Football terms and their meaning. In football we are workers and peasants

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In football, I'm blonde. Directly natural. For 10 years of life with my husband, an ardent football fan, I have not figured out the rules of this game. But now I had to lose my husband for a month because of some kind of “fifa”. I'm not even sure I pronounce the name of this terrible enemy correctly. It can be said that life puts before a harsh choice: either study an unknown football literacy and cheer together, or while away June and half of July in splendid isolation.

To maintain harmonious relations in the family, I tried to understand the rules of the game of football. I share with website with their findings and insights on how to watch football consciously, with understanding and pleasure. At the end of the article, a bonus awaits you - phrases with which you can conquer a football fan.

Football is men. With cubes on the torso

Football is about men first. Strong, athletic, with cubes on the torso. Well, and also those men who are going to watch the match. Men inspire, but the spectacle is not very. Several times I tried to sit down and watch serious matches - one of those that are called key, but quickly lost interest and either started scrolling through social networks on my phone, or simply fell asleep.

It is difficult for me to understand the strong emotions that people experience when they watch football. But want. To be on the same wavelength with her husband, who, of course, will not miss a single World Cup game, and common hobbies, as psychologists say, bring together.

The rules of the game of football are the best sleeping pills. Immediately after the textbook on sopromat

I decided to start with the basics - learning the rules of the game of football. And she turned to the most voluminous encyclopedia in the world - the Internet. I found several articles on this topic and began to read them. Attention constantly eluded and switched, in the end I began to simply fall asleep under the football rules. Almost like falling asleep to real matches. It turns out that football rules for a blonde are the best sleeping pills.

My discoveries

The next day, I involved my husband in my lesson and, reading the rules, asked him questions about what was incomprehensible to me. Or she fixed her questions on paper, and when her husband came home from work, she asked them. The process got more fun.

I discovered that:

  • At the beginning of the game, after the teams have entered the field, the referee asks a question to one of the team captains (most often the captain of the visiting team): "Heads or tails?" - and flips a coin. If the captain has guessed right, he has the right to choose the ball or the goal. This means that he chooses the gate on which the goalkeeper of the team will stand, or the right to start the game first. It's amazing that I've never noticed this before!
  • The most difficult point for me football rules it turned out the concept of "offside", or offside. My husband explained to me about 5 times the essence of this situation in football game drawing diagrams on paper. As a result, I finally came to understand that an offside position is when an attacker is closer to the opponent's goal at the time of the pass to him than at least one of the players on the opposing team, not counting the goalkeeper. A goal scored from an offside position does not count.
  • Save- this is the moment when the goalkeeper reflects a blow that could have ended in a goal (from the English word save - “save”).
  • Foul of last resort is a violation of the rules that prevents an imminent goal being scored by the opponent. For example, cutting or capturing a player who goes one on one with the goalkeeper. Such actions are punishable by a red card.
  • And to understand the tactics of the game and placement of players on the field It is almost impossible for an unprepared person. There are so many arrangement schemes that it's just brainwashing!

Football is not only for men. This is an exciting game

Armed with a knowledge of the basic rules of football, I watched the opening match of the World Cup with much more interest than I usually watch football. And she could even maintain a dialogue about what is happening on the field with her husband and his friend. But the most important thing is the strong emotions that you experience when watching a match: disappointment that a key player of our team was injured, joy when the national team scores ball after ball into the opponent's goal. And I will definitely watch World Cup matches for the sake of such emotions!

The main thing I realized is that football is more than just sports and handsome men. This is a great game, and the World Cup is a great celebration of sports for people all over the world. But despite these conclusions, at the World Cup, my sympathies (apart from the national team) will be with the Brazilian team, because Neymar is sooooo handsome! And on the side of the Polish national team - their captain Lewandowski is very good-looking, talented and charismatic. (Hubbacks are midfielders.)

  • Oh, it's a pity, of course, that Zlatan is present only as a fan. (Zlatan Ibrahimovic - former captain the Swedish team. One of the best players in the world and its environs of all time.)
  • Oh wow! (Exclaim if Lionel Messi scores a goal right foot, because he is left-handed and, as a rule, hits the goal with his left foot.)
  • Yes, of course, Bayern and the German national team are far from the same thing. (To speak in case of failure of the German national team, because Bayern are one of the strongest in the world football clubs.)
  • What a pity that the national teams of Chile and Wales this year did not get to the championship! We will not be able to enjoy the game of Arturo Vidal, Alexis Sanchez and Gareth Bale! (These are some of the best players on their national teams and in the world.)
  • Wow! Straight to nine! (Nine is an imaginary target in a football goal. It is located in the upper left and right corner of the goal. It is almost impossible for the goalkeeper to jump and get the ball from the upper corners, and such goals are considered very spectacular and cool.)
  • Neymar! Without him, the Brazilian team would not be the same! (Pronounce without much aspiration, so as not to arouse the jealousy of a loved one.)

  • Football (from the English words foot - leg, ball - ball) is a team sport, the purpose of which is to score as much as possible more balls into the opponent's goal with the legs or other parts of the body, but not with the hands.

    The history of football began a very long time ago. So, for example, in Egypt, Germany, China there were games similar to football. The most successful of them was called harpastum, and the Italians came up with it. But when it appeared modern football, the harpastum was forgotten. It is believed that the ancestors of football were the British. The date of birth of this game is considered to be 1863, when the first Football Association was organized and rules similar to modern ones were drawn up. When the British came up with football, they immediately began to popularize it in all countries, including Russia.

    Football rules

    The football game is called MATCH. It consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals. Football is played on a grass or synthetic turf field. The game is played by two teams, each with 11 players. One person per team, the GOALKEEPER, may play with his hands in the penalty area at his goal, his main task is to protect the goal. The rest of the players also have their own tasks and positions on the field. DEFENDERS are located mainly in their own half of the field, their task is to counteract the attacking players of the opposite team.

    midfielders operate in the middle of the field, their role is to help defenders or attackers, depending on the game situation.

    FORCERS located in the opponent's half of the field, their main task is to score goals. The match is won by the team that scores more goals.

    Football is a team game, therefore, mutual understanding of the players, the ability to conduct competent joint actions are put forward in the first place. If you have played football, you know that it is very difficult to beat the entire opposing team alone and score a goal, but it is easier to do it with team actions.

    The most important cup in football, which everyone dreams of winning, is WORLD CUP. The World Cup (World Championship) is held once every four years. current champion World Cup - Spain team, which won the championship in 2010. The next World Cup will be held in Brazil in 2014, and in 2018, when you are all grown up, the World Cup will be played in Russia.

    As always, there are players who delight us with their game and will to win. The Brazilian Pele is recognized as the king of football all over the world. best goalkeeper of all time is considered our LEV YASHIN. Today deservedly best player world in 2011 recognized the Argentine LEONEL MESSI, who plays for the Spanish football club BARCELONA.

    Some of the strongest football clubs are: REAL (Spain), CHELSEA (England), BARCELONA (Spain), ZENIT (Russia), BAVARIA (Germany), INTER (Italy), ARSENAL (England), MILAN (Italy), CSKA ( Russia).

    If you play football, it means that you develop thinking, reaction, endurance, courage.

    Play football, love football, and you will SUCCESS!

    Football(from English. foot- sole, ball- ball) - the most popular team sport in the world, in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal more times than the opposing team does in a set time. The ball into the goal can be scored with the feet or any other parts of the body (except the hands).

