What muscles need to be pumped for a strong blow. Fighter's Primer: How to Increase Punching Power

Hello dear men. Finally, it's time for our next training session. During our close communication, which parts of the body, muscle groups were not trained: arms, legs, chest, shoulders, back - in general, the whole body. You and I gained weight and engaged in fat burning, diets and much, much more. But every self-respecting man is simply obliged to have an iron blow. Do you agree? And for this, punch strength training is perfect.

You should probably remember that you and I have already performed exercises for training technique. Well, there will be a reason to repeat them. But how to make sure that the blow is truly crushing, and the fist is iron - this will be the focus of our today's training.


How to develop punching power? Naturally, only by training. And how to train - right now.

Let's first take a look at what the impact force depends on in general. There are two things that add up here:

1. Body weight;
2. Impact speed.

Therefore, if you are light work on speed, if you are heavy, then use the advantage in the form of punch mass.

If you have a heavy ball at home, such as boxers train, or at least a basketball, then this exercise, by the way, like most today, you can do at home. Just with outstretched arms, lift the ball over your head, hit it with all your strength on the floor, and immediately catch it, after the first bounce. Naturally, this training should be repeated from time to time, doing several approaches of at least 15-20 repetitions.

Since for strong blow legs are important to us, then we cannot do without their training. This is where the well-known "jump squat" will do. I recommend doing it with dumbbells to increase the load.

But we also cannot do without training hands. What muscles primarily affect impact force? Correct: triceps, shoulders and back. Accordingly, strength training will consist of exercises that target these muscle groups.

The first number we will have pull-ups, best of all, again, with weights.

Further push-ups on fists - you perfectly understand that no workout for fists can do without this exercise. You can replace it periodically, only with a low weight. Whichever option you choose, the intensity of the training should be maximized.

Great for triceps reverse push-ups... Do you know how they are made? Take a stool, turn your back to it, sit down a little and rest your palms on it. Lower your torso up / down. By the way, put a kettlebell on your stomach so that the push-ups do not seem too easy to you.

When you're done, don't take the weight away. Better yet, bring a second one, because almost any exercise with them will suit our business like nothing else.

Perform various raises with your hands, as they strengthen the hands, develop the delta, increase strength and endurance - all this plays a huge role in the correct, strong blow. Try to lift kettlebells while standing, sitting and lying down - in general, any workout will be what you need.

Get a wrist expander - to develop the strength of the hand and fingers, for the forearm it is not a replaceable thing. And the sledgehammer exercise! Yes, this is the training of almost anyone professional fighter no rules. Remember, for example, P. Emelianenko - how he beat a tractor wheel with a huge heavy sledgehammer in the village!

By the way, today a similar simulator, if you can call it that, is present at many public sports grounds... So if you know a place like this, be sure to do it this way.

Correct hit

In order to have a really strong punch, in addition to the sharpness and speed that we developed with our punching technique, it is very important to put all our weight into it. What is needed for that?

Watch your feet while striking - they should be slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. When you hit, following the hand, in the course of its movement, the foot should also turn around, and to raise the leg correctly, start from the heel. That is, if you, for example, hit with your left hand, then the right leg should be in place, while the left follows the hand.

Pay attention to your knees - they should be slightly bent so that it is easier to transfer your weight forward when striking. The body should not reach behind the hand - it should turn as sharply as possible. Naturally, the fist should be clenched as tightly as possible, literally digging its nails into the palm. And you need to beat only on the exhale. Yes, and if you do not want to warn your opponent in advance about your intentions to thrust him properly, swinging, in no case take your hand back.

But how to deliver the blow? You need to start with. Let's start with a fist rack. Just take the same position as the starting position before push-ups. It will be correct to try to place the main emphasis on the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, since they, first of all, will "touch" the opponent's face or torso. During the exercise, stand on one hand, then on the other. Gradually move on to push-ups on the fingers, which, by the way, are also desirable to be done extremely intensively.

Throwing the empty bar away from the bar in front of you will be valuable training.

A huge role in staging the blow will be practicing technique in front of a mirror, shadow boxing, again, bench press at an explosive pace.

We practiced all of these exercises when we worked on the technique, so add them to your workout.

However, it is extremely important to have a truly iron fist.

Iron fist

What exercises for the fists can best be made as firm and insensitive to pain as possible?
All the same push-ups, stand. But the most the best training, I believe, is the "diamond fist" exercise, which came to us from karate.

You will need two planks about 20x20cm, although a wooden floor will work as well. Accept starting position as before push-ups. Now pushing a little from the floor with your hands, land with your fists on the planks placed under them, or on the floor.

