How to prepare for your first swimming lessons for an adult. Swimming in the slimming pool Effective effect of exercise on the human body


In the discipline "Physical education"

On the topic: Swimming.

Valeria Marova


060109-Nursing 51

Course 1 Group C-12


Moscow 2015

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… .3

Types of sailing ……………………………………. ……………………………. …… .4

Backstroll ………………………………… .. ………… .. ……. ……… ............... 4

Chest roll ……………. …………………………………………………….… 5

Breaststroke ……………………………. ………………… .. ………………………………… 8

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….….… 12

List of used literature …………………………………………. …… 13


Swimming is one of the most popular and popular sports. When moving in water, practically all muscles of the body work. Swimming contributes to the development of endurance, coordination of movements. It is an effective means of strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The formation of the correct swimming skill is possible if, in the process of teaching swimming, it is most expedient for the trainer to use the laws of human interaction with the aquatic environment.

Swimming consists of the following sections:

Sports swimming- competitions in the pool and in open water by types and distances, determined by special rules for speed;

Play swimming- outdoor games and entertainment in the water. Used in teaching and training young swimmers. Games increase the activity of children, promote the manifestation of initiative, foster a sense of camaraderie, evoke positive emotions;

Applied swimming- techniques for rescuing a drowning person, diving in length and depth, as well as overcoming water obstacles;

Figured (artistic) swimmingvarious complexes movements composed of choreographic elements using acrobatic and gymnastic combinations for building various figures in the water, it can be group and solo.

In our country, people are engaged in swimming of different ages And children are the bulk of people who learn swimming and take part in competitions.

The health-improving value of swimming is no less great. Water cleanses human skin, improves skin respiration and strengthens the skin itself. Swimming also contributes to the growth of the body of adolescents, since during swimming, a person is in a horizontal position and the spine is unloaded from ordinary gravitational loads. Swimming has a positive effect on the condition of the central nervous system: Excessive excitability and irritability are eliminated, self-confidence appears. Swimming hardens the body of children and adolescents.

The ability to swim is necessary for every person, and if a person has learned to swim, then the acquired swimming skill is preserved for life, especially in such professions that come into contact with water - building bridges, fishing and etc.

Swimming types

Back stitch.

Back crawl - NS on the technique of performance, the back roll stands out from the rest of the styles. And although the technique of a crawl on the back consists, as in the case of a crawl on the chest, in continuous alternate movements of the arms and legs, the main distinguishing features of this style are: a special position of the body - lying on the back; above-water breathing - exhalation is performed not into water, as in other methods, but into the air. It is the back crawl technique that is widely used in applied swimming, for example, if it is necessary to swim, tow some loads or transport a victim.

Body position: For maximum streamlining in the water with the crawl style on the back, the swimmer's body should be located almost horizontally - the angle of attack should not be higher than 6-8 °, shoulder girdle located just above the pelvis. In the process of learning the technique of swimming backstabbing important aspect is the development of students' skills in the correct position of the head. During the movement, the water level should pass approximately at the level of the ears of the swimmer, whose head rests with the back of the head on the so-called front wave. The neck is relaxed and in line with the spine. The eyes look up and slightly back.

Hand movement: At the initial stage, one arm is extended under the water behind the head and is parallel to the water surface. With the implementation of the influx and the supporting part of the stroke, the arm extended beyond the head begins to bend at the elbow joint, the hand and forearm remain on the same line. The main part of the stroke begins with a sequential extension of the arm at the elbow, during which the hand takes an almost perpendicular position to the surface of the water to form a larger take-off area during the stroke. As the hand is removed from the water, the shoulder, forearm, and hand are sequentially on the surface. In this case, the shoulder of the outgoing hand is lifted out of the water, significantly helping to speed up the withdrawal. Slightly bent at the elbow, a hand that has emerged from the water quickly sweeps through the air in the direction of the swimmer's movement. Her hand is turned with the palm outward in order to enter the water down with the little finger. Turning the hand facilitates the process of circular movement of the hand through the air and the beginning of a new stroke, in which the hand falls into the water behind the head approximately on the line of its shoulder and takes the starting position for the influx. The general scheme of the alternate work of the arms in the style of a crawl on the back looks like this - during the stroke, each hand makes: an influx and support stage of the stroke, the main stage of the stroke, exit from the water.