    The history of the emergence and development of football (briefly)

    The exact date of the emergence of football is not known, but it is safe to say that the history of football has more than one century and has affected many countries. Ball games were popular on all continents, as evidenced by the ubiquitous finds of archaeologists.

    In ancient China, there was a game known as "Cuju", the mention of which was dated back to the second century BC. According to FIFA in 2004, it is considered to be the most ancient of the predecessors of modern football.

    In Japan, such a game was called "Kemari" (in some sources, "Kenatt"). The first mention of Kemari occurs in 644 AD. Kemari is still played today at Shinto shrines during festivals.

    In Australia, balls were made from the skins of rats, bladder large animals, from twisted hair. Unfortunately, the rules of the game have not been preserved.

    IN North America was also the ancestor of football, the game was called "pasuckuakohowog", which means "they gathered to play the ball with their feet." Usually the games were played on the beaches, they tried to score the ball into a goal about half a mile wide, while the field itself was twice as long. The number of participants in the game reached 1000 people.

    Who Invented Football?

    Modern football was invented in England in the 1860s.

    Basic rules of football (briefly)

    The first rules of football were introduced on December 7, 1863 by the Football Association of England. Today, the rules of football are established by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), which includes FIFA (4 votes), as well as representatives of the English, Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh football associations. The latest edition of the official football rules is dated June 1, 2013 and consists of 17 rules, here is a summary:

    • Rule 1: Referee
    • Rule 2: Assistant referees
    • Rule 3: Duration of the game
    • Rule 4: Start and Resumption of Play
    • Law 5: Ball in play and out of play
    • Law 6: Definition of a Goal
    • Law 11: Offside
    • Law 12: Fouls and misconduct by players
    • Law 13: Free Kick and Free Kick
    • Rule 14: penalty kick
    • Rule 15: Throwing the Ball
    • Law 16: Goal kick
    • Law 17: Corner kick

    Each football team must consist of a maximum of eleven players (this is how many can be on the field at the same time), one of which is the goalkeeper and he is the only player who is allowed to play with his hands within the penalty area at his goal.

    How many players are on the team?

    The team consists of 11 players: ten field players and one goalkeeper.

    A football match consists of two halves of 45 minutes each. Between halves there is a 15-minute rest break, after which the teams change gates. This is done to ensure that the teams were on an equal footing.

    The football game is won by the team that scores more goals against the opponent.

    If the teams finished the match with the same score of goals, then a draw is fixed, or two extra halves of 15 minutes are assigned. If Extra time ended in a draw, then a penalty shoot-out is assigned.

    Football penalty rules

    A penalty kick or penalty kick is the most serious penalty in football and is taken from the corresponding mark. When performing a 11-meter kick, the goalkeeper must be in the goal.

    Punishment of post-match penalties in football is carried out according to the following rules: teams take 5 shots at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters, all shots must be taken by different players. If after 5 kicks the score is tied on penalties, then the teams continue to take one pair of penalties until a winner is determined.

    Offside in football

    A player is considered offside or offside if he is closer to the opponent's goal line than the ball and the opponent's penultimate player, including the goalkeeper.

    In order not to be offside, players must adhere to the following rules:

    • it is forbidden to interfere with the game (touching the ball that was passed to him or that touched a teammate);
    • it is forbidden to interfere with the opponent;
    • it is forbidden to take advantage of one's position (touching the ball that bounces off the goal post or crossbar or on an opponent).

    handball in football

    Football rules allow field players to touch the ball with any part of the body other than the hands. For handballing, a team is awarded a free kick or penalty kick, which is taken by a player from the opposing team.

    Two more very important points belong to the rules of handball in football:

    • accidentally hitting the ball in the hand is not a violation of the rules;
    • rebounding from the ball is not a foul.

    Yellow and red cards

    Yellow and red cards are signs that the referee shows the players for breaking the rules and unsportsmanlike behavior.

    A yellow card is a warning and is given to a player in the following cases:

    • for intentional handplay;
    • for delaying time;
    • for disrupting an attack;
    • for hitting before the whistle / going out of the wall (free kick);
    • for blow after whistle;
    • for rough play;
    • for unsportsmanlike conduct;
    • for disputes with an arbitrator;
    • for simulation;
    • for leaving or entering the game without the permission of the arbiter.

    A red card in football is shown by a referee for particularly gross violations or unsportsmanlike conduct. The player who receives a red card must leave the field before the end of the match.

    Football field size and marking lines

    The standard field for big football is a rectangular area in which the goal lines (front lines) are necessarily shorter than the side lines. Next, we will look at the parameters football field.

    The size of a football field in meters is not clearly regulated, but there are certain boundary indicators. For national level matches, the standard length of a football field from gate to gate must be between 90-120 meters, and a width of 45-90 meters. The football field area ranges from 4050 m2 to 10800 m2. For comparison, 1 hectare \u003d 10,000 m 2. For international matches the length of the side lines should not exceed the interval of 100-110 meters, and the goal lines beyond the limits of 64-75 meters. There are FIFA-recommended football field dimensions of 105 by 68 meters (area of ​​7140 square meters).

    How long is a football field?

    The length of the football field from goal to goal must be between 90-120 meters.

    The marking of the field is carried out with the same lines, the width of the marking should not exceed 12 centimeters (the lines are included in the areas they limit). The sideline or edge of the football field is commonly referred to as the "edge".

    Football field markings

    • Middle line - a line that divides the field into two equal halves. In the middle of the center line is the center of the field with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The circumference around the center of the field is 9.15 meters. A kick or a pass from the center of the field starts both halves of the match, as well as extra time. After each goal scored, the ball is also placed in the center of the field.
    • The goal line in football is held on the lawn parallel to the crossbar.
    • Football goal area - a line that is drawn at a distance of 5.5 meters from outside gate posts. Two lanes 5.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line.
    • Penalty area - from points at a distance of 16.5 m from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 16.5 m, these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. In the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 meters from it, a penalty mark is applied, it is marked with a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The goalkeeper may play with his hands within the penalty area.
    • Corner sectors - arcs with a radius of 1 meter centered on the corners of the football field. This line forms a limited area for corner kicks. In the corners of the field, flags are set at least 1.5 meters high and 35x45 centimeters in size.

    The marking of the field is carried out using lines, the width of which must be the same and not exceed 12 centimeters. The image below shows the layout of the football field.

    Football goal

    The goal is placed exactly in the middle of the goal line. The standard soccer goal size is as follows:

    • gate length or width big football- the distance between the vertical posts (rods) - 7.73 meters;
    • goal height - the distance from the lawn to the crossbar - 2.44 meters.

    The diameter of the racks and the crossbar should not exceed 12 centimeters. The gates are made of wood or metal and are painted white, and also have a rectangular, elliptical, square or circle shape in cross section.

    A soccer goal net must fit the size of the goal and must be strong. It is customary to use football nets of the following size 2.50 x 7.50 x 1.00 x 2.00 m.

    Football field construction

    The standard design of a football field is as follows:

    • Grass lawn.
    • Substrate of sand and gravel.
    • Heating pipes.
    • Drainage pipes.
    • Aeration pipes.

