3 basic exercises in one day. Five Basic Mass Gaining Exercises - Why Do They Work? Strength and single-joint exercises

The columnist for the Moscow 24 portal, fitness expert and TV presenter Eduard Kanevsky told and showed what exercises can be used to make beautiful biceps.

If a person who regularly practices in gym, will be asked to show some muscle, then he will immediately begin to roll up his sleeves, exposing his powerful hands, namely - biceps (while bending the arm as much as possible in elbow joint, straining, puffing, he will demonstrate the result of many years of work).

It is the beautiful high biceps, even if they are not very voluminous, that are " business card"Any adherent of training in the gym. Everyone loves to swing arms - from beginners to professionals, the only difference is that professionals who rely on their experience really look decent. hands, nothing really "grows".

How to pump up really beautiful, as it is also called, "high" biceps?

Firstly, especially if you are a beginner, you need to remember and apply in practice the main rule of "weight work" in the gym: the basis of your training should be the so-called heavy basic exercises: barbell and dumbbell presses, squats with a barbell, lunges, different kinds traction exercises. They are the ones that give an overall increase in muscle mass and strength. If you only do those exercises where no more than one or two muscles work, you not only will not pump beautiful hands- in principle, you will not achieve a more or less good, visible result.

Secondly, you need to do it regularly, and not from time to time. At least three times a week.

Thirdly, when working to increase muscle volume, a special diet with an emphasis on protein foods... As a rule, if you are on the path of "mass", then you need to consume up to two grams of protein per kilogram of weight per day. Ideal protein sources are fish, poultry, lean meats, seafood, sour milk, and egg whites.

Now let's move on to the exercises that help shape the "peak" of the biceps. There are three of them, and they can be used both in combination and they can complement other exercises in your training cycle.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps with an inclination of the back

One of the most "tangible" biceps exercises. When you do it for the first time, during the execution and for a few seconds after, it is felt that the biceps are reduced by such severe pain, as if they would now burst from the blood that rushed to them. And this is not surprising: in starting position your biceps experience a strong, forced stretch due to a 30-45 degree deflection. In other words, your muscles are already strongly stretched in the starting position, which means that the range of motion will be greater, which works out this muscle better.

Under this condition, the execution technique is important: lifting is not allowed humerus up (shoulder), it is strictly in an upright position, you perform flexion at the elbow joint. At the top, take a short pause, which will strengthen the contraction of the muscle, and slowly return to the starting position. You can do the exercise both alternately and simultaneously with both hands.

Important: the weight of the projectile should be such that you perform 12-15 repetitions, this is the ideal mode of work for working out the biceps without the risk of injury.

Three approaches must be followed.

Narrow grip ez-bar curl

An excellent exercise for working out the peak of the biceps. Its feature is a narrow grip and a slight twist of the hand (pronation), which enhances the emphasis in this area. It is important that you put your elbows forward a little, you can even rest them against the body, which will allow you to perform the exercise more cleanly, without swinging and throwing the bar up (cheating). But it is worth remembering: the execution technique is also important in this exercise, so choose the weight of the weights so that you can perform at least 12 repetitions and three approaches qualitatively.

Concentrated flexion

Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger's hands? His high biceps resemble the cream of a cake or the peak of a ridge - beautiful, isn't it? Arnold has always been a supporter of heavy strength training, which provides the main gain in muscle mass (including the arms, which I talked about at the beginning of the article). But it was to work out the biceps that Schwarzenegger used an exercise such as concentrated curls. True, he performed it a little differently than in our photo. Here is a classic version of this exercise.

Based on the name, it is easy to guess that your task is to perform the exercise as efficiently as possible in order to concentrate the tension precisely at the peak of the biceps. To do this, rest your elbow strictly in the middle of the thigh - during the exercise, no movement of the hand at all or assistance with the body is allowed. You bend your arm strictly at the elbow joint, pause at the top point, "at the peak of the contraction," and slowly return the dumbbell to its original position.

Also do 12-15 reps, three sets each.

There is still plenty of time before summer, and you still have the opportunity to pump up your arms to update your wardrobe with T-shirts or short-sleeved shirts.

Have a good workout!

