Flexible strength exercises. flexible strength

My story began nearly 40 years ago. Although I started to really live quite recently. I can’t say that this fact upsets me - on the contrary, now I can say: “Finally, I’m happy!”. And the point is not that by this age I have taken place as a person, as a woman, as a wife and mother (my son is already 14 years old!), The main thing is that I finally found myself. And it happened, as they say, out of the blue - just two years ago. And all previous experience is a long experience sports activities(“how the steel was tempered”), the experience of a strong passion for all kinds of health systems, diving headlong into esotericism, yoga and sacred practices - all this experience depreciated overnight.

Two years ago, I had, as it seemed then, a happy period of my life: a successful career on television (I taught the author's technique " flexible strength"- the brainchild that has grown with me all my life, since birth), family, work. The world of comfort and conditional happiness that collapsed... along with my knee joint. It happened right on the set when we were recording another program. A strong crunch, wild pain, tears from my eyes - good, I managed to turn away from the cameras. First joint block. We completed the shooting without takes, but I could not straighten my leg for several more days.

At home, I used, perhaps, everything folk remedies applicable to joints. I managed to “fix” my leg (then I didn’t understand yet that there were fragments of bone in the joint cavity, which simply stood up differently), and I again went to the shooting. After all, there was a plan, deadlines that had to be met, and there were only a couple of programs left to shoot.

After each class, I got worse, once my knee was so swollen and reddened that I almost did not do the exercises myself, only showed the technique of performing asanas on students. The second blockade of the joint. I had to go to a doctor, and without a proper examination (without an MRI), he gave an injection that relieved swelling and pain, and also allowed the leg to move a little more.

What am I? I still didn’t respect my body (and I always taught viewers from the screens: “Listen to your body, respect it. As you treat it, so it – to you”). I continued to work from morning to evening, not admitting to anyone, but first of all to myself, that I was already lame! It can be seen that a professional habit developed during the period sports career, when you can’t afford to be weak, when you get used to winning, and all the sores are simply ignored, it affected me and broke the connection with the body so much that I stopped really feeling. And it showed up in everything...

I haven't tasted in a long time real life. There were no vivid emotions, experiences, other interests - except for work, except for my project. It was only when I was at work that I felt alive.

And at the next training session, sitting in the usual “lotus” position, I again could not straighten my leg. And now nothing and no one could fix it for me - right up to the operation itself.

My world has collapsed.

I was so active, so active. My day started very early in the morning and ended late in the evening - everyone was on their feet, running everywhere. I asked myself, “What now? How can I continue to live? I only have my project."

It is good that we have already filmed all the programs of that season. But I had several trips planned. How could I let down those who look at me - albeit through the TV screen, and those who gathered with me to Germany, then to Kenya, to India ... What should I do?

The TV channel asked to wait with the operation. The question arose: either my health (and the situation could have ended with a joint replacement, I was diagnosed with necrosis of the condyle of the femur), or work.

It would seem - what can be doubts? And I had them!

I had a real hysteria, it lasted two weeks. I was like a tiger in a cage - I saw no way out. In addition, my family, the family of my parents, actually died for me (this topic deserves a separate discussion). No support, no warmth, no care - I was left alone. It was necessary to prepare for the operation.

Not meditation, to which I attached great importance, which took me to the world of silence and harmony, acceptance and humility, but training sessions with a psychotherapist helped me make the right decision in that difficult period. I went on vacation for a while - perhaps the first time in my life. With the help of psychotherapy - first body-oriented, then transpersonal - I met with myself, with all my fears, complexes and those experiences that were encoded in my body.

The body remembers everything, the body tries to talk to us - and it does not lie. I was able to see it with my own eyes, experience it first hand. I fell in love with myself with real love, imbued with deep respect for my body - it is given to each of us by heaven. The light of total acceptance of everything that exists pierced my heart - and this was reflected outside, in the surrounding world. And this world gave me a dream man, who not only began to carry me in his arms, but also became a good father to my son.

I had to take one more step - to leave my parents' house, and it was very difficult. Although I had a strained relationship with my mother, she raised my child while I was looking for my place in life, providing for my family, unconsciously taking on the male role, the role of the breadwinner. It was difficult to take this step beyond the threshold and take responsibility for your life in your own hands, take responsibility for raising a child - to become a real mother. Take responsibility for your nature - become a woman. Difficult, scary, new. But I did it.