Breath: As a rule, inhalation in the crawl is performed under a turn of one of the shoulders, for which the swimmer turns his head to the side. Usually krollists produce one inhalation and one exhalation for 2 strokes with their hands. However, along with classical technique There is also a so-called bilateral breathing pattern in the rabbit, which is gradually gaining more and more popularity among experienced athletes. Inhalation is made towards the arm that completes the stroke, at the moment it begins to emerge from the water. You need to inhale deeply. After inhaling, the swimmer turns his head forward and lowers his face into the water, starting to exhale. The exhalation should be full, but its implementation is relatively evenly distributed over the remaining movement time until the next inhalation. The exhalation should be completed intensively - this eliminates the ingress of water into the mouth during the subsequent inhalation.


During the swim, the swimmer alternately makes counter movements up and down with his legs with a slight turn of the hips from side to side. Movements are performed from the hip. Then the lower leg and foot are involved in the work. On the preparatory stage the foot moves up. The main working phase falls on the downward movement of the foot - impact. At the very beginning, the thigh begins to fall from the top position. The leg bends at the knee, after which the foot first passes to the surface of the water, and then, as if leaning on its water back side, rushes down behind the thigh. This is the main part - a kick with the foot, during which bent leg begins to straighten up. As the foot and lower leg move downward, the thigh begins to move upward, allowing the foot to perform a downward sweeping blow as the leg is fully extended. After the impact, the almost straight leg begins to move upward. The thigh again changes the direction of its movement and, ahead of the lower leg and foot, begins to descend. All repeats.

Chest stitch.

The chest crawl is the fastest swimming style possible. One of the most popular styles among swimmers, from amateurs of swimming for fun to athletes participating in professional competitions. The crawl swimming technique involves performing wide strokes alternately with both hands, the head is submerged in water, in order to inhale it turns to the side during one of the strokes, the legs move in a vertical plane, giving additional horizontal acceleration while cutting through the water.

Body position

To crawl, you need to keep your body as horizontal as possible. The angle that forms between the longitudinal axis of your body and the horizontal is called the angle of attack. The closer this angle is to the horizontal, the better the streamlining of the swimmer's body. The slowdown caused by the water resistance is lower, thanks to this you can develop more speed. In the crawl, the value of the angle of attack is the smallest among all other swimming styles, depending on the speed and features of the body structure, it can vary from 0 to 10 degrees. The smallest angle of attack is achieved due to the higher speed and correct stroke technique.

During the movement, the shoulders should be higher than the hips, which will facilitate the movement of the hands when leaving the water and carrying it for a stroke, also when performing a repulsive movement, this makes it possible to actively work the muscles of the body. The feet should be deep enough to allow effective kicks with the feet. The position of the head in the crawl is free, the neck practically does not strain, at the moment when it is necessary to take a breath, a movement of the head is made to the side.

Leg movement while swimming

When crawling, the legs make alternating up and down movements. Leg movements can be divided into two phases - preparatory and shock. In the preparatory movement, most of the muscles are relaxed, the leg is straightened until it reaches a horizontal position. After that, the foot begins to move down, the knee moves down. After the foot is at the level of the water surface, or higher, the shock phase begins. The shock phase is aimed at developing lift, creating and maintaining a driving force. In the shock phase, the lower leg moves down, at the beginning of the movement, the foot looks toe inward, the thigh continues to move downward, gradually bending at the knee, in the final stage the thigh moves upward, the foot bends toe out. The number of kicks per cycle of two arm strokes is usually two, four or six. For beginners to learn the basics of crawling, it is recommended to use the six-beat technique, as it is easier to master. Two-hitting is usually used when traveling long distances.