This exercise strengthens your knuckles so much that you can't even imagine! Try to do 20-30 of these "jumps" at first. In fact, already trained athletes do no more than 80 reps. During the jump, you can rotate your wrist, thus changing the position of the fist.

If you decide to seriously tackle the power of the blow. Then you need to first of all get such a minimum as a punching bag and gloves.

That, in fact, is all. Watch another video that I specially prepared for our training today. I will say for sure: train in this way for at least 2-3 months, honestly trying to complete all the exercises, and after this time your strength and iron fist will be able to cope with almost any opponent. On this I say goodbye to you until the next training session.

What is impact force and what does it depend on?

What is impact force and what does it depend on? Force is mass times acceleration. From here it follows that in order to increase the power of the blow, both the speed with which you perform the blow and the muscle mass of the arm and the whole body as a whole are important. Among other things, there should be rigidity in the punch, because you are going to punch on the felling? and not to do a slap in the face? Therefore, if you want to punch a knockout well, or just a strong beat, you need to train both the speed of the blow and the muscles involved in the blow - legs, arms, chest, back, shoulders, and it will also not be superfluous to put the correct technique for striking.

What muscles are involved when hitting with a hand

When striking with a hand, whether it is the notorious jab or everyone's favorite hook is involved following muscles:

The blow starts from the foot and the energy then passes through the body from the bottom up and reaches the hand:

Muscles involved in a punch, their role and importance

Muscles and strength of the legs

The muscles of the legs are the quadriceps and calf muscles... the development of these muscles is imperative for anyone who wants to hit hard. The muscles in your legs are responsible for pushing off the ground, and as a result, your body is filled with energy. The leg muscles are also found to be the largest muscles in your body, which is why all punches in boxing tend to involve the legs with squats, twists and turns.

It is in the legs that the greatest strength is concentrated! Not in the muscles of the chest or in the triceps. After taking a close look at many of the most prominent punchers, knockouts, the researchers found that they had well-developed legs, not big hands or a mighty chest. When you study muscle development in boxers, you won't see huge pecs or triceps. But big muscles they also give a certain advantage - a large body mass - a more powerful blow.

At correct setting punching techniques, well-packed fists and the correct fist position can be worked in the same bandages on a very hard bag, without injuries. The main thing is not to hit the blow into the bag, but to immediately pull back the hand, as if to prick - to sting, as Mohamed Ali said. It is advisable to train both hands and punches from any position, to beat with any type of punches. The blow should be short, not sweeping and follow an optimal trajectory. How to set the hitting technique, see the video below.

Setting and practicing punches

How to train punching power

Setting and practicing hit combinations

Practicing a series of punches video

How to train punching power

In boxing, to increase the power indicators of a boxer's strikes, various methods of strength development and complexes of specialized exercises are provided.

The Most Effective Exercises to Increase Punching Power

Physical exercises that will help develop a strong punch - "OFP"

The main exercises that develop the upper muscle groups:

Push-ups develop: triceps shoulder - triceps, large pectoral muscles, deltoid muscles, biceps- or biceps, serratus anterior, large gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles.

To develop a powerful and hard hitting, you need to practice four types of push-ups:

  • push-ups on the palms - hands at shoulder level
  • push-ups on fists - hands at shoulder level
  • push-ups on the fingers - hands at shoulder level
  • push-ups on the palms with claps - hands at shoulder level

How to train punching power - practicing and setting punches

Punching Exercises - Palm Pushups

push-ups on the palms - an exercise to develop impact strength

push-ups on the palms - hands at shoulder level contribute to the development of mass and strength of the muscles of the chest and triceps. This type of push-up is performed slowly with an exhalation at the bottom point and a delay of 1 to 2 seconds at the top and bottom points. The back should be flat - the muscles of the lower back are tense. Legs are brought together as much as possible. Do 2 - 3 sets per workout - maximum amount once.

The main purpose of push-ups on the fists is to strengthen the hands. With push-ups, all the same muscles are involved as with push-ups on the palms, but in this position of the hands, the hands receive a different load and the muscles of the hand are worked out that are involved in clenching the fist and holding the wrist in the required position. The bones of the fist are also stuffed, they become stiffer and slightly increase.

This type of push-up is performed slowly with an exhalation at the bottom point and a delay of 1 to 2 seconds at the top and bottom points. The back should be flat - the muscles of the lower back are tense. The legs are brought together as much as possible. Perform 2 - 3 sets per workout - the maximum number of times.

