structures, which begin an "avalanche-like transformation of the body, and a" miracle "appears.

Deepak Chopra writes about such a miracle, pointing out that with the right intention you can constantly rejuvenate your body, not “let in” information about old age - drive it away, feel young, young, full of energy.

Norbekov and Fotina again return to the question - why not all people are capable of self-healing? And they explain it like this.

“So we come to the essence of the methodology.

1. Belief in recovery. This process can be triggered by special training. It is most important.

2. Training the imagination. There are no people without imagination, there are people with a weak imagination, average and strongly expressed imagination. Therefore, we had to direct all our attention to people with a weak imagination.

3. We still have one more direction, which Mother Nature shows us. For some reason, the body itself often causes warmth in someone's unhealthy organ, a chill in someone, etc. And what if purposefully evoke, train these sensations (Emphasis added.) and present it to the body "on a platter with a blue border" - let him choose what he needs and keep it for himself.

4. But we have one more problem: it is not a sin to dream, to imagine that you have recovered, but the whole ego is empty if there is no great desire, a strong desire to recover. This is one of our most important tasks.

One of the sections of this methodology began to be created approximately according to this system ”.

In other words, in order for each person to be capable of self-healing, it is necessary to teach him: belief in his own strength; the ability to create real imaginations (mental images); arbitrarily cause sensations of warmth, tingling, coldness in one or another part of the body; the ability to impose a vivid mental image of a healthy, young organism, who you were at the age of 16-20 on the present - sick, old

Don't get me wrong, I am FOR training visual acuity without glasses. I will study! Thanks! Dear dear Mirzakarim Sanakulovich! Thanks to your books, I am not afraid to grow old, to live on! Colossal results already during the course. I like to be healthy, cheerful, confident, decisive, happy. This suggests that the diameter of the cones in humans has decreased compared to what it was, say, 30 years ago. In this zone, the spot of light scattering on the retina will be the smallest and closest to the circle ... Now I periodically train according to the program, articular gymnastics is great! Norbekov - You are super! Thanks! Dedicated to Anziratov Furkat Kamalovich and Ivanova Valentina Alekseevna. The mood is on the rise, meaning has reappeared in life. Colossal results already during the course. I didn't wake up at night, got up easily in the morning, which is unusual for me.
Each time I felt disappointed that people remain disabled and will not be able to return to a full life ... Having worn contact lenses for three months, they can no longer refuse them - visual acuity drops without correction ... I, for example, prescribe glasses for myopia only if the visual acuity without glasses is below 0.6. THANKS! All the very best to YOU! I do gymnastics according to the M.
I radically change literally after every class!).
Having tried this method, I am drawing, I cannot stop! He knows how to EXCELLENTly describe how an actor to show, explain and naturally INSPIRE. This means that one of them has a larger diameter of cones, while the other has less ... GRANDMY'S FRIEND, AND HER GIRL'S GIRL'S 80 YEARS OLD, ON TWO DIOPTRIES HAS IMPROVED VISION, AND I HAVE IMPROVED MOOD, ATTITUDE TO PEOPLE, TO THE WORLD IN WHICH IS LIVING! SORRY I AM LAZY, I SHOULD RECOGNIZE THAT I HAVE PASSED THE FIRST COURSE AND ABANDONED EVERYTHING ... A lot of tiny rescuers had to enter the body and put things in order there, clean the hairs from plaques. I thought that I would go crazy, and once, having turned on the TV, on the Tonus TV channel I saw you and your exercises. The last thing I read, "Success on your head", I like the way you write, I like what you are trying to convey. The retinal image of the farsighted eye is suppressed, we call this the "Inhibition scotoma". And in this way you can speak any organ, any part of the body.

Thank you for your work with people, all the best to you, with the help of your free video lessons, a lot has become clear, not everything, a lot needs to be learned.
Khasai Aliyev, a Dagestan philosopher and psychologist, considers self-hypnosis to be the strongest human reserve, with its help you can cause the changes we need in the body: if you imagine that the head becomes fresh within a minute, then the vessels will begin to expand and get rid of spasms, blood flow will improve ... I am very grateful to the authors of the new course "Matrix of Life" for a wonderful five-day week. Ultimately, a life without movement was credited. Such opportunities allowed humans to survive as a biological species. I thank all the people who create in this Center! During my participation in 1 and 2 health courses, I was able to realize my goals in restoring health, to determine why I need it. Special thanks to teachers Shavkat and Olga for such an emotional presentation! Delight! Thank you for the amazing Vision Correction course. She told me the following story: “My beloved dog got cancer, she had a large cancerous tumor. When on the sixth day they began to examine the man, his finger was tied ... .

