Jacqueline Kennedy: the secrets of slim style icons. Golden Rules for a Successful Diet

Jacqueline Kennedy is known to everyone not only as an icon of style, femininity and elegance, but also as the owner of slim figure. We understand what is the secret of Jacqueline Kennedy's harmony.

Already tried everything possible options, to lose weight? , protein diet or chocolate do not give a result? Then take note of the basic nutrition rules of Jacqueline Kennedy, which helped her always stay in luxurious shape.

The diet of Jacqueline Kennedy consisted exclusively of correct and healthy foods that in no way can contribute to extra pounds. The style icon ate vegetables and fruits, meat and lean fish, dairy products and eggs. The president's wife usually started her day with a boiled egg and a cup of tea, and for lunch she ordered cottage cheese with fresh fruit. Jacqueline's dinner consisted of chicken breast or steamed fish, and a light salad or steamed vegetables.

Jacqueline Kennedy was strict with herself and her diet, so she rarely allowed herself too much. But, like all of us, the first lady of the United States sometimes allowed herself to relax and ate various desserts and other goodies. That is why Jacqueline has always been in great shape, but never lost weight to the limit, although her daily diet was only 600-700 calories.

Once a week, Jacqueline Kennedy arranged for herself a fasting day, during which she could afford something that did not fit into her daily diet - drink champagne. Rumors have long been circulating about Jacqueline Kennedy's diet with champagne, they say, it was thanks to her that the president's wife managed to look 100%. But is it?

Thanks to this book, you will find the figure of your dreams in record time! Jacqueline Whiteheart offers an effective motivating weight loss program that will change your life forever. IN JUST A MONTH, you will lose about FIVE KILOGRAMS by cutting calories for only two days a week. You can not only get rid of excess weight, but also strengthen your body, as well as significantly improve your own health - reduce the risk of age-related diseases, diabetes, heart disease and many other unpleasant ailments. Join the 5:2 revolution and get ready for beach season today!

A series: Fast Diet 5:2

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The following excerpt from the book Diet 5:2. Bikini Diet (Jacqueline Whiteheart, 2013) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.


Golden Rules for a Successful Diet

Let's get straight to the point: there are three main things we'll be doing over the next four weeks and beyond that will help us get in shape for summer. Follow the suggested rules and you will lose weight, feel better and look great.

✓ Unloading - two non-consecutive days a week, eat only 500 kcal for women / 600 kcal for men.

✓ For the other five days of the week, eat as you normally would, focusing on healthy foods.

✓ Three times a week, on non-fasting days, complete a 30-minute training program.

Sounds very simple, doesn't it? This is because it is! The program is incredibly simple and easy to stick to, so keep reading as we go through each of these three rules together.

1. Unloading twice a week

Two days a week you limit your calorie intake, that is, you eat:

✓ 500 kcal per day for women

✓ 600 kcal per day for men

✓ These two days should not be consecutive

2. For the rest of the five days, eat as usual, focusing on healthy foods.

If you are already familiar with the 5:2 diet, then you should remember such a concept as a day of "gluttony", which confuses people again and again.

The thing is, most of us, when we are told that we can eat anything, go a little crazy.

Five non-fasting days are ordinary days on which we do not diet and do not count calories, but simply WE EAT CORRECTLY.

You are required to:

✓ Enjoy your meals and don't count calories.

✓ Eat healthy foods three times a day.

✓ DO NOT snack between meals.

Exclude any rubbish. The following foods should be kept to a minimum:

✓ Cookies (any) and muffins

✓ Crispy potatoes (chips)

✓ Non-diet calorie drinks

✓ Any beer and cider

By following these guidelines, you'll be able to enjoy a huge variety of delicious meals across all food categories, which means you'll be able to indulge in mouth-watering pastas, breads, desserts and, of course, a glass of wine or two.

Remember that the recipes in this book are not just for fasting days; they are perfect for your normal days too.

Just add some extra carbs, in the form of rice or potatoes, for example, if needed, and try to eat balanced meals three times a day.

3. Train three times a week

If rules 1 and 2 are for weight loss, then exercise makes the most of that weight loss by helping you fight fat and loose skin, toning your body, and eliminating cellulite.

If regular exercise is new to you, then perhaps the best place to start would be with walking. Start with 15 minutes of walking a day three times a week and gradually build up.

Walking increases blood flow to muscle tissue, improves blood circulation and cardiac activity. Swimming is also great way start training.

Walking fine

suitable for those

who just started

exercise: she

as it happened many times

proven to help

level increase

general physical


For those already in the habit of exercising regularly, the Bikini Diet Workout Program is an easy and enjoyable way to get in shape for the start of summer - and get it done ASAP!

By doing this exercise program three times a week, you can expect amazing results in as little as four weeks. For details on the benefits of combining exercise with the 5:2 Diet Program, see the Getting Ready for Beach Season chapter (see page 68).

Benefit for health

Not only do you get slimmer

This chapter explains the medical success of this dietary program. When you realize how much healthier you will become with this diet - just like you will lose weight effortlessly - you will stick to this lifestyle for the rest of your days. RESULTS YOU CAN GIVE WITH THE 5:2 DIET are simply stunning. Moreover, the matter is not limited to dropped kilograms: weight loss in a natural and harmless way for health helps to strengthen general condition health.

There are more and more

and more evidence

what's new

generation of unloading

diets, of which

the 5:2 diet is

the simplest

and popular, bring

incredible benefits

for human health

and in the long term


What happens to the body during fasting?

Based on the opinions of several fasting experts, it is possible to paint a general picture of how, from the point of view of scientists, intermittent fasting affects the functioning of our body, giving us an additional health advantage as we age. Here I will give only a simplified scientific explanation, which I hope will make everything clearer for people who are interested in this and who do not boast of a scientific education.

When we deprive our body of food for longer than usual, for example during fasting, some hormonal changes begin to occur in the body. Changes in the levels of certain hormones side effect on different cells in our body. So, it has been proven that the content of one of these hormones - insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) decreases when we starve. IGF-1 is produced in the liver and acts like insulin. Its job in the body is to promote cell growth and the appearance of new cells. When IGF-1 levels drop, our body produces fewer new cells and focuses on repairing old ones. This “repair” state is very beneficial for him, as it slows down the aging process and can reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Another hormone affected by fasting is nerve growth factor in the brain. Research into this process is still in its infancy, but there is some evidence that this mechanism ultimately leads to a reduction in risk factors for cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

Finally, there is another striking difference between standard calorie-restrictive diets and intermittent fasting. DURING THE LAST ALL THE WEIGHT LOSS IS EXCLUSIVELY IN BODY FAT! If that's not enough reason to choose the 5:2 diet, then I don't know what else to ask for.

While other diets show a reduction in both muscle and fat tissue, the 5:2 diet we are talking exclusively about fat. Scientists are not yet sure why this happens, but numerous studies with good scientific background have confirmed this pattern with their results. The most plausible explanation is that when we are hungry, we have to use instead of the food we eat to nourish the body of it. internal resources(i.e. fat). Perhaps it is because of this key point The 5:2 diet has proven so successful for so many different people.

Optimal Benefit – Should I Skip Meals?

The answer will be simple and short - yes. If your primary goal is to take care of your health, and not just get rid of extra pounds, then, according to the recommendations of scientists, you should eat only once on a fasting day. Remember that calorie intake outside the fasting day does not affect the process of losing weight. The best scientists in the United States are of the same opinion: to get the most out of intermittent fasting, you need to either completely refuse food for 24 hours, or eat a little once in the middle of this 24-hour period.

There have been no studies of other forms of food refusal for more than 24 hours, so at the moment scientists cannot guarantee the safety and effectiveness of such methods.

If, reading these lines, you think: “What can I do, I can’t eat only once a day!”, Then you are not alone. That is why I do not encourage you to skip meals, BYE you yourself will not find this idea attractive, and only if you can imagine yourself regularly following such a regimen in the long term.

FIRSTLY, the fact is that it does not affect the speed at which you lose weight. If your main goal is to lose weight and get all the health benefits that come with successful and sustained weight loss, then just stick to 500/600 calories on your fasting days, but don't worry about when exactly you use them.

SECONDLY, while the health benefits may not be optimal, you will get them anyway. You're starving and your body goes into recovery mode, so don't be surprised if something isn't "totally optimal." Is there anything in your life that is completely optimal? I definitely don't.

FINALLY, THE MOST IMPORTANT: what do you think is better: stick to a strict fasting routine, eating only one meal, then find it too difficult for you and no motivation at all, and give up after the first month OR eat on fasting day two or three times in small portions and adapt to this regimen in the long term?

I would say that the latter option wins by a large margin, but still be guided by your own preferences. If it's easier for you to skip a meal, then do it. I often, but not always, skip lunch on fasting days. However, if you are doing well with three meals a day, then keep up the good work. You are doing well as it is.

