Family business card mom dad i sports family. Dad, mom, I am a sports family! "Get dressed if you want to be healthy"

Competition-competition "Dad, mom, me - sport family
For sports there are no borders and distances!
It is understandable to the peoples of all the earth!
He is the property of our entire planet!
Sport brings happiness, health and love!

  1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle based on the example of parents. 2. Raising a sense of pride in one's family, respect for parents. 3. Involvement of students in systematic physical education and sports.


1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Strengthening the relationship between school and family.
2. Involving parents in sports life schoolboy.
3. Raising a sense of love and pride in one's family, respect for parents.
Members: teams that consist of dad, mom and child.

Location :gym.
Decor: the walls of the gym are decorated with balls, posters with the motto -

“The whole family to health.”, “Dad, mom, I am a sports family!” “Sport will help us everywhere: both in studies and in work!”

Equipment: balls (large), jump ropes, hoops, balls, 2 buckets.
Competition script.

Greetings to all who found the time!

And he came to school for a holiday of health.

For our family holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!"
Leading. Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we are holding a competition-competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family." And we have a family holiday, in which not only children, but also their parents will take part.

Today we have our first family reunion, and it's great that we have the desire to make friends with each other. It's nice to see people with a kind, friendly smile and a happy look. And if it's a family - it's doubly nice. We would love to introduce you to the families.

At all times, man has strived to healthy lifestyle life, wanting to know the limits of their capabilities, not afraid to challenge fate. And often came out victorious. And this is sport: life, health, risk, search, victory.

Today, family competitions of the most daring and resolute, the most resourceful and cheerful are being played out before your eyes.

But it doesn't matter who becomes the winner in our rather comic competition, but there will definitely be a winner, the main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere of the holiday, the atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and understanding.

  1. Look, it's not in vain
    we're here, friends.
    Dads and moms are with us.
    Dads abandoned sofas
    Moms threw pots
    And the costumes were pulled on.

2. Everyone wants to compete

joke and laugh

strength, agility, show

and prove your skill!

  1. Dad, mom, I am a sports family!

That means a friendly family!

And a healthy family!

No movement for a day!

Dad, mom, me!

  1. We are all happy with this meeting.

Gathered not for a reward,

We need to meet more often!

So that we all live together!

Today we have not just a holiday, but a competition! And since we have a competition, it means that there should be a strict but fair jury.

Our jury consists of ___________________________________



Competitions and relay races are evaluated on a five-point system.

The Jury is assisted by the Accounts Chamber composed of _____________________________


Leading. And so today the title of the most athletic and healthy family is contested by the teams: (The teams will enter the gym to the music.) Presentation of the teams.

Leading: In order to proceed to the main competition, teams must warm up and perform morning exercises.

(to the music of "Gymnastics" by Vysotsky.)

Gymnastics is judged only by the smiles of the jury and those present.

Leading: Well done! A good warm-up strengthens and hardening helps.

In order to start our competition, we need to draw lots.

(Team captains approach the counting chamber and draw lots.)

We have a large supply
And all of them, friends, are for you!
And now without delay
We start the competition.

First competition . « Business card"

(team name, motto) of family teams. I have no doubt that Business Cards of our teams is their charm, wit, abilities and talent, diligence and, no doubt, the ability to present themselves. So let's see who can do it the best. The maximum score is 5 points.
Leading : Everyone can pass through the swamp!

But how to get through without getting your feet wet?

Cheerful laughter, the desire to win

We will help you and guarantee your success!
Second competition. "Swamp".

On a signal, the mother should begin to pass through the “swamp” without getting her feet wet. Mom has 3 sheets for this. Shifting the sheets forward and forward, the swamp passes. The family that spends the least time on the transition wins.

While the jury is summing up the results of two competitions, a musical number from the fans.

The floor is given to the jury.
Leading. When you go to storm the relay race,
Victory is not very visible to us.
But still we will reach victory,
No fluff to you, team, no pen!
Third competition . Relay "Carrying balls".

