Correct butterfly swimming technique. How to learn to swim with butterfly style to do it right? What is this swimming style and how did it come about

This style received a beautiful name due to the fact that if you look at a swimming person from above, then the movement of his hands will resemble the flapping of the wings of a butterfly. The second (unofficial) name is "Dolphin"... The style owes to this name the movement of the swimmer's legs - it really is very similar to the movement of the dolphin's tail. If you translate literally what a butterfly is, then this word is translated from English as a butterfly or a moth.

Origin of the style name

Basic aspects of butterfly technique

In this style, there are two (according to some experts, three) movements, which ultimately merge into one:

  1. Body Movement - Starting with a slight movement of the head and chest, the undulating movement travels vertically through the entire body, building up its strength.
  2. Powerful Hand Strokes - Hands fly out of the water and then sink.
  3. Leg movement - as mentioned earlier, some experts distinguish between the work of the torso and the work of the legs, that is, they divide this style of swimming into three movements, in this case we will not adhere to this point of view, but so that, interacting with other sources, we do not get confused , you need to keep this in mind.

Positive and negative points

By cons this style can be attributed:

And to the pluses styles include:

  • Swimming Speed ​​- The style is considered one of the fastest, if not the fastest.
  • Muscle training - in order to swim with this style, you will have to keep a large number of muscles constantly in serious tone, which will undoubtedly lead to an improvement in appearance.
  • Fat burning and weight loss - with the right technique, this style creates a huge need for energy, as an obvious consequence of this, it allows you to quickly get the calorie deficit necessary for weight loss.

How to get started learning butterfly style

It all starts with a preliminary warm-up within 10-15 minutes still on dry land. Going into the water for the first time, you should not immediately take off and try to repeat what you saw in the training videos - the style is really complicated and you can't take it like that, this approach will only give you disappointment. It is necessary to start with small elements, working them out independently of each other, bringing each of them to a certain level, and only then move on to more complex ones, as a result, combining all this into a ready-made movement. This is how the training will be most beneficial and the butterfly style will undoubtedly be submissive to you.

After all the small elements have folded together have already formed a kind of semblance of this style, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage of the study - working on mistakes. Special attention it is necessary to pay to the moment of start and turns - it is on them, as a rule, that an inexperienced adherent of this style gets lost. It is also very important to observe the correct breathing technique.

Perhaps, it will be extremely difficult to do without a look from the outside, of course, ideally it should be a qualified coach, but even if there is no opportunity to work with a coach, having a look from the outside will be very helpful! The problem is that a beginner, even a beginner (as it seems to him) to reproduce some semblance of the correct technique, will not receive a sharp increase in speed by switching to the butterfly swimming method, which means that the absence of such an increase cannot be considered an unambiguous marker of an erroneous technique.

Yes, it is possible that the body itself, by its physical condition, is not yet ready to give out speed. This begs a logical question - “How to understand that everything goes to the right direction? ". Here, this is where a look from the outside will help, perhaps it is even worth installing some kind of video recording of the educational process to work on errors.

Swimming technique butterfly


When the head is immersed in water, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the neck and stretch them, so as not to cause additional water resistance. With light shaking the head, as it were, generates all the undulating movement. If the movements of the head are too intense, this will lead to an increase in the degree of tension in the muscles of the neck. When inhaling, the head should, if possible, deviate as little as possible from the line of translational movement.

Hand movement is divided into 3 components:

  • Raising the arms - The arms are brought out shoulder-width apart and extended above the head, the arms are currently above the surface of the water. Elbows are higher than palms.
  • Pushing - Through the water with a strong and quick movement, hands rush along the body to the pelvis. The arms are bent at the elbows by about 10-20 degrees. Thumbs enter the water first.
  • Return - The movement continues when the hands reach the hips. Hands rise above the water and push forward, coming into starting position.


Leg movements quite familiar - similar to other swimming styles. A "wave" should pass from the shoulders to the feet, the movement is smooth, without jerks. The feet hit the water - the person's back comes to the surface. The movement of the legs is as synchronous as possible, the legs should be pressed against each other. There is no uniformity between the movements of the arms and legs. For one swing of the arms, two kicks are made, but they are not uniform either - one of the big kicks is the other smaller. A big blow is made at the moment the hands return from the water, so as not to lose the momentum of movement. The lack of alternation of strokes is a huge mistake and very frequent, which can simply negate the speed of the swimmer, turning the swim into a series of sharp jerks and freezes in place.