Push-ups on the fingers

This type of push-up, like all push-ups, is useful for strengthening the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, belt muscles (press and lumbar muscles), also during push-ups, the muscles of the back and neck are actively working. In push-ups on the fingers, the muscles of the forearms, hands, fingers work very actively, the corresponding ligaments and joints are strengthened.

This type of push-up actively helps to strengthen the hand, which is extremely necessary in case of a strong blow, otherwise, with a strong blow, you simply injure the hand - you will break the metacarpal bone or the synovial joint. With such an injury, it is not possible to continue the fight with this hand and most likely this fight will end in your defeat.

Therefore, if you do not want to find yourself in a similar situation, I recommend that you include push-ups on your fingers at least once a week for 2 - 3 sets.

Push ups with cotton

An excellent exercise for developing explosive strength and speed. All the same muscles are involved as in push-ups on the palms, but the essence of the exercise is that the muscles contract very quickly and intensively, which contributes to the development of a sharp and powerful pushing out from oneself. The muscles of the press and lower back work just as powerfully, they rigidly fix the body in a straight position.

Push-ups with cotton should be done vigorously, push off with your hands as hard and quickly as possible. Push off the floor vigorously, clap, and quickly return your hands to the floor to cushion the downward movement. Keep your body straight - your abs and back muscles are tense. When doing cotton push-ups, focus on maximum speed. Do this exercise 2 - 3 sets 1 - 2 times a week.

Pushing the barbell

Highly effective exercise pushing out from the chest in a standing position, the bar from the bar (20-25 kg) - forward from yourself at the level of the chin. You can also use rubber - expander - tight harnesses, tie them to something at a distance of shoulder width, fasten the ends in your hands, stand with your back to the place of the leash and beat through the resistance of the elastic bands.

Strength development of leg muscles

Weighted squats, high jumps, jumping rope.

Strength development of the leg muscles plays important role for training a strong blow. So, an accurate blow to the chin area, while simultaneously using the muscles of the legs, gives the strongest effect on the opponent. The development of impact force by 60% is due to the movements of the legs and body.

Most effective methods leg muscle development are:

Running uphill or stairs, running with obstacles;
High and long jumps, jumping rope.


Pull-ups - develop muscle groups in the upper body: lats, biceps, chest muscles, top part back, abdominal muscles, forearms.

Pull-ups need to be done of two types - slow and fast to explode. When doing pull-ups, keep your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. If desired, you can hang weights on the belt. Try to pull up as many times as possible.

Slow pull-ups- grip with your palms away from you, slowly - calmly pull up, your chin should rise above the crossbar, when lifting, exhale while lowering, inhale, linger in the upper position for 1 second and then lower yourself, at the bottom do not unbend your arms to the end - your arms should be extended approximately 95%, hold in the lower position for 1 second and then lift. Do at least two approaches per workout, the maximum number of times. This exercise develops the back muscles for strength.

Thawing to the explosion- they are done in almost the same way as slow pull-ups with the only difference that the upward climb must be done with maximum strength and speed. Grab your palms away from you, pull up sharply with all your strength, your chin should rise above the crossbar, exhale when lifting, then calmly lower yourself, at the bottom point do not unbend your arms to the end - your arms should be extended by about 95%, after reaching the bottom hang point immediately do the next climb. Do at least two approaches per workout, the maximum number of times. This exercise develops back muscles, stamina and explosive power- the ability to concentrate and release energy.

Ball throwing

The exercise will require a heavy ball of sand, which is used by boxers in training. If not, try making a homemade sandbag. (this exercise can be replaced by blows with a sledgehammer on the tire)

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, body straight. Raise the ball high above your head. Throw forcefully - hit the ball on the floor. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times per set.

Starting position: stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Sit down until your knees are level with your hips. Jump up with maximum force, while raising your arms up. Repeat jumping until you run out of strength.

Weight lifting

Kettlebell exercises are very useful for strengthening the hands, shoulders, deltoid muscles and increasing muscle mass.

Lifting the kettlebell forward

Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Take the kettlebell with one hand, lower it between your legs on a straightened arm - the kettlebell should be suspended. Bend your legs slightly at the knees and jerk the kettlebell forward, to a level of 90 degrees in relation to the body, that is, you should hold the kettlebell in front of you with your arm outstretched. At the highest point, the back should be straight. Hold your hand in a horizontal position for 1 to 2 seconds. Repeat up to ten kettlebell lifts with one hand. Then change your hand.

Best pancake boxing exercises

Use a wrist expander regularly. Buy the toughest hand expander and work alternately with both hands. It is imperative to squeeze the expander sharply, applying all the force. Exercise helps develop the interdigital muscles and forearms. As a result, the fist will become tighter and harder.

