Gymnastics for children 2 3 years after sleep. Post-sleep card file in senior and preparatory groups (September-November)

The importance of sleep for the full development of a child is difficult to overestimate. But proper awakening is also very important for the baby to spend the rest of the day in good mood, which means he was active and cheerful. Children of the second youngest group in force age characteristics it is rather difficult to pass from a state of rest to physical activity. The teacher is faced with the difficult task of choosing a suitable set of exercises, combining physical activity.

Definition of the concept of "gymnastics after sleep"

Gymnastics after daytime sleep is a set of exercises that organize a leisurely transition from calm sleep to continued activity, which is carried out with rhymes and slow, quiet music. For children of the second youngest group, that is, 3-4 years old, the complex should have the character of a game with a plot, where a familiar character acts, which is a model for repeating all actions after him.

Physical activity is distributed in such a way that the complex includes exercises:

  • to perform lying in bed (stretching, swinging legs and arms);
  • active block (running, squats, as well as gymnastics elements for fingers, etc.);
  • on the development and improvement of the respiratory system.

The total exercise time is 5-7 minutes.

It should be noted that the selection also depends on the overall strategy. educational program preschool institution. So, if hardening groups are practiced in kindergarten, then children perform most of the exercises in the open air at any time of the year.

How the baby wakes up depends on his mood and the physical state the rest of the day

Post-sleep gymnastics goals

Like all program elements of working with children in kindergarten, the main task of conducting classes is to preserve and strengthen health. In this context, the goals of post-sleep exercise are:

  • tone the muscles;
  • improve mood;
  • prevent curvature of the spine, the development of flat feet;
  • instill in babies the habit of warming up after sleep.

It is important to consider that in the exercises after sleep there should be no sudden body movements, otherwise muscle stretching, increased excitability and dizziness cannot be avoided. In the second younger group the emphasis is on barefoot walking and lifting.

Types of awakening gymnastics

Usually, educators try to make up a complex that is aimed at realizing all the goals of the warm-up. But in the educational plans of many kindergartens, only certain types of gymnastics are included, aimed at solving a specific problem. In this case, planning is made for a month. In other words, for example, September - children do warm-up in cribs, self-massage; October - work on simulators or in a gym with sports equipment etc. It is possible to distinguish such types invigorating gymnastics, how:

Rules of conduct

In order for children to maintain a positive emotional attitude, you need to adhere to the timing framework.

  1. Exercise in bed - 1.5–2 minutes.
  2. Loads of the active unit and breathing exercises- 2-3 minutes.
  3. Hardening procedures, if any, 3 minutes.

Awakening gymnastics card file

As already noted, the goals that are determined by invigorating gymnastics can be achieved by alternating a combination of different types of gymnastics (usually after half a month). For the second youngest group, it is rational to use a combination of two or three types, since in this case it is easier to draw up a single plot for the entire set - that is, to satisfy the main requirement for such wellness work: physical activity put into the form of a game. The preparation of combinations of exercises is in accordance with the planning of work with children of a particular group.

Exercises in bed and music rhythm block

The most common type of combination: gymnastics, poetry and music. Let's give an example of several complexes of such gymnastics.

  1. Exercise "Stretching".
    1. Lying on your back, we stretch our arms along the body.
    2. Inhale and at the same time stretch with the handles up and with the heels forward.
    3. We return to the starting position and exhale.
  2. Exercise "Catch a mosquito"
    1. Lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides.
    2. We do cotton in front of the chest.
    3. We return to the original pose.
  3. Exercise "Bicycle".
    1. Lying on your back, bend your knees.
    2. We simulate cycling.
    3. We carry out 10-12 seconds.
  4. Exercise "Musicians".
    1. We play the accordion
      Clap our hands loudly.
      (Children clap).
    2. Our legs: top, top.
      (The kids are stomping).
    3. Our pens: clap, clap!
      (Clap again).
    4. We lower our palms down,
      (We relax our hands and lower them along the body).
    5. We have a rest, we have a rest.
  5. Exercise "Funny legs".
    1. Higher legs! Top, top!
      (Children stomp.)
    2. More fun! Gop, gop!
      (They jump up).
    3. Bell, don, don!
      (They make a movement with their hand, as if there is a bell in it).
    4. Louder, louder, ringing, ringing!
    5. Gop, horse, gop, gop!
      (They jump up).
    6. Whoa, horse:
      Stop, stop!
      (They stop and lower their arms along the body).

Instructions for general developmental exercises and self-massage:

  1. We lay on our back.
  2. We turn our head to the right, to the left.
  3. We stroke hands, tummy, legs, heels.
  4. We bend our legs, wrap our hands around our knees and gradually straighten our legs.

It is interesting. Combinations of different types have one feature: the first in these sets will be exercises in bed.

Poem for exercise in bed with elements of gymnastics for the respiratory system.

  • The bird sat on the window,
    A cat meows in the yard -
    They decided to wake us up.
    Everything! The quiet hour is over!
  • Wake up kids I want
    invite you to play hide and seek.
    (Children lie on top of the blankets.
    Calm music sounds.
    Children perform movements according to the text).
  • Our sleepy palms
    Woke up little by little
    They played hide and seek -
    Fingers clenched into a fist.
  • Toes on our feet
    They know all the paths in the park.
    They check - where are the heels,
    And they play hide and seek with us.
  • We are almost awake
    Our hands reached out
    Waved over the sheet
    Together they hid behind the back.
  • We will hook the handles into a "lock"
    Over my head.
    Right, left elbow
    We will bring it in front of us.
    The knees don't want to sleep
    It is high time for them to get up.
  • We put out our knees
    The legs were quickly straightened.
    Our mouths are silent
    We train the tongue:
    We will hide it and show it.
    "Good day!" - we will say loudly.
  • Let's breathe deeply
    Blow out the air with a noise.
    Our noses woke up
    We smiled at each other!
    (stand on the rugs next to the crib).

Instructions for the Grow Big Exercise:

Summary of gymnastics in the second junior group, author Ershova Irina

Usually, educators use complexes that have a plot basis:

  1. Educator: “Children, it was interesting to watch you while you were sleeping. Someone sniffled like a little kitten, someone stretched in a dream like a fox cub, someone buried himself in a pillow like a little bear cub. Let's now draw some of the animals with our exercises. "
  2. Gymnastics complex.
    1. "The beasts are awake."
      I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Yawn and stretch well. Repeat several times; the pace is slow.
    2. Educator.
      Guess the riddle:
      In the forest in cold winter
      He walks angry, hungry.
      He clicked his teeth!
      It's gray ... (wolf)
    3. "Greetings to the wolf cubs."
      I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Bring your arms to your chest, then stretch them forward. Return to and. n. Repeat five times; the pace is moderate.
    4. "Owl".
      I. p. - lying on your back, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Pulling in the stomach - inhale, protruding the stomach - exhale. Exhaling, pronounce "f-f-f-f" loudly. Repeat four times; the pace is slow.
    5. "Dexterous monkeys".
      I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. At the command of the teacher "tummy" to turn on the stomach. At the command "back", turn onto your back. Repeat five times: moderately at first, then quickly.
    6. "The growling of bears."
      Inhale through your nose. As you exhale, pull "mmm-mm-mm", while tapping the wings of the nose with the fingers of both hands.
  3. Educator: What a wonderful zoo we have turned out. You not only beautifully and correctly showed the proposed animals, but everyone has already woken up (children perform hardening procedures).

Video: how to organize the awakening in the second younger group

A selection of awakening exercises enables your toddler to wake up in a good mood, helps maintain health, and fosters a culture of awakening. Just 5-8 minutes is enough for kids 3-4 years old to return to active activity. And the path of this return is determined by the educator, who combines different types invigorating gymnastics within one complex.

Elena Levina
Gymnastics card file after nap for younger preschool children






Children wake up, throw over a blanket.

Wake up quickly, get up more fun.

Look, look, the sparrows have arrived.