One developed a cyst rather quickly in the left cerebellar corner in the brain, while in the other, exactly the same cyst grew in the right cerebellar corner. Yes, indeed, the brain has the ability to accept or reject an image, depending on its quality. Stand like this periodically, and you will feel an increasing flow of energy within the body, a manifestation of opportunities that you have not seen before. Having seen one grain, I will search and try to see all the greatness of the mountain.
I think in such serious cases it is imperative to combine traditional and nontraditional medicine ... You are right - surgery is the very last resort!

Norbekov's lessons the road to youth and health -

And one more book by G. From the preface to the book by G. Sytin “Healing sessions. Doctor Kapralov. Candidate of Medical Sciences, surgeon who has worked in medicine for more.

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at: 10 votes.

From among the listeners, you attach to each person one or two "overseer-observers" who must monitor the dynamics of recovery all the time, that is, just constantly pay attention to the feet of their colleagues.

The ninth session has come. Now let's see what the picture turned out to be!


The bespectacled people proudly raise their hand, their eyesight began to improve, and many even showed a fantastic result, throwing glasses.

And when asked what is the quality of sleep and how the intestines work, most stand to themselves like stumps in the cold! How many years they were a "night watchman", so they remained, and to the toilet, sorry, they still go once a year on a promise. The result is sad!

And the cat cried for other ailments. And it could not be otherwise!


Every day, who's sleep is out of order and claims to gastrointestinal tract You raised them, were interested in how things are going? Some were good, while others lacked the thrashing, because the work was not progressing. By the way, very often one small step forward is the result of a good kick from behind.

Our listeners had to study vision and other problems of their body at home or right in the classroom, I repeat on purpose, but on their own.

By the ninth lesson, the intestines work like a clock, sleep - like a marmot, everyone is happy, but in the same glasses in which they came.

You ask:

- Who has varicose veins, what is the improvement?

And the improvement - figs to you! Only two or three out of ten people.

The rest, it turns out, did not set themselves the task of working with veins. They sit with their habits and ambitions, blink their eyes. They want something, they don't know what! Is it worth waiting for positive results in this case, what do you think ?!


You began each meeting by saying: "Come on, show your legs." For the ninth lesson, the whole group applauded them. For many, the varicose veins disappeared, while for others the volume of the veins decreased markedly.

Dear doctors, colleagues! You understand what it is !!! In nine sessions, our listeners removed their varicose veins!

From the point of view of physiology, from the point of view of medicine, they performed a miracle! Do you agree?

But the eyes remained in the same deplorable state in which they were. There is no need to talk about kidneys or anything else.

Here are three parameters.

And now the analysis: why did this happen?

1. The patient set the task in an abstract way, like “I want to be healthy”. In other words, there was no clear creative program inside.

2. He did not set a timeline for the implementation of this program.

3. I did not launch the program, but sat and waited "by the sea of ​​the weather."

4. Did not exercise daily self-control over the work performed.

Apart from the slogan “I want to be healthy,” there was nothing in my head, no accountability to myself for the result. That is why all the work with other organs went down the drain.

This is one of the patterns of behavior of chronic patients, which, dear fellow doctors, undeservedly turns you into a "scapegoat".

When the picture cleared up, we analyzed the results right in the classroom.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with a fragment of the transcript of the lesson in the city of Kostanay.

Let me remind you, dear reader, that here attention was focused on the restoration of vision. (The entry is given verbatim. - Ed.)

(MS Norbekov)… The question will be of three types.

1. Who has restored bowel activity?

2. Who has improved bowel function?

3. Who has any changes?

- Who has recovered the activity of the intestines, raise your hands. NS! The result is absolutely the same as in Lisakovsk.

- Who's getting better, raise your hands.

- And now there are those who have no shift in better side... There are 6 people left.

Now pay attention to the ratio. Thirty classmates got up, six of them had no changes. This means that 20% of our fellow students did not set a task for themselves.

