Bag running game description. Sports relay races for children

The players of each team take turns covering the distance, at any moment the leader can give a signal (whistle), the players must take the position of the lying support, as in push-ups. If the signal is repeated, the relay continues.

Relay "Difficult burden"

Participants are divided into teams of two. Each pair of players receives two sticks up to 50 centimeters long and a plank 70-75 centimeters long with a flag attached to it. When standing nearby, players keep their sticks facing forward. A plate is placed on the ends of the sticks. In this form, by joint efforts, they must carry their burden to a conventional place and return back. If the board falls, the players stop, pick it up and then continue on their way. Whoever completes the task faster, that pair of players is considered the winner.

Passage of the swamp

Each team is given 2 hoops. With their help it is necessary to overcome the "swamp". Groups of three. At the signal, one of the members of the first group throws the hoop on the ground, all three players jump into it. They throw the second hoop at such a distance from the first that they can jump into it, and then, without leaving the space of the second hoop, reach out to the first with their hand. So, making jumps and throwing the hoops, the group gets to the turning mark. Back to the start line, you can go back along the "bridge", that is, just roll the hoops on the ground. And at the start line, the hoops are transferred to the next three. It is strictly forbidden to step outside the hoop - you can "drown".

Relay "Challenge Players"

The players are divided into 2 teams and stand in a column one by one. Team players are settled in numerical order. The manager calls the number. For example: 1, then 5, and so on. The summoned players run to the set place, there they run around the rack (object) and come back. The first team to return receives a point. The team with the most points wins.

Relay "Running in bags"

Children are built in two columns, the distance between the columns is 3 steps. Holding the bags with their hands near the belt, they jump to the designated place (flag, stick, or other object). Having run around it, the children return to their columns, get out of the bags, and pass them on to the next. This continues until all the children run through the bags. The winner is the team whose players complete the task faster.

Relay "Bring a piece of paper"

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can from a notebook) Players are divided into two teams, which are built in parallel to one another. The first player of each team is placed on the palm of a piece of paper. During the game, the sheet should lie in the palm of its own accord - it should not be held in any way. The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it on your palm and continue your journey. Having reached his team, the player must quickly transfer the leaf to the right palm of the next comrade in line, who immediately runs forward. Meanwhile, the first one stands at the end of the row. This continues until the turn comes to the first. The winner is the team that completed the task faster.

Relay "Stubborn Egg"

Form teams of 6 people each. Divide the teams into pairs. The task of the couple is to carry the egg between their foreheads to the indicated marker and back. After that, the egg is transferred to the next pair. Competitors may only support the egg with their hands outside the starting line. The fall of the egg means the team is out of the fight. The winner is the team that is the fastest to cope with this task.

Relay "Run on the clouds"

For this game, you need five representatives from each team. Place the participants in a row and tie two inflated balloons (4 balloons per person) to the right and left legs of each participant. On command, the first participants set off on the road - their task is to run to the end of the distance marker and return back, passing the baton to the next member of their team. Each ball that is burst is worth one penalty point to the team.

Relay "Jumpers"

Children are divided into two teams and are lined up in columns one after the other. Following the signal from the leader, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with two feet from a place. The first one jumps, the second one stays in the place to which the first one jumped, and jumps further. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumped further wins.

Relay "Pass the ball"

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are lined up one after the other in a column. The first participants hold the ball in their hands. At the signal from the leader, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one behind, over his head. The last in the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, stands up first and passes the ball to the next one behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The first team to finish the game wins.

Relay "Air Kangaroos"

Divide the participants into teams and ask the participants to stand behind each other. Give each team balloon... The first participant squeezes the balloon between his knees and, like a kangaroo, jumps with it to the end of the distance marker. Returning back in the same way, he passes the ball to the next player, and so on. The winner is the team whose players finish the relay first.

Relay "Climb through the hoops"

All players are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one by one. At a distance of 3 and 5 meters opposite each column, two hoops lie one after the other, and a ball at a distance of 7 meters. Following the leader's signal, the first players of each team run to the first hoop, stop in front of it, take it with both hands, raise it above their head, put the hoop on themselves, squat down, put the hoop on the floor, run to the second hoop, stand in the center of it, take it with their hands , raised above your head and lowered to the floor. After that, the players run around the ball and return to their place. The next child continues the game. The team that completed the task first wins.

Relay "Through the skipping ropes"

The players are divided into two teams, each of which is divided into pairs. The couples of each team become columns 3-4 steps apart and hold short skipping ropes by the ends at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from the floor. At the signal from the leader, the first pair quickly puts the rope on the ground and both players run (one to the left, the other to the right) to the end of their column, and then successively jump over the ropes of all pairs standing in the column. Having reached their places, both players stop and again take their rope by the ends. As soon as the first rope is lifted off the ground, the second pair puts down their rope, jumps over the first rope, runs past the column to its end, and jumps over the rope to its place. Then the third pair comes into play, and so on. The winner is the team whose players finish the relay earlier.

Baba Yaga

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. He holds the bucket by the handle with one hand and the mop in the other. In this position, it is necessary to go the entire distance and pass the stupa and broom to the next participant.

Potatoes in a spoon

It is necessary to run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a large potato in outstretched hand. They run in turns. Running time is timed. If the potato falls, they put it back and continue running. You can't run without potatoes! The one who has shown wins the best time... The team competition is even more exciting.

Get in the basket

The participants are divided into two teams. Two baskets are placed at an equal distance from them. Each team is given a big ball. Participants, in turn, begin to throw the ball into the basket. The team with the most hits in the basket wins.

