Vertical scissors exercise. How to do the abdominal scissors exercise? Slimming scissors exercise

The abdominal scissors exercise should be a full-fledged element functional training every athlete. It helps to work out the "lower abdomen" (one of the most "problematic" places for both men and women). Besides, this exercise uses the iliopsoas muscle, synergists and stabilizers.

"Scissors" have the following advantages:

  • Develop, strengthen, tighten the abdominal muscles;
  • "Make" the bottom cubes;
  • Help dry the press;
  • "Flatten" the stomach;
  • Forms a beautiful thin waist;
  • Work out the legs and buttocks;
  • The risk of injury to the back during exercise is minimal.

How to make "scissors" correctly

Features of the technique:

  • Initially, you should lie on the floor, press your back tightly to the floor. Hands should be stretched along the body or fixed under the buttocks.
  • The press should be clamped, after which the straight legs come off the floor no higher than 15-20 cm.
  • Further left leg should be raised even higher (approximately to an angle of 45 degrees), and the right should be lowered until the heel is 5-7 cm from the floor. Sequentially it is necessary to alternate the position of both legs.

The exercise is performed at least 3 sets of 25-30 times each.

This training has several variations:

  • Cross scissors;
  • Reverse (they are also - cross) scissors lying on the bench.

A variant of the exercise "scissors":

How to get the most out of your exercise

  • In the process of performing the exercise, you should not move your arms and move the body;
  • You cannot raise your legs excessively - this is how the load from the abdominal muscles is transferred to the lower back;
  • Legs should be straight;
  • Breathing should be arbitrary, but rhythmic;
  • Scissors are done slowly;
  • To make the exercise more difficult, you can put special weight cuffs on your lower legs.

So, "scissors" is one of the most effective exercise, helping to work out the rectus abdominis muscle. It is included in female and male workouts on the press.

The basic position is lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs are brought together. Classic leg crossings have several difficulty levels depending on the angle between the hips and the core. Let's consider them in order:

  1. First level. Designed for beginners and women. Take a basic position on your back and lift your legs vertically, at a 90 ° angle. Perform vigorous crosses vertically and horizontally. If you are a beginner, but this technique is easy for you, go directly to the next stage;
  2. Second level. Take the starting position of your body on the floor and lift your hips at an angle of 60 °. Do the exercise in different directions. At the same time, try not to hold your breath. Breathe deeply and evenly;
  3. Third level. Lie on your back and place your hands under the lower back, palms down. Raise your legs at an angle of 30 ° to the floor and cross your ankles;
  4. Fourth level. The most difficult version of the element. Lie on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 10-15 ° and do horizontal crosses. When performing, do not bend your knees, but pull the socks away from you.
  • "Scissors" without crossing the shins.

Lie on your back. It should be noted, however, that the training surface must be flat and firm. It is unacceptable to perform any crosses on a bed or air mattress. Stretch your arms at your sides and press your palms to the floor. Bring your hips together and lift your legs at an angle of 75-80 °. Without bending your knees, gently spread your hips to the sides. Once you've reached the maximum stretch, hold for 2-3 seconds and then bring your legs together. Pull the socks away from you while doing the exercise. This variation of the element, in addition to the abdominal muscles, additionally strengthens the inner thighs. In each approach, you must perform at least 12 repetitions.

  • Power "Scissors".

Lie on your back, bring your legs together and lift them at an angle of 40-45 °. Then lift your upper body off the floor about the same angle. Your position should resemble the Latin letter "V". After that, straighten your arms forward and pull the socks towards you. Keeping balance on the buttocks, do short vertical crosses. This exercise strengthens the entire body and develops the stabilizing muscles responsible for the athlete's coordination.

  • Reverse "Scissors".

Lie on horizontal bench belly. In this case, the pelvis and legs should remain in weight. Grasp the sides of the seat tightly with your hands and lift your hips to a parallel position with the floor. Do vigorous crossings in different directions. Backcrosses allow you to simultaneously engage your abs, hips, and glutes.

If these Scissors variations are easy for you, make them more difficult by putting soft weights on your ankles. As abdominal muscles are very reluctant to respond to physical exercise, it is recommended to make your workouts as varied as possible. You should not base your training plan for the press only on one "Scissors" or twists. Be sure to use and strength training equipment, and Sports Equipment... This will prevent the abdominal muscles from adapting to stress and maximize the variety of the training process.

In the abdominal area, excess body fat that people struggle with diets and physical training... There are a huge number of ab exercises, and today we will talk about the so-called scissors.

Why is this exercise useful?