(To the young listener.)

- Princess, are you working on vision?

- And how are you doing?

- I have an improvement.

- Wherever you paid attention, there is a result, vision has gone. Why didn't you restore your intestines?

- I do not know. (Turns to the lady.)

- Sunny, are you working on vision?

- Yes, and there is an improvement.

- Why didn't you work with the intestines?

- I have a goal, or rather, I told myself how many days I have to improve the intestines.

- And in how many days?

- About a month.

- Didn't I say that by the ninth lesson the intestines should be in normal condition! Although my memory is full of holes, but not to the same extent! Did you speak or not ?!

- They did.

- And where did you get the month? (To a man)

- My dear! Yes, yes, do you work with vision?

- How is it there?

- He took off his glasses. The wife did not recognize and did not open the door.

(Laughter in the audience.)

- Serves you right! And why didn’t they start the intestines?

- Well, I thought it needed to be consistent.

- Consistently you thought! Oh, thanks! After such answers, as a specialist, I want to die! But you are a man! If only you would understand me! I have repeatedly repeated that we work with every unhealthy organ from session to session and leave nothing for later! This is a technical error. The program was consistent (in the third case) - now the vision, and then the intestines. The program was changed - within a month - (in the second case) and in your case (the first case. - Editor's note). You did not know that the intestines should also be treated, and you did not set the task.

Here are three sidesteps from victory.

Listen again carefully in both ears! The program will start working on one condition: if you impose this program on your body every day for a month and receive a report from it.

Now, who has varicose veins, who has knuckles, spurs on his legs, who has thrombophlebitis, who has spots on his legs, please, stand up.

Well, pay attention, I have never thought of you. Eighteen times we remembered vision, all of them are almost getting better.

Once we said about the intestines and more specifically never before today did not remember, leaving it on your conscience. There was no improvement of 20%.

We did not specifically talk about hemorrhoids, various chronic inflammations, periodontal disease, nodes, all kinds of obstruction, etc., etc. Because we cannot here every time enumerate a huge list of diagnoses. Then you will sit and listen in class only to the enumeration of diseases, we simply do not have time for this! Now the question.

Whoever has varicose veins on the legs, thrombophlebitis, raise your hand, please, we will count. Fifty-seven people. Thanks. Now be honest with yourself, I beg you!

Who has looked at their feet at least once in the last week, raise your hand, please? Wow! Only five fellow students. And the rest ?!

Are you guys crazy or something ?! A whole week has passed, have you not even washed your feet, or what?

(Animation and laughter in the hall.)

- Then whose feet have you washed, if you have not even looked in once? Well, give it! Maybe at least someone has set themselves the task of working with veins? Just two. My God! What are we going to do with all of you?

Eh you ?! .. Let's start today. There are 12 more lessons ahead. You have already lost nine classes.

Now I will always stand over your soul. If you remove every disease in a century, then I will give you a feel for what Desdemona was thinking at the last moment of her life. (Laughter in the audience.)

So the book is closed.

We think that each of the readers was attracted by something of their own. We also dare to hope that she gave something to each of you.

For some, classes according to our system returned full vision or hearing, for some of the lovely ladies, non-contact gynecological training returned health, mental balance and allowed again to make bold excursions into the world of sensory sensations, in someone the energy of the exercises "Canon for future rulers ”- a tome that has absorbed the wisdom of millennia and continues to bring life-giving light to people.

The main thing, dear readers, is that your journey to your Self does not end at this stage. Improvement of the body and the newly acquired plasticity of the spirit can, of course, be considered achievements, if you do not remember that you were born with these qualities.

Let it not confuse you, dear readers, if we say that, having regained youth and spiritual serenity, you have not gained anything quantitatively. You just returned to yourself what belonged to you, but was lost as a result of erroneous steps taken by you towards false landmarks, which happened, perhaps, even not entirely through your fault.

Make no mistake in the future, do not deviate from the path on which you have stepped, continue to train the body "emotions, develop imaginative thinking, work with the sensations of warmth, cold, tingling and monthly - with the help of the act of forgiveness meditation - cleanse your spirit. The universe smiles at a person who is pure in spirit; dirt does not stick to a freshly washed fabric. Let our experience and our developments, supported by the practice of generations, serve as a guide along this path. They are set out in the book "Norbekov's Lessons" and in this work.