1. "Sips"

I. p. - lying on his back, arms along the body: 1-arms up, 2- and. NS.

2. "Sparrows flap their wings"

I. p. - sitting on your knees on the bed, hands behind your back: 1-4-wave your hands up and down; 5-6- hide behind the back

3. "Hid"

I. p. - lying on his back, legs extended; 1-4-group; 2-4. NS.

4. "Sparrows breathe"

I. p. - kneeling

1-inhale, hold your breath,

2-exhale "AH!"

5. "Sparrows are surprised"

I. p. - the same 1-inhalation through the nose,

exhalation - "h-and-and-and-r-and-k." While exhaling, simultaneously tap on the wings of the nose

6. Walking on ribbed paths

7. Dressing



Calm music sounds

The teacher approaches each child, strokes the head.

The sunbeam looked into our eyes, close them.

Pat it on the head, neck, tummy, arms, legs.

Self-massage "Sunny Bunny"

Close your eyes, stroking your forehead, nose, cheeks, chin.

Stroking the head, neck, abdomen, arms, legs.

1. "Smile at the sun"

I. p. - lying on your back, 1-3 hands up; 2-4- and. NS.

2. "Warming up the legs"

I. p. - the same, hands behind the head;

1-3-raise the right (left) leg; 2-4 NS.

3. "Playing with the sunbeams"

I. p. - lying on his back, arms extended along the body; 1-3-group, head to knees; 2-4 NS.

4. "Let's warm the back"

I. p. - lying on his stomach, hands under the chin; 1-4- knee bending

5. Finger gymnastics

Massage the pad of each finger and palm in turn.

Walking on ribbed paths. Dressing



"Merry Zoo"

Stretch, stretch hurry, hurry wake up.

The guys are waking up, the animals are waking up.

1. "Sips"

I. p. - lying on your back, 1-3 - stretch up; 2-4- and. NS.

2. "Greetings to the wolf cubs"

I. p. - lying on his back, arms along the body; 1-arms to the chest, 2-pull forward, 3-4-and. NS.

3. "Owl"

I. p. - lying on his back. One hand rests on the stomach, the other on the chest

1-inhale to draw in the stomach; 2-exhale, puff out On exhalation, pronounce "F-F-F"

4. "Dexterous rabbits"

I. p. - lying on your back, arms above your head

1-3-raise your legs, touch your toes with your hands, 2-4-and. NS.

5. "Growling bears"

I. p. - sitting. Inhale through your nose, exhale "mmm," tap your fingers on the wings of the nose

Walking on massage mats



"Waking up kittens"

1. "Sips"

I. p. - lying on his back, 1-3-hands up, 2-4- and. NS.

Self-massage "Kittens"

The cat decided to teach kittens,

How do you need to wash the paws.

We were sitting not far

All movements were spotted.

Rub the right foot,

And then we'll shake it up.

Here is the left foot too

We will help you with your right foot.

Your left ear

We get it with our left paw,

We do not forget the right

We wash with the right paw.

Let's run through the fur with a paw,

We stroke and wash everyone.

We clean the spout carefully.

We can smooth our breasts.

Here are the clean kittens,

So the guys got enough sleep!

3-4 week add

Finger gymnastics "Cat"

The cat's daughter has claws on her paws.

Do not rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch.

At our guest, guess who:

Shaggy, mustached,

The paws are soft, and the claws are sharp. (cat)

Let's play with her a little.

Let's be fluffy little kittens too

(Movement to text)

Rub the right hand with the left from the fingertips up.

They shake with their right hand.

Rub the left hand with the right.

Rub the ears up and down until redness and warmth.

Run the fingers of both hands across the forehead from the middle to the temples.

Stroke closed eyes from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eyes and back.

The index finger is vigorously traced along the wings of the nose.

Stroking and tapping on the chest.

Hands and feet are lifted up. They perform chaotic movements.

Squeeze and unclench your hands into a fist.

Massage your fingertips.



"Growing healthy"

Who, who lives in this bedroom?

Who, who rises with the sun?

These kids all woke up

Turned from side to side,

Suddenly throwing back the blankets, they smiled

And they said together: "We woke up!"

1. "Sips"

I. p. - lying on his back, arms along the body. 1-2 hands up. 3-4- and. NS.

2. Respiratory gymnastics

I.P. - sitting on the bed

Inhale with the left nostril, the right one closed. Inhale right nostril, left closed (Inhale - short Exhale - long)

Inhale with your nose while exhaling, pull "M-M-M", at the same time tap your index fingers on the wings of the nose

Pronounce "N-B" vigorously (10 sec. (Strengthening the muscles of the lips)

Vigorously chant "T-D" (10 sec. (Strengthening the muscles of the tongue)

Stick out your tongue, vigorously pronounce "K-G", "N-G" (10 sec. (Strengthening the muscles of the pharyngeal cavity)

Yawn and stretch several times

3. "Health path" (in a group)

walking on a ribbed path, jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop, walking on wet salt paths, walking on dry paths


The complex is the same + ears massage "Let's play with ears"

1. "Let's find and show ears"

2. "Clap ears" (5-6 times)

Put your hands behind your ears and bend them forward, first with your little finger, then with all your other fingers. Pressing the auricles to the head, release them sharply.

3. "Let's stroke the ears" (5-6 times)

Grab both earlobes with the tips of your thumb and forefinger, stroke and release.

4. "Click on the tragus"

Press the tragus with your index finger, slightly pressing it inward (10-15 sec)

5. "Let's warm our ears"

Place your palms on your ears and rub the entire auricle thoroughly.

6. Relax and listen to silence.

Gymnastics is accompanied by verses:

Find your ears

And show them quickly.

Let's play deftly with them,

We clap our ears like that.

And now we are pulling everything down.

Ear, don’t come off!

And then and then

Twisted the tragus.

The ear seems to be frozen

You can warm it up that way.

One, two! One, two!

So the game is over.


"Favorite toys"

1. "Sips"

I. p. - lying on your back, hands down

1-3 hands up, 2-4. NS.

2. "Doll"

and. n. - lying on the back

We love to play and even

We will show the dolls now.

Exactly lay down in bed

And they looked to the right,

Immediately took a deep breath

And the heads turned.

Now we breathe out

We look up and rest

We breathe evenly, we are not in a hurry,

Repeat the same to the left

(Turning the head to the right - inhale

Exhale and. NS.

Turn the head to the left - inhale

I. p. - exhale)

3. "Pinocchio"

I. p. - lying on his back, arms along the body; 1-simultaneously raise arms and legs, 2-and. NS.

4. "Clockwork machine"

I. p. - lying on his back, 1-rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest, 2-3 rotational movements of the legs, 4- and. NS.

5. "Kolobok"

I. p. - the same, 1-3-group, 2-4-and. NS.

6. "Balloon"

I. p - sitting on the bed. Take in air through the nose with a noise, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds. Exhale with a noise "U-U-U" (Teach children to inhale –3 sec., Exhale –6 sec.)

7. Respiratory

Inhale through the left nostril (the right one is closed with the index finger,

Exhale through the right nostril (the left one is closed with the index finger)

What a weird

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

Everywhere he sticks his nose long.

Who is this?

She doesn't need a driver at all

You turn it on with the key-

The wheels will start spinning.

Put it on and she will rush

I did not tremble in front of the wolf,

I ran away from the bear.

And the fox's teeth

All the same, I got a bun

Lightweight, round, but not a ball,

And he does not jump at a gallop.

Hangs on a string

I gape - it will fly away.



"Hide and seek"

The bird sat on the window,

A cat is meowing in the yard

She decided to wake us up.

Everything! The quiet hour is over!

1. Children stretch in bed.

2. Flexion and extension of the fingers

3. Same with toes

4. Raise your hands in front of you, wave. Hide behind the back.

5. Hands behind the head. Children bring their elbows together and apart in front of them.

6. I bend and unbend my knees

7. Take in air with a noise through your nose, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds.

Exhale in a noise through the lips, folded in a tube "oo-oo-oo" - long

8 "Growing Big"

I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down; 1- hands up-inhale, 2-. n. -dosage "Y-x-x"

Our sleepy palms woke up little by little

They played hide and seek merrily, clenching their fingers into a fist.

