Surrender to physical contractors. What are the physical standards for Russian military personnel

No one has canceled military service, so if you, a young man, are going to repay your homeland, then this article is for you. This time we will analyze such a question as the Physical Standards for military personnel under a 2018 contract by category. Why is it so important? Yes, if only because the army is a school of life for a man, which means that physical activity there will be notable. You can download the table of physical education standards for military personnel at the end of the article. Well, now let's go in order.

As you know, physical activity is really serious in the army, and it doesn’t matter in which troops you have to serve. So the standards for 2018 provided by our specialists are a kind of cheat sheet, thanks to which a potential soldier can prepare himself for service.

Mandatory physical standards for contract service for the current year

As many should know, people in the age category from 19 to 35 years old on the territory of the Russian Federation enter the army. Plus, the candidate must have a secondary education or higher education, as well as professional suitability of the first or second category. Quite often, candidates with the third category pass, when the military registration and enlistment office does not recruit the required number of fighters.

Health is a separate issue. If the contractor is of the first category, then everything is in order. If the second or third, some restrictions and reservations will come into play, which will not interfere with the contract service.

Let's say there are no health problems. A potential soldier is sent along with all the necessary documents to the military enlistment office by registration, or to a certain selection point. Initially, a special conversation will be held with the young man to identify the knowledge and abilities of the candidate, as well as in which troops he would prefer to serve in the army. Further, the procedure for passing commissions is already distributed in stages, after which the young man passes the standards.

So, all the commissions have been passed and the standards have been passed. After three working days, the candidate is informed whether he is fit to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation or not. with regard to the standards physical education, this is a mandatory requirement, but there is a caveat: the candidate has the right to independently choose what he will take.

There are several categories for passing standards. We are talking about exercises for strength, speed and endurance. Do not forget that factors of the age category and, of course, the gender of the candidate are also taken into account.

Let's see what exercises are offered:

  1. Male candidate up to 30 years old: push-ups - 45 times; pull-ups - 10 times; running 60 m in 9.8 sec; running 100 m in 15.1 sec; shuttle run 10x10 in 28.5 sec. Endurance test: run 3 km 14.4 min; running 1 km - 4.2 min; skiing 5 km – 28 min.
  2. Male candidate over 30 years old: push-ups - 40 times; pull-ups - 8 times; running 60 m in 10 sec; running 100 m in 15.8 sec; shuttle run 10x10 for 29.5 sec. Endurance test: 3 km run 0 15.15 min; running 1 km - 4.45 min; skiing 5 km – 29 min.
  3. Female candidate up to 25 years old: push-ups - 12 times; press (tilts of the body) - 25 times; running 60 m - in 12.9 seconds; without 100 m in 19.5 sec; shuttle run 10x10 for 38 sec. Endurance test: 1 km run - 5.2 min.
  4. Female candidate over 25 years old: push-ups - 10 times; press (tilts of the body) - 20 times; running 60 m - in 13.9 seconds; without 100 m in 20.5 sec; shuttle run 10x10 for 38 sec. Endurance test: 1 km run - 5.45 min.

You can download the table of physical standards for military personnel under contract 2018 by category in Word format, .

Questions and answers

What are the standards of the FIZO for tactical and special training of the intelligence officer of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

The question is rather difficult, since we are talking on the penitentiary system and its paramilitary elements. These guys tend to work in the most extreme conditions, and therefore they are prepared, taught to act skillfully, quickly respond to any situation. This does not apply to ordinary military personnel, since in the special tactical training, employees are trained to perform combat missions under emergency circumstances, and it does not matter if this is a time of peace or martial law has been introduced.

Physical training is an academic discipline, which is considered to be the main component of the share of the general culture and, of course, the professional training of military personnel. In order to significantly increase the performance of your own physical training, and at the same time, in order to successfully complete the operational and service goals assigned to them, military personnel are required to regularly conduct training in culture and physical fitness, as well as actively participate in various sports training, competitions and, of course, recreational and physical activities.

For the successful passing of standards, it is customary to divide military personnel into different age categories. This is done in order to correctly assess the capabilities of each individual person and not equate everyone to one single template. It is believed that the military, belonging to the same age group, should be approximately at the same level in terms of training.

For the people passing military service, and for both males and females, there is a division into age categories, according to which they subsequently pass the standards.

