Where the stars are losing weight. How celebrities lose weight

A refined figure is the key to the success of any singer or actress. However, not all stars have good genetics, many adhere to a strict diet and exercise to get rid of extra pounds. Let's talk about how the stars manage to keep themselves in shape and what techniques they use to combat overweight.

Mariah Carey

The appearance of this singer always evokes a storm of emotions and a lot of discussions. A girl can quickly gain excess weight and lose weight just as quickly. Constant emotional stress at work, parting with a loved one, pregnancy and childbirth, all these events affect Carey's appearance.


However, she does not give up and always looks perfect, no matter how hard it costs her. Mariah shared how she manages to keep herself in shape. The basis of her diet is proper nutrition, so that the daily calorie intake does not exceed 1200 units.

The star says that such a diet is difficult to follow, but beauty requires sacrifice. The girl's menu consists of fruits, fish, cereals, vegetables, herbs, low-fat dairy products, nuts. She also follows the "purple" diet three times a week, the essence of which is to eat foods of the corresponding color.

These can be grapes, eggplants, currants, blueberries, blackberries, some varieties of beets and potatoes. It is also important that all foods are raw, according to Meraia, this way of eating food allows you to saturate the body with useful substances and antioxidants.

Jennifer Lopez

The singer has never been very thin, but her forms are admired by thousands of women from all over the world. Jay Lo said that in order to keep her body in shape, she has to sacrifice her desires and resort to some effort. In addition, Jennifer loves to eat very much, she is especially partial to sweets, and it is very difficult for her to fight her desires.


Actually, due to the large consumption of sweet foods, she often gains weight, but just as quickly can get rid of those extra pounds with the help of an express diet. She resorts to such radical methods immediately before concerts or the next shooting.

The first diet is not very strict, but experts do not recommend getting carried away with it. For breakfast, Jay Lo eats fruit and drinks cocoa, after two hours also fruit and purified water, for lunch, low-fat cottage cheese or kefir with fruit, and for dinner, lean meat and vegetables.

But when Jay urgently needs to get rid of a couple of three kilograms, she prefers a more rigid diet. Throughout the day, the star drinks water and can eat one bar of dark chocolate. This method allows you to achieve good result, but you should not get carried away with such a diet, otherwise you can pretty much harm your health, and the kilograms will return with interest.

Gina Lollobrigida

This Italian actress was famous in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. Gina was the standard of beauty, many girls dreamed of looking the same. Her wasp waist never exceeded 53 centimeters, but her luxurious breasts and hips were admirable.

At one time she was called the most beautiful woman in the world. The secret of the charm lay in a special diet - on weekdays, Gina could eat anything, even pizza and lasagne, but on weekends her menu consisted of mineral water for breakfast, a little cheese and boiled meat for lunch and orange juice. Dinner was limited lemon juice and purified water.

Nutritionists, having learned about this method of losing weight, were divided into two groups. Some insisted that such a diet is harmful to the stomach, while others - that it is better than exhausting weekly diets... It is not known which of the experts was right, but the result was, as they say, obvious.

Victoria Beckham

The former singer looks unbeatable even after pregnancy and childbirth. The fact is that a celebrity launches its own clothing line, so she must have an appropriate appearance... Victoria shared with her fans how she manages to keep herself in shape.

The star said that she had to try many different diets until she found exactly "her" food system. One of the most ruthless is vegetarianism. Victoria gave up animal products in favor of her body and ideal parameters.

She prefers soy products, vegetables, fruits and legumes. And no milk, meat or eggs! The second diet is Japanese. The menu includes: green tea, fish, fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs.


This combination of products is not the safest for the body.

Lady Gaga

WITH early childhood Stephanie (the real name of the singer) suffered from anorexia and bouts of bulimia. She sometimes lost weight, then gained kilograms, besides, the girl had problems with nutrition. Most of the costumes belonging to the queen of outrageousness can hardly be called clothing, mostly Gaga wears revealing tops, shorts, mini-skirts, short dresses and tight bodysuits, so the girl's figure is always on display.

Lady Gaga shared an unusual diet, at one time she only ate baby puree in jars. Food for the little ones replaced her with a full lunch and dinner. But before the concerts, Gaga generally refuses food, in favor of alcohol!

Some sources of information have noticed that the singer has alcohol addiction, but Gaga assures that this is just a method for losing weight. By the way, despite such a tough way of losing weight and frequent syndromes hangover, celebrity remembers to attend gym.

Megan Fox

This celebrity has perhaps the most correct diet. Firstly, she eats fractionally, 5-6 times a day, and secondly, Megan does not eat fatty meat, she refused fast food, convenience foods, alcoholic drinks and soda. The actress is very fond of eggs, and eats them in any form.

She also drinks a glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach, in which she dilutes 1 tablespoon of apple cider (natural!) Vinegar. Megan says that this drink is great for helping to cope with appetite, improves metabolism and speeds up metabolism, which is a direct way to a slim body.

Angelina Jolie

The beauty follows a strict diet, consuming only raw foods. She is sure that this method helps to digest food well and saturate the body with useful substances. Jolie's menu includes dried fruits, seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, herbal teas and sprouted grains.


The actress prefers oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, low-fat dairy products, honey, fish and white meat (she steamed meat products). Alcohol and flour products are prohibited.

In conclusion, we note: in order to keep your body in shape, it is enough to eat right and not abuse bad habits. Don't forget about water, sports and good mood. But whether to listen to the advice of the stars is up to you.

If you really need healthy diet, try, following the example of Beckham, the alkaline diet (more about it here). The secret is to eat alkaline, not acidic foods and avoid processed foods. In this diet, the amount of animal products is very limited. Victoria cooks from Natasha Corrett's "Honest Healthy" cookbook, so keep that in mind!