Whole body movements

Movements of arms, legs, head and body should not be ragged and incoherent! During the raising of the chest, the hips are at the lowest point, and during the lowering of the chest, the hips are at the highest point. The style owes its speed to the synchronized movement.


Breathing is a very difficult aspect of this style. The inhalation is produced at the moment the hands begin to rise out of the water. Even before your hands are completely out of the water, you need to raise your head so that your chin comes out of the water, but do not put your head on its side (This will greatly slow down the movement). As soon as the hands are free, the face sinks into the water and the chin is pressed against the chest.

Exercises in the pool

Exercises are presented in the order in which they should be performed, from easy to more difficult. TO next exercise it is worth passing with a certain skill in the performance of the previous one.

One-handed butterfly

Hands shoulder width apart... Kicks are made, for every fourth blow, one of the hands is stroked, the second is extended forward. During this exercise, it is allowed to turn your head to take a breath of air. Hands change after a certain period of time, for example, when training in the pool, it will be optimal to change hands when you have swum from one edge of the pool to the other.

Using both hands

The only difference from the previous exercise is that now you do two strokes with your hand, and then change your hand. Over time, you can try rowing with both hands at the same time. When stroking with both hands at the same time, it is already highly undesirable to turn your head to inhale, because this can create a bad habit of improper technique and therefore it will be difficult to retrain.

Attention to leg movement

In this exercise, all attention is given to the legs. Try to swim using only your legs, hands are pressed to the body, head is lowered. Alternate big and small kicks, try to catch the rhythm and choose for yourself after how many kicks it is more convenient for you to breathe.

Training on land:

Training on land aims to improve the overall physical condition of the swimmer, to increase endurance and speed, which will undoubtedly speed up training. It will also be very helpful to practice the following exercises between pool workouts:

Get on your knees, then lower your buttocks to your heels. Keep your back straight and your arms relaxed. With your hands back, lean on them and try to raise your knees as high as possible. Do the movement for 5-10 reps.

Standing feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight. Tilt the body forward, the neck holds the head on the axis of the spine, gaze at the floor. With both hands simultaneously, rotate forward for 30 reps, then backward.

The support is lying down, the legs rest on the tips of the toes. Push up 10-15 reps.

Stand with your arms down. Raise your arms above your head, palms facing up. While lifting, tilt your head back, in the back there is a slight deflection. The exercise is performed in the range of 15-30 repetitions, when 30 repetitions already seem to be too light a load, you can perform the same exercise not standing, but from a half-squat position, which will significantly complicate it.

Important nuances

Here are some additional explanations for this style, which are designed to resolve controversial points and provide more detailed recommendations. Butterfly swimming technique can differ in the number of kicks in the water. The most common is two-hit, but along with it there are one-hit and three-hit techniques. In this case, we are talking about kicking the water. If we talk about the three-stroke technique, then for each beat of the cycle, the following sequence of actions occurs: One stroke with the hands, one inhalation and exhalation, and three kicks.

The legs do not move apart from the body, in order to develop the speed and force of the blow, vibrations are used that originate in the shoulder girdle and gradually increase their amplitude down to the feet. The turning point can be considered the lumbar zone, it is after it that the fluctuation becomes clearly noticeable. It is especially convenient to observe this if the athlete will move without using his hands, only by oscillating the body and kicking.

If we consider the spinal column, then vibrations originate in its upper part and descend along spinal column to the pelvis, then moving to the hips and from there to the feet. It is very important for yourself to understand in order to understand how this swimming style works, how butterfly- not a single moving point moves independently, it seems to receive the vibrations of the previous one and transfers them to the next, amplifying.

Thanks to this particular feature of movement, speed is achieved, the speed of movement of the legs up and down in particular and, as a consequence, the speed of the swimmer. When the vibrations have gained their strength, the descending pelvis pushes the legs up, allowing them to quickly return from the lowest position.

It is also worth honing the movement in such a way that the legs and feet go beyond the water surface as little as possible.

As for breathing, athletes who are naturally gifted with excellent lung capacity and have honed their talent well may skip breathing in some cycles. Of course, this affects the performance of the body, the athlete gets tired even faster. Perhaps, even for gifted athletes, this is an extreme way to speed up. Whether it is worth skipping breathing cycles is determined empirically depends on the way of breathing with which the athlete showed top scores by the time of passage of a specific distance.

