Girls in hockey. What attracts them to the male sport? Hockey Games How Girls Play Hockey

All parents want their child to start playing sports and achieve a lot in it. Hockey is considered one of the most popular of its types. Previously, this direction was available only for boys. There were quite a few women in it. And such teams received little funding, because in Russia many were not ready for this. But now the Russian Federation supports women's teams, sends them to competitions at its own expense, and even allocates sports equipment.

Hockey is useful for a girl not only because it allows her to constantly keep herself in shape. He also develops her skills. The girl becomes disciplined, purposeful, strengthens her spirit and willpower.

In the classroom, your daughter will be able to feel how important it is to play in a team. She will understand what a team spirit is. And he realizes how important mutual assistance is in our world. With the help of this sport, you can develop the skills of your child.

We will tell you what you need to know before you send your daughter to the appropriate section.

Pros of hockey for girls

We have prepared a number of benefits of this sport for you. Pay attention to them when you choose whether to give your daughter to hockey:

  1. During the game, the girl will constantly move. She will learn to perfectly skate and maneuver on them. This will allow her to develop well coordination of movements, which will help in her future career. In the event that she suddenly decides to change the sport to some other. The loads that hockey gives have a positive effect on cardiovascular system... During classes, it strengthens. Which is especially important for children.
  2. The girl will become graceful and elastic.
  3. Hockey athletes almost never catch a cold. During training and competition, they are constantly on the ice. They develop immunity to low temperatures.
  4. The stadium is "flooded" with dry ice. This factor has a positive effect on the child's nose and hardens it. Respiratory system the child starts to work better. There were even cases when athletes were treated for asthma with the help of hockey.
  5. If a girl diligently and regularly engages in this sport, she will be able to constantly keep herself in good shape. Over time, she will become strong and resilient.
  6. If a child is constantly engaged, skating around the stadium, he will never have scoliosis. Also, it is considered an effective prevention of flat feet.
  7. With the help of hockey, the child will become independent and learn discipline. He will gain confidence, stop being lazy, and get rid of aggression.
  8. By playing hockey, the child will develop his musculoskeletal system. He will learn to keep his balance and not fall even in the most uncomfortable conditions (for example, during icy winter). Also, the girl will be able to improve her reaction. And he will learn to drive fast.
  9. Remember that hockey is a team sport. He will help the girl understand how important it is to play in a team to achieve the goal. She can learn to work together. Agree on certain things. And to solve conflict situations that may arise in any team.
  10. If you want your child to be healthy and not have bad habits, then you need to send him to some kind of sport. Hockey copes with this task perfectly. Your task is to grab her attention and channel all the energy she has into sports. This is the only way to ensure that the girl will not engage in self-destruction.

Cons of this sport

As with all other sports, hockey has negative sides... Let's break them down:

  1. To achieve heights is quite difficult. The girl will have to train often and hard. You should understand that if your daughter goes to hockey, she will have to forget about most of the other activities. For example, she will no longer be able to walk with friends after school, because she will go to training. You must understand if you are ready to deprive the child of some of his free time. We also recommend that you discuss this issue with the girl herself. Ask if she is ready for this.
  2. If a girl has health problems, then they can be aggravated if she trains intensively. This is because the child exercises a lot during training. And gets great physical activity... Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor before starting training.
  3. In hockey, a girl can get injured at any time during training or playing. She can simply twist her leg, hit the side, or bump into the fence, and, say, break her arm. There are a lot of situations in which you can get injured. Moreover, no one knows in advance how it will turn out in the future. Therefore, we recommend that you first think about whether you are ready to take risks. Also, we advise you to take your daughter to a medical dispensary and bypass sports doctors. So you can protect the child from health problems in the future.
  4. If you still decide to send your child to hockey, then remember that this sport is not cheap. At first, you will have to buy special equipment and clubs yourself. The state will begin to issue it for free only if your daughter is taken to the national team. And this will be the minimum when she turns 18. Until then, you will have to pay for everything yourself.
  5. You need to remember that for the most part everything depends solely on your daughter. If she wants to do this sport, she will do it. If she doesn't want to, you can't force her. Even if you are a fifth generation hockey player. And all the other family members are crazy about this sport. We do not recommend that you force your child to go to this section if she does not want to. Such activities in the section will be meaningless. Your daughter will study without the desire to achieve heights. And, therefore, she will not be able to go further than children's competitions. And the sport itself will soon begin to hate.