Bicycle racing

The bike in this relay will replace gymnastic stick... The stick must be saddled by two participants at once. They are cyclists. Each cycling duo, holding a stick between their legs, has to reach the turning mark and back. The fastest win.

Changing seats with gymnastic sticks

Players of 2 teams line up against each other at a distance of 2 meters. Each player supports a gymnastic stick with his hand (covering it with his palm on top), placed vertically on the floor behind the marked line. At the signal, the players of each pair (participants facing each other make up pairs) must change places. In this case, the player must pick up his partner's stick so that it does not fall (everyone leaves his stick in place). If any player's stick falls, his team receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Relay with sticks and jumping

The players are divided into 2 - 3 equal teams, which line up in columns, one at a time in 3 - 4 steps from each other. They stand parallel in front of the line, and in the hands of the player standing in front, a gymnastic stick. At the signal, the first numbers, up to the mace (medicine ball) installed 12-15 meters away, run around it and, returning to their columns, pass one of the ends of the stick to the second numbers. Holding the ends of the stick, both players hold it under the feet of the players, moving to the end of the column. Everyone jumps over the stick, pushing off with two feet. The first player remains at the end of his column, and the other runs to the rack, bends around it and carries a stick under the feet of the players with number 3, and so on. The game ends when all participants run with a stick. When the beginning player is again the first in the column and a stick is brought to him, he raises it up.

Ball race overhead and underfoot

The participants in the game are lined up in columns one at a time. The distance between the players is 1 meter. Balls are dealt to the first numbers. On a signal from the manager, the first player passes the ball back over his head. The player who received the ball passes it further, but between the legs, the third - again over the head, the fourth - between the legs, and so on. The last player runs with the ball to the beginning of the column and feeds it over his head back. So each of the players passes the ball once over the head, and once between the legs. The first player in the column always passes the ball over his head. The winner is the team whose first player returns to their seat earlier.

Relay "Running"

At the signal, the first participant runs to the turning flag and back, having reached the team, slaps on the hand of the next participant - he passes the baton.


This game is a relay race with a rope: before the turning point, the players jump over the rope from foot to foot, and when they return, they take the rope folded in half in one hand and rotate it horizontally under their feet.

Siamese twins

Two participants stand with their backs to each other and tightly interlock with their hands. They run sideways. The players' backs must be pressed tightly against each other.

Relay "Roll the ball"

The teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of the first player of each team there is a volleyball or medicine ball... Players dribble the ball along the ground with their hands. In this case, it is allowed to push the ball at arm's length. Having rounded the turning point, the players return to their teams in the same way and pass the ball to the next player. The team that completes the task wins.

Relay "Take it last"

The players of the two teams are lined up in a column, one behind the common start line. In front of the columns, at a distance of 20 meters, towns, clubs, cubes, balls, and so on are placed in a row. There are 1 less items than the total number of participants in both teams. At the signal, the guides in the columns run to the objects and take one from the edge (one takes on the right, the other on the left), come back, run around their columns from behind and touch the next player of their column with their hand. Then he starts and performs the same thing. The team whose player takes the last item wins.

Running over bumps

The players are divided into teams, the players of which are lined up in columns one by one. In front of each team from the start line to the finish line at a distance of 1 - 1.5 meters from each other, draw circles with a diameter of 30 - 40 centimeters in a straight or winding line. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers with the baton jump from circle to circle, after which they return back by the shortest route and pass the baton to the next player who performs the same task. The winner is the team whose players finish the relay earlier.

Getting ready for the hike

The team is lined up with a backpack in front of the first participant. There are dishes 15-20 steps from both teams. Each player needs to run to the dishes, take one item, return, put it in the backpack and touch the next player with his hand - "pass" the baton. Then the next participant runs. Teams are awarded three points for quickness and for neat packing of the backpack.

Pair relay

Goal: Development of speed and dexterity of movements. Development of the ability to coordinate actions with the actions of a partner.

Material: Two identical mugs, four empty matchboxes.

Course of the game: Players are divided into two teams, players from each team line up in pairs in front of the line. To play, take two identical mugs, fill them with water and put them in front of the first pairs. At 10-15 meters in front of the teams, draw one circle with a diameter of 1 meter, put two matchboxes in each circle.

At the command of the leader, the players of the first pair take one mug together (in any way) and run forward, trying not to splash the water. Having reached the circle, they just as carefully put the mug in the circle and take the boxes. The boxes are placed on their shoulders, the couple grasps hands, connecting them crosswise, and runs to the starting mark, carrying the boxes on their shoulders. The second pair does everything in reverse order- and so on, until all participants have covered the distance.

Ball in the ring

The teams are built in one column one by one in front of basketball backboards at a distance of 2 - 3 meters. After the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball down, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that got into the ring most of all wins.

Relay "Running with three balls"

At the start line, the first participant takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and puts the balls near it. Back it comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, without reaching 1 meter, puts them on the ground.

Instead of big balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,

Instead of running, jumping.

Relay "Turnip"

Two teams of 6 children participate. These are grandfather, grandmother, bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs at the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a turnip - a child in a hat with a turnip image.

The grandfather starts the game. At the signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to it (takes it by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them and so on. At the end of the game, a turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulled the turnip faster wins.

Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 meters from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, go back and pass the hoop to his teammate. The team that completes the relay earlier wins.

Counter relay with hoop and rope

The teams are structured like on a counter relay. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a rope. At the signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping over the hoop (like over a rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the starting line of the opposing team, the player with the rope starts, who moves forward, jumping over the rope. After completing the task, each participant transfers the inventory to the next player in the team. This continues until the participants complete the task and switch places in the teams. Jogging is prohibited.