Butterfly swimming style is translated from English as "butterfly". The name speaks for itself; in the process of movement, the hands make movements that are very reminiscent of the flapping of the wing of a flying butterfly. Butterfly swim exclusively on the chest. Butterfly swimming is the most difficult technique of all. In order to perform all movements correctly, without losing the coordination of movement, sufficient physical training as butterfly style swimming will require a lot of energy from you.

What is Butterfly

The butterfly swimmer rises above the surface of the water at the beginning of the cycle of movements, after which he makes a sweeping, strong stroke with both hands. While working with your legs in parallel, hitting them on the water, creates additional acceleration. The complexity of the style lies in the fact that, firstly, there is a serious load on the muscles, which requires great endurance, and secondly, it is quite difficult for a beginner, due to such loads, to perform all movements technically correctly.

The main movement in the butterfly, with the help of which the speed is set and maintained, is the stroke movement with the hands. Not mastering the butterfly technique perfectly, only due to the correct technique of performing hand movements, you can develop up to 80 percent of the speed possible when swimming with this style. Hand movements can be divided into the following phases:

Basic phases of butterfly swimming

Moving your hands over the water

When performing a sweep, the shoulders rise above the water. Hands swing through the sides. The arms are not tense, almost straight, only before entering the water, the elbows are turned so that the hands enter the water first. Before entering the water, the hands look with their palms down and turned outward.

Hands entering the water

When entering the water, hands are shoulder-width apart. At the same time, the arms and shoulders begin to move forward into the water.

The reference phase of the stroke

When making a supporting movement, in the first part of his arms begin to bend, the direction of their movement forward and downward, turn outward, the supporting movement makes a part of the arm below the forearm, ahead of the elbow in the course of its movement. In the final stage, the hands are located at a distance of more than one and a half shoulder widths, at the elbows the arms are not very bent. The arms, from the forearm to the hand, form an angle of about 45 degrees with the horizontal.

The main part of the stroke

The main part of the stroke consists of pulling up and pushing off. In the pull-up movement, the stroke is performed by flexing the shoulders and adducting the elbows. In the final stage of the pull-up, the angle formed at the elbow reaches 90 degrees, the hands are closer to each other. The repulsive movement gives the body maximum impulse. In this phase, acceleration is carried out by extending the elbows and bringing them to the body. In the final stage of repulsion, the hands are near the body.

Getting your hands out of the water

After the stroke movement, the cycle starts again. The hands come out of the water, while the hands are relaxed, they are in the pelvic region, at a short distance from the hips. The arms are carried out with a dynamic movement. First of all, the elbows come out of the water.

Footwork Technique - Butterfly or Dolphin

There are two types of leg movement in a butterfly. Since the butterfly originally appeared as a variety, the leg movement technique was taken from there. In the same article, we will consider the most high-speed movement technique. Swimming with this technique of footwork has received the name - dolphin, given to him for the similarity in the manner of swimming with this mammal.

When swimming in the dolphin style, wave-like movements are performed by the whole body, while the amplitude of movements is minimal in the area of ​​the shoulders, increasing towards the feet, where it reaches its maximum value. During the performance of wave-like movements, during the lifting of the shins, the shoulders should also make a movement in this direction, the pelvis moves down. The cycle of movements ends with a whipping blow of the feet down, while the pelvis should move up.

Coordination of movements

Coordination of undulating movements with stroke movements is usually determined by the ratio - two kicks per one cycle of arm movement. At the end of the stroke in a two-hit dolphin, the trunk, from the pelvis to the shoulders, is practically turned off from the wave-like movement, allowing only the transmission of wave movements to the legs. The large range of motion in the upper body will not allow keeping the shoulders near the surface of the water, which will make it much more difficult to carry the arms over the water.

Butterfly breathing

Breathing in butterfly style swimming is performed in the phase of moving the arms above the water. Typically, there is one breath per stroke cycle. Inhaling less frequently, depending on your preparation. The duration of the inhalation should be quite short, the optimal moment in order to draw air into the lungs is the moment when the head is raised face forward, the mouth is above the water. After the hands pass the line of the shoulders, the head begins to plunge into the water, exhalation begins, which lasts throughout the rest of the cycle of movement, until the next inhalation.

