Exercise horizontal scissors. Subtleties of exercise scissors and secrets

There are many simulators for pumping up the press, but there are effective exercises, For example - vertical scissors which can be performed without special equipment. This is one of the most effective, which is suitable for both beginners and fitness gurus.

The main advantage of the exercise is safety for the spine and back muscles, so even people with injuries can do it.

What muscles are working?

Despite its simplicity, the Scissors exercise affects the entire rectus abdominis muscle, and especially its lower section, which is so difficult to work out with other movements. The transverse and oblique muscles are also involved, which are responsible for a beautiful waist and posture, as well as the muscles of the legs.

In terms of their effect, “Scissors” are similar to “Bicycle”, and although they are slightly less effective, they are suitable for absolutely everyone, from children to adults, and do not burden the back at all.

Pros and cons

This basic exercise, which is recommended for both athletes and those who are recovering from injuries, as well as women who are struggling with the unpleasant consequences of pregnancy. So, this is one of the best, since the blood actively circulates through the muscles of the legs and the vessels acquire tone.


  • As a result of execution, not only the lower abdomen is tightened, but its entire surface becomes flatter. The impact goes to all the muscles of the press at the same time.
  • The hip lines are also strengthened, tightened, and become visually beautiful. The gap between the thighs appears and becomes more visible.
  • The volume of the waist decreases, the folds on the sides disappear.
  • The lower vertebrae are strengthened and become more mobile, overall mobility and flexibility are increased.
  • Just 10 minutes of training burns 65-70 kcal, so if you want to get rid of extra pounds, you should include exercise in your daily routine.


  • Clear press cubes with “Scissors” cannot be pumped up. This exercise is more likely for endurance, perhaps for weight loss, and for cubes you need to use weights.
  • There are more effective workouts for the press, and although the "Scissors" are in the top 10, they are not in the first place.

Execution technique

The exercise is good because it works for beginners, and benefits experienced athletes. you are dealing with own weight and therefore avoid muscle strain.

Basic position: lying on your back, on a hard surface (on the floor, on a gymnastic rug, towel), press your lower back to the floor, arms along the body. Bring your legs together, tighten them, and stretch your socks away from you.

Tighten your abs and raise your legs to an angle of about 30 degrees from the floor, and as you inhale, bring, for example, the right one, a little higher, and the left one a little lower. As you exhale, change the position of the legs, imitating the movement of scissors. When crossing your legs, do not take them far to the sides.

Do the Scissors exercise for a minute, then lower your feet to the mat. Rest 15 seconds and repeat again. In total - at least 3 repetitions per session.

For newbies

It is difficult to hold the legs if the press is weak. Raise them immediately to the 90-degree position, and do the exercise like this. Muscles will still work, and gradually get used to the load. After 6-10 regular sessions, you will be able to lower your legs to 60 degrees, and then up to 30.

If keeping your legs at a right angle is difficult, find something to grab onto with your hands behind your head, the main thing is to press your lower back to the floor.

For the pros

You can complicate the workout by using leg weights, or lowering your legs 10-15 cm from the floor. So the tension of the press will be maximum.

Features of correct execution

  • Keep your legs straight at all times. If this is difficult, increase the angle of the lift, but do not bend your knees.
  • The lower back should be pressed to the floor. You can put your hands under your buttocks to control the position of your back.
  • Don't lift your head or strain your neck. The upper part of the body should generally be motionless.
  • Be sure to breathe. Ideally, for each swing of the legs, there should be an inhalation or exhalation.

Variations of "Scissors"

In addition to the basic one, lying on the floor, you can perform other exercise options, pumping the muscles of the legs and buttocks that were not previously involved. It is better to move on to them when you have already fully mastered the classic version, and perform 4 sets in the “legs 10 cm from the floor” position.

  • Reverse scissors. You can do it on the floor, but it’s more convenient - in gym, on the bench for swinging the press. At home, you can try to adapt the furniture, but not soft (the sofa will not work). Lie on your stomach, put your hands under your head, and do scissors, vertical and horizontal, you can alternate.
  • Broken scissors. The starting position is basic, lying on your back. Raise tense legs, spread apart, and connect the heels, as if kicking each other. Such loads are needed, and in addition, the inner and upper thighs work effectively.