The age groups of military personnel - for both men and women - are as follows:

  1. Men and women under 25 years of age.
  2. Men and women under 30 years of age.
  3. Men and women under 35 years of age.
  4. Men and women under 40 years of age.
  5. Men and women under 45 years of age.
  6. Men - no older than 50 years, women - 45 years.
  7. Men are under 50 years of age. There is no category for women.
  8. Men - 55 and older. There is no category for women.

Military personnel who were not allowed to participate in physical education classes by a doctor, as well as those who belong to the group of therapeutic physical training, are not usually involved in passing physical training standards. Women who are 40 or more years old are never involved in this occupation.

Tasks for the physical training of the military

The process of conducting physical education training, among other things, also involves the development of the most important physical qualities for military personnel and their abilities. This takes into account the type of activity of all military personnel, as well as the characteristics of the demographic and social directions in which they act. The main goal of conducting physical training classes for military personnel, both contract soldiers and conscripts, is to ensure a decent and required level of training for each of the soldiers to fulfill the combat missions assigned to him and other things.

Physical training tasks include:

  • self-improvement, as well as a special build-up of physical qualities, such as endurance, strength, training in agility and speed. This takes into account the age groups, which include different groups military personnel;
  • improving professional skiing or walking skills in rough terrain;
  • development of professional skills in order to overcome obstacles, both natural and artificial;
  • development of professional skills in hand-to-hand combat and military-applied swimming.

The need for physical training of soldiers

The physical training program for soldiers is not just a whim of the Department of Defense, it is a necessity that can help in combat, non-standard situations, as well as in many life issues. And this is all because physical training leads to:

  • increasing the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors that surrounds it;
  • normalization of psychological stability;
  • strengthening moral and volitional qualities;
  • creating readiness to endure both physical and moral hardships at the highest level;
  • a significant increase in military-special readiness;
  • improving the coherence of entire departments for further joint work of a separate group.

In accordance with an order issued on April 21, 2009 by the Russian defense department, contract servicemen who have not met the above standards must improve their physical skills to the required level over the next five months. If, after this period, the serviceman still has not passed the standard, his person is discussed at a special certification commission.

All data regarding the level of physical fitness of a person are entered in his performance characteristics indicating that age group to which it belongs.

To check their physical fitness, regardless of age group, those servicemen who have some health problems, confirmed by an aggravated medical certificate, cannot be admitted. Those persons, regardless of age group, who have recently suffered injuries or acute illnesses, as well as military personnel who are undergoing dispensary treatment, are also not allowed.

Soldiers serving on military contracts and undergoing treatment demonstrate their physical fitness skills shortly after the end of treatment. If the treatment failed positive results, then at the end of it, the military personnel are sent to undergo a military medical commission, which can last up to a year. According to the results of the commission, the military is assigned one of the following categories:

  • category "B". It is understood that the soldier is fit for military service, but with minor restrictions;
  • category "B". In this case, the military is suitable, but limited.

In the case of assigning category "B" to such a serviceman, the head of the military medical service needs to develop a special program, thanks to which the patient should improve his health. The doctor sends the appropriate recommendations to the immediate superior of the serviceman, who must monitor their strict implementation.

Also, female military personnel are not allowed to conduct any physical training, regardless of their age groups, in a state of pregnancy, and also according to the conclusion issued by medical specialists. Pregnant military women are not allowed in any case, even if they themselves declare their sufficient physical fitness.

And cadets and ordinary students of various military educational institutions who are being treated in an outpatient clinic or being treated in a dispensary, and therefore need to be released from various physical activity, are still involved in physical training classes to receive special methodological practice.

The preparation of all medical support, as well as a fully educational material base and some other types of equipment for military personnel, lies on the shoulders of the commander of the very base on which this check is directly carried out. V without fail specialists of the medical service are involved in carrying out a practical check of military personnel.

Immediately after the schedule for the physical fitness test of military personnel of each age group is approved, the chairman of the above commission independently instructs all referee teams. They are made up of military physical training specialists. In turn, the military begin physical preparation for testing.

Managing the level of physical fitness of military people includes a special guide, which implies:

  • making and developing decisions;
  • setting military tasks with their further execution;
  • organization of interaction between various departments;
  • controlling the entire process of fulfilling the assigned military tasks;
  • analysis of the obtained results;
  • summarizing.
  • Age - 19-35 years old according to the rules established by the Ministry of Defense
  • Education - not lower than secondary (complete) general
  • Physical fitness

Delivery of standards in accordance with the requirements of NFP-2009. Physical fitness is checked according to the established standards for strength, speed and endurance, the choice of one of the exercises for each physical quality.