Olga Kartunkova

Many public people have changed outwardly due to painstaking work on themselves. So, the whole country witnessed how Olga Kartunkova lost weight. Until recently, she weighed more than 130 kg and could not give up her favorite rolls and meat.

One day Olga fell and injured her leg. Doctors said she would need to lose weight to fully recover. The actress began to lose weight under the supervision of a nutritionist, and as a result, she lost more than 60 kg.

Olga Kartunkova lost weight beyond recognition, and after a radical change, she was increasingly invited to various shows. She did not reveal all the secrets, however, she shared with fans important recommendations who played a big role in her transformation.

1. You need to eat every 3 hours in small portions at the same time; 2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day; 3. The refrigerator should only contain healthy foods: cottage cheese, milk and kefir with low fat content, vegetables, herbs, fruits, lean meat and fish, chicken breast, oat and buckwheat porridge, berries; 4.

According to the star, it is very important not to skip breakfast. Granular bran, which are sold at the pharmacy, and pine nuts are best suited for your morning meal. It is necessary to mix a handful of one and the other product, and then pour them 0.5 liters of kefir 1% fat. Such a breakfast will allow you to be full until lunchtime.

Below is a list of sample foods for daily consumption:

  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea, fruit salad;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet without salt;
  • Second afternoon snack: low-fat kefir or fruit;
  • Dinner: 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.

This menu is suitable for those who are contraindicated physical exercise... Kartunkova could not play sports due to a leg injury, so the stake was made specifically on a diet.

Separate meals allowed to get rid of joint pain and shortness of breath. Olga began to feel much better, but there is nothing to say about her appearance. Such a change went to the star for the good, now fans are delighted to shower her with compliments.

Jennifer Aniston: The Zone Diet

At 47, the singer looks better than ever! The secret of her sexy body is her special diet and exercise plan. Her nutritionist, Hayley Pornroy, invented what is known as the Rapid Metabolic Diet, in which alternating certain foods speeds up your metabolism. It's quite simple: two days on carbohydrates and fruits, two days on protein and vegetables. And on the rest of the week there are both, plus healthy fats.

Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock and Demi Moore confess their love for the Zone Diet, invented by former scientist Dr. Barry Sears. Jennifer is such a fan of this diet that it became known as the "Jennifer Aniston Diet". According to it, 40% of the daily calorie intake comes from carbohydrates, 30% from proteins and 30% from fats.

Alexander Semin

Former husband of Evelina Bledans lost more than 45 kg in a year.

The actress shared the secrets of such a transformation and said that Semin does not eat flour, fried, sweet and fatty foods at all. His last meal is at 6 pm. He also plays sports and drinks a lot of fluids. The main rule is not to allow yourself anything superfluous either on a holiday or on a weekend!

With his weight loss, Alexander Semin ex-husband Bledans is obliged to proper nutrition, exercise and maintenance of water-salt balance. Now, in many of the photos, the producer looks slim and fit. In addition, he is not going to stop there and wants to build muscle mass.

Kate Hudson: chemistry experiment

Have you ever wondered how Kate Hudson lost weight so quickly after giving birth to her second child? Her body is always in good shape, and what is the secret? As Kate herself admits, this is not so much a diet as a chemical experiment. She never eats meat, dairy, or gluten and is very restrictive in sugar.

Julia Kuvarzina

After giving birth, Julia Kuvarzina weighed 90 kg with a height of 165 cm.

At 37, she made a firm decision to change her appearance and lost weight. The actress began attending a fitness club and following a diet that was developed for her by a professional specialist. After 3 months, she lost 22 kg.

Yulia Kuvarzina has lost a lot of weight, and photos on the Internet confirm her dramatic changes.

1. You need to eat 6 times a day and every 3 hours. 2. Portions should be small, no more than 250 g. 3. Drink plenty of water between meals. You need to drink 2-3 liters of liquid a day. 4. You can't eat after 7 p.m. 5. You need to do sports three times a week. 6. There should be a lot of protein products in the daily menu.

Sweets; alcohol; baked goods. roast.

It is better to replace these unhealthy foods with fruits, vegetables, berries, legumes, nuts. Such simple rules for losing weight will allow any girl to look slimmer and younger.

Anfisa Chekhova

Many people remember when Anfisa Chekhova was a beauty with curvaceous forms. She clearly had extra pounds, which she safely got rid of.

Her health problems prompted her to lose 25 kg. The TV presenter has adjusted her daily menu and changed her lifestyle.

Yoga has become one of the main weapons in the fight against obesity. Anfisa has her own personal coach on this practice, who regularly visits her home.

1. You need to exclude fast food and other unhealthy foods from your diet. You can have some dark chocolate once a week. 3. It is necessary to eat fractionally, that is, often and in small portions. 4. To cleanse the body, it is necessary to carry out a fasting day once a week.

And, of course, the most main secret losing weight Chekhova - love for yourself and your loved ones.

Khloe Kardashian: a dairy-free diet

Khloe Kardashian looks great now more than ever! She finally pulled herself together after a difficult divorce from Lamar Odom in 2013. She learned to enjoy training and healthy eating... Have you ever wondered what led to such serious weight loss? Chloe has given up dairy products and switched to "clean" food, and she also cooks on her own from farm products.

She even wrote a book, Strong Looks Better Naked, where she shares recipes and habits. She starts the day with a glass of water and coffee and then goes to the gym. After training she drinks protein cocktail, another glass of water and eating oatmeal. Then she has an apple with peanut butter or some other seasonal fruit and nuts.

Maxim Matveev

Actor Maxim Matveev lost 20 kg for a new role in the play.

To achieve this, he adjusted his diet. His menu was dominated by fruits and dried fruits, salads and nuts. He gave up meat and began to eat only fish.