Relay "Porters"

4 players (2 from each team) stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big ball... They must be carried to the final destination and returned. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and to raise the fallen ball without outside help also not easy. Therefore, the porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too great). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Relay "Race of balls underfoot"

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player shoots the ball backward between the players' apart feet. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs with it along the column forward, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, and so on. The winner is the team that finishes the relay faster.

Relay "Three jumps"

The participants are divided into two teams. Put the rope and the hoop at a distance of 8-10 meters from the start line. After the signal, the first participant, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The second participant takes the hoop and makes three jumps over it. There is an alternation of rope and hoop. Whose team will cope faster will win.

Ball Race Relay

The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one by one. In front of the volleyball. At the signal from the head, the transfer of balls begins. When the ball reaches the one behind, he runs with the ball to the head of the column (everyone takes a step back), becomes the first and starts passing the ball back, and so on. The game continues until each of the team's players is the first. It is necessary to make sure that the ball is passed with straight arms with an inclination back, and the distance in the columns would be no less than a step.

Relay "Pass - sit down!"

The players are divided into several teams, 7 - 8 people in each, and are lined up behind the common start line in a column one by one. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5 - 6 meters. The captains receive a volleyball. On signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. After catching the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then to the third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, squats. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The winner is the team whose players complete the task faster.


Children stand in two columns. Put a hoop at a distance of 3 meters in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to get into the hoop. If the child hits, then his team gets 1 point. Bottom line: whoever has more points, that team won.

Relay "Eye of the Needle"

Along the line of the relay there are 2 or 3 hoops on the ground. Starting, the first one must run to the first hoop, pick it up and thread it through himself. Then with the following hoops as well. And so on the way back.

Relay with a skipping rope

Players of each team are lined up behind the common start line in a column, one at a time. A rotary stand is placed in front of each column at a distance of 10 - 12 meters. At the signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line and moves forward, jumping over the rope. At the pivot stand, he folds the rope in half and grabs it in one hand. In the opposite direction, he moves, jumping on two legs and rotating the rope under his feet horizontally. At the finish line, the participant passes the rope to the next player of his team, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The winning team is the one whose players finish the relay more accurately and earlier.

Counter Relay with Bars

Children are divided into teams of 6 - 8 people each. Participants line up in opposite columns one by one at a distance of 8 - 10 meters from one another. The guides of the columns of the first group receive 3 wooden blocks, the thickness and width of which is at least 10 centimeters, and the length is 25 centimeters. Putting 2 bars (one on the start line, the other in front, one step away from the first), each of the controllers stands on the bars with both feet, and holds the third bar in his hands. At the signal, the player, without leaving the bars, puts the third bar in front of him and transfers the leg that was behind him onto it. He shifts the freed block forward and transfers his leg to it. This is how the player moves to the opposite column. The guide of the opposite column, having received the bars behind the starting line, does the same. The winner is the team whose players swap places in the columns faster.

Relay of animals

The players are divided into 2 - 4 equal teams and line up in columns one by one. Players in teams take the names of the animals. Those standing first are called "bears", the second - "wolves", the third - "foxes", the fourth - "hares". The starting line is drawn in front of those in front. At the command of the educator, team members must jump to a given place as real animals do. The team of "wolves" run like wolves, the team of "hares" - like hares and so on.

Unload the car

Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are parked against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands up near the baskets and at the signal they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and in volume.

Then other participants can "load" the machines. In this case, the players get up at the cars, at the signal they run to the baskets and carry the vegetables into the cars.

The machines can be boxes, chairs. Vegetables - skittles, cubes and the like.

sports children children children relay race relay race relay race relay race sports children children

Tatar national games

Completed by: Churmaeva Yulia,

student of grade 5, MAOU "Berez -

Nikovskaya secondary school them. M.G. Imasheva "

Berezniki, 2017

The World Game program is dedicated to the learning of massive outdoor games. These games are always musical, as well as educational, because they introduce the games of other nationalities. Games foster friendship between ethnic groups.

Every nation is rich in games. They have a millennial history and have survived to our times, passed down from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions.

For example, during the excavations of ancient Novgorod, a lot of balls and the stick-bat itself were found, which gave the name to the game - "rounders". This is a Russian folk game. But many peoples of the world have kindred games. They have their own rules and are called differently. In England it is "cricket", the Americans - "baseball", the Cubans - "pilot", the Germans - "gate".

(Game "Lapta")

The most popular games among the Russian people are "Pyatnashki", "Burners", "Gorodki", "Kasha" and others.

The Tatar-Bashkir people are also rich in games and holidays. The game folklore of the Tatar people is diverse. It is also invaluable in terms of its motor content. Walking, running, jumping, throwing, throwing, catching and other types of movements can all be found in Tatar folk games. Almost all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, contribute to the formation of vital skills, the improvement of physical development, and bring up the necessary moral and volitional qualities.

Salient features Tatar folk games are competition, cooperation and collectivity, independence of actions of participants, high emotionality.

Play strengthens the body of children and serves as a guarantee of health. The depth and versatility of the impact make folk games an irreplaceable means of educating the younger generation. The use of games according to a certain system and in combination with other types of physical exercises ensures high efficiency of education of the necessary character traits.

The study of Tatar folk games showed that there are different forms of games in their origin and content. There are games that are a century or even a thousand years old.

For example, the famous scholar-philologist Mahmut Kashgari describes children's games, one of them is "Menkez-menker". This game is still played by children called "We flew and flew" ("Ochty-ochty").