Breathing in a crawl:

Breathing in crawl swimming should be performed correctly with a short inhalation delay, this enables the body to be better saturated with oxygen. The inhalation is made towards the hand, which is currently completing the repulsive phase. The inhalation ends after the same hand begins to leave the water. Turning the head should be done smoothly, without sudden movements. How many cycles to do before inhaling primarily depends on the length of the distance. For long distances, as a rule, there are 2-3 cycles per breath, for short ones - one breath per cycle

Hand work:

With the beginning of movement in the water, the swimmer's shoulders begin to turn left and right relative to the longitudinal axis of his body. This allows other muscle groups of the trunk to be involved in the work during the stroke, which in turn makes it easier for the hands to get out of the water and carry them through the air. When crawling, the swimmer's hands move alternately: if the stroke is made with the left hand, the right one at this time sweeps over the water and vice versa. The arm making the stroke ends at hip level and is taken out of the water. In parallel with this, the other hand of the swimmer enters the water at an acute angle and then extends forward and slightly downward, assuming a streamlined position. Rowing in progress bent arm with the elbow raised high, which makes it possible to hold the hand and forearm almost perpendicular to the movement of the shoulder. Usually the hand makes a downward movement approximately at the level of the longitudinal axis of the body or slightly going beyond it. The maximum flexion of the arm at the elbow is in the middle of the stroke. At this point, the angle between the forearm and shoulder should be almost 90 °. The main part of the stroke is combined with a slight turn of the body towards the rowing arm. This allows you to strengthen the stroke due to the additional work of the trunk muscles. At the end of the main stage, the palm of the rowing hand is on the hip line.


Breaststroke - style sports swimming on the chest, in which the arms and legs perform symmetrical movements in a plane parallel to the surface of the water. This is how it differs from the butterfly style with symmetrical movements in the vertical plane and the crawl with alternating movements of the arms and legs. Breaststroke - the slowest swimming style, also considered the most complex style technically.

Leg movements

The modern sports style of breaststroke swimming differs from the applied one in much more complex footwork. Advance forward is achieved by pushing backwards along a complex spiral path of water. And since the straightening and joining of the legs together occurs almost simultaneously, merging into a single movement, and the hips work in advance of the legs and feet, it is somewhat whip-like in nature. At the moment of strengthening the stroke with the hands, the legs maintain a straight, well streamlined position. When the swimmer moves the chin to the water surface and increases exhalation, the legs begin to gradually bend at the knees. At the moment of inhalation, simultaneously with the continuation of the smooth bending of the knees, the feet are slightly parted to the sides. At the end of inhalation, when the hands move forward, the rate of flexion of the hip and knee joints increases, the feet at the width of the pelvis begin to pull up to the buttocks. When the swimmer's head is immersed in the water, the legs reach the maximum bent position: knees are spread apart, but do not go beyond the frontal plane of the swimmer, heels at the buttocks. This is the starting position for the push.

Rice. 1. Technique of simultaneous movements of the legs when swimming breaststroke.
Leg movements in phases.

Hand movements

As mentioned above, in breaststroke swimming, the arms and legs are equally movers. But the hands set the pace and rhythm, determine the overall coordination of movements and are closely related to breathing. Hand movements are critical in increasing breaststroke speed. During the stroke, the swimmer's hands move along their trajectory at high speed, continuously leaning against the water.

Rice. 2. Trajectory of hand movements
Technique of hand movements in phases.

Capturing water runs smoothly. The swimmer sends his arms forward and slightly to the sides. The brushes move at a depth of about 10-15 cm from the surface of the water and are turned with the palms down and slightly outward. The swimmer, with a gradually increasing effort, presses the water with his palms, smoothly bending the wrist at the wrist joints. The hands remain as if fixed in elbow joints, elbows out to the sides (but not down).

Main part the stroke begins with vigorous flexion of the arms at the elbow joints and a supporting movement with the hands backward. The hands with acceleration move along a rounded area, first outward and then inward, the elbows are held in a high position.

The 2nd half of the stroke is the fastest and most powerful part of the movement phase in question. At this time, the working planes of the hands and forearms occupy a position favorable to support against the water (they are inclined to the water surface at an angle of about 60 °), the hands continue to move rapidly along a round trajectory backward - inward, and then inward - forward. Following the brushes, the elbows are also directed inward. Vigorously completing the stroke with his hands, the swimmer directs himself forward and slightly upward. Towards the end of the phase, the hands and elbows come together below, under the swimmer's chin.

Putting your arms forward- preparatory phase of movements. The beginning of the withdrawal, as it were, continues a single rapid movement of the arms inward - forward during the end of the stroke. At this time, the palms are turned slightly towards each other. The further path forward, the hands pass smoothly. The hands are turned palms down and almost touch. At the end of the withdrawal, the athlete again actively sends his hands, almost straightened at the elbow joints, forward, in order to begin the next seizure of water with his hands.

During swimming, the entire musculoskeletal system is involved. What muscles work when swimming and how to develop muscles? This sport can be considered ideal for maintaining the body in excellent physical form... Swimmers almost always have perfect posture and the heart muscle is well developed and the cardiovascular system generally. And this is a big plus of swimming.

What is the use of swimming

Doctors recommend swimming to almost all patients who want to put their health in order. Before you understand which muscle groups work in swimming, you need to consider the health benefits of the sport.

Being in the pool perfectly maintains blood circulation and increases lung capacity. Swimming is practically the only sport that makes all types of muscles work. Also, swimmers almost never have problems with the digestive system.

With regular training, a person's endurance increases, and the body is always in good shape and fit. And it doesn't matter where the person is swimming. The question: what muscles work with can be answered unequivocally. The same work in the pool muscle groups as when sailing at sea.

Muscles working in swimmers

When a person swims, one or another group of muscles works for him in turn. This kind of sport is based on the weakening and tension of the muscles, so their strengthening occurs constantly.

What muscles work when swimming? Primarily the muscles of the legs. During regular visits to the pool, the volume of the thighs decreases and the muscles in general are strengthened. Also, during movement, the muscles of the arms, forearm and shoulder are constantly working. Gradually, a person's shoulder girdle begins to increase. In men, the figure becomes more masculine.

Do not forget that each style chosen affects individual muscle groups. Therefore, if a person decides to strengthen a certain muscle group, he must carefully choose which one is right for him.

Existing Styles and Muscles Involved

So what muscles work in swimming depending on your style?

  1. When choosing a freestyle style, the muscles of the arms and the broadest muscles work predominantly.
  2. If the athlete is closer to the chest roll, then almost all muscles will be involved, however, the shoulder girdle works the most.
  3. When swimming crawl on the back, a person is most involved in broadest muscle back.
  4. The butterfly makes all the muscles of the legs, arms work actively, as well as the person's abs are actively swinging.
  5. Particularly useful What muscles work in this swimming style? If a swimmer chooses breaststroke, his back muscles are actively working. The rhomboid, trapezius and latissimus muscles develop especially well.

Choosing a style that suits a particular athlete is very important. However, doctors strongly recommend alternating the styles used. Thus, you can not only gradually strengthen the entire body, but also improve your health. In addition, when alternating styles, you can allow the body to rest a little while driving.

Changing your figure with regular exercise

As soon as a person began to play sports for the sake of improving his figure, he immediately asks the question: what muscles work when swimming? In fact, you should not flatter yourself and expect a quick result, even with regular training.

With constant loads muscle mass will grow very slowly. Moreover, a person will never be able to achieve the same results as when doing, for example, powerlifting or weightlifting. But his adipose tissue will practically disappear and the figure will be athletic and "dried".

It is worth remembering that when swimming, a so-called triangular figure is formed. Get her in sports hall will not work, so professional swimmers are noticeable right away.

Also, do not wait for pumped up abs, chest and triceps. Such muscles develop only when power loads and practically do not work when swimming. If you want to achieve just such a figure, you must additionally train in the gym. By the way, combined physical exercise have a positive effect on human health.

Benefit from physical exercise obvious to every person. Someone chooses to hike in gym, someone - jogging in the morning. However, there are also those who opt for a trip to the pool. This is not surprising, because swimming is very useful not only for physical health but also for the psychological. Online magazine Factinteres will tell you why swimming is useful.