This is how we do the exercises.

This is how, this is how we play hide and seek (it is repeated all the time after each quatrain)

Toes know all the paths in the park

They check where the heels are, and play hide and seek with us.

Like this….

We were almost awake, our hands stretched out.

They waved over the sheet, hid behind the back.

Like this….

We will clasp the handles into a lock above our head. We will bring the right, left elbow in front of us.

Like this….

The knees do not want to sleep, it is high time for them to get up. We put our knees, we quickly straighten our legs

Like this….

Let's breathe deeply, blow out the air with a noise.

Our noses woke up, we smiled at each other!

This is how they did the exercises.

That's how, that's how we played hide and seek!


"Funny exercise"

1. "We are growing"

I. p. - lying on his back, hands down; 1-3 hands up, 2-4. NS.

Standing by the bed

2. "Airplane" I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - right hand to the side, 2 - left hand to the side. 3-4 turn of the body to the right, left, 5-6. NS.

3. "Pump"

I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

1-tilt to the left, right hand slides up along the body, 2. n., 3-4 tilt to the right ...

4. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

I. p. - main stand

1-raise the left leg bent at the knee, 2-and. p. 3-4 right leg

5. "Sun"

I. p. - about. with. 1-3-hands up, stand on your toes, 2-4. NS.


Sitting on the bed

"The nose is breathing" close your mouth, clench your teeth tightly, take a deep breath and exhale through your nose

"The nose is training." Breathe in. While inhaling, resist the air by pressing the forefingers of both hands on the wings of the nose. Exhale freely through the nose.

"The nose rejoices" Inhale through the left nostril (the right one is closed with the index finger, exhale through the right one (the left one is closed)

"Little naughty nose" inhale. As you exhale, tap with the index fingers of both hands on the wings of the nose and say "M-M-M"

"Nose massage" Stroking the nose from the wings to the bridge of the nose and vice versa

We grow higher and higher, reaching the very roof.

Hands to the sides - we are sending the plane to flight.

Right wing forward.

Left wing forward.

1,2,3,4 our plane flew

And now we turn on the pump, we pump water from the river.

Left - one, right - two.

Water flowed in a stream.

Stand on one leg, as if you are a tough soldier.

Raise your left leg, but don't fall.

Now stay on your left, if you are a brave soldier.

The sun rises brightly, sends its rays to us, we will show our hands to the sun "Hello", we will say to the sun

If we guys are asked what a nose is for,

What are we going to answer?

Helps us breathe.

Inhale the aroma of flowers, fruits, soup, butter rolls

Distinguish between taste and smell.

And it's also so convenient to hold glasses on your nose.

One, two, one, two - that's the end of the game!



"Funny Pinocchio"

Stretch, stretch, hurry, wake up soon "

Pinocchio came to us today.

He will play with us.

1. "Sips"

Acupressure massage "Buratino"

2. "Beautiful forehead"

I. p. - lying on his back. Run your fingers across your forehead from the middle to the temples

3. "Draw eyebrows"

I. p. - lying on his back. With the index fingers of both hands, press on the eyebrows

4. "Long nose"

I. p. - the same Index fingers to draw along the wings of the nose. At the end of the exercise, pull your nose slightly.

5. "Funny ears"

I. p. - the same. Rub your ears up and down until you feel warm

6. Respiratory exercise. "OH"

I. p. - sitting, hands down; 1-breath;

2-4-exhalation (on exhalation "AH-X-X" 3 times)

The song "Buratino" sounds

Children go to dress



1. "Sips"

I. p. - lying on his back, hands down, 1-3-hands up, 2-4. NS.

I. p. - the same 1-4-squeeze and unclench the brushes.

3. "Flexibility"

I. p. - the same, hands behind the head, 1-3- bend the right and left legs alternately, 2-4-and. NS.

4. "Hide and Seek"

I. p. - the same, 1-3-group. 2-4 NS.

Breathing exercises

Standing by the bed

"Watch" I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. 1-3-inhale, 2-4 exhale head tilt

"Geese hiss" I. p. - stand, hands behind the back 1-3-inhale, 2-4-exhale "sh-sh-sh"

"Porridge boils" I. p. - standing, one hand rests on the chest, the other on the stomach.

Inhale - to draw in the stomach, exhale - to stick out the stomach "f-f-f"

"Step march" Walking in place with high knees. Inhale 2 steps, exhale 3 steps

"Well done" Inhale through the nose, hold the breath, exhale through the mouth "young people"

Stretch, stretch, hurry, wake up soon

To give the handles strength, you need to squeeze them tightly.

To become very flexible, we need to bend our legs

Hide from all worries, only mom will find us

We breathed and played, learned a lot. We pull the handles high, that's how easy it is to breathe! Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhalation! We say in chorus: "These are the youngsters!"

3-4- WEEK

1. "Grow Big"

I. p. - lying on his back, 1-3-hands up, 2-4-and. NS.

I want to grow up sooner, to do good for people.

2. "Regulator"

He will show us the right path, he will show the turns.

and. p. the same, 1-4 - right hand down, left up, change of hands

3. "Motor" I. p. - kneeling. The arms are bent in front of the chest. 1-4 rotational movements of bent arms "rrr"

4. "Kitty" I. p. - standing on all fours, 1-3-raise your head, bend your back, inhale. Lower your head, arch your back "fr-rr" -exhale

5. "Bicycle"

I press the pedal, our bicycle rushes into the distance.

I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind the head 1-8 rotational movements of the legs

6. "Breathing"

I. p. - seeds on the bed 1-inhale slowly through the nose, hold the breath 2- exhale through the nose.

We will all breathe slowly.

We will hear the silence around.


1-2- WEEK

"Spider bugs"

1. "The bugs were pulled"

I. p. - lying on his back, hands down.

1-3-hands up, 2-4- and. NS.

2. "Eyes woke up"

I. p. - lying on his back, arms along the body. Stroke closed eyes on the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eyes and back

3. "Ears woke up"

I. p. - the same. Rub the ears up and down until redness and warmth

4. "Paws woke up"

I. p. - the same. With bent arms and legs to flounder in the air

5. "Bugs bask in the sun"

I. p. Lying on his stomach, hands under the chin. 1-4-alternately bend the knees

6. "Bugs are getting ready for a walk"

I. n --- lying on your back, hands behind your head

1-3- raise the leg bent at the knee, 2-4- and. NS.

7. "Funny bugs" I. p. - the same. 1-3-hand claps in front of you, 2-4. NS.

8. "Well done" I. p. - sitting on the bed

1- inhale through the nose, hold the breath, 2- exhale "young" 3 times slowly

We breathed, we played a lot of new things and learned. We pull the handles high, that's how easy it is to breathe!

Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhalation! We say in chorus: "These are the youngsters!"


1. "Eyes"

Wake up guys, it's time to start exercising.

Eyes to the left, eyes to the right,

Up and down. And all over again!

I. p. - sitting on his knees. Turn the eyes to the sides, up., Down.

2. "Slap on the knees"

I. p. - sitting, legs to the sides, 1-3-bend forward-slap on the knees, 2-4 and. NS.

3. "Put your knees down"

I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees, 1-3-put bent knees on the right (left, 2-4-i. p.

4. "Long and short legs"

Long legs walk along the road, short legs walk along the path.

I. p. - sitting, legs extended, arms behind the emphasis. 1-bend your knees, 2-and. NS.

5. "Motor"

I. p. - sitting on the bed 1-3-bend your arms at the elbows and rotate them one around the other with the sound "oo-oo-oo", 4-i. NS.

6. "Breathing" and. p. - the same. Close 1-right nostril by hand, inhale with the left, 2-through the right exhalation, left closed

Breathe one nostril and peace will come to you.



1. "Sun" I. p. Lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-3-hands in front of the chest, 2-4-and. NS.

2. "Nose" I. p. - the same 1-inhale through the nose, 2- exhale with the sound "mmm", tapping on the wings of the nose with index fingers.