The Tatar people have long celebrated traditional holidays, which consist of sports games... These are "Sabantuy", "Karga botkasy", "Umyrzaya", etc. Children are mainly involved in the holidays. Games, dances, songs unite and unite children.

The advantage of using folk games is that they are simple and affordable, and do not require special equipment. They have a lot of humor, jokes, competitive fervor. The folk games reflect the people's sincere love for fun and movement.

Folk games strengthen the bond between generations, foster love for the native land, and form an interest in studying the games of other nationalities.

Tatar folk game"Aksak t ө lke "

("Lame Fox")

One of the guys is a "lame fox", the other is a "master of the house" - a bear, all the other guys are chickens. "The owner of the house" - in a circle, next to which there is a large circle - "chicken coop". "Fox" - behind the line, in the "hole".

From its hole, the fox jumps on one leg to the "master of the house." The fox and the bear start a conversation.

Where are you, lame fox,

On a dark night waddling in?

My dear grandma is waiting for me

Don't you know about that?

Why rush to her?

The coat is dried on the stove.

And if the fur coat catches fire?

I'll dip my fur coat into the river.

What if the water rushes away?

It will be difficult for me then.

Well, how, the fox is lame,

Can you live without a fur coat?

Do not worry, sleep, master,

As you wake up, you will understand!

The "master of the house" goes to bed, and the fox jumps into the chicken coop. Chickens wake up and scatter in different directions, and the fox, jumping on one leg, tries to stain someone. Anyone who is spotted becomes a fox.

Tatar folk game "Ayu-b ү re "

("Grey Wolf")

One of the players is the "Gray Wolf". Children go “into the forest” to pick berries. One of the players asks:

Where are you in a hurry, friends?

Children in chorus:

We are going to the dense forest.

What do you want to do there?

We'll pick up raspberries there.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We'll make the jam.

If a wolf meets you in the forest?

The gray wolf will not catch up with us.

Children come to the place where the gray wolf is hiding and sing:

I'll pick the berries and make the jam.

There will be a treat for your beloved grandmother.

There are a lot of raspberries here, you can't collect all of them!

And wolves, bears are not to be seen at all.

Here the gray wolf rises, and the children run over the line. Whom the wolf stains, he takes away to himself.

So he can stain 4-5 children, and the latter becomes a gray wolf.

The game"Painter and paints" (Buyanu-Buyanu)

The game mainly involves preschool and junior children school age, from 5 to 40 people.

Description. At a distance of 20-30 m, two parallel lines are drawn. Gymnastic benches are installed on one of them. On the side between the lines, a circle with a diameter of 3-4 m is drawn - "the house of the painter". They choose the driver and the "painter", the rest of the players become "paints".

"Paints" sit on gymnastic benches or on the grass in one row. Having sent the "painter" to his "house", the driver distributes paints among the players: red, green, yellow, etc. At the signal of the leader, the "painter" approaches the driver (he is standing next to the "paints") and asks:

Grandma, grandma, I came for paint. May I take it?

I have a lot of colors, my friend. Which one should I give you?

"Painter" refers to some paint, such as red. The participant of the game, called "red paint", quickly gets up and runs to the second line. The "painter" is trying to catch up with him and touch him with his hand. If he succeeds, then he takes the "paint" to his "home". If the “painter” does not catch the “paint”, then it returns to its “house” (on the bench) and “changes” its color. After that, the game is repeated.


1. Catching "paint" can only be up to the opposite line of the site.

2. "Painter" is prohibited from catching a player until he got up from the gymnastic bench or from the ground.

3. Not having reached the second line, the paint has no right to go back and sit on the bench.

The most favorite holiday is Sabantuy, which translated from the Tatar language means "plow holiday". People rejoiced at the awakening of nature and wanted to appease the land so that it would give a rich harvest. Sabantuy is a mass celebration and, of course, folk games: running with an egg in a spoon, smashing pots, tug-of-war, running in sacks.

And in our Berezniki school every year on June 1 - the Children's Day - the Sabantuy holiday is held.

Sabantuy is a spring holiday,

A holiday of friendship and labor.

Sing, play and laugh loudly

And dance like never before!

In the old days, the celebration of Sabantui was a great event, and it took a long time to prepare for it. Throughout the winter, girls and young women prepared gifts - weaving, sewing, embroidering. In the spring, before the start of the holiday, young horsemen collected gifts around the village for future winners in competitions and folk games: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of calico, shirts, chicken eggs... The most honorable gift was a towel embroidered with a national pattern. The collection of gifts was usually accompanied by funny songs, jokes, and jokes. Gifts were tied to a long pole, sometimes the horsemen tied themselves with collected towels and did not take them off until the end of the ceremony.

We at school are also preparing for the holiday in advance. We write a beautiful announcement that we will collect gifts. And on this day, all students, teachers, school staff bring gifts. Collection of gifts is also accompanied by songs, jokes and dances.

WITHөrәn sugu (Collection of gifts)

The holiday is accompanied by dances, songs, poems.

The game - competition "Running in bags"

This game is one of the simplest and at the same time funny and emotional summer games... Traditionally, children play it, but no one bothers adults to join.

You will need: bags (by number of people, 2-4)

Number of players: any

Rules of the game:

1. Line up the children in columns and give them bags.

2. At the signal of the leader, holding the bags with their hands near the belt, they jump to the designated place (flag, stick, or other object). Having run around it, the children return to their columns, howlingesatt from the bags, transfer them next.

3. This continues until all the children run through the bags.

4. The winner is the team whose players complete the task faster.

Game - competition "Egg in a spoon"

Hurry, hurry, take the spoons

And run down the path.