(Each player of the team runs to the wall, returns to the team, passes the ball to the next participant: children - one ball, mothers two - balls, fathers three - balls.) The competition is evaluated on a five-point system.
Leading. They did a great job with the relay.
Running fast is a habit.
And now, let's jump, friends,
Let's find out who is the most jumping family?
Fourth competition. " Who is bigger."

Jumping with a short rope in 30 seconds. The number of jumps of the whole team is summed up.

While the jury is summing up the results of two competitions, a musical number from the fans. (Dzhigitovka grade 3.)

The floor is given to the jury.
Leading. We see from the side
Teams in technology are equal
We want to take a quick look
Whose captains are smarter.
Fifth competition. Captains Competition.

Team captains are invited : . Children are our pride, this is our glory! During the breaks there are constant trainings for dexterity, courage, courage, strength. Let's see if our children have been training hard.

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must land on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever pops the most balloons wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

Yes help us daily exercise, which we do before lessons, may our jumps, bends, squats help us. Teachers at the lessons said more than once: how important it is to work not only with your hands, but also with your head.

Sixth contest: "The smartest dad!"

Leading: Come on, dads, get out!

Show your skill!

In front of all the children

Catch the ball quickly!

Rules of the game: Dad catches balls in a bucket, which mothers and children take turns throwing. The dad who catches the most balls wins.
Leading. While the jury is summing up, the performance of the dance group.

The floor is given to the jury.

Seventh contest: "Baron Munchausen."

Just like the famous fairy-tale traveler Baron Munchausen flew on the core, so you will have to overcome the distance from the start line to the wall and back, holding the ball between your knees. (The team that flies the fastest on the core wins.)

Eighth contest: "Friendly water drinkers."

And now attention! Final competition!

Our families have a chance to show solidarity.

Rules of the game: we suggest drinking 500ml. delicious juice through a straw. All team members should drink at the same time. Whoever drinks the fastest is the winner in this contest.)

While the jury sums up the results of the competition. Musical greetings to our guests. (Performance of the school choir "

Leading. Perhaps it's time to give the floor to the jury. Now we will find out whose family today has become the best, friendly and athletic.

(The jury sums up the results of the competition. Certificates and prizes are awarded.)

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of competition
Ensuring success.

Now it's time to say goodbye
My speech will be short.
I say: "Goodbye!
Until happy new meetings!”

Goals and objectives:

1. Strengthening the health of children and their parents.

2. Development in children of interest in physical education understanding the importance of sport in human life.

3. Raising a love for physical culture and sports, feelings of friendship, interest in joint leisure activities.

4. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory: whistle, roulette, racks (flags or skittles), balls, balloons, jump ropes, hoops, bags, rope.

Hall decoration: slogans-posters: “If you want to be strong, run!”, “If you want to be beautiful, run!”, “If you want to be smart, run!”, “Sport is health”, “Sport is success”, “Sport is friendship ”, “Sport is the strongest”, “No greater victory than victory over yourself."

Musical accompaniment: Sports march.


1. The winner is awarded a medal, certificate and prize.

2. Winners are awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.

Event progress

1 account Greetings to all who found the time
And I came to school for a holiday of health!
Let winter knock on our window soon,
But in the hall we have warm and light!
2 account We grow up here, we mature here.
And gain, of course, weight!
We are always healthy, friendly with charging,
We need sports with physical education like air,
3 account And with them order, comfort, cleanliness,
Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself!
We will save our health from an early age.
It will save us from pain and trouble.

4 school “Friendship is the most important thing for us!
We will go everywhere with her!
Helping a friend in sports
You become stronger!”

5 school “Together we dance merrily,
Let's have fun together.
Together we strengthen the muscles
That's why we don't get tired."

6 accounts “To sports battles
We are all ready.
Everyone is confident in their strength.
And wins at the finish line again
Friendship, unity of my team”.