3. "Kurnosik" I. p. - the same. 1- stroke the sides of the nose from the tip to the bridge of the nose, 2- as you exhale, tap the wings of the nose with your index fingers (1- inhale 2-exhale)

4. "Whistle of the steamer" I. etc. - sitting on the bed on your knees. 1- inhale through the nose 2- hold the breath for 1-2 seconds, 3- exhale through the lips, folded with a tube "oo-oo-oo" -long (Inhale is short, exhale is long)

5. "Drummer" I. p. - lying on his back, hands up. 1-4 bend your knees and tap your knees with your palms, 5-6. NS.

6. "Airplane" I. p. - lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows at chest level. 1-3-raise your head, shoulders, legs straight, arms to the sides, 4. NS.

7. "Breathing" I. p. - sitting, 1 - quick inhalation, 2-3 - slow exhalation.

Dressing, water treatments

The sun shines through our window:

I missed you a little

I'm waiting for friends on the street, wake up soon!

We'll hum a little and knock on the nose.

We love our nose very much. For what? That is the question!

Our steamer buzzed, he calls us all into the sea!

We'll drum a little and get stronger right away.

Let's fly by plane, Let's be strong in flight.

If we breathe slowly, we will hear the whole world around.


1. "Sipes" I. p. - lying on your back, 1-3 - hands up, 2-4 - and. NS.

2. "Ears" I. p. Sitting in turkish 1 - tilt of the head to the right - deep breath, 2 - to the left - exhale

3. "Show your palms" I. p. - lying on your back, hands along the body 1-arms forward, 2-3-fingers clenched into fists, 4-and. NS.

4. "Let's dance" I. p. - the same 1-3 to alternately raise the right and left leg bent at the knee, clap the knee with your palm. 2-4 NS.

5. "Kitty" I. p. - standing on all fours, 1-3 bend your back, 2-4 - bend your back, lower your head.

6. "Sock-heel" I. p. - while sitting, the legs are extended, the emphasis is on the back of the palm. 1-3 pull the legs, socks away from you, 2-4 towards yourself

7. "Watch" I. p. Standing by the bed, legs slightly apart 1-swing the arms forward - "tick" (inhale, 2- swing the arms back "so" (exhale)

Walking the health path, getting dressed

Eyes open, eyes wake up, pull-legs, pull-heels,

Pens and palms, sweet kids!

The ears everyone wants to hear about the guys and about the animals

The watch goes ahead to call us.



1. "With awakening, handles"

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body 1-3 raise your arms in front of your chest and shake in the air, 4. NS.

2. "Wash your hands"

I. p. - sitting. 1-4-imitation movements washing hands

3. "Wipe dry"

I. p. The same. Rub your palms together until you feel warm.

4. "Wake up, fingers"

I. p. - the same with the right hand to pull each finger, starting with the thumb, then on the right hand.

5. "Wake up, legs"

I. p. - lying on his back. 1-3 alternately raise a straight right and left leg. 2-4 NS.

6. "Bicycle"

I. p. - the same, hands behind the head. 1-8-imitation of cycling.

7. "Smelling flowers"

I. p. - sitting. 1- inhalation of the right nostril, the left one is closed, 2- exhalation of the left nostril, the right one is closed

8. "Hello, sun"

I. p. - the same. 1-3- hands up- inhale,

2-4- and. n. - exhale

Walking on a ribbed board, on a salt path, on a dry path. Dressing up children.

The sun's warm ray invites everyone to get up. To wake up better, you can play.

We will raise our hands to our chest, well, let's play with them.

Shake better - with awakening, handles!

Children love to wash their palms without soap, pretend. If you put them together, the handle will wash the handle.

You need to wash your hands and dry yourself with a towel. We do not give them to be lazy - three of each other very much.

Let's make sunflowers from the palms of the sun. We pull each finger, let it become lighter.

We breathe in the scent of spring flowers.

We breathed and played, learned a lot. We pull the handles high: "Hello, honey!"

Finger gymnastics

The day has come, the sun has risen

Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors

Get up, highway;

Get up, pointer.

Get up, middle.

Get up, orphan

And baby - Miroshka

Hello palm.

Fingers stretched out and woke up.

We all know the concept of "stretching", which is loved by many, when limbs lying down during sleep, and the whole body, is warming up. It is most difficult for a child's body to switch from sleep to wakefulness, because younger children are 2-3 years old in kindergarten free time is more often active, with outdoor games, climbing, crawling. It is for the smooth movement of relaxed muscles that complex gymnastics is carried out after sleep in a preschool educational institution. For the younger group of preschool educational institutions, it is simple, with elementary exercises, accompanied by poems or nursery rhymes. Such gymnastics is designed to invigorate, it is easier to leave the bed and switch from the "sleep" mode to the "play" mode. Let's give an example of a number of wellness gymnastic exercises for younger children.

Gymnastics after sleep: complex "Visiting the Sun"

To start gymnastics, the preschool teacher turns on calm relaxing music. The sun must be shining through the window for the text of the complex to correspond to reality. The teacher walks between the beds and strokes each baby on the head, says: “My dear children, do you know why it is so light in our bedroom? So this sunny bunny looked into your eyes. Pat him gently, just don't scare him away (the guys rub their eyes). Oh, the bunny jumped on the head, stroke it sooner (children are stroking), on the neck, on the tummy, legs, arms, etc. (stroking is transferred to the desired part of the body - self-massage elements). He loves to caress you very much. Let's play with him and cheer up? "

The guys stand on the rug next to their beds. 4 gymnastics exercises are performed near the bed:

  1. "Smile to the Sun". Feet shoulder width apart, hands on shoulders. First, the straight right arm and right leg are put forward. The palm turns up, the child smiles. To the starting position. Now the left arm and leg are in front. Repeat 3 times. Everything should be at the same time, watch the attentiveness of the kids. Gymnastics after sleep in the younger group is also done for general development.
  2. "Playing with the Sun". Sit on the floor and hug your knees. Rotate 360 ​​degrees on the butt without taking your hands off your knees. Repeat 5 times.
  3. "Play with the sunbeams." Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. Spread your legs to the sides, without bending, and slap the knees with the handles. Repeat 6 times at a fast pace.
  4. "Rest in the Sun". Lie on your back, bend your legs and press them to your chest. Roll to the right, then to the left side. 3 times in each direction.

Gymnastics after sleep: complex "Kittens wake up"

The second complex of gymnastics in kindergarten is poetic. The song "Little gray cat" for gymnastics is included. The DOE teacher says: “Guys, do you want to know who came to visit you while you were sleeping? Guess the riddle:

Moody, mustached,
The paws are soft, the nails are sharp.

That's right guys, this is a pussy. Let you be little fluffy kittens today. Shall we play with you? "

Children repeat the movements that are present in the poem:

Then the kids in bed meow, put their claws, pretend to be kitties, as they can. The teacher approaches everyone and strokes the head. Then you can leave the bed and go to wash.

Gymnastics after sleep: complex "Merry Zoo"

The DOE teacher says: “Guys, it was very interesting for me to watch you while you were dreaming in your beds. Someone purrs in a dream like a kitten, someone stretches like a snake, someone curls up like a hedgehog in a ball. Daytime sleep is very beneficial for every living being. Let's all depict animals together? "

  1. "The animals are waking up." Lying on your back in bed, stretch your arms along the body. Yawn and stretch well. Repeat this exercise at a slow pace 5 times.
  2. "Wolf cubs". The teacher asks a riddle: “Who walks gray, angry, hungry in the forest in cold winter? That's right, it's a wolf. " Starting position as in the previous exercise. Then the arms are pulled up to the chest and extended upward. Repeat 5 times.
  3. "Owl". We depict owls: put one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. When you inhale, the tummy is pulled in, when you exhale, it protrudes with the sound "fffff". Repeat 4 times.
  4. "Monkeys". Position as in exercise 1. The teacher commands "Belly" - you need to quickly turn around and lie on your tummy, then the "back" commands - you need to quickly roll over onto your back. It is done 5 times.
  5. "Bear cubs". A deep breath is taken with the noses, and on exhalation, the wings of the nose are clamped and quickly unclenched many times with the fingers of the hands with the sound "mmmm".