  • For maximum relief. Not everyone knows how to do the exercise Scissors with increased load at home, without the use of weights. It is enough to raise the body 30 degrees from the floor in the basic position, as if you started to pump the classic press, but did not finish the exercise. It turns out that both your legs and upper body are raised. According to fitness trainers, this is how the rebellious cubes of the lower press “achieve”.

In addition, increased loads are also obtained underwater, in the pool, for which you can grab your hands on the side or ladder, and try classic, reverse and broken scissors.

Learn to feel your body, do not overexert yourself and breathe properly. Speed ​​when performing is not the main thing, technique is more important. You can work with a trainer to track down mistakes in the early stages, or you can follow the exercise with video clips. If it becomes uncomfortable, change the angle of your legs or take a rest.

In time everything will work out and you will have nice abs as well as cheerfulness and excellent mood!

Video with a slightly complicated version of this exercise:

The most exciting areas for weight loss are the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks. To get rid of annoying excess fat in this area will help exercise "scissors".

What muscles are involved

The exercise has a special effect on the muscles of the abdomen and hips. Most work during its execution:

  • muscles of the abdominal zone responsible for the press: straight, oblique and transverse;
  • lateral broad muscle hips;
  • rectus femoris;
  • large and long adductor muscles;
  • biceps femoris.

The benefits and benefits of exercise

Due to the fact that the "scissors" affect the muscles of the press, as well as superficial and deep muscles hips, when performing the exercise, the following elements of the body are improved:

  • press (depending on the goal and the applied load, you can get both a flat tummy and coveted cubes);
  • waist, which becomes more beautiful and thin;
  • due to the tension of the transverse muscle, the correct posture is formed;
  • the hips become more toned;
  • legs become slimmer due to the tension of the muscles of the thighs.

"Scissors" options

There are several varieties of "scissors", alternating and combining which you will make training more interesting and effective, since the muscles will not get used to the same load.

Classic vertical and cross "scissors"

Classical and cross "scissors" differ from each other by the planes in which leg swings are performed. With classic "scissors" swings are performed vertically: when lowering the left leg, the right leg rises, and vice versa. The legs do not touch the floor. Performing the cross “scissors” exercise, leg swings are done from side to side: the right leg goes to the left, the left leg to the right.

Video: how to do the exercise correctly, the technique for performing classic "scissors"

These types of "scissors", in turn, are divided into subspecies. Depending on your physical fitness, the exercise is performed at an angle of 90, 60, 30 or 10 degrees.

If you are a beginner, you have excess weight, or right now there is a period of rehabilitation after an injury, then start with “scissors” at 90 degrees.

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. In order to make the exercise a little easier, you can grab the edges of the rug with your hands - this will help to press the lower back to the floor.
  2. Bring one leg up perpendicular to the floor, then switch legs without lowering your feet to the floor.
  3. We breathe in the stomach, counting in order from 1 to 10: for the first ten - we inhale slowly and deeply, for the second - we exhale.

We repeat the exercise for 20-30 seconds in 3-5 sets.

After some time of practicing scissors in the 90-degree position, you will no longer feel discomfort in your back when lowering your legs. And this means that it's time to move on and move to a higher level, lowering your legs a third lower - at an angle of 60 degrees.

The order of the exercise is the same as described above.

  1. Lie down in the starting position: arms lie on the back of the head or extended along the body, legs are raised at an angle of 90 degrees;
  2. Lower your legs 30 degrees lower and perform the exercise, alternating between vertical and horizontal swings;
  3. Watch the rhythm of your breathing!

Do 3-5 sets. The goal is to immediately raise your legs to 60 degrees, and do not bend them when lowering to the floor.

After a while, you can go even lower - by 30 degrees.

  1. We lay down on our backs. We put our hands under the lower back or buttocks. Legs at an angle of 30 degrees;
  2. We perform the exercise according to the already known algorithm. The loin should be firmly pressed to the floor, shoulder and cervical muscles- relaxed.

We perform at least 3 sets 3 times a week.

The most difficult level is "scissors" at a height of 10 degrees. This level will be conquered only by those who have good physical fitness.

  1. Take the starting position - lying on your back, hands under the buttocks, legs extended.
  2. Raise your legs to a height of 10-15 cm.
  3. Make horizontal or vertical swings without touching the floor surface. Our goal is to gradually increase the frequency of swings, to do 4 swings on one breath.

