Fortune telling on cards for a football match. Sports Astrology

Sensation brought with it another annual scientific conference on methods of predicting the outcomes of future events, held in June this year in the city Las Vegas (USA).

As you know, this city is the world capital of bets and games, and a large number of bets are traditionally held here on the results of various future events. At the June conference, sensational reports were presented, indicating the emergence of new high-precision methods for predicting the results of future events and, in particular, sports games.

The fact is that the main organizers and ideological inspirers of this annual event are scientists and retired military personnel who at one time took part in the secret program of the American government. "Stargate"... This program was dedicated to scientific developments in the field of extrasensory perception of information. Its results were actively used for remote espionage of strategic military facilities on the territory of the former USSR with the help of American specialists in extrasensory perception. As a result, a whole science arose, called "Remote Vision", which has been booming in the United States in recent years.

Currently, some of the former members of Stargate have devoted themselves to creating new methods for predicting the results of future events based on the already created methods of Remote Vision. This topic, in particular, has been actively involved in recent years # 1 Remote Vision Specialist in the USA Joe McMonigle, who gained worldwide fame especially after finding a large number of missing people live on Japanese television.

This year at the prediction conference Joe McMonigle announced the sensational results of many years of work of his small group to create a method for predicting the results of future events. The method he created is called the "Undefined Database Method". It has been tested to predict the results of sporting events, and the result has surpassed the wildest expectations. The winning team's prediction accuracy was 95%! This method is certainly not easy and requires a fairly skillful mastery of "Remote Vision", but nevertheless, such a high result from its use has far-reaching consequences not only for the field of sports predictions, but also, it seems, for all mankind as a whole. These results, of course, testify to the real threat of bankruptcy in the near future for all bookmakers and for the Forex market, making money on the unknown future for the vast majority of the inhabitants of the Earth. This means that the hour is not far off when the science of extrasensory forecasts will step so far that it will make it possible to accurately predict and control both the market element of the economy, as well as other elements, including impending disasters.

At the conference, a report was made by Mr. ruppa under. by Martin Rosenblatt, who outlined the essence of the prediction method he created, called "Wild card method"... Rosenblatt's method also showed a very high percentage of accuracy. Both methods, proposed by both McMonigl and Rosenblatt, were directly used by conference participants with Remote Vision to create a collective prediction of upcoming soccer matches taking place in different parts of the world during the conference. Expectations from both methods were fully met. Both methods predicted the outcomes of all games with 100% accuracy! The most interesting thing is that neither one nor the other method imposes increased requirements on the psychic abilities of people using them. The design of these methods is such that it allows users with fairly mediocre capabilities to achieve significant success in prediction.

From the Russian side, this conference was attended by Viewer (Remote Vision Specialist) Yuri Pichugin, who is one of the few “Remote Vision” specialists living in Russia. He shared some of the details of this conference.

as well as trainings.

They put up a second or third line-up, and this significantly reduces their chances of winning.

Pay attention to the odds at bookmakers. As a rule, a high coefficient indicates that the team has little chance of winning, and vice versa.

The circumstance where the game takes place matters. If this is a home match for one of the teams, then the probability of its victory increases significantly. This is especially true of those countries where football is especially popular - England, Italy, Brazil. In these countries, the role of the fans is very important thanks to their fierce support of their favorite team.

Please be aware that match-fixing may take place. This is especially practiced in national championships. Analyze the standings, perhaps for one of the teams this match does not solve anything. This team can theoretically agree with the opposing team about the outcome of the match, favorable to the opponent.

Connect your intuition to all of the above, and by 80 percent you will guess the outcome of the match you need. But remember that there is another 20 percent that depends solely on luck and luck.

If you were unable to watch a football match on TV or in the stands of the stadium, you can find out the final score of the game on the Internet, on the radio or on TV. You can find information about the result of a match that took place in an earlier period on specialized sites.


Visit If you are interested in the result of a match that took place a few hours ago, you will see this information in the window located under the site symbol at the top of the page. All the latest news are presented there. Please note that the data is divided into blocks by, and the matches are listed in the order in which they take place in real time.

Scroll down the page and find the horizontal menu colored orange. The first section in it is "Football", hover over it. You will see Russian tournaments in which competitions are held, and European championships. Select the section that interests you. In it you can find information about the matches of the past years and the latest data. To do this, in the page that opens, select a time period, and then click the "Games Calendar" menu button. In it you will see all the matches played, divided into tables by round. The results of the games are written on the right side of the tables.

Find the site of the team you are interested in in any search engine. on the main page, pay attention to the "Games calendar" section, select the season in it, when the game you are interested in took place, see the result. The most recent football events are usually covered on the main pages of the teams' official websites.