    Football field surfaces can be natural or artificial. Grass requires additional care, namely watering and fertilizing. Grass does not allow for more than two games per week. Grass is brought to the field in special turf rolls. Very often on the football field you can see the grass of two colors (striped field), so it turns out, because of the peculiarities of lawn care. When mowing the lawn, the machine first moves in one direction, and then in the other, and the grass falls in different directions (multidirectional lawn mowing). This is done for the convenience of determining distances and offsides, as well as for beauty. The height of the grass on the football field is usually 2.5 - 3.5 cm. Max Speed ball in football at the moment - 214 km / h.

    Artificial turf for a football field is a carpet made of synthetic material. Each blade of grass is not just a strip of plastic, but a product of complex shape. In order to artificial turf was suitable for the game, it is covered with a filler of sand and crumb rubber.

    soccer ball

    What kind of ball is played in football? Professional soccer ball consists of three main components: chambers, linings and tires. The bladder is usually made from synthetic butyl or natural latex. The lining is the inner layer between the tire and the chamber. The lining directly affects the quality of the ball. The thicker it is, the better the ball is. Usually the lining is made of polyester or compressed cotton. The tire consists of 32 synthetic waterproof pieces, 12 of which are pentagonal, 20 are hexagonal.

    Football ball size:

    • circumference - 68-70 cm;
    • weight - no more than 450 gr.

    The speed of the ball in football reaches 200 km / h.

    football kit

    Mandatory elements of a player's football kit are:

    • Shirt or T-shirt with sleeves.
    • Underpants. If underpants are used, they must be of the same color.
    • Gaiters.
    • Shields. Must be fully covered by gaiters and provide adequate protection.
    • Boots.

    Why do football players need socks?

    Gaiters perform a protective function, supporting the leg and protecting against minor injuries. Thanks to them, shields are held.

    Goalkeeper soccer uniform must differ in color from the uniforms of other players and referees.

    Players may not wear any equipment that could be dangerous to them or other players, such as jewelry and watches.

    What do footballers wear under their shorts?

    Underpants are tight-fitting compression shorts. The color and length of the underpants must not differ from the color and length of the shorts.

    Set pieces in football

    • Initial hit. In football, the ball is played in three cases: at the beginning of the match, at the beginning of the second half, and after a goal is scored. All players of the kick-off team must be in their own half of the field, with their opponents at least nine meters away from the ball. The player taking the kickoff may not touch the ball again before the other players have done so.
    • Goal kick and throw-in by the goalkeeper. Putting the ball into play after it went over the goal line (to the side of the post or over the crossbar), due to the fault of the player of the attacking team.
    • Throwing in the ball from behind the sideline. It is made by a field player after the ball has crossed the touchline and left the field. It is necessary to throw in the ball from the place where it was in the “out”. The receiving player must be facing the field of play on or behind the sideline. At the time of the throw, both feet of the player must be in contact with the ground. The ball is put into play without the referee's signal.
    • Corner kick. Putting the ball into play from the corner sector. It is a punishment for the players of the defending team who kicked the ball over the goal line.
    • Free kick and free kick. Penalty for deliberately touching the ball with the hand or using foul techniques against players of the opposing team.
    • Penalty kick (penalty).
    • Offside position.

    Refereeing in football

    Referees monitor compliance with the established rules on the football field. For each match, a main referee and two assistants are appointed.

    The duties of a judge include:

    • Match timing.
    • Recording match events.
    • Ensuring that the ball meets requirements.
    • Ensuring the equipment of the players requirements.
    • Ensuring the absence of unauthorized persons on the field.
    • Ensuring the care / removal of injured players off the field.
    • Submission of a match report to the relevant authorities, including information on any disciplinary action taken against players and/or team officials, as well as on all other incidents that occurred before, during or after the match.

    Judge's rights:

    • Stop, temporarily interrupt or stop the match in case of any violation of the rules, outside interference, injury to players;
    • Take action against team officials behaving incorrectly;
    • Continue play until the ball is out of play if the player, in his opinion, has received only a minor injury;
    • Continue play when the offending team benefits from such an advantage (remaining with the ball) and penalize the original offense if the team did not take advantage of the intended advantage;
    • Punish a player for a more serious violation of the Rules in the event that he simultaneously commits more than one violation;
    • Act on the advice of his assistants and fourth referee.


    Competitions are organized by the federation, each tournament has its own regulations, which usually prescribe the composition of the participants, the tournament scheme, and the rules for determining the winners.


    National teams

    • World Championship Essentials international competition on football. The championship is held once every four years, the men's national teams of FIFA member countries from all continents can take part in the tournament.
    • The Confederations Cup is a football competition among national teams that is held a year before the World Cup. Held in the host country of the World Cup. 8 teams take part in the championship: the winners of the continental championships, the winner of the world championship and the team of the host country.
    • Olympic Games
    • The FIFA Club World Cup is an annual competition between the strongest representatives of the six continental confederations.


    National teams

    • The European Championship is the main competition for national teams under the leadership of UEFA. The championship is held every four years.
    • The UEFA Champions League is the most prestigious annual European club football tournament.
    • The UEFA Europa League is the second most important competition for European football clubs belonging to UEFA.
    • The UEFA Super Cup is a one-leg championship between the winners of the previous season's UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League.


    National teams

    • The America's Cup is a championship held under the auspices of CONMEBOL among the national teams of the countries of the region.
    • The Libertadores Cup is named after the historical leaders of the Spanish colonial wars of independence in the Americas. Held among top clubs countries of the region.
    • Copa Sudamericana is the second most important club tournament South America after the Copa Libertadores.
    • The South American Recopa is an analogue of the continental Super Bowl. The tournament is attended by the winners of the two most important club competitions - the Copa Libertadores and the Copa Sudamericana of the previous season.


    National teams

    • The CONCACAF Gold Cup is a football tournament for the countries of North, Central America and the Caribbean.
    • CONCACAF Champions League - Annual football championship among the best clubs in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

    Football structures

    The main football structure is FIFA (Fédération internationale de football association), located in Zurich, Switzerland. She organizes international tournaments on a global scale.

    Continental Organizations:

    • CONCACAF (СConfederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) is the football confederation of North and Central America and the Caribbean,
    • CONMEFBOL (CONfederacion sudaMERicana de FutBOL) - South American Football Confederation,
    • UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) is a union of European football associations,

    Motto Chuguy Vadim You want to be healthy and serve Our Motherland! healthy image life This is our main motto! We want to win at the World Championship! A healthy nation is not a sensation! And the prosperity of Russia! This is our main strength! The twenty-first century is coming! Twenty-first championship - forward! Zabivaka don't yawn, Help us to score a goal! Mistress Russia lead the athletes! Wait for the world championship! Letucheva Diana Grade 10

    Go Russia! Victory is ours! Team hold on! We will be with you!

    Moiseeva Anastasia, Grade 7, MBOU "Secondary School No. 4", Engels, Saratov Region __________________________________ Russian people, Russia, forward! In football, victory will definitely come to us! Sharov Kirill, 1A class

    You ask people - Who is the strongest in Russia, There will always be one answer This is our team-Hurrah! Grishina Alena.8 class, MOU "School No. 2 r.p. Novye Burasy" _

    We believe in the team We believe in football Russia at the match And, therefore, leads! Avdeeva Anastasia, Grade 9, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Football is our strength, And let the Russians be lucky! Ole - Ole, Russia! Forward! Forward! Forward! Grigorevskaya Natalya, grade 9, secondary school No. 3, Balashov

    Russia is a force, And this is our truth!