7 account “Who looks habitually dull and gloomy,
Let him take our good advice:
Better, more reliable to be friends with physical education,
In her youth is the eternal secret!”

Leading:“Hello, dear mothers and fathers! Hello dear guys! You are welcome, dear fans and guests! We have gathered here to measure strength and agility, speed and endurance. But this is not the main thing in our today's meeting. We gathered to get to know each other better and make friends, to see what our children can do and what our parents can do. And it is no coincidence that 2008 is the year of the family. Family is the most important thing in a person's life.

Mom, my dad and me -

We are a sports family!

With physical education we are friends with sports

We don't need a doctor!

So, our teams are invited to the hall.

To the sounds of the sports march, the teams enter the sports hall and form one line to the jury.

Leading: Introducing our panel of judges (principal, head teacher for extracurricular activities, physical education teacher, representative of the parent committee)

1 competition.

Team View

(name, motto, business card, welcome speech to rivals).

1 room. "Smeshariki"

Motto: We are strong, we are brave, and luck awaits us! We are still confident that victory will come to us!

2 rooms "Smilies"

Motto: We challenged fate! We are always ready to fight! And today we say that we will win today!

1 room If you want to become skilled
Strong, smart, brave,
Learn to love jump ropes
Hoops and sticks.
Never be sad
Hit the target with balls.
Here is the secret of health -
To all friends - physical education hello!

2 room. Sport, guys, is very necessary,
We are very friendly with sports.
Sports help!
Sports - health!
Sport is a game!
Physical training!

Leading: So, we got acquainted with the teams, the jury chose, parting words were heard - it's time to start the competition!

2 competition


Run to the opposite side of the hall, going around the skittles; climb into the hoop and run back.


Holding a large inflatable ball with their foreheads and holding hands, two team members run to the limit sign and back. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next pair.

"Garbage collection".

Balloons are scattered around the hall. Without touching the balls with your hands, use the scoop to pick up one ball, take it to the “basket” and return back.

Leading: Bye panel of judges sums up the results of 2 competitions - musical pause.

(The Russian folk ensemble "Povetrulya" is invited to the hall with the song "Saturday")

3 competition.

"Merry Relay"

Run up to Restrictive sign, eat a slice of watermelon and run back.

"Collecting cones"

The first participant lays out the cones on the leaves, reaching the limit sign. He returns, collecting the cones back into the basket. Passes the baton to the next participant.

"Get dressed if you want to be healthy"

The first child, reaching the limit sign, puts on a jacket, hat, boots (everything big size) runs back and passes things to the next participant, who repeats his route.

Leading: While the panel of judges is summing up the results of the 3rd comic competition - a musical pause.

(students elementary school perform the dance "Day and night")

4 competition.

1. Dads, moving forward until the rack is knocked out gymnastic stick balloon and back in the same way (the result is determined by the first one who ran to the finish line).

Moms are tied to the leg balloon, the second leg is free. Standing in a circle on the whistle, they begin to step on each other's ball (whoever has the ball remains intact, that mother won).

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must land on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever pops the most balloons wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

2. Teams are built at the starting line in a column, at the whistle, each member of the team for distillation jumps in a bag to the rack and returns in the same way, passes the baton to the next participant.

5 competition.

Relay teams are invited.

1. Running with a baton (performed by the whole family).

2. Running with a gymnastic stick (dads start running from above on a stick, run to the rack, run around, come back, pick up their mother, then the child).

3. “Cuttlefish” (emphasis on hands and feet, back parallel to the floor, move hands forward).

4. Carrying a “big” tennis ball to the mark and throwing the ball at the target.

5. Relay “All at once” - teams run simultaneously in full squads. Participants join hands (or stand in a column, take hold of the belt), run to the rack, run around it and return to the finish line.

The winner is the team whose members, without disengaging their hands, will be the first to take initial position. The places of the teams are determined by the order of finishing.