The scissors exercise is designed for the abs and legs, allowing you to carefully work out the muscles of these parts of the body. Most problem area the lower part of the abdomen is considered, for which not all exercises are suitable for working out. With the help of scissors you will be able to pump lower press, and along with this, you will include many accessory muscles in the work.

Performing this exercise regularly will narrow your waist and get rid of the accumulated fat on it. The advantages of this movement include the ability to do it even with problems with the spine and after back injuries. It also develops the mobility and flexibility of the lower part of the spinal column.

Even women after pregnancy can do this exercise for the press - about 2 months after childbirth, but it is better to check this with a doctor. Thanks to a simple technique, even beginners without physical training can easily cope with scissors.

What are scissors working on?

Which muscles work during this exercise depends on your technique. The main groups affected by the scissors movement are:

  • oblique muscles of the press;
  • straight and transverse muscles abdomen;
  • quads (these are the rectus muscles in the thighs).

It is important to highlight a thorough study of the lower abdominal zone with the help of the scissors exercise, which works to a lesser extent with such traditional exercises on the press, like crunches on the floor or an incline bench.

Classical exercise technique

You can look at the video or photo how to do the scissors exercise correctly, but it is so simple that you can easily figure it out using our instructions. First, take the starting position, for which you need to lie on your back on a firm surface and raise your straightened legs above the floor to a certain height.

The difficulty of the exercise depends on the height of the legs. With poor physical fitness, you can lift them almost perpendicular to the body, and if you are a trained athlete, keep them as close to the floor as possible. In general, the higher the legs are lifted, the easier the exercise is, so you can start at the top and gradually decrease the angle between the raised legs and the floor with each workout.

Place your hands on the floor, resting on your palms to maintain balance, or you can place them under the buttocks and thereby reduce the load on lumbar... Without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor, begin to perform alternating movements with your legs up and down, imitating the work of scissors.

Lightweight technique

If classic exercise scissors for the legs and the press is given to you hard even when lifting the limbs as high as possible, try the lighter version. To do this, you need to raise your torso from the floor and lean on your elbows, and then raise your legs and begin to perform alternating movements. The main thing is to do the movements slowly and without jerking, and do not forget about breathing: in no case do not hold the air.

Scissors on the stomach

There is another original variation of the exercise - this is a pair of scissors on the abdomen. Instead of abs and quads, this exercise involves the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. The exercise is performed in a similar way, but you are not lying on your back. The so-called reverse scissors are more convenient to perform not on the floor, but on some kind of hill: a solid bed, bench or even a table. You need to lie down so that your legs hang in the air, and you can freely perform up and down movements with them.

Dumbbell scissors

On the Internet, you often come across photos and videos of scissors exercises with dumbbells. It is intended primarily for pumping gluteal muscles as well as the front and back of the thighs. In general, scissors is an incorrect name for this exercise, but it is correct to call it lunges on the spot.

The technique for performing this exercise is fundamentally different from conventional abdominal scissors. You need to pick up dumbbells and stand on your feet in such a way that one leg is in front (emphasis on the entire foot), and the other is laid back with emphasis on the toe. Next, you need to bend your front leg so that an angle of 90 degrees forms at the knee, and the knee of the leg laid back drops to the floor, after which you need to rise up. Watch a video or photo to better understand everything.

Exercise errors

You now know how to do the scissors exercise, and finally we will give a few useful tips... When performing classic scissors, novice athletes make common mistakes:

  • tear off the lower back from the floor, which is dangerous with back injuries;
  • bend their knees, removing the load from the abdominal muscles;
  • raise their legs high, having strong abdominal muscles;
  • raise their head and strain their neck, which is why they get tired faster and do not reach the maximum tension of the press.

You can understand that you are doing everything right by the sensation of a strong burning sensation in the abdomen. Having achieved it, try to perform another 5-6 leg movements, overcoming the pain, and you are guaranteed to work out the most deep muscles press.

(3 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The abdominal area is very problematic and unnecessary accumulations of excess fat very often accumulate there. The scissors exercise is probably familiar to everyone. But do not think that if it is very simple, then the benefits are minimal.

This exercise is indispensable for working out the abs and getting a beautiful silhouette. If you include this training regularly in your daily life, then in a small amount of time you can achieve a flat stomach.

Execution technique

The technique is quite simple, but it is worth observing it, because this is what will help to achieve faster results.