Before you is life, its course is not always calm and smooth. A person, carelessly sliding along the waves of life, is trapped by pitfalls, and shoals, and disastrous whirlpools. The negative energetics of space (dark forces) also tend to throw their web on the wanderer. How to resist them, how to choose the right beacons, what to do in order to confidently navigate your boat along the waves of the sea of ​​life? We will try to answer these questions in one of our next books.

In the meantime, allow me to take my leave. In conclusion, let us emphasize once again: health and youth are what rightfully belonged to you. By returning them, you will not be quantitatively enriched in any way. However, your quality enrichment has taken place. His name is boundless faith in himself and
into the highest justice of the existing world order, where everyone is rewarded according to his thoughts and deeds.

May the light of this faith warm you on your way!

Good luck, joy and success in all your endeavors!

M. Norbekov, Yu. Khvan.

The teacher about the student and his teaching

I am often asked what is the main difference between Mirzakarim Norbekov's system and other health systems..

The Norbekov system is an educational process that begins during a ten-day cycle of classes in the gym and continues throughout life, since a person never gets tired of knowing and improving himself.

What is the essence of the system of psychosomatic self-regulation of the human body according to the method of academician Norbekov? In my opinion, and I am firmly convinced of this, the discovery he made in the field of human psychophysiology refers to medicine of the XXI century!

The essence of considering the disease with almost all methods is as follows: the disease is the main part. This is the point of view, including that of orthodox medicine. According to Norbekov's system, the disease is viewed only as a consequence. Norbekov saw through this ailment the root - the cause of disorders in the body. He saw so deeply that this discovery will become a panacea in the near future in some time period. It's my personal opinion. This opinion and conviction is based on the fact that all these pills, lotions, dietary supplements, drugs are still the essence of orthodox medicine, which are needed in the section of the emergency, the help needed at the moment. None of these drugs or biochemical additives make significant assistance to the human body. Take, for example, any of them and see that there is no such an enzyme that would remove cataracts, glaucoma, osteochondrosis, diabetes, varicose veins, psoriasis, vitiligo; would restore activity of the retina or kidneys, liver; would strengthen the activity the body for the production of new cells and much, much more.

Academician Norbekov's system perfectly solves these problems human body... The thing is that when this system is launched, the human brain instructs the body to produce such substances that are not currently in production. Modern drugs are scattered and imperfect. They don't give positive result, but only support the body for some time or, conversely, block the ailment that reappears when the blocker is absorbed.

During classes according to the Norbekov system, mechanisms are triggered that produce new cells in the body, including nerve cells. There is a rejuvenation and recovery of the whole organism as a whole. The human body is the most perfect pharmaceutical factory. We ourselves produce all the substances and enzymes we need. The system of human self-healing, developed by academician Norbekov, allows you to control this process.

We have not seen him for 10 years. Last year we met here in St. Petersburg. Of course, an idea was immediately born, which is now being implemented: to combine the developments made by everyone over the years in order to create a new, even more perfect system that shows a person one of the paths leading to the Temple of Health and Youth.

During the classes that are held in our Center, I acquaint the listeners with my new developments. These exercises, in combination with the methods of the academician, give amazing results in their effectiveness in recovery for many common ailments. For example, practice has shown that breathing exercises, which have been known for over 2000 years and are used in our Center, help to cope, for example, with bronchial asthma in a matter of days.

The system works and helps people regardless of whether someone believes in it or not. The fact that in Russia alone, through this system of health improvement, more than 2,000,000 people have been freed from their ailments, speaks for itself.

Yuri Hwan, President of the Sam Chon Do Federation

Application. General health exercises,
Recommended Sam Jung Do (Hwana System)

Humanity, developing materially, has become spiritually stagnant and has lost mobility. The result is a partial or complete paralysis of the immune (defense) system of the human body, hence asthma, and colic, and a runny nose, and hemorrhoids. When the spirit is weakened, the consciousness loses its bearings, it is clogged with false attitudes, and the body becomes homeless and withers, because the mind does not lead it well or does not lead it at all.

First of all, the spine begins to suffer from inactivity - the second most important (after the brain) element of our body, because it contains the nerves that lead to all vital organs of the body. Their health directly depends on the condition of certain vertebrae.