    In football, you can't beat us, Don't kill or break us. At the stadium we shout, We want to support the guys! Aleksashina Alina. Grade 10. MBOU "Secondary school of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _______ Russian sports are simply a class We have no doping.

    After all, our athlete, what you need, will win for the whole team! Komkov Pavel. Grade 10. MBOU "Secondary school of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _ The Russian team will win everyone, The Russian team will win hearts! Komkov Pavel. Grade 10. MBOU "Secondary School of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________ We look at our athletes, They wave their hands to us. They are the best in the world, Just waiting for them all success! Komkov Pavel. Grade 10. MBOU "Secondary school of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________ We are a team - the highest class! There is no one in the world better than us, We will tear for victory - You will have to run away! Lobanova Anna. 8th grade. MBOU "Secondary school of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________ We love football very much, We came to cheer for you. You can't be beaten in the World Championship! Garanina Maria. 8th grade. MBOU "Secondary School of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________ We came to support you, Try for us We expect a goal from you soon Score it soon! Feoktistova Anna. 8th grade. MBOU "Secondary school of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________ We are sick on the field, We have willpower. The judges will sum up

    We will win football!

    Burova Xenia. 7th grade. MBOU "Secondary school of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our Team of Russia Together, power and strength. Shared joy with us, Because she won! Lysova Karina. 7th grade. MBOU "Secondary school of the village of Semenovka" of the Arkadak district of the Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Russia is our best team! Shamina Violeta, Grade 5, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Victory, victory, victory We only need victory! We know you will achieve it OUR Great country! Morozov Stanislav, 5th grade, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Our ball is flying forward into the goal. We know that only the victory of the year awaits us. Maslennikova Ksenia, Grade 5, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Russia is the best Russia will win Russia never No one will get ahead of you! Anisimov Igor, 5th grade, secondary school № 3, Balashov


    Ole - Ole - Ole Russia is the strongest, Faster, faster, faster! Kick the ball into the goal! Khramtsova Victoria, Grade 5, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    We guys, Russians, We will never lose We will fight to the end And we will score three goals for you! Pavlov Dmitry, 5th grade, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Russia - surprise! Russia - win!!! Galushko Kirill, Grade 5, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Russian football team We hope very much for you! We want you to always be the first in the Championship! Strive for victory for Russia, for us! And we will "cheer" for you with the whole class!

    Savichev Ivan, 3 "B" class, Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school No. 9, Engels municipal district Saratov region Class teacher: Varyuhina Galina Vladimirovna _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    There are players on the field, They are the champions of the tournament, Invincible kings Stars of world football! Shashlov Ivan, Grade 9, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov

    Russia accepts! Russia wins!!! Nemytova Elizaveta, Grade 5, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    The grass on the field is turning green Everyone has already gathered in Russia, the Championship will be ours, Russia will win!!! Gorshkov Sergey, Grade 9, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    No one will break our spirit! "Victory!" - the fan will sing. Hooray! Hooray! Go Russia! Forward! Forward! Isaeva Ksenia, Grade 7, Secondary School No. 26, Balakovo


    Ole! Ole! Russia That was football! Ebullient, mighty Russia champion! Mikheeva Sofya, 7th grade, MAOU secondary school No. 26, Balakovo


    Today we will win all! We will conquer with our game! After all, our game, without a doubt, is a success, And, of course, we will bypass everyone. Always to victory, always forward! Our team will take the gold! Barabash Anzhelika, Grade 7, Secondary School No. 26, Balakovo


    Russia reach for victory Let's win a total victory Yusupov Malik, 10th grade, MOU SOSH p. Aryash, Novoburassky district, leader. Satvaldieva


    Defenders stand to the end Forwards always attack Skidanov Artyom, 10th grade, MOU SOSH p. Aryash, Novoburassky district, leader. Satvaldieva


    Our stadium is our bastion, Our team is our army Our coach leads us to victory Artyom Skidanov, 10th grade, secondary school. Aryash, Novoburassky district, leader. Satvaldieva


    Need a goal, need two, Need a cool game! Khanakhmedova Alina, 10th grade, secondary school with. Aryash, Novoburassky district, leader. Satvaldieva


    Our guys, What you need! Our team will win! Khanakhmedova Alina, 10th grade, secondary school with. Aryash, Novoburassky district, leader. Satvaldieva


    Ball in the goal quickly! We are rooting for our friends! Khanakhmedova Alina, 10th grade, secondary school with. Aryash, Novoburassky district, leader. Satvaldieva


    Appeal to the players of Russia: You are athletes, it's true! You are just class athletes! The whole country of our Russia Only expects victory from you! Eremin Alexey, 9th grade branch of MBOU-SOSH No. 3 of the city of Arkadaka in the village. Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, head L.A. Kosheleva


    Vivat, Russia!

    Hello football!

    We are waiting for our winning goal!

    Eremin Semen, 8th grade, branch of MBOU-SOSH No. 3 in Arkadaka Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, head L.A. Kosheleva ________________________________________________________________________

    Russia - YES!

    Russia - YES!

    Russia is always the first!

    Nesterova Yana, 5th grade, MBOU "Secondary School No. 33" of the city of Engels, head Solenkova Natalya Nikolaevna

    Championship Mascot

    A wolf named "Zabivaka".

    Score goals together!

    All Russia needs it!

    Nikita Karetnikov, 5b grade, MOU "Lyceum" Balashov, leader Karetnikova U.G. ___________________________________________________________________________

    World Football Tournament, It's people, it's just cool! Football must capture everyone And every goal must be victorious! Ilya Golikov, 4b class, MOU "Lyceum", Balashov, leader Karetnikova U.G.

    First, first, first time The game will take place in our country. Our guys are eager to fight, We stand behind them with a mountain! Schukina Sophia, 4b class, MOU "Lyceum" Balashov, leader Karetnikova U.G.


    Nobody can defeat us. After all, there are no such people here today. We, like a rock, are insurmountable And we will play beautifully at the World Championships! Now we can score a goal. Our motto: "Defeat everyone!!"

    Radaeva Olga, 7A class MAOU secondary school No. 26, Balakovo


    Chants: 1. We cheer for the team, We cheer for our own, We won't lose to anyone, We won't let them bypass us. 2. Russia - we are with you! Go ahead good luck. Forward, Russia, forward! It cannot be otherwise. 3. Our guys, all faster, We expect honor from you! "Goal, goal, goal" - we shout from the stands, "Score in the goal!" Vorm Maxim, 3 B class MBOU "Secondary School No. 8 of Petrovsk"


    We love Russia We love football Victory for the Russians We are waiting for it!!! Kamzarov Vladimir, Grade 9, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov

    Waiting for Russia Waiting for the whole world When Russia wins! Ermakova Julia, Grade 9, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov

    Don't count the raven - Score a goal faster! Polkovnikova Alexandra, 5th grade, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Russia is class! Russia is a higher school! The finest hour of Russian football is coming! Pavlov Evgeny, Grade 7, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Forward Russia, don't be shy! Forget a couple more, Show everyone the highest class We are rooting only for you!!! Knyazeva Diana, Grade 9, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Russia is our great power, So be great Russian football! Nagibina Natalya, Grade 5, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov




    Interesting, exciting

    Play, pass, score

    Causes violent emotions


    Tseptsova Anastasia, 6B class MOU secondary school No. 1, Khvalynsk, Saratov region.