Complexes of gymnastics awakening

for children 3 - 4 years old

Awakening gymnastics (gymnastics after an afternoon nap) is aimed at the correct gradual awakening of the child's body from sleep. It is also a hardening procedure. Awakening gymnastics helps children to improve their mood and muscle tone.

I offer complexes morning exercises and gymnastics of awakening, which are based on already existing skills, the motor experience of children. The duration of gymnastics for children 3 - 4 years old is 4-7 minutes.

Awakening gymnastics


  1. In cribs

1. "Sipes"

Potyagunushki, potyagunushki!

Across the fatty

And in the legs of the walker

And in the hands of the snatch

And in the mouth talk

And in the head of the mind "

2. "Cams - palms"

(exercise for clenching and unclenching the fingers)

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed

So, so and like this

And the heads were removed.

  1. Near the cots

Trampled feet

They patted the pens

Shaking our head


  1. In cribs

1. "Sipes"

Potyagunushki, potyagunushki!

Across the fatty

And in the legs of the walker

And in the hands of the snatch

And in the mouth talk

And in the head of the mind "

2. "We love ourselves"

- hands to the side;

- arms crossed over the chest.

3. Dressed up the legs

New boots.

(raising the legs, stroking the ankle).

  1. Near the cots

Small feet

They walk along the path.

Top is top, top is top.


  1. In cribs

1. "Stretching"

Our kitty woke up

Stretched, looked back

Turned from side to side -

Aunt ... (teacher's name) smiled.

2. The cat has paws

paws, claws - scratches.

(flexion - extension of the hands)

3. Sewn to our cat

Red boots.

(alternate raising of legs, stroking with hands)

  1. Near the cots

You walk - stomp

Through the puddles and splash

Don't go into the mud

Do not wet your boots.



  1. In cribs

1. "Stretching"

Beetle on the way, beetle

On the road black

Look at him -

That's how nimble.

2. Lying on your back, circular motions feet. Soundtrack ("w-w-w")

He fell back

I jumped with my paws,

Waving his wings

He jumped merrily.

3. "Rocking"

  1. Near the cots

Trampled feet

They patted the pens

Shaking our head



  1. In cribs

1. "Sips"

Who's already awake?(rub your eyes with your fists)

Who stretched so sweetly?(reach out, put your hands up)

Puff-puff-puff-puffs.(reach up with one hand, with the other; raise your hands up)

From toes to crown(sit down showing socks, stand up, raise hands up)

Already we are stretching - we are stretching,(reach up with one hand, the other)

We won't stay small(finger movement from side to side)

We are already growing, growing ...(from the squatting position, gradually get up, lifting the handles up)

  1. Near the cots

Little white hare sits(squat down and shake their head)

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this!

Bunny is cold to sit

You need to warm your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap!(clap)

Bunny is cold to stand

I need to jump the bunny,

Skok-skok, skok-skok!(jumping on two legs)

Someone scared the bunny,

Bunny jumped ... and galloped away.(children run away from the bedroom)



  1. In cribs

1. "Stretching"

Slippers, stretched!(Raising hands up in a lying position)
Quickly, quickly woke up!

The day has come a long time ago(Raising the legs up while lying down)

He knocks on your window.

2. "Rocking"

(lying on your back, pull your knees to your stomach. Sway from side to side)

  1. Near the cots

The bear got angry and kicked the top ...(Jumping on two legs)

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest ...(Walking and running to music)



  1. In cribs

1. "Wake up"

Who sleeps sweetly in bed?

It's high time to get up.

Go to exercise

Come with me for a walk.

2. "Let's warm the wings in the sun"

(lying on your back, hands along the body. Raise your hands up with the words "warm", lower)

3. "Hide the legs"

(lying on your back, raise your legs up; with the words "hide the legs", lower them onto the bed)

  1. Near the cots

1. Walking

Here comes the Cockerel,

Golden scallop.

He's catching up with the chickens

And drives into the chicken coop.

2. Jumping

"Funny Petushki"

(bouncing on two legs in place. Keep your hands free).



  1. In cribs

1. "Stretching"

Exercise to relax the muscles of the face "Frog" (show the movement of the lips, corresponding to the articulation of the sound "and")

We are funny frogs

We pull our lips straight to the ears!

2. "The frog swims"

Circular movements with arms and legs, first lying on your back, then lying on your stomach.

  1. Near the cots

We are frogs - hopping, (rise on your toes, stretch, do a half-squat)

Inseparable girlfriends,

The bellies are green (turns to the sides)

Tempered since childhood.

We don't whine, we don't cry, (slopes)

We ride through the puddles all day, (jumping)

We go in for sports!



  1. In cribs

1. "Stretching"

Mice opened their eyes

And they began to do the exercises:

The mice raised their paws,

And then they were lowered.

And they quickly bent their legs

As if they were racing along the path.

And then they played:

They swayed on their tummy.

  1. Near the cots

Amicably the mice all got up,

They began to jump dexterously.(Jumping on two legs)

Mice, mice hurry:

Trample your feet,

Look at each other

And sweep again.(Walking in place with a turn of the head to the left - to the right)


Complex number 1

1.I.p .: lying on your back, arms extended up. "Pryagushki": press your chin to your chest, socks - on yourself; stretch your head and hands in one direction, heels in the opposite direction; relax in the ip Repeat 2 times.

2.I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your head, socks - yourself, stretch your arms forward, linger in this position for 5 counts; return ip, relax. Repeat 4 times.

3.I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent in front, head with his forehead on the back of the fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, hands in "wings"; stay in this position for 5 accounts; return to ip Repeat 5 times

4.I.p .: the same. Raise your legs alternately, without lifting the pelvis from the bed, 5-6 times with each leg.

5.I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, cross your arms over your chest - exhale. Repeat 4 times.

6.I.p .: main stand. "Birds are flying": 1 - raise your arms to the sides, up; 2 - return to SP Repeat 5-6 times. Perform smoothly, without rushing.

7.I.p .: the legs are slightly apart, the arms are bent in front of the chest, the hands are lowered. "Bunnies": low jumps on two legs (8-10 jumps), pause. Repeat one more time.

8. Breathing exercise "Cow hums": on a long exhalation, pronounce "moo-oo-oo-oo", inhale; repeat several times.

Walking the path of "health".

Complex number 2

1.I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Press your chin to your chest, pull your socks towards you; stretch with the crown of the head in one direction, with the heels in the opposite direction; relax in the ip Repeat 2 times.

2.I.p .: lying on your back, hands behind your head. Raise your head, socks - towards yourself, linger in this position for 6 counts, without lifting your shoulder blades from the bed; return to ip Repeat 5 times.

3.I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent in front, head with his forehead on the back of the fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms in "wings"; to the sides; on the belt; return to ip Repeat 5 times.

4.I.p .: the same. Raise both legs at the same time; stay in this position for 5 accounts; return to ip Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p .: gray in Turkish, hands are on the knees. "Vanka-vstanka": swaying from side to side.

6.I.p .: main stand. "Picking apples": raise your arms forward and up, stand on your toes, stretch ("pick an apple") - inhale; lean forward and down, lower your hands freely ("put the apple in the basket") - exhale. Repeat 5-6 times.

7.I.p .: stand on the left leg, the right leg is bent at the knee and grasped by the ankle with the right hand. "Sparrow": 10 low jumps on the left leg, then the same - on the right. Repeat one more time.

8. Breathing exercise "Play with pigeons": on a long exhalation - "guli-guli-guli", then sharply - "Shoot!" Repeat several times.

Walking the path of "health".

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (preparatory group for school)

Complex number 3

1.I.p .: lying on your back, hands on the belt. Lower your chin to your chest, socks to yourself; stretch out, pressing on the pelvic bones with your hands; relax in the ip Repeat 3 times.