Deltoid muscles (deltas)

  • Standing barbell presses from behind the head or from the chest
  • Stretching the bar to the chin while standing
  • Various barbell or dumbbell presses lying on the bench

Now let it be your alphabet. When drawing up split - programs, be sure to include the above exercises, depending on. You hopefully remember from previous articles that these exercises should be done first? A massive muscle group is involved in these exercises and they require tremendous concentration when performed, so it is impossible that previously exhausted muscles do not allow you to perform the base with full dedication.

Of course, the benefits of exercise will only come when the correct technique is followed. More specifically, you can avoid many injuries by following the technique. Plus, a properly performed approach also has an aesthetic appearance. It's one thing when you hang out like a sausage on a horizontal bar, it's another thing when you clearly and evenly rise up over and over again. Remember one rule: the technique must be set with light weights... It is better to take half the working weight and spend a month honing the technique than to tear your ligaments and give up training for a long time.

Let's start in order:


The bar should be in front of you. That is, to put the barbell on the racks, you need to step face forward, not back. Approach the bar, place your hands on the bar a little more shoulder-width apart. The legs should be placed about the same width as the arms, or slightly less, but not very close to each other. Sit down under the barbell, bend your lower back, chest should be protruded forward. The bar should rest on your deltas, do not use rollers on the bar. If the bar is squeezing painfully, simply move it up or down on the deltas until the inconvenience disappears.

Remove the bar from the racks with the effort of your feet. Don't take too many steps from the racks, it will only steal your energy. During the squat, the deflection in lumbar it is necessary to preserve, a rounded back is a guarantee of a lower back injury. Your knees should point strictly to the same direction as your feet. Do not lift your heels off the floor, the effort should be on the entire foot. Squat slowly, control your approach to the floor. The push, on the contrary, should be powerful and sharp. Find a point in front of you and do not take your eyes off it for a second throughout the entire approach, this will help you keep your back straight.

Barbell squats work wonders when refilled properly. Girls in the gym should definitely adopt such a basic exercise as squats.

Despite the name, feet in this exercise still not quite straight. They should still be slightly bent in knee joint... Unlike other types of traction, the bar should not be lifted off the floor, but off the racks. Adjust the height of the uprights so that your stretch allows you to keep your back straight during the bend.

Walk up to the bar with your feet as wide as your shoulders and grab the bar from the outside of your legs. The bar should touch your shin. V bent position take your pelvis back, bend your back. Lifting the bar should be done with your legs (try to push the floor with your feet). Do not fully straighten your back, keep the tension in your lower back.

Lower the bar, sliding the bar over your legs, until you feel the tension of the muscles in the back of your thighs, fix this position. Perform the traction strictly in this amplitude, maintaining the deflection in the lumbar spine. Watch your back, it should not be rounded. If you have a gym partner, have him place a straight stick along your back and make sure that your back stays straight.

Your body position is extremely important in this exercise. Lean forward (the ideal position of your torso would be parallel to the floor). The legs are bent at the knees. The grip is slightly wider than your shoulder width. Too wide a grip - a small amplitude of execution, too narrow connects the biceps. Naturally, the back should be arched and straight.

Pull the barbell down your belly so that only your lats are working. Hands should be relaxed and dangle like ropes along the body, try to work only lats... Squeeze your elbows and keep them close to your body at all times. At the top, push your shoulder blades together to help you complete the exercise.

Experiment with the width and style of the grip (forward and backward) and choose the one that will work best for your muscles.

This, at first glance, simple exercise also requires adherence to some rules when performing. Pull-ups differ only in the types of grips: direct, reverse, wide, narrow. You can also wind the horizontal bar behind your head.

Having decided on the grip, hang on the horizontal bar. Pull up on the bar to your chest, then lower down measuredly. Do not twitch, as if you are being electrocuted, and sway. If you start to rock, just quench the amplitude, otherwise your muscles will not work at full strength. Jerking jerks can severely damage your joints, which is why jerking pull-ups is a taboo.

Of course, you can do this exercise while sitting, but then the core muscles will not work. Although, for a change, you can occasionally shake a dumbbell or a barbell while sitting.

