Handicraft: How and why to stuff your fists. To punch or slap: which punch is more effective - a fist or a palm? What is stuffing and why is it needed

I have almost nothing to go wrong in my life, I don't communicate well with my parents, I have very few friends. I recently met with a guy, everything was fine, but then everything went wrong, there are rumors about me that I'm slutty and everything like that. and parents almost do not help in anything all the problems I solve myself from the parents, not what kind of support they just finish off. several times I thought about suecis, tried to end it, but nothing helped in recent times I have sales of fists because I started to be walls to calm down. everyone will think that I am sick, I probably am, because I hide my pain under a smile. lately I don’t want to live, but I continue to wake up every morning with thoughts of death and it niggles
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natasha, age: 15 / 26.12.2015


Hello! Natasha, you don't need to think about the bad! You wind yourself up a lot, from this you worry and grieve even more. There are few friends, but there are never many good ones, it should be so! The main thing is not quantity! We broke up with the guy, well, he’s not the last boy on Earth, right! Find yourself a better one! And the rumors will all dispel over time. I advise you to do active sports! Running, swimming, diving will do! Try it! Parents are dear people, do not push them away, hug them more often, say how you love them, because it is such happiness when there is MOM and DAD !!! Live and appreciate that you have the most important and dear thing - life, health, parents, relatives, friends!

Irina, age: 28/27/2015

You are good for holding on! Only the strong smile when you want to cry ... You can do it completely, but the fact that your parents do not support you is bad. They seem to be very busy. And you don't need thoughts of death! You have to live to help someone else ...

Tamara, age: 27/27/2015

Hi Natasha! First of all, you still need to understand what is the main reason why you cannot live peacefully. Answer this question honestly. Determine the root cause to figure out how to move on. If this is a bad relationship with your parents, then change your attitude towards them. By the way, they gave you life. In the future, everything may change ... If this is not the main reason, but a matter of communicating with friends, then at a young age it is a common thing when friends change and there are no truly close people among them. And at your age, very many have such a problem. And the solution to this problem is to continue looking for new and new acquaintances, to look in different ways - on the Internet, with personal contact. Get to know people, communicate by interests or just by life. Over time, you will understand yourself with whom you wanted to communicate constantly, and with whom the friendship is not real. If you stop dating, your chances of making good friends will diminish. If the main reason for thinking about death is in something else, then this problem must be solved by any means, so long as it does not interfere with your life. Calmly define it first and proceed. As soon as you begin to solve it, you will calm down and will not injure yourself. Think about it. Good luck!

Mikhail, age: 28 / 27.12.2015

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The midfielder of the Azerbaijani national football team Javid Huseynov, after the group E match of the UEFA EURO 2020 qualifying stage against Hungary in Budapest (0: 1), answered journalists' questions, the website reports.

What can you say about the game?
We understood that it would be difficult, especially after the defeat of the Hungarians by the Croats (0: 3). In addition, they kept the chances of leaving the group. We did not manage to repulse the starting onslaught of the opponent, and we quickly conceded. We could count on a draw, which would be a good outcome for us. But the judge's mistake canceled all our chances.

In recent matches, “milli” starts playing after a goal conceded ...
The Azerbaijani footballer is not confident in his abilities. Frankly, when we go abroad, then, I don’t know, we are wary of the opponent's name or something else, but we start under strong pressure. After a missed ball, the weight falls off and we begin to play. If we start playing coolly and with concentration from the first minutes, it will be better.

After the break, we began to play much better ...
I did not fully hear what the coach was saying during the break, because after five minutes I went to warm up. They only pointed out to me my position. We tried to play and turn the tide of the meeting, because we lost only with a minimum score. I believed that we could do something, because we scored goals for all teams. Did not work out.

Why was there such a contrast between the two halves?
The guys can't play like that from the first minutes. They have fear. Then we saw that we could play.

You are now the most experienced player in the national team. Will this 0: 1 be quickly forgotten until the next game?
If we dwell on this match, then we will not get far.

Will young footballers quickly forget too?
Obliged. It should be like this after every game. As upset as we are, we need to move forward. Everyone in the locker room was very upset. Someone pounded on the wall, someone on the table. The command is understandable.

Prison is an extremely harsh place, and the strongest survive in it. A person who has got there sometimes has no other arguments for his defense except physical strength... A strong and trained fist has always been the best and most reliable defender in such cases. How were they strengthened and stuffed in the zones?

Fell, wrung out

As in civilian life, one of the most popular ways to strengthen your fists in the zone was with a conventional fist stance. Despite the seeming simplicity, there were a lot of options for this exercise. For example, standing on one fist, push-ups with jumping on fists.

It would seem nothing special, stand on your knuckles and that's it. However, experienced trainers have always advised starting exercises from relatively soft surfaces. There were no such cells in the cells, so the prisoners stood "on their knuckles" on a hard floor, often concrete.

In the absence of sports equipment, the prisoners got out as best they could, inventing improvised means to strengthen their fists. One of them involved the use of a weighty (from several kilograms) bag, jar or bottle of water. Top part an object, for example, the neck of a bottle, was grasped by fingers.