I left my father's house, by that time the TV channel had broken off relations with me, I underwent a difficult operation - I persuaded the surgeons to "blind" my knee without a prosthesis. It seemed that I could not survive all this and was about to break down.

At the right moment, my teacher appeared, he said: "Start your day with a solid:" I know it will be as it should be! Start your day with Do-Veria."

And that's how it used to be in my life. Since childhood, I was led by a certain inner strength which was then still inexplicable and incomprehensible. My faith grew stronger in everything that exists, in that which has never yielded to human control. And it was faith - in myself, in the power that once breathed life into my body that saved me.

After all, all the recent "accidents" - the fact that I found a husband I could only dream of, that I was able to enter two institutes of psychotherapy at once without a basic specialized education, and all the accidents in my life - are not accidental. They are all given from above.

But no matter what happens - all this is a consequence, and the causes of everything that happens are always in ourselves.

I think until a person takes responsibility for everything that happens to him, he will not master the power of the Creator, which is in each of us. Responsibility is the first key to Creation.

But we are all dependent people to some extent, we want to run away from responsibility and blame everything on someone else. There is a false idea, an illusion that dominates the minds of people - this is the dream of a Good Fairy or Wizard. It is based on the belief that there is someone who will make our life meaningful and interesting, correct all the flaws in it and make us happy. He will be a good parent, a faithful friend, a loving partner who will protect us from suffering and pain, save us from danger.

However, the other person becomes overvalued to us only because of our devaluation of ourselves. But no one can give you what you already have.

Ask yourself the question: of what I expect from life, what should and can I do for myself?

I thank existence for the difficult and sometimes painful changes in my life, they helped me take a step beyond my own comfort, directed me to understanding myself, my true nature! After all, this is happiness!

I never liked diets. Once, after all, I sat on them for three months and lost almost 20 kg. But that was a long time ago and not true. I sat up to such an extent that the body began to lose weight sharply and I had to forcibly stuff myself with pies so as not to lose my loved ones and my man female forms because my husband, as our people say, is not a dog and does not throw himself at bones. But this is to each his own. However, hanging fats and sagging breasts with buttocks do not like me at all either. Therefore, I do sports with enviable regularity: swimming, skiing, cycling and yoga, this is the minimum set of my sports life. There are also dances and a garden, but this is more for the soul and stomach, respectively.
Previously, she was actively involved in step and fitness, but knee pain put an end to this, passing the baton to yoga. I came across the "Flexible Strength" program by accident, or rather, I was looking for a program for yoga at home, since there was absolutely no time to go to the gym. Prior to that, she had been practicing yoga with a trainer for more than six years, so the main asanas had already been worked out. I did not immediately begin to engage in this particular program, at first I tried articular gymnastics, Pilates and a few more programs on the "Live" channel, but the most effective for me was "Flexible Strength with Yulia Zaichenkova".
In the program, Julia perfectly matched both stretching and strength exercises. In addition, there are exercises that relieve the spine from the load and are in a good way combating back pain and preventing osteochondrosis. I work out twice a week, although daily classes can make a candy out of your figure for a month. Sometimes I abandon classes for a month or two and remember them when I already have pain in my neck or back. Then one session is enough for me to feel relief, and after two or three sessions I forget about these problems for a long time. For me, the load is good enough. There are relaxing classes, there are intensive ones. different groups muscles. In intensive classes, I even sometimes sweat.

However, even when daily activities my weight always stands still. The only consolation for me is that fat weighs much lighter than muscle, so fat goes away and they appear, dear beloved muscles! But despite the weight, the volumes go away, the stomach tightens, the buttocks become elastic, the chest stops hanging. As a bonus from classes, I get lightness and flexibility throughout my body, which is important in my almost 40 years.
Now for the disadvantages. I'm not sure if this can be called a disadvantage, but for me the main disadvantage is that you need to "kick" yourself. But this is more my minus than this program.
I highly recommend "Flexible Force with Yulia Zaichenkova" to everyone, both men and women. Especially for those who have pain in the back, neck, legs and knees, and who are contraindicated in intense loads on the musculoskeletal system.

"May living beings in all worlds be happy!!!May the force be with you!!! Flexible power!!!" Yulia Zaychenkova.