Liza Boyarskaya's spouse also performs various exercises, jogs and started doing yoga. Many fans suspect some of the actor's health problems and consider his thinness unnatural. However, Maxim himself likes his appearance and lifestyle, and he ignores such talk about a painful condition.

Polina Gagarina

After pregnancy, Gagarina did not deny herself anything and gained excess weight.

The audience and Polina herself are already accustomed to the completeness of the singer, but once the fans simply did not recognize their idol. The star dropped as much as 40 kg! All the girls in the country wanted to know how Polina Gagarina lost weight. The celebrity shared her secrets.

It turns out that the singer adhered to an alternating diet and played sports. For example, on Monday you can eat rice, on Tuesday - fruit, and on Wednesday - only fish, etc. In this way, fat is burned without damaging muscle tissue.

1. No food after 18:00. 2. Food must not be salted. 3. Drink plenty of water 4. It is necessary to completely exclude flour and sweets from the diet. Better to skip potatoes.

Gagarina advises not to starve yourself, the main thing is to know everything in moderation. And so that the skin does not sag, you need to play sports.


Singer Pelageya is inclined to be overweight, so it is easy for her to gain extra pounds. She solved this problem with

The star advises to cook food not in a frying pan, but with a double boiler. She also adheres to healthy way life and consumes products that are grown without any chemical fertilizers. The celebrity focuses on kefir and buckwheat.

Sample menu Pelagia looks like this:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge;
  • Afternoon snack: juice from fruits or vegetables;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, chicken or fish dish;
  • Dinner: vegetable or seafood salad.

If you eat in this way for 3 weeks, you can lose more than 15 kg. The singer regularly trains in the gym and goes to the bath, sometimes spends a day of unloading. She considers the main secret of losing weight to be the right attitude and inner harmony.

Megan Fox: The Five Factor Diet

More about Megan Fox's diet and workout ➝

Megan Fox follows a five-factor diet invented by star trainer Harley Pasternak. These are five meals, each consisting of 5 foods, and each meal can be cooked in 5 minutes. Sounds easy, right? Each meal is made up of proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and healthy fats, and the fifth component of the diet is sugar-free drinks. Such a diet stabilizes blood sugar levels and provides energy throughout the day. Another celebrity following this diet is Eva Mendes.

Mariam Merabova

But not a trace remained of that appetizing woman, because the singer has already lost 56 kg and is not going to stop there. Mariam admitted that she lost excess weight due to health problems. She is rapidly losing weight thanks to the diet, which she tries not to talk about.

One thing is for sure - the support of family and friends helped her to cope with the problem of extra pounds.

Drew Barrymore: Beauty and Detox

Drew Barrymore's diet allowed her not only to lose weight, but also to look prettier. Her nutritionist Kimberly Snyder came up with this way of eating so the actress could lose weight after the birth of her first child - and Drew is on the diet ever since. All you need to do is eat whole, natural foods. The basic principles are to eat more plant foods and little animal products, avoid dairy products, and drink green smoothies or juice every day.

Ekaterina Skulkina

One of the brightest actresses of the show "Comedy Woman" Ekaterina Skulkina lost almost 20 kg.

Sports played an important role in her transformation. She goes to the gym, rides a bike and swims a lot.

Skulkina limited her fat intake and eliminated carbohydrates from her diet. She cooks food, stews or steam. The actress eats at least 5 times a day, the last meal takes place 3-4 hours before bedtime. Such a diet allows you to put your body in order without unnecessary stress for the body.

Diet of Sofia Rotaru

The famous singer Sofia Rotaru shares the secret of her youth and attractiveness. The diet is low-calorie and its use requires the manifestation of willpower. But within 9 days you can lose from 4 to 9 kg. excess weight... However, inspired by the achieved result, you should not reapply it earlier than after 2 months.

So, the singer does not advise giving up traditional meals, including dinner, as she believes that this can contribute to the loss of the necessary muscle mass and the energy she needs to active image life.

Day 1 - 3: practically unsalted and preferably unpeeled boiled rice, how much to eat during 3-4 meals.

Day 4 - 6: Vegetables cooked in any way, but without salt, are instead allowed to add a little spice, as much as you eat over 3-4 meals.

Day 7-9: Any fresh or dried fruit, unlimited.

Throughout the diet, you are allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral or melt water in unlimited quantities.

Doctor's advice: Before going on a diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Sofia says, "Food is good, but I don't want to think about it." She's just signed up to a system where every day she gets her chef-supplied food, low-carb but tasty and high in protein. This meal plan also includes desserts. The system is called Freshology. The only drawback of the plan is that it is quite expensive: prices start at $ 48 per day.

A source

Elena Stepanenko

Elena Stepanenko was always a little behind her illustrious husband. And then there was her meteoric rise on the stage.

Many people remember her famous monologue "A Letter to Bill Clinton", her beautiful and sonorous voice, and a pretty thin and rejuvenated woman. What is the secret of such striking changes in appearance?

From the words of Yevgeny Petrosyan, it became known that his wife had built a lot in Bavaria. She specially underwent a fasting course in a Bavarian sanatorium. This weight loss system is very ancient, its origins date back about one hundred and fifty years.

Of course, it is impossible to find out exactly what this system consists of, since many of its details are classified and not known to the general public. At the moment, only a few procedures are open to the world that are carried out according to this system.

In the sanatorium, a very strict diet is observed, and the patient is also given droppers, with the help of which special drugs are injected into the body, which the body lacks.

The most important thing is that the doctors were able to change the approach to the very intake of food, to learn how to correctly combine products with each other, that is, they completely changed the psychology of the patients' nutrition. For example, do not eat potatoes with bread, meat with potatoes, and the like.

