Alexey Andronov, biography, personal life, photo. Alexey Andronov, biography, personal life, photo Alexey Andