Neuromuscular stimulation. Muscle electrostimulation

Electrical muscle stimulation is often used in physical therapy and rehabilitation. The procedure serves two purposes. First of all, the impact is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome. Together with this, restoration is carried out muscle activity... Let's take a closer look at this procedure below. The article will also describe some devices for electrical muscle stimulation.

General information

Muscle electrical stimulation is performed using special equipment. It is equipped with electrodes that are connected with wires. A device for electrical muscle stimulation sends a current to the elements. Through the electrodes, impulses are propagated into the muscle tissue. The result is a motor or sensory response.

Electrode placement methods

They are placed on the surface of the skin, over specific muscles. There are two options for placing items. The first is to place one electrode on a healthy area, and the other on the affected area. In the second case, elements are placed on either side of the problem area. The negative polarity that surrounds the damaged area promotes healing. It stimulates tissue formation, thus speeding up the recovery processes.

Indications and contraindications

Electrical stimulation is recommended for the prevention of muscle atrophy, stimulation of the muscles of the thighs, large fibers of the anterior wall of the peritoneum with cellulite. Procedures are applied to reduce overweight and body shaping. Electrical stimulation is recommended for deterioration of blood circulation (peripheral venous and arterial), decreased tone, lymph drainage. The procedure is not prescribed during pregnancy, the presence of an intrauterine pacemaker. Electrostimulation is contraindicated in case of nerves, after undergoing operations.

Relief of soreness

There are two opinions on how electrical muscle stimulation relieves pain. According to the "gate theory" - the first hypothesis, signals from the affected area are sent to the brain via nerves. However, most of the impulses go through the "gate". The signals during electrical stimulation also pass through them. As a result, the nerves that transmit the pain impulse are blocked. According to another theory, electrical muscle stimulation causes the brain to produce natural pain relievers - enkephalins and endorphins. It was found that after low-frequency exposure, the content of these compounds increases.

Impact on atrophy

A decrease can be accompanied by a variety of pathologies. Electrical muscle stimulation is often used to slow down or prevent this process. The impulses sent by the electrical muscle stimulation machine help to maintain the activity of the weakened muscles.

Osteoarthritis therapy

This pathology is caused by the degradation of the articular tissues. In the course of research, it was found that electrical stimulation is a very effective technique in the treatment of patients suffering from osteoarthritis in this area of ​​the lower limb, as well as after surgical intervention and joint replacement. Impulse stimulation can help strengthen the knee extensors, which provides better mobility segment.

Prevention of bedsores

This problem is considered quite common for bedridden patients. During a long stay in this position, there is strong and constant pressure on some areas of the body. Electrostimulation of the buttocks helps prevent deformities and pressure ulcers.

Tissue restoration

Muscle electrical stimulation is actively used on fibers that do not contract enough. This kind of effect is indicated for various conditions, but most often it is prescribed to patients who have had a stroke or orthopedic surgery. Often such patients experience serious difficulties when trying to make movements. With the correct placement of the electrodes, while the electrical signal is sent from the device to the muscles, the fibers can begin to contract without patient intervention. During this artificially induced reaction, the patient also tries to contract the muscles. As a result, the procedures help the brain to "learn" again to coordinate muscle activity on its own.

Electrical muscle stimulation: expert reviews

Despite the fact that various activities are periodically carried out to study the effect of electric current, its effectiveness remains in question. In the course of some studies, the procedure gives almost no results. Electrical muscle stimulation is often an alternative method due to insufficient evidence of its benefits. However, there are experts who point to the effectiveness of the procedures. So, in one of the studies conducted in 2014, which involved patients with strong and moderate muscle pain, it was found that exposure to electric current contributed to a significant decrease in the intensity of sensations. It should be noted that the study of the effectiveness of the procedures is still ongoing.

Electrical muscle stimulation for children

In pediatrics, electric shock is often used. A procedure such as electrical muscle stimulation is not contraindicated for children, but it has its own characteristics. First of all, you should be careful not to exceed the duration of exposure. Electric stimulation of the leg muscles is prescribed for children with reduced tone. Due to the impulse effect, blood circulation is stimulated, the activity of the muscles is restored. Electrical stimulation of the leg muscles is recommended for children with flat feet.

Pros of exposure

Electrical muscle stimulation, reviews of many patients confirm this, is very effective in many cases. The undoubted advantage of the procedure is the removal of pain. As patients note, relief comes quickly enough and lasts a long period. Exposure to electric current does not provoke addiction. Electrical stimulation can be performed not only in special rooms, but also at home. Many patients have different devices at their disposal. According to them, using the equipment is quite simple: it is compact and does not require special skills. For many, these devices completely replace drug therapy.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The main disadvantage of the procedure is that it does not eliminate the cause of the pathology. Exposure only irritates the muscles, causing them to contract. However, muscle function may not recover in the event of severe neurological damage. Advertisements for electrostimulation devices claim that some of them contribute, however, there is no clinical evidence of this.

Exposure using professional equipment

Different devices are used for the procedures. One of them is the "ESMA" physiotherapy equipment. In the process of exposure, not only the fibers are irritated, but also the nerve that innervates them with the help of a pulsed current. As a result, a change in bioelectric activity is observed, spike responses are formed, and an intense contraction is carried out. During the procedure, such types of current are used as:

  • High frequency.
  • Pulse.
  • Medium frequency.
  • Constant.
  • Low frequency.

Mechanism of action

Electrical muscle stimulation is often compared to "gymnastics for the lazy" - the patient does nothing, and his muscles are active. However, experts are in no hurry to draw a direct analogy, since contractions under the influence of current and natural movement are very different. At the same time, one does not at all replace or cancel the other. In the course of normal physical activity, regardless of its nature - housework, special exercises, walks, etc. - purposeful work is carried out by not all muscles. Against the background of exposure to current, all excited structures are involved. These include smooth and striated fibers. Nerve endings send a signal "up" to the centers of the brain, and "down" to organs and systems. In this case, the walls of large vessels begin to react, and reserve capillary channels open. Due to such a massive impact, even the most weakened muscles are prepared for work. However, one should not be limited to the use of external influences. To successfully achieve a goal, you need to force your muscles to act.