Listen to Radio Sport. On match days, leading radio stations regularly cover all the games of the championship, not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

Watch the news on the channel "Russia 2", on days when football events take place, a whole block is devoted to the results of the games. You can also find out the results of the latest football matches in thematic programs on TV Center, Russia 2, Sport 1 and paid channels.

A rare player will be able to stay in the black for a long time, betting on sports, based only on his intuition. For a stable income in a bookmaker, a detailed analysis of each match is required, which analysts draw up in the form of a short forecast. In football, the analytical forecast includes the impact on the result of factors such as players' injuries, the emotional state of the team as a whole, the characteristics of the lawn and even the expected weather.

You will need

  • - Access to information about the current state of the players of each team;
  • - Results, as well as video replays of past games.


A complete analysis of a football match includes an assessment of each of the teams. The current state of the team is indirectly evidenced by its recent games. Include games in your prediction by noting the number of goals, cards and all other parameters relevant to your proposed bet.

Include in the forecast the history of the opposition of the teams meeting in the analyzed match. It happens that a team, despite its brilliant success in a given season, historically cannot beat a certain middle peasant team. These tendencies are fairly persistent, so betting on such matches can be especially profitable.

Analyze the inner atmosphere of each team. Of course, what happens in the locker rooms and in training is kept secret. However, the conflict in the team can be noticed by indirect signs, such as harsh statements by the players when communicating with journalists or the openly biased attitude of the coach towards any player.

Mark the field on which the game will take place. The field factor can be very significant, because a team playing within the walls of their home stadium feels the support of their fans and, moreover, does not experience overloads from flights. However, some teams, on the contrary, play much better away than at home. This paradoxical fact must be reflected in the forecast.

Evaluate what goals the team sets for itself, as well as what matches await the team in the near future. Often, teams openly "rest" in matches with outsiders, saving strength in front of more responsible confrontations. Or the team that shone at the beginning of the season and made a claim for the podium suddenly fades and starts to lose, since the goal - to stay in the league - has been achieved.

Add up each of these factors and draw an appropriate conclusion regarding the expected match result. This is not necessarily a bet on a draw or a victory of one of the teams. The analysis carried out can show, for example, that it is objectively good to bet on the amount of goals in the match, or on the time of the first goal scored.

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Useful advice

For unbiased information, refer to the official websites of the teams, and not to one of the many sports news portals;

Some sports strategies involve playing with high odds, so include several of these events in your forecast;

The first games of the season are difficult to analyze, in such games the role of secondary factors on the game increases;

Your predictions for football will be the better, the more carefully you analyze the tournament situation and the state of the team itself. Therefore, try to make predictions of the games of the same teams - being in your sight, they will become more predictable.


  • The largest portal with football predictions

Every person's life is made up of little things. Anyone who pays attention to every little thing, he can really achieve the goal and achieve a furore. For example, football betting, where every little thing has to be taken into account in order to win. But what exactly should you pay attention to in football betting?


Money in a betting company can be either won or lost. There is no need to bet the entire amount at once and take unnecessary risks.

Emotions are the main part of the football bet. You need to constantly control yourself, especially when you are losing a huge amount of money.

You can be a football expert but still not win. The most basic thing for you is to study the specifics of bets and understand the mechanism of the bookmaker's functioning.

Even if you are 100% convinced of victory, you should not bet a huge amount of funds on one match.

Remember, you are the only one to blame for losing. Only you are responsible for your mistakes!

Currently, it is extremely difficult to distinguish real football from match-fixing, so try to distinguish between the two and avoid match-fixing. Unfortunately, there are a lot of them now.

The most basic rule that must be taken into account when placing an express bet is that one event may not pass! Therefore, you should not collect many events in one express train, do better in two. Thanks to this strategy, you can protect yourself from possible risks.

From time to time, the odds of the bookmaker company do not correspond to reality, they are deliberately misleading. The most basic goal of a bookmaker is to get your money.

The only unaccounted point can serve as a factor of defeat. As a consequence, before making a bet, take football analytics seriously.

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"The forecast is a delicate matter, Petruha!"

Before tackling such an important matter as making a prediction for the outcome of a football match, and trying to make money on it, you need to clearly determine how much you understand the intricacies of football. Are you ready to devote time and energy to the art of sports analysis? Can you do it seriously or is it just a temporary hobby for you for the sake of quick and supposedly easy money?

The ideal, according to the bookmakers, is a combination consisting of an understanding of the nuances of the game, the ability to think and see not only the ball and the lawn, but also certain football tendencies. Only then is it permissible to risk your money.

At the beginning of 2014, there were 27 licensed betting organizations operating in Russia that accept football bets. They are located mainly in Moscow, Krasnodar and St. Petersburg.