  • Get into a supine position. Hands should be along the body. At the same time, the palms look down.
  • The legs are lifted up, they should form an angle of sixty degrees, it is possible higher, if possible. The main thing is that the pelvis is in a stable position.
  • With the help of the bend of the spine, tear the lower point of the pelvis off the floor, this should be done so that the feet are located above the head. With the help of your hands, grasp yourself under the upper part of the pelvis and lock yourself in creating very confident support. It is also worth bending down quite a bit in the lower back.
  • As you inhale, leave one leg completely motionless, and lower the other, directing forward.
  • On exhalation, the legs must be changed.
  • Exercise ten times with each leg.
  • When the training is over, the legs are brought together and the body lies completely on the floor or mat.
  • This exercise is a more difficult version of the scissors, which is suitable for more physically prepared people and gives maximum results.

Now let's consider a simpler and more familiar option:

  • Lie on your back, preferably on the floor.
  • Legs should be placed together and in a straight position.
  • The hands are best placed under the buttocks, this will give better back support.
  • When the exercise is performed, the back is pressed as much as possible to the floor and should not come off from it. Since it depends on how effective the training will be.
  • The stomach should be drawn in and the air should be inhaled.
  • The legs are raised about seven centimeters from the floor, they do it synchronously and cross them.
  • Make wide swings from side to side, while placing your legs one above the other.
  • The toes of the feet should be as long as possible.

Exercise scissors video

What muscles work

  • Back muscles;
  • Abdominal muscles;
  • The muscles that are responsible for bending the leg at the hip joint;
  • Muscles that extend the leg;
  • Quadriceps femoris muscle;
  • Calf muscle;
  • Iliopsoas;
  • Tailor;
  • Trapezoidal.

In the second version, lightweight, all the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks work in full measure.

  1. At the beginning of the training, it is better to tighten both parts of the pelvis synchronously. This should involve the muscles of the back and abdomen. This position must be adhered to throughout the entire exercise.
  2. The shoulders should be extended as much as possible, and the shoulder blades should be brought together. Hands should firmly hold your back. Which will help keep the body on weight.
  3. The movement of the legs should occur with a completely motionless body.


This training has a ton of benefits to be aware of:

  • The abdominal muscles are developing very well;
  • You can pump up or improve the condition of the cubes that are below;
  • Helps with drying, removing fat deposits from the abdomen;
  • becomes much thinner;
  • Helps to gain slim legs and tighten the muscles of the thighs;
  • There is no risk of injury to the back and at the same time you can work out a large number of abdominal sections;
  • Also suitable for injured athletes to build abdominal muscles.


In order for the exercise to be as effective as possible, it is worth considering some of the nuances and following the tips:

  • No need to make unnecessary movements with the body and arms. That is, throughout the entire duration of the training top part bodies and arms must remain motionless.
  • The legs do not need to be raised very high, it is best to choose the optimal mid-range height.
  • Try to keep your legs as straight as possible at all times.
  • Breathe correctly when doing the exercise, taking into account your individual characteristics and the intensity of the performance.
  • Do not try to do everything quickly, it is better to control the execution of each movement, and for this you need to train slowly and smoothly, observing all the requirements of the technique.
  • If there is a need or a desire to complicate the process, you can use special weights for the lower leg.
  • It is advisable to do three approaches, each of which should last about a minute.

Pros and cons

The pluses include:

  1. The training works very well in the most problematic area of ​​the press in this sense;
  2. Very good exercise to burn fat;
  3. Scissors are allowed even for spinal injuries.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  1. If you do the exercise regularly, then only muscle endurance can be increased, strength and mass remain in the background;
  2. There are more effective trainings.

Mistakes that many make

Beginners very often make the same mistakes that reduce the effectiveness and intensity of training. In order for everything to work out in the highest class, it is not worth it:

  • To avoid the risk of injury, make sure that the lower back does not come off the floor;
  • Make a fold at the legs, they should always be straight with outstretched toes;
  • Legs do not need to be raised high, as this can affect the intensity of the workout of the press;
  • Tearing your head off the floor and putting your neck in tension should be avoided completely.


If you make final conclusions, then the following points can be highlighted as much as possible:

  1. This exercise is more loved by women.
  2. It is very useful for the press.
  3. And it helps to lose weight in very problem areas of the abdominal cavity.

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There are many exercises in the arsenal of fitness devotees that allow you to work out and tighten your muscles. abdominal... However, usually training program consists of just a few of the most popular exercises. Over time, the muscles become accustomed to them, and the training becomes less effective. Guided by the desire to add a certain variety to their training, many opt for the "Scissors" exercise, known from childhood. Let's find out how to do this exercise correctly for maximum effect.