Butterfly swimming is considered one of the most difficult, which requires strength, precision and a good sense of rhythm. The butterfly - more commonly known as "fly" among swimmers, will require quite a lot of attention in terms of practice and is the most spectacular type of swimming that is used in competition today.


Part 1


Correct hand movement. Hand movement in this type of swimming can be divided into three parts: lifting up (release), pushing and returning.

  • Start with outstretched arms above your head (shoulder-width apart), pull your arms towards the body, in a semicircular movement with your palms outward, lift them above the water. Remember to keep your elbows higher than your arms when lifting. This was the first part - climbing up.
  • At the end of the first part, through the water, along the sides and thighs, begin to push your palms back side... This is perhaps the fastest moment in the arm movement cycle to release the arms.
  • A good way to memorize hand movements correctly is to imagine the shape of a large keyhole being formed by your hands underwater. The release is the wide part of the keyhole, while the push is the narrow one.
  • The final part of the hand movement cycle is the return (recovery). As soon as your hands reach your hips, simultaneously swing both hands above the water and throw them forward to the starting position. The palms should look outward, so that the first to enter the water thumbs, not pinky fingers.
  • Dolphin Strike Master. The name "Dolphin Kick" was given in connection with the similarity of the movement of the legs in this type of swimming. Imagine that your legs move exactly like the tail of a dolphin (or mermaid).

    • In the dolphin strike, in order to avoid the loss of water pressure, the legs should be pressed together and move at the same time.
    • In butterfly stroke, the ratio of movement of arms and legs is two to one, in one cycle with arms, there are two kicks. However, the kicks should be different - one kick is small, the other is big.
    • A small bump occurs as you work your hands into the shape of the keyhole. Since the arms, in addition to the legs, provide additional push forward, swipe kicking is optional.
    • The big blow occurs at the moment the hands return, at the time when the hands leave the water. As you lift your arms out of the water, you lose momentum because you need a big, hard kick to move forward.
    • The most common mistake for beginners in butterfly stroke is equivalent kicks, that is, the lack of alternation of a small strike with a large one.
  • Move like a wave. Butterfly should involve not only arms and legs, but the whole body!

    • Practice wavy movements. Imagine a dolphin moving - while swimming, your body should form a wave-like "S" shape.
    • In more detail, when your chest rises, your hips are at the lowest point, and when your chest drops, your hips should be at the highest point.
    • It will be much easier for you to master the butterfly if you learn to control your body, you can synchronize the movements of your hands with your legs. You will be able to swim much faster and you will be much less tired.
  • Breath. Butterfly breathing is a bit tricky because it has to happen on time and fairly quickly.

    • The inhalation should be done at a time when the hands are just beginning to rise out of the water.
    • Before your hands come out of the water, raise your head so that your chin is above the water and inhale. Do not turn your head to the right or left, keep only straight.
    • As soon as your hands are free, lower your face into the water, touching your chin to your chest. This will help you raise your arms much higher.
    • Try to limit the number of breaths, because if you breathe in every cycle of movement, you will lose speed.
  • Put it all together. By combining all of the above steps - the movement of the arms, legs and body, as well as correct breathing, you will understand that you have mastered the "fly" as it should.

    • However, keep in mind that in order to perfectly master this type, to learn how to synchronize body movements, you need to practice a lot.
    • Very important point- This is a thorough work on technique, since incorrect execution of movements can lead to injuries to muscles and joints, for example, the shoulder joint. In addition to the likelihood of injury, poor performance will complicate the process itself.
    • If you like butterfly and are working hard on your technique, then it is of course best to go to a professional trainer. He will be able to explain everything to you in detail and observe your actions, indicate errors.

    Part 2

    Practical exercises

    One-handed butterfly. The first exercise in working on the butterfly is the one-handed butterfly technique.

    • Let's start with the arms shoulder-width apart. Start the movement with a kick (dolphin kick).
    • For every fourth blow, make one wave of your hand (one), while keeping the other extended straight forward.
    • While you are practicing this exercise, you can draw in air by turning your head to the side.
    • As soon as you have reached the other end of the pool, turn around and swim back, but only with the help of your other hand. It is necessary to give a uniform load.
  • Use both hands. This exercise provides a good opportunity to balance and control your arm movements.

    • Then start swimming using the kick (using the dolphin kick) with your arms straight out in front of you, shoulder width apart.
    • Instead of normal swings, practice alternating, but only twice - first two swings right hand, then left, and then try two at once.
  • Work on hitting the dolphin. This exercise necessary for the rhythm of the beats, plus for practicing breathing.