What parents should know before giving a girl to hockey? At what age to study, how to choose a section

There are a number of aspects that parents should know before enrolling their daughter in a specific section:

  1. You can send a girl to this sport at the age of 5-6 years. We do not recommend doing this without preliminary preparation. It is better to give the baby to figure skating at the age of 5 (so that she learns to stand on skates), and then, a year later, to hockey. It will be more efficient and faster.
  2. You do not need to give the girl to the first section that comes across. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the offers various clubs... Find out in which of them are more or less adequate prices, in what mode the training takes place, and on what schedule. We also recommend choosing a section that is as close to your home as possible. So that you can carry your child without any problems.
  3. In order for your daughter to be taken to the section, she must undergo a medical examination and present a certificate. In it, doctors write whether the child is healthy and whether he can play hockey.
  4. This sport has a number of contraindications. The main ones are obesity and problems with the musculoskeletal system. In this case, a doctor's examination is a priority.
  5. At an early age, the child will not be able to put on all the equipment on his own. It must be worn in the correct order, taking into account many aspects. Therefore, you have to walk with the baby for every workout. Put on "uniforms" on her, and only then leave. This requires additional time... And you need to be ready for this. If you work at this moment, the child will not be able to cope without you.
  6. Many parents think that they only play hockey on the ice. But this is not the case. Athletes also train in the gym. There they cross-fit to improve their physical indicators, and work more efficiently on ice. Your child should be ready for this too. Also, for training in the gym, the baby will have to give extra clothes with her.

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A coward does not play hockey - the famous phrase says, and every year hundreds of boys choose this sport as a hobby and the meaning of life. A couple of decades ago, no one would have believed that this seemingly clean male look sports women will come. And not only will they come, but also firmly enough to gain a foothold in it at the world level. For many, hockey and women are incompatible things. Is this really so or does women's hockey still have a right to exist?

Girls and hockey

Hockey with the participation of women dates back to the 18th century. True, he officially began to claim the title of a women's sport only in 1990. It was then that the women's ice hockey team from Canada beat the US team with a score of 5: 2. The third place in that world championship was taken by girls from Finland. During the next five world tournaments, Canada, the USA and Finland remained the leaders. Olympic view sports women's hockey became in 1998. Around the same time, he already began to gain momentum in many countries.

In 2000, women had their own National Hockey League. And now hardly anyone will be skeptical about the appearance of the weaker sex on the ice. In addition, as practice has shown, hockey for girls is less traumatic than figure skating, where a child learns to stay on the ice without protective clothing. And if you look from the outside at the professional representatives of this sport, such an activity does not at all affect their femininity.

Women's hockey and its types

Today there are two official sports that were previously considered only men's: women's ice hockey and field hockey. Both are included in the program of the Olympic Games and have long been popular in many countries. The first type of hockey looks almost the same as men's. Coaches do not care what gender the athlete who took the stick in his hand. In addition to the classic puck, there is also a version of the ball game. However, the rules are the same in both cases. Women literally broke into field hockey in the 19th century and continue to play successfully to this day. Moreover, most of the modern national teams in this sport are women. The goal of the summer version of the game is, in principle, the same - with the help of a stick to score the ball into the opponents' goal. It is forbidden to pick it up or touch it with your feet, except for the goalkeeper. The composition of the team, as in the classic game, is 11 people.

The age at which you can send a child to big sport usually ranges from 5 to 7 years. Coaches do not advise giving a girl to hockey earlier. Like any sport, it requires serious work and discipline. A child under 5 years of age usually has such skills does not possess. V younger groups girls can study both separately and together with boys. Over time, a purely female ice hockey team is formed, which begins to take part in games of various levels.

Today, hockey and girls are no longer as amazing as they used to be. Many girls, first getting on the ice, began to give preference to hockey, although they could compare this somewhat rough game with beauty and grace figure skating.

Women's hockey continues to march across countries and gain popularity in many cities. And if one day a girl asks to give her to this sport, you should think carefully before resisting her desire.

She told about girls in hockey, victories, injuries and fans. Anastasia YUZHAKOVA, striker in the women's hockey team "Grizzly-1".

Photo: From personal archive /

AIF dossier

Anastasia YUZHAKOVA.

In 2004 she graduated from SGPTU No. 86, specialty - an overhead and gantry crane operator.

Since 2012 - a forward in the women's hockey team "Grizzly-1".

The only one in the team

Hockey is considered a men's sport. Back in Soviet times, they sang: "Real men play hockey, a coward does not play hockey." But today, among the girls, there are not only devoted fans, but also hockey players who are not afraid to get a puck in the shoulder and are ready to fight to the end on the ice for victory in the tough male game.

What attracts the fairer sex to the male sport? How to stay beautiful and feminine in sports shorts and a helmet? Anastasia Yuzhakova, a forward in HC Grizzly, spoke about this.