Leading: While the panel of judges sums up the results of the competition, while our teams take a breath, rest, and we will see how the fans cheer for their team.

Now the fans have a task. Support your team. One cheerleader from each team is called.

6 competition.

And the girls through the rope,

You need to jump for half a minute.

To make them jump more fun

Let's support them with clapping together.

(One girl from the team jumps with a rope at the same time. The number of jumps in 30 seconds is counted. The participant who has the most number of jumps wins)

Leading: You gracefully jumped so

As if butterflies fluttered.

Thanks a lot to the fans.

Leading: We have one game

You'll like her

Come out to the site

Line up in order.

Dad, mom and kids

We call on the rope.

7 competition.

(teams compete in tug-of-war).

Leading: So, the sports festival has come to an end. I ask the jury to sum up.

While the jury is preparing to announce the final results, you are welcomed by elementary school students. (During the pause, students of class 4 "A" perform with a song about sports)

Song (to the motive of the song "Let there always be sunshine").

1. Our glorious friend,

Our faithful friend

Sport helps us in life

We go with him

We don't get tired

We will sing glory to sports!

Chorus: Let us sport moments

Give the joy of movement

And soul inspiration

May sport always give!

Svetlana Guteneva
All-school event "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"

« Dad, Mother, I - sport family»


Instilling love for sports;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle;

Sharing time between children and parents.


3 jump ropes

Target, 9 tennis balls

3 gymnastic benches

9 boards

Gate 50*80 and soccer ball

3 buckets, 15 tennis balls, 3 brooms

3 daisies with 20 petals of different colors.


Good afternoon dear friends. Today we are holding a competition - a competition " Dad, Mother, I - sport family". At all times, a person has strived for a healthy lifestyle, wished to know the limits of his abilities, not being afraid to challenge fate. And often came out victorious. A sport is life, HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY.

We have problems with no sports,

And we all love him.

Physical education every day

We will be busy.

It happens like this:

Going to school

We fill the portfolio

Any nonsense.

The load is not light, but

We develop muscles.

Our legs are strong

But the hands were hanging down.

The lesson lasts for an hour.:

Muscles tingle.

To warm up this hour

Let's raise our hands: once!

Then slowly get up

We sit down quickly.

When we don't know the answer

We shoot with eyes.

From our excitement

Handles fall all at once.

Bending down, lifting up

We strengthen our abdominal press.

Running contributes to everything:

And study and work.

And so I run

We're going to the dining room.

From the dining room back to the classroom

Well, we have a run!

All the calories burned

The forces are leaving us.

But we are persistent

Look at us all!

Because physical education

Apply every hour.

The kids really need sports.!

We with sports are strong friends.

Sports - assistant, sport - game,

Physical education - hurray - hurray - hurray!

To grow and mature

Need to do sports.

Rock on, kid.

Good luck! Physical training!


So, it's time to present the jury of the competition-competition " Dad, Mother, I - sport family» (jury presentation)

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. We have established prizes for the youngest and oldest participant, the most dexterous, the strongest, the most accurate, the most skillful.

After each stage of the competition, the jury will count the points and provide information about the course of the competition. After the last competition, the jury will announce the final results of the competition. The team with the most points overall wins. In case of equal points, the Jury appoints an additional competition between the team captains.

Our competition is about to begin. Three family teams take part in it.

The first competition BUSINESS CARDS of family teams. I have no doubt that the calling cards of our teams are their charm, wit, ability and talent, diligence and, undoubtedly, the ability to present yourself. So let's see who can do it the best. The maximum score is 5 points.

Team business card "Bumbarash"

To the sounds of the march, a team comes out with a chant.

Captain: Who walks together in a row?

Team: This is ours, this is ours

Friendly, brave crew!

(Turning to face the audience and building a living pyramid, the team says)

Mother, my dad and me,

We sport family.

With physical education we are friends with sports,

We don't need a doctor.