    • Swim the entire pool with only kicks (dolphin), while keeping your hands close to your body and your head down.
    • Try to alternate big beats with small ones, as described above, try to feel the rhythm of the movement.
    • Breathe in every fourth or fifth beat, synchronizing the movement of your body with your breath in a way that is comfortable for you.
    • Once you understand how the legs work, add the arms immediately.
    • If swimming is too difficult for you, then two hours before training, do not consume too many carbohydrates (pasta, rice, etc.). This reduces your productivity. You can eat some light snacks that contain carbohydrates. Foods like bread or energy bars will come in handy. Just don't add oil.
    • The kick should come from the hip, and also try not to bend your knees too much. The main impact force comes from the hip, not the ankle.
    • Excessive lifting of the arms only complicates the movement. It may seem like it lessens the resistance of your hands, but it will only change your body position from horizontal to more vertical, hence the adage “floating hill”. If you raise your arms only 2 to 3 cm above the water, then you need to work harder on this.
    • Do more exercise... Exercise is the key to success in any kind of swimming, especially butterfly. Do exercises for strength and endurance, work out the work of the arms and legs, breathing, etc.
    • With a wave of your arms, leave them shoulder-width apart. Do not connect them and do not let them bump together, this will slow down your progress.
    • When breathing, do not raise your chin higher than 7-8 cm above the water, otherwise you will force yourself to reach up, not forward.
    • One of the exercises - with the help of kicking, try to stay afloat in an upright position, hands are not involved.
    • To improve body wave movements, make sure your chest is working as well.
    • First, learn to swim in other types, you need to master the butterfly as the last thing, it is used in preparation for the competition. Butterfly requires a lot of strength and stamina, which you must develop before taking on this type of swimming.
    • Perhaps for that. To make it easier to master the butterfly, you can wear fins, however, using a board for swimming is strictly prohibited, since this does not make it possible to feel the necessary body movement.


    • Daily jogging is not very good for butterfly, as there is a possibility of injury to the most important part of the body, the legs. Do your cardio workouts with swimming as well.
    • Dont be upset; although it is not easy, it is still quite possible (in a competitive environment) to swim 50m in 35 seconds.
    • Remember to touch the board with both hands during the competition. If you do not, you may be disqualified. Also make an open reversal. Touch with both hands at the same time. Raise one over your head, lower the second down into the water, and let your body follow. Then both hands touch the wall in order to then push off.
    • Butterfly is a pretty grueling type of swimming, so to avoid stomach cramps, don't eat too much before exercising.
  • Butterfly swimming technique is considered to be beautiful and fast. Although the butterfly swimming style is difficult to learn, it is effective against overweight and in strengthening muscle mass swimmer.

    There is a variation of it with butterfly - swimming in water by a dolphin, the technique of which is not much different from butterfly. The dolphin's swimming style is speedy, and many athletes opt for it.

    The beginning of mastering the Butterfly technique is impossible without preparation. They are well known and easy to learn. Anyone who wishes to learn how to swim with a butterfly and a dolphin is recommended to study the features of the movement of arms and legs, as well as a specific breathing technique.

    "Butterfly" and "Dolphin" are elegant and beautiful styles, but another weighty argument for their development is efficient combustion excess weight and physical fitness.

    Among the popular ones, the butterfly or dolphin swimming technique is a difficult swimming style on the surface of the water. Despite this, the butterfly swimming method is referred to as speed.

    The essence is the simultaneous and symmetrical movement of the body - with both hands they make a powerful stroke in the water, in which the swimmer's body rises, and the legs reproduce the movements in the form of a wave.

    Photo 1. Swimming with the butterfly technique resembles the movement of the wings of a butterfly (from the English butterfly - a butterfly)

    Butterfly swimming technique

    Classic butterfly - tiresome style swimming, requires the simultaneous work of both hands. It is an improved version of the breaststroke. As a result of the changes, the athlete began to carry his arms high above the surface of the water, and the movement of the legs became natural.

    Photo 2. The classic butterfly stroke resembles a breaststroke, but the arms are raised high above the water

    The new style of swimming was noticed at the Brooklyn swimmer competition. Later, having researched and modernized the usual breaststroke, "Butterfly" was singled out as a separate swimming style.