If you are working with heavy weights, it will be more advisable to secure the barbell to racks or power frame... Grab the barbell wider than shoulder width apart so that your forearms are strictly perpendicular to the floor when performing the press. Keep your legs shoulder-width apart and your back naturally straight. Having squeezed the bar up, lock for one or two seconds, then lower it to its original position.

Be extremely careful while working in this exercise, the joints of the shoulders can be very easily damaged. Avoid sudden movements, do everything smoothly without jerking.

If you do not press from the chest, but from behind the head, then do not lower the barbell to the end. At the bottom, your arms should form a right angle at the elbow joint.

In addition to the deltoid muscles, this exercise, if you take wide grip, also works on trapeziums.

So, having decided on the width of the grip, you take the bar with your palms down. The bar should touch your thighs. Push your chest forward to arch your back. Pull your elbows up through the sides. The barbell will be pulled following the elbows. You need to work only with your elbows so that the muscles of the arms do not help and do not take the load upon themselves. During execution, look directly in front of you, maintain an erect position in cervical spine and back.

Just a wonderful exercise, unfortunately not very common in gyms.

Unlike the broach, the most common exercise, almost every beginner, having come to the gym, begins to press the bar hard like crazy. But here, too, many people forget about the technique.

The bench press is performed both on a horizontally located bench and on an incline up or down (depending on the target group of the muscles being worked out). But basic technique in all presses is the same.

Lie on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and firmly fixed on the floor. Do not swing your legs, as if you decided to jog at the same time (getting out from under the barbell will not help you either). The lower back should form a natural deflection, you should not stand on the lift bridge, it pursues other goals.

Bring the shoulder blades together and fix them in this position for the duration of the entire approach. The wider the grip, the more they work pectoral muscles than he already - more triceps are connected to the work. If you are new to the gym, then you need to use a closed grip - when thumb hands are directed towards the rest.

Lower the barbell slowly, do not drop it to bounce off the chest. Focus on the middle of your chest (nipple area). You need to raise the bar with a powerful, sharp push. During the approach, do not lift the back of your head from the bench and do not twist your head.

The second most popular exercise after the bench press. How nice it is to feel the tension of the shirt in the biceps area, and it also infuriates helplessness when the back itches in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Take the starting position: back straight again, legs shoulder-width apart. The bar should be taken with a reverse grip (palms facing up), the grip width should not bring discomfort - this is a purely individual matter. Press your elbows to the body and take them slightly behind your back, so the head of the biceps will better turn into work. Bend your elbows smoothly and forcefully. Do not lift your elbows off your body, push the barbell with your feet, or lean back. Then slowly lower the barbell down. Maintain a straight back posture and a natural curve in the lumbar spine.

On the Internet, you can see that this type of push-up is harmful to the elbows. And this is absolutely true, but on one condition: if you don't give a damn about the technique. If you swing like a pendulum on the uneven bars and twitch as if you have epileptic seizures, then your elbows will definitely be "killed". If done correctly, you will only benefit from this exercise.

Sit on the uneven bars. When bending forward, the load will go on the pectoral muscles, with the upright position on the triceps. Slowly lower yourself down, you do not need to send your body into a free fall, hold for a while and rise up in a leisurely movement.

That's all, smooth movement on the uneven bars is a guarantee of safety. We have already talked about the implementation program earlier. I recommend that you familiarize yourself.

One famous athlete was asked what he loves the most. To which the answer came - French press... To the great surprise of the journalist, when asked "What do you hate the most?" the same answer was received.

There are many variations of this bench press. It is possible to do it while lying, standing, sitting, with a straight or curved neck... Since the lying technique is mainly common, it is worth paying attention to it.

Lie with a barbell on a bench. The arms should be extended in front of you, palms facing up. The elbows are shoulder-width apart and remain in this position all the way. Slowly lower the bar to your forehead, elbows do not run to the sides. Do not start the barbell behind your head, the triceps will start to work incorrectly and you will lose the motivation not to throw the barbell abruptly. With a powerful movement, straighten your arms to the starting position.

The principle of breathing in all exercises is the same - inhale in a negative phase and exhale in a positive one. Remember: power is a walking woman, she wanted to leave, she wanted to come. And the technique will forever remain with you, like a faithful wife.