Exercises with a sledgehammer are no less effective. Take a sledgehammer and start hitting the car tire. During the exercise, it is precisely those muscles that are involved in striking that are activated. The blows should be applied not due to the movement of the back, but as much as possible due to the strength of the hands

Practice punches on the "paws". Hit as if the target is a few centimeters beyond the leg. Try as if to pierce the projectile through. This exercise will help you not to develop the speed of the blow, to hit harder, working out a series of blows.

The exercise "shadow boxing" will help to develop speed and sharpness. Do the exercise daily for at least ten minutes.

The most effective blows are considered, which the enemy does not expect and does not see. You need to hit unexpectedly so that the enemy does not have time to react.

All of these exercises help develop punching power, strengthen the muscles and tendons of the arms, and also endure. If performed regularly, the result will be noticeable within a few months.

Development of special strength endurance

I hope this article helped you get enough information about the development of punching power. Remember to exercise regularly.

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Here is a punching guide for boxers, fighters, and anyone looking to deliver a punch that is right and strong! Learn the knockout punch now!

Before you start talking about banging, you need to master theoretical basis generation of energy by the human body. We will then learn to position the body in the correct position so that all of your strength and all of your weight is effectively "poured" into your punch. Then you will learn correct technique hitting, which will make the blows stronger. And finally, I'll give you some tips on how to increase the damage from the hits you give your opponent.

Basic theoretical fundamentals of hitting hard:

1. Speed ​​is not strength. Strength is acceleration. That is, strength is not only speed. You need to have a weight that you will accelerate. A quick hit won't be strong if you don't put some of your body weight into it.

2. Move your body. Remember Bruce Lee's famous "inch kick" theory: Moving your entire body weight one inch (2.54 cm) will have more effect than moving one arm one foot (30 cm). To obtain maximum strength, movement of the whole body is necessary during the impact. The difficulty lies in the fact that you do not need to focus on moving the body weight over a long distance, it is important to move the body at the same time (explosive mode).

3. Use your legs. The largest muscles in the body will provide the most energy. Those who strike only using the weight of their hands will never achieve serious punching force.

4. Stay within your striking distance. Even the strongest blow will be wasted if your arms are straightened too much (you are not reaching). Your punch will be stronger if your fist hits the target just before your arm is fully extended. Don't stretch out!

5. Strike underneath different angles... Such blows will be stronger; there will be more opportunities for strikes and the damage from them will be greater.

Energy flow

  • Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • The heel of the hind foot (right in a right-handed boxer) is always slightly raised.
  • On impact, your feet will rotate (or twist) in the direction of impact.
  • As you hit a series of punches, your feet will rotate (or twist) in one direction or another depending on which hand you are hitting.
  • When hitting with the right hand, the heel right leg rises while left foot completely on the floor. When hitting with the left hand, the opposite is true.
  • When you land your strongest punch, both feet should be flat on the floor. (We'll break this rule later when we learn how to swing / twist punches.)
  • The legs are slightly bent at the knees.
  • When striking, sit down slightly (body weight goes down), bending your knees.
  • Rotate your hips in the direction of your opponent, as if you are stabbing with your hip.


  • Your torso should rotate with maximum amplitude, and your kick is “blown out” by this rotation.
  • Rotation of the body with a large amplitude and a small "protrusion" of the striking hand gives a stronger impact than a small rotation of the body with full extension of the arm.
  • Don't lean forward, don't try to "reach" your opponent - rotate your body instead!
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed to increase speed and strength and conserve energy.
  • Raise your shoulders higher during the strike - this will increase the force of the strike due to the work of the shoulder muscles.


  • At the beginning of the impact, the forearms are relaxed.
  • When you throw your punch, your arms fly in the direction of your opponent and straighten until they touch your opponent's body.
  • Do not strike too long (do not try to reach the enemy), otherwise you will run into an oncoming blow.
  • Do not pull your fist towards you before striking. This is called "wiring", which allows an experienced fighter to see the blow before it is delivered and to reflect it.


  • When you are not hitting, your hands are relaxed. You can form a fist, but you don't need to clench it.
  • When you strike, your fist turns into a brick, which you deliver to your opponent.
  • Your glove starts moving away from your face and ends there.
  • For straight punches, you bring your fist to a horizontal plane before contact. When applying side blows to the body or to the head, the fist can stand vertically ("cup").
  • Exhale hard at every beat.
  • Eyes 100% ready. When striking, you need to look directly at the target.
  • Lower your chin slightly to hide it behind the shoulder of the beating hand.