There were three degrees of difficulty of the exercise. The simplest thing is that the object is held in lowered hands. It is more difficult - the hands rise to the level of the belt, and the heaviest one - to the level of the chest. The weight of the object being held could gradually increase, as well as the time it takes to hold it. Thanks to the exercise, the strength of the fingers develops, their endurance increases, and the sensitivity decreases.

They trained the brush on the zone and with such a simple exercise as crumpling a newspaper or any other paper. The opened newspaper was placed on the table and then crumpled until it turned into a lump. The denser the better. In fact, a kind of replacement for the expander.

Homemade makiwara

The next step after strengthening is stuffing the fist. The essence is the same - to harden the fist, to make it less sensitive to pain. In the process of "stuffing", "buffer" growths are created on the tissues, which reduce the sensitivity of the nerve endings, and the knuckles are filled with calcium, becoming dense and heavy.

Even the ancients used makiwara for "stuffing" - a wooden board dug into the ground, on which a fighter beat, gradually increasing the force of the blow. In fact, this is the ancient analogue of the fighting pear. Under prison conditions, pears and makiwars, of course, were not allowed, and no one would have allowed the prisoners to go out into the courtyard and dig in a plaque.

The prisoners found the solution quite simple: they took a thick book, a stack of newspapers or magazines 8-10 centimeters thick. A hole was made in the center, a rope was passed through it, which was hung with its free end on the wall or in any accessible place like a picture. On such an impromptu makiwara, the prisoners pounded, gradually reducing the number of sheets.

Prison "jawars"

For powerful blow it is necessary to strengthen first of all the index and middle fingers. Including for these purposes, martial arts masters use jawars - sticks, or any other oblong objects of a round, square or rhombic shape replacing them.

By using special exercises strengthened deep muscles brushes. It is necessary to take a stick, clamp it between the index and middle fingers, and do it as hard as possible, as if the fingers are scissors with which you need to cut the javara. The prisoners used any available items for these purposes: the handle of a comb, a pipeline tap, legs of chairs, beds.

Due to periodic contractions, blood rushed into the strained muscles, due to static tension, they became shorter. Gradually, the muscles filled the space between the bones, the fist became denser, and its sensitivity decreased.

Extreme methods

To "modernize" the fist, the prisoners resorted to pumping petroleum jelly, paraffin or boric ointment into it. This was done with a syringe. An injection was made in the area between the knuckles, the substance was pumped in, and then it was quickly distributed evenly over the fist until it hardened.

As a result, the brush became heavier, larger and heavier. The substance protected the knuckles, protecting them like mouth guards. In addition, the sensitivity of the fist was greatly reduced. Thus, those who decided on this procedure received a sort of "natural brass knuckles" at their disposal.

The problem is that these experiments often ended in failure. Due to the introduction of a foreign substance into the flesh, inflammation, suppuration, gangrene began and, as a result, amputation of the limbs. Bringing the situation to such a state in unsanitary prison conditions was as easy as shelling pears.

Practiced in the zones and very wild ways. To strengthen the fists with a "forced" method, the prisoners beat them on the wall, knocking the phalanges into blood and flesh. Thus, the nerve endings were killed, the phalanges were overgrown with scars. After that, the knuckles became immune to pain.

Open palm strikes are legendary: some experts believe that under certain conditions, a single palm strike can be fatal to an opponent. We are not aware of such cases, but a palm strike has its advantages compared to a fist strike. Which?

1. The palm cannot be broken, it is elementary to break the fist

If you strike with the base of your palm, then the chance of damaging the impact surface is minimal - you are hitting with a clot of muscles and tendons, and not with joints and bones. It is very simple to prove this - you can without any problems press the base of your palm against the wall with all your might and get the maximum redness of the palm. We strongly advise against trying to hit the wall with a fist.

2. An open palm strike may be the only one possible for girls

Some ladies are so keen on manicure that their delicate hand is simply not able to clench into a fist. If the task is to train a clawed friend in self-defense, then in addition to a knee in the groin, scratches and bites, it is worth showing her a blow with an open palm.

3. A blow with an open palm is unpredictable for the opponent if it is delivered from a speaking stand

In a conflict, you will not always be in a fighting stance with clenched fists. Peaceful position, open gestures, palms turned towards the opponent (speaking stance) - a blow with the palm allows you not to waste time (a couple of milliseconds) clenching your fist and strike right from the place where the hand is.

Oddly enough, this is where the main significant advantages of a palm strike end. And the cons begin.

1. A blow with a fist is harder than a blow with an open palm

This means that it will be easier for you to defeat your opponent, to inflict a painful blow on him. Think back to the early UFC fights with such famous fighters like Bas Ryutten, Frank and Ken Shamrock. At that time, fighters could strike in the face with an open palm and fought without gloves. And this is understandable - so the likelihood of injury is lower. Well, any missed punch can cut through the skin. We will not go into bloodthirsty details, but we will draw a conclusion: from the point of view of saws, the palm is safer for the enemy.