Most of the stars of Russian show business and cinema have achieved amazing results thanks to proper nutrition and exercise, yoga and swimming. Therefore, it is better to go to the gym and give up the hamburger than to drink diet pills and continue to envy the appearance of celebrities.

Olga Kartunkova remains the record-breaking thinner. Her example is a real motivator and inspiration for those who want to lose weight.

Diet of Philip Kirkorov

Every public person monitors his appearance, and Philip Kirkorov is no exception. A natural tendency to be overweight makes him, throughout his career, periodically, resort to different diets. As a result of many experiments, the singer settled on a diet that includes eggs and grapefruit. He considers it to be the most effective for losing those extra pounds in a short period of time.

So, for two weeks, the singer eats nothing but egg white and grapefruit. He believes that the yolk contains cholesterol, and this is dangerous to health.

It's all! Hard!? Yes! But Philip loses almost 7 kilograms of weight during this period.

Of course, it is impossible to adhere to the diet of Philip Kirkorov for a very long time. 2 weeks is the maximum period. The diet contains very few calories, carbohydrates, fats and other essential nutrients, which can adversely affect health and cause disease.

Maya Plisetskaya's diet

The famous ballerina remained thin and sonorous even after her career ended. All thanks to her special approach. Maya Mikhailovna identified foods that you can eat and which you should refuse. Check yourself. Maybe it is the wrong distribution of "do / not" - the real reason for excess weight.

Not so long ago, the world-famous ballet star Maya Plisetskaya, in an interview with journalists, revealed the "secret" of her very better diet- you need to eat less.

Maya's second diet for gluttons.

In just half a month, you can lose up to 10 kg.

During the diet, it is forbidden to eat: dairy products, eggs, meat, potatoes, tomatoes, spices, as well as chocolate and coffee.

Fish is sometimes allowed. Favorable: barley, oats, broccoli and lentils.

for breakfast: porridge made from oatmeal or cereal.

for lunch: vegetable soup, fresh vegetable salad.

for dinner: rice, fish and salad.

Eat fruits and vegetables between meals.

To maintain the form, repeat the diet after 2 months.

Vetlitskaya Natalya diet

Even now, when there are much fewer offers to play in films, " Caucasian captive»Eats 5 times a day and uses only healthy foods. The basis of her menu is chicken, fish, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, fruits. When to lose weight for a short time Natalia follows a special 12-day diet:

  • 3 days on one kefir
  • 3 days on unsalted chicken
  • 3 days on kefir and green apples
  • 3 days on dry red wine and low-fat cheese

Natalia did not differ in ideal parameters, but she always tried to keep herself in shape, especially when she was to play the main role. At first, the actress did not adhere to a special diet. To get in shape, Natalia Gundareva simply refused very late supper... But in the 90s, she went all-in and lost 20 kg. Unfortunately, the actress ignored the doctors' recommendations. Her health deteriorated significantly ...

The famous actress uses a method called a mono-diet, that is, one product is consumed without restriction, and ... nothing else. This method is used when relatively short term you need to lose weight significantly. Duration - 12 days, the really achievable result - minus 5 kilograms.

If after the diet you are not completely satisfied with the result, you can repeat the process in 20-30 days.

The first three days you can consume only kefir.

The next three days - in the diet only boiled chicken without skin and without salt.

The third cycle - the same duration - we sit on green apples or juice from them, or on the same kefir.

The fourth cycle - cheese with a minimum fat content is allowed, which can be washed down with dry red wine.

In 15 days you will lose 8-10 kg. excess weight.

Basic moments.

1. Observing a diet, you should completely eliminate from the daily diet of meat, potatoes, dairy products, eggs, tomatoes, spices, chocolate and coffee. Occasionally, you can eat lean fish.

2. The diet assumes that you will eat broccoli, lentils, barley and oats.

for breakfast: a cup of oatmeal.

for lunch: soup and vegetable salad.

for dinner: - a cup of rice, a piece of fish and salad.

You can have a variety of fruits and vegetables in between meals.

The Lime Vaikule Diet

Lime Vaikule Nine Day Diet. If you follow it, you can lose 1 kg. in 1 day.

First 3 days: Eat only rice. Oil and salt should be excluded from it, but you can add a little soy sauce with seasonings.

Next 3 days: Eat lean chicken. Do not eat chicken legs.

Last 3 days: Eat only apples.

In addition, Lyme, once a week, arranges for herself a "hungry" day.

If you don't have any health problems at all, then the Lime Vaikule diet is your choice. In just 9 days, you can get rid of 9 kg. Not everyone can withstand this regime. But those who succeed are delighted with the results.

  • 3 days only on rice, seasoned with soy sauce
  • 3 days only on boiled chicken
  • 3 days on apples only

Sometimes it seems that Laima Vaikule does not change at all: she is always young, slim, beautiful. Now you know the secret too. Go for it!

Galina Vishnevskaya's diet

for breakfast, lunch and dinner: only a plate of low-fat soup or okroshka on low-calorie fat-free (1.5 - 0.5%) kefir.

Galina Vishnevskaya never has a snack between meals and does not recommend it to anyone, and advises drinking non-carbonated mineral water. She also believes that washing with mineral water in the morning is very beneficial for the skin.

Edita Pieha's diet

"Our eternal!" - Alla Pugacheva exclaimed with delight, congratulating Edita Piekha, who celebrated her 70th birthday. And indeed, the prima donna noticed the main thing: in her 70 years, Edita delights fans not only with the freshness of her voice, but also with her young, completely charming appearance. Slenderness, grace, internal and external elegance, unfading femininity - from the first steps on stage to today remain business card this favorite of the northern capital. Diet played an important role here.

However, the singer uses her special diet in extreme cases, when the need arises - in two weeks - to lose 7-10 kilograms.