Everything I have just described is called energy flow. It is necessary for you to feel how the energy flows through your entire body from your feet to your fists. If one part of your body is lazy or you do not feel its participation in the blow, you need to practice more so that this part also becomes actively involved in the process of hitting.


  • Study the distance of all your strikes while standing still and then taking a quick step forward. Try to keep all of your strikes INSIDE this range.
  • Beats too long and too long short distance will not have maximum strength.

Jeb (straight left kick)

  • A quick step forward will make this blow much stronger.
  • Stretch out your hitting hand and raise your shoulder - this way you can really "stick" your jab into your opponent.
  • Do not lean forward when applying the jab. Save that for your next hit - right cross.

Straight right or right cross

  • Rotate the body, rotate the body and ... rotate the body.
  • The PERFECT target for this hit is not directly in front of you. I'll show you where she is. Do this: pull your left hand like putting on a jab. Extend your arm fully and leave it in this position. Now imagine that your opponent dodges to the left of your jab and his face is now about 30 centimeters from your outstretched left arm. This space of 30 centimeters is where your right punch will be strongest. Don't believe me? Try checking on the bag. Stand not in the center of the bag, but slightly to the right and apply the right straight line, rotating the body counterclockwise as much as possible. Do you feel the force of the blow? Fine!

Left hook (left side)

  • When applying left side blows to the opponent's body, lower the elbow. If you hit the side to the head, raise your elbow.
  • Learn to stop your side kick. You don't need it to fly through the enemy. Practice stopping this punch while your fist is right in front of you. This will give the same “clap” from the blow (like from a whip) and will not allow you to “twist” your body.
  • Remember to rotate both feet so that they are looking to the side when you hit.
  • For a left side kick, lower your right heel to the floor and lift your left to channel all the energy of your left leg into your kick.

Right hook

  • When applying a right side kick, transfer your body weight from your back leg to your front and make a quick movement of your head, involving its weight in the blow, without taking your eyes off the place where you are hitting.
  • When throwing a hook on the right, make sure that your head does not move to the side, but forward - directly to your opponent. (This is not easy to do, but it will give your punch more power, although sometimes you have to make a significant head forward movement to defend).


  • Forget everything you've seen in the Street Fighter movie.
  • A real uppercut is short and fast. The blow does not go up to the limit, it is actually delivered forward.
  • Imagine applying a long right cross. Now make a new cross, but only now turn your fist so that your palm is "looking" up. Now throw your right hand directly into the opponent's head.
  • The uppercut does not have to be applied strictly from the bottom up, it is better to throw your hand from your waist diagonally upward. This blow is not vertical, it has horizontal movement.


It is very important to learn how to hit hard. You can't just hit hard when you want to. We must learn to seize the moment for such a blow. Your distance must be correct, not only for the first strike, but also for the next one.

When is the best time to hit hard:

  • When the opponent hits himself. A counter strike always does more damage.
  • When the opponent is not expecting a blow. This can be achieved by breaking through his defense or by striking in a ragged rhythm. Fast boxers do this thanks to their very high speed direct blow right or left hook.
  • At an angle. Angled punches can inflict more damage, stun your opponent faster, or at least prevent him from preparing another hard blow.

Most common mistakes

  • Raising the foot off the floor. Raising the foot during striking removes almost all of the body's weight from the strike.
  • Trying to reach (pull). Such a blow will not be strong. Moreover, you become an excellent target for a counter strike. If you strike in such a way that you have to stretch too much to reach your opponent, you limit yourself to only that one strike, while striking with the maintenance of balance and balance allows you to hit in series.
  • Forget the jab. If you don't hit the jab, you will never be able to prepare a really hard hit. Use the jab! A short strong jab stuns your opponent (or distracts him) and helps you prepare your signature hard hit.
  • Too fast streaks. What happens when you get aroused in battle and start inflicting a lot quick strikes only by the weight of the hands, i.e. don't put the weight of the rest of your body into strikes at all? Of course, you have a lot of energy and your punches all seem strong enough to you, however, over time, your hands will get tired and the strength in the punches will disappear altogether.
  • Telegraphing. In no case, before hitting, do not take your fist to yourself (as if swinging). A lot of boxers do this in the ring and their punches become predictable. Try standing by the bag without moving to throw a blow at someone unexpected for you command. Do not jump back and forth in a predictable rhythm for your opponent.
  • Stay away from weight training. Trying to deliver a powerful punch through the bench press is the same as trying to break the speed record in sprint distance by working with a barbell to develop leg muscles. Many conflicting articles have been written on the usefulness or uselessness of weight training for hard hitting, but the science is simple: when you work with weights, your body gets stronger when you move slowly (hitting is fast moving). Moreover, training with weights will noticeably increase your strength in a very limited number of types of movements. The body will develop unnatural muscle sizes that have little stamina. If it were possible to build really strong and fast muscles, a great middleweight boxer could easily become a great heavyweight boxer, right?