    Exciting, exciting.

    Play, score, win.

    Professional and amateur sports.


    Head: Krotova N.V.




    Mental, physical.

    Temper, move, do not smoke.

    Health is more valuable than gold.



    Bright, exciting.

    Run, score, win.

    Football-sport, sports-health!


    Gamidova Laura, 7th grade MOU OOSh p. Mortsy Fedorovsky district of the Saratov region

    Head: Hamidova Khuraman Sarkerovna ______________________________


    Our football players are brave,

    They play the best!

    Our combined team

    Waiting for victory and success!

    Grechkina Kira, Grade 4, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School, Dinamovskiy Settlement", Novoburassky District, Saratov Region

    Head: Krotova N.V.



    "We all play football and score a goal!!!"

    "We are athletes - daring, football players - well done !!!" "One, two, three, four, five - we score again!!!" Molchanova Sofia, 7 years old MBDOU "Child Development Center- Kindergarten Starye Burasy village, Bazarno-Karabulaksky district, Saratov region Head: Bumarskova I.V."

    I believe in Russia!

    I believe in football!

    Kill it guys

    Opponent goal!

    Golubev Danila, 5th grade

    There is no better team in the world!

    We are for the Russian team!

    Only victory!

    Only forward!

    Nizhny Novgorod is waiting for you!

    Zaitsev Valeriy, 5th grade, secondary school "Dinamovsky"

    do sports

    And get into mode.

    If you're not lazy

    You will become successful, healthy, beautiful!

    Bulatov Egor, 4th grade, MBOU secondary school No. 3 in Petrovsk. Leader: Samokhina L.S.

    Forward to the victory!

    Don't be shy!

    Believe in yourself

    And score a goal!

    Mikhailova Olga, 4th grade, MBOU secondary school No. 3 in Petrovsk. Leader: Samokhina L.S.

    1. Sport is our true support,

    We can even move mountains with it!

    Not a step back, but only forward

    A healthy life awaits us until old age!

    2. Do sports more often

    And pour water on.

    The body is your friend, not your enemy

    We can't do without sports!

    Makarov Denis, 4th grade, MBOU secondary school No. 3 in Petrovsk. Leader: Samokhina L.S.

    Even though I don't like football

    But I'll buy a ticket for the match

    I will scream loudly

    To support ours!

    Popykika Sofia, Grade 5, MAOU Gymnasium No. 1, Balakovo, Saratov Region. Head: Bodrova I.V.

    Sport teaches us not to be lazy,

    become strong, bold!

    Let's shout together, kids:

    "Sports, yes,

    Football - Hurrah!

    Ishmametova Angelina, 3rd grade, MBOU secondary school No. 3, Petrovsk, Saratov region. Supervisor: Lapshina E.A.


    football player

    tall, gambling

    Runs, jumps, passes

    Leg dexterity always wins

    Nigmatulin Ilnar, 4th grade, MAOU secondary school, Novaya Yeluzan village, Balakovo district, Saratov region. Supervisor: Dzhunusova R.A.

    Football is life! Football is a sport! Football is friendship! Football is a goal! Football is speed! Football is a pass! Football is fun! Football is for us!

    Urazov Semyon, 2nd grade, MBOU secondary school No. 2 from Alexandrov-Gai, Aleksandrovo-Gai district, Saratov region. Head Rakhmanova I.V.


    Stadiums are waiting for football

    The Russians will score!

    We'll take the World Cup

    Russia is the champion!!!

    Yurkina Ksenia, 4th grade, MOU "Secondary school village Beloyarsky" Saratov region Novoburassky district, leader Maksimova S.V.


    To make the game go faster

    Run the ball quickly, quickly!

    One jerk and two jerk,

    The ball flies forward!

    Yurkina Ekaterina, 10th grade, MOU "Secondary school village Beloyarsky" Saratov region Novoburassky district, leader Lyamina T.V. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Motto.

    Believe, play and win!

    The earth is a ball! Football is life!

    Konovalova Maria, 8th class MBOU "Secondary school named after M.M. Rudchenko, village of Perelyub, Perelyubsky municipal district of the Saratov region", Head Piskunova L.A.


    football player

    Volitional, athletic

    Rushing, passing, winning

    Striving and pressure lead to glory


    Korostkin Ilya, Grade 5

    Head: Shabaeva R.R.

    If they score a goal after a goal -

    It's spectacular football

    Players - respect, cheers!

    It was a great game!

    Instead of a spa

    I'm taking my wife to the match


    Red and white, go!

    Nobody will bypass you!

    Terentyev Dmitry, Grade 5a, MBOU "Secondary School No. 8 of Petrovsk, Saratov Region" ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Ruscha is super, Ruscha is a class, whoever doesn't believe is in the eye! Ermukhanova Irina, 8th grade, MOU "Secondary School with. Aryash", Iserkepova Aliya Maksotovna

    We believe victory will be ours! After all, together we are strong! Don't break us! We know how many victories we have. Russia will win!

    Shamyonova Nailya, 10th grade, MAOU secondary school with. New Yeluzan, Balakovo district, Saratov region. Head: Shamyonova G. R. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There is no better sign in Russia,

    Than the emblem of Zabivak,

    We'll score the most goals

    We believe the whole country in success.

    Patrikeev Kirill, grade 6, branch of MBOU - secondary school No. 3 in Arkadaka in the village. Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, Saratov region. Head Shcherbinina T.V.

    Our team will win

    After all, the Russian Zabivaka Patrikeev Kirill, 6th grade, branch of MBOU - secondary school No. 3 in Arkadaka in the village will be with them. Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, Saratov region. Head Shcherbinina T.V.

    The team is going to be very successful.

    Our Russia is the best. Patrikeev Kirill, grade 6, branch of MBOU - secondary school No. 3 in Arkadaka in the village. Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, Saratov region. Head Shcherbinina T.V.

    We will all come to cheer for you,

    We will hold the tournament with honor. Dmitriev Maxim, grade 6, branch of MBOU - secondary school No. 3 in Arkadaka in the village. Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, Saratov region. Head Shcherbinina T.V.

    Don't feel sorry for your opponents

    Kill them as much as possible. Dmitriev Maxim, grade 6, branch of MBOU - secondary school No. 3 in Arkadaka in the village. Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, Saratov region. Head Shcherbinina T.V.

    Football players play smart

    Guys, Lvovka is with you. Dmitriev Maxim, grade 6, branch of MBOU - secondary school No. 3 in Arkadaka in the village. Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, Saratov region. Head Shcherbinina T.V.

    The Spaniards and the Germans do not count,

    Russia will take the gold. Patrikeev Kirill, Dmitriev Maxim, grade 6, branch of MBOU - secondary school No. 3 in Arkadaka in the village. Lvovka, Arkadaksky district, Saratov region. Head Shcherbinina T.V.


    football player

    Athletic, brave

    Runs, attacks, defends

    The strong in sports always win

    Almaeva Nastya, 5th grade, MAOU secondary school, Novaya Yeluzan village, Balakovo district, Saratov region. Head: Shabaeva R.R.


    "Football - 18" calls athletes. Russia, bolder! Go Russia! Fan support is greatly needed! The fans are sick, the country is sick!

    Football champions, we are millions of fans, we would like to wish you: in order to win, continue training and keep the goal!