Reducing weight

The most obvious benefit is weight loss. It should be said right away that swimming allows you to burn a lot of calories. This is due to the fact that swimming uses many muscle groups. Also, the number of calories burned depends on the temperature of the water: cold water the body spends extra energy. By the way, butterfly is considered the most energy-consuming style of swimming.

Posture gets better

If you spend a lot of time in a seated state, then swimming is imperative for you. The fact is that water restores the condition of the muscles of the back and lower back. Also, while swimming, the spine experiences less gravitational stress. The most beneficial swimming style for posture is crawl swimming.

Improving blood

Even if you go to the pool 1 time, then the state of your blood will change in better side... This is because the swimming process increases the hemoglobin level and the number of red blood cells. And this is the first time you visit the pool, not to mention regular visits.

Swimming helps to tighten the belly

At first glance, it seems that while swimming, the arms and legs are involved. However, the abdominal muscles are just as involved. It is best to remove belly fat in the dolphin style.

Improving the condition of the lungs and heart

Many professional swimmers hit the pool for the first time because of asthma attacks. The fact is that when swimming, a person is forced to breathe with correct breathing. Plus, there is humid air in the pool. All this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the lungs.

As for the heart, while swimming, the heart rate (heart rate) decreases, but the limiting power of the heart increases. It helps to improve the condition of the heart.

Joints get better

The benefits of swimming for joints are enormous. Swimming is not only a preventive measure, but also an excellent treatment. During exacerbations, water helps relieve pain, and water has a massage effect.

Swimming helps you recover

Carelessness or serious physical activity can lead to various injuries. Swimming is great for gentle workouts and promotes early recovery. Therefore, if you feel a slight pain in the muscles, go to the pool immediately.

Improving brain health

When swimming, a person needs special coordination and set breathing. This contributes to the saturation of blood with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on intellectual activity. The greatest effect is achieved when swimming in different styles.


From childhood, most people know that water treatments help to strengthen the immune system. However, not many can dare to douse themselves with cold water. Therefore, a swimming pool is an excellent substitute for this activity.

Relaxing effect

In the life of every person there are difficult days. In a great way relax is swimming. The benefits of this activity are felt even before immersion in water: the noise of the water helps to relieve tension. If you are after hard day can't fall asleep for a long time - visit the pool in the evenings.

Taking a break from smartphones

Many who visit the gym keep their gadgets on. But you will not be able to swim with a smartphone in your hand and for an hour you will be cut off from social networks and news. This is a great opportunity to relax and think about something distant.

Family relationships are strengthened

Swimming is available to almost everyone, regardless of age. Plus, it's useful. Especially for the elderly. This suggests that swimming is the most suitable way to play sports with the whole family.

There are many questions in swimming. And this is not unreasonable. There is so much to know and consider when swimming, even before you even leave the pool! There are even more questions when swimming in open water! How to swim in open water? We have prepared 11 most frequently asked questions and answers to them.

Let's figure it out.

Kick or not kick


Just in case, kick is a kick on the water.
So, there is only one answer - kick! While kicking can only provide 10% of the total movement in the chest crawl when swimming in open water, it should still be present for three highlights swimming:

  1. Swimming pace;
  2. Balance in the water;
  3. Keeping afloat.

Finally, the downward movement of your leg is the force that actually helps lift your body higher to the surface of the water. A weak and insufficient amplitude strike will lead to the legs sinking lower into the water, which will create excessive resistance when moving the whole body forward.

Should I work with my feet? Yes - work!

How often to look around

Do not protrude too much out of the water to look around and look around often. Look around every second or fourth stroke depending on the conditions of your swim. Do not rely on people swimming near you to approach the buoy in a straight line.

So look around often to sail efficiently and productively.

How often to breathe

  1. This will allow you to have a sufficient supply of air in case of an unforeseen situation (an opponent knocked, dragged an opponent under the water, someone sneaks forward on you, a wave covered you). Always breathe with your face to the shore and the back of your head towards the waves;
  2. This pace creates a rhythmic and even rhythm of breathing. One second for inhalation and one second for exhalation. Just like you breathe on land.