Equipment types

Electrodes are applied to specific motor points of the hips, back, chest, abdomen, and lower extremities. Depending on which model of the myostimulator is used, a special conductive gel may be applied to the skin. Usually 15-20 procedures are prescribed per course. The frequency of electrical stimulation is 2-3 times a week. The impact allows you to activate the fibers located deep enough, to which in normal cases it is difficult to get close. Electrostimulation of the leg muscles is very effective. As a rule, the impact is directed to a separate muscle group. In this case, electrical stimulation is performed in a specific sequence. Actually, this determines the positive effect of the procedure. As mentioned above, the equipment is equipped with electrodes. They, in turn, are equipped with devices with the help of which they are attached to the body. The device also has a main unit. It generates a current of a certain strength and frequency. Each muscle group has its own mode of action. Often, in addition to the equipment, a special gel or cream is supplied to improve the impulse conductivity.

Exposure at home

Portable devices are quite popular today. Some of them run on batteries. However, such devices are only capable of maintaining the state. With a reduced tone, for example, there is not much benefit from them, since their power is not enough for a full effect. For example, electrostimulation of the calf muscles with a portable device will relieve fatigue after a working day. However, it will not help to correct the condition of the musculature. Among the most common devices it is worth noting OMRON E4, "Enistim-1", "ESMA 12.20 COMBI" and "ESMA 12.48 FAVORIT".

Muscle electrical stimulation - a description of the procedure and an overview of the most popular devices: Stimul 1, MIORITM-040-M2, Miovolna

Electrical muscle stimulation was invented in the middle of the 19th century in France. It is usually used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation therapy to restore the functioning of tissues, organs and systems, including the nervous one.

This method has an effect due to impulse current, due to which there is a directed excitation and contraction of any area of ​​the muscles, and a decrease in the trophic function of nerve fibers.

The effect of current on the muscle tissue of the body

Electrical stimulation actively affects the body due to impulses of different duration - from 0.5 to 300 ms, with a current strength of up to 5 mA (on the face), up to 100 mA (on the body) and a frequency of 10-150 Hz, which operate intermittently.

During the procedure, the person does not move, but this effect is identical to the normal work of the muscles during their activity.

The current, passing through the tissues, excites the cells and stimulates the active work of the muscles, and during the pauses, it relaxes.

Thanks to this rhythm of work, there is no irritating effect of the current under the electrodes and the epidermis is not damaged due to prolonged electrical stimulation.

When an electrical current acts on muscles or nerves, their bioactivity changes and the formation of spike responses. The impulses provoke muscle contraction, which strengthens and activates them.

It is also good that if the muscle is overstrained, electrical stimulation relieves such tension well. This method has no analogues in the world, it forces the muscle to work 100%.

Electrical stimulation of the back muscles helps patients who have an immobile cervical, lumbar, sore or curved spine, pain, loss of sensitivity, weakened muscles, and more.

And also such a procedure is necessary at the stage of rehabilitation after spinal surgery, it will help to strengthen the muscle corset in the spine.

If you choose the right one, then electrical stimulation of the leg muscles will help restore the work of many functions:

  • biceps femoris - restores flexion of the knee joint;
  • electrostimulation calf muscle helps to restore the flexion function of the foot;
  • peronal muscle - dorsiflexion and abduction of the foot;
  • impulse currents directed to the rectus femoris improve the mobility of the segment, as well as the extension of the knee.

Thanks to myostimulation, it is possible to reach muscles located very deeply, which are difficult to load under normal circumstances.

For example, electrical stimulation of the thigh muscles helps to actively fight osteoarthritis, including helping to recover from joint replacement surgery.

The current is also used for cosmetic purposes, for a facelift. The areas of the face and neck are quite difficult to train with ordinary exercises, but electrical stimulation of the facial muscles helps to strengthen them and enhance microcirculation in them.

The procedure improves blood supply and the work of a complex of metabolic and trophic processes. Including systems and cells of the cerebral cortex are activated.

Muscles are stimulated, nucleic acids are synthesized, including RNA, which delays the process of atrophy and sclerotic development in them.

During the procedure, the effect occurs directly on the muscle and through its motor nerve. Electrical stimulation accelerates oxygen utilization and reduces energy consumption for contraction. After physical activity lactic acid accumulates, and the influence of the current removes it from the muscles, relieving pain.

Electrical stimulation of arm muscles

Electrical stimulation of the arm muscles restores the following functions:

  1. Influence at deltoid muscle helps to resume the work of abducting the shoulder to the side, back and forth;
  2. extensors of the hand and fingers, restore their extension function;
  3. electrodes located on the triceps muscle affect the extension of the arm in the elbow joint;
  4. impact on the biceps muscle, will help to bend the arm at the elbow joint;
  5. points on the flexors of the hand and fingers will help bend them.

How is the procedure

  • Before electrical stimulation, the body is examined and spastic muscles are found, the degree of increase in muscle tone is established and the presence of fibrotic changes is recognized;
  • If the procedure is intended for the face, then you need to remove makeup and degrease the skin;
  • The specialist can then apply a mask or conductive gel to the skin and also to the electrodes. It depends on the apparatus that supplies the current, as well as on the conduction of the current by the body;
  • Electrodes are applied to those areas where motor points are located - hips, limbs, abdomen, chest, back, face. Stationary electrodes are fixed or the skin is treated with movable electrodes;
  • It is better to carry out such a procedure in a medical center, where a specialist can install electrodes exactly in the places where they need to be. And also he will be able to choose the current strength that corresponds to the degree of muscle damage and is suitable for the individual sensitivity of the patient;
  • Having chosen the required current strength, frequency and duration, conduct a session of electrical stimulation;
  • Remove the electrodes, cleanse the skin from the gel.

Session duration

The duration of the procedure is determined by the doctor, depending on the symptoms, the nature of the process, etc., usually it does not exceed 40 minutes.

The duration of treatment is usually 15 to 30 sessions, they are carried out every day or every other day.

The duration of the facial procedure can last from 10 to 20 sessions. The procedure is done every couple of days, and the courses are held about once a year.

The muscle or nerve is stimulated for 2-3 minutes, and then a break is made for 10 minutes. The timing of achieving the required result depends on the disease, characteristics of the organism, condition, on the presence of extra pounds.

Electrical stimulation at home

Today you can hear about portable devices everywhere. Some can be powered by electricity, while others can be battery powered.

You can use such devices to maintain tone. Their power is low and they cannot have a full effect.

Electrical stimulation at home will help relieve fatigue after a hard day, tighten some parts of the body, relieve or reduce pain. But such a device will not help to overcome diseases or correct the condition of the muscles.

You can also be treated with this drug at home, after being prescribed and trained by a doctor.

Apparatus for electrostimulation

All devices have electrodes that are attached to the body. The device has a main unit in which a current of a certain strength and frequency is generated. Each muscle group has its own mode of operation.

Devices are classified into professional ones, which are used in clinics, beauty parlors, and low-power ones, for home use.

For muscle recovery, sinusoidal currents of increased frequencies are used, which are modulated by low frequencies. These include devices of the "Amplipulse-4, 5" type, which has a wide range of treatments, and the "Stimul-1" type, designed to stimulate such muscles.

If the electrical excitability of the muscles is reduced due to degeneration or a disease of the motor nerve, stimulation is carried out with the same currents, only they come in a rectified mode. Here, the electrodes at the motor point are connected to the negative pole. Such currents are given by the devices "UEI-1" and "Neuropulse".

Other devices for electrical muscle stimulation: Movolna, Diagnostim, NET, MIORITM-040-M2, TUR-RS, Stersodnator, Tonus-1 and others.

Stimulus 1

This device is intended for the complex treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, various paralysis, cuts, in case of poor posture, scoliosis, flat feet, to strengthen muscles, eliminate fat layers, with increased physical exertion.

Such a device is used in clinics and various medical institutions.

The Stimul-1 device generates radio pulses in a continuous transmission mode. The amplitude of the messages is regulated and its rise and fall times are corrected.

The mechanism of action lies in transistors and microcircuits. The set includes electrodes of different shapes made of hardened carbon fabric, electric holders and other devices. The device is operated at an air temperature from +10 to + 35 ° C and at an ambient humidity of up to 80%, at a temperature of + 20 ° C.

Characteristics of the Stimul-1 apparatus
Sinusoidal frequency2000 Hz ± 10%
The maximum indicator of the average value of the current at the active resistance of the load1000 Ohm - 30 mA
The repetition rate of radio pulses is equal to the frequency of the supply network;10 ms ± 20%
Duration of radio pulses
Radio pulses are generated in continuous mode and burst mode
Working Modeup to 3 minutes
Continuous operation of the deviceup to 6 hours a day
Power consumption is less40 watts
Mains consumption220V ± 10%
Current frequency50 ± 0.5 Hz
Protection against electric shockClass II
Dimensions (edit)108х300х315 mm
Machine weight without accessories4 Kg


They stimulate muscles with this device to replenish the deficit of nerve impulses, increase the blood supply to tissues and organs, suppress pain pulsation and improve the functioning of the lymphatic system.

During electrical stimulation, impulses from nerve endings are transmitted to the muscles and cause their contraction. Blood and lymph flow improves, metabolism is stimulated. The apparatus is also used to tighten the muscles of the face.

"Miovolna" provides a mode of movement of the electrostimulation zone during stable parameters that stimulate impulses.

Thanks to this, sequential stimulation of different tissue sites is carried out along the path of innervation - the direction of blood flow and lymph circulation.


This drug is used in the medical, cosmetic and sports fields. MIORITM-040-M2 has an electrostimulator with a separate power supply unit and a set of accessories.

EMS training (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) is the stimulation of muscles by a device or simulator that sends weak electrical signals through electrodes attached to the surface of the skin. Essentially, an electrical muscle stimulation machine generates impulses similar to real muscle contractions during strength training.

Advertisements for exercise equipment and reviews of EMS training studios promise to create strong muscles and a toned athletic body in just 20 minutes of training three times a week, and homemade EMS belts for the press "guarantee" embossed cubes without exhausting twists. It is enough just to put on this electric belt when watching TV, while exercise is not necessary.

Unfortunately, the evidence base for EMS training is controversial. Even if the method of myostimulation can increase muscle tone, in most cases advertising for training significantly overestimates the advantages (especially for losing weight and fighting cellulite) - and never talks about the disadvantages, possible harm and contraindications. In turn, home EMS trainers for the abdomen are more of a toy.

Who invented EMS?

The history of myostimulants dates back to the 18th century, when researchers discovered that a weak electrical current can provoke contractions of a certain muscle in the human body. In the 1960s, Soviet scientists announced that they had developed innovative training mechanics for professional athletes that would increase their muscle strength by a significant 40% (1).

Later it turned out that it was more about special restorative and rehabilitative therapy, and not at all about a method of increasing strength and muscle mass in healthy athletes. Then, in the 1970s, Germany began to use the technique of electrical muscle stimulation in physical therapy and accelerated recovery of athletes. The first EMS training studios also appeared in Germany - Bodytec and Miha.

EMS trainer - customer reviews

As for the feedback on the direct operation of such equipment and the sensations during EMS training, most people note noticeable indications. Impulse currents seem to compress the body from all sides, forcing the muscles to contract. It is quite difficult to resist them, therefore even simple physical exercises become a test. During training, the heart rate increases, and breathing may become difficult.

Note that the cost of a professional EMS trainer can be hundreds of thousands of rubles - this pushes sellers to the methods of "black" Internet marketing, which consists in publishing fake reviews. In no other Fitseven material, we see such a high activity of "joyful buyers", telling in detail how happy they are with pumped up muscles and a slimmer body.

How does EMS training work out?

Typically, one full workout in the EMS studio lasts about 20-30 minutes. A person wears a special suit with electrodes, and the trainer adjusts the power of supplying electrical impulses for each part of the body, based on the sensations and endurance of the trainee. Then the simplest physical exercises are performed for various parts of the body - squats, bending and extending the arms, swinging to the sides, and so on.

The final stage of the training is lymphatic drainage massage, during which you only need to lie down and enjoy the pleasant tingling sensations.

Trainings are held 2-3 times a week.

Real Feedback on EMS

As a physiotherapist, I repeatedly faced complications from impulse currents in women of all ages and young girls - life-threatening bleeding from the uterus (rupture of the corpus luteum) occurred. It has now been convincingly proven that, even in the absence of contraindications, it is impossible for women and girls to carry out such procedures.