    Zotova Angelina, Grade 5, MBOU "OOSH village of Smorodinka, Perelyubsky district, Saratov region" Head: Knyazeva Tatyana Alekseevna ________________________________________________________________


    We love to watch football

    And we count every goal.

    Once again, Russia will prevail!

    Ours will be the best!

    Will be better and faster

    Ahead of the whole planet!

    Kolesnikova Sasha, 2b class, secondary school "Gorny village" , leader Nasibova L.A. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Brings us joy

    Eighteenth year!

    Every fan

    Victory is just waiting

    Ours will not let themselves be beaten,

    In football Russia

    Mind not to understand!

    Shakhbanova Selimat, 2b class, MOU "Secondary School in Gorny", leader Nasibova L.A.

    Go Russia!

    Victory awaits us!

    Play with all your might

    To win!

    Borshcheva Ekaterina, 6th grade

    Athlete Deniska Glushakov -

    This is our pride!

    It flies across the field like an arrow...

    "Rivals, it's time for you to part!"

    Titov Denis, 5th grade

    1. Spartak is the champion!

    Of course he will win.

    Thunder rumbles, the earth shakes

    And Spartak is rushing forward!

    2. Drink, children, milk,

    Eat "Rastishka" -

    You are far from Dynamo,

    You are still babies!

    Starodubtsev Evgeniy, 6th grade, secondary school "Dinamovsky"

    Well-coordinated Russian team

    The best player in the world!

    Don't upset your friends

    Hit it fast!

    Tribis Ilya, 5th grade

    A fan always sings to you! He will not leave you in trouble! Russia, we all want you to win today! Grigoryeva Veronika, Grade 5, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Our Russian national team, No one can defeat All the people know for sure, That Russia will tear everyone apart !!! Kostikov Nikita, 5th grade, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Russia, our great country, she will win everyone today! Alferyeva Ksenia, 6th grade, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Go Russia! Victory is waiting for you! May you always be in good health! Khvostikova Karina, 6th grade, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Go Russia! Russia will tear everyone! Russia is the best! And bring success. Plekhanova Anastasia, 6th grade, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    Russia is power! Russia is power! And we are always ready to help our country! Savvina Daria, Grade 9, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov


    We are Russia simply class! Let's beat you today! Reut Olesya, Grade 9, MBUDO Center "Constellation", Balashov

    "Spartak is a champion,

    Only he wins!

    Champion of the country - "Spartak".

    It was, is and will be so!

    Budeeva Anastasia, 8th grade

    1. Football is my element!

    And our way forward.

    Ole-ole! Russia!

    Forward! Forward! Forward!

    2. Go ahead, Dynamo!

    We stand up for you!

    Forward! Forward! Forward!

    The people are waiting for victory!

    Belikova Adilya, 8th grade

    We all played basketball

    And we threw the ball into the ring.

    Well, who played football

    That sports champion!

    Sport is our best, best friend.

    We say it to you!!!

    Portnova Polina, 2nd grade, secondary school №3, Petrovsk, Saratov region, Head: Khrustaleva Elena Vladimirovna


    Rival, don't yawn

    Get a goal!

    Kazantsev Maxim, 2nd class, MOU "Secondary School p. Gorny", leader Nasibova L.A.


    Let's play football without question

    And all teams will win

    Football does not interfere with health

    Football does not harm health!

    Yusova Anastasia, 6th grade MBOU "Secondary School named after M.M. Rudchenko, Perelyub"


    Ole, ole, ole, ole!

    Russia - Football!

    Ole, ole, ole, ole!

    Russia - Champion!

    Dyakov Denis, 2nd grade MOU "Secondary school named after the Hero Soviet Union N.V. Gribanova, village of Brykovka, Dukhovnitsky district, Saratov region" ______________________________________________________________________________

    We are good guys!

    We are on the field!

    We love to play football

    Score a goal!

    Artyom Mamedov, 2nd grade, secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union N.V. Gribanov, Brykovka village, Dukhovnitsky district, Saratov region _________________________________________________________________

    The championship has arrived!

    Forward Russian football!

    Kazadaeva Tatyana, Grade 2, secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union N.V. Gribanov, Brykovka village, Dukhovnitsky district, Saratov region _________________________________________________________________________________



    World, sports.

    Inspires, pleases, connects.

    FIFA World Cup 2018!

    Vojvodina Ulyana, Grade 2, secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union N.V. Gribanov, village of Brykovka, Dukhovnitsky district, Saratov region _________________________________________________________________________________

    To be healthy, strong

    And succeed in studies

    Need to do sports

    Don't be lazy, don't yawn!

    Chapin Dmitry, 2B class, secondary school No. 3


    FIFA World Cup coming soon

    And we will meet again

    The best teams will gather here

    And in fair play everyone will come together!

    Grigoryeva Victoria, 11th grade, secondary school with. Aryash Satvaldieva G.S.


    Russian team-

    The best in the world!

    Adults know this

    Old people and children!

    Kosareva Daria, 3rd grade, secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union N.V.



    Amateur, professional.

    Score, win, attack.

    Football is strength and courage.

    Shmelev Maxim, Grade 3, secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union N.V. Gribanov, Brykovka village, Dukhovnitsky district, Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    1. Our super! Our class!

    They will win now!

    2. Russia is ahead!

    Russia is the champion!

    Well done guys

    And they will win everything!

    3. Not a step back, but only forward!

    Russia will move mountains!

    4. Players - respect, cheers!

    We have a great game!

    5. In any game, always, everywhere

    Russia you are on top!

    Koldina Anastasia, 2nd grade, MBOU secondary school No. 3, Petrovsk, Saratov region

    We will surprise everyone in the world

    Russia - football!

    We will confirm our power

    Russia - football!

    Let's become champions

    Russia - football!

    Let's hit everyone with stadiums

    Russia - football!

    Cities of Russia throughout

    Russia - football!

    The furthest frontiers

    Russia - football!

    We all clench our fists

    Russia - football!

    Our forces are great

    Russia - football!

    We are proud of our players

    Russia - football!

    With their hands, their feet

    Russia - football!

    Let's learn their names

    Russia - football!

    The whole country will know them

    Russia - football!

    Grishin Petr, 2nd grade MBOU secondary school No. 3, Petrovsk, Saratov region

    Football is a game!

    We are always with him!

    Dyakova Anna, 1st grade, N.V. Gribanov Secondary School, Brykovka village

    Football is a holiday!

    Football is class!

    Let's play fair:

    The cup is ours!

    Kosareva Tatyana, 1st grade, N.V. Gribanov secondary school, Brykovka

    Russian football-

    This is our game!

    beat everyone-

    Levshchanov Igor, 6th grade MBOU secondary school No. 5, Petrovsk

    We love football very much

    We are waiting for our - goal, goal, goal!

    Our team is the best

    Waiting for her in the game success!

    Vinokurov Vladimir, 2nd grade, secondary school №3, Petrovsk, Saratov region

    Go Russia,

    Goes to victory!

    Go Russia,

    Victory awaits us!

    Go Russia,

    Not one step back.

    Take the victory

    Don't give it to your opponent.

    Ruby! Ruby!

    Only you are invincible!

    Hit the ball soon

    And, Dynamo, win!

    Buravkin Sergey, 6th grade, N.V. Gribanov secondary school, Brykovka village


    Scores a great goal!

    Spartak - Champion,

    Only he wins.

    Go Russia,

    We believe in you.