Breakfast: bacon with boiled egg and low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: stewed vegetables with grilled chicken.

Dinner: salad with jacket potatoes.

And although this diet gives desired effect, Edita prefers not to bring herself to such a state to save herself with a diet. She - constantly - keeps herself in line, relying on the whole science of everyday nutrition, which she created for herself.

First of all, clean your table of everything unnecessary and even harmful: fatty meat, sausages, sausages, replacing them with fish and poultry; exclude everything spicy, salty, sugar and confectionery, preferring sweet fruits and honey to them. And even her favorite coffee is especially tasty for her "with lemon and honey."

Now you can eat whatever you want, but often - 5 times a day - and little by little. And after 18 hours you don't even think about food.

Preference is given to separate meals, not mixing proteins with carbohydrates in one meal (according to the theory of G. Shelton). For example, it is healthier to eat fish and meat with vegetables, and not with the usual side dish for us: potatoes, rice, bread, noodles. Protein goes well with citrus fruits, and carbohydrates go well with sweet fruits.

The basis of Edita's menu is porridge on the water (more often than other rolled oats), her favorite fish, steamed vegetables, fruits and juices. The healthiest and most beloved of them is grapefruit. And the most necessary is a cocktail of three components: carrots, beets, herbs (in a ratio of 3: 1: 1); enriching the blood, it revitalizes the entire body, maintains endurance and good mood... Mandatory on the table is seaweed.

One day a week - unloading: kefir, fruit, watermelon ...

He certainly drinks 1.5 liters of water every day.

Of course, it's not just diet - it's science. It is patience and talent - out of millions of methods, programs and diets - to choose your own, calculate, balance, adapt, over the years turning dietary norms into a habit, and a habit into a lifestyle. It is not for nothing that Edita Piekha emphasizes in her interviews that food itself is only part of her rejuvenating program.

The main law of the entire program is self-esteem, tireless resistance to everyday fatigue, insistence on supporting oneself both physically (obligatory walk, swimming pool) and mentally. And look at all the blows that our life is so rich in with the eyes of esotericists: "Blessed are the obstacles - we grow with them!"

Edita Stanislavovna eats whatever her heart desires, but according to the schedule - 5 times a day. At the same time, she does not forget about fasting days, during which she eats only watermelons or apples. She completely gave up spicy food and meat. The singer uses honey instead of sugar.

How did you lose weight Victoria Beckham, Oprah Winfrey, Charlize Theron? BeautyHack publishes a stellar diet and workout plan.

Oprah Winfrey

The owner of the media empire, even out of her own problems with being overweight, made a financially successful project. Oprah was never too thin, but in 1992 (she was 38 years old), her weight reached a critical level of 108 kg. Considering that at this time her career was on the rise (we talked about girls who, like Oprah, became popular after 30 years), the body could not cope with the load. It took more than ten years to lose weight.

Now the star weighs about 70 kg., And her nutrition is carefully monitored by star nutritionist and fitness trainer Bob Greeny. The presenter does not eat refined carbohydrates, dines until seven in the evening, does not drink alcohol and regularly (that is, every day!).

Oprah described her weight loss story in the book Food Health And Happiness, which, of course, became a bestseller. Moreover, a TV presenter can become your guide to the world of healthy food. It is enough to subscribe to her Instagram. For example, in this video, Oprah talks about the contents of her green cart. Inspires!

Christina Aguilera

The actress gained about 38 kilograms after two pregnancies, which is really a lot for a once miniature singer. After the birth of her second daughter, Summer Raine, Christina began to actively lose weight and lost weight in a year. The girl came to the American Music Awards in 2014 noticeably slimmer.

Certainly not without help personal trainer Ashley Borden and proper nutrition with a predictable diet: berries and healthy fats in the form of avocado and turkey for breakfast, chicken breast with vegetable salad without dressing for lunch, curry with chicken for dinner.

Jessica Simpson

For the increased interest in her person, Jessica owes her weight. After the birth of her daughter Drew Maxwell Johnson, she gained 30 kg, which she got rid of after six months. And all thanks to the Weight Watchers system, based on the assignment of points to all food products. You must eat a certain number of "points" per day, depending on your weight category... This system also helped Oprah Winfrey - the TV presenter even owns a stake in the company.

Renee Zellweger

For the first film about Bridget Jones, Renee gained 9 kilograms and began to wear size 14 instead of 4. It is difficult to condemn the actress, given the popularity that the picture brought her. In 2004, the second part of the film was released, where Rene, who had again lost weight in ordinary life, already weighed 15 kilograms more.

Then Rene took a long break in her career and in 2014 appeared in public: together with extra pounds all age signs are gone. According to the plastic surgeon Kirill Nazoev, he tells exactly what changes have occurred with the actress.

Charlize Theron

For the role in the movie "Monster" Charlize gained 13 kilograms in 2002. But even before the premiere, she lost weight - she received an Oscar and a Golden Globe for Best Actress in 2004 in excellent shape.

Last year, Charlize once again decided to make a radical change for the filming of Tully, where she plays a single mother with many children. This time she gained 16 kg., But also quickly dropped them.

The secret is in regular training: the actress lives in Los Angeles and is engaged with star trainer Fidel De Santis, who nicknamed her "crash" for her determination and seriousness. In addition to exercising, Fidel recommends gradually reducing your calories so as not to cause yourself emotional and mental trauma, and lean on proteins, vegetables, dark fruits and greens.

Tully will be released next year.

Kelly Osbourne

In 2007, Kelly weighed 73 kg. with a height of 161 cm. The star was never thin, but participation in the project "Dancing with the Stars" was a turning point. Kelly stopped seizing stress and plunged into work. Regular training and nutritional control quickly yielded results: in December 2010, the girl starred for Shape magazine, showing her new self with a weight of -22 kg. “Start eating breakfast, drinking water instead of soda, and snacking on healthy snacks in the evening” are the three whales on which Kelly's diet is based.