You have now learned the Ten Commandments of the Basic Exercises. Remember them, and always stick to the correct technique. Now watch this video with a real workout and a breakdown of basic gym exercises for burning fat and losing weight.

In the gym, basic exercises are suitable for both gaining good muscle mass and losing weight. The principle of action of basic exercises is the same - strengthening muscles and burning fat. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, the base in the gym must be performed without fail.

On this we say goodbye to you, do not forget to subscribe to our blog and share articles with your friends on social networks. Remember the basic rule of the gym: bomb base to failure. All the best to you and every success in sports. We are waiting for your comments below.

Basic exercises- the best for beginners. And extremely important for those who continue.

[Dead link to picture]: http: //saveimg.ru/pictures/05-05-11/6c6b7f7f9f50f59c03e8ec18eb6839a9.jpg

Basic exercises. They sound trite, but the effect is colossal. Yes, yes, these are exactly the exercises that many ignore, referring to possible injuries during execution. But these exercises should be a permanent basis for your workouts.

In general, a bunch of basic exercises have now been "divorced". Each has its own group of basic exercises. And, of course, in that case, all the advisers: do this, don't do this. Now listen here - there are only three basic core exercises. Remember, this is not difficult: bench press, deadlift, squats. Here! These are the basics of the basics. Again, there are a lot of good, necessary and even partially basic exercises, but they are not fundamental. They do not have the same "magic power" as these three exercises published above. And now in detail about each.

Pure classic. Great. One of the most popular (and, of course, effective) exercises. The technique of execution is simple to disgrace: lie down on a bench (horizontal), the whole body fits snugly against the bench (the lower back can be slightly bent), the feet stand firmly on the floor. We take a barbell with a grip width one and a half times the width of the shoulders. Smoothly lower the barbell to the chest (nipple area) and raise it at a slightly higher speed than it was lowered. Inhale - lower, exhale - raise. During the exercise, try to remain in the same position in which the exercise began. If the weights are dubious (heavy) for you - ask to insure you during execution.


The first thing I earnestly ask you to do is warm up before the deadlift. You always need to warm up, but if in some exercises, ignoring the warm-up, nothing very unpleasant happens, then it can happen during the deadlift. And it will hurt. Remember to warm up. The technique itself: feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight (not arching or stooping - just straight), legs, if desired, can be slightly bent at the knees. The grip is at your discretion, it can be shoulder-width apart, it can be wider. So, you are standing in a competent stance, with a firmly, and most importantly, correctly grasped barbell. Slowly start lowering the barbell to your feet (to make it easier, you can gently slide the barbell down your legs). Keep your back in the starting position, i.e. smooth. If you can't keep your back straight, that's bad, make the barbell weights less. Without bringing the barbell to the floor, start lifting it using the same system as you lowered it - you will find yourself in the starting position.


Correct posture is very important in squats. It is not difficult, but you must always control yourself. Let's start. Don't take too much weight! If you break your back, you will lose interest not only in training, but even in exercises. Feet shoulder width apart, socks "look" a little to the sides. Stand under the barbell (yes, it should be on the rack) and place it on the trapezius muscles. In no case on the neck! The grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. Carefully remove the bar from the rack and move away from it. You are in the starting position. Keep your back straight, look forward and begin to squat slowly. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair, i.e. when performing, the buttocks should move backward. The torso, at this time, should move forward a little. When your hips are parallel to the floor, start lifting until you are in the starting position. Do not lift your heels off the floor during exercise!

Well, now a couple of other nuances:

1) each of the basic exercises is enough to do once a week;
2) theory is theory, but practice is more important: if you are just starting to do basic exercises, ask a trainer or experienced guys to look at your execution technique;
3) remember, these three exercises are the basics, the secondary muscles grow in proportion to the primary ones, in other words, you cannot pump up any particular muscle group, ignoring the basic muscles.

An athletic body starts with basic exercises. Such workouts help build muscle mass and create a foundation, which is then polished to get the muscular skeleton, like that of the best bodybuilders.

In this article, you'll find tons of tips and useful information about basic gym exercises to build muscle.