    In 1935 appeared new technique, in which the swimmer's arms moved forward above the surface of the water, which made it possible to swim the distance in less time. The Butterfly technique is popular in modern competitions.

    Butterfly is a technically difficult style of swimming, divided into certain features of the movement of the arms and legs of the athlete:

    • Hand movement includes three manipulations: "to oneself", "from oneself" and "return";
    • The movements of the legs are similar to the crawl technique, with the only difference that the limbs move in the water at the same time, while the body is elongated.

    The specific number of leg movements per arm stroke is not specified - it depends on the athlete's convenience.

    Breathing in butterfly style swimming is clear and even. They inhale at the moment of raising the body above the water, exhale into the water through the nose or mouth. Some athletes prefer to turn their head to the side, inhaling air during the ascent, but otherwise the conditions for the execution of the technique and the general movement of the body remain unchanged.

    Important in butterfly style is the start phase. During a normal start, the athlete dives and swims in the water, making undulating body movements. At this moment, the water resistance is minimal and the swimmer thus swims away from the side.

    It is permissible to cover a distance of no more than 15 meters under water, after which they emerge to the surface and continue their movement in the butterfly style.

    Photo 3. When swimming by the butterfly method, it is permissible to move at the beginning of the swim under water for no more than 15 meters

    Swimming with a dolphin, execution technique

    The main principle that characterizes the dolphin's swimming style is the features of the movement of the arms and legs, which move synchronously in the form of a wave. In one cycle, 1-2 kicks are performed, the arms move in the form of a stroke and inhale-exhale.

    Photo 4. Correct technique swimming dolphin with a description of the breathing cycle

    Swimming method dolphin exercise: the body is stretched while in a downward position with the stomach, the face is directed into the water, the shoulders are parallel to the water surface, the legs are straightened back. The swimmer, while moving, the body deviates from an absolutely horizontal position by 20-25 degrees to one side and the other. At the moment when the legs are in the water, it falls, and at the moment of raising the arms, it rises.

    Dolphin swimming technique - the main movement of the legs, which completes the cycle and the basis of the driving force, is a strong beat on the surface of the water. During the execution of one maneuver, wave-like alternate movements are made, passing from the shoulders to the belt, from the belt to the pelvic part, from the pelvis to the thighs, and from the thighs to the legs and feet. The amplitude of the movement increases, which gives a certain speed to this swimming style.

    When the final impact of the feet on the water is performed, the pelvis is simultaneously lifted. When the legs and feet are in motion, the pelvis is immersed in water. During these movements top part the body rushes up and forward.

    For a powerful transfer of hands to the surface of the water, keep horizontal position shoulder girdle... In preparation for such manipulation, the undulating movements of the upper body are minimized.

    The main role of coordination of all movements is clear and powerful movements of the legs. They make the greatest contribution to development maximum speed when swimming with a dolphin.

    Coordinated arm movements are important - they are the main driving force in dolphin swimming style.

    Photo 5. When swimming with a dolphin, the movements of the legs should be coordinated and strong, and the shoulders should be horizontal

    Hand movement is divided into stages:

    The hands are carried over the water with straight arms with a sharp swing through both sides;

    1. The shoulder girdle and arms enter the water with a forward movement of the upper body of the athlete, the arms are straightened forward;
    2. Making the supporting part, the arms are bent at the elbows and further diverge to the sides;
    3. With the elbows, a powerful stroke is performed by unbending the elbows and bringing the arms to a position in which the hands are located at the level of the pelvis;
    4. When the hands are in the right position, the swimmer relaxes them, and then, with one powerful movement, he takes his hands out of the water. The elbows come out of the water before the hands.

    Breathing when swimming by a dolphin coincides in rhythm with the movement of the body, in particular the arms. When the arms swing over the water, the body moves forward and upward. Face on the surface of the water.

    This is a short-term period, it is important to carefully and strictly follow the technical requirements for swimming in the dolphin style. At the moment the hands leave the water, take a deep breath, and when the hands are in the water, lower their face down. Breathe out through the nose or mouth during the last part of the movement cycle.

    Photo 6. When you swing your hands over the water, the body moves forward and up

    What is the difference between butterfly and dolphin

    The only difference between one style and another is the different trajectory of movement. lower limbs during the execution of the cycle. Otherwise, arm movements and body movements remain unchanged.