Jennifer Hudson

It seems that the whole world discussed Jennifer Hudson's weight loss in 2009. After the birth of her son David, who turns 8 this year, the actress could not get in shape for a long time and confidently declared that she loved herself like that.

But the winner of the "Oscar" and "Golden Globe" had an important task: to lose weight for the role in the film "Vinnie", where she played the wife of Nelson Mandela. Result: regular training with trainer Harley Pasternak, a contract with Weight Watchers (later Jennifer became the face of this brand) and weight loss from size 16 to size 6.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks began her modeling career at the age of 15. She has worked with brands Chanel, Oscar de la Renta, Givenchy, starred for Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen and was a Victoria's Secret angel. Tyra devoted 12 years (from 2003 to 2015) to her own show America's Next Top Model.

Weight problems began after leaving the show in 2015, when the star gained 9 extra pounds and instantly hit the covers of the tabloids. It took a year to lose weight, during which the star adhered to a paleo diet, ditched artificial fat-burning drugs in favor of natural pills that improve metabolism, and exercised regularly, doing cardio and resistance exercises.

Queen Latifah

A supporter of "body positivism" Queen Latifa lost 9 kilograms a few years ago. The star even has her own website where she talks about how she lost weight. The secret is in star trainer Janette Jenkins, yoga and nutrition. About the latter in more detail: Latifa compiled a table where she listed the main products from her diet. Take note! Green tea to maintain normal blood sugar levels, probiotics to improve digestion, citrus fruits to fight sugar cravings and green vegetables: just eat them three times a day!

Victoria Beckham

Now the 43-year-old mother of four children looks flawless, but in her youth Victoria called herself "a fat girl with two thin ponytails." In the era of the Spice Girls, the situation changed, but the extra pounds remained.

After the first pregnancy, Victoria rapidly lost 15 kilograms, which never came back. The star adheres to a strict diet right after the birth of the child: only five meals a day in portions that fit in the palm of your hand. These are high protein meals, green vegetables, water and berries with nuts as a snack. Not without star trainer Tracy Anderson.

Many modern girls are interested in how movie and show business stars lose weight. It is known that highly qualified specialists develop diets for them.

Knowing the secrets of celebrities, you can choose the most suitable technique for yourself, which will allow you to put your body in order. Let's consider the most striking examples of stellar transformations.

Olga Kartunkova

Many public people have changed outwardly due to painstaking work on themselves. So, the whole country witnessed how Olga Kartunkova lost weight. Until recently, she weighed more than 130 kg and could not give up her favorite rolls and meat.

One day Olga fell and injured her leg. Doctors said she would need to lose weight to fully recover. The actress began to lose weight under the supervision of a nutritionist, and as a result, she lost more than 60 kg.

Olga Kartunkova lost weight beyond recognition, and after a radical change, she was increasingly invited to various shows. She did not reveal all the secrets, however, she shared with the fans important recommendations that played a big role in her transformation.

The principles of Olga's diet are quite simple:

1. You need to eat every 3 hours in small portions at the same time;
2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day;
3. The refrigerator should contain only healthy products: cottage cheese, milk and kefir with low fat content, vegetables, herbs, fruits, lean meat and fish, chicken breast, oat and buckwheat porridge, berries;
4. It is necessary to completely abandon sweet and starchy foods;
5. If the diet has failed, the next day should be done fasting. For him, 2 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits and a pound of dried apricots are suitable.

According to the star, it is very important not to miss breakfast... Granular bran, which are sold at the pharmacy, and pine nuts are best suited for your morning meal. It is necessary to mix a handful of one and the other product, and then pour them 0.5 liters of kefir 1% fat. Such a breakfast will allow you to be full until lunchtime.

Below is a list of sample foods for daily consumption. :

  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea, fruit salad;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet without salt;
  • Second afternoon snack: low-fat kefir or fruit;
  • Dinner: 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.

This menu is suitable for those who are contraindicated in physical activity. Kartunkova could not play sports due to a leg injury, so the stake was made specifically on a diet.

Julia Kuvarzina

After giving birth, Julia Kuvarzina weighed 90 kg with a height of 165 cm.

At 37, she made a firm decision to change her appearance and lost weight. The actress began attending a fitness club and following a diet that was developed for her by a professional specialist. After 3 months, she lost 22 kg.

Yulia Kuvarzina has lost a lot of weight, and photos on the Internet confirm her dramatic changes.

The actress shared the main secrets of her transformation:

1. You need to eat 6 times a day and every 3 hours.
2. Portions should be small, no more than 250 g.
3. Drink plenty of water between meals. You need to drink 2-3 liters of liquid per day.
4. You can't eat after 7 pm.
5. Three times a week you need to go in for sports.
6. The daily menu should contain a lot of protein products.

It is forbidden to eat:

baked goods.

It is better to replace these unhealthy foods with fruits, vegetables, berries, legumes, nuts. Such simple rules for losing weight will allow any girl to look slimmer and younger.

Anfisa Chekhova

Many people remember when Anfisa Chekhova was a beauty with curvaceous forms. She clearly had extra pounds, which she safely got rid of.

Her health problems prompted her to lose 25 kg. The TV presenter has adjusted her daily menu and changed her lifestyle.

Yoga has become one of the main weapons in the fight against obesity. Anfisa has her own personal trainer for this practice, who regularly visits her home.

The TV presenter does not adhere to any strict diet, she only follows the well-known rules:

1. You need to exclude fast food and other unhealthy foods from your diet.
2. You can afford a little dark chocolate once a week.
3. It is necessary, that is, often and in small portions.
4. To cleanse the body, it is necessary to carry out a fasting day once a week.