Hard hitting workouts

  • Hit slowly. This is one of my favorite tips. I make my players hit as hard as possible, but slowly - at half speed. Almost everyone I have trained has been surprised by the fact that when they hit slowly, the force of their blows is greater compared to the strength of their quick hits. The reason is that no human body can move faster than the arms. Usually the arm completes the punch before the body starts to rotate. Throwing slow punches allows you to engage your whole body in the punch and indeed helps to make the punch really strong. Exercise: Stand in front stand at the bag or opposite a partner with paws. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and alternate between right and left crosses. It is important that the boxer pauses for two seconds before each punch, as if posing in front of a photographer. Try it! There are many speed exercises, however, at this stage our goal is to hit slowly!
  • Swimming is a great way to build strength throughout your body. There are not so many exercises for the development of strength and endurance, equal in effectiveness to swimming!
  • Isometric exercises. Stand against a wall, bend slightly and put your fist on the wall and push your fist as if your punch is stuck. Apply maximum effort for 10 seconds; then a change of hands. 15 reps and 3 sets per arm. This exercise trains the body's ability to conserve energy. You kind of force the body to become a rubber band - as soon as the obstacle in the path of the fist disappears - BAM!

To learn how to hit harder, you have to be willing to forget everything you know and try something new. As with everything else, there is always room for improvement in boxing. Boxers who think they know everything will never learn to hit harder. Keep your mind open and pay attention to techniques and strategies that you yourself have never used, and then you will achieve results. Respect someone else's striking technique and explore the possibility of incorporating it into your own.

Or even very strong, is not always a knockout. You can hit hard, but if we pass the blow or miss the target, then there will be no knockout. In order to knock out a person, it is enough to clearly hit the person in the chin. If you figure it out, then in order to gain a blow that will send people "to rest" you need to train - technique, accuracy, speed, and of course strength, unfortunately, if the blow is executed correctly, but does not have sufficient strength, you will not achieve the result.

Unlike a knockout punch, a strong punch can be developed at home or on your own, especially if you have at least some boxing base ( muay thai), that is, you clearly understand that the force of the blow depends little on the strength of the muscles, i.e. You know how to beat or, if you like, "you have a blow." Impact force maybe just murderous even a small person has an example - the legend of Muay Thai Ramon Dekkers, who, according to the testimony of his opponents, possessed an uncommon punch force for his size.

Earlier we wrote about the theoretical part of the impact force -

Do you want to develop such a blow so that it inflicts maximum damage?

Exercises to develop punching power

Here I want to systematize the methods of increasing the power of the blow, which will help you in the case of possession of it basic technique, that is, the elementary work of the legs when striking.


1. Tire and hammer(sledgehammer). Striking a tire with a hammer, preferably a large one, because if you miss, you will repair the floor - khan to your parquet. When I was in the army, I liked to knock out doors with a 5kg hammer, which we always had with us in case of the owner's unkind refusal to open the door (in the case of a combination of impoliteness and a strong door, explosives were used). True, I hit the door as if from the side, but I advise you in the classic boxing way from above over your head. (Above, Adamek demonstrates how it should be)

A blow with a sledgehammer should be applied as straight as possible from above, avoiding twisting of the spine at the moment of impact, otherwise injuries a.

Seasonal logging is basically the same except for different results from a hammer and an ax miss.

2.No weight bar or weighted stick for phineas.Standing, take the bar and push it forward as quickly and as hard as possible, more precisely back and forth. Personally, I prefer to do this not at speed, but jumping from foot to foot, as if on a rope, with a sharp explosive motion to throw forward.

3. Heavy bag and wall cushion... We practice a strong, penetrating blow, sharply thrown at the target, with special attention to the correct pattern of the blow, legs and shoulders. It seems to me that it is very important to analyze your own blow, the problems of the biomechanics of the blow.


a) We throw with all our strength into the area of ​​the partner's ribs and abdomen. He catches and throws it back

b) One holds the medicine ball, the other hits one round with all his strength and speed. The one who hits tries to knock the medicine ball out of the partner's hands, if the ball falls, the holding one is push-up 20 times. So 3 rounds in a row, with a change of roles

d) Pushing the medicine ball from a prone position into the hands of a standing partner. Alternating emphasis when pushing out with the left and right hands.

e) Standing - raise the medical pain above your head, "drive it into the ground" in front of you, you can jump a little

5. Exercises with rubber bands ... We tie one end somewhere behind the back, for example, to Swedish wall, with the other end in hand, simulate blows.