And there is an egg in the spoon,

Do not drop it.

Inventory : wooden spoons, eggs.

Preparation : 2-3 participants

Game: participants stand at the start line. They are given a spoon with an egg in it. At the signal from the leader, the participants run to the finish line and back, making sure that the egg does not fall.


Tug of war

This competition is not only a sport, but also an active, fun competitive team game in which the strongest win, and all participants receive a charge of vivacity and fun.

You will need: rope

Number of players: 8 (any)

Rules of the game: 1. Divide the participants into two equal teams of 4 people.

2. Place the teams on opposite sides of the rope. A "center mark" is made in the middle of the rope.

3. At the signal, each team begins to pull the rope, aging or so that the mark closest to the opponents crosses the line on the ground

4. The team that pulled the rope wins.

Important! Before starting the game, be sure to check the strength of the rope! It is better not for young children to participate in this game!

Break the pot game

The Sabantui program includes games that require dexterity, flair, and not strength. Such is the game of "Break the Pot", in which you have to find a pot while blindfolded and smash it with a long stick.

You will need: shawl, long stick, pot (bucket)

Number of players: 1

Rules of the game: blindfoldednecessaryfind the pot and hit it with a long stick.

Important! Zartists shouldn't stand close

Competitions were held on the siteN while cutting prizes with closed eyes

And here the prizes are hanging

You need to cut them off.

Treat all the guys

To make it more fun to run.

As well as competitionsNS about lifting weights .

Arm wrestling competition

Competition"Running with a yoke"

Who is the fastest with a bucket of all

Runs along that alley

So as not to splash water

And, of course, not to fall.

Inventory : rocker - 2 pieces, 5 l buckets. with water - 4 pcs.

Number of players : 2 participants

Competition progress - games : competitors stand at the start line. They are given a rocker with buckets filled with water. At the signal from the leader, the participants run to the finish line and back, making sure that no water is spilled.

Winner : the participant who ran to the finish line first.

All the guys receive prizes, since everyone willingly participates in all competitions.

Sports festival "Battle of Generations"

Martynovich Sergei Georgievich, physical education teacher MBOU OOSh № 34, village Novominskaya, Kanevsky district, Krasnodar region
Description of the material. The scenario is designed for competitions between children of middle and primary school age. It is designed for sporting events in the main comprehensive school.
Target: foster the desire to actively participate in sporting events, conduct socially active image life.
- strengthening the health of students
- promotion of physical culture and sports, healthy way life;
- the formation of a culture of communication between children of primary and secondary school age;
Equipment and inventory: basketballs, volleyballs, jump ropes, tennis balls, chips, bags, skittles, gymnastic benches, gymnastic hoops.
The course of the event.
The host announces the name of the event, introduces the participants, jury members, greets spectators and fans, and opens the competition.
Relay No. 1 "Two chips"

Inventory: two tokens for each team.
Preparing for the relay: from the start line at a distance of 10-12 meters, the first chip is set. The second piece is placed behind the team.
All team members are behind the starting line in a column one at a time, in a sitting position on the floor: legs bent at the knees, arms resting behind ("spider").
Relay description: at the judge's signal, the 1st participant rises from the floor and runs around the first piece, returning back, runs the start line, runs around the second piece behind the team and passes the baton to the next participant, touching his shoulder from behind with his hand. Then all team members run in turn: 2nd, 3rd, etc. Each subsequent starter moves forward and is in front of the starting line.
Relay No. 2 "Narrow tunnel"

Inventory: one chair for each team.
Preparing for the relay: from the start line at a distance of 10-12 meters, a chair is installed. One of the reserve team members sits on it. This is to prevent the chair from turning over.

Relay description: at the signal of the judge, the 1st participant runs to the chair, crawls between its legs and, returning back, runs the start line, passing the baton to the next participant.
Relay No. 3 "Train"

Inventory: 1 volleyball, 5-6 chips. The distance between the chips is 2 meters.
Starting position: the team is in the column one by one. The distance between the participants is arbitrary. The first participant has a volleyball in his hands.
Relay description: at the signal of the referee, the participant standing in front of the column passes the volleyball over his head from behind to the one standing, etc., until the ball is in the hands of the last participant in the column (they pass the ball with two hands and take it with two hands), who runs up with the ball in his hands to the start line, and starts running along the distance, running around all the chips. Having run around the last chip, the participant returns in a straight line to the beginning of the column (beyond the start line), turns his back to it and passes the ball to the next participant, and so on, until each participant runs the distance.
The relay ends when the last member of the team overcomes the distance, stands at the beginning of the column and lifts the volleyball up.
Relay No. 4 "Jumping in bags"

Inventory: for each team a bag and a token.
Preparing for the relay: from the start line at a distance of 10-12 meters, a chip is set. The team captains are given a bag.
All team members are behind the starting line in a column one by one.
Relay description: at the signal of the referee, the 1st participant climbs into the bag with his feet and jumps on two legs to the counter, removes the bag and runs back to the team, where he passes the bag to the next one. Then all team members run in turn: 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Relay number 5 "Gather and seedlings"

Inventory: for each team 2 hoops, 1 basketball, 1 volleyball, 1 chip.
Starting position: the team is in the column one by one. At a distance of 4 m and 8 m from the start line, there are gymnastic hoops. The first hoop contains a basketball, the second hoop contains a volleyball. There is a token at a distance of 12 m.
Inventory: for each team 3 hoops, 1 basketball, 1 volleyball, 1 tennis ball, 1 token.
Relay description: at the signal of the referee, the first participant must run to 1 hoop, take a basketball, run to 2 hoops, take a volleyball, run around a chip. Then go back to 2 hoops, put a volleyball ball, run to 1 hoop, put a basketball ball and pass the baton to the next one.
Errors: put the ball strictly in the hoop, in the order indicated above. If the ball rolls out of the hoop, it is returned to its place by the same participant.
If the ball is lost, the player who lost the ball will pick it up. After that, he returns to the point where the ball was lost and continues to carry out the relay.
Relay No. 6 "Crawl"