After the 4th workout, a liquid formed above the kneecap, by the evening the knee was all swollen. I went to the emergency room and the doctor said this because of the heavy load on the body, in general, he forbade similar training, everyone's body is different and it is not known how it will react to such training.

First, constant electrical stimulation is harmful to the heart; secondly, external stimulation is not a neural impulse, the muscle works without communication with the brain, where is the development of movement stereotypes ?; thirdly, as coaches in these studios they take just anyone (look at the ads though on the headhunter); fourthly, this trend is for the lazy and who supposedly does not have time for full training and the desire to go broke with your own body.

EMS training- pros and cons

The first commercial EMS personal training machines appeared in the United States in the late 1990s. Manufacturers tried to give their products and the method of myostimulation for the press as much authenticity as possible, organizing all kinds of scientific congresses and developing intricate methods of certification of their own equipment - but without real scientific support.

One attempt at such certifications used the wording “weight loss and weight loss device” - but was categorically rejected by regulators as misleading. As a result, EMS received certification as a treatment for muscle atrophy and relieve spasms in bedridden patients, but not as a technique for muscle growth or body contouring (2).

EMS abdominal belt - does it work?

A separate area of ​​EMS technology is home exercise equipment and belts for creating a relief press. Obsessive advertising and numerous reviews of "happy buyers" promise fat burning, instant drawing of cubes, getting rid of cellulite and other positive effects. It is enough just to buy this belt and watch TV in it - and the stomach will go away by itself.

Unfortunately, most home EMS belts are just low quality toys from an unnamed manufacturer. Even with careful use, they fail literally in the second week. We also note that such a belt must be "glued" to the skin using replaceable gel pads or even paper tape - which means that the stomach will have to be shaved.

EMS: contraindications and harm

We also note that the EMS training method has a serious list of contraindications - from pregnancy to the presence of a number of chronic diseases - including any circulatory disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidney failure, cancer and so on. Among other things, there are risks in the presence of a common cold.

A separate group of contraindications for electrical stimulation includes people with pacemakers and other correction devices heart rate as well as persons who have suffered in the recent past bone fractures, sprains or any damage to the skin. However, when selling a subscription to an EMS training studio, they often "forget" to warn about this.

Final opinion

Although EMS training can be effective for bedridden and paralyzed patients, they are not able to affect either muscle growth, or weight loss and noticeable fat burning, or get rid of stretch marks, cellulite or any other improvement in body contouring. In addition, the EMS method has a significant list of contraindications and is not recommended even for a serious cold.

EMS training equipment manufacturers have been repeatedly fined for inaccurate advertising and misleading promises that myostimulation technique can replace strength training and create an "iron press completely effortlessly and without a drop of spilled sweat" (3). At the same time, most of the rave reviews on the Internet are most likely a fake, written by order of manufacturers.


EMS training increases muscle tone exclusively in untrained people and in paralyzed patients, without affecting either fat burning or cellulite removal. It is also important that manufacturers of such equipment have repeatedly been fined for misleading advertising that EMS simulators able to "build muscle without effort."

Scientific sources:

  1. Russian electrical stimulation: the early experiments,
  2. FDA: Import Alert 89-01,
  3. FTC Charges Three Top-selling Electronic Abdominal Exercise Belts with Making False Claims,

Electrical stimulation (physiostimulation, electrical myostimulation, myostimulation, myolifting) is a physiotherapeutic method related to rehabilitation treatment, which is based on electrical stimulation of muscle and nervous tissue. It is carried out by transferring current with certain characteristics from the myostimulator to a certain area of ​​the body through the electrodes.

The technique of electrical stimulation is widely used for the recovery of patients after injuries, with pathologies nervous system(peripheral and central), muscle hypotonia, in cosmetology and professional sports.

Myostimulation means the use of stationary, fixed electrodes and a current, the intensity of which allows visible contractions of muscle tissue. Myolifting involves the effect of moving electrodes on the skin, which do not lead to visible contractions muscle fibers but feel like a current flow.

Mechanism of action

The action of the impulse current is mainly aimed at the tone and speed of response of muscle tissue.

When muscles or nerves are exposed to an electric current, their bioactivity changes and spike responses are formed. So, electrical stimulation with a frequency of more than 10 imp-1 leads to 2 effects: depolarization and strong, prolonged muscle contraction or dentate tetanus. With an increase in the frequency of the current, due to very frequent impulses, the muscle tissue does not relax and full tetanus arises, which, with a subsequent increase in frequency, changes to complete non-excitability of the muscle tissue.

The most intense excitation is realized when the frequency ranges of impulse and electrical stimulation coincide in the nerve conductors. Against the background of electrical stimulation of the nerve with impulses of more than 50 imp-1, excitation of motor nerve conductors and passive contraction of muscle fibers are formed.


  • In the cytoplasm of cells, the number of high-energy compounds (creatine phosphate, ATP) increases, their enzymatic activity is activated, oxygen utilization is accelerated and energy consumption for stimulated muscle contraction is reduced compared to voluntary;
  • Blood supply and lymph outflow are activated, which leads to increased trophism;
  • The expansion of peripheral vessels, which occurs in parallel with passive muscle contraction, leads to the activation of blood flow.

As you know, nerve cells regulate the activity of other cells. Signals from nerve endings cause contractions of myocytes. When both muscle and nerve cells are active, ions move rapidly across the cell membrane. The current generated during this is called the "action potential" and can be registered using intracellular electrodes.

Impulses that are as close as possible in shape to the "action potentials" of muscle and nerve cells are called neuroimpulses. Preparations that generate neuroimpulses are especially popular in cosmetology, since the procedures are carried out with the greatest comfort, and the result is more effective and noticeable.

Indications for electrical stimulation and the effects of procedures

The procedures allow:

  • Prevent muscle tissue atrophy due to a special "training" of muscles during stimulation, namely, contraction and relaxation;
  • Restore the nervous regulation of muscle tissue contraction;
  • Increase muscle volume and strength without shortening muscle fibers;
  • Increase adaptation and fatigue limit of muscle tissue;
  • Reduce pain syndrome of any localization;
  • Utilize energy reserves (thereby activate lipolysis);
  • Provide lymphatic drainage and accelerate the excretion of metabolic products.