  • Professional readiness

Citizens who have completed military service by conscription or contract

  • suitability
  • Health

– fit for military service (Group A)
– fit for military service with minor restrictions (Group B)

Algorithm for selecting candidates for military service under a contract

A citizen who has expressed a desire to perform military service under a contract applies at the place of registration through the department of the military commissariat of the subject Russian Federation in the municipality, or directly to the point of selection for military service under the contract.

The officials of the selection point conduct a military-professional consultation of the candidate. Depending on his level of education, work experience (service), military positions are determined, in which it is possible to serve under a contract. The procedure for passing the qualifying events, the list of documents necessary for the formation of a personal file is brought. After that, a recommendation is issued to the department of the military commissariat to consider a candidate for military service under a contract in the form (type of service) of the Armed Forces he has chosen, and the candidate is sent to the department of the military commissariat at the place of registration.

In the department of the military commissariat, the candidate submits an application. The head of the department of the military commissariat reviews the accepted application and gives appropriate instructions on conducting a preliminary medical examination, professional psychological selection measures, checking the level of education, professional and physical training. In the future, there is an opportunity to engage in. Along with the application, the candidate presents a document proving his identity and citizenship, and submits a full package of documents.

After the candidate has passed the selection events, the head of the station requests that the candidate be considered by the commission of the military commissariat for the selection of candidates entering the military service under the contract. The commission's decision (an extract from the protocol) is communicated to the candidate and the selection point within three days. If a candidate entering military service under a contract does not have a personal number, the military commissariat issues a personal number in the prescribed manner.

For citizens entering military service for the first time under a contract, the military commissariat issues military tickets on the basis of the relations of the commanders of military units and after passing the qualifying events. This relationship is the basis for issuing a military ID and assigning a personal number, it is sewn into the case for accounting and issuing forms of strict accountability.

If the commission recognizes a candidate as meeting the requirements established for those entering the military service under a contract, on the basis of an extract from the protocol, the selection point works out materials for the preparation of a draft order of the Minister of Defense on concluding a contract and submits them to the personnel department, namely:
- submission to the conclusion of the first (next) contract with the candidate and appointment to a position (at the disposal of the commander of the military unit) in the training military unit;
- a draft order on concluding the first (next) contract with the candidate and appointing him to a position (at the disposal of the commander of the military unit) in the training military unit (in printed form, certified by the seal of the head of the selection point and on electronic media).

If a citizen entering military service under a contract is selected to fill a military position, for which official duties include working with information constituting a state secret, the selection point prepares and sends to the military commissariat a draft of the materials necessary for obtaining admission to state secrets in the appropriate form.

After the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is issued, an extract from the order is sent by the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to the personnel department of the military district. The personnel department of the military district brings the extract to the selection point and to the training military unit. Upon receipt of the extract, the head of the selection point calls the candidate to sign the contract (unilaterally) and hand over an extract from the order, followed by sending it through the military commissariat to the training military unit. The military commissariat issues an order, if necessary, military transportation documents are issued. An extract from the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation received by the department of the military commissariat is the basis for removing a citizen who is in reserve from military registration.

The personal file of the candidate selected for military service under the contract and the contract for military service no later than three days from the date of its signing by the candidate are sent by the selection point to the training military unit to which the candidate is sent to undergo training under the intensive combined arms training program with " course of survival. The commander of the training military unit examines the personal files of candidates, organizes control over their arrival at the military unit and concludes contracts with them for military service. Reports the number of applicants to the personnel department of the district. At the same time, candidates intended to fill positions for which, in accordance with the nomenclature of positions, access to state secrets is provided, give written obligations to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

In the course of passing the “survival course”, the command of the training military unit conducts a study of the serviceman to identify his predisposition to a particular military specialty, as well as whether he has the leadership qualities necessary for commanding personnel. After passing the “survival course”, the serviceman is sent for further military service under a contract to the military unit chosen by him during the selection process, for which personnel body two weeks before the end of the “survival course”, a draft order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on appointment to a military position is sent to the personnel department of the district. This takes into account the existence of relations between the commanders of military units issued to candidates during the period of their selection for military service under the contract.

Upon receipt of extracts from the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the completion of the "survival course" and appointment to a position in a military unit, the serviceman is issued an order to leave for the specified unit, and his personal file is sent to the commander of the military unit in accordance with the established procedure.
The commander of the training military unit sends a notification to the head of the selection point about the successful passage by the military personnel selected by the selection point of the “survival course” and sending him to the military unit for further service, or about his expulsion from the courses and sending him to his place of residence for military registration .