Inventory: for each team gymnastic bench and a trick.
Preparing for the relay: from the start line at a distance of 3 meters, a gymnastic bench is installed, and at a distance of 10-12 meters, a chip is installed.
All team members are behind the starting line in a column one by one.
Relay description: at the judge's signal, the 1st participant runs to the bench, lies down on it and performs a slide, pulling himself up on his stomach with his hands, rises, runs around the chip, returning back, performs a slide in the opposite direction and passes the baton to the next participant, touching it with his hand. Then all team members run in turn: 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Relay No. 7 "Jumping"

Inventory: for each team 1 gymnastic rope and 2 gymnastic hoops.
Starting position: the team is in the column one by one. At a distance of 2 m from the start line is the first gymnastic hoop, in which the rope is located. The distance during which the participant runs with the rope is 12 meters, at the end of the distance there is a second hoop (empty).
Relay description: at the judge's signal, the first participant runs to the hoop, takes the rope, runs up to the line (indicating the beginning of the distance for running with the rope), runs with the rope, stepping over with one foot (left or right) to the second line, then runs up to the second hoop, leaves in it, the rope and, having run around the second hoop, returns (smooth running) to the team, passes the baton to the next participant by touching the hand. The next participant performs the relay in reverse order. Moreover, when he runs up to the second hoop, there is no need to run around him.
Relay No. 8 "Spider"

Inventory: one chip for each team.
Preparing for the relay: from the start line at a distance of 10-12 meters, a chip is set.
All team members are behind the starting line in a column one by one, in a sitting position on the floor - a guide: legs are bent at the knees, hands are resting behind ("spider").
Relay description: at the judge's signal, the 1st participant performs a crab motion with his feet forward to the counter, rises from the floor and runs around the counter, returning back, runs the start line and passes the baton to the next participant, touching his shoulder with his hand. Then, in turn, all team members do this: 2nd, 3rd, etc. Each subsequent starter moves forward and is in front of the starting line.
Conclusion: Competitions were held between the primary and secondary levels of the school. According to the students, the middle management: “Simple, cool!”, While the younger ones were at first scared to compete with the elders, and then the excitement still swept over and added positive emotions to everyone.

Yulia Butova

Sometimes you don't need to come up with a new one, just remember the old classics. What's funnier than running in bags?

Running in bags- old Russian fun and fun competition... Jogging in bags is a lot of laughter and fun.

Running bags are made from durable fabric that is used to make workwear and therefore running bags last a long time. In my version, the bags are sewn from a waterproof tablecloth.

Running in bags is team competition, but it is also possible to hold individual competitions between 2-4 children, it depends on the area of ​​the competition site.

Before the start of the race, the technique of movement is determined in the bags: that is, jumping, or mincing with your feet, dressed bags must be supported with your hands, the bag must not fall during the competition.

If the task of the competition is to create a mood and unite children, then running in sacks is a win-win option, although it is many hundreds of years old.

Let's start making bags:

We need any bright, dense fabric, which is desirable, will be easy to handle and wash, and a waterproof tablecloth is perfect here. We cut the fabric into the details we need - the future bag and handles for it.

Scissors, of course, needed for cutting fabric

Sewing machine, with which we will create bags for running.

When all the details are ready

we proceed to stitching them, it is good to use strong threads, since the bags are intended for running and jumping, and it is undesirable for them to break after the first run due to thin threads.

We fold the right sides of the fabric and turn the edges, for better fastening of the fabric and for reliability we go through the second line, the side seam can be turned up again and sewn.

Now we make the handles, also sew the fabric by folding the front sides, turn it out and sew it again, since the handles also carry a heavy load.

We turn out the bags and sew on the handles with inside, two times, better with a rectangle to distribute the load.

The bags are ready, it remains to try them for strength and you can start games and competitions with children:

I can say that the past holidays with the use of games with sacks were successful and the children liked to jump and run in sacks,

preschoolers love to compete in speed and dexterity, and every child can try their hand, and I think this physical education aid will be a good addition and deservedly used in entertainment and leisure for children.

Thank you for the attention!

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During the course of its history, each nation develops its own distinctive features of national culture. Folk outdoor games are designed to help children comprehend the originality, beauty, harmony of cultures of different peoples. This is the great cognitive and educational value of the national games. Moreover, it is clear that familiarity with cultural traditions improves children's aesthetic taste.

National games play an important role in the physical development of children. They educate will, courage, desire for victory.

It is important to note that folk outdoor games were the basis of all subsequent games.

Tatarstan is located in the east of the East European Plain along the middle reaches of the Volga. The indigenous population is the Tatars. Russians, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Ukrainians, etc. also live here.

The history of the Tatar games is organically linked with the history of the people, their labor activity, everyday life, customs, traditions, beliefs. Tatar games constitute an important and integral part of the national culture of the Tatar people, are the most ancient means of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of the younger generation. Together, they synthesize elements of folk theater, folk songs, children's folklore, labor and military art.

Tatar games are distinguished by a competitive, collective nature of actions, high emotionality, variability of some of them, etc.

Some Tatar folk games are currently used in physical education lessons in schools, in out-of-school organizations; more than one holiday is not complete without them.