What's with the name?

There are so many different names for diets similar or similar to the 5:2 diet that it's no wonder people get confused.

Unloading Diet, or Diet 5:2

These diets are essentially the same thing - just two different names for the same diet. I assume that the diet owes its roots to such a double name. The 5:2 diet was born in August 2012 thanks to Michael Mosley. Many people, including myself, began to follow her simple principle: twice a week to eat less than usual. At this stage, the diet program did not have a specific name, but people discussing it on Twitter and others in social networks, it was necessary to call it somehow, that's the simplest name and it became attached - the 5: 2 diet. Then, as the diet became incredibly popular, it was taken up by marketers and became known as the “fasting diet.” In the US, where the diet is never born by word of mouth, it just seems to have been originally called the "Deload Diet" or the "British Deload Diet".

2 day diet

The 2-Day Diet has very different roots from the 5:2 Diet, despite being similar in both name and program.

The 2-Day Diet is the result of an amazing study over the past few years by Dr. Michelle Harvey of the University of Manchester. Harvey is a breast cancer specialist and has tried to find a way to reduce her risk of developing breast cancer through her diet. She conducted a study of a group of overweight women whose diet was radically changed, but only two days a week. The diet is similar in many ways to the 5:2 diet, in particular, in that two days a week you have to limit the number of calories consumed, eating as usual the remaining five. However, calories were limited to 650 for both women and men, however, foods consumed on fasting days were more limited: it was necessary to eat a certain amount of milk and completely eliminate the consumption of carbohydrates (more like an Atkins diet) on fasting days. The biggest difference from the 5:2 diet is that the two fasting days had to follow each other.

Her research revealed two important moments. Firstly, dieting only two days a week is much easier, and many more people managed to stick to such a program, compared to classic diets. Harvey compared the two groups of women. The first group had fasting days twice a week, while the second sat on a regular daily calorie-limiting diet, eating 1500 kcal per day. After three months, it turned out that the two-day diet, judging by the number of participants who did not give up, was twice as easy to follow as a regular diet program.

The other most impressive result of her study was the discovery of a reduction in the breast cancer-promoting hormone called leptin, which averaged a 40% reduction. In addition, insulin levels dropped by 25%, which significantly reduced the risk of developing diabetes in the participants.

Unloading every other day (RFD)

The idea of ​​fasting every other day appeared in the US before the fasting diet made itself felt in the UK. This diet has a very simple principle. A strict unloading diet is observed every other day. The number of meals during such a day is also limited. The 5:2 diet is a variation on this theme that allows you to reduce the total number of fasting days during the week, as well as not bother with it on legal weekends. The consequences for the waist and the body as a whole are similar for these diets, although, in an obvious way, with the help of RFD, you can lose weight a little faster. However, the success of such a diet (i.e. the percentage of people who managed to adhere to the program in the long term) is noticeably lower.

Dr. Varadi in the USA conducted an interesting study with amazing results. She took a group of overweight men and women who followed RFD under her supervision for a year. This study is still in progress, but early evidence has been obtained showing that participants experience low levels of diet skipping, gradual shedding of extra pounds that do not come back, and reductions in total and LDL (“bad” cholesterol) cholesterol levels in the blood. ).

"Window", or 8-hour unloading

A “window” is another way of organizing your fasting days, which means not eating for a certain part of the day, seven days a week. One of the common schemes, for example, suggests not eating from eight in the evening of one day until twelve of the next day. This means that your "window" during which you can eat is between 12:00 and 20:00 every day. For some, this method fits perfectly into their lifestyle, as it allows you to have a normal lunch and dinner every day, but it definitely will not be to everyone's taste.

There hasn't been much research done on this type of intermittent unloading, but the results seem to be similar to what can be achieved with a 5:2 or RFD program.

Periodic unloading (PR)

Intermittent fasting is the general term for any fasting diet. So the 5:2 diet, the fasting diet, the 2-day diet, and the RFD all come under the banner of intermittent fasting.

Benefits of the 5:2 diet over other forms of intermittent fasting

There is a reason why people prefer the 5:2 diet to other forms of PR more often - with this program you will have a much better chance of success, because it is much easier to stick to, and it can be easily integrated into your lifestyle.

Percentage of dismounts

with a 5:2 diet lower than

other forms of PR, and those

more than others

types of dietary


Simply put, the 5:2 diet is the simplest and easiest to stick to in the long run.

Potential Harms and Side Effects of the 5:2 Diet

Since this diet is a rather radical approach to weight loss, it would be wise to first make sure that it is safe to follow.

The official opinion of the medical community on this issue is that the benefit of unloading has not yet been proven. This is because research must be conducted over several years and even decades to obtain convincing results, and this domain is relatively new.

Fasting during Ramadan

demands from Muslims

refuse food

and water throughout

daylight hours

within a month.

The good news is that, so far, no significant harm to health or other problems associated with this diet has been found. You can also take into account that in some common religions, fasting in one form or another has existed for hundreds of years.

Fasting is also common among Hindus. Fasting on certain days of the week is associated with their religious views and is aimed at appeasing some of the gods. Both Muslims and Hindus believe that fasting is necessary for the happiness and health of a person, since both his physical and spiritual needs are satisfied.

What about side effects?

Like any lifestyle and dietary changes, this approach can have side effects. Some people will not experience any side effects at all, but some will be so uncomfortable that they will have to abandon this technique.

One relatively common side effect of following a fasting diet that doesn't seem to go away over time seems to be dehydration. It is easy to deal with if you regularly drink water or other low-calorie drinks during your fasting day.

WHAT ABOUT IRRITATION? Yes, some of us are simply raging with hunger. As a rule, this unpleasant component of intermittent fasting makes itself felt less and less, as a person gets used to such a diet. However, I can get grumpy both on fasting days and on normal days!

Some people complain of sleep problems associated with hunger and daytime sleepiness. This symptom is not as common as the others. Most people experience a lack of energy during their fasting days. Sleep problems can make themselves felt, especially if you eat most of your daily calories in the morning. Eat more for dinner, make sure it's rich in satisfying complex carbohydrates, and you'll help your body get through the night.

Some side

effects appear to be

make themselves known

when a person first

tries to starve. Such

unpleasant symptoms,

like a headache

and dizzy like

usually gradually

come to naught

and completely disappear

in just a few

Finally, there is another side effect that has affected me personally. I was constantly cold throughout the winter, but this was especially noticeable on fasting days. The winter this year was rather cold, but I suffered from it much more than I expected. As a result, I spent the whole winter in two or even three sweaters, and also paid a fortune for heating. I like to think that this is most likely due to the fact that the amount of my body fat has decreased, that is, the diet is working as it should.

Unloading and hypoglycemia

If you suffer from a disease such as hypoglycemia, or if you have a predisposition to it, then consult your doctor before starting this diet.

The discomfort associated with low blood sugar, which is caused by not eating for several hours, is a common problem that I personally suffered from in the past. Some will have to stop fasting altogether because of this, as they feel the need to eat at least something every couple of hours to maintain a stable blood sugar level. The main problem is that when a person does not eat for three or four hours in a row, then a jump in sugar levels can lead to dizziness, mood swings, a person begins to shake, and he becomes irritable.

This is a very curious phenomenon, since only a small part of the population has a defect in the body's natural ability to regulate blood sugar levels. The rest of us, who are not affected by the disease described above, need not worry that they will "fall in sugar" during unloading. The fact is that a healthy body is surprisingly effective at regulating glucose floating in the blood.

Research, during

whom the young

people with symptoms

hypoglycemia starved

under control

doctors during

24 hours showed

that despite their

complaints about "feeling

drops in sugar levels

his actual

blood concentration

stayed within

How should you behave if you are worried about the "sugar drop" during unloading? This is a very real problem that I myself suffered from when I first started this diet. Now I know that my sugar levels are all right; The thing is, I'm just incredibly hungry. I will share with you some tricks that helped me overcome this and which I hope will be useful to you too.

✓ On your fasting day, eat regularly - this means three small meals throughout the day.

✓ If you feel that a wave of dizziness is approaching you, then know that, most likely, it will bypass you, and you will feel normal again after 15 minutes.

✓ Finally, if the malaise begins to interfere with your normal life or you develop a growing headache, then eat something - just a little, 100 kcal or so of something hearty, a slice of bread or a small banana, for example. You can afford these extra calories, but try to stick to your daily limit as much as possible.

Don't let this incident kill your motivation for your next fasting day, which is likely to be much easier for you. See if you can go longer without food than last time without experiencing unpleasant symptoms.

When should you not arrange fasting days?

There are some diseases in which unloading is not recommended or may even be dangerous to health, even in such a moderate form. Don't even try fasting if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes without first talking to your doctor about it. Also, such a diet is not suitable for minors, pregnant or lactating mothers.