2. I. p.: Lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - hands to the shoulders (inhale); 2 - raise your head (exhale), arms forward; 3 - the same, but arms to the sides; 4 - return to SP Repeat 4 times.

3.I.p .: lying on your back, hands on the belt, legs straightened. Bend your knee; straighten it up; bend and lower again; do the same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

4.I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent in front, head with his forehead resting on the back of the fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms in "wings"; hands behind the head (palms on the back of the head); hands in "wings"; return to ip Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p .: the same. 1 - make wide "wings" on the bed, raise your head and shoulders; 2 - raise one straight leg; 3 - lower the leg; return to ip Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

6. "Caterpillar". I.p .: sit in a pose right angle, bring the legs bent at the knees with the heels to the buttocks, hands in the support from behind. Raising and twisting the toes, with a crawling motion, move the feet forward as far as possible. Return to SP with the same movement. Repeat 5-6 times.

7. "Weathervane". I.p .: stand straight, legs slightly apart; hands forward, palms together ("arrow"). 1 - slowly turn the body by 900, without taking your eyes off your hands; legs remain motionless; stay on 4-5 accounts; slowly return to i.p. Repeat everything in the other direction. Run 10 times.

8. Breathing exercise "Steam locomotive": ip: arms bent at the elbows. Walk around the bedroom, making alternating movements with your hands and saying: "Chukh-chukh-chukh-chukh" (20-30 sec).

Walking the path of "health".

Complex number 4

1.I.p .: lying on his stomach, hands on the belt, head resting on the forehead, heels together, toes pulled; stretch with the top of the head in one direction, and press on the pelvis with your hands, pulling it in the opposite direction; relax. Repeat 3 times.

2.I.p .: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the bed, hands on the belt; raise your head, arms forward, reach for your knees; linger in this position; return to ip Repeat 5 times.

3.I.p .: lying on your back, hands on the belt, legs straightened. "Bicycle": bend and unbend the legs on the weight at the same time, imitating "cycling" movements. The pace of movement is slow. Pause, repeat again.

4.I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent in front, head with his forehead on the back of the fingers; raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms to the sides; circular movements of the hands forward and backward; return to ip Repeat 4 times.

5.I.p .: lying on its side, the lower leg is bent, lower arm it is bent and lies under the head, the upper one is in the position of support in front of the chest. Raise the straight overlying leg to an angle of 450, hold it in weight for 4 counts, lower it. Run 3 more times. Repeat on the other side.

6.I.p .: standing near the bed, legs slightly apart, arms down. "Rocking": rolling from toe to heel, while the arms are slightly swinging back and forth. Pause, repeat again.

7.I.p .: leg stand slightly apart, raise straight arms up, palms inward. "Month": 1 - slowly tilt the body to the side, do not bend your legs, do not spread straight arms; 2 - slowly return to SP. Repeat the other way. Run 4 times in each direction.

8. Breathing exercise "Rooster": ip: stand feet apart, arms to the sides. Clap your hips with your hands and, exhaling, say "Ku-ka-re-ku" (4-5 times).

Walking the path of "health".

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (preparatory group for school)

Complex number 5

1.I.p .: sitting on the bed in Turkish style, back straight, palms on the upper thighs. Clasp your fingers into the lock, raise your hands up, twisting the clasped palms, stretch your head with the top of your head following your hands; relax in the ip Repeat 3 times.

2.I.p .: lying on your back, hands on the belt, legs straightened. Bend your knee; straighten it up to an angle of 450; lower your straight leg; repeat with the other leg. The slower the legs go down, the greater the load, so at first it is enough to keep the leg straight for 1-2 counts, then slow down to 4-5 counts. Run with each leg 4 times.

3.I.p .: lying on your back, arms extended up. Sit down with a swing, hands on the belt, back straight; return to ip Repeat 6 times.

4. "Snake". I.p .: lying on his stomach, his head rests on his forehead, hands folded behind his back so that the hands back side touched the buttocks. Raise your head smoothly, without jerking, then your chest as high as possible, hiss: "shhhh"; return to ip Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p .: lying on its side, the lower leg is bent and lies under the head, the upper leg is in the position of support in front of the chest. Raise a straight leg and make movements with it, "drawing" small circles with the toe back and forth. Lower your leg. Repeat 3 times.

Do the same on the other side.

6.I.p .: standing near the bed, legs slightly apart, arms bent in front of the chest, hands clenched into fists. "Boxing": stretch one arm forward, return to ip; stretch your other hand forward, return to SP. Boxing movements are performed with a slight twist of the body and at different rates, at first - smoothly and slowly, then faster and sharper.

7.I.p .: basic stance, hands on the belt. "Curious guys": turns head left to right, up and down; head tilts left to right. Run sequentially 5-6 times slowly, without jerking.

8. Breathing exercise "Geese hiss." I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Lean forward with simultaneous retraction of the arms to the sides back (bend in the back, look forward) - exhale slowly on the sound "Sh-sh-sh". Straighten up - inhale (5-6 times).

Walking the path of "health".

Complex number 6

1.I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your head, socks - towards yourself; bent leg pull up to the stomach, clasp with your hands and touch your knee with your forehead, linger for 2-3 counts; return to ip; repeat with the other leg. Run with each leg 4 times.

2.I.p .: lying on your back, hands on the belt, legs straightened. Bend both legs at the knees, straighten up; slowly lower straight legs. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Fish". I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent in front, head resting with his forehead on the back of the fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, perform hand movements that imitate breaststroke swimming. 3 times for 20 seconds.

4.I.p .: lying on its side, the lower leg is bent, the lower arm is bent and lies under the head, the upper one is in the position of the support in front of the chest. 1 - lift your leg up; 2 - a sock on oneself; 3 - pull off the sock; 4 - lower the leg (4 times). Repeat on the other side.

5.I.p .: the main stand near the bed, hands down. “We are growing”: join hands in a “lock”, lift them up, twisting the interlocked fingers; stretch your arms and top of your head up; to tear off the heels from the floor; return to ip Repeat 3 times.

6. "Mill". I.p .: legs are slightly apart, arms are lowered. 1-8 - alternate rotation of straight arms in the lateral plane; do the same in the opposite direction - pause. Repeat two times.

7. "Teddy bear": walking around the bedroom on outside feet.

8. Breathing exercise "Pump". I.p .: legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Inhale (when straightening) and exhale with a simultaneous tilt of the body to the side and the pronunciation of the sound "S-s-s" (hands slide along the body) - 6-8 times.

Walking the path of "health".

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (preparatory group for school)

Complex number 7

1.I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your head, bend both legs, pull them with your knees to your chest, linger for 4-5 counts; return to ip Repeat 5-6 times.

2. "Duck". I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms folded in front, forehead on hands. Raise your head upper part chest, arms stretch back; raise straight legs; bend over and linger in this position for 4-5 accounts; return to ip Repeat 5 times.

3.I.p .: lying on your back, hands on the belt, legs straightened. Raise straight legs and move them horizontally - " horizontal scissors", 3 times for 15 seconds.

4.I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms folded in front, head resting with his forehead on the back of the fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, hands in "wings", to the sides, behind the head, in "wings", return to SP. Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p .: lying on your back, arms extended upward. Sit down with a swing of hands, hands in "wings", back straight; return to ip Repeat 6-7 times.

6.I.p .: sit on your heels, hands down. Tilt the body forward without lifting the pelvis from the heels; stretch forward, sliding your hands along the bed; slowly return to i.p. Repeat 3 times.

7. "Heron". I.p .: stand directly next to the bed, legs together, hands on the belt. Raise the leg bent at the knee, stretch the sock, touch it to the knee; the thigh is parallel to the floor. Stand for about 30 seconds.

8. Breathing exercise "Start of the spaceship": there are a few seconds left before the start of the spacecraft, we begin to count the time out loud in seconds - 10.9.8 ... Count down loudly, abruptly, in one breath without air intake. We must try to distribute the exhaled air so that when pronouncing the word "start!", The exhalation is free, unrestricted.

Walking the path of "health".