"Guess and Catch" (Chitanme, Buzme)

Purpose of the game: development of attentiveness, dexterity.

The players sit on a bench or on the grass in one row. The driver sits in front. He is blindfolded.

One of the players approaches the driver, puts his hand on his shoulder and calls him by name. The driver must guess who it is. If the driver named the player's name correctly, then he quickly removes the blindfold and catches up with the evader. If the driver has not guessed the player's name, then another player comes up.

Rules of the game:

· If the name is named correctly, the player touches the driver on the shoulder, making it clear that he needs to run;

· As soon as the driver catches the player, he sits at the end of the column, and the caught player becomes the driver.

"Selling pots" (Chulmak ueny)

Purpose of the game: the development of dexterity, speed of motor reaction, strengthening of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.

The players are divided into two groups: children-pots and players-owners of pots. Potted babies form a circle by kneeling or sitting on the grass. Behind each pot is the player who owns the pot, hands behind him. The driver stands behind the circle.

The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation:

- "Hey, buddy, sell the pot!"
- Buy!
- How much to give you rubles?
- Give me three.

The driver three times (or as much as his owner agreed to sell the pot for, but no more than three rubles) touches the owner's hand, and they start running in a circle towards each other (they run around three times). Whoever reaches the free space in the circle faster takes this place, and the straggler becomes the driver.

Rules of the game:

· It is allowed to run only in a circle, without crossing it;

· Runners have no right to touch other players;

· The driver can start running in any direction. If he started to run to the left, the tarnished one should run to the right.

Trail Run (Ezden Yeageru)

Teenagers and senior schoolchildren, 20-30 people play.

Trail running

Description. The players are broken into; two teams and line up in two columns behind the starting line. For each team, continuous straight lines, large circles, spirals and other shapes are drawn from the start line (Fig.). The first players of the teams begin to run along the drawn lines. When they return, they touch the second players of their teams with their hands, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The rest run the same distance. The first team to finish the relay wins.


1. It is not allowed to start running until the returning player touches the next one with his hand.

2. When running, you must strictly adhere to the lines of the distance.

"The Gray Wolf" (Sarah Tempest)

One of the players is chosen as a gray wolf. Squatting down, the gray wolf hides behind a line at one end of the site (in the bushes or in dense grass). The rest of the players are on the opposite side. The distance between the drawn lines is 20-30 m.At a signal, everyone goes to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. The presenter comes out to meet them and asks (the children answer in unison):

Where are you in a hurry, friends?

We are going to the dense forest.

What do you want to do there?

We'll pick up raspberries there.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We'll make the jam.

If a wolf meets you in the forest?

The gray wolf will not catch up with us!

After this roll call, everyone approaches the place where the gray wolf is hiding, and in unison they say:

I will pick berries and make jam,

My dear grandmother will have a treat.

There are a lot of raspberries here, you can't collect all of them,

And wolves, bears are not to be seen at all!

After the words not to see the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run over the line. The wolf chases after them and tries to stain someone. He takes the prisoners to the lair - to the place where he hid himself.

Rules of the game... The one depicting a gray wolf cannot jump out, and all players can run away before the words are spoken. Escaping can only be caught up to the edge of the house.

"Take a seat" (Bush uryn)

I chirp like a magpie

I won't let anyone into the house.

I cackle like a goose

I'll slap you on the shoulder -


Having said run, the driver lightly hits the back of one of the players, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in a circle towards the driver. The one who ran around the circle earlier takes up free space, and the straggler becomes the driver.

Rules of the game... The circle should immediately stop at the word run. It is allowed to run only in a circle, without crossing it. While running, do not touch those standing in a circle.

"Zhmurki" (Kuzbaylau ueny)

A large circle is drawn, inside it, at the same distance from each other, holes-holes are made according to the number of participants in the game. The driver is identified, blindfolded and placed in the center of the circle. The rest take up space in the holes-holes. The driver approaches the player to catch him. He, without leaving his burrow, tries to dodge him, then bending over, then squatting. The driver must not only catch, but also call the player by name. If he gives the name correctly, the participants in the game say: “Open your eyes!” - and the caught driver becomes the driver. If the name is called incorrectly, the players, without uttering a word, make a few claps, making it clear that the driver was mistaken, and the game continues. Players change burrows by jumping on one leg.

Rules of the game... The driver has no right to spy. During the game, no one should go outside the circle. It is allowed to exchange minks only when the driver is on the opposite side of the circle.


The players, holding hands, make a circle. They choose the driver - Timerbai. He stands in the center of the circle. The driver says:

Timerbai has five children,

Amicably, they play merrily.

They swam in the fast river,

They found themselves, splashed,

Have a good wash

And they dressed up beautifully.

And they didn't eat or drink,

They ran into the forest in the evening

They looked at each other,

We did it like this!

With the last words, this is how the driver makes some kind of movement. Everyone should repeat it. Then the driver chooses someone instead of himself.

Rules of the game... Movements that have already been shown cannot be repeated. The movements shown must be performed accurately. You can use various objects in the game (balls, braids, ribbons, etc.).

"Jump-jump" (Kuchtem-kuch)

A large circle with a diameter of 15-25 m is drawn on the ground, inside it there are small circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm for each participant in the game. The driver stands in the center of a large circle.
The driver says: "Jump!" After this word, the players quickly change places (circles), jumping on one leg. The driver tries to take the place of one of the players, also jumping on one leg. Anyone who is left without a place becomes a driver.
Rules of the game. You can't push each other out of the circles. Two players cannot be in the same circle. When changing places, the circle is considered to be the one who entered it earlier.