Those who are relatively fortunate in health and for whom unloading is a prudent option for a diet program should take into account that on some days it will be difficult for them to restrict themselves in food.

With any emerging

doubts to start

go to the doctor to

discuss with him

do you go on a diet

If you are already an adherent of the 5:2 diet, then you should be well aware that some fasting days fly by unnoticed, while others are given with great difficulty. It happened to me several times that I refused a fasting day or gave up halfway. I don't blame myself for this because I did right choice for my health at that moment, and always returned to the diet program as soon as I got better. Some of the reasons I decided to cancel or cut short my fasting day included a cold (it's very hard to control yourself when the symptoms of a cold are bothering you, so my simple advice is: don't do it), lack of sleep or lack of sleep, and sometimes, which can affect only women, a certain point in the menstrual cycle.

magic numbers

How to Customize the 5:2 Diet for You

All people are different: they have different weights, different heights and different levels of physical training. In this part, we will calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) and your basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories you burn per day. Knowing your BMI, we will be able to choose the appropriate weight that you will strive for in the process of losing weight. By understanding the metabolic rate, we can determine optimal amount calories consumed for a fasting day, and, as far as we know, on a fasting day, every calorie counts.

Brad Pitt during

filming "Fighting

Club" was such

pumped up, what's with the point

view of an old table

BMI could be safely

declare that he has


The formula for calculating body mass index is very simple: BMI = weight (kg) / height (mg), that is, for that. to find out if your weight is ideal, you need to divide your weight by your height, multiplied by the square. Remember that the formula does not imply height in centimeters. and in meters, and is measured in kg / m 2.

For people with relatively average scores, there will not be much difference, but for short people, BMI may increase, and for tall people- on the contrary, it will become a little less.

If you, like me, high growth, then it makes a lot of sense for you to look at the new scoring system - my BMI dropped by 0.5 points from 21.6 to 21.1.

If your height is average, then you are unlikely to get a significant difference.

✓ A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight.

✓ A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered a normal healthy weight.

✓ A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight.

✓ A BMI above 30 is considered obese

Personalize calorie restriction on fasting day

While we use 500 kcal as a quarter of a woman's normal daily calorie intake and 600 kcal as a man's quarter, we can be more precise.

By calculating your metabolic rate, you can calculate your daily calorie requirement.

Metabolic rate refers to the number of calories your body burns during the day at rest.

So, calculate your metabolic rate:

My calorie requirement is:

I figured I'm a bit active, so my multiplier is 1.375.

1415 × 1.375 = 1945 kcal.

Also, I can calculate the number of calories for my fasting day, since it is equal to a quarter of this value.

1945 / 4 = 486 kcal

So when I figure out how many calories I will eat on my fasting day, I make sure that this number is less than 486.

So, in the end, you will get a number corresponding to the number of calories that you will need to limit on your fasting days. Some, like me, will get a number just under 500, while others may discover a nice bonus in a few extra calories!

Remember that if you

good weight loss

however, after some

that time discovered

that your new weight is not

so steadfast

your consumption

calories as it

according to the proposed

formulas directly

depends on your weight.

There is one more point that I would like to touch on: there are approximately 7,000 kcal per kilogram of body fat. This means that you need to reduce your calorie intake by 7000 to get rid of that kilogram of adipose tissue. This may sound like a lot, but if you consider that a woman is “malnourished” on her usual fasting day (2000 - 500 \u003d 1500 kcal), then it turns out that in a standard 5: 2 week she will reduce her kcal intake by 3000, and for two - by 6000. For a man, this number will already be 3800 per week. So, it turns out that only thanks to fasting days a woman loses a little less than one kilogram in two weeks 5: 2, and a man a little more.

If we take into account training and healthy eating on non-fasting days, then the weight loss will be even more impressive. This is elementary arithmetic, which does not take into account the positive effects of the 5:2 diet on the body, which, according to numerous studies, are much more noticeable than with classic diet programs.

Let's get started

Now that you know the theoretical basis, it's time to start the program and think about your first fasting day.


The first thing to think about is which days are best for unloading. Remember that you need two days a week separated by at least one day. You can set a routine for yourself and stick to the same days every week or act according to circumstances. This diet is very flexible, it is designed to suit everyone, and nothing else.

What are the best days to fast?

“On Tuesdays and Thursdays. My husband is not at home, so I don't have to worry about cooking for anyone else."


It is not uncommon for people to decide to start on Monday because they want to enjoy their weekend food and are eager to start the week off right.

“I like to have a fast day on Monday to get rid of the weekend fat, and on Thursday to be ready for the weekend fat that I gain!”


Take a look at your schedule for the week and figure out which days you have any social obligations, and you are primarily interested in those that involve eating.

“My fasting schedule keeps changing depending on what I have planned for the week.”


Consider that this is the biggest advantage of this diet.

It remains only to plan everything, spend two unloading days and relax for the remaining five, during which you can completely forget about the diet. Try to keep your "hungry" days as little as possible connected with contact with other people, especially if you have just started a diet. It's also a good idea to assign them to days you're constantly busy or working, as it's in your best interest to think about food as little as possible and be as far away from the kitchen as possible. The only restriction regarding fasting days is that there must be at least one day of rest between them.

Just think: you

you can safely go

have dinner with friends

without worrying about

what exactly will be

in your plate, you can

even afford

wine and dessert and that

won't hurt at all

you lose weight.

The very first fasting day is likely to be the most difficult for you, as the body always needs time to adapt to a new diet. So choose the days of the week wisely if you are just starting this diet. During the first two weeks, you will need to be as careful as possible in choosing fasting days, as you may be overcome by dizziness, bouts of irritability and even headaches, not to mention a strong feeling of hunger. Do not worry or raise a panic. This book is full of advice on how to deal with these unpleasant symptoms. After the first two weeks on this diet, you will see how much easier it becomes. Focus on the fact that you only have to last one day.

Set a goal

Before embarking on this diet, you must first weigh yourself. Do not worry too much about this - anyone who decides to go on a diet, the initial weight is unlikely to be small, otherwise he would simply not do it. Think positive. Think about how pleased you will be when you finally start to lose weight.

Initial weight:_ _ _ _ kg_ _ _ _ g

Some tips for self-weighing

You do not have to weigh yourself only once a week - do it every time you see fit, but not every day is better, as the weight can slightly increase or decrease during the day. We are only interested in downward movement.

Ladies, don't forget that your monthly cycle affects your weight. You may gain some fat in the week leading up to your period, and fasting these days can also be a little more difficult. Try to live with it and always make allowances for your monthly cycle if you did not manage to lose as many kilograms as you wanted.

I would recommend that you weigh yourself in the morning after the second fasting day of the week. If you fast on Mondays and Wednesdays, then on Thursday mornings before breakfast and after you go to the toilet, you will weigh the least. If possible, use this moment for your weekly weigh-in to see if you are losing weight or not and whether you have reached your goal.

How many pounds should I aim to lose?

This will depend entirely on your initial weight and your physical form. The more excess weight you have, the faster you will lose weight, and the higher the goal you can set for yourself. If you have come close to your goal and are already in good shape, then the weight will no longer go away at such a speed, but it will still slowly but surely continue to decrease.

Your weight loss goal should be between a pound and two pounds a week. This is not some crushing diet with incredible fast results, and your only goal should be to lose weight without harm to health and guided by common sense.

As a general rule, if you're only dieting and not exercising, you should be aiming for half a kilo a week. If you regularly spend fasting days, train and try to stick to healthy lifestyle life, you can expect to lose 1-1.5 kilograms per week.

The more pounds you need to lose, the higher your goal can be.

Baseline BMI:_ _ _ _ _

(If you need help calculating your BMI, see the Magic Numbers chapter on page 37.)

BMI at the end of the first four-week cycle: _ _ _ _ _

Look at yourself in the mirror

Before you start this diet, stand in front of a mirror - this will help you figure out exactly where you would like to look your best for the summer. If you want to see the result, you need to have a clear idea of ​​how you looked before, so ladies, put on a bikini or bathing suit, and you gentlemen, get your beach shorts. It's time to try them on and look at your reflection in a large mirror.

First of all, don't worry about the fact that you may look a little pale - everyone is as pale as snow in early summer, and everyone knows how to fix it. This is a completely different problem. You should first of all pay attention to those parts of your body that you consider problematic. Maybe it's your belly? Or thighs? Or is it all cellulite? Or would it be nice to reduce it a little everywhere?

The 5:2 Bikini Diet workout program is specifically designed to burn as much body fat as possible while toning your muscles and making you look leaner and healthier in as little as 30 days. Remember that the diet will help you get rid of excess pounds, especially those that fall on the fat folds. This is where exercises come to the rescue to give your flabby limbs more appetizing outlines.