Requirements for the physical fitness of citizens entering military service under a contract (NFP-2009, art. 260)

Citizens entering military service under a contract have the right to choose to perform one of the exercises for each physical quality (strength, speed, endurance).

* 60m Run Standards for High School Students - Grade 9

The criteria for selecting candidates for military service are quite strict, especially physical health, since during the passage of this service you will have to face heavy loads, regardless of the type of troops. In order to have more chances to successfully pass the tests, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the existing standards in advance, and for this it makes sense to use the services of our consultants who will prompt all questions of interest related to this topic.

What you need to know about the physical standards required for contract military service in 2018?

In addition to the level of physical fitness, a candidate for service must fall within the age limit of 19 to 35 years old, have at least a secondary education, as for professional suitability, it is necessary to have the first or second category, although if there are no suitable candidates, then they will come into view and people with a third category.

With regard to health, all employees will be divided into two groups: the first will not have any problems or contraindications, and the second will have minor restrictions that allow them to serve under a contract, with some reservations.

And if everything is in order with health, only then you can apply to the local military commissariat or to the appropriate selection point. The first step is to conduct a consultative conversation to identify abilities and predispositions for a particular type of troops, after which the procedure for passing all commissions, including the delivery of standards, will be determined, in addition, the list of necessary documents will be clarified, but all this happens only after submission candidate's statements.

When all the necessary commissions are passed, within three days the candidate will find out whether he passed the service or not. The standards affecting the physical training of a potential soldier are mandatory for delivery, but the candidate is given the opportunity to choose what exactly he will take.

The rules themselves fall into several categories. There are exercises for strength training, for testing speed and for endurance, in addition, there are divisions by age and gender. The exercises themselves look like this:

1. For men under 30, you need to push up 45 times, and pull yourself up 10 times, run 60 meters in 9.8 seconds, 100 meters in 15.1 seconds, and a 10 by 10 shuttle run in 28.5 seconds. Endurance exercises: 3 km run - 14.40 minutes, 1 km run - 4.20 minutes, cross-country skiing (5 km) - 28 minutes.

2. For men who are over 30 years old, you need to push up 40 times, and pull up 8 times, run 60 meters in 10 seconds, 100 meters in 15.8 seconds, and a 10 by 10 shuttle run in 29.5 seconds. Endurance exercises: 3 km run - 15.15 minutes, 1 km run - 4.45 minutes, cross-country skiing (5 km) - 29 minutes.

3. For women under 25, you need to do push-ups 12 times, and lean forward 25 times, run 60 meters in 12.9 seconds, 100 meters in 19.5 seconds, and a 10 by 10 shuttle run in 38 seconds. Endurance exercises: 1 km run - 5.20 minutes.

4. For women over 25, you need to push up 10 times, and lean forward 20 times, run 60 meters in 13.9 seconds, 100 meters in 20.5 seconds, and a 10 by 10 shuttle run in 39 seconds. Endurance exercises: 1 km run - 5.45 minutes.

The Russian army is provided the latest technology that does not require large strength training However, an indispensable condition for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces remains the physical training of employees. Indicators of human endurance are used in the selection of military personnel, including the practice of performing physical training tasks.

  • contractors;
  • urgent service;
  • specialized structures;
  • students of higher educational institutions;
  • officers and ensigns.

Considering that today a large number of female representatives serve in the ranks of the Russian army, and not only at work at the headquarters or dealing with technical issues, but also in combat units, there are standards for assessing physical endurance based on their age group. By the way, for applicants of specialized Universities, the fulfillment of the established loads is also provided.

Requirements for active duty employees

Based on the results of the physical training assessment, the soldiers are assigned to the places where combat missions are performed. They are given 2 weeks to demonstrate the following indicators:

  • pull up on the crossbar at least 10 times;
  • push up to 45 times;
  • 100m run in 15 seconds;
  • 3 km cross in 14 minutes.

Such norms are also established for the military, carrying out activities under the contract, not older than 30 years of age. The decisive factor should be the assessment of endurance, carried out in favorable weather conditions. If the weather does not allow this requirement to be met, then the tests are scheduled in a closed building.

When developing military training standards, the general development of today's youth, which is characterized by hypodynamism and an immobile lifestyle, was taken into account. They lead to rapid fatigue of the body, therefore, when carrying out verification measures, it is necessary to take this into account in order to stop performing tasks in time and prevent a person from becoming seriously ill.