    When swimming in the dolphin style, the athlete's legs move along a vertical trajectory, with percussion movements, as with a butterfly stroke, the legs move in a crawl style. This allows you to increase the speed of passing the distance. The difference between the butterfly and the dolphin is that the dolphin is considered a quick variation of the butterfly style.

    Photo 7. The "dolphin" swimming technique resembles the movement of a dolphin in the water

    Correct swimming technique with butterfly and dolphin

    Butterfly swimming technique for beginners: the main mistake is the lack of synchronous movement of arms and legs. Gradually honing these techniques comes with several rules:

    1. Main conditions effective implementation correct body movement - raising the hips when the hands are immersed in the water;
    2. Do not raise your head high while lifting the body and capturing air - this leads to a decrease in the speed of movement;
    3. When immersed in water, the arms are balanced in the T-zone - this contributes to the easy lifting of the hips up, while the body is stretched;
    4. Track the position of your elbows during the stroke - they should be on the surface of the water and laid to the sides, ensuring smooth glide;
    5. When immersed in water, the hands are kept at the level of the shoulder girdle, or slightly wider than it;
    6. To maintain the correct balance of the body, they begin the percussion movement of the body from the chest, extending it to the feet.

    Photo 8. Correct swimming technique with butterfly breathing method

    Dolphin Swimming Training

    Getting started, butterfly and dolphin swimming lessons will not be easy, as the dolphin is a tedious style. For those who decided to comprehend the intricacies of swimming with a dolphin, they first learn two rules - take your time, sequence and correct execution body movements. There are practically no contraindications to exercising in water. There is an intensive development of the muscles of the abdomen and spine.

    Photo 9. Correct hand movement when using the butterfly and dolphin technique

    There are a number of exercises that practice dolphin-style movements. Their technique has proven itself in the way of mastering this swimming style.

    • Vertical kicks. Having taken a position, they fix the body in the water so that it does not move back and forth. Percussion movements are rhythmically performed with two legs. Performing the technique similar training will help you learn to feel the rhythm when swimming.
    • Kicking is trained not only from a vertical position, but also from any other - from the side, on the stomach, on the back. It strengthens the muscles of the back and allows you to feel your body.
    • Understanding and mastering the rhythm of swimming in the dolphin style is helped by an exercise in which a full cycle of arm movement is done by one part of the body. At the same time, the second hand is either extended forward or pressed tightly to the body, remaining inactive. This is an exercise for mastering the rhythm of movements, coordinated strokes and movements of the legs.
    • Effective exercise this is a movement when the hands, during the passage of all stages of the cycle, are not thrown out of the water, but the movements occur under water. A breath of air is taken when the hand is in the middle part of the underwater stroke - at the moment of sliding with the hands to the pelvic part.

    Photo 10. Teaching a child to swim and correct position legs and arms using a swimming board

    There is more than one good reason for learning the butterfly. The dolphin style is not very common due to technical difficulties. But everyone finds something useful in him. Some will be able to short time get rid of extra pounds and get fit slim figure... Others - to strengthen the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, legs and abs. Still others will master and be able to use the beautiful and high-speed methods of swimming on the surface of the water in the world.

    Table 1. Common mistakes when learning dolphin swimming technique




    Bug fix

    Position of the torso and head

    The head and shoulders are raised high above the water during the hand stroke

    At the beginning of the stroke, the swimmer puts too much pressure on the water.

    Resistance increases and the angle of attack increases

    Before the time, do not take your chin off the water, take a breath earlier

    Shoulders and head are too submerged in water

    After sweeping, the swimmer plunges his arms and head into the water too sharply

    The pace decreases and the resistance increases

    When immersing your hands, do not lower your head down and look forward. Start the next cycle earlier

    Leg movement

    Feet hitting the surface

    Insufficient pelvic movement, resulting in severe flexion of the knee joints

    Reduces the effectiveness of leg movements

    Carefully control movements, swim with a board and underwater

    At the end of the kick, the feet do not turn inward

    Ankle joints have poor mobility

    Reduces the effectiveness of leg movements and the area of ​​support

    Develop mobility in ankle joints

    No pelvic movement

    There are fluctuations at the level of the shoulder line

    Legs bend in knee joints, the undulation of movements is violated

    It is necessary to hold the shoulders during training

    The speed of the working and preparatory movement - the impact is not accentuated