Exercising three times a week for four weeks, coupled with a 5:2 diet program, can bring noticeable changes to your body. Then it remains only to apply a little artificial tan, if, of course, there is such a need, and you can safely go to the beach!

First loading day

Before you start your first fasting day, you will need to do some planning. There are an incredible number of ways in which you can reach your required daily 500/600 kcal, but on the first day, I recommend having three small meals.

For women, this would mean something like:

✓ 100 kcal for breakfast

✓ 150 kcal for lunch

✓ 250 kcal for dinner.

For men, this could be:

✓ 100 kcal for breakfast

✓ 200 kcal for lunch

✓ 300 kcal for dinner.

YOU MUST PLAN IN ADVANCE WHAT YOU WILL EAT. Take a look at the recipes (see pages 118-292) to get a general idea of ​​what you can cook for yourself on fasting days. Try not to eat too many carbohydrates because they are high in calories. Opt for lean meats, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates like legumes. Don't consume too many calories in the form of drinks. Drink black coffee or tea, diet sodas, etc. Regular omelet (in one chicken egg contains 89 kcal) will be a good, satisfying and simple dish. Salad is also a good option for lunch or dinner.

Most helpful tips,

who will help you

survive the first night

its unloading

of the day: find something

anything interesting about

TV, pour

a hot drink

and go to bed early!

If you normally drink caffeinated drinks, then you should not exclude them, as a sudden lack of caffeine can cause you to headache and make the fasting day even more unbearable. If you like to add milk to your coffee or tea, don't forget that these calories should be included as well. A cup of coffee or tea with 50 ml (less than a quarter of a cup) of semi-fat milk contains 25 kcal, but if you take skim milk, you will only get 19 kcal. A small small latte from Starbucks contains 67 kcal, and a large latte already has 102.

Evenings can seem incredibly long and drawn out. If you follow my recommendations and eat 250-300 kcal for dinner, then you will not be tormented by the same insane hunger as during the day. However, if you stay at home surrounded by shelves full of food, then you may need a little willpower.

✓ Hunger is a completely natural feeling.

✓ Drink some low-calorie drink to ease the feeling of hunger a little.

✓ The first day is the hardest.

✓ You will only need to go through it once.

✓ Tomorrow you can eat royally.

✓ You are actively losing weight right now.

✓ You will be truly satisfied and proud of your success.

Your first normal day

Congratulations, you've made it through your first fasting day! If you want, you can weigh yourself before you drink or eat anything. You could very well lose as much as half a kilogram on your first day. Usually I would recommend that you eat right and try not to lean on any rubbish, but on the first day all the rules can be sent away. So you can eat whatever you want. Even if on the previous day you only thought about the moment when you can have breakfast, it may turn out that in the morning you will not be so hungry anymore. Or you will starve and eat non-stop. Don't worry about it. Your body is just trying to adjust, and you can safely indulge yourself a little.

I remember that on my first ordinary day, I didn’t feel as great as I expected. A hearty breakfast made me feel tired and sleepy, and it was extremely difficult for me all day to force myself to do anything. I've heard similar stories from other people when they first started the 5:2 diet. These feelings will change drastically as you continue with this program. While fasting days are getting easier and easier, normal days are actually becoming "normal".

Fasting days

I suggest that you arrange three small meals on your usual fasting day. As you continue with the diet, you may want to change this diet to better suit your body's needs and your lifestyle. It's pretty logical to save 50% of your daily calorie budget for your evening meal, although you can have it as early as you like - anytime after 5pm. What's most interesting, however, is how you split the remaining calories between breakfast and lunch. You can skip breakfast, skip lunch, or eat a little in the morning and afternoon.

Here are a few questions to help you decide how best to distribute your meals on your fasting day:

✓ Do you get up early?

✓ Do you work in an office?

✓ Are you tempted to eat something not very healthy during the day?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, then it may be wise to skip breakfast and eat more for lunch. Why? Because a hearty lunch will help you refrain from snacking during the day. If you're rushing to work in the morning, skipping breakfast should be the easiest thing to do.

✓ Are you constantly busy during the day and don't even have time to think about food?

✓ Do you feel increasingly weak if you don't eat breakfast?

✓ Do you have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning with breakfast?

If the answer to all three questions is yes, then you should try eating a more hearty breakfast (250-300 kcal), after which you will have to hold out until the evening meal.

If you are still not completely sure how to do better, then stop at three small meals, and only then you can fine-tune your eating pattern for yourself when you understand what time of the day you are usually the most hungry.

Count calories

I must admit, this is one of the most boring parts of any fasting day. You need to count calories, and you need to do this scrupulously, not disregarding any swallowed crumbs. Don't allow yourself to snack between meals (with the exception of low-calorie drinks), as these snacks will just waste your calorie budget for the day.

Read the ingredients of any food you're about to eat, as almost every package from the store lists the calorie content. In addition, you can use the recipes in this book for which the calories have already been accurately calculated for you. Or, come up with your own recipe by summing up the energy value of all its ingredients using the special table at the end of this book (p. 328).

You will discover a couple of favorite dishes that you will return to again and again. Most often it is an omelet or eggs in a different form, or some kind of salad. You can count calories once so that you know exactly how many next time.

Feeling hungry is good

I will be absolutely honest with you: you will experience hunger in your fasting days. This may be a completely new hunger for you that you have never experienced before, but there is nothing wrong with it. You will not feel bad because of it, and your body will quickly get used to it. The fact is that hunger is a natural state of the body, which has practically not changed since the Stone Age. Hunger gives us energy and makes us more efficient, and the mechanisms for its suppression help us quickly find a solution to this problem. In the old days, this meant hunting for food. When we choose to starve ourselves, we have to find ways to take our minds off food.

“To cope with hunger pangs, I drink water or bite into a carrot.”


On your fasting days, you will notice two positive things that you will never believe until you try it yourself. First, you will have more strength than usual, not less. I know it's unbelievable, but most 5:2 dieters feel great on their fasting days. I generally feel quite energized, drawn to talk, and feel a natural surge of energy, similar to the effect of exercising. You may not experience something similar on your first fast day, then just wait a week or two and start enjoying this sensation.

“I have a real surge of strength and energy, so the house has become much cleaner. Windows have never been so clean!”


The second thing that seems a little crazy until you start the program is that the feeling of hunger comes in waves and usually goes away after a few minutes if you think of anything else. I usually hit a serious wave of hunger in the afternoon, at a time when in the past I used to snack on something far from healthy. Now I just go out to breathe fresh air and I don’t think about food at all, and this attack of hunger quickly disappears. For the next couple of hours, the feeling of hunger may no longer make itself felt, and then there is very little left before dinner, and I am already at home.

Special note for moms during afternoon tea

Are you the mother of an adorable baby? Probably, you have a hard time on your fasting day during an afternoon snack? Because it's hard for me. After a light breakfast and/or afternoon tea, I have a brutal appetite, and yet I still have to cook food, such as pasta or fried potatoes, which I am absolutely contraindicated to eat. It's all about this incredible temptation to try a piece of potato, which is so difficult to resist, and while cooking, I can not think about eating in a pan at all.

So if you find yourself in a similar situation, know that you are not alone. Personally, I try to eat with my baby or soon after. It's much easier to get by when you know your own food is on the way. It's time to maximize your willpower. Remember that many mothers have to share your plight.

My back up plan after a hard day is fish fingers and beans so we can all eat together. Two fish fingers and a 1/4 can of low-sugar, low-salt canned beans will set you back only 220 calories, and it will be incredibly satisfying.

Evening of the unloading day

Does it happen to you that you eat your dinner, and after that the rest of the evening seems endless and boring to you? Do you find yourself constantly thinking about how to eat a piece of chocolate or a cookie?

Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Chances are you're not that hungry, it's just a bad habit that's even worse since you're resting.

Here is a list of things I like to do to take my mind off my obsessive thoughts about food before bed.

✓ Get yourself some kind of hobby - anything will fit here. You can do it at home or outside - it doesn't matter, as long as food and drinks have nothing to do with it.

✓ Watch a movie - go to the movies or find something on TV. The film is longer than a regular broadcast, and if it drags you out, you will stop thinking about food.

✓ Go for a swim - doing sports on fasting days is usually not the most good idea, however, relaxed swimming is very distracting from thoughts about food, and eating in the pool, fortunately, is prohibited.

✓ Drink something hot - there are no calories in fruit tea. Personally, I like peppermint tea. Another option would be, if you're calorie-free, low-calorie hot chocolate. As a rule, it contains about 40 kcal, which will be more than enough to satisfy your irresistible craving for chocolate.