Team business card "Strongmen"

(On the chest - an emblem - boxing glove. sing)

You, yes I, yes we are with you,

You, yes I, yes we are with you,

Together we are all very friendly family.

All family is here today

And we wish other teams:

"Be happy all of you, friends!"

You, yes I, yes we are with you,

You, yes I, yes we are with you,

It is important that we can join hands.

If everyone lived alone

That has long been in pieces

Our school collapsed from melancholy.

Be strong, healthy, skillful and courageous

We consider it a family affair.

Team business card "Cheerless"

(They run out to cheerful music, balls in their hands)

Mother: Sport- the best medicine for ailments!

Dad: Who's with friends with sports, he never grieve!

Child: If in your family peace and harmony,

So in the family has a sports lifestyle!

All: Strongly friends with all family

With sun, air, water!

(release balls)

SECOND COMPETITION: "Relay for teams"

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But still you will reach victory,

No fluff to you guys, no feather!

Stage 1: dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the hoop, puts the ball in it and comes back.

Stage 2: mom runs to the hoop, takes a rope in it, jumping over it, comes back.

Stage 3: the child jumps over the rope to the hoop, puts the rope in the hoop, picks up the ball and returns with the ball to the team.

The first team to complete the relay and not make any mistakes wins.

The jury announces the results of the first competition "Team calling card"

THIRD COMPETITION "Relay throwers"

I invite participants to get ready for the relay race of throwers.

well and next game

Requires the player

Dexterity, skill,

Great inspiration!

(There is a target with a diameter of 80 cm on the wall of the hall. Teams line up in columns one at a time. Each team receives 3 tennis balls. Each team member throws 3 times. One hit - 1 point. Teams throw in turn)

The jury announces the results of the second competition "Relay races for teams"


Here are the heavy balls

Immediately visible: strongmen.

We will hands develop,

Give the ball to each other.

(Teams sit on benches with their backs to the audience and the jury. Team captains are given basketball. On a signal, the players pass the ball behind their backs with both hands to a partner sitting next to them. When the ball reaches the last participant, he quickly gets up with the ball in his hands, runs around the bench and sits down in front of the captain. If the participant drops the ball, he must pick it up and continue the pass. The transfer continues until all players are in their places. The captain who made the run sits on the bench and lifts the ball up.

The team with the best time wins.

The jury announces the results of the 3rd competition "Relay throwers"


Anyone can go through the swamp!

But how to get through without getting your feet wet?

Cheerful laughter, the desire to win

We will help you and guarantee your success!

Each team has 3 boards. Participants take turns climbing the planks to the mark, returning back running. The first team to complete the crossing wins.

The jury announces the results of the 4th competition "Ball Race"


Guess what the next contest will be called.

I'll start, you finish

Friendly, answer in unison.

Someone ran away

And without the ball flew into ...

And Petya kicked the ball!

And pleased the boy in ...

The boy laughs merrily,

On the forehead grows a large ...

But the guy doesn't care,

Again he runs for ...

Fun football game

Already scored the first...

So, our next contest is called… FOOTBALL.

Dads are invited to participate in the competition. At a distance of 11 meters from the starting line, gates 50 * 80 are installed. Each dad has three attempts. Every scored ball brings one point to the team.

The jury announces the results of the 5th competition "Swamp"

SEVENTH COMPETITION "Together with dad"

Who is not afraid of barriers?

Who wants to win so much?

Who is the strongest in the world?

Who is the fastest in the world?

It's dads and their kids!

Dads and team captains are invited to participate in the competition.

Dad holding a hoop. On signal dad has to roll the hoop, and the child must slip into it from one side and the other. Reach the mark and change places. The team that can do it faster and without violations wins.

The jury announces the results of the 6th competition "Football"


Running is very different

But always so beautiful

Fast, slow and medium

obstacle course, hurdling,

And the one who wins

Who is not far behind.

Only passion, hard work

They will lead you to victory.

1. Jumping on one leg.

overcoming gymnastic bench in length, lying on the stomach, intercepting both hands, pulling the torso.