"Clapperboards" (Abakle)

On opposite sides of the room or area, two cities are marked with two parallel lines. The distance between them is 20-30 m. All children line up near one of the cities in one line: left hand on the belt, right hand extended forward, palm up.
The driver is selected. He approaches those standing by the city and utters the words:

Clap yes clap - this is the signal

I'm running, and you follow me!

With these words, the driver easily slaps someone on the palm. Driving and stained run to the opposite city. Whoever runs faster will remain in the new city, and the straggler becomes the driver.
Rules of the game. Until the driver touches someone's palm, you cannot run. During the run, the players should not touch each other.

"Take a seat" (Bush uryn)

One of the participants in the game is chosen to be the driver, and the rest of the players, forming a circle, walk hand in hand. The driver goes around the circle in the opposite direction and says:

Like a magpie chirping

I won't let anyone into the house!

I giggle like a goose

I'll slap you on the shoulder-

Having said, run, the driver lightly hits the back of one of the players, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in a circle towards the driver. The one who ran around the circle earlier takes up free space, and the straggler becomes the driver.
Rules of the game. The circle should immediately stop at the word "run." It is allowed to run only in a circle, without crossing it. While running, do not touch those standing in a circle.

"Lovishki" (Totysh ueny)

At the signal, all the players scatter around the court. The driver tries to stain any of the players. Everyone he catches becomes his assistant. Hand in hand, together, then three, four, etc., they catch the runners until they catch everyone.
Rules of the game. The one whom the driver touches with his hand is considered caught. Those who are caught catch everyone else only by holding hands.

Interceptors (Kuyshu ueny)

At opposite ends of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are placed in one of them in a row. In the middle, the driver is facing the children. Children in chorus pronounce the words:

We have to run fast,

We love to jump and jump

One, two, three, four, five

There's no way they can catch us!

After the end of these words, everyone scattered across the site to another house. The driver is trying to tarnish the defectors. One of the tainted ones becomes the driver, and the game continues. At the end of the game, the best guys are marked who have never been found.
Rules of the game. The driver catches the players by touching their shoulder with his hand. The stained ones retreat to the appointed place.

"Chanterelles and Chickens" (Telki ham tavyklar)

At one end of the site there are chickens and roosters in the hen house. On the opposite side there is a chanterelle.
Chickens and roosters (from three to five players) walk around the site, pretending to peck at various insects, grains, etc. When a chanterelle sneaks up on them, the roosters shout: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" At this signal, everyone runs into the chicken coop, a chanterelle rushes after them, trying to stain any of the players.
Rules of the game. If the driver fails to stain any of the players, then he drives again.

The players line up in two lines on both sides of the court. In the center of the site there is a flag at a distance of at least 8-10 m from each team. At the signal, the players of the first rank throw the bags into the distance, trying to throw to the flag, the same is done by the players of the second rank. From each line, the best thrower is revealed, as well as the winning line, in whose team a greater number of participants will throw bags to the flag.
Rules of the game. Everyone should throw on a signal. The leaders of the teams are scoring.

"The ball in a circle" (Teenchek ueny)

The players, forming a circle, sit down. The driver stands behind a circle with a ball, the diameter of which is 15-25 cm. At the signal, the driver throws the ball to one of the players sitting in the circle, and he moves away. At this time, the ball begins to be thrown in a circle from one player to another. The driver runs after the ball and tries to catch it on the fly. The driver is the player from whom the ball was caught.
Rules of the game. The ball is passed with a twist shot. The catcher must be ready to receive the ball. When the game is repeated, the ball is passed to the player who is out of play.

"Tangled horses" (Tyshauly atlar)

The players are divided into three or four teams and line up behind the line. Opposite the line they put flags, stands. At the signal, the first players of the teams start jumping, run around the flags and come back running. Then the runners-up run, and so on. The first team to finish the relay wins.
Rules of the game. The distance from the line to the flags, stands should be no more than 20 m. You should jump correctly, pushing off with both feet at the same time, helping with your hands. You need to run in the indicated direction (right or left).


In the conditions of modern civilization, in connection with a sharp decrease in human motor activity, the role of systematic exercises increases. physical exercise outdoor games.

The special significance of outdoor games is that they are widely available to people of the most different ages... Outdoor games, despite the enormous diversity associated with ethnic and other characteristics, one way or another reflect such common characteristics inherent in this form of activity as the relationship of the players with the environment and knowledge of reality. Purposefulness and expediency of behavior in achieving the intended goal associated with suddenly arising and constantly changing conditions, the need for a wide choice of actions, require the manifestation of creativity, activity, initiative. Such a breadth of use of opportunities, expressed in independence and relative freedom of action, combined with the fulfillment of voluntarily accepted or established conventions while subordinating personal interests to general ones, is associated with a vivid manifestation of emotions. All this, from a methodological point of view, characterizes an active game as a multifaceted, complex in terms of impact, pedagogical means of education.

Actually physical education- the same general culture with a predominance of its spiritual side, but realized in a specific way - through a consciously cultivated motor activity, where the motor action acts as a means of satisfying the diverse needs of a person, his self-development, self-actualization, self-knowledge and self-improvement.

The role of outdoor games in the system of physical and sports education huge. Outdoor play, like any other, accompanies a person during all his childhood years, outdoor games not only strengthen health and develop the body, but they are also a means of cultural and moral education and introduction of a person to society. National outdoor games instill in a child the cultural heritage of his surrounding society, prepare him for going out into the big world.

Outdoor games have health-improving, educational and educational value and are easily accessible for family physical education. They are proven to improve physical development children, have a beneficial effect on nervous system and promote health.

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