“I pour myself black tea or a glass of water, call my girlfriend and try to distract myself. The only one for real difficult moment- this is when I go to bed, peaceful, and nothing prevents me from thinking about food, but the next morning this problem goes away, and I do not feel hungrier than usual.


Various ways organize your unloading day

Everyone finds an original way to organize their fasting day. The ones described here may or may not be suitable for you. Or, over time, you will come up with something of your own.

“After the first week, I realized that I needed to adapt the week a bit to better suit my needs. I start with a tiny handful of flaked bran and low-fat milk. Any diet for me should include at least three cups of tea plus a low-calorie chocolate drink at night. For lunch, I drink a cup of beef broth made from Bovril pasta, which, according to my calculations, corresponds to 200 kcal. Then I have a good supper in the evening.”


“In our house, everything is subject to a certain routine. I have breakfast at 7:15 am, have some fruit in the afternoon, and have a light dinner around 7:00 pm.”


“I drink a lot of water and limit myself to one cup of tea and one cup of black coffee during the day. I try to be busy all the time so that I don't think about food at all. Normally, I only eat in the evening, usually red fish with vegetables.”


"I have lunch (200 kcal) and drink tea (300 kcal)."


"I eat three times - 150 kcal for breakfast, 150 kcal for lunch and 200 kcal for dinner."


There are also a lot of tips on how to deal with terrible hunger cramps. Most often it is “Dreaming about tomorrow!”, but there are other good thoughts about this.

“To cope with hunger cramps, I drink a lot of fluids and look forward to my hot drinks as if they were real food. I try to either be more active in the evening or go to bed early.”


“I try to drink more fluids, which helps me cope with hunger cramps. I also try to do something fun in the evening. I can go to the theater or cinema. When the weather is good, I go to work in the garden or take a walk.”


“I use foods and drinks such as Diet Coke, herbal tea, low-fat yogurt, and miso soup to relieve hunger cramps.”


Common days

Well, now let's move on to the five regular days of your week. If you've tried the 5:2 diet before, you've probably heard of the so-called "glut days" that people sometimes have on days when they don't have to strictly count their calories. There is no place for this concept in this book.

Let me explain everything to you. If you've tried the 5:2 diet before and felt like you didn't lose as much weight as you wanted, or if you lost a little weight in the beginning and then things went awry, then you're just one of many. A lot of people who didn't get along with the 5:2 diet had the same problem. We eat too much on our normal days and nullify all positive result received on fasting days.

Let's take my case as an example. In November 2012, I was on the 5:2 diet for three months and was very close to my goal. I planned to continue following the program until Christmas week, hoping to reach the weight I was aiming for just in time for Christmas, after which I would allow myself a week to relax. However, as Christmas approached, despite the fact that I continued to arrange traditional fasting days, I stopped losing weight and even gained a kilogram or two. At the time, I couldn't figure out what was going on. However, revisiting my goals after Christmas made me realize how much I ate on my normal days. I allowed myself to eat chocolates and even cakes simply because I could eat whatever I wanted, and I liked it. In fact, I ate much more than in previous years at Christmas, because I felt like I had every right to do so, because I continued to diet. Now, looking back, I understand perfectly well that I significantly exceeded the number of calories allowed per day. Not surprisingly, the diet has ceased to bring a positive result.

If you want to stay

get rid of extra

kilograms, get up

on the path to health

and longevity, then you

have to do it right

eat in your non-

unloading days.

Thus, a frosty January brought me insight: you can’t go crazy five days a week, feast and eat all kinds of rubbish. So you will never succeed.

The bitter truth is that it was not until the end of February that I managed to return to the weight that I had the previous November. So if you're reading this because the 5:2 diet failed for you, then you should completely rethink your "normal" days. The more people I discuss the problems with the 5:2 diet with more people, the more often I find that this is what causes unsettling failure.

After my January insight, I found a simple and logical solution to the problem. My binge days turned back to normal days with proper nutrition, and the 5:2 diet worked again. Here I have tried to formulate the basic rules and tips that will help you optimize your ordinary days.

Don't worry, I'm not suggesting that you simply give up all treats and other pleasures, however, proper nutrition means that chocolate and other sweets should appear on your table only from time to time, and they certainly cannot be part of your main diet. So, the formula for a successful "normal" day is as follows:

✓ Eat three meals a day: a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner.

✓ If you feel hungry between meals, have a healthy snack like fruit or yogurt.

✓ Don't count calories or reduce your portion sizes - you're not on a diet.

✓ Think every time you are going to eat something. Do you really need it? Is it helpful?

✓ Treat yourself from time to time.

✓ Refuse ready-made meals and semi-finished products.

✓ Cook yourself as often as possible - the recipes proposed in the book are perfect for both unloading and ordinary days.

✓ If you are still hungry after eating, wait another 20 minutes to see if it goes away or not.

✓ You can afford one or two glasses of wine, a delicious dessert, or even some dark chocolate.


✓ Cookies and cakes

✓ Baking

✓ Non-diet carbonated drinks

✓ Chocolate and other sweets (sweets)

✓ Beer and cider

Use the recipes in the book for proper and balanced nutrition. You can add rice, pasta, or bread to the side if needed, but avoid using processed foods and other processed foods as an additional ingredient.

It would also be nice if you worked out three times a week on your regular days. Try to make exercise an integral part of your normal days. If you want, you can only dedicate the first three days of your week to the loads, so that the remaining two can be relaxed. So you will have a real weekend. However, do not forget that you need to comply with the measure, otherwise the entire result achieved in a week will go down the drain.

Here's what my weekly schedule looks like:

Refinement of the 5:2 Diet for Even Greater Weight Loss

If you jumped to this section without first reading the chapter on healthy eating on normal days above, then please review it. It can be said with almost complete certainty that it is for this reason that you are not able to lose weight as you would like. If you think you are eating right these days, but would still like to increase the effectiveness of the diet a little, then here are some additional options that can help you achieve your goal.

You can try increasing your "window". This means that you can increase the amount of time you restrict yourself from food. Typically, this "window" is calculated from your last normal meal to breakfast the next day. So, if you had a hearty dinner on Sunday at ten in the evening, after which you limited yourself to food until eight in the morning on Tuesday, then your “window” will be 34 hours. To expand the "window" to the optimal 36 hours, you can not eat after eight in the evening on Sunday.

If the 36-hour window seems too long for you, then you can try fasting for 24 hours. This means that you start at two o'clock in the afternoon or eight o'clock in the evening after lunch or dinner, respectively, and continue exactly 24 hours a day. It's a little easier this way, since you eat a full meal every day, and you don't have to starve yourself from morning to night. Also, this option is suitable for those who do not want to lose weight, but only strengthen their health with the help of a diet.

Another way to improve the diet is to add an additional, third fasting day. Try this 4:3 diet if you want to lose even more weight. These three days do not have to follow each other: you can arrange unloading, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Finally, you can try mixing these two strategies to create a sort of two-and-a-half-day-per-week diet. Give yourself two full days of fasting, say Monday and Wednesday—these would be your 36-hour "windows" described above—and then have a 24-hour fasting day, say, starting at 6:00 pm on Thursday and ending at 6:00 pm on Friday. I do this from time to time, which does not prevent me from enjoying a relaxing weekend.

Getting ready for beach season

The 5:2 diet will help you lose weight and look and feel much healthier, but to look good you need to keep your body toned. The good news is that exercising just twice a week, combined with two fast days, will greatly improve your appearance and well-being. I'm not talking about some miraculous cure, but fasting along with exercise can improve the situation even with cellulite. Remember that any exercises should be done on normal and in no case on fasting days.

What to do if you are in a bad physical form Or have you never played sports?

Start slowly. If you want to look good for summer, then I would recommend swimming or running. You should not start the exercises from the 4th part of the book until you increase your level of general fitness a little.

Walking is especially good way start doing the exercises. You won't have to pay a dime, and it won't take much effort from you. Take a walk with a friend or take a player with you to listen to music along the way. Plan your route in advance and time yourself. You will need to walk a minimum of 20 minutes three times in the first week, then increase this interval to 30 minutes. You can also try walking up and down the pool. Due to the natural resistance of the water, this type of walking will become great exercise which would be nice to try.

Training plan "Sculpt 30"

If you already play sports or just lead an active lifestyle, then this program is for you. Even if you do not train regularly, but do not sit on the couch all day long, this program can also lead you to success. This means that if you have to run after restless children, walk or bike to work, then you are ready to increase the load to look stunning by the summer.

The 4-week plan on page 303 pairs perfectly with the 5:2 diet and will fit perfectly into your lifestyle.