Base for mass gain

To start the growth of muscle tissue volumes, they are comprehensively loaded. For this, basic exercises are intended, which are also called multi-joint exercises, since two or more joints are involved. They are aimed at stressing not one muscle, but the whole group. Trainings are carried out with large weights.

Basic exercises:

  1. Muscle mass grows and fat is burned.
  2. Appetite increases, which is beneficial for ectomorphs - people with a thin physique and thin bones.
  3. The symmetry of the muscles is improved.
  4. The connection between the muscles and the brain is strengthened.

In a scientific experiment involving forty men, it was found that a set of muscle mass comes more from hormones, in particular, testosterone, and not from physical effort. At physical activity hormonal release occurs. How more muscle loaded at a time, the more hormones are produced. The effect is enhanced by the inclusion of the respiratory and central nervous system in the work.

The proportion of the muscles of the back and legs reaches 80% in total mass... Therefore, those who want to pump up the body pay attention, first of all, to these groups. By developing them, the athlete develops the rest of the muscles.

Main basic exercises

Here is a list of the basic basic exercises a beginner needs to build a muscle base. After a year, body relief can be improved with isolated exercises.- those that work out one muscle group.

From the video, you will learn how to properly perform the bench press, squat and deadlift, as well as how to get the most out of them:

Classic deadlift

never do deadlifts without an athletic belt

This exercise develops the core muscles better than others, since it involves the most muscles in the work:

  • the main ones are the four-headed femoral, gluteus maximus, back extensors;
  • additional - femoral biceps, semi-membranous, trapezoidal, semi-tendinous.

Deadlift is performed in 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. Roughly the starting weight for men is up to 40 kg, for women - up to 20 kg. "Own" weight is calculated so that the athlete lifts it with a straight back. If there is a curvature, roundness, then in the future there will be diseases of the spine.

For injuries or back pain, deadlift is not included in the program immediately. The first two months are done. The same exercise in 3 sets is performed before the deadlift.


barbell squats will help you build extra pounds in your biceps

This exercise is popular not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports, rehabilitation programs and in preparing an athlete for competition. Combined with pullovers, stretches chest, increases the volume and ventilation of the lungs.

Working muscles:

  • main - quadriceps, gluteus maximus, soleus;
  • additionally - hamstrings, calves, extensors.

If the technique is poorly mastered or the equipment is not configured, the exercise is traumatic, knees and ridge suffer.

When working with large weights, use elastic bandages on the knees and wrist joints, belt.

By changing the width of the grip, the athlete shifts the emphasis to the desired muscle group.

When performing a bench press, the following rules are observed:

  • at great weight use only a closed grip;
  • the barbell should be fed from the racks by an assistant;
  • do not allow the lumbar to bend upwards.

Tunic pull-ups

the chin is raised when performing the exercise

They make the body more prominent, drier. Muscles work:

  • main - wide back, trapezoidal,;
  • additionally - flexors, extensors of the forearms, midsection, deltoid.

Depending on the width and direction of the grip, the following are worked out muscle groups:

  • straight-, extensors of the forearm;
  • middle reverse- biceps, wide dorsal (preferable for beginners);
  • straight narrow- toothed, lats dorsal in the lower part, shoulders;
  • narrow reverse- biceps, lats;
  • wide- the widest dorsal in the upper part, paired round, trapezoidal;
  • wide behind the head- paired round, middle lats, trapezoidal.

The last two options are for experienced athletes only.

Bench press standing

do not relax the muscles of the back and abs, otherwise there is a high risk of injury

Such a bench press is also called an army press and is considered one of the best for,. Previously, it was included in the program Olympic Games weightlifting to test upper body strength. The main working muscles are deltoid, top part, triceps.

With a change in the grip width, the load moves:

  • narrow- anterior deltoid, clavicular part of the pectoral muscle, long head triceps;
  • wide- the front and middle parts of the deltoid muscles, the upper part of the pectorals.

The army press is also performed with dumbbells.

The optimal training frequency is 3-4 times a week, the duration is up to 60-90 minutes. Break between sets - 2-3 minutes.

In the first year of training, the training program does not contain isolated exercise- master the "base". Start classes with minimum loads, the intensity is increased gradually. In the early stages, correct technique is important, not weight.