"In a healthy body healthy mind". We all know this very well, but it is sometimes so difficult to choose among the huge variety of areas for working with the body what is right for us. Someone loves dynamics, and someone loves to dance, some are attracted to working on simulators, and someone sometimes prefers the measured and thoughtful yoga.In addition, as a rule, each direction focuses on the development of one thing: flexibility, endurance, mobility, concentration, etc. It is not always possible to take into account all these factors in one direction or another, but also focus on the age and preparation of those wishing to engage in. Therefore, the search for the optimal solution may be delayed.

And in this regard, I would like to especially note one of the new universal trends in the field of fitness - "flexible power" developed by the master of sports sports acrobatics Yulia Zaichenkova.

Her many years of experience, as well as the study and mastery of techniques such as qigong, renshu, danhak, wushu, yoga, magic helped to create this author's technique. Thus, Julia was able to choose the best from each direction and combine them into one.

All exercises of this complex smoothly move from one to another, while the practitioner works with a balance of strength and dexterity. great attention when performing exercises, breathing is also given. Various techniques breaths used during classes facilitate their implementation, while the person feels alert and rested.

The program consists of a continuous stream of exercises that strengthen the legs, buttocks, abs, muscles of the arms and back. Simultaneously with stretching, the muscles are maintained in good shape, and relaxation is combined with the restoration of muscle balance. And wherein this complex suits people different ages With different levels preparation.

Those who practice flexible strength themselves do not notice how by adding strength, they develop flexibility. This practice is especially good for the elderly, whose body strength has weakened, and the muscles are prone to sprains, the joints have lost their mobility and all this leads to various diseases and just discomfort. This practice is an excellent means of preventing arthrosis and osteochondrosis, as well as a great opportunity to keep your posture beautiful.

Classes allow you to comfortably work out all muscle groups, both small and large. For those who care about the beauty of their body, the practice of flexible strength will be of interest as an opportunity effective way figure correction, body volume reduction. It's enough short time becomes perfect.

Combining Eastern practices and Western fitness methods, a person in flexible strength trains as a whole, revealing the reserves of his body. In addition to fitness exercises and yoga, there are exercises for opening the chakras, developing awareness and accepting what is happening.

A distinctive feature of the practice of flexible strength is the observance of the trinity: consciousness (attention), energy (breathing) and movement (form).

Practice allows you to make not only the body flexible, but also the mind, which helps to find peace and endurance. A harmonious combination of techniques used in flexible strength allows a person to establish inner balance, temper his body and spirit, and learn how to use the body.

Being engaged in the flexible strength program, a person acquires not only health, youth, beauty and beautiful figure but also vivacity, excellent mood.

We are all different - someone loves dynamics and cannot imagine their life without drive, others need variety, but almost everyone has periods when they need calmness or need to “come to their senses” after everyday time pressure. Here, it will come to the rescue, but not the one that will "squeeze" you out (although this helps some), but the one that will restore nervous system, will relieve the ailments provoked by hypodynamia and ... make you younger and more energetic.

What is the "Flexible Power Program"?

Today, the combination of “Body and mind” is in special demand, when during fitness there is simultaneous work on the body and soul. Thus, you simultaneously get rid of extra pounds, ailments, bad mood and rejuvenate the body. Flexibility is a combination of exercises breathing techniques and concentration of attention, which enhances the effect of fitness at times. Oxygen helps to maintain efficiency and facilitates the implementation of many exercises, it also has a good effect on the condition of the skin, improves mental activity. Exercises that expand the shoulders and chest, facilitate and prevent the development of osteochondrosis. Some elements from yoga and Pilates help to get rid of muscle “clamps” or, as they are also called, “blocks”, providing an analgesic effect. Thanks to this "symbiosis" after a workout, you will not feel tired and overwhelmed. Thanks to regular exercises, the body will become more flexible and mobile, strength for family, work and life appears.

Flexible strength is one of the methods of healing and strengthening the body and body, which is available to every woman. The exercises are practically safe, they are taken from yoga, wushu, gymnastics and Pilates. The author of the technique chose the safest and most effective of them and combined them into one complex. During the session, you stretch the most tense muscles (for example, the muscles of the upper back, as well as the calves) and strengthen those that are "idling" - the muscles of the back of the thigh, the abs, etc. Strength exercises, balance exercises, yoga, stretching and Pilates are combined in one complex, strong muscles get freedom of movement, the weak ones are strengthened, the “squeezed” ones are stretched.