The program combines power training(to strengthen muscles) and endurance exercises that will help increase metabolism and promote fat burning within 24 hours after the end of each workout. You can perform exercises both at home with the most accessible support material, and in the gym.



program three times

a week in their

ordinary days, you

notice significant

changes in their

This program is fun and short so you don't have to spend long hours on the treadmill. The program includes 12 workouts with gradually increasing load, designed for four weeks. To achieve optimal results, try at all costs not to miss your scheduled workouts. Remember that everything must be in harmony. The easiest way to achieve amazing results is to try to fit the exercises suggested here into your usual routine.

Destruction of cellulite with the 5:2 method

The 5:2 Bikini Diet is a great way to reduce your cellulite. Cellulite is just a type of body fat, but it's these nasty, lumpy body fat under the skin in the most inappropriate places: thighs and buttocks. Worst of all is his nasty, orange-peel appearance that can make anyone feel uncomfortable, especially in a bathing suit.

Bikini diet

5:2 perfect

suitable for wrestling

with cellulite, because

that all is lost

during unloading weight

account for

for fat, including

and cellulite.

Cellulite owes its characteristic unsightly appearance to a special fibrous connective tissue that is present only in certain areas of our body, such as the buttocks and thighs. In these areas, fibers connect the skin to the underlying muscles. Cellulite makes itself felt when body fat begins to protrude through the skin. As body fat increases, the fibers remain the same size, which is why the hated wavy structure appears. There is nothing you can do about the fibers that connect the skin and muscles, so the only thing left for you to fight cellulite is to get rid of fat in problem areas and tighten the corresponding muscles. By spending twice a week fasting days and exercising to strengthen muscle tissue, you will see a noticeable reduction in cellulite.

“My cellulite has started to disappear in an incredible way. It ruined the appearance of my thighs and buttocks, but now there is only a very little bit left on the buttocks, and I am absolutely sure that soon this will not happen either. I didn’t expect to ever achieve such amazing results, especially in such a short time.”


There is a certain physiological mechanism during which fat is deposited in the thighs and buttocks. If you reverse this process, then the fat will first of all disappear from these areas. Excess insulin is one of the factors that contribute to the formation of fat deposits in these areas of the body. Intermittent fasting has been shown to help lower blood insulin levels, making the 5:2 diet particularly effective in reducing cellulite. Another hormone that triggers cellulite formation is estrogen, which levels increase during pregnancy, contraceptives, or hormone replacement therapy. You may have noticed an increase in cellulite if you started taking birth control or underwent hormone replacement therapy to delay the onset of menopause. Other negative factors are smoking, alcohol abuse and lack of exercise. If you reduce the impact of these factors to a minimum, arrange fasting days twice a week and train to increase muscle tone, then your chances of overcoming cellulite at least partially will increase significantly.

Questions and answers

Can I drink alcoholic beverages?

On your "normal" days, yes, you can definitely afford to drink. Drinking high-calorie drinks like beer and cider should be kept to a minimum for obvious reasons, but wine is relatively low in calories and you can afford it.

As for fasting days, I would recommend to refrain from alcohol. It will be incredibly difficult for you to fit it into your daily calorie-restricted diet. In addition, alcoholic drinks on a fasting day can lead to dizziness and ultimately lead to the fact that you break the diet.

Should I train on my off day?

I would not recommend exercising on fasting day because you may feel weak and this will increase your hunger. Nevertheless, some people do manage to work out with pleasure on their fasting days, and at the same time they do not suffer any side effects.

Overeating - why can't I eat the way I want if it's not a fasting day?

If you want to eat for pleasure on your “normal” or “gluttonous” days, then no one bothers you to do this. You can still, even if not as effectively, improve your health. “Glutty” days have been replaced by “normal eating days” due to people like me who can’t control themselves at all if they are allowed to eat as much as they want, and who, because of this, find it extremely difficult to lose weight. If you want to get rid of extra pounds, then you have to eat right on your "normal" days.

Should I eat all of my allowed calories in one sitting on my fasting day to optimize the health benefits of this diet?

Experts have not come to a unanimous opinion on this issue. Some scientists from the US argue that in order to become as healthy as possible, you must either not eat at all or limit yourself to one meal, but research on this issue is still in full swing. For more information on this topic, see the Health Benefits chapter (see page 21).

What foods should I eat on fasting days?

Your food should be as satisfying as possible with a minimum of calories. These properties are perfectly matched by lean protein-rich foods such as chicken or fish, as well as healthy carbohydrates such as beans or beans. Leafy greens and vegetables tend to have the lowest calorie content and will fill your plate for only a few calories. If you have problems with fantasy, then take a look at the recipes offered in this book.

Why am I not losing weight fast enough?

Do you count every bite you eat on your fasting days? Do you eat right on your normal days? It is possible that you simply set an unattainable goal for yourself, because half a kilogram-kilogram per week is already an amazing result. If you actively train, then part of your fat is replaced by muscle tissue, which is heavier than fat. Look at yourself in the mirror to see if your figure has improved.

Can I eat prepared meals?

Homemade food is the best you can think of, and it doesn't have to be overly fancy. Any processed foods tend to contain too much salt and preservatives, while beneficial features ingredients used are lost during processing.

What about going to a restaurant?

I believe that from time to time you can treat yourself to something delicious in a restaurant. Try to keep yourself under control, especially if you eat out more than once a week. Be alert and try to choose the healthiest dishes if you eat in restaurants fast food or buy food to go.

What should I do if I violate the rules of fasting day?

No panic! If you step over the allowed calorie threshold a little - up to 200 extra kcal - then you should not give up on such a day.

Just try to understand what exactly went wrong, and strive to correct your mistake in the next fasting days. If you have crossed all the permissible limits, then consider that the fasting day has failed, and try to analyze your mistakes the next day.

Don't judge yourself too harshly and take a little breather. The most important thing is to never give up!

What about Christmas or holidays?

I believe that you should allow yourself to relax. You will not lose weight during this time, and perhaps gain a kilogram or two again. However, you already know very well that in order to get rid of them, you only need to immediately return to your fasting days after this short respite. Remember that the health benefits achieved tend to fade quickly when you stop the program, but everything will fall into place once you start it again.

It seems to me that today's unloading day is given to me much harder than usual. Should I give up this venture for today?

First of all, you need to try to wait a bit to see if the problem goes away on its own. Maybe it's just a small bout of hunger? I usually endure about twenty minutes and act according to circumstances. If nothing changes, then I give up. Your health at this particular moment is most important. It is possible that you are simply missing something in your body, or, if you are a woman, that this is due to your menstrual cycle. If you can’t quickly recuperate, then I would recommend that you arrange a “normal” day the next day too, and return to fasting only when you are back in shape.

End of introductory segment.

To my husband Andy

who helped and supported me both in my new lifestyle and in writing this book. He also tried all my new recipes with great enthusiasm.

To my children Amy, Iri and Max,

which constantly remind me that life is not only a diet.


The bikini diet has something to offer everyone, and this is very different from what you see in any other diet program - in fact, on a diet, you will only have to sit on a diet 2 days a week, eat balanced meals the rest of the time, and watch how the hateful kilos.

I have prepared a brand new and incredibly tasty selection of healthy and satisfying recipes, perfect for the hot summer. You will find here all sorts of salads, charcoal dishes and amazing summer desserts, suitable even for fasting days.

By adding a simple and fun training program, developed by David Jones, this diet has become just the perfect way to lose excess weight and get in shape for the start of the beach season.

This book is for you if you are not yet familiar with this diet and want to start it; if you are already on the 5:2 diet but need additional help Or do you want to start from scratch? if you are looking for amazing original recipes for the summer season; if you are in need of a training program that will give your figure a more beach-worthy look or just want to lose some weight in an easy and healthy way.

Join the 5:2 revolution and enjoy your weight and figure, see you on the beach!

Yours Jacqueline Whiteheart

Part 1

Golden Rules for a Successful Diet

Let's get straight to the point: there are three main things we'll be doing over the next four weeks and beyond that will help us get in shape for summer. Follow the suggested rules and you will lose weight, feel better and look great.

Unloading - two days a week, not consecutive, eat only 500 kcal for women / 600 kcal for men.

For the other five days of the week, eat as you normally would, focusing on healthy foods.

Three times a week, on non-fasting days, complete a 30-minute training program.

Sounds very simple, doesn't it? This is because it is! The program is incredibly simple and easy to stick to, so keep reading as we go through each of these three rules together.

Unloading twice a week

Two days a week you limit your calorie intake, that is, you eat:

500 kcal per day for women

600 kcal per day for men

These two days should not be consecutive.

2. For the rest of the five days, eat as usual, focusing on healthy foods.

If you are already familiar with the 5:2 diet, then you should remember such a concept as a day of "gluttony", which confuses people again and again.

The thing is, most of us, when we are told that we can eat anything, go a little crazy.

Five non-fasting days are ordinary days on which we do not diet and do not count calories, but simply WE EAT CORRECTLY.