If you still can't train in open water, here are some simple things you can focus on to prepare yourself for your open water start:

  • Use the metronome to work on the rhythm of your stroke. Try to keep the number of pool strokes the same on long pool heats. In open water, pace is everything.
  • Train your eyes in the pool. Especially when you are tired and the hardest sets are coming. This is how you will swim in open water. There will be the same fatigue, but you will have to look around.
  • Practice breathing. Without constant breathing control, especially in a dynamic open water environment, performance levels are significantly reduced.

Whether to rotate the body and how much

Yes! it is the basis of the stroke that connects and synchronizes the movements of the upper and lower body. Imagine a pendulum swinging from side to side. With constant and uniform movement. No pauses or changes in amplitude. This is exactly how you should rotate.

Be careful to rotate with your shoulders and not your hips. Also make sure that both the shoulders and hips are involved in the rotation.

Do I need to warm up and how

Important whether it's open water or pool workout. This is good rule, warm up the body before any physical activity and there are no exceptions in sailing. If the starting rules allow - go into the water and float to the nearest buoy for warm-up. This will help warm up the muscles, and will also allow you to understand how the track will be visible after the first buoy. Knowing the route can be invaluable as it will give you the confidence to know what physical cues to look for after you have reached the buoy. This knowledge is a great help when navigating the track.

If the starting rules do not allow getting into the water before the start of the race, prepare with you rubber expander, by tying which to a fence / tree / post, you can work out all the phases of the stroke as in the video:

This creates a neuromuscular connection comparable to how you would swim when you hit the water.

Is it possible to draft

Drafting (being able to hold onto or to the side of the leading swimmer in order to gain an advantage due to the swirl created behind him) behind the swimmer is quite a real thing and allows you to gain an advantage by reducing the water resistance if someone is swimming in front of you.

While the benefits of drafting seem overwhelming, the sad truth is that you will have a hard time finding an effective swimmer. Very often, the one who is in front can be either much stronger than you, or vice versa. In this case, drafting is ineffective. Another problem might be that by hanging at the swimmer's feet you trust his navigation, which is pretty silly. You do not know the sailor experience or skills, and of course, you hardly want to row the entire distance in the wrong direction in an attempt to save 5-10% of your strength.

Still interested in drafting?

If you decide to swim in a group or with someone alone, the following is worth knowing. To conserve strength by drafting, you need to swim 1 meter behind the athlete, or on the pack, when your eye level is about the same level as the birch of the person you are drafting. We recommend swimming with your feet, as this is less likely to be noticed. And then the athlete swimming in front is less likely to want to break away from you.

When swimming with your feet, keep a distance so as not to hook your hands on the legs of another athlete. Ideally, swim as close as possible. You can navigate whether you are swimming or not by the number of bubbles from the athlete's feet. More bubbles - you are closer, fewer bubbles - you are further away. The bubbles are completely gone - you need to add! It takes practice and patience, but it is effective way conservation of energy.

Whether to write during the swim

Depends on you. If you really want to (and you can write while swimming) - please, this is absolutely normal. For some people it is difficult, but when nature calls ... or you realize that there is a cycling stage of a triathlon ahead of you ... Just make sure, please, that no one is around.

The problem with teaching adults is that they can always say no when asked to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable. Many instructors teach adults the same way they teach children. However, unlike children, adults have a sense of abstract perception and have developed motor skills of movement. Throw away doubts and they will learn faster. Swimming is like dancing. You need to know the correct movements. You have to feel right about what you are doing and know how to do it right. Below you will find guidelines on how to learn how to move properly and how to learn how to properly relate to swimming. Basically, you can learn all this without water: in the bathroom or in the hot tub.


Learn to breathe while swimming

    Buy good glasses that won't leak. Nothing spoils your swim like water in your eyes.

    Get in the shower, sit in the water and try them. Adjust your glasses a little, and water will not flow into them.

    Try dipping into the water with glasses on.