Indicators for the military undergoing contract service

Requirements for employees who have concluded a contract are aimed at high level training in vocational and physical plane in comparison with conscripts, but at the same time they are divided by age, since for this period the place of work is the service at the place of deployment of parts, and the performance of duties inevitably leads to significant physical costs. For applicants for signing such a contract, standards are provided in the field of psychology, as well as in a professional plan, helping to determine the level of suitability of the candidate for performance official duties. So, for males under the age of 30, the standards apply, as well as for conscripts. For those who are over 30 years old, you need to complete:

  • spin 40 times;
  • pulling up on the horizontal bar at least 8 times;
  • running 100 meters in 16 seconds, and 3 km in 15 minutes.

However, these indicators are standard, and are not applicable to all military personnel. There are structures in which the level of physical endurance is provided for much higher. To determine the capabilities of the candidate, an assessment is carried out physical fitness to identify where the army team should be sent for further service. These are the groups:

  1. Reconnaissance and assault units, Air Force, special structures.
  2. Parts of the combat supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, radio troops.
  3. MTO, MO, sub- and surface departments.

Regulations for female military

Employment for service under a contract is provided for women who have reached the age of 19, but not older than 35. They have their own requirements.

Control over the medical condition during the physical endurance test is carried out by an authorized medical worker, who must be at the place of testing, measure arterial pressure and heart rate.

The intensity of the workout should be determined taking into account the rhythm of the pulse, and is divided for female employees in the following order:

Pulse rate (beats/min)
1 2 3 4 5
MinimumUp to 125Up to 120Up to 115Up to 110Up to 105
Medium126-145 121-140 116-135 110-130 106-125
high146-170 141-165 136-155 131-145 126-135
MaximumOver 171Over 166Over 156Over 146Over 136

Performing an Endurance Test on a Soldier

The results of the tests are subject to assessment in points, which are awarded on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2009 No. 200, Appendix 15, which contains a table of points for performing physical training exercises for military women.

The level of endurance of employees is assessed in the implementation of various complex tasks. They include tasks for endurance, speed, agility and other applied professional skills. Their number and a complete list is contained in the training standards. When performing tasks, only those that are defined in the list are assigned, taking into account the duties performed and the place where they are held.

For example, newly employed people overcome various running distances, pull themselves up and swim. The results shown are evaluated on the basis of a scoring table on a scale of 100 units. The mark "excellent" is affixed when completing tasks for 75 points and above, "good" - from 60, and "satisfactory" - from 35.

If the fulfilled norms cannot be measured in numerical terms, then the assessment can be carried out on other grounds:

  • "excellent" - the task was performed in accordance with its description, without errors, easily and with confidence;
  • "good" - when performing the exercise, all the requirements were met, but minor mistakes were made (insufficient frequency of movements, slight bending of the limbs, performing elements using force with a small swing or boost, touching the projectile without losing pace);
  • "satisfactory" - the task was performed uncertainly with significant shortcomings, but in accordance with the description;
  • "unsatisfactory" - non-fulfillment of indicators or their distortion.

According to the results of annual inspections, military personnel are recertified and their rotation to other duty stations is possible.

Features of training for military women

The physiological characteristics of the body of female employees make it possible to establish minimum loads in a certain period, which they must fulfill. Basically, physical training for women is of a general strengthening and comprehensive nature, and is not associated with the training of certain muscle groups or the development of skills for conducting combat operations in direct contact with enemy units.

For this reason, programming to maintain this category of military in excellent physical form is made, taking into account the specifics of the unit and the type of military formation in which it serves. At the same time, in the complex power load includes tasks from the guidelines for physical training, as well as individual exercises that include jumping rope and long jumps, squats and various acrobatic movements.

Physio table for military women

The volume of loads is distributed by age, and takes into account physiological features this category of employees.

ExercisesAge categories
1 2 3 4 5
Swimming in km2,4 2,1 1,8 1,5 1,2
Ski marathon in km28 25 22 18 15
Cross in km22 20 18 16 14
Tilt the body forward from a prone position, number of times500 400 300 200 100

The efforts directed by the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to maintain the physical fitness of their employees make it possible to maintain a high degree of combat capability and strength endurance personnel. Thanks to this, today the Russian army forms a formidable competition to the strongest armed forces in the world and ensures the balance of forces in the event of the threat of attack by other states.