Five jump ropes in place.

Rotation of the hoop 5 times.

Hitting the ball 5 times.

6. Running back with climbing through the hoop and running on the bench.

After the captain, the obstacle course is overcome by all the other members of the team. The team that completes the relay first wins.

The jury announces the results of the 7th competition "Together with dad"


Take a closer look, friend

Then the competition of captains begins.

You be brave and be smart

We are all sure, then you will not lose.

Stage 1: The captains knock down the pins with the ball. Three tries. The one in which the most pins are knocked down counts.

Stage 2: The captains run to the mark, placing pins on both palms, returning back, holding the pins in their hands. (5 points, 4 points, 3)

Stage 3: Captains squat to the mark, return back running. (5 points, 4 points, 3)

The jury announces the results of the 8th competition "Combined Relay"

TENTH COMPETITION "Humorist Relay Race"

An interesting piece of humor. There seems to be nothing more frivolous. Now we will hold a humorous relay race, in which the whole family. But first, I will ask one question to each team.

Name the first female pilot.

What is the name of Baba Yaga's aircraft?

name best friend Baba Yaga.

Well done guys, they did a great job. So, our final relay race will be called "Baba Yaga"

Mother in the course of movement lays out from a plastic bucket 6 tennis balls and comes back.

The child jumps on a broomstick.

Dad using a broom collects balls in a bucket. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.

The jury announces the results of the captains competition.


I look at the fans, how they actively cheer for their teams. Therefore, we cannot bypass them, a competition for fans.

5 fans from the team are invited, line up in a column one at a time.

Each team must collect a chamomile of their color. (The eyes and leaves are laid out with the colored side down. The first participant runs out, finds the petal of the desired color, lays it in the middle and returns to its place. This continues until the whole flower is folded).

The team of fans who collected the flower first brings the team of players 5 points, the second - 4 and the third - 3.

While the jury sums up the results of the humorous relay race, the fan relay race and counts final results, a dance group performs in front of you.

(If the same number of points teams tug of war)

The floor is given to the jury.

The smartest team

The friendliest team

Most fun team

Gifts for fans (Candies).

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition

Ensuring success.

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We tell you: "Goodbye,

Until happy, new meetings!

Family business card

Welcome to the teamfamily (surname) "Zadorinka" We

Z - incendiary

A- artistic

D- friendly

O - optimistic

R- decisive

I - proactive

N - resourceful

K- creative


We are a fiery family

Dad, mom and me.

We came to compete

We are ready to compete.

We do not sit idle -

Let's cheer everyone around.

Striving for victory

And cheerful laughter

help us

And guarantee success.

Our motto: We are a mountain for each other -

Don't stand in our way!

There are two children in our family -

Not a moment of peace.

Youngest daughter Julia

Stayed at our house.

Eldest daughter Alina

Represents 2 "A" class.

I am Alinka! Good afternoon

I welcome you all, friends!

I am a second-grader, I am eight years old.

My beloved family is with me.

I dance and sing

I live very happily.

I do swimming,

I'm into dancing.

I study well and perfectly.

I will introduce my parents to you personally.

My mother Oksana

A craftswoman anywhere!

Gentle, beautiful, graceful and modest.

She cooks deliciously, sews beautifully.

With my sister Yulechka

waiting for me from school.

My dad Roma is smart, hardworking,

Interested in sports

He doesn't like to be sad.

Having fun with daughters.

Daddy guards our peace-

Protects our Motherland

Can he play football?
Can read a book
Can you heat up my soup?
He can play checkers
Might even wash the cups
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me
My best dad!

Parents are on the sidelines, on the screen there are slides with photos under the soundtrack.)

So that you don't get bored here

We made a presentation for you.

There is mom, dad, sister and me,

In a word, our family is friendly!

We never get discouraged

and we help each other. .
Together we have fun to live -

and work and make friends

And half a year ago

The stork flew to our garden.