What to consider

Fans who decide to bet their money on a win or a draw have a lot to consider beforehand. The list includes the position in the table; the results of the last games, including those played between the teams on which the bet will be placed; tasks for the season; and the circumstance in which city the match will take place. It is equally important for the forecast to know exactly whether there are injured and disqualified players in the squads, especially from among the leaders. Finally, it is important to know who exactly will be judging the game.
You can place bets on football not only offline, but also online.

Forecasting rules

Experts and masters of sports forecasting argue that there are three methods of making it. The first one is most often used by beginners who have barely entered the bookmaker business and, by their naivety, are overly confident that they have not only intelligence, but also extensive knowledge of the professional. This method is called intuitive. It is based primarily on self-conceit and unwillingness to think. A fairly common mistake for such people is the blind belief that only their favorite team should win, regardless of any external circumstances, statistics and their own adversity.

The second method is called analytical. It consists in the consistent collection of statistical information and a variety of information about the tournament, teams and players, and in general about everything that happens around a particular match.

Finally, the third method can be called mathematical. It allows you to hit the jackpot thanks to an accurately executed penalty by someone. This is the most difficult route to the jackpot. It is used only by the most advanced fans who prefer formulas with calculations, and are convinced that those who have the ability to correctly count will win in football forecasting.

This alignment was born to me because of my love for football and the desire to get an accurate answer.

Once on a couple of forums, I came across a discussion of layouts for football matches. And, since I am not only a tarot reader, but also an avid fan, this topic has vividly interested me.

At the first forum, the fortunetellers used the "Choice" layout, on the other, the fortuneteller simply laid out three cards on each of the teams, ie. the same, only without the significator. The cards fell out very interesting, but incomprehensible. Therefore, fortune-tellers often have a question: "What is all this for?" What I read led me to the following thoughts: firstly, I am doing the right thing, using a different layout for situations of choice, and secondly, if you want to get a specific answer, ask a specific question.

Football, like life itself, is a very voluminous phenomenon. A football match is not just 90 minutes spent by the players on the field. Preparation for the game begins in a few days, and the players are brought to the match not only physically, but also some ideas regarding tactics, opponents, etc. are put into their heads. , plus the team must be emotionally charged to win. Looking at the field, we only see the tip of the iceberg. We see how the players move, scraps of phrases that they shout to each other reach us. But we do not understand what they say, what is happening in their heads, we do not feel their muscle pain, we do not hear the heartbeat of an attacker going into the gap, we do not realize the despair of the team that plucked all the barbells, but cannot score, do not we feel how the pressure of the coach rises. We cannot know all this. And cards can. But if we ask a general question, they can show us anything. For example, we lay out three cards for the Amkar game. And the players have not been paid their salaries for a long time, and after the game they go to file a lawsuit. And it is with this mood that they enter the field. And the cards can show us this very moment, and we, not knowing the whole background, will rack our brains and interpret everything incorrectly.

To avoid such situations, I made my own alignment.

S. Significator.

1. Readiness for the match of the first team.

2. Readiness for the match of the second team.

3.4. How will goalkeepers play?

5.6. How will the defense play?

7.8. How will the midfield play?

9.10. How will the attack play?

11. The result of the first half for team 1.

12. The result of the first half for team 2.

13. The result of the second half for team 1.

14. The result of the second half for team 2.

15. Outcome of the match for team 1.

16. Outcome of the match for team 2.

17. The work of the referee team.

The layout is checked, it works great! Shows even the color of the goalkeeper's uniform). Use it to your health!

Sports astrology is probably the youngest and most controversial branch of celebrity science. Agree, it is difficult to imagine a medieval astrologer who, for a reward or on his own initiative, would make a forecast about the outcome of some knightly tournament ... Such thoughts, at least, cause a smile.

Nevertheless, already in ancient times, astrologers practiced predictions of victory or defeat in wars, sieges of fortresses, etc., which to a certain extent resembles the principle of "competition" (team-1 / team-2 = victory 1 or 2).

Modern sports astrology was formed into a full-fledged technique not so long ago, only with the publication of the famous book by J. Frawley, which gained great fame thanks to several loud predictions of the outcomes of a number of football finals made on television (and often not only the winner, but also the final game Score).

Sports astrology has since received a powerful impetus for development and practical application. Nevertheless, Frawley's book, although it blew up the astrological community, was not a predictive "panacea" for all occasions in the life of a sports astrologer. An analysis of this work, as well as the opinions of modern specialists and my own practice show that the Frawley method has both significant advantages and some disadvantages.

So is astrology capable of giving accurate predictions of the outcomes of sporting events with great accuracy? The answer to this question is given by the methods that a sports astrologer uses in his work.