    You must win

    And inspire everyone.

    Tsyumak Tatyana, 6th grade, secondary school named after N.V. Gribanov, village of Brykovka



    Fascinating, interesting

    Engages, develops, enhances

    Football trains the body and mind

    Stormy game

    Kopylova Albina, 6B class MOU secondary school No. 1, Khvalynsk, Saratov region.

    Class teacher: Yermishina S.A.



    active, famous

    Inspires, unites, heals

    Football connects the incompatible


    Borodina Natalia, 6B class MOU secondary school No. 1, Khvalynsk, Saratov region.

    Class teacher: Yermishina S.A.



    cool, sporty

    Play, win, have fun

    Football is interesting for people

    A game

    Tumanova Polina, 6B class MOU secondary school No. 1, Khvalynsk, Saratov region.

    Class teacher: Yermishina S.A.

    Noise, hum, scream, ringing.

    We have a million fans.

    Let the enemy be strong

    We shout to him in pursuit:

    "We'll make it to the final"

    Gurtueva Daria, 7th grade, secondary school in the village of Irinovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    Hop, Hey, Lala Lei

    Forward, comrades, be bold.

    Serve a corner

    Hit your head!

    Hop, Hey, Lala Lei

    I'm in football all day.

    All day long I run across the field,

    I'll score goals.

    Kuznetsov Semen, 9th grade, secondary school in the village of Irinovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    We want to gain strength

    To compete well.

    Run fast, defend

    And return with victory!

    Our goalkeeper is a force!

    Agile, fast and beautiful!

    The ball will catch on the fly

    Like a sporty kangaroo!

    Vasiliev Maxim, 1st grade, secondary school No. 3, Petrovsk, Saratov region"

    One and two, one and two

    We are a family of fans!

    And now four, five

    Win a medal again!

    Vasiliev Maxim, 1st grade, secondary school No. 3, Petrovsk, Saratov region"



    Russia is a country

    Russia - respect!

    Russia plays football the best!


    We know for sure

    That our country is strong!

    Peskov Yaroslav, 2nd grade, secondary school No. 1 in Novouzensk, Saratov region _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Anna Korbut, 9 years old

    Football is the best game!

    And we are with football forever.

    Football is cool

    Football is class!

    Go Russia,

    And the cup will be ours!

    We always play well

    And we score goals.

    Don't break us today

    We beat, we beat and we will beat!

    We are a team of experts!

    The spirit of victory cannot be taken away.

    Let's run, chase the ball

    And score goals for everyone!


    Oleg Popov, 10 years old, secondary school, Petrovsky village, Krasnopartizansky district, Saratov region

    national team Russia is the best in the world!

    Adults know it, kids know it!

    Someone will whisper

    Someone will scream

    Everyone is sure

    Russia will win!

    Russian player,

    Be strong!

    After all, for you

    All Russia!

    Hey Russia, let's go!

    The whole country is waiting for victory!


    Anikin Ivan, 1st grade, secondary school in the village of Novo-Zakharkino, Dukhovnitsky district, Saratov region

    I love to play football, score a goal! Ole-ole-ole-ole, Russia - forward!


    Rusakova Valeria, 6 years old, MADOU d / s No. 2, Balakovo, Saratov region

    1) Our team is the best of all, success is always waiting for it

    2) Our team is the coolest, Our results are better.

    Chants (Alexandra Yakimova, class 6 B, secondary school No. 4, Novouzensk, Saratov region)

    Let's go forward together!

    After all, Russia is invincible!

    The Russian team is just class!

    Hey, come on, all "Atas!"

    The poem "Healthy lifestyle" (Akhmetova Alina, 6 B class, MOU "Secondary School No. 4 of Novouzensk, Saratov Region")

    Healthy lifestyle

    We strive to fulfill.

    And you don't have to be naughty

    You just need to know the rules:

    Here he woke up - stretched,

    Here you can recharge.

    There's breakfast waiting for you.

    Learn to be in order.

    Don't be lazy all day

    And study, study, study.

    Meanwhile don't forget

    Do sports.

    Take a contrast shower.

    To stay awake.

    Play football, handball,

    Volleyball and basketball.

    Love sports, be healthy!

    And forget about laziness.


    Pavlenko Victoria 6 B class, secondary school No. 4 of Novouzensk, Saratov region

    Fast, agile.

    They scream, they pout, they get sick.

    The Russian team is playing!

    Tarokhina Tatyana 6 B class, MOU "Secondary School No. 4 of Novouzensk, Saratov Region"

    Fast, skillful.

    Runs, hits, hits.

    Arshavin is my idol.

    Davletov Ramir 6 B class, MOU "Secondary School No. 4 of Novouzensk, Saratov Region"

    Smooth, green.

    They play, they catch, they throw.

    Play on the football field.




    football player

    Energetic, fast

    Playing, scoring, attacking

    A coward doesn't play football


    Gribanov Aleksey, 3rd grade, secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union N.V. Gribanov, village of Brykovka, Dukhovnitsky district, Saratov region


    Football is a team game.

    Play football, kids!


    Go Russia!

    Tugusheva Nuria, 9th grade, secondary school, village of Teplovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    Russia is the best!

    Success lies ahead of us!

    Syroezhkina Kristina Grade 11, secondary school, village of Teplovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    The Russian team is the best in the world!

    Adults, old people and children know this!

    Fadeeva Alena Grade 8 MOU "Secondary School in the village of Teplovka, Novoburassky District, Saratov Region"

    Football is my element

    And ours will be lucky!

    Ole - ole Russia!

    Forward! Forward! Forward!

    Gavrilin Vladimir 6th grade, secondary school, village of Teplovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    Our team cannot be broken

    We beat, we beat and wake up to beat!

    Simonyan Suren Grade 4 MOU "Secondary School in the village of Teplovka, Novoburassky District, Saratov Region"

    We are strong and brave!

    We're on our way to victory!

    You can't beat us in football

    We'll score a hundred thousand balls for you!

    Lataeva Olesya Grade 11, secondary school, village of Teplovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    Good health -

    Strong country!

    Russian football,

    All you need is a win!

    Khripko Victoria Grade 9, secondary school, village of Teplovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    Don't spare your sips

    Cheer for Russia!

    Ours will be in Europe

    "Lords of the Fields"!

    Musaeva Nijar, grade 7, secondary school, village of Teplovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    So fearless

    So dangerous

    That we will win all in a row

    Without fear!

    Subbotkin Nikita Grade 9 MOU "Secondary School in the village of Teplovka, Novoburassky District, Saratov Region"

    Our boys are fighting

    And they play the best!

    Our Russian team

    Waiting for victory and success!

    Bondaruk Vladislav Grade 10, secondary school, village of Teplovka, Novoburassky district, Saratov region

    In football we are always strong

    You and I know about it.

    Come to the match and win

    We will crush with a huge score!

    Gergert Sergey 7th grade MAOU SOSH p. Novopolevodino Balakovo district of the Saratov region ________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The players are ready to play

    And always score goals!

    We must hurt with all our hearts,

    We will help them with our support!

    Gergert Sergey Grade 7


    Russian team, don't let me down!

    A great future is ahead of you!

    We want you to reach the final

    And easily climb the pedestal!

    Romanova Bogdana, grade 7, secondary school, Novopolevodino village, Balakovo district, Saratov region


    Team Russia! We believe in you!