The most popular indications for stimulation:

  • Weakening of muscle tone;
  • Weakening of skin turgor;
  • Modeling the oval of the face and neck, restoring muscle tone in this area.

Apparatus for electromyostimulation

Modern computerized equipment allows you to set the required parameters of the procedure, which will be most effective in each case:

  • pulse shape;
  • pulse repetition rate. Most often, a low pulse frequency is used, from 10 to 1000 Hz.

The low frequency range used in physiotherapy practice is preferable due to the fact that the fibers skeletal muscle can react with a contraction to stimulation with a current rate of not more than 1000 Hz. Higher frequencies of the current are no longer perceived by the nervous and muscle tissue as separate stimuli, and this leads to a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the action.

For impact on skeletal, smooth muscle and nerve conductors need to use different pulse frequencies. If the device allows you to change the frequency of the generated pulses, this significantly expands the scope of its application. Different classes of devices operate at different pulse rates:

  • High-class electrostimulation devices - high-frequency filling of impulses with a recommended frequency in the range of 400-600 Hz.
  • Devices of the middle class - low-frequency filling of impulses with a recommended frequency of myostimulation in the range of 10-230 Hz.

Also, the devices are classified into professional ones, which are installed in physical rooms and beauty salons of beauty salons, and low-power home devices (belts, butterflies, shorts, etc.), which can be used independently.

The pulse duration is 0.1-1000 ms. Short impulses, from 0.1 to 0.5 ms, are close to natural neuro impulses and the most preferred for myostimulation.

The current strength of the equipment varies depending on the area of ​​the body: for exposure to the face - up to 10 mA, for exposure to the body - up to 50 mA. During the procedures, the intensity of the current varies depending on the person's sensations: muscle contractions should be strong, but not painful.

Pulses are classified into mono and bipolar.

  • Monopolar impulses separate substances into ions and can propel particles with an electric charge deeper into tissues. Monopolar pulse current can also be used for electrophoresis. The same substances are used as for electrophoresis with galvanic current.
  • Bipolar impulses lead to oscillatory movements of particles with an electric charge on biological membranes. The pulses on the symmetrical zones compensate for the electrolysis, and there is no skin irritation under the electrodes. Such impulses overcome skin resistance more effectively, and procedures are more comfortable for patients.

Electrostimulation treatment is carried out 2-3 times in 7 days (it is possible every other day), 20-40 minutes per session. The course includes 15-20 procedures. The minimum break between courses is 1 month.

Scheme of the procedures

  1. The electrodes, well moistened in water, are placed on the active motor points of the muscle tissue in the affected area and secured with bandages.
  2. Connect the wires observing the polarity.
  3. Launch a suitable program on the machine.
  4. The current strength is increased gradually, 3-4 minutes after the start of exposure, until active muscle contractions... There should be no pain during muscle contraction. It is best to increase the intensity of the impact simultaneously in symmetrical zones.
  5. After the end of the procedure, the device is turned off and the electrodes are removed.
  6. The skin at the site of the procedure is treated with a moisturizing tonic or milk.


Contraindications to electrical stimulation are quite extensive and must be taken into account when prescribing treatment. The fact is that electric current can accelerate the progression of a number of diseases and lead to the most undesirable effects.

  • Oncological diseases (however, some types of electrical stimulation are used to relieve pain).
  • Blood pathologies.
  • Pregnancy (in exceptional cases, it can be used for toxicosis).
  • Diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Artificial pacemaker.
  • Pulmonary, heart failure above grade 2.
  • Severe heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Arterial hypertension (upper pressure over 180).
  • Epilepsy.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Individual intolerance to electric current.

There are also local contraindications that relate to the area of ​​the procedure:

  • trauma, abrasion, cuts, and other violations of the integrity of the dermis;
  • metal implants, for example, "golden threads" on the face, an intrauterine device with metal elements, if the electrodes are applied to the lower abdomen;
  • benign neoplasms, including nevi;
  • phlebitis, thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm.

Electrostimulation methods

Neuromuscular electrostimulation

It is successfully used in medical rehabilitation, as well as in addition to athletic professional training, and is suitable for stimulating all muscles of the body.

The procedures help to eliminate sagging muscles and skin, fight against the phenomena of cellulite, help with excess weight, impaired peripheral circulation (venous and arterial) and venous-lymphatic insufficiency. Indicated for the restoration of muscle strength after surgery, fractures, to improve mobility. They are also recommended after a stroke, as they help to restore fine hand movements and gait.

We must not forget about the individual sensitivity of patients to the action of the current, and start the procedure at the lowest rates, increasing them gradually. With prolonged electrotherapy, addiction can develop. Therefore, it is very important to correctly draw up a treatment program, to include other methods for the greatest effect. If we are talking about trained people, athletes, then it should be borne in mind that this group of patients initially has more strong muscles, therefore, the electrical load should be more intense.

Muscle electrical stimulation is well combined with lymphatic drainage, deep heat exposure, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, pressotherapy, endermology.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

In other words, the effect on the focus is through the skin. It is effective for acute and chronic pain of various origins and is used in everyday physiotherapy practice.

High-frequency exposure activates pain inhibition mechanisms: electrical impulses lead to a blockade of pain signals that travel along the nerves from the pain focus to the brain. Low-frequency exposure activates the release of endorphins, which are natural pain inhibitors.

Unlike anesthetic drug therapy, TENS does not have side effects... It can be used as monotherapy, and as an addition to other methods.

Transcranial electrostimulation

It implies the effect of pulsed bipolar currents with specified characteristics on the brain. The main indications for electrical stimulation of the brain: post-stroke and post-infarction state, hypertension of 1-2 degrees, rehabilitation after damage to the peripheral nervous system, pain syndrome in cancer, neurological patients, after trauma, depression, anxiety, toxicosis of pregnant women in 1-2 trimesters, menopause, sleep disturbances, itchy dermatitis.