Muscle work

Exercise "Scissors" is aimed at working out the abdominal press, in particular its lower part. The middle and upper abs also participate in the movement, but less actively. For the legs, the exercise "Scissors" is also effective, since the hip flexors are connected to the work. The target is the iliopsoas muscle. The role of synergists is played by the fascia lata tensor, comb, adductor and rectus femoris. The quadriceps and abdominal muscles (straight, oblique and transverse) act as stabilizers of movement.

How to do the scissors exercise?

This exercise has four difficulty levels. They differ from each other only in the angle between the body and legs. The higher the level of the athlete, the smaller this angle and the more the lower part of the press is loaded. For a person with an average physical fitness the first two levels may seem too easy, but for many, they are the only way to master this exercise. These levels are for beginners, people recovering from injury, and postpartum women. To those who suffer from excess weight It is also recommended to start with large angles in order to protect your back from overload. So, let's take a look at each of the levels.

Zero level - 90 °

Starting position - lying on your back. It does not change depending on the level. If it is difficult to work with raised legs, you can grab onto a fixed object with your hands. It could be the bottom baffle swedish wall, cabinet leg and so on. The main thing is that when performing the swings, this object remains motionless and helps the athlete to keep the lower back pressed to the floor. Having taken the starting position, you need to adjust your breathing. In general, it is recommended to breathe properly for 30-60 seconds before any exercise. By “right” is meant deep (belly) and slowly. The breathing rhythm should prepare the body for the upcoming work.

Having taken the starting position and adjusting your breathing, you need to raise your legs to an angle of 90 °. If it is difficult to raise straight legs, you can raise them in a bent state and then straighten them. The exercise is done with the legs tilted in such a way that the back will not feel discomfort. If you can get your legs below 90 ° without any problems, then you should immediately move on to the next level. In fact, the abs and legs are included even at right angles.

Having taken the required position, you can get to work. The essence of the exercise "Scissors" consists in the simultaneous alternating crossing of the legs from It is not recommended to spread the legs too wide. One inhalation and exhalation should account for about two swings of one leg, that is, there is no need to rush. Thoughts should be focused on the lower abdomen, for which the exercise is being performed. Having done the movement the required number of times (it will be enough to tire the muscles by 80% in one approach), you need to return to the starting position and normalize your breathing. After a short pause (about 30 seconds), you can proceed to the second approach. 3-5 sets 3 times a week will be enough for the workout to bear fruit and the muscles are not overloaded.

First level - 60 °

You need to go to this level if lowering your legs to the specified degree does not cause discomfort. Crossing the legs occurs in exactly the same way as in the previous level. If it is difficult to raise your legs immediately to 60 °, you can start the movement at 90 ° and gradually lower them.

Second level - 30 °

After a month intense training you will most likely be able to progress to this level. In this position, it is more difficult to keep the lower back pressed to the floor, so it is recommended to put your hands under it, palms down. The rest of the execution technique does not differ from the previous levels. For a change, you can try to do not only horizontal but also vertical swings.

Third level - 10 °

Everything is the same here, only the legs are even lower, the press is strained even more. Having reached this level, it is recommended to increase the frequency of movement to 4-6 swings per inhalation / exhalation. It is important to ensure that the legs are as straight as possible and the toes are extended.

Complicated option

If the usual scissors exercise has become too easy for you, you can make it more difficult. The first option is to perform the movement with the pelvis raised. For this from starting position lying down, you need to move to the "inclined birch" position, holding the pelvis and lower back on the palms. The main thing is that when the back remains stationary. The second option is to raise the body while doing the Scissors. The arms can be bent at the elbows, as in standard twists. Staying in this position throughout all approaches, you can additionally load the upper press slightly.

Option "on the stomach"

Having mastered the classic exercise "Scissors" for the press, you can try a variation for the back, which is performed. It is most convenient to do this exercise on special simulator, but if you wish, you can adapt the tools at hand. The main thing is that their surface is hard enough. This "Scissors" option allows you to work out your lower back well, as well as tighten the buttocks and back side thighs. Thus, the classic exercise and the abdominal exercise are not mutually exclusive.

The benefits of the exercise "Scissors"

Since this exercise is performed with own weight, it is quite difficult to overload the body by doing it. In addition, "Scissors" do not require any additional inventory, special skills and a lot of free space. They can be performed by people of any age and skill level. It is noteworthy that the exercise is suitable for people with back injuries, and in some cases it is included in the rehabilitation therapy program. The ability to vary the load allows you to master the movement gradually, which will benefit people with poor training.

"Scissors" are among the ten most effective exercises for the development of abdominal muscles and are complex, since the load focuses on the whole spectrum muscle fibers... The "Kindred" of this exercise is the "Bicycle".

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