There are TWO BASIC methods of prediction: building a horary map of a question and drawing up a horoscope for a sporting event.

Method One: Horary Question

The most accurate and unambiguous answer about the outcome of the competition is given by the horary card, i.e. a situational horoscope, built at the moment when the astrologer heard a question from a client or asked himself his own question. You can learn more about this technique and the services I provide in this regard by reading. Often in this case, the client is interested in the opinion about the rates, and therefore his appeal to the astrologer can be reduced to something like this: "Will I win against the bookmaker if I bet on such and such a team?"

An experienced astrologer is most likely able to give the RIGHT answer to such a question (regarding any sports competition!), By drawing up a horary map: "yes, you will win" / "no, you will lose" and if the answer is positive for the applicant, then supplement it with an indication of the size of the recommended bet (more precisely, the amount of the possible winnings).

This method has one significant drawback - the questioner should not resort to it too often. This is due to the fact that the stars "get tired" of answering the same type of questions of the same person, which he asks very often. Therefore, the optimal break between two horary questions regarding bookmaker bets or other winnings that the same person asks (or if he passes his questions through someone else) should be at least three weeks.

Second method: building the horoscope of the event

This technique is also extremely clear and logical, but difficult to interpret. Its essence lies in the fact that the astrologer builds an event horoscope for the place and time of a particular competition. For example, the map for the 2012/2013 UEFA Champions League Final looked like this.

UEFA Champions League Final 2012/2013. Wembley Stadium, London. Bayern - Borussia (Dortmund)

By the way, this match was also interesting because for the first time in the history of the cup two German clubs met in its final. It is noteworthy that giving general indications of the victory of Bavaria, the map suggested that if the match had started five to seven minutes later than the scheduled time, the victory would have been for the Dortmud team ...

In this kind of horoscope, the main problem is to determine by what principle the angles of the map should be distributed (which team should give 1 and / or 10 houses, and which - 7 and / or 4 houses). The approaches are very different: hosts / guests, favorites / outsiders, the team that kicked the ball first, the color of the uniform, etc. How many astrologers, so many opinions. My own experience suggests that it is better to take the "angle distribution" theory in Frawley event sports forecasting as a starting point.

And then the time comes to analyze a number of factors that testify in favor of one or the other team. It often happens that the horoscope contains evidence simultaneously in favor of both rivals, which requires a great talent and skill from the astrologer to make a correct forecast in this case. Unambiguous cards are rare.

There are many difficulties in interpreting the horoscopes of sporting events. For example, I came across the fact that some of Frawley's statements made in his "Sports Astrology" do not work or do not work with obvious failures. In addition, as research is carried out in this direction, a number of evidence emerges that is opposite to Frawley's opinion.

Sports astrology, being a developing direction, represents a vast field for research. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised at, even at the inaccuracies or controversy of the statements of such a venerable astrologer as Mr. Frawley.

The obvious advantages of the method of constructing the horoscope of an event at the time of the competition is that, unlike the sports horary question, you can use it as often as you like. In addition, he provides a key to predicting the score of football matches.

However, the event card also has one, but a very SIGNIFICANT MINUS: it works as clearly as possible only on SIGNIFICANT events, which, as a rule, include the finals of certain competitions (the louder the final, the better - in these cases, the accuracy of the predictions made by him, is approaching 100% !!!). The method gives a prediction for the semi-finals less unambiguously, the situation is even worse with the quarterfinals and the play-off series. In qualifying stages, other "regular" matches and competitions, this method is of little help at all.

These are the two main techniques used by sports astrology in predicting the outcomes of sports events.

Sports astrology is as interesting as it is laborious, sometimes a thankless task. Therefore, doing it just for the sake of "profit" is an absolutely useless occupation. This area of ​​knowledge, as well as the whole astrological science in general, should be treated not just with respect, but with real reverence, admiration. It is worth studying it for the sake of knowledge, only then will Urania give the astrologer an opportunity to earn extra money "along the way". And only so! Putting astrology at serving exclusively selfish goals means knowingly staying at a broken trough.

I want to note that with this article I open a sports astrologer section on my website, in which, in addition to covering issues of the theory of sports forecasting, I will from time to time post my predictions on the outcomes of some competitions (matches). I draw your attention to the fact that all such publications will be publicly available (free), and therefore I do not bear responsibility for the result of the use of such forecasts by any of the site visitors and I do not give guarantees.

Those who are interested in the astrological forecast service for the outcome of a sporting event can familiarize themselves with its cost and the procedure for providing by clicking.

Sports astrology is as promising and fascinating as it is fraught with mistakes and frustrations for self-confident beginners. You should be careful with her, as with your dear companion - courteous, patient, persistent.

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