6. 30 "boxing" push-ups (narrow grip and half amplitude) and immediately after that, within 30 seconds - straight, maximally fast and strong blows(do not fully straighten your arms in elbow joints so as not to damage them). A minute of rest and again. 3-5 sets.

7. Eights with a kettlebell in front of you (in the absence of a kettlebell, it is replaced with a pancake). Rotation of clubs (or dumbbell bars weighted at one end)

8. Progressive combinations.

For example:

Set: 10 straight left hits. 10 double straight left. 10 double straight left and right.

You can make up different sets.

9. Dumbbell shadow boxing different weights.

10. According to Khusainov (1995) effective training accentuated and strong blow should include following exercises(methodology from the study):

1. Crown strikes on the wall cushion three times a week - 10 rounds. One strike every 3 seconds. One round - 50-60 strokes, 10 rounds in total. Rest for a minute between rounds and strike with maximum force.

2. Three times a week (other days) to train with a barbell.

a) Semi-squat-scissors with a barbell on your shoulders, barbell - 70% of your weight .. Semi-squats followed by straightening the legs and lifting on toes - 5 sets of 20 reps. Rest - 1-2 minutes.

b) Turns of the trunk with the bar - 5 sets of 20. The weight of the bar is 15-20 kg, depending on your own weight. Rest one to two minutes.

c) Bench press to failure - 5 sets. 1 set 70% of the max weight of the bar, the 2nd - 75%; 3rd - from 80%; 4 - from 85%, 5 - from 90% weight. Rest 1-2 minutes.

12.Operation hard kick:

"10-20-10". We hit with all our strength and with maximum speed... 10 middle kicks on pads with one foot, 20 knees, 10 middle kicks with the other foot. We do everything with high speed and maximum strength.

Keep in mind that you should not do all these exercises together - you will easily overtrain. In addition, these exercises must be correctly calculated and inserted into the workout. Also, the sledgehammer is a very tedious exercise and do not try it the day before heavy leg work such as squats. However, the impact exercises on the bag and wall pillow can be extremely tiring and it will be difficult for you to work on the chest the next day.

What muscles are responsible for the force of the impact? It is important to strengthen the following muscles - triceps, forearm, shoulders, legs, chest. All this is done using typical conventional boxing exercises such as shadow boxing, Thai skipping rope, different kinds push-ups, including the explosion (with cotton).

The only muscle that DOES NOT need to be especially developed is the biceps. A well-developed biceps slows down and stiffens the punch.

Do not forget that a good knockout blow is a competent blow before, correct work legs, torso and shoulder girdle, that is, the entire chain transmitting like a rope the force, which always begins in the legs, is transmitted to the pelvic region, then to shoulder girdle, which in turn throws a half-weakened hand towards the target.

Often, a weak impact is due to a loss of impact force in the joints. The joint transmits impact force, that is, it is necessary not to lose it during the transfer from the legs to the arm.

Keep in mind that a hard hit means strong ligaments. If you hit hard with gloves, this does not mean at all that you will not injure your hand on the street. Therefore, along with a strong blow, it is necessary (if for the street) to train the ligaments, for example, push-ups on fists.

Also, ask yourself why you need a "knockout (strong) blow". I hope you are not trying to get away from the need to study the technique of fighting and the development of endurance, because both for sports and for the street, one strong "knockout" blow will not help.

If you want to know how can you increase the power of a punch , then you need to find out from what it is formed, and for this you need to know its principle. A person often confuses the meanings of the words weight and mass. If the body has a large mass, then the amount of its inertia is correspondingly higher. This can be called the most important aspect of strength in martial arts.

From this we can conclude that a blow from a heavyweight is more difficult to block than a lighter athlete, no matter how much he is trained and does not have developed arm strength. Thus, we can say that mass adds strength .

What is important to know?

In order for your punches to become stronger, you should master correct use body weight. In order to maximize the development and increase the force of a punch with a fist, you need your own movements start at the feet.

However, you should be aware that during the impact it is important to connect all parts of your body. After all, the birth of energy and its transmission are two completely different things. The athlete must be mindful of energy production and the fact that all parts of the body must be connected to transfer energy.