For example, disturbances in the 4th cervical vertebra entail trouble with the eyes, face, neck, teeth, throat, nose, ears, lungs, heart, liver, diaphragm, adrenal glands, spleen.

The 2nd thoracic vertebra is directly connected with the lungs and pleura, the 5th - with the eyes, thyroid gland and pain in the throat and abdomen. The heart, intestines, sense of smell, vision can also suffer from subluxation of the 10th thoracic vertebra.

Subluxation of the 2nd lumbar vertebra is fraught with inflammation Bladder, appendicitis, it provokes prostate pathology and impotence in men and gynecological diseases in women.

Subluxation of the 5th lumbar vertebra - hemorrhoids, rectal problems, anal fissures. (All of the above - the result of the observations of Dr.Katsudo Nishi - is confirmed by the practice of chon do himself).

Not only the vertebrae, but also the joints suffer from inactivity. Therefore, the complex wellness gymnastics Jung Do himself pays a lot of attention to them too. Almost all positions of this complex are combined with the meditative element of breathing through the trained part of the body (inhalation - cold, exhalation - heat, described in detail in Chapter 8).

Another significant factor that determines the viability of an organism is the state of the structures that provide energy to various corners of the body. The first such structure is the heart, the second is the vessels and capillaries, the third is the muscles, the fourth is the thought. Blood is the physical carrier of the body's internal energy, thought belongs to less material substances, but it can also control internal energy a person, directing it both to any part of the body, and beyond it.

Many of the exercises below are designed to train muscles, blood vessels, and capillaries. The heart is not specially trained (it heals along with the healing of the whole body). Thought rules the meditative side physical training... To do exercises
follows in a good mood, with great love for himself and his body. This is the foundation of sam chon do practice.


1. Relaxed running. jogging.
2. Respiratory gymnastics.

Tasks: a) saturate tissues with oxygen and expel carbon dioxide; b) to clear and strengthen the airways.

Effect: a multiple increase in the body's performance.

Breathing technique: inhale - through the nose, exhale - through the mouth, and inhalation is twice shorter than exhalation.

Breathing in static (calm): inhalation (counting) - 2-3 s, exhalation (counting) - 4-6 s.

Breathing in dynamics: inhale - 3-4 s, exhale (in portions, as if crying or laughing) - 6-10 s.

This respiratory system is more than 2 thousand years old.

3. "Fence". Pull the crown of the head up, trying to look out from behind the hand. In this position, turn to the right and left (25-30 s) (Fig. 1).

4. Development of the vertebrae and neck muscles (Fig. 2).

5. Massage of the cervical nerves and capillaries of the head. Turn right to failure and left. The muscles of the head are completely relaxed (Fig. 3).

Positions 3, 4, 5 are beneficial for cervical osteochondrosis... Inhale (cold), exhale (warm) - through cervical spine spine.

6. Shoulder joints... The arms are straight. Circular motions forward (5 times), backward (5 times), right and left (5 times). Swimming movements - forward and backward (5 times) (Fig. 4-6). 7. "Corkscrew". Hands are raised. At the count of 7, turn to the right and stretch upward, screwing in, then to the left. Inhale-exhale - through the spine (Fig. 7).

8. "Rope". We stretch our arms up. Imagine that there is a rope above us, we begin to pull ourselves up (with one hand and the other) - 30 times (Fig. 8).

Positions 7.8 - scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

9. "Scorpio". Legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. The body is motionless. We try to outline a circle with our coccyx. Movements to the right and left - 30 sec. We develop the lumbar spine. Breathe in and breathe out
through this department (Fig. 9).

10. Hip joints. We try to outline as much as possible with the pelvis. circle - right and left (5 times). Breathing through hip joints, inhale - coolness, exhale - warm (Fig. 10).

11. Knee joints. Before doing the exercise, grab the kneecaps and warm them up with your palms for 15-20 seconds. Holding on to the kneecaps, we spin them in a large circle to the right and left (5 times). Inhale-exhale - through knee joints(fig. 11).

12. "Drunkard". We develop an ankle. Feet shoulder width apart. We stand on toes, move to the outer edge of the right foot and the inner edge of the left, move to the heels of both feet, move to the outer edge of the left foot and the inner edge of the right. And so on in a circle - to the right and
to the left (5 times). Inhale-exhale - through the ankles (Fig. 12).