Oksana Smirnova, AiF on Ob: Nastya, how did you get into hockey? The hobby for a girl is still not quite ordinary. It would be more logical to do figure skating, gymnastics, swimming, finally. And you chose hockey ...

- Anastasia Yuzhakova: I was 10 years old then. Together with my mother we lived in the Urals, in the small town of Polevskoy. My childhood was in the nineties, there was no Internet or cell phones. We spent time in the yard - skating on the rink, on the slides, playing with our peers. Once I noticed how the boys chase the puck in a hockey rink. I wanted to play with them. I got acquainted with the guys, began to come to the ice too, and soon they took me to the team. So I got into one of the youth hockey teams and for almost six years went on the ice with them in the first team, I was the only girl in the team... But when the boys grew up, I was forbidden to play with them. The coach was afraid that I would be injured. Hockey is a tough game - not without power techniques.

I tried to break into another hockey team- In Ekaterinburg. But it did not work out there either. I decided that everything was against me, I was offended, disappointed and for 10 years then I did not get up on skates at all. Then I moved to Novosibirsk and once, just for the sake of interest, I searched social networks for information about women's hockey in this city. And I found out that girls are being recruited for the women's hockey team, it was in 2012. I phoned the coach and he invited me to a meeting. Soon, to my delight, I was again part of the team.

- How did your parents perceive your hockey hobby?

I was raised by my mother and is still raising me. Of course, hockey is not considered feminine sports, but when I started going to the skating rink with a hockey stick, my mother had nothing against it. On the contrary, she was even delighted. These were the nineties, young people and teenagers were en masse addicted to alcohol and drugs. And then my daughter became interested in hockey. And thank God!

- Has the male sport somehow changed your character?

Girls who choose sports such as boxing, football, basketball and so on seem to me to have more strong character... They are more punchy and assertive.

My profession is also not very typical for a girl - an overhead crane driver. But in my specialty, I did not work very much, before my move to Novosibirsk. Now I work as an auto nanny - I take and bring children from school. And before that I was a bodyguard, I even have a permit to carry weapons.

That is, if something happens to stand up for yourself, and not only, you know how. Do you have to use force on ice? It's no secret that in men's hockey, fights during the game are not uncommon. Have you ever had to sort things out with your rivals?

Photo: From personal archive / Courtesy of Anastasia Yuzhakova

This is prohibited by the rules, you can get a fine. Well, girls, of course, are less aggressive than men. Although anything can happen. There have been provocations during the match, especially if the team loses and reacts very emotionally to the fact that the game is not in their favor. Opponents can deliberately use techniques prohibited in the game in order to incapacitate good players or provoke them to “surrender”.

Probably, there is a risk to remain without teeth, if you recall the famous smile of Ovechkin. Didn't anyone fly in your team with a stick?

No, our girls have all their teeth in place (laughs). If in the men's team sometimes players can reveal their faces, then we, according to the rules, always wear a mask during the game. But the face is bruised - if you fall unsuccessfully, then even a mask does not help. In general, hockey is a traumatic sport. On skates, you can fall and twist or break your leg, or fly into the curb at speed. It hurts, of course, but there are many other positive aspects to hockey. The drive with which you fight to win the match is an unforgettable feeling. Besides, hockey is a smart sport. There it is necessary not only to wave the club - the head must also work. That's why I love him.

What is hockey without a fight?

- What are the strongest teams in women's hockey?

Teams from Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Moscow. The main team there are girls who went in for sports professionally.

- What match do you remember the most?

Match for reaching the final on All-Russian tournament In the past year. We played with Forward from Kazan. And they literally snatched the victory from them in the last seconds before the end of the match. I then received swipe down the leg, right into the old injury. The pain was just wild. They carried me out of the field, the doctors began to provide assistance. It was so disappointing for the elimination. There were 5 minutes left until the end of the game, we were losing, the score was 2: 1 in favor of the opponents. And five minutes before the whistle, the team managed to win back two goals and reach the final. The score became 3: 2 in our favor. I did not see this victory. The doctors were just giving me an anesthetic injection, when suddenly one of the doctors came up and said: "Yours won!" I jumped up, wanted to run and congratulate the girls on the victory. But the doctors, of course, did not allow it. That match was very important for us, and although we did not win in the final, we lost to our rivals from Moscow, it was still important to reach this level, to reach the final.

- What is the most difficult thing for you in hockey?

Follow the coach's instructions. Our coach is a man - Roman Fokin. Sometimes it is probably not easy for him with us women. Sometimes we want to do things our own way. But he found his own approach. He never shouts, does not swear. He works with us like a psychologist - calmly and patiently explains why it is necessary to do this and not otherwise. We love and appreciate him very much.