When performing the exercise "scissors" you can use additional funds: a gymnastic ball, small dumbbells for hands and leg weights weighing 0.5 kg.

Reverse "scissors" for pumping legs and press

You can do vertical and horizontal leg swings while lying on your stomach. In this position, in addition to the muscles of the press and hips, the gluteal muscles are effectively involved.

Lying on the floor

  1. We accept the starting position: we lie down on the stomach, hands under the chin. You can keep your head straight or put it on your hands - follow your feelings and position yourself as you like.
  2. We make horizontal swings with our legs without touching the floor. Perform 10-20 swings in one approach.

This type of exercise can be made more difficult by stretching straight arms in front of you and swinging both arms and legs at the same time.

Lying on a bench

Using a bench or a simulator, in the reverse "scissors" position, you can perform not only horizontal, but also vertical swings.

  1. Sit on a bench so that your body is on it and your legs are in the air. Grasp the edge of the bench firmly with your hands.
  2. Perform 10 vertical and horizontal swings, not forgetting to monitor your breathing and balance.

High "scissors"

Those who are familiar with such a fitness technique as Pilates know a special kind of “scissors”, in which the lower part of the body is on weight.

  1. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body, put them palms down. Straighten your legs and lift them up to a 60 degree angle or higher.
  2. Slowly lift your pelvis off the floor (feet should be above your head), supporting yourself under the lower back.
  3. Take a breath. Lower one leg, the other should remain motionless.
  4. Change the position of the legs as you exhale.
  5. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg.
  6. When finished, bring your legs together over your head and gently lower your lower body to the floor.

Do this exercise only when you are in good physical training.

Video: technique for performing high "scissors" for the legs

By performing this type of “scissors”, you pump not only the muscles of the hips and abdominal area, but also many others. Namely:

  • muscles of the back and abdomen, which stabilize the position of the spine;
  • muscles that extend the leg in the hip and knee joints;
  • gastrocnemius and soleus muscles;
  • muscles that extend the arm at the shoulder joint;
  • muscles that bring the shoulder blades together.

Secrets and subtleties of the exercise

  • Keep your body still and do not move your arms during the exercise.
  • Raise your legs straight without bending your knees.
  • Don't forget about proper breathing.
  • Do not chase speed, perform ups and downs at an average pace.
  • 10 minutes of training burns 60-80kcal. By the way, reverse “scissors” are more effective in this sense.
  • To burn 100-110 kcal in 10 minutes exercise in the pool. effect from 40 minutes such training may be equal to the effect of strength training.
  • For best result required 3-4 workouts per week in conjunction with other exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • During one workout, do 3 sets of 45-60 seconds each. The number of swings depends on your physical form.
  • A noticeable effect of the exercise can be seen through 2 months after the start of training.

Exercise "scissors" can be complicated by exercising with dumbbells

Exercise "scissors" is distinguished not only by its availability, but also by its benefits and effectiveness. Vertical and horizontal swings are capable of relatively short term pump your hips and abs. But for impressive results, constant physical practice is needed. And most importantly, remember - there is a time for everything. Do not overestimate your capabilities and do not rush to move to the next level, and then you will be rewarded flat tummy, slender legs and elastic buttocks, and you can leave only positive feedback about the exercise.

In the abdomen often accumulate excess body fat with which people struggle with diets and physical training. There are a huge number of exercises for the press, and today we will talk about the so-called scissors.

How useful is this exercise?

Scissors exercise is designed for the press and legs, allowing you to carefully work out the muscles of these parts of the body. The most problematic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen is its lower part, for which not all exercises are suitable. With the help of scissors you will be able to pump lower press, and along with this, you will include many auxiliary muscles in the work.

Regular performance of this exercise will narrow the waist and get rid of fat deposits accumulating on it. The advantages of this movement include the ability to do it even with problems with the spine and after back injuries. It also helps develop mobility and flexibility of the lower part of the spinal column.

Even women can do this exercise for the press after pregnancy - about 2 months after childbirth, but it is better to check with a doctor. Thanks to a simple technique, even beginners without physical training can easily handle scissors.

What do scissors do?

Which muscles work when performing this exercise depends on your technique. The main groups affected by the scissors movement are:

  • oblique muscles of the press;
  • rectus and transverse abdominal muscles;
  • quadriceps (these are the rectus muscles on the thighs).