    • Breathe through your nose, exhale correctly. Breathe out under water, breathe through the mouth above the water.
    • Learn to breathe air close to water. It will take time and effort on your part.
    • Exhale through your nose so that no water gets into it. Water entering the nose bakes. If you're having trouble, buy a nose clip.
    • Learn to count to ten with your face underwater and exhale slowly through your nose. Breathe out when you are underwater.
    • Relax by raising your mouth above the water and breathing while your face is in the water. You will not die. Even if a little water gets into your mouth, you will not die. Spit it out. Like dolphins, our throats are designed in such a way that water does not enter the lungs.

    Learn to be on the surface of the water

    It is important to be able to relax while swimming. Correct breathing, body position and movement help to relax.

    1. You should know a little about water.

      • Fill a cup with water and lower the needle into it. This will only work if you place the needle gently and slowly into the cup. It works with needles, people and ships the way water pushes out. Objects push each other if the object is not very heavy in relation to the body of water in which it is located. Remember Archimedes! Therefore, the needle floats and sinks, exposing one end first.
    2. Learn to distribute your body in as much body of water as possible so that the water will hold you like a boat. Remember what happens to the needle when the end is first lowered into the cup. Without proper control of the body, the feet act as the end of the needle!

      • Start with the bed. Imagine that you are in the water. Think of your body as a swing. You can do this because your center of buoyancy, the point in your body that wants to swim and your center of gravity, the point in your body that wants to dive, are close together. The center of buoyancy is in the chest because the air is in the lungs. The center of gravity is at your hips, which allows your feet to act as the end of a needle when you are about to swim.
      • To maintain the balance of such a swimming swing, look down, spread your arms like Superman while flying, and swing your arms. In almost all swimming styles, one arm is extended and the other is at the face in order to maintain the correct body position. To go like a stone to the bottom, raise your head and stop waving your arms, exhale. Gravity will win.
    3. Practice on the bed or on the floor.

      • Slightly wiggle your body from side to side and turn your head to the side so you can breathe. This is the backstroke position. Stretch your arms out to the sides and wave your arms, palms down, moving your arms away from your hips.
      • Next, move your legs like scissors up and down slowly. This is the main movement when swimming on your back or stomach. When you do the same in water, you also work with your knees. Practice the scissor movement while sitting in a chair, bend your knees and stretch your toes. This will keep you on the water, lifting your hips and legs. Keep your balance.

    Feel the movement of the water

    Learn to wave your arms

    Prepare to be wet

    Learn to love water

    1. Try to slowly immerse yourself in the water until you reach the bottom with your feet. The head is above the water.

      Hold onto the wall and dive headlong into the water and emerge, exhaling air. Always breathe out through your mouth under water.

      When you're ready, stop holding onto the wall. Push off the bottom with your feet. Row with your hands and swing.

      Where it's easy to stand, push off the wall in correct position body, perform a few strokes, lower your face under the water, row a little, then stand up.

      Play in the water. Relax and tense up, then move on to long heats. You have to get used to the fact that the face is under water and the body is stretched out. You can use flotation devices if you are afraid to dive into the water. You can do a little underwater swimming before diving in. Over time, you will become more experienced. Experience comes with time. Don't give up. Every person experiences similar moments. Your first reaction in the water should be to stretch out on the surface, paddle, swing, breathe and relax. Don't try to climb invisible stairs.

    Feel free to move

      Move your legs, emerge from the water and move your legs further. Swim 5-10 meters with your face submerged, exhaling into the water. Do this where you can reach the bottom. Once you are comfortable on the surface of the water, depth is no longer an issue. You will always be on the surface. Ideal if you do this without a flotation aid.

      So, with your arms outstretched, you row, take a few breaths.

    1. Then roll over onto your back, continue paddling with your arms to the side. Stay on the surface of the water without moving forward. Relax and continue sailing for a count of thirty. This will help you learn to control your movements and feel more confident.

      • It is important to learn to swim on your back. Better to roll over onto your back instead of standing still. This will prepare you for your workouts. Don't expect to be easy and don't expect quick results... It takes time.
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