Your uniform is the same as for men - sports shorts, a T-shirt, a helmet. Didn't you want to bring in feminine "touches" - to put on makeup, to loose your hair?

Girls often go out on the ice wearing makeup. Because of the mask, this is almost invisible, but all the same - especially when there is a competition, there are spectators. Cosmetics are now indelible. Of course, you can't boast about your hairstyle - if you let your hair down, it can interfere with the game.

- The team includes girls of different ages... In addition to games and training, do you often communicate?

The youngest member of the team is 18 years old. The oldest is 52 years old. But Galina will give many young people a head start. Age is not noticed when we are on the ice. We often spend time together after training and matches.

- And with male football teams do you communicate with "Siberia", for example?

No, we do not communicate with Siberia. The guys still play in the KHL - this is a different level, but we have an amateur team. But we follow their performances, cheer for them. And we sometimes play friendly matches with men - and it happens that we score a lot of goals into their goal. In general, they love hockey in Novosibirsk, there are more hockey fans and fans here, in my opinion, than in any other city.

- Who is rooting for you? Do men go to women's hockey?
- Our matches are attended mainly by our grandparents, mothers and fathers, friends and husbands - they are our most loyal fans. Or these are those who are on some business at the stadium and can come in out of curiosity to see what is happening here.

- What is lacking in women's hockey for it to develop even more?

Sponsors, attention and fans. I would like more people to come to the matches to get sick, take an interest in competitions and the sport itself - women's hockey.

We have no sponsors. But since last season, the mayor's office of Novosibirsk provided us with the opportunity to train for free three times a week. indoor ice rink... This is already good. I would like the authorities to support not only professional sports but also amateur teams.

The shine of ice and the glitter of victories have long attracted you, but you cannot dare to face the knights of the ice rink in a fierce battle? There is no need to rush into battle unprepared when you can start with online training: hockey games will certainly allow you to become a real man! Hockey computer games are just a real find for all fans of this exciting sport. After all, now you can become not just a spectator, but also full participant hot ice battle - and it's all completely free!

Battle on the Ice

It is not for nothing that Russia is among the strongest national teams in the world. The harsh climate of our country brings up real masculine characters - just those that are needed for this crazy ice battle. But nevertheless, in our traditions, the game of hockey is, first of all, a beautiful sport, and although violations of the rules do happen here, they still turn out to be unpleasant for both players and fans in episodes. Indeed, for a Russian person, strength is not a synonym for aggressiveness! A real Russian knight will always prefer to avoid a fight, especially with a weak or not smart enough opponent.

Things are different in the strongest hockey league world - NHL. Aggressive and tough guys from the teams of Canada and the USA are not ashamed to use their fists where they could do without them at all. Aggression is common in NHL games, and moreover, every team in this league even has a dedicated player in charge of power moves. For the so-called "tough guys" they even keep separate statistics - not the number of goals scored and assists, but the number of fights on the ice and minutes on the penalty box.

Yes, “we don’t need this kind of hockey”! This, by the way, was said by a Soviet commentator back in 1972, when the USSR national team first met on the ice with professionals from Canada. Wanting to win, the Canadians did not hesitate to apply their usual techniques against the Soviet guys, who expected a more correct game, keeping within the generally accepted rules.

However, on the American continent they are gradually approaching the idea that they do not need such hockey either. The rules are getting stricter every year, and more and more clubs are abandoning players whose only functions are power struggle and incapacitation of the enemy's most valuable players. Their place is gradually taken by strong and strong guys who, in addition to fighting, also have some purely hockey skills.

Great five and goalkeeper

Unlike football matches, hockey games are more dynamic both because of the smaller size of the court and because of the smaller number of players. How swift furies they rush along the rink from one gate to another, and what frantic speeds they develop at the same time is clearly visible in those moments when they crash into the protective bumpers with all their might.

Each hockey team has several lineups. Since the number of substitutions during the game is not limited, the coach has the ability to change players in threes at once, without destroying the simulated schemes. Often, on the principle of not breaking the attacking triplets, national teams are also built: the coach calls not a specific player to the national team, with the whole bunch at once. Indeed, in such a fast-paced game like hockey, it is incredibly important to act automatically, knowing exactly where your partner is now - such combinations are played over the years.

Of course, the need to act almost blindly precludes any spontaneity. The hockey match is played out as if by notes: if there were no opponents on the ice playing their own game, the team could definitely throw the puck even with their eyes closed. Working out tactics and practicing specific game episodes is an important part of coaching.