13. Exercise beneficial to the intestines.

Massages the abdominal area, relieves constipation. Bends forward (knees straight), reach the floor with our palms (7-9 times). On the last slope (helping with hands, grasping the shins), we linger, counting to seven. Inhale-exhale through the abdominal region (Fig. 13).

14. Strengthening the frontal muscles of the body (strengthening the paravertebrates and tightening sagging muscles). 30 s (fig. 14)

15. Strengthening the back muscles of the body. 30s (fig. 15)
16. Strengthening the lateral muscles of the body. 30 s on one side and 30 s on the other (fig. 16).

17. "Seal". Inhale-exhale - through bent leg, exit to the foot (fig. 17).

18. "Plow". Inhale-exhale - through the upper thoracic spine. 7 times (with a delay of 6 breaths and breaths) (Fig. 18).

19. "3meya". 7 times (with a delay of 6 breaths). Breathing through the bronchi (Fig. 19). 20. "Caterpillar" (fig. 20). "Upper caterpillar": the pelvic part remains motionless, relaxed, and the upper part, as it were, walks with the shoulder blades, with our hands stretching forward.

Lower Track: The body remains in place in a relaxed state and the pelvic region is moved down towards the feet by the movement of the track. The inner gaze is turned to the spine.

21. The Rider. Strengthening immune system... Inhale - through the groin. 50-60 sec (fig. 21).

22. "Twists". Spine (osteochondrosis). Inhale and exhale through the spine. Right and left (9 times) (Fig. 22).

23. "Fish" (exercise by K. Nishi). Oscillatory motion. 1-3 min (fig. 23).

Strength (coupled with breathing) gymnastics

24. Pushing down with tense arms with one exhalation (Fig. 24).

25. Pushing up with tense arms with one exhalation (Fig. 25).

26. Reduction of tense arms with one exhalation (Fig. 26).
27. The right tense hand goes down, the left - up on one exhalation (Fig. 27).

28. Push-up from oneself with tense hands with one exhalation with the fingers upward (Fig. 28).

29. Push-up from oneself with tense hands with one exhalation with the fingers down (Fig. 29).


Bronchial asthma, respiratory diseases

Imagine that you are asleep and look with your inner gaze at the breath when your brain and physical body are turned off for a few seconds.

There is an inhalation, then a prolonged exhalation 3-4 times longer than an inhalation, then there is a pause and again a second to the next stages. This is the kind of breathing that our body recommends to us.

I have developed a group of exercises with "breathing in sleep", in which bronchial asthma goes away in a matter of days; if asthma is started, then recovery occurs a few days later.

Before moving on to the first stage of the exercises, let's pay attention to correct breathing... We press the tip of the tongue to the upper palate and take an arbitrary breath through the nose, so with this position of the tongue (breathing of the child) you will not be able to inhale through the mouth. We exhale through the mouth, and the exhalation is 2-3 times longer than the inhalation. So eleven times.

Now the exercise. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, counting aloud “times”. The word "time" should be pronounced as if you were squeezing an imaginary wall away from you with both hands. So nine times.

It's the same with one-two. And so nine times.

It's the same with one-two-three. So nine times.

You need to continue the exercise until a count of five or seven. Immediately after this exercise, some will feel a cough (this is the collected mucus in the bronchial tree), some dizziness (from constant irregular breathing). If the above is found, then "pushing the wall away from you" make it weaker. Remember that push-ups should be done on exhalation (!), Which is 3-4 times longer than inhalation.- Mirzakarim Norbekov , Alexander Sviyash, Osho, Victor Vostokov , Maya Gogulan, Sathya Sai Baba, Deepak Chopra, Valery Sinelnikov, Mantak Chia, Natalia Pravdina, Dmitry Verischagin, Sergey Konovalovand etc.

In the walls of blood vessels there is muscle fibers helping to promote blood. There are few muscle elements in the veins. To prevent blood from flowing through the veins in the opposite direction, they are equipped with valves. When the valves are insufficient, the blood becomes harder to flow and stagnates in the veins, causing pain. This phenomenon is called varicose veins. At risk are those people who spend most of their time on their feet or, on the contrary, sit too much. Also contributing to the disease is pregnancy and obesity.