So that the body does not get used to it, the loads periodically increase- change the working weight, the number of repetitions, reduce the break between sets.

Important correct diet, adherence to diet, water balance. Overeating is not allowed.

The rules for gaining muscle mass:

It seems like an unattainable dream of getting a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Priest, and other bodybuilders. But once you study the success story of Martin Ford, the obvious is revealed: the goal will be achieved if efforts are made to achieve it.

There are countless different barbell, dumbbell and machine strength exercises in bodybuilding - however, only a few are basic and all are secondary. In order to train effectively and, you must first of all learn the technique of these particular basic exercises.

The key difference between basic strength exercises is that they are multi-joint and load all large muscle groups of the body at once - as opposed to isolating ones, which work only on one muscle group (for example, biceps or abs). In addition, basic exercises are most often performed with a barbell.

Mass Gaining Exercises

Scientific research shows that the more different muscle groups are simultaneously involved in a certain strength exercise, the more actively that exercise affects the body's production of growth hormone and other anabolic hormones that the body needs for muscle growth and mass gain (1).

In other words, if you really want to gain muscle mass, you have to approach your body training in a comprehensive manner, and not just "swing biceps" or "swing chest". A beginner who has learned how to perform basic exercises correctly is quite capable of increasing body weight by 5-7 kg in the first months.

Multi-joint basic exercises

When performing multi-joint basic exercises with heavy weights, the entire body of the athlete is subjected to stress. In addition to the muscles of the arms, body and legs, the respiratory and even the central nervous system are included in the work - this is what provides a significant hormonal response, leading, ultimately, to muscle growth.

is the number one basic exercise for the core muscles. If you only do it and give up any others, you will still see the result in the form of mass gain, since it is the deadlift that engages in the work. maximum amount muscles.

2. Squats

- a basic exercise for the development of leg muscles, starting from gluteal muscles and quads of the thighs and ending with the calves. At correct technique the spine and abdominal muscles are also included in the work, forming a steel press.

3. Bench press

is a key exercise for the development of the muscles of the chest, triceps and the front of the deltoid muscles. Depending on the angle of inclination of the bench and the width of the arms on the barbell, it is possible to include in the work of various bundles of the pectoral muscle.

is a basic exercise for developing the muscles of the back and giving it visual width. When done correctly, the deltas, pectoral muscles, forearms and numerous muscles of the hand-holders are also included in the work.

(also called " army press») Develops shoulder girdle, deltoid muscles, arms, improves posture and strengthens the muscles abdominal... It is this basic exercise that forms the classic sports figure with broad shoulders.

Pros of Basic Exercises for Muscle Growth

The main benefit of basic exercises is the simultaneous growth of muscle and fat burning. The reason is that basic exercises require an increased expenditure from the body. nutrients... During strength training, it is actively used, and after the end of the training, recovery processes are launched that burn fat.

With regular training using basic exercises, metabolism gradually increases, leading to an increase in appetite - which, again, is necessary for gaining muscle mass, since without additional calories, muscles simply will not grow. Especially important role this is played by having problems with weight gain.

Building an athletic physique

Technically correct execution basic exercises have a positive effect on the symmetry of muscle development. As a result of training basic program not just a pumped-up, but a powerful and athletic physique is formed. In addition, basic exercises have a positive effect.

Most beginners are unable to exert willpower on a specific muscle (let alone consciously engage that muscle during training), which suggests a weak neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles. Performing heavy basic exercises can improve this connection, increasing the effectiveness of the training.

Cons of basic exercises

The main disadvantage of basic exercises is that they really require perfect knowledge of the correct technique. Performing these exercises with a lot of weight significantly increases the risk of injury even with the smallest mistakes - which is why it is best to learn the correct technique for these exercises with.

In addition, many beginners tend to progress too quickly, unnecessarily increasing their working weight and doing more frequent power training than their body needs. It must be remembered that basic workout must be executed. Otherwise, chronic overtraining will result.


The most important for gaining muscle mass are multi-joint basic exercises, which increase testosterone and other hormones through a complex effect on the body and the central nervous system... Five of these exercises are highlighted in the basic group - deadlift, squats, bench press, standing barbell press and deadlift.

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