You are required to:

Enjoy your meals and don't count calories.

Eat healthy food three times a day.

DO NOT snack between meals.

Exclude any rubbish. The following foods should be kept to a minimum:

Cookies (any) and muffins

Crispy potato (chips)

Non-diet high-calorie drinks

Chocolate and other sweets (candy)

Any beer and cider

By following these guidelines, you'll be able to enjoy a huge variety of delicious meals across all food categories, which means you'll be able to indulge in mouth-watering pastas, breads, desserts and, of course, a glass of wine or two.

Remember that the recipes in this book are not just for fasting days; they are perfect for your normal days too.

Just add some extra carbs, in the form of rice or potatoes, for example, if needed, and try to eat balanced meals three times a day.

3. Train three times a week

If rules 1 and 2 are for weight loss, then exercise makes the most of that weight loss by helping you fight fat and loose skin, toning your body, and eliminating cellulite.

If regular exercise is new to you, then perhaps the best place to start would be with walking. Start with 15 minutes of walking a day three times a week and gradually build up.

Walking increases blood flow to muscle tissues, improves blood circulation and cardiac activity. Swimming is also a great way to start exercising.

Walking fine

suitable for those

who just started

exercise: she

as it happened many times

proven to help

level increase

general physical


For those already in the habit of exercising regularly, the Bikini Diet Workout Program is an easy and enjoyable way to get in shape for the start of summer - and get it done ASAP!

By doing this exercise program three times a week, you can expect amazing results in as little as four weeks. For details on the benefits of combining exercise with the 5:2 Diet Program, see the Getting Ready for Beach Season chapter (see page 68).

Benefit for health

Not only do you get slimmer

This chapter explains the medical success of this dietary program. When you realize how much healthier you will become with this diet - just like you will lose weight effortlessly - you will stick to this lifestyle for the rest of your days. RESULTS YOU CAN GIVE WITH THE 5:2 DIET are simply stunning. Moreover, the matter is not limited to dropped kilograms: weight loss in a natural and harmless way for health helps to strengthen overall health.

There are more and more

and more evidence

what's new

generation of unloading

diets, of which

the 5:2 diet is

the simplest

and popular, bring

incredible benefits

for human health

and in the long term


What happens to the body during fasting?

Based on the opinions of several fasting experts, it is possible to paint a general picture of how, from the point of view of scientists, intermittent fasting affects the functioning of our body, giving us an additional health advantage as we age. Here I will give only a simplified scientific explanation, which I hope will make everything clearer for people who are interested in this and who do not boast of a scientific education.

When we deprive our body of food for longer than usual, for example during fasting, some hormonal changes begin to occur in the body. Changing the level of certain hormones has a side effect on various cells in our body. So, it has been proven that the content of one of these hormones - insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) decreases when we starve. IGF-1 is produced in the liver and acts like insulin. Its job in the body is to promote cell growth and the appearance of new cells. When IGF-1 levels drop, our body produces fewer new cells and focuses on repairing old ones. This “repair” state is very beneficial for him, as it slows down the aging process and can reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Another hormone affected by fasting is nerve growth factor in the brain. Research into this process is still in its infancy, but there is some evidence that this mechanism ultimately leads to a reduction in risk factors for cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

Finally, there is another striking difference between standard calorie-restrictive diets and intermittent fasting. DURING THE LAST ALL THE WEIGHT LOSS IS EXCLUSIVELY IN BODY FAT! If that's not enough reason to choose the 5:2 diet, then I don't know what else to ask for.

While other diets show a reduction in both muscle and fat tissue, the 5:2 diet is all about fat. Scientists are not yet sure why this happens, but numerous studies with good scientific background have confirmed this pattern with their results. The most plausible explanation is that when we are starving, we have to use its internal resources (ie fat) instead of the food we eat to feed the body. Perhaps this key moment is why the 5:2 diet has been so successful for so many different people.

Optimal Benefit – Should I Skip Meals?

The answer will be simple and short - yes. If your primary goal is to take care of your health, and not just get rid of extra pounds, then, according to the recommendations of scientists, you should eat only once on a fasting day. Remember that calorie intake outside the fasting day does not affect the process of losing weight. The best scientists in the United States are of the same opinion: to get the most out of intermittent fasting, you need to either completely refuse food for 24 hours, or eat a little once in the middle of this 24-hour period.

There have been no studies of other forms of food refusal for more than 24 hours, so at the moment scientists cannot guarantee the safety and effectiveness of such methods.

If, reading these lines, you think: “What can I do, I can’t eat only once a day!”, Then you are not alone. That is why I do not encourage you to skip meals, BYE you yourself will not find this idea attractive, and only if you can imagine yourself regularly following such a regimen in the long term.

FIRSTLY, the fact is that it does not affect the speed at which you lose weight. If your main goal is to lose weight and get all the health benefits that come with successful and sustained weight loss, then just stick to 500/600 calories on your fasting days, but don't worry about when exactly you use them.

SECONDLY, while the health benefits may not be optimal, you will get them anyway. You're starving and your body goes into recovery mode, so don't be surprised if something isn't "totally optimal." Is there anything in your life that is completely optimal? I definitely don't.

FINALLY, THE MOST IMPORTANT: what do you think is better: stick to a strict fasting routine, eating only one meal, then find it too difficult for you and no motivation at all, and give up after the first month OR eat on fasting day two or three times in small portions and adapt to this regimen in the long term?

I would say that the latter option wins by a large margin, but still be guided by your own preferences. If it's easier for you to skip a meal, then do it. I often, but not always, skip lunch on fasting days. However, if you are doing well with three meals a day, then keep up the good work. You are doing well as it is.

What's with the name?

There are so many different names for diets similar or similar to the 5:2 diet that it's no wonder people get confused.

Unloading Diet, or Diet 5:2

These diets are essentially the same thing - just two different names for the same diet. I assume that the diet owes its roots to such a double name. The 5:2 diet was born in August 2012 thanks to Michael Mosley. Many people, including myself, began to follow her simple principle: twice a week to eat less than usual. At this stage, the diet program did not have a specific name, but people discussing it on Twitter and other social networks needed to call it something, and the simplest name stuck - the 5: 2 diet. Then, as the diet became incredibly popular, it was taken up by marketers and became known as the “fasting diet.” In the US, where the diet is never born by word of mouth, it just seems to have been originally called the "Deload Diet" or the "British Deload Diet".

2 day diet

The 2-Day Diet has very different roots from the 5:2 Diet, despite being similar in both name and program.

The 2-Day Diet is the result of an amazing study over the past few years by Dr. Michelle Harvey of the University of Manchester. Harvey is a breast cancer specialist and has tried to find a way to reduce her risk of developing breast cancer through her diet. She conducted a study of a group of overweight women whose diet was radically changed, but only two days a week. The diet is similar in many ways to the 5:2 diet, in particular, in that two days a week you have to limit the number of calories consumed, eating as usual the remaining five. However, calories were limited to 650 for both women and men, however, foods consumed on fasting days were more limited: it was necessary to eat a certain amount of milk and completely eliminate the consumption of carbohydrates (more like an Atkins diet) on fasting days. The biggest difference from the 5:2 diet is that the two fasting days had to follow each other.

Her research revealed two important points. First, dieting only two days a week is much easier, and many more people have been able to stick to such a program compared to classic diets. Harvey compared the two groups of women. The first group had fasting days twice a week, while the second sat on a regular daily calorie-limiting diet, eating 1500 kcal per day. After three months, it turned out that the two-day diet, judging by the number of participants who did not give up, was twice as easy to follow as a regular diet program.

The other most impressive result of her study was the discovery of a reduction in the breast cancer-promoting hormone called leptin, which averaged a 40% reduction. In addition, insulin levels dropped by 25%, which significantly reduced the risk of developing diabetes in the participants.

Unloading every other day (RFD)

The idea of ​​fasting every other day appeared in the US before the fasting diet made itself felt in the UK. This diet has a very simple principle. A strict unloading diet is observed every other day. The number of meals during such a day is also limited. The 5:2 diet is a variation on this theme that allows you to reduce the total number of fasting days during the week, as well as not bother with it on legal weekends. The consequences for the waist and the body as a whole are similar for these diets, although, in an obvious way, with the help of RFD, you can lose weight a little faster. However, the success of such a diet (i.e. the percentage of people who managed to adhere to the program in the long term) is noticeably lower.

Dr. Varadi in the USA conducted an interesting study with amazing results. She took a group of overweight men and women who followed RFD under her supervision for a year. This study is still in progress, but early evidence has been obtained showing that participants experience low levels of diet skipping, gradual shedding of extra pounds that do not come back, and reductions in total and LDL (“bad” cholesterol) cholesterol levels in the blood. ).