It is important to highlight the careful study of precisely the lower zone of the press with the help of the scissors exercise, which works to a lesser extent with such traditional exercises on the press, like twisting on the floor or an incline bench.

Classical exercise technique

You can see how to do the scissors exercise correctly in a video or photo, but it is so simple that you can easily figure it out with our instructions. First, take the starting position, for which you need to lie on your back on a hard surface and raise your straightened legs above the floor to a certain height.

The difficulty of the exercise depends on the height of the leg lift. If you are not physically fit, you can raise them almost perpendicular to the body, and if you are a trained athlete, keep them as close to the floor as possible. In general, the higher the legs are raised, the easier it is to perform the exercise, so you can start from the top point and gradually decrease the angle between the raised legs and the floor with each workout.

Place your hands on the floor, resting on your palms for balance, or you can put them under your buttocks and thereby reduce the load on lumbar. Without lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, begin to alternately move your legs up and down, imitating the work of scissors.

Lightweight technology

If classic exercise scissors for the legs and the press is hard for you even when lifting the limbs as high as possible, try the lightweight version. To do this, you need to raise your torso off the floor and lean on your elbows, and then raise your legs and begin to perform alternating movements. The main thing is to make movements slowly and without jerks, and do not forget about breathing: in no case do not hold the air.

Scissors on the stomach

There is another original variation of the exercise - these are scissors on the stomach. This exercise works the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back instead of abs and quads. The exercise is performed in the same way, but you are not lying on your back. The so-called reverse scissors are more convenient to perform not on the floor, but on some kind of hill: a hard bed, bench or even a table. You need to lie down so that your legs hang in the air, and you can freely move them up and down.

Scissors with dumbbells

On the Internet, you often come across photos and videos of exercises with scissors with dumbbells. It is intended primarily for pumping gluteal muscles as well as the anterior and posterior thighs. In general, scissors is an incorrect name for this exercise, but it is correct to call it lunges on the spot.

The technique for performing this exercise is fundamentally different from conventional scissors for the press. You need to pick up dumbbells and stand on your feet in such a way that one leg is located in front (emphasis on the entire foot), and the second is laid back with emphasis on the toe. Next, you need to bend your front leg so that a 90-degree angle forms at the knee, and the knee of the leg laid back falls to the floor, after which you need to rise up. Watch the video or photo to better understand everything.

Exercise Mistakes

You now know how the scissors exercise is done, and finally we will give a few useful tips. When performing classic scissors, novice athletes make common mistakes:

  • tear off the lower back from the floor, which is dangerous with back injuries;
  • bend the legs at the knees, removing the load from the abdominal muscles;
  • raise their legs high, having strong abdominal muscles;
  • raise their head and strain their neck, which is why they get tired faster and do not reach the maximum tension of the press.

You can understand that you are doing everything right by the appearance of a strong burning sensation in the abdomen. Having achieved it, try to perform 5-6 more leg movements, overcoming pain, and you are guaranteed to work out the deepest abdominal muscles.

The body is straight, in an inclination, the arms are widely spaced slightly below the line of the shoulders, the palms are parallel to each other in a circle. Bending your arms at the elbows, approach the wall and then gently push yourself away from it, trying to do this minimally with the muscles of the arms and maximally with the pectoral muscles. Elbows during push-ups go to the sides and do not fall down. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2. “Scissors with hands”

Standing straight, arms spread as far as possible to the sides (feel the stretching of the pectoral muscles), palms pointing down. Join hands crossed in front of you: first one hand on top, when repeating - the other. Perform slowly, be sure to consciously strain and stretch pectoral muscles. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 3. “Circular swings”

Standing straight, with both arms slightly bent at the elbows, perform synchronous swings with maximum amplitude: first forward (as when swimming with a butterfly), then back (as when swimming on your back). Repeat 15 times on each side.