But it is equally important to create the right mood in the team. Hockey games require teammates to feel each other - these people should become more than even a family. In this work, the role of a coach is extremely important - he is responsible not only for sports training players, but also for the resolution of interpersonal conflicts. Good coach- always a little bit of a psychologist. Or rather - not even a little bit!

Ice knows no compromises!

If you want to become one of the brave ice knights, you need to train a lot. But you shouldn't go on the ice if you don't know enough about the game! By playing hockey online, you can acquire basic knowledge of tactics and mentally prepare for what awaits you on real ice.

And if you have been playing for a long time, Online Games ice hockey will allow you to usefully spend time between workouts. For good player it is important to never lose shape, tirelessly train not only muscles, but also the brain. You must live with a club, not part with the game for a minute! Fortunately, on our site you can play hockey online, even if you don't have the opportunity to practice on ice right now.

Is women's hockey possible in Russia? Does he have a future?

"Real girls play hockey!" Yes, and this is not a typo. Exactly hockey girls They make their way to victory with their fragile shoulders, hammering another puck into the opponent's goal and leaving no chance for the boys on the bench. More and more often you can observe such a picture in hockey clubs, where girls-hockey players play on a par with the typical representatives of this game. Who said hockey is not for girls?

Even 20 years ago in our country, few could have imagined girls-hockey players, and in general, women's hockey will become a full participant in the Olympic Games. But now, as you can see, the situation has changed. Women's hockey is developing. Slowly but evolving.

Hockey originated in the 18th century in Canada. First official hockey match took place in 1920 at Olympic Games... Women's hockey was included in the Olympic program only in 1998. The difference is palpable. But, despite the temporary abyss, women's hockey in Canada originated long before the creation of the first professional men's team, when, like in Russia, women's hockey began to be discussed only fifteen years ago. Therefore, it is not surprising that our women's team girls hockey players twice, in Turino and Vancouver, took only 6 places.

Perhaps for this reason women's soccer, like hockey, is nicotated in male society. More often about female game you can hear negative reactions, for example: "Hockey is not a woman's business." Perhaps, if our girls were victoriously standing on the podium, holding bronze medals in their hands, then those who want to call women's hockey a mistake immediately diminished?

For women's hockey to move forward and attract sponsors, popularization and entertainment are needed. But in our country he is extremely unpopular. Not only is no one trying girls hockey players support, but everything possible is being done to finish it off completely. Equipment, food, travel - it all costs money. If you include in this list the content of the team, scholarships, the holding of competitions, the salary of the coach and summed up, then the cost of the costs compared to the impressive cash investments in men's teams will be negligible. Nevertheless, even ignoring requests for the allocation of small amounts of money indicates the complete indifference of the sports federation to women's hockey. It turns out that athletes who want to train must rely on their parents' wallets to stay in their favorite sport. Sadly, Russian women's hockey is almost driven by enthusiasm hockey girls and trainers.

Hockey girls

What makes the game spectacular? Speed, dynamics and strength techniques on ice arena... Hockey today is a game with show elements. If you approach the issue from this side, then women's hockey is really out of competition, but no less exciting. Women's hockey does not differ in the power struggle, onslaught and the characteristic traumatism inherent in the men's game, but in technicality and emotionality it will not yield at all. Endurance, willpower, character - all this is also in hockey girls, and most importantly, the desire to play. Young people are reluctant to go to clubs and societies, because women's hockey is, in principle, unknown, they do not know anything about it. Not every city has women's teams, and in order to come to the club and train with the boys on an equal footing, you need to thoroughly prepare for future smiles and ridicule.

On the other hand, if you look at hockey from the point of view of aesthetic perception, then it will not enter the top of the most feminine sports. This is not gymnastics, volleyball or tennis, where you can come to see slender legs and the figure of its owner. In hockey, it's hard to catch the gracefulness of the puck pass to the player and see cute faces. hockey girls through helmets, but, you must admit, the game is not to perform a triple toe loop or gracefully dance with the striker on the way to the opponent's goal.

To push hockey to a new level - a level worthy of being called champion, requires experience, technique and playing practice. Competitions give confidence and excitement to the game. This creates an atmosphere of notorious entertainment. Interest in the game gives rise to competition, leaders appear who want to prove themselves. In such healthy competition and competition between teams, there is the growth of skill necessary to pave the way for success and future victories. Over time, a team is formed that is able to play at the level and is ready to compete in an equal duel with the North American teams.

We can only hope that soon women's hockey will become popular and take its place in the hearts of fans not only in Russia, but all over the world. Women's hockey is a fascinating, intriguing sport and, for sure, not only men, but also women deserve to play this game.

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