You can only get an effective result if you put your body weight into the blow. During the impact, the arm should not be fully extended, otherwise the joints will begin to dislocate. Strikes should be delivered from a wide variety of angles , because in this way you can inflict stronger and more powerful blows on the enemy.

To strike, you need to pay attention to factors such as:

  • position your feet wider than your shoulders;
  • the heel rises first;
  • the foot should be turned in the direction of the movement of the hand;
  • in the event that a blow needs to be applied with the left hand, then the right foot remains in place, and the heel of the left foot is lifted and vice versa.

Key Features

In order to get an effective result, athletes need to pay attention to a few simple tips, as well as strictly observe the peculiarities of the strike technique ... For example:

  • your knees should be slightly bent, and your main weight should be transferred forward;
  • hips need to be turned towards the enemy;
  • during the impact, the body must move to the fullest;
  • you need to sharply turn the body, and at the same time do not pull the body forward;
  • clench the punch fist as hard as possible;
  • during each blow, it is imperative to exhale.

If you observe these features and do everything correctly, then the impact force can be significantly increased and the desired result can be obtained.

Developing punching strength and power with basic training

There are some simple exercises, which will help develop the power of the blow. You can even do them at home, without the help of a professional trainer.

  • Hitting the ball

Prepare a heavy ball, preferably a boxing one. If there is no such ball, then you can take a basketball.

Take the starting position - keep your body straight, and place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Pick up and lift the ball high over your head, then hit the ball hard on the floor. Repeat this exercise at least fifteen times.

  • Jumping squats

First you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, and insert your hands on the sides. You need to squat so much when your knees are level with your hips. Then you need to jump up, while raising your hands up. You can repeat jumps with squats as long as strength is enough. By doing these jumps regularly, you can achieve effective result... Well, if you want to achieve the desired result faster, then take dumbbells in your hands.

Develop impact speed

There are the following simple, but very effective ways to develop the impact speed:

  • punches with dumbbells on hands.

When striking, the body must be fully engaged. In addition, you need to constantly train muscle mass forearms. The muscles of the forearm are located very close to the striking part, that is, the fist, so that the weight of these muscles will be most effective.

Develop the muscles of the upper body

To train back muscles, triceps, as well as shoulders, you can do the following exercises:

  • push ups;
  • pull-ups;
  • triceps exercises;
  • lifting weights.

Pulling up helps to achieve good results, especially if weights are hung on the belt. Try to do pull-ups to the maximum. When doing push-ups, the arms should be close together. Note that the back should be straight, so do not bend it under any circumstances.

During push-ups, the muscles of the back and triceps and chest muscles are perfectly trained and developed. Many people want to strengthen the cysts of the hands. To do this, you should complicate the training process and.

To perform a triceps lesson, you need to prepare a bench. Place your palms on the bench and rest on them. Note that you need to stand with your back to the bench. Squat lightly and start releasing and lifting, resting on your hands. Perform this type of exercise about 20 times.

Kettlebell lifting is the most effective view classes. The strength of the blow depends on a strong hand and muscle mass, so their training plays a key role during the blow. This exercise has its own variations. Anyone who wishes to do this exercise must choose one option. The most appropriate exercise option is determined taking into account the physical fitness of the athlete.

Professionals advise regular use of a wrist expander during training. For the development of the impact force, it is desirable to purchase the toughest shell. The expander should be squeezed sharply with all your might. Exercise with an expander will help develop not only the forearm, but also the interdigital muscles.

As a result, the fist becomes stronger and more powerful. Jumping rope also have a positive effect on the development of muscle mass. Try to raise your hips high while jumping, and reach your chest with your knees.

Sledge hammer exercise is one of the most practical and common. Use a sledgehammer to deliver powerful blows on unnecessary tires. When performing such workouts, it is precisely those muscles that take part during the impact that are developed and strengthened.

It is helpful to train with a partner as well. The most effective strikes here are those blows that the athlete does not expect ... It is necessary to deliver unexpected blows to the opponent so that he does not have time to react. The so-called "a fight with a shadow".

If you do this exercise daily and practice for at least ten minutes, then very soon you can feel positive result... If you want to develop an explosive punch, then you should do push-ups on the palms and on the fists. You can do three approaches per day and repeat the exercise ten times.

All of the above exercises help to effectively and quickly develop muscle mass, as well as make the tendons of the arms more enduring and stronger. If you regularly and competently perform training and follow the technique, then in a week or two weeks the result will be noticeable. Well, if you cannot achieve the desired result on your own, then you should turn to the help of professional trainers.

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