"Window", or 8-hour unloading

A “window” is another way of organizing your fasting days, which means not eating for a certain part of the day, seven days a week. One of the common schemes, for example, suggests not eating from eight in the evening of one day until twelve of the next day. This means that your "window" during which you can eat is between 12:00 and 20:00 every day. For some, this method fits perfectly into their lifestyle, as it allows you to have a normal lunch and dinner every day, but it definitely will not be to everyone's taste.

There hasn't been much research done on this type of intermittent unloading, but the results seem to be similar to what can be achieved with a 5:2 or RFD program.

Periodic unloading (PR)

Intermittent fasting is the general term for any fasting diet. So the 5:2 diet, the fasting diet, the 2-day diet, and the RFD all come under the banner of intermittent fasting.

Benefits of the 5:2 diet over other forms of intermittent fasting

There is a reason why people prefer the 5:2 diet to other forms of PR more often - with this program you will have a much better chance of success, because it is much easier to stick to, and it can be easily integrated into your lifestyle.

Percentage of dismounts

with a 5:2 diet lower than

other forms of PR, and those

more than others

types of dietary


Simply put, the 5:2 diet is the simplest and easiest to stick to in the long run.

Potential Harms and Side Effects of the 5:2 Diet

Since this diet is a rather radical approach to weight loss, it would be wise to first make sure that it is safe to follow.

The official opinion of the medical community on this issue is that the benefit of unloading has not yet been proven. This is because research must be conducted over several years and even decades to obtain convincing results, and this domain is relatively new.

Fasting during Ramadan

demands from Muslims

refuse food

and water throughout

daylight hours

within a month.

The good news is that, so far, no significant harm to health or other problems associated with this diet has been found. You can also take into account that in some common religions, fasting in one form or another has existed for hundreds of years.

Fasting is also common among Hindus. Fasting on certain days of the week is associated with their religious views and is aimed at appeasing some of the gods. Both Muslims and Hindus believe that fasting is necessary for the happiness and health of a person, since both his physical and spiritual needs are satisfied.

What about side effects?

Like any lifestyle and dietary changes, this approach can have side effects. Some people will not experience any side effects at all, but some will be so uncomfortable that they will have to abandon this technique.

One relatively common side effect of following a fasting diet that doesn't seem to go away over time seems to be dehydration. It is easy to deal with if you regularly drink water or other low-calorie drinks during your fasting day.

WHAT ABOUT IRRITATION? Yes, some of us are simply raging with hunger. As a rule, this unpleasant component of intermittent fasting makes itself felt less and less, as a person gets used to such a diet. However, I can get grumpy both on fasting days and on normal days!

Some people complain of sleep problems associated with hunger and daytime sleepiness. This symptom is not as common as the others. Most people experience a lack of energy during their fasting days. Sleep problems can make themselves felt, especially if you eat most of your daily calories in the morning. Eat more for dinner, make sure it's rich in satisfying complex carbohydrates, and you'll help your body get through the night.

Some side

effects appear to be

make themselves known

when a person first

tries to starve. Such

unpleasant symptoms,

like a headache

and dizzy like

usually gradually

come to naught

and completely disappear

in just a few

Finally, there is another side effect that has affected me personally. I was constantly cold throughout the winter, but this was especially noticeable on fasting days. The winter this year was rather cold, but I suffered from it much more than I expected. As a result, I spent the whole winter in two or even three sweaters, and also paid a fortune for heating. I like to think that this is most likely due to the fact that the amount of my body fat has decreased, that is, the diet is working as it should.

As the French saying goes: "God keeps children, fools and drunkards." If the latter is true, then how lucky Russian men are, and how unlucky we women are. Since statistics (exact science) have long calculated that in Russia women, unlike men, lead an almost sober lifestyle. Here are a few examples: 27% of women drink once a month, among men the most common are those who drink every week - 20% (among women only 5%). In addition to the question: "How much do you drink alcohol in one evening?" - women in 60% of cases answered: "As much as always", that is, a little bit, and among the opposite sex only 28% adhere to "their norm". "Until the table runs out of alcohol" is a popular answer among 9% of men and 0.4% of women. In addition, the drinks that young ladies choose are much weaker than the addictions of the stronger sex. Ladies prefer champagne (78%), but they also drink a little of it - mostly half a glass (43%) or a glass (31%). Male representatives mostly choose vodka (83%).
Of course, everyone (regardless of gender, age, habits and principles) determines what and how much to drink for himself. But any doctor will confirm that 100 grams of red wine a day improves health, "renews" the blood and reduces the possibility of cancer cells. Even children during a cold are advised to give a spoonful of warm red wine, preferably Cahors.

In my own experience, I had to “recover my health” with alcoholic beverages twice. Once I decided to take the advice of a "kind" host of a Moscow radio station. He shared a recipe for quick relief from a sore throat. Having a penchant for this kind of disease, I immediately implemented the recommended: 1/3 cup filled with honey, and 2/3 with vodka, thus creating a honey cocktail. I cleaned an onion of considerable size and used the following dish at night: the onion is eaten, washed down with "honey compote". I still swallowed more than half of this "nastiness", confining myself to this, and went to bed with a sense of accomplishment. I fell asleep almost immediately, but didn't sleep for long. Since I belong to the average young ladies and prefer wine, my stomach, unable to withstand such mockery, woke me up and vilely took revenge. I did not make any claims to Mr. DJ, who temporarily plays the role of a healer, since from birth I have a meek and conflict-free disposition. In addition, maybe I did not understand exactly how this effective recipe was to be applied (internally or externally?)
More pleasant consequences ended my experiment with an alcoholic diet from Jacqueline Kennedy: one bottle of dry champagne a day. You lose 2 kg., and in return you get a great mood. I don't know how many kg. I lost that evening, but after taking on a playful look from sparkling wine, I hooked up with a handsome guy.

Jacqueline Whiteheart

Diet 5:2. Bikini Diet

To my husband Andy

who helped and supported me both in my new lifestyle and in writing this book. He also tried all my new recipes with great enthusiasm.

To my children Amy, Iri and Max,

which constantly remind me that life is not only a diet.


The bikini diet has something to offer everyone, and this is very different from what you see in any other diet program - in fact, on a diet, you will only have to sit on a diet 2 days a week, eat balanced meals the rest of the time, and watch how the hateful kilos.

I have prepared a brand new and incredibly tasty selection of healthy and satisfying recipes, perfect for the hot summer. You will find here all sorts of salads, charcoal dishes and amazing summer desserts, suitable even for fasting days.

With the addition of a simple and fun workout program designed by David Jones, this diet is just the perfect way to lose weight and get in shape for the start of the beach season.

This book is for you if you are not yet familiar with this diet and want to start it; if you're already on the 5:2 diet but need extra help or want to start from scratch; if you are looking for amazing original recipes for the summer season; if you are in need of a training program that will give your figure a more beach-worthy look or just want to lose some weight in an easy and healthy way.

Join the 5:2 revolution and enjoy your weight and figure, see you on the beach!

Yours Jacqueline Whiteheart


Golden Rules for a Successful Diet

Let's get straight to the point: there are three main things we'll be doing over the next four weeks and beyond that will help us get in shape for summer. Follow the suggested rules and you will lose weight, feel better and look great.

✓ Unloading - two non-consecutive days a week, eat only 500 kcal for women / 600 kcal for men.

✓ For the other five days of the week, eat as you normally would, focusing on healthy foods.

✓ Three times a week, on non-fasting days, complete a 30-minute training program.

Sounds very simple, doesn't it? This is because it is! The program is incredibly simple and easy to stick to, so keep reading as we go through each of these three rules together.

1. Unloading twice a week

Two days a week you limit your calorie intake, that is, you eat:

✓ 500 kcal per day for women

✓ 600 kcal per day for men

✓ These two days should not be consecutive

2. For the rest of the five days, eat as usual, focusing on healthy foods.

If you are already familiar with the 5:2 diet, then you should remember such a concept as a day of "gluttony", which confuses people again and again.

The thing is, most of us, when we are told that we can eat anything, go a little crazy.

Five non-fasting days are ordinary days on which we do not diet and do not count calories, but simply WE EAT CORRECTLY.

You are required to:

✓ Enjoy your meals and don't count calories.

✓ Eat healthy foods three times a day.

✓ DO NOT snack between meals.

Exclude any rubbish. The following foods should be kept to a minimum:

✓ Cookies (any) and muffins

✓ Crispy potatoes (chips)

✓ Non-diet calorie drinks

✓ Chocolate and other sweets (sweets)

✓ Any beer and cider

By following these guidelines, you'll be able to enjoy a huge variety of delicious meals across all food categories, which means you'll be able to indulge in mouth-watering pastas, breads, desserts and, of course, a glass of wine or two.

Remember that the recipes in this book are not just for fasting days; they are perfect for your normal days too.