Signs of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the legs are very difficult not to notice, it is determined by such factors as:

  • thick, tortuous vessels or increased vein pattern,
  • heaviness in the legs (especially at the end of the working day),
  • swelling of the legs (appear in the evening, and disappear in the morning),
  • burning along the veins.

If even one of these signs is present, then it's time to act. With varicose veins, you can not:

  • smoke,
  • abuse alcohol and spices,
  • wearing high heels,
  • sit with your legs crossed,
  • lift heavy objects
  • wear tight underwear or clothing, tight shoes, socks, stockings and knee-highs with a tight elastic band.

The most common cause of the disease is heredity. In this case, in order to prevent varicose veins of the legs, it is necessary to carry out prevention. It is advisable to deal with constipation and overweight... In addition to these prohibitions, it is also necessary to perform some gymnastic exercises. Complete complex exercises you can master on in our.

Gymnastics for varicose veins of the legs

When varicose veins are not complicated by thrombophlebitis or deep veins are not affected, simple, regular exercises are recommended. It is reasonable to combine them with forced emptying of veins at night. To do this, the legs are lifted from heel to hip on a rolled blanket at an angle of forty-five degrees.

Gymnastic exercises:

  • It is necessary to rise on your toes and quickly fall on your heels (it is enough to lift your foot off the floor just one centimeter). After completing the above task twenty times, you need to take a break for ten seconds. This will need to be done three times, in total - 60 lifts. Gymnastics with varicose veins will not only lead to the cure of varicose veins, but will also help to strengthen the immune system.
  • At early stages illness or in order to prevent it, classes should start with the purchase of a bicycle. In this case, it is advisable to install the seat so high that the pedals can only be reached with the toe. Cycling should continue for about half an hour. At the same time, the lower leg is reduced, the muscles of which are forced to empty the veins from the blood. This prevents the formation of blood clots and trains the valves of the veins.
  • For those who have mild varicose veins on their legs, while inhaling, you need to gently lift the leg up and hold it in an upright position. Then, slowly lower it while inhaling. This must be done in four approaches, ten to twenty times, alternating legs. In this case, the abdominal press will additionally work.
  • V next exercise it is necessary to raise the arm and at the same time the opposite leg while exhaling towards. No acrobatic performance is required, so you can help yourself with free limbs.
  • Raise your legs up a little more right angle(in relation to the thighs), then take a deep breath. As you exhale, you need to rise and stay in this position for a few seconds.

Therapeutic exercises for varicose veins of the small pelvis

In the small pelvis, the veins suffer from pregnancy and childbirth, constipation, heavy lifting. All this causes not only varicose veins and increased venous pattern, but also pain, burning and discomfort in the uterus, perineum, external genitalia, rectum.

Varicose veins of the small pelvis

This variant of varicose veins requires strengthening the muscular frame of the perineum, as well as forced emptying of the veins of the small pelvis and perineum. For this, exercises familiar from childhood are used, performed lying on the back with raised legs.

  • Scissors (straightened legs alternately criss-cross with a raised pelvis)
  • Birch (standing on the shoulder blades with the support of the lower back with the hands).
  • Bicycle (legs bent at the hips and knees make pushing movements in the air).

Gymnastics for varicose veins in this area can be complemented by a cool shower of the perineum, which allows the veins to contract better and free of blood.


Hemorrhoids can be considered another variant of the lesion of varicose veins of the pelvic veins. In the venous sinuses of the rectum, there are no valves at all, so it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the intestine and control the venous outflow. Help here breathing exercises with the connection of the abdominal muscles.

The following exercises are also helpful:

  • In a standing position with crossed legs, the gluteal muscles are alternately strained and relaxed.
  • In the supine position, without lifting the feet from the floor, bending the legs at the knees, raise and lower the pelvis, simultaneously squeezing and relaxing the buttocks.
  • Standing on all fours, bend your back in the lower back.
  • In a kneeling position, they lean on the floor with their elbows and palms, alternately turn the pelvis so that the thigh touches the floor.

Contraindications to gymnastics will be:

  • bleeding
  • venous thrombosis,
  • fever,
  • exacerbation of chronic or acute infectious diseases.

Gymnastics and exercises in our Center are carried out by certified specialists with many years of experience. Ours helped thousands of people to restore health, restore strength and good spirits.

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