2. Punching is natural for most men

If we look at how untrained people fight, we will see the following options:

  • sweeping punches with clenched fists along a horizontal and vertical trajectory (a la bad boxing swing);
  • blows with the base of a fist (hammer fist);
  • short jabs with the same fist, often vertical.

Untrained people rarely hit with the base of their hand, unless, of course, we are talking about a slap in the face. Perhaps the point here is in genetic memory, the experience of past generations. It is more natural for us to clench and strain in a stressful situation, and this manifests itself, among other things, in a reflex clenching of a fist.

The takeaway from all this is that both strikes are good. The palm and fist, in essence, are just a nozzle on the forearm, the biomechanics of the impact is practically the same - both in the case of direct and in the case of lateral impacts. It is worth training both ... But my opinion is this: for men, an open palm strike should be practiced after a fist strike. This is faster, and the likelihood that the skill will be successfully applied in an extreme situation will be higher.

Who in childhood did not stuff their fists on a pear tree or a fence in the yard hanging lonely in the corner of a room, so that then, inspired by an example masters of oriental martial arts, try to punch a block of wood or crush a brick into dust with an awkward blow?

What is stuffing and why is it needed

Stuffing is a relatively long process, due to its a ceremonial monotony reminiscent of a Zen Buddhist procedure. If we add to this the masochistic tendency to pain of the person who produces it, then we can safely distinguish it as a special, unique spiritual practice. It has, however, quite an applied purpose - to get a furious fist.

In fact, n abivka is a procedural hardening of the striking surface: whether it be a fist, lower leg, head or even heel, which allows you to strike and receive blows without pain, injury and damage to the connective tissues of the body, which, when struck by an unplanned high force, risk turning into minced cutlet. In the same way as a guitarist's fingers become callous during a long play, and the nerves move a greater distance from the surface, allowing him not to feel pain when playing on hard strings, so it gradually transforms when typing bone structures, the joints are strengthened and the skin thickened, reducing the painful sensations of striking.

How to stuff your fists

Those who do not want to spend a large amount of "Fastum-gel" for the healing of inevitable injuries, at first it is worth practicing in all kinds of fist racks. There are a lot of options here - first of all, it is worth experimenting with a stand in the push-up position, alternately raising arms and legs or holding a short wooden perch in a fist. It is better to stand for a start on a wooden floor, and then move on to harder surfaces, for example, asphalt, if your gym provides for its availability. Gradually, it is worth connecting knuckle rolls and push-ups to the stand, and for the most athletic, an upside down fist stand with an emphasis on the wall is suitable.

Such exercises, which are in some sense uncomplicated, actually give a serious primary result, forming the impact surface of the fist and strengthening the wrist joints and muscles directly involved in the impact - the delta, chest and abdominals.

Having drunk a lot in a horizontal position, you can finally (after one or two months, depending on physical fitness) go to the packing by blows. In this sense, the makiwara seems to be an ideal tool, which was used to practice the knockout blow back in the 18th century by the apologists of oriental martial arts. Then it was a wooden board dug into the ground, tied with several layers of rice straw, which the fighter gradually knocked down layer by layer until he began to pound on bare wood. An important property of a makiwara is its elasticity - upon impact, its upper end, which receives the blow, should spring slightly.

Since then, the makiwara and the basic principles of working on it have not qualitatively changed. It is still a very affordable and effective tool for packing impact surfaces. A homemade makiwara can be set up in your backyard by digging a wooden block of suitable height into the ground, securing it in the ground with bricks, and wrapping thick twine around the area to be hit.

A slightly more adapted and practical version of the makiwara can be installed at home by nailing a stack of newspapers eight to nine centimeters thick or a telephone directory of some million-plus city to the wall. By stuffing your fists (60–80 blows from each hand will be enough), you can tear off one sheet of paper every day or let them fall off by themselves - as a result, you will approach the bare wooden wall frightening at the beginning. without fear and timidity, with already prepared, callous fists. Adepts of more authentic training methods, inspired by the example of Chinese monks from the foothills of Songshan, can be advised to fix wormwood leaves on the makiwara - it promotes the formation of calluses, so necessary for stuffing, and is also a good antiseptic.

When stuffing a fist specifically, the emphasis shifts to the kenthos, that is, the protruding knuckles of the index and middle fingers (the knuckles of the ring finger and little finger are involved in blows to a lesser extent, and it is not worth stuffing them hard, since there are many nerve endings there). By stuffing your fists, it is worth limiting the force of the blow - it should not be one hundred percent, otherwise you will simply injure your hands. All the same the main objective padding - the formation and hardening of the striking surface, and not an appointment for a session of orthopedic therapy based on the results of training. Therefore, 50-60% of the impact power will be sufficient.

In principle, such a tandem of exercises from push-ups on fists and percussion procedures should be enough headlong to reach a certain level at home, without the supervision of a trainer - of course, not in as soon as possible... The result, as is customary in sports, will not manifest itself in a week or a month - in bones, unlike muscles, the deformation process takes longer and they react to loads more slowly. The systematicness of the exercises, multiplied by perseverance and hardening - and in a year or two, the fists will turn into a working tool that can calmly beat off meat for steaks or form neat bruises on the body and faces of hooligans.

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