    The dynamic structure of movements is not formed

    Legs do not work effectively

    Achieve an accented blow, control movements. Exercise on one leg with or without a board

    Hand movement

    Hands touch the water, the position of the elbows is not high (weak carry)

    Poor mobility in shoulder joints, legs work weakly

    The beginning is violated, the entire stroke is smeared

    Develop mobility in the shoulder joints and legs

    Hands "slap" on the water when entering the water

    Hand movement is too abrupt when carried over water

    The beginning of the stroke is sought, there is a sharp deceleration

    When swimming in coordination, achieve gentle immersion of hands in the water

    When gripping, there is no movement of the brushes to the sides

    Mistake in the preparatory movement

    Hands, upper body "fall through" - sink

    Improve the movement of the legs and the subsequent carrying of the arms above the water

    Arms straight during the stroke

    Learning gaps

    The rowing is not productive, the "vertical component" increases, the muscles are tense, the pace decreases

    Workout on land and in water, control the middle of the stroke

    Wrong breathing

    Inhale early

    Shortened strokes or learning errors

    Strong tension of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, inhalation is ineffective

    Incomplete exhalation

    Early onset of exhalation

    Holding the breath while inhaling is associated with kicking at the entrance of the hands into the water and grabbing

    Improving swimming technique

    Complex errors in the coordination of the movement of arms, legs

    The mismatch of the kick with the main part of the stroke

    Errors in teaching coordination of movements

    Swimming speed reduced

    Swim short stretches, practice coordinated movements, improve swimming technique

    Video: Butterfly and Dolphin Swimming Technique

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    The search for ways to increase the speed of swimmers led to the emergence of new ways of swimming - butterfly and dolphin... Butterfly appeared in 1935 as a type of breaststroke. When swimming with butterfly stroke, the legs move as in the breaststroke, and the arms are approximately the same as in the crawl, with the only difference that the strokes are performed with both hands at once. After the end of the stroke, the swimmer takes them out of the water. If you look at a butterfly swimmer, then the movements of the hands above the water resemble the flapping of the wings of a butterfly. Hence the name butterfly (in English "butterfly").

    First time breaststroke swimmers and the swimmers started together, sometimes the athletes swam part of the distance with the breaststroke, and part of the butterfly. The new style gave higher speeds, but required more effort. In 1952 International Federation swimming decided to count breaststroke and butterfly as two different ways swimming.

    Butterfly briefly froze in its development. Soon, its high-speed variety, the dolphin, appeared. The fact is that the movements of the legs during breaststroke swimming cause significant water resistance. To reduce it and save energy, swimmers began to use a new technique: they performed movements with their closed legs from top to bottom and from bottom to top. In this case, the muscles of the trunk are also actively involved in the work of the legs. The movements of the closed legs resemble those of the caudal fin of a dolphin. Hence the name of the swimming method.

    Dolphin quickly gained popularity. In terms of speed, he is in second place after the crawl on the chest. Now in butterfly swimming competitions, all swimmers swim in the dolphin way. This is allowed by the rules, since the dolphin is considered a kind of butterfly.

    In style Dolphin the most widespread is the so-called two-stroke option coordination of movements. Its essence lies in the fact that each cycle is added<из одного движения руками и двух ударов ногами (хлыстообразное движение вниз), одного вдоха и одного выдоха (см. схему). Первый удар ногами делают в момент окончания гребка руками, а второй - в момент, когда руки находятся впереди и кисти захватывают воду. Вдох выполняется при заключительной части гребка, когда тело занимает самое высокое положение, а выдох во время гребка руками. Двухударный вариант обеспечивает наибольшую равномерность движения пловца в течение каждого цикла.

    Dolphin swimming cycle. Two-shock option

    As you can see, the change in hand movements in the breaststroke led to the emergence of the butterfly style... In turn, the change in the movements of the legs in the butterfly gave rise to a new style - the dolphin. And each innovation brought an increase in speed.

    Honored Master of Sports S. Boychenko in 1936 swam 100 meters butterfly in 1 minute. 06.8 seconds, and in 1941 200 meters in 2 minutes. 29.8 sec. These results exceeded world records.

    The first world record in dolphin style was set by Gyord Tumpek (Hungary). In 1953 he swam a distance of 100 meters in 1 minute. 04.3 sec. The 100-meter breaststroke record was then 1 minute. 11.2 sec. and belonged to V. Minashkin (USSR).

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