Complex number 8

1.I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Press your chin to your chest, socks on yourself; stretch first with one heel, then with the other; the top of the head at this time to strive in the opposite direction; relax in the ip Repeat 3 times.

2.I.p .: reclining on his back, resting his hands on the back of the forearms. Raise a straight leg, attach another to it; hold legs for 4 counts; omit together; do the same, starting with the other leg. Repeat 3 times.

3.I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent in front, head with his forehead on the back of the fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms in "wings", legs - "crawl" for 8-10 counts; return to ip Repeat 3-4 times.

4.I.p .: lying on your back, legs bent, arms extended up. With a swing of the hands, sit down in Turkish, hands on the belt; return to ip Repeat 6-7 times.

5. "Kitty". I.p .: to kneel, leaning on the hands, head and back - on one straight line. Lower your head down, bend your back - "the cat is angry"; raise your head, bend your back - "affectionate kitty." Repeat 5 times.

6. "Reed". I.p .: stand straight, legs slightly apart, raise straight arms up, connect the hands with an inverted "lock". Without bending the legs and arms, tilt the upper body to the right, down, left, return to the SP. (make circular rotation top torso). Perform 4 circles, do the same movements in reverse order... Pause, repeat again.

7. "Circus horses". I.p .: legs together, arms bend at the elbows, palms down. Running in place with a high rise of the knees, with the palms of the hands touching the knees, pulling the toes of the legs.

8. Breathing exercise "The ball burst." I.p .: slightly spread your legs, lower your hands down. Dilution of hands to the sides - inhale, clap in front of you - exhale slowly on the sound "sh-sh-sh-sh" (4-5 times).

Walking the path of "health".

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (preparatory group for school)

Complex number 9

Stretching. ("The Snow Queen spoke magic words, and the children began to grow up in their sleep").

I. p. - lying on your back, raise your hands up and lower them on the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull the right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either toe or heel), you can stretch your arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine.

Game "Winter and Summer" (muscle tension and relaxation). I. p. - lying on your back. On

signal "Winter!" children should curl up in a ball, tremble all over, pretending that they are cold. To the signal "Summer!" children open up, relax the muscles of the body, showing that they are warm. Repeat several times.

Self-massage of palms (“it is very cold in winter, so we will create fire to

get warm"). I. p. - sitting on the bed, legs crossed. Rub your palms quickly until warmth. Then wash your face with warm palms.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Walking the path of "health". (Prevention of flat feet.)

Breathing exercises:

"Cooking porridge." I.p .: o.s., one hand on the chest; the other on the belly. Inhale through the nose (pulling in the stomach), and exhale through the mouth, pronouncing "sh-sh-sh" or "f-f-f" ("porridge is boiling") and sticking out the stomach.

"Hedgehog". I.p .: sitting, legs together, hands in support from behind. Bend your knees and pull them to your chest. Straighten your legs ("f-f-f").

Complex number 10

1. Stretching. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise the right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; the same thing alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, lower.

2. "We have a rest." I. p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently support your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and unbend the knees. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. Self-massage of the head ("wash the head").

I. p. - sitting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate the movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Feel ... Oh, hot! Add cold water, wet your hair, pour the shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides ... No, they haven't washed the back at all. Now good! Rinse off the foam, again from all sides. Sasha still has foam on his temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently blot your hair. Take a comb and comb your hair well. Do not press too hard with the comb or you will scratch the scalp. You are so Beautiful!"

Breathing sound exercises.

"Flight to the moon"

When doing the exercises, inhalation is taken through the nose, the mouth is closed.

"We start the engine." I. p. - Stand feet apart, hands in front of the chest, clenched into fists. Inhale - i.p .; exhale - rotate bent arms(one around the other) at chest level; while on one breath pronounce: "Rrrrr". Repeat 4-6 times.

"We are flying on a rocket." I. p. - kneeling, hands up, palms together above the head. Inhale - i.p .; a long exhale - swaying from side to side, transferring the weight of the body from one leg to the other, pronouncing in a drawn-out: "Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo". Repeat 4-6 times.

"We put on the helmet from the spacesuit." I. p. - squatting, hands over the head are interlocked in the lock. Inhale - i.p .; exhale - spread your arms to the sides, say: "Chick". Repeat 4-6 times.

"We are transferring to the lunar rover." I. p. - narrow stance, arms along the body. Inhale - i.p .; exhale - full squat, arms forward, say: "Wow!". Repeat 4-6 times.

"Sleepwalkers". I. p. - kneeling stand, arms bent at the elbows and spread apart, fingers apart. Inhale - i.p .; exhale - tilt the body to the side, say: "Hee-hee." Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

"Let's breathe in Fresh air on the ground". I. p. - legs apart, arms along the body. Inhale - raise your hands up through the sides; exhale - gently lower your hands, say: "Ah!". Repeat 4-6 times.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (preparatory group for school)

Complex number 11

3. Make fists with your fingers.

6. Lower your arms.

9. Pull the right leg with the heel, the toe towards you.

11. Pull two legs together.

12. Bend over.

Prevention of flat feet. Walking the path of "health".

Breathing exercises:

1. Inflate 3-4 times balloon... Competition between children "Who has the bigger ball?"

2. Alternate breathing through the left and right nostril with exhalation through the mouth. Repeat 10-12 times.

3. Take a deep breath with holding the breath and exhaling slowly.

4. Inhale through the nose and exhale intensively through the mouth. When exhaling, you can invite children to blow off a feather or a piece of paper from the palm of your hand, arrange a competition.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Complex number 12

1. Breathe in calmly, exhale in full breath.

2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

3. Make fists with your fingers.

4. Bend your arms at the elbows and, raising them above your head, connect to the lock.

5. Stretch well with your whole body, causing an artificial yawn.

6. Lower your arms.

7. Rub your palms until warm.

8. “Wash” your face and neck with warm palms.

Pull your right leg with your heel, toe towards you.

10. Pull your left leg with your heel and toe towards you.

11. Pull two legs together.

12. Bend over.

14. Put your hands together and stretch with your palms facing up.

15. Mentally wish all relatives, friends, friends, health, goodness and joy, good mood.

Foot massage.

I. p. - sitting in Turkish.

Prevention of flat feet. Walking the path of "health".

Breathing exercises:

Wellness exercises for the throat.

1. "Horse". Remember how horses' hooves clatter on the pavement. We clatter our tongue louder and quieter. The speed of the horse's movement is either accelerated or decelerated.

2. "Crow". The crow sat on the fence and decided to entertain everyone with her beautiful song. It raises its head up, then turns to the side. And her cheerful croaking is heard everywhere. Children draw out "ka-a-a-aar". Repeat 5-6 times.

3. "Snake tongue". Imagine how a long snake tongue tries to stick out as far as possible, trying to reach the chin. Repeat 6 times.

4. "Yawning". Sitting, relax; lower your head, open your mouth wide. Aloud to say "oh-ho-ho-ho-oh-oh-oh-oh" - yawn. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. "Merry mourner". Imitation of crying, loud sobbing, accompanied by sharp, intermittent movements of the shoulders and a noisy sigh without exhalation - 30-40 sec.

6. "A laugh". I got a laugh in my mouth and it’s impossible to get rid of it. Eyes narrowed, lips parted joyfully, and the sounds of "ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee, gee-gee-gee" were heard.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (preparatory group for school)

Complex number 13

Prevention of flat feet.

I. p. - standing by the bed.

1. "Reduction" of feet.

5. Squat on the toes.

Walking the path of "health".

Hand massage.

1. "Wash" the hands, actively rub the palms until a strong warmth is felt.

2. Stretch out each finger, press on it.

3. With the phalanges of the fingers of one hand, rub on the nails of the other hand, as if on a washboard.

4. Rub the entire arm up to the shoulder with a "washcloth", press hard on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; "Wash off the soap with some water", lead with one hand up, then palm down and "shake off the water."

Breathing game "King of the Winds". Place 5-10 balls on the table between the pencils. Stretching out his lips with a tube, with a deep, strong exhalation, the child needs to blow off the balls from the table one by one. Inhale through your nose.