Features of training "Flexible strength"

1. During classes, you must constantly monitor your posture. The back line is fundamental in any exercise, do not belittle the role of the spine, with its correct position, it is able to withstand a load that is 9 times your own weight! And vice versa - a stooped back or an overly arched, weak lower back makes it impossible to perform many exercises.

2. All exercises go one after another, there is no such thing as sets and rest between sets, you will smoothly move from one movement to another. In one session, you will work out and tone up all muscle groups, the vestibular apparatus.

3. The technique is suitable for everyone - young, old, pregnant, etc. It is only important to learn to feel your body and adapt the load for yourself. The complex does not imply achievement sports records or competition between practitioners. Everyone trains for themselves, strengthening their own health. During classes, listen to your own feelings - then training will be beneficial.

During the training, you will have to do exercises for statics, dynamics, stretching, endurance, which will give an amazing result. It is this training that is most useful, it can also be called functional. Flexible strength helps us find inner and outer harmony and learn to live in harmony with our body. The ability of the complex to correct problem areas, reduce weight. For pregnant women, this is an opportunity to maintain a figure during pregnancy, facilitate childbirth and quickly restore health after them. Deep breathing will have a positive effect on the health of the baby. For women after 40-45 years of age, exercise will help avoid weight problems, neutralize or reduce hormonal changes, and avoid problems with joints and bones.

The Flexible Power program is one of the first LIVE! disciplines. The popularity of such programs in the West made us think that Russian viewers also need such discipline. Yulia Zaichenkova participated in the casting of instructors, successfully passed it and was approved as the host of the "Flexible Force". So in 2008 the history of this program began on the TV channel "LIVE!".

Reference.Flexible Strength or Flexible Power is a popular multifunctional workout in the West. The Flexible Strength program was first introduced to the market in the 90s by Reebok. Its author is fitness trainer and physiotherapist Deborah Ellison. Initially, "Flexible Strength" was an Americanized version of hatha yoga, but later included other elements: Pilates, Chinese practices, stretching. Deborah Allison has been training instructors for many years, including Russian ones. So "Flexible Power" came to our country. Here it has been taught in some clubs since the early 2000s, but it is the LIVE! for the first time seriously engaged in its popularization in Russia.

Club "LIVE!" spent a lot of effort and money on the creation and promotion of "Flexible Power" in Russia. Filming, fees to the instructor, organization of seminars and tours, release of CDs, writing articles, placement of advertisements in the press and other resources ... It is not surprising that the "Flexible Power" has become a very popular program, and Yulia Zaichenkova is one of the most sought-after instructors. Cooperation "LIVE!" and Julia all these years was fruitful and, as it seemed to us, successful.

At the beginning of 2011, our company decided to file an application with Rospatent for the registration of the names of some disciplines “LIVE!” as trademarks. Among them was "Flexible Force". However, it turned out that the registration of "Flexible Force" is impossible. The reason is that Yulia Zaichenkova had already filed an application for trademark registration for herself at the end of 2010.

A legal explanation is needed here. By registering a trademark, an individual entrepreneur or company seeks in this way to limit the commercial use of this trademark by others. A registered trademark cannot be used without the permission of its owner.

Yulia Zaichenkova, having registered the trademark “Flexible Power” for herself, not only deprived us of the opportunity to shoot and broadcast new programs. Without notifying "LIVE!" about this registration, Julia put the company in a very ambiguous position. It turns out that now it is possible to challenge the legality of the broadcast of "Flexible Power" on "LIVE!" from the moment of registration of this trademark until the moment when we learned about this registration and took the program off the air.

The imperfection of our legislation in the field of intellectual property is obvious: the one who filed the application first has the advantage, and Rospatent has the right not to identify all persons and all organizations involved in the creation of a brand or audiovisual works with a name identical to the trademark.

We put a lot of effort into resolving the situation, but, unfortunately, negotiations with Yulia Zaichenkova did not lead to anything. Yulia puts forward conditions for using the name "Flexible Force" that are unacceptable for our company. Further, our disagreements will be settled in the manner prescribed by law.

We are forced to remove all episodes of the program "Flexible Power" from the TV air and from the website. Moreover, in the spring we filmed a completely new set of this program, but we cannot show it to you, because we simply do not have the right to use this name.