He brought me a sister

Little Yulechka

(After the slides or in the background of the slides)

My family is the most beautiful in the world.

A caring husband has hundreds of talents in him.

We have adorable kids.

Our house is always filled with comfort.

And if any difficulties arise,

Together we solve them as a family.

Our children help us with this

And that's why we have peace in the family.

Wife : -To have such a husband,

Good luck for me

You are reliable and brave

And strong as a wall!

I am very proud of my husband

And I'm happy to admit it to everyone!

Husband : If you ask, who is Oksana?

I will answer you simply and without fuss.

Oksana is a successful lady in life,

Who loves our children!

I always feel good with you

My beloved wife

You are my golden happiness

With you, the storm is not terrible!

In her love she is omnipotent and simple,

You have intelligence and beauty

A marvelous skill - to give us a heart,

Warm our family with a smile.

(Soundtrack sounds wife and daughter join hands and sing to the tune of "Songs about Bears"
Our family lives in dear, native Pridnestrovie,
He does not know grief and troubles, he lives amicably
We read books together, we go to the movies together.
On a holiday we sing we dance, on weekdays we will find things!
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-… We have a friendly family!

Mom is washing clothes, daughter is sweeping the floor,
Dad cooks dinner while listening to football.
Work argues instantly, everyone is used to work.
And we know how to relax, fry barbecue in the forest!
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-... We have a friendly family

In general, we think it is clear

What makes us happy.


Happiness is our secret -

There is no boredom in our house!

Rivals, rivals, we welcome you!

If you want, be the first, but only after us!

As you know, judges never lose

So let this day be no exception.

Smile, relax, forget about business.

We will show you the talents

Do not smash to smithereens!

Hey fans! Do not be sad!
You support the team!
Raise the posters.

We love you! Be more fun!

Stomp your feet, clap your hands!

Sections: cool guide

The course of the holiday

Organizational fee. Greeting participants and guests.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad that, postponing all your business, you came to our holiday. A guest is a guest, a guest has a special honor and respect, especially since a large friendly family came to us.

1st participant.

How is the family today?
Not all problems can be overcome.
And sometimes we forget
What's in worries and anxieties
The main thing is to save the family.

2nd participant.

The house we live in
The best house in the world.
good memory of him
We carry all our lives in our hearts.
Let the warmth and kind light
Will be in it for a thousand years!

Leading. You all know how useful it is to do physical education, how it is necessary to temper yourself, do exercises, be in the air, but how difficult it is sometimes to overpower yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, pour cold water over yourself. We put everything off until later. And what if you try to do it together, with the whole family? Maybe then it will be easier?

1st participant.

The house we live in
This is a very noisy house.
After various things in the morning
There is always a game in it!

2nd participant.

Dad, mom, like children,
They are waiting for these minutes.
Im on the game, the right word,
Not enough days off.

1st participant.

And on holiday, friends,
We can't live without games.
More passion, more laughter
Let the fun go!

Jury presentation

Leading. And now I will introduce you to the jury of the competition-competition “Dad, mom and I are a sports family” (jury presentation).

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. The team that completed the first task gets 3 points, the second - two, the third - one. After each stage of the competition, the jury will count the points and provide information about the course of the competition. After the final round, the jury will announce the final results. The team with the most points overall wins. In case of equal points, another stage is announced. We did not forget about the fans and established a prize for the best support group. We wish the participants of the competition success!

1st Business Card Competition

Leading. IN sports festival two family teams take part (representation of teams).

The first competition is visiting cards of family teams. I have no doubt that the visiting cards of our teams are their charm, wit, abilities and talent, diligence and, no doubt, the ability to present themselves. So let's see who can do it the best.

2nd competition “Warm-up”

Mom, my dad and me
We are a sports family.
We are friends with physical education, sports,
We don't need a doctor.

The second competition is called "Warm-up". The word "physical education" is given. You need to make as many words out of it as possible. The team with the last word will be the winner. Time for reflection 1 minute (summed up after each task).