  • Activation of opioid structures and the release of beta-endorphin, which relieves pain syndromes, reduces the drug load if pain relief is required;
  • Beta-endorphin relieves anxiety and has an antidepressant effect, improves stress resistance and mood, which in itself helps in the treatment of any disease;
  • Impact on the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata normalizes blood pressure;
  • The activation of lymphocytes by beta-endorphin leads to an increase in the body's defenses;

The method is also used in the treatment of addictions and relieves the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms. Cravings for alcohol and drugs are reduced by stimulating the opiate system. Helps in the recovery period of severe burn patients. It has an analgesic effect, relieves stress spasm of the vascular wall and improves blood circulation.

Interstitial electrostimulation

The second name is electrical stimulation according to Gerasimov, since the method was developed under the guidance of this scientist. Main indications: spinal osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, pain syndrome after spinal surgery for truncation of hernias, scoliosis, deforming arthrosis, VSD, peripheral nerve dysfunction, bronchial asthma, migraine, tension headache, dizziness, heel spur.

For the procedure, special disposable needles are used, which are connected with wires to a device that generates a pulsed low frequency current. The needles are inserted directly into the painful areas.

As a result of the procedure, blood microcirculation improves, swelling decreases, muscle spasm is eliminated and nutrition in the area where the needles are installed improves. Already after the first procedure, there is a significant improvement and decrease in pain.

It is very often practiced for osteochondrosis, localized in any part of the spine. It improves blood circulation, helps to stop the decay of cartilage tissue, restores innervation and, most importantly for patients, eliminates pain in 95% of cases.

Electrostimulation of the eyes

It is realized in the course of exposure to a pulsed current on the muscular apparatus of the eye, the optic nerve, and the retina. Main indications: ptosis, strabismus, dystrophy of the retina, optic nerve, myopia, amblyopia, paresis and paralysis of the oculomotor muscles.

The impact on the motor muscles of the eyelid and eye leads to an improvement in neuromuscular transmission, normalization of muscle tone and more efficient functioning. After a course of procedures, friendly eye movements and lifting of the eyelids are improved. The action on the sensory apparatus (optic nerve, retina) allows you to increase the number of connections with the central nervous system and form a greater feedback, which means to improve vision.

Electrical stimulation of the pelvic nerves

It is an alternative, official treatment for fecal and urinary incontinence. Works for both stress incontinence and dysfunction due to decreased muscle tone pelvic floor and the anal sphincter.

  • In stress incontinence therapy, the goal of treatment is to correct the dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles.
  • For urinary incontinence, the procedure is aimed at inhibiting the involuntary contraction of the walls Bladder by stimulating the nerves of the pelvic floor.

Electrical stimulation in children

In pediatrics, this method of treatment is used quite widely, from birth, with the following pathologies: intestinal atony, dysfunction of the pelvis, hypotension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, organic damage to the central nervous system, cerebral palsy, flat feet, scoliosis, dysplasia hip joints, the consequences of TBI, including in children in a state of drug-induced sleep, the consequences of infectious lesions of the spinal cord and brain, autism, hyperactivity, speech and hearing impairments, joint pathologies.

All methods of electrical stimulation are used in children, including interstitial, transcranial. V individually the current strength, the shape and frequency of the impulse and the duration of exposure are selected. In any case, stimulation is carried out on gentle modes and with a shorter duration of exposure than in adults.

In cosmetology

The procedure is actively used in cosmetology for body shaping, cellulite, giving the oval of the face clearer contours, reducing skin laxity and wrinkles, strengthening and improving the tone of the muscles of the neck and face, abdominal muscles (especially after childbirth), weight loss, acceleration of lymphatic drainage (elimination of edema) ...

During the procedure, influence on different muscle groups impulse current of different frequency. Myostimulation allows you to engage even deep muscles.

Improves the condition of small blood vessels, accelerates metabolism, activates the outflow of lymph, forces the muscles to actively contract, neutralizes stagnant processes in the skin and intensively removes excess moisture (this is why, even after the first procedure, you can see a decrease in body volume).

  • When the oval of the face changes, the muscles localized in the cheeks are affected.
  • For neck flabbiness, stimulate a wide subcutaneous muscle- platysma, by applying self-adhesive skin electrodes.
  • To reduce the severity of the double chin, a pulse current is used.
  • You can achieve noticeable positive results and when omitted upper eyelid using movable electrodes on a gel base.

Side effects and complications

Muscle discomfort may occur during and after the procedure. An inflammatory reaction may develop at the site of contact between the skin and the electrodes.

To prevent these undesirable effects, during the procedure, the patient should monitor his health and, if discomfort or pain occurs, inform the doctor.

Possible complications include:

  • flushing of the skin up to burns. Perhaps if the electrodes are incorrectly positioned;
  • increased menstrual flow, especially if the procedure is carried out in the first days of menstruation. Therefore, during the period of menstruation, it is recommended to refuse treatment;
  • Nausea, indigestion. This is possible if the abdominal procedure was performed immediately after a meal.

In this article, we will tell you everything about an electrostimulator for building muscle mass, an electromassager and electrophoresis in one device.

In 1990-1995, a great wave of bodybuilding swept in our country. "Rocking chairs" became widespread, which were usually located in the basements of houses. Those who wanted to increase their muscle mass were first copied and redrawn, and then, with the spread of "bourgeois" copying techniques, they copied notes and drawings describing the methods of building muscle mass by the then famous bodybuilder teacher, Joe Weider. This wave did not pass by me either. In one of the cooperatives in Kiev, I wrote out a cash on delivery scheme and a description of the "Electrostimulator for building muscle". I assembled this device and used it for a while instead of heavy sports equipment.

A wonderful property of this device is that with its help you can not only "pump up" muscles, but also do electromassage... This is achieved by setting the operating mode with short pulses. A person relaxes his body, while enjoying it - the muscles "themselves" involuntarily twitch. When using an electrostimulator, bruises, sprains and dislocations heal faster due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in skin cells and muscle tissues.

The electrostimulator allows burn subcutaneous fat.

Another property of the electrostimulator is that it can be used in a physiotherapy room - to work in a mode that allows you to do a medical procedure - electrophoresis.