And, of course, the most important secret of Chekhova's weight loss is love for herself and her loved ones.

Maxim Matveev

Actor Maxim Matveev lost 20 kg for a new role in the play.

To achieve this, he adjusted his diet. His menu was dominated by fruits and dried fruits, salads and nuts. He gave up meat and began to eat only fish.

Liza Boyarskaya's husband also performs various exercises, runs and started doing yoga. Many fans suspect some of the actor's health problems and consider his thinness unnatural. However, Maxim himself likes his appearance and lifestyle, and he ignores such talk about a painful condition.

Polina Gagarina

After pregnancy, Gagarina did not deny herself anything and gained excess weight.

The audience and Polina herself are already accustomed to the completeness of the singer, but once the fans simply did not recognize their idol. The star dropped as much as 40 kg! All the girls in the country wanted to know how Polina Gagarina lost weight. The celebrity shared her secrets.

It turns out that the singer adhered to an alternating diet and played sports. For example, on Monday you can eat rice, on Tuesday - fruit, and on Wednesday - only fish, etc. In this way, fat is burned without damaging muscle tissue.

The following rules helped Polina to put her figure in order:

1. No food after 18:00.
2. Food must not be salted.
3. You need to drink plenty of water.
4. It is necessary to completely exclude flour and sweets from the diet. Better to skip potatoes.

Gagarina advises not to starve yourself, the main thing is to know everything in moderation. And so that the skin does not sag, you need to play sports.


Singer Pelageya is inclined to be overweight, so it is easy for her to gain extra pounds. She solved this problem with the help of.

The star advises to cook food not in a frying pan, but with a double boiler. She also maintains a healthy lifestyle and consumes products that are grown without any chemical fertilizers. The celebrity focuses on kefir and buckwheat.

A sample Pelagia menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge;
  • Afternoon snack: juice from fruits or vegetables;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, chicken or fish dish;
  • Dinner: vegetable or seafood salad.

If you eat this way for 3 weeks, you can lose more than 15 kg.
The singer regularly trains in the gym and goes to the bathhouse, sometimes she spends it. She considers the main secret of losing weight to be the right attitude and inner harmony.

Mariam Merabova

The star of the 3rd season of the show "The Voice" stood out among the other participants with a magnificent figure.

But not a trace remained of that appetizing woman, because the singer has already lost 56 kg and is not going to stop there. Mariam admitted that she lost excess weight due to health problems. She is rapidly losing weight thanks to the diet, which she tries not to talk about.

One thing is for sure - the support of family and friends helped her to cope with the problem of extra pounds.

Ekaterina Skulkina

One of the brightest actresses of the show "Comedy Woman" Ekaterina Skulkina lost almost 20 kg.

Sports played an important role in her transformation. She goes to the gym, rides a bike and swims a lot.

Skulkina limited her fat intake and eliminated carbohydrates from her diet. She cooks food, stews or steam. The actress eats at least 5 times a day, the last meal takes place 3-4 hours before bedtime. Such a diet allows you to put your body in order without unnecessary stress for the body.

Elena Stepanenko

Elena Stepanenko was always a little behind her illustrious husband. And then there was her meteoric rise on the stage.

Many people remember her famous monologue "A Letter to Bill Clinton", her beautiful and sonorous voice, and a pretty thin and rejuvenated woman. What is the secret of such striking changes in appearance?

From the words of Yevgeny Petrosyan, it became known that his wife had built a lot in Bavaria. She specially took a course in the Bavarian sanatorium ... This weight loss system is very ancient, its origins date back about one hundred and fifty years.

Of course, it is impossible to find out exactly what this system consists of, since many of its details are classified and not known to the general public. At the moment, only a few procedures are open to the world that are carried out according to this system.

The sanatorium observes very strict diet , and also the patient is given droppers , with the help of which special drugs are introduced into the body, which the body lacks.

The most important thing is that the doctors were able to change the approach to the very intake of food, to learn how to correctly combine products with each other, that is, they completely changed the psychology of the patients' nutrition. For example, do not eat potatoes with bread, meat with potatoes, and the like.

Most of the stars of Russian show business and cinema have achieved amazing results thanks to proper nutrition.

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Losing weight Russian stars

Pelageya naturally inclined to be overweight. After two births, the girl quickly gained kilograms, and just as quickly returned to shape. The miraculous transformation gave rise to a lot of ridiculous rumors about plastic and pills, which the singer has officially denied more than once.

"Magic" means - buckwheat, which replaces any side dish. You can add stewed vegetables, dietary meat or fish, a light salad to it. Once a week, fasting days for fruit, and always sports.

Alexandra Bortich gained 22 kg for the lead role in the movie "I'm Losing Weight". In the process of filming, she threw off 12 kg in order to appear as a slender beauty in the final. The star of the series "Policeman from Rublyovka" got rid of a few more kilos after filming. Sasha assures that there are no secrets - only sports, proper nutrition and healthy sleep.

Olga Kartunkova lost 83 kg in two years! To go out on the warpath with being overweight helped ... a broken leg. During rehabilitation, the doctor insisted on losing weight, assuring that otherwise Olga would not be able to return to a full life. And the KVN star, which weighed 154 kg, turned into a beauty!

Olga herself writes that she "just stopped eating." I did not use any ointments, belts or other miraculous remedies. She worked with doctors who made up a diet and normalized hormones. And she just had to fight for herself, applying all the available willpower. Olga promises to tell about similarities in her book, which is still in the process of writing.

Ekaterina Skulkina also lost weight with the help of doctors. Star Comedy Woman was actively involved in sports according to an individual program, attended spa treatments and massage. Split meals 6 times a day and a carbohydrate-free diet helped to quickly reduce weight from 97 to 68 kg. Ekaterina notes that in her case it was also important to observe the drinking culture - at least 2 liters of pure non-mineral water per day. But she recommends not to follow her advice, but to see a doctor.