3rd competition “Relay race for teams”

Let's start the relay.
Dexterity, speed you need in this.
Accurate hitting, jumping and running...
From the audience - applause and friendly laughter.

Inventory: 3 volleyball ball, 3 hoops, 3 jump ropes (one per team).

Dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the lying hoop, puts the ball in it, takes the rope, jumping over it, returns to the team and passes the rope to mom.

Mom, jumping over the rope, runs to the hoop, puts the rope in it, takes the ball, pinches it between her knees and jumps back to the finish line. Until all team members run. The team with the best time wins.

4th competition “Race of balls”

Host: the next competition is “Ball Race”

Here are the heavy balls
It is immediately obvious - the strongmen.
Let's develop our hands
Give the ball to each other.

Inventory: 3 balls (one per team)

The team becomes in one line. Dads are given balls in their hands. On signal, the ball is passed with both hands over the players' heads. When the ball comes to the last participant, he quickly takes the ball, runs around the whole team and stands in front of the first participant. The passing of the ball continues until the first participant is in his place. The team with the best time wins.

5th competition “Swamp”

Anyone can go through the swamp!
But how to get through without getting your feet wet?
Cheerful laughter, the desire to win
Will help you and guarantee success!

Equipment: 6 hoops (2 hoops per team)

Mothers and children participate in this competition. You need to get through the swamp without getting your feet wet. Mom takes two hoops. Throws the first hoop, steps into it, throws the second hoop, steps into it, takes the first hoop, throws it forward, and so on. The team that spends less time and does not step on the ground wins.

6th contest “Symbol of the Year”

I want to wish the guys:
In the Year of the Rat, do not become a rat,
Be a kind, affectionate child
Learn just fine
Always behave yourself
And don't offend anyone
And love and respect everyone!

And so, the next competition is called “Symbol of the Year”. There are three people from each team. On the tables are sheets of paper, 3 pencils. On a signal, each member of the family picks up a pencil and begins to draw the symbol of the year, and we count aloud to five. At the whistle, everyone stops drawing, the jury evaluates the drawing of each team.

7th competition “Together with dad”

Who is the strongest in the world?
Who is the fastest in the world?
Who wants to win so much?
There is only one answer here.
Come along with dad
Take the hoop in your hands
And lead to victory.

Inventory: 3 hoops (one per team)

Fathers and children participate in the competition. Dad is holding a hoop in his hands. On a signal, the father begins to roll the hoop to hell, and the child slips into it from the side from one side and the other. In the opposite direction, the participants change places. The team that runs through the hoop the most times wins.

8th competition “Transfer the candy”

Well, what about the next game?
Requires the player
Dexterity, skill,
Great inspiration.

Inventory: 3 bowls of flour, one candy for each player.

Each team has sweets in a bowl of flour. Each team member needs to transfer the sweets to a clean plate without hands, by mouth. The team with the best time wins.

9th competition “ Balloon

Running is very different
But always so beautiful
Fast, slow and medium
obstacle course, hurdling,
And the one who wins
Who is not far behind.

Equipment: 3 balloons, 3 rackets (one item per team)

Each team has one balloon and one racket. Pushing the balloon with a racket, you need to run to the mark and return to the team, the team with the best time wins.

10th Fan Contest “Hold the Rope”

Leading. So the competition has come to an end. While the jury is summing up, we will play with the fans.

Hey fan, don't be sad!
Show us your skill!

Equipment: chairs, rope.

Two of the guys sit on a chair with their backs to each other. A rope is stretched under the chairs and through the entire space between them. To the music, the children run around the chairs, when the music stops, they quickly sit on their chair and pull the rope, trying to get ahead of the opponent.

Final part.

The result of the competition is summed up. The presenter and the jury present diplomas and gifts.

Let it all be just a game
But we wanted to say with it:
The great miracle is the family!
Keep her, take care of her!
There is no more important goal in life!