In sports practice, the use of electrical stimulation is recommended for:

  • increase in muscle strength (40-50%);
  • an increase in muscle volume (5-10%);
  • improvement of speed qualities / up to 29%);
  • reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer (10-15%);
  • increasing muscle performance;
  • increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

Numerical data are given for a three-week course of electrical stimulation. It is advisable to use electrical stimulation to improve the above qualities, both for beginners and experienced athletes. The most pronounced positive effect of electrical stimulation in bodybuilding, weightlifting, gymnastics, various types of martial arts, etc.

The main purpose of the device

A single-channel stimulator of the human neuromuscular system is intended for physiotherapeutic action by pulse-modulated currents in health-improving and sports practice, as a means of increasing functional physical sports indicators, and for the prevention and removal of pain syndromes.

The output stimulating pulses (SI) of the apparatus are modulated by an exponential envelope rectangular current oscillations of an adjustable frequency (1-10 kHz). The envelope repetition rate is 7-300 Hz. The indicated SI are formed in bursts of pulses, adjustable in duration: 0.5-10 sec or 0.05-1 Hz.


  • In the continuous generation mode (toggle switches "AM", "FM" - position "0"), a continuous series of SI is formed, the amplitude of which is regulated by the resistor R2 "Output level", and the repetition rate by the resistor R1 "Pulse frequency".
  • In the amplitude modulation mode (the "AM" toggle switch is on) automatic alternation of SI series and pauses. The duration of the series is regulated by R3 "Modulation frequency".
  • In the frequency modulation mode ("FM" is on), a continuous series of SI is generated, automatically changing in frequency from the value set by the "Pulse frequency" regulator to the minimum repetition rate of the SI.
  • The SI amplitude regulation is smooth, from (0-3) V to (33- +3) V (at a power supply voltage (9- + 0.25V).
  • SI repetition rate control is smooth from (5.8) Hz to (355- + 89) Hz.
  • Regulation of the modulating signal frequency in the range from (0.05- + 0.01) Hz to (0.9- + 0.22) Hz (or, respectively, from 3 to 120 modulations / min).
  • The ratio of the modulation pulse duration to the pause is no more than 1.5: 1.
  • The pulse duration (tp) is (0.5- + 0.08) ms.
  • Average power consumption (at power supply voltage (9- + 0.25) V, SI amplitude (33- + 3) V and connected load equivalent (1- + 0.1) kOhm) does not exceed (1.2- + 0 , 12) W

The schematic diagram of the electrostimulator is shown in the figure below.

The stimulant consists of:

A stimulating pulse generator based on elements DD1.1, DD1.2, VD1, VD2, VT3, C1, R1 ... R7 and a resistor R1 "Pulse frequency";

Modulation generator on elements DD1.3, DD1.4, VT12, СЗ, С4, R14… R16, R18… R21, R24 and resistor R3 "Modulation frequency";

Filling frequency generator on elements DD2.1, DD2.2, VD13, VD14, VT15 ... VT17, C5, R22, R23, R25 ... R30, VT19, VT20 and resistor R4 "Filling frequency";

Power amplifier on the elements VT18, VT21, VT22, R31 ... R35, C6, C7, transformer TV1, VD23;

Stabilizer on VT24, VT25, R36… R38 elements and LED H3;

Attenuator and pulse shaper on the elements VT5, VT6, VD7 ... VD11, R10 ... R13, C2, R39 and resistor R2 "Output level";

Display units on elements DD2.3, R8 and LED H1; VT4, R9 and RA1 dial gauge (output signal setting level);

DD2.4, R17 and LED H2 (modulation frequency), LED NC (power supply voltage control).

Signal generators are assembled according to traditional schemes and do not require a separate description.

Electrostimulator Parts List

DD1, DD2 - K561LA7

VT3, VT4, VT17, VT18, VT24, VT25 - KT315G

VT5, VT21 - KT361G

VT19, VT20 - KT972A

VT22 - KT827A VD1, VD2, VD7, VD8 ... VD14, VD23 - D223B

Н1, Н2, Н3 - AL307BM Device RA1 - М4248 - 100mkA

C1 - 0.068 μF

C2 - 4.7 nF

SZ - 50.0 μF x 10 V

C4 - 10.0 x 10 V

C5 - 6.8 nF

C6 - 30 pF

C7 - 200.0 μF

Transformer: Armor core with a diameter of 28 mm (external), 12 mm (internal), height - 24 mm. Windings I, II - 27 turns of PEL-0.3, III - 447 turns of PEL-0.2 The beginning, end of the windings are shown in the diagram.


R1, R33 - 1 kOhm

R2, R9, R14, R22, R23, R24 - 24 kOhm

R3 - 5.6 kOhm

R4 - 56 kOhm

R5, R10 - 100 kOhm

R6 - 68 kOhm

R11, R16, R18, R34 - 10kOhm

R13 - 75 kOhm

R15 - 4.3 kOhm

R20 - 6.8 kOhm

R19 - 51 kOhm

R21 - 20 kOhm

R25, R26, R28, R35 - 3.3 kOhm

R27, R30 - 6.2 kOhm

R29 - 1.8 kOhm

R31, R37 - 4.7 kOhm

R32 - 100 0m

R36 - 910 Ohm

R38 - 510 Ohm

R39 - 1 kOhm

Variable resistors:

R1 SPZ-4A - 10 kOhm

R2 SPZ-4A - 4.7 kOhm

R3, R4 SPZ-4A - 100 kOhm.

The stimulator is assembled in a body the size of a regular school notebook and approximately 5 centimeters high. The body was soldered from foil-coated PCB and painted with quick-drying enamel. For better adhesion of the enamel to copper foil, the body was prepared before painting: it was lightly processed with coarse-grained emery paper, then it was placed in a solution of ferric chloride for 1 minute, after that it was washed and dried. To reduce the size, as a PA1 device, I used a recording indicator from a cassette tape recorder. Battery powered makes the instrument safe from injury electric shock(in an unforeseen situation during the procedures, a person will not be able to tear off the electrodes attached to the body). For two square batteries of 4.5 volts, a compartment was made, but I did not put batteries in it (you can’t fill them enough), but a 9 volt step-down transformer with a diode bridge and a 470 uF capacitor. This does not meet safety requirements, but fulfilling certain requirements, you can secure yourself by other measures - to be "isolated" from heating systems, grounding, large metal objects in the room.