Complex number 14

1.I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale; cross your arms on your chest - exhale. Repeat 5 times.

2.I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent in front, head with his forehead resting on the back of the fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms in "wings"; stay in this position for 6 accounts; return to ip Repeat 5-6 times.

3..I.p .: reclining on your back, resting your hands on the back of your forearms, legs straight. Bend your legs, straighten them in weight, spread them to the sides, connect, bend, lower. Repeat 5-6 times.

4.I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Pull your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them, touch your knees with your forehead; grouped, thus, swing back and forth; return to ip Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p .: lying on your back, legs bent, arms extended up. With a swing of hands, sit in Turkish style, hands in "wings", sit with a straight back for 4 counts; return to ip Repeat 5-6 times.

6.I.p .: kneeling, leaning on the hands, head and back - on one straight line. Raise a straight right leg back, and a straight left arm forward; stretch your arm and leg in opposite directions; return to ip Do the same with your left foot and right hand. Repeat 5 times.

7. "Herringbone". I.p .: feet together, hands down. Gradual spreading of the legs to the sides: stand on toes, spread the heels to the sides; stand on your heels, spread your socks to the sides, etc. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Gradual return to I. p. in the same way. Repeat 5-6 times.

8. Breathing exercise "Lumberjack". I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise the clasped hands up - inhale, lower them down - long exhale with the pronunciation "Uh-x-x" (5-6 times).

Walking the path of "health".

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (preparatory group for school)

Complex number 15

Gymnastics in bed.

1. Breathe in calmly, exhale in full breath.

2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

3. Connect your palms and rub until heated. One palm across the other.

4. Twitch the tip of the nose slightly.

5. Massage the nostrils with the index fingers.

6. Rub behind the ears from top to bottom with index fingers: "apply, so as not to come off."

7. Inhale, as you exhale, pronounce the sound "mmm", tapping your fingers on the wings of the nose.

8. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth onto the palm - "blow off the snowflake from the palm."

Prevention of flat feet. Walking the path of "health".

Walking with a flat toy lying on the head, hands on the belt, back straight. Complete without dropping the toy.

Head massage.

Breathing exercises:

"Hug your shoulders." I.p .: o.s., arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level with the hands to each other. At the moment of a short noisy breath with our nose, we throw our hands towards each other, as if hugging ourselves by the shoulders.

"Tiger on the hunt". Walking on the site, put your right (left) leg forward, put two hands with your palms on your knee, arching your back. Take two or four sharp breaths with the head raised ("the tiger is looking for prey").

Complex number 15

1. Stretching. I. p. - lying on your back. The exercise simulates stretching of a cat: stretch your arms, legs, obliquely hand-leg.

2. "Bicycle". I. p. - lying on your back. Simulate cycling by making circles with your feet. (20 sec.)

3. "Kalachik". I. p. - lying on your back. Tighten your head and hips to your chest ("kalachik"), trying to stay in this position as long as possible (20 sec.)

Charger for the eyes.

1. "Watch". I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight.

One time - eyes to the right, two - I.p., three - eyes to the left, four - I.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. I. p. also. One time - eyes upward, two - I.p., three - eyes downward, four - I.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. I. p. too. We perform circular movements with our eyes from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

4. "Zhmurki". I. p. also. At one time - they closed their eyes, at two - I.p., at three - winked with one eye, at four - with the other eye. Repeat 8-10 times.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1.I.p. - standing, feet together. One hand is at the top, the other at the bottom. At one time - join hands from behind; for two, three, four, five - hold without disengaging; by six - I. p. The same thing with the other hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - standing, feet together, hands on the belt. At one time - raise the bent leg, by two - straighten the leg forward, spread the arms to the sides, by three - the leg and arms folded, by four - lower the leg. Repeat 6-8 times. (Pause,)

3. "Walk around." Walking in place for 1-2 minutes, maintaining the correct posture.

Prevention of flat feet. Walking the path of "health".

Breathing exercises:

« Balloons". Perform walking on the site. 1 - arms to the sides, up, inhale through the nose, clap your hands ("the ball burst"); 2 - arms to the sides, down, pronouncing "s-s-o or" sh-sh-sh "(" the ball went down ").

"Fungus". I.p .: deep squat, hands clasp the knees ("small fungus"). Slowly straighten up, spreading your arms to the sides, pull your head back a little (inhale) ("the fungus has grown").

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (preparatory group for school)

Complex number 17

Gymnastics in bed, prevention of posture disorders and flat feet.

Physical education "Gymnastics for kittens".

The dream passed and we woke up

Smiled, stretched, Children stretch, lying on their backs.

Three paws about each other Rub one hand on the other.

And we beat loudly in our palms. Clap.

Now let's raise our legs, Take turns raising our legs.

Like our mother Cat,

Left and right - we are brave kittens.

Turned on the tummy, Turned over on the stomach.

Stretched together again,

Torn away from the pillow Raise and lower the head.

Nose, head and ears,

They got up on their knees briskly - Move hip joints to the left

"Tails" waved, and to the right.

Arched, arched, arched and arched back.

They turned on their side, Turn their heads to the right and to the left.

Sitting on the crib, Sitting on the bed, legs dangling

Scratched heels, scratched heels.

Knocked on the floor a little, Knock your heels on the floor.

Gain strength, legs!

Our legs have gained strength,

They rode along the path, Walk along the health path.

The path is not easy

On uneven, on prickly,

On a rough one - that's what it is!

We are awake, we are ready

Sing, play and run again.

Together we are not too lazy to say:

"Hello, day,

A funny day!"

Foot massage.

I. p. - sitting in Turkish.

1. Pulling the foot of the left leg towards him, the child kneads the toes, strokes between the toes, spreads the toes. Strongly presses on the heel, rubs the foot, pinches, pats on the toes, heel, and the convex part of the foot. He makes rotational movements with his foot, pulls the toe and heel forward, then pats his entire foot with his palm: “Be healthy, beautiful, strong, dexterous, kind, happy! ...” The same is with the right leg.

2. Strokes, pinches, strongly rubs the shins and thighs, "puts on" an imaginary stocking, then "takes it off and throws it off," shaking his hands.

Breathing exercises:

"Crane". I.p .: o.s. Inhale, raise your right leg, bent slightly at the knee, arms to the sides, down, say "ur-rr". Do the same with your left foot.

"Here is a tall pine tree and moves its branches." I.p .: o.s. 1- inhale - arms to the sides; 2 - exhalation - tilt of the body to the right; 3 - inhale - return to IP; 4 - the same to the left.

Complex number 18

Gymnastics in bed.

Sipping. I. p. - from the "supine" position in bed.

1.Inhale left leg stretches his heel forward on the bed, and left hand- up along the body. Breathing is delayed, legs and arms are stretched as much as possible. On exhalation, relaxing, the child says: "id-d-da-ah-ah."

2.The right leg stretches with the heel forward on the bed, and the right hand - up, along the body - inhale. After holding the breath on the exhale, "ping-gal-la-a" is pronounced.

3. Both legs stretch with heels forward along the bed, both arms up along the body. Hold your breath and as you exhale, slowly say "su-noise-m-m-na".

Head massage.

Using your fingertips, massage the scalp with a shift of the skin.

Prevention of flat feet.

I. p. - standing by the bed.

1. "Reduction" of feet.

2. Rolling from heel to toe and from toe to heel.

3. Picking up small objects (tissue) from the floor with your toes.

4. Reduction and spreading of heels, standing on toes.

5. Squat on the toes.

Walking barefoot on the wellness path.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Walking with a flat toy lying on your head. Hands on the belt, back straight, look straight. “Complete without dropping the toy.” (1-2 min.)

Breathing exercises:

"Meadow flowers". While walking on the platform (hands on the belt), turn the head to the right (left) side, while simultaneously taking two breaths through the nose. Exhalation occurs between cycles of turning the head to one side or the other.

"Slug". Walking with knees raised high. 2 steps - inhale, 4-6 steps - exhale. Exhaling, say "t-sh-sh-she".

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