Exercise 1. “Swinging with legs”

Standing straight, arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, palms down. Swing back and slightly to the side. Perform first with one foot, then with the other. Do not tilt the body forward, do the movement with maximum amplitude, but not with a jerk, but with a contraction of the muscles of the buttocks. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 2. “Crane”

Standing straight, arms bent at the elbows, parallel to the floor. Raise the leg, touching the elbow with the knee, then lower the leg without touching the floor. Keep your body in perfect alignment. Perform first with one foot, then with the other. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 3. “Boat”

Lying on the floor on your stomach, rest your forehead on the palms of your hands. Raise both legs off the floor as high as possible, tensing the muscles of the buttocks, then lower the legs to the floor, but without touching. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 4. “Scissors with legs”

Lying on your back, hands under the coccyx, straight legs raised above the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. Cross your legs alternately (first one leg on top, when repeating - the other), with maximum amplitude. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 5. “Scissors with hands”

Lying on your back, emphasis bent legs against the wall, arms outstretched. raise upper part rounded back above the floor, then return to the starting position. Perform at an average pace. At the same time, the lower back is pressed to the floor all the time, the arms are extended forward, the press is in tension. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 6

The final and very important part of the complex is an exercise for static tension of the whole body. Arms and legs are shoulder-width apart, hands are on the line of the shoulder, body and legs are perfectly straight. Hold the body in this position for 1-2 minutes.

The “scissors” exercise, familiar from childhood, can become the main element of a regular workout for pulling up the muscles of the press and legs in adult athletes.

It's all about its high efficiency, simplicity and safety.

Despite the external simplicity, many muscles of the abdomen, back and hips are involved in the “scissors” exercise.

So, the iliopsoas muscle, synergists, transverse muscle at the waist, as well as quadriceps, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Benefits of scissors

In addition to their versatility and simplicity, "scissors" have a number of advantages:

  • Oxygen saturation of the body;
  • Lift problem area in the area below the navel;
  • Increased "clearance" between the thighs;
  • Burning 70 kcal in 10 minutes;
  • No need for special equipment or simulators;
  • Quick result;
  • Strengthening the back;
  • Facilitate the recovery process of the body after fractures and back injuries.

Also this exercise it is distinguished by the complex development of the abdominal muscles, giving them greater relief and “cubes”, as well as the absence of the risk of back injury.

All this makes the "scissors" suitable for beginners and people recovering from fractures or childbirth.

Four difficulty levels

Scissors are versatile, which makes them useful for both novice athletes and pumped-up people, because, depending on starting position the body, the angle of inclination of the legs and the frequency of movements, you can vary the degree of load on the muscles.

So, the zero level assumes the initial position lying on your back and with your legs raised at an angle of 30 degrees. In the first run, the legs quickly rise at a right angle and at the same time cross with a narrow amplitude. After 10-20 repetitions, you need to return to the starting position and relax by taking 3-5 deep breaths.

It is important to pre-set a certain breathing rhythm. In one workout, you must do at least three approaches, and repeat the exercise every day.

The transition to the next levels is possible in the absence of pain in the back or abdomen and occurs by gradually lowering the legs to the floor at a height of 60, 30 and 10 degrees, which makes the training more intense and complex. It is also recommended to increase the frequency of strokes in one breath over time.

"Scissors" on the stomach

Exercise scissors for the legs and the press can be performed not only lying on your back, but also on your stomach. Changing the starting position opens up new possibilities: a chance to diversify your workout and strengthen dorsal muscles, tighten the buttocks and the back of the thighs.

The technique differs from the classical one only in the constant holding of a stationary position of the body with the help of hands and elbow bends.

The ideal solution would be a daily alternation of "scissors" on the stomach and back.

Complicated "scissors"

This exercise can be made more difficult with a raised pelvis. To do this, it is necessary to raise the body of the body as much as possible from the prone position, bend the arms at the elbows.

Secrets of technology

To make the scissors exercise as effective as possible, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Three sets of 45-60 seconds are enough;
  • The legs are straightened along the entire back and bending at the knees is not allowed;
  • It is better to stretch the toes of the legs and constantly keep them in tension;
  • The body and arms must be in a fixed position;
  • Slow lifting and lowering of the legs contribute to a greater load on the lower abdomen;
  • The combination of vertical and horizontal strokes allows you to better work out the muscles;
  • During the movement it is necessary to breathe rhythmically;
  • You do not need to throw your legs high, on the contrary, it is more efficient to work in the middle range;
  • The process becomes more complicated with the help of special weighting agents for the lower leg;
  • "Scissors" in the pool can be done by holding onto a ladder or board.

"Scissors" has long been in the top ten exercises for training the abs and legs, due to its simplicity, versatility and effectiveness.

Both lovers and professional athletes be able to choose the right one for their physical form level of difficulty and take full advantage of a seemingly elementary children's exercise.

Photo exercise scissors