Printed circuit board

  • deltoid muscles 1;
  • biceps 2;
  • triceps 15;
  • brachioradialis muscle 3;
  • radial extensor 14;
  • trapezius muscle of the back 8;
  • subscapularis muscle and latissimus dorsi 9;
  • large round muscle 10;
  • external oblique muscle of the abdomen 6;
  • serratus anterior and rectus abdominis muscle 5;
  • average gluteus muscle, muscle-tensioner of the wide fascia, gluteus maximus muscle 11;
  • sartorius muscle and rectus femoris 7;
  • biceps femoris 13;
  • semitendinosus muscle;
  • semi-membranous muscle;
  • calf muscle 12.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to subject the pectoral muscles to electrical stimulation. To avoid the flow of electric current through the heart area, the electrodes should always be placed only on the left or right, upper or lower parts of the body, but never on either side.

To eliminate unpleasant sensations during electrical stimulation, it is necessary to ensure reliable contact between the electrode area and the skin. For this, 6-8-layer gauze pads soaked in 5-10% sodium chloride solution are placed under the electrodes. Best results gives powdery graphite with spindle oil (sour cream consistency).

1. Increase in muscle strength and muscle volume

For development strength qualities electrical muscle stimulation is carried out with the greatest possible current (voltage), the value of which is individual and is determined by personal feelings. A sensation should be achieved that the muscle is torn, as it were. This effect is achieved in addition to increasing the amplitude of the signal, also by the duration of exposure. The muscle is brought to a state of complete fatigue by a series of messages: stimulation-relaxation. The duration of stimulation and relaxation is selected individually, observing the main criterion - the rapid achievement of fatigue. Before starting the session, warm up all muscle groups. It is recommended to train 1-2 times a day, with a limited time, the most important muscle groups are stimulated. The time of electrical stimulation of one muscle is up to 5 minutes.

ATTENTION: In the first days of classes, avoid overwork. The achieved results are saved without continuing training for 3-4 months.

2. Reduction of subcutaneous fat layer

Electrical stimulation allows you to reduce the thickness of the fat layer, activating metabolic processes throughout the body. For this purpose, stimulation of large muscle groups (gluteal muscles, abdominals, etc.) is performed. The amplitude of the output signal is set to painless and maximally tolerable muscle contraction. Course - 20 daily sessions, observing a fasting diet. A session up to 10 minutes per muscle group. Electrical stimulation is also effective for enhancing muscle definition.

3. Flexibility training

The use of electrical stimulation allows for effective stretching of muscles and ligaments, which significantly reduces the time for mastering exercises that require flexibility (for example, "splits"). This area of ​​ES application can be recommended for representatives of various types of martial arts. To increase flexibility, electrodes are applied to those muscles, the "tension" of which does not allow performing this or that exercise (for example, the muscles of the back and front of the thigh when doing the twine). The signal amplitude is gradually increased from zero, the relaxation time should be equal to the stimulation time. You need to perform exercises that "stretch" the muscles and ligaments from stretching which depends on the successful implementation of, for example, the same twine. The combination of exercise and electrical stimulation is very effective in developing flexibility. Affect each muscle for up to 5-10 minutes.

Rules for switching on and controlling the electrostimulator

The "Output level" knob should be brought to the extreme left position. Then, without connecting the electrodes, set the "Output level" to the maximum, the AM switches to "1", the FM switches to "0". In this case, the battery voltage indicator HL3 should light up; the HL2 modulation indicator will light up rhythmically; synchronously to him - to deviate to the right arrow indicator. The indicator of the presence of pulses HL1 should shine from a weak to a moderate level (depends on the "Pulse frequency" knob).

Before starting the session, moisten the electrodes in saline, securely attach the electrodes to the muscle to be stimulated, connect the wires from the electrodes to the X1 and X2 connectors of the electrostimulator. Turn on the electrostimulator, adjust the amplitude regulator smoothly from zero, based on the training methodology and personal feelings, the required SI amplitude. In case of tingling, burning sensation, press the electrodes harder to the muscles.

When electrostimulation according to claim 1, AM, FM switch on, the pulse repetition rate is 30-100 Hz, the modulation frequency is 0.2-0.25 Hz (12-15 messages per minute), the filling frequency is 2-8 kHz. The optimal position of the adjustments is set according to personal feelings, achieving the least discomfort. The rest is according to n.1 of the Methodology.

When electrostimulation according to clause 2 of the Methodology: turn on AM, turn off FM, repetition frequency 100-200 Hz, filling frequency 4-8 kHz, modulation frequency 0.5 Hz (30 messages per minute).

When electrostimulation according to claim 3, set the parameters in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Methodology.


Electrical stimulation for the purpose of increasing muscle volume does not relieve the athlete's usual nutritional requirements for bodybuilding. Correct and balanced nutrition in combination with electrical stimulation is a guarantee rapid growth muscles. The use of electrical stimulation in order to reduce the fat layer requires some dietary restrictions. Nutritional recommendations are beyond the scope of this manual; this issue is well covered in sports and popular science literature.

Security measures


- moving the electrodes during electrical stimulation without turning off the power of the device;

- break the electrostimulator-electrodes circuit during the session;

- start a session of electrical stimulation without removing the signal amplitude to zero;

- to engage in a state of extreme fatigue.

According to the method of protecting the patient from voltage by electric current, the stimulator corresponds to class III and type BF in accordance with GOST 12.2.025 - 76g.

There are no absolute contraindications to the appointment of electrical stimulation.

Electrostimulation is relatively contraindicated in the following diseases: hemophilia, hereditary family diseases of the nervous system (progressive muscular dystrophy, myotonia, myasthenia gravis, amitrophic lateral sclerosis, epilepsy, sirigomyelia, multiple sclerosis (in the acute phase), syphilitic dry fever, all infectious and infectious chore non-infectious diseases in the acute stage, fever, disorders of cerebral circulation, severe forms of hypertension, skin diseases, rupture of muscles and ligaments, bone fractures. vocal cords as airway closure may occur. Do not electrostimulate the abdomen and lower back in pregnant women.

It should be borne in mind that electrical stimulation can suppress chronic pain, which is a symptom of a pathological process of unexplained causes.

In all cases, the question of the advisability of electrical stimulation should be discussed with a specialist doctor.

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