    Football is a force in our country!

    Forward! Do not give up! Don't give in!

    Score more goals on your opponent!

    Romanova Bogdana, 7th grade, MAOU secondary school, Novopolevodino village, Balakovo district, Saratov region


    Our football player is a champion,

    He walks through the fields!

    Boldly kicks the ball

    Hits the gate!

    Balakovsky district of the Saratov region


    Football in Russia is class!

    We are invincible now!

    The country is waiting for medals from you,

    We are rooting for you, friends!

    Khairullina Aikhon, 6th grade, MAOU secondary school, Novopolevodino village


    Athletes in Russia are a great force!

    They play beautifully at the championship in Russia!

    Khairullina Aikhon, 6th grade, MAOU secondary school, Novopolevodino village


    Unforgettable, breathtaking

    Pass, run, score

    Football is great!

    Just class!

    Amirova Diana Grade 2 MOU "Secondary school with. Elshanka", Karimova A.N.


    Hit! Again blow!

    And the ball flies into the goal.

    Goal! Goal! Goal!

    Our team is better everyone!

    Just go ahead - success awaits you!

    Pastukhova Elizaveta Grade 2 MOU "Secondary school with. Elshanka", Karimova A.N.


    Football is power!

    Football is a sport!

    There are no weak players in football.

    I'm in love with football!

    Nushtaev Maxim 2nd class MOU "Secondary school with. Elshanka", Karimova A.N.

    Sports, cheers! Football, hooray!

    The game starts!

    Kids play football

    And waiting for a soon scored goal!

    Novikova Alexandra, 3rd grade MAOU SOSH p. Novopolevodino Balakovo district, Saratov region

    The game starts!

    Someone is praying

    Someone is screaming

    But everyone is sure

    Russia will win!

    Ilya Karkenov, 1 B class, MAOU secondary school No. 16, Balakovo, leader Novoselova L.A.

    Russians are the best

    They will succeed in football!

    Kuryleva Kira, 1 B class, MAOU secondary school No. 16, Balakovo, leader Novoselova L.A. _________________________________________________________________________________


    1) Root for the team

    Doesn't mean SORE!

    We believe in the team

    We believe in success!

    2) There are many of us in the team

    And we are all friendly!

    Medals are sown on our chest!

    3) No weak, no strong,

    And there is only sports!

    And sport strengthens

    Our healthy spirit!

    Nushtaev Mikhail, 5th grade, MOU "Secondary school with. Elshanka", Novoburassky district, head Sitnikova T.V.


    Who plays football

    The sign that means goal.

    Hey, rival, don't yawn!

    Take a goal!

    Reztsova Anastasia, Grade 7, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School in the village of Teplovka, Novoburassky District", leader Lepishina S.V.


    We came to football

    Go ahead, score a goal!

    Balakirev Victor, 7th grade, MOU "Secondary School in the village of Teplovka, Novoburassky district", leader Lepishina S.V.


    1. Let us hoarse, shouting:

    Goalkeeper, don't miss the ball!

    2. We support football,

    We are great fans!

    You, referee, do not confuse the goal

    With red cards!

    3. Noise, hum, scream, ringing

    There are a million of us fans!

    We want the roar of support

    Rip the stadium!

    Kekina Ekaterina, 2nd grade, Secondary School No. 1, Novouzensk, Saratov Region, supervisor Buryakova O.A. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We ate a lot of Snickers,

    Let our team reach the final!

    Fashionable shorts, cool T-shirts,

    our team is just bunnies!

    Even to go around the whole planet,

    Better than ours nowhere to be found!

    We are the best team

    no need to prove!

    Let's lead to victory

    We'll crush our opponents!

    Aydenov Ansar


    Our football team

    The best in the world!!!

    Need a goal, need two?

    We will never lose!!!

    Our team is always ahead.

    And you, opponent, wipe your nose!

    Merkucheva Yana, 3 "B" class of the municipal educational institution "secondary school in the village of Storozhevka" of the Tatishevsky district of the Saratov region, leader Voronova M.I.


    Our boys are fighting

    They play the best!

    Our guys are out

    They will win everyone!

    Kirsanova Sofia, 3 "B" class MOU "Secondary School with. Storozhevka" Tatishevsky district of the Saratov region, head Voronova M.I.


    Football is my element

    And let our trample!

    Ole-ole, Russia!

    Forward! Forward! Forward!


    Our boys are brave!

    On the football field

    Ours will make yours!

    Zamarin Danila, 10th grade, School No. 2 r.p. Novye Burasy”, leader Antonov V.V.


    Everyone from childhood knows for sure

    Who, when and where is playing.

    We are a million fans

    Above the stadium.

    Zamarin Danila, 10th grade, School No. 2 r.p. Novye Burasy”, leader Antonov V.V.


    Russia cool guys

    Russia is just great

    Russia is the best team

    And the boys believe in it.

    Zamarin Danila, 10th grade, School No. 2 r.p. Novye Burasy”, leader Antonov V.V.


    Reshetnikova Alina, 1st grade, secondary school named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.I.

    Goal Goal Goal - All for football! Goal Goal Goal - All for football! Ole-oleee! All for football soon!


    We are funny guys, because we are "Footballers"!


    A sea of ​​fans, wave after wave, Forward my native football club!

    Dzhuksumbayeva Karina, 2nd grade, secondary school named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.I.

    We are ready, as always, to defeat you without difficulty.


    Russian football - victory is ours! Russia is rich with the best players!

    Chikalo Snezhana, Grade 2, secondary school named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.I.

    Thunder rumbles, the earth shakes, Russian football rushes forward!

    Eremenko Dmitry, 2nd grade, secondary school named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.I.

    Not a step back, Not a step in place, But only forward, And only together!


    We support football, There is no better word: Goal!

    Kirdey Stanislav, 2nd grade, secondary school named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.I.

    Football players do not be shy, Hit the gates of strangers!


    Our Spartak will not let you down, A cool goal will always score!!! Islamgulov Idil, Grade 2, MBOU "OOSH v. Kuchumbetovo"


    "== Moskvichev Artyom, 7th grade, MOU "Secondary school in the village of Maryino-Lashmino, Novoburassky district, Saratov region", head Tugusheva E. A. ==

    Football - at any time of the year,

    Whatever the weather!

    Our favorite sport is football.

    Football players of Russia, score a goal!

    Hey, footballer, hit, don't yawn,

    Score a goal into the opponent's gate!

    Your game is not for the faint of heart.

    Team Russia, we are with you! Hooray!

    Footballers are top notch

    We hope for you!

    Chrychalka Our football is invincible, We will not yield to anyone!!! Zimina Dina, 2nd grade, MBOU "OOSH s. Kuchumbetovo"

    Limasova Ekaterina, 7th grade, MOU "Secondary School in the village of Maryino-Lashmino, Novoburassky district, Saratov region, head Tugusheva E.A.

    Russian football players

    Be fast today!

    The whole country, of course, is with you.

    Give us goals!

    Footballers, you are ordered:

    Show your class!

    Enter the battle with the enemy

    And score them goals!

    To win at football

    Develop willpower

    Practice, don't be lazy

    And, of course, rally.

    If you are friendlier

    Surely the stronger.

    Our football players

    What you need!

    The Russian team will win!

    Lakhmutkina Zemfira, 9 "b" class, GBOU SO "Internat School in Pugacheva".