Anna Mikhalkova lost weight without the help of professionals. From a frank donkey weighing 80 kg, a slender beauty with appetizing forms turned out - minus 16 kg clearly suits her. Beauty secret: jogging in the morning and a diet in which after 15-00 you can only low-calorie foods... Fatty, fried and salty fight! An excellent example of the fact that after childbirth you can pull yourself together and quickly get in shape.

Alla Pugacheva recently celebrated its 70th birthday. For the anniversary, the prima donna has incredibly lost weight and prettier, along with 25 kg, as if dropping 25 years. Rumors about plastic surgery, stomach surgery, draining diets and other extreme measures immediately spread on the Web.

Alla Borisovna herself jokes that she “just threw out the refrigerator”, but seriously “this side effect pills for diabetes, which I was prescribed in Israel. " She jokingly calls her diet the USSR - nothing sweet, salty and rich, a fruit fasting day every week.

Anfisa Chekhova managed to get rid of 26 kg without torturing myself strict diets and sports. The famous Russian TV presenter lost weight with the help of yoga and fractional meals in small portions every 2-3 hours. Baking, sausages and everything fat have disappeared from the diet, the share of sweets has decreased - they have been replaced by fruits. And a dream to have wasp waist without losing its appetizing forms, it came true!

Svetlana Permyakova has always been a charming plump, but after giving birth, the star of "Interns" gained another 10 kg. The young mother did not want to be frankly fat, especially against the background of a 21-year-old athletic dad Barbarians.

Svetlana turned to a famous nutritionist who developed an individual diet for her. Healthy foods, a minimum of fatty and starchy foods, exclude salt and sweets, after 4 pm only light snacks - nothing magical. Weight from 96 gradually decreased to 75 kg, which is clearly to the face of the prettier and rejuvenated actress.

Alexander Semchev, the most famous of the three fat men, for last years dispersed his already rather big weight up to 176 kg! The inevitable health problems began, which served as an impetus towards a correct lifestyle.

The actor lost weight up to 98 kg, following the recommendations of doctors - gradually, on a light diet, without fasting. Alexander denies taking medications, resection and plastic surgery, assuring that it is only a matter of willpower: “ Correct diet one - you just have to stop eating everything. "

Alexey Makarov"Ran away" from excess weight by placing at home treadmill... Every other day, the artist works out for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Does not follow a special diet - less fatty and salty, does not eat in the evening, more fresh fruits and vegetables. In such a healthy way, the son of Lyubov Polishchuk managed to get rid of 24 kg in 5 months.

The artist decided to lose weight after the role of the Musketeer Porthos - a frankly loose powder with a tummy and cheeks. Especially for the role, he did not get better, but Porthos allowed Alexei to look at himself from the outside, and he did not like what he saw.

Alexander Strizhenov with a height of 185 cm weighed almost 150 kg. In less than a year, the star of Russian cinema managed to lose weight to an acceptable 96 kg. There were many rumors around such a striking metamorphosis: quarrels with his wife, illness, goji berries.

But Alexander refutes them all, claiming that he lost weight only with the help of a diet. And again, nothing magical: no salt, good nutrition in the morning, after 4 pm only light protein, vegetable or fruit snacks. Strizhenov fights his appetite by drinking a glass of water with a spoonful of lemon juice before meals.

Vasily Utkin with a height of 2 meters weighed 227 kg. Then he sharply dropped about 50 kg and continues to lose weight, but not at such a rapid pace. It is known that a sports commentator and journalist turned to doctors for help.

Utkin himself says that he eats everything, but in the morning and not in such quantities as before. He tries to give up fatty foods, salt and sweets. “The issue of excess weight has risen edge-on, literally reaching the moment when life or death. I chose the first. "

Vladimir Soloviev gradually lost weight from 160 to 80 kg. The famous Russian journalist, TV presenter and writer talks about his experience of fighting overweight in the book "Soloviev vs. Solovyov." There are no miraculous remedies - only "frantic motivation, hard work on yourself and an iron will." And also, according to Vladimir Rudolfovich, "it's devilishly expensive, because you have to change the entire wardrobe."

Max Fadeev does not advertise the secrets of the overweight war, but a successful singer, poet, composer and producer definitely wins it. With a height of 180 cm, Maxim weighed about 150 kg, recently lost 46 kg and does not stop there. It is known that we are talking about a certain diet combined with a correct lifestyle. Max promised to tell the details when he will lose another 20 kg.

Sergey Zhukov got rid of 30 kg of excess weight after undergoing several operations. According to the official version, the soloist of the Hands Up group had a neglected hernia that had grown over the entire abdomen. To get back to normal after rehabilitation, the doctors insisted on losing weight.

An individual exercise course and a low-calorie diet were developed for Sergei. The singer notes that giving up his favorite dishes was not easy for him, but he is glad that he managed to find the strength to adhere to the recommendations of doctors.

Andrey Makarov says that he was just tired of being overweight. The inability to walk for a long time, sweating, difficulties in choosing clothes forced the deputy to start a long struggle with extra pounds. For 30 years, Makarov has tried everything - from the notorious Herbalife to exhausting starvation.

Separate meals, coupled with daily exercise on foot, turned out to be effective for Andrey Mikhailovich. In total, the deputy threw off 72 kg, but over several years, without harming his health.

How I want to believe in a magic pill that solves any problem! But for beauty and health, even celebrities have to lead fair fight... And this is a great example that at any age, even with a very neglected figure and having chronic diseases, it is really possible to get rid of extra pounds. With the help of diets, the right lifestyle or following the recommendations of doctors, but it is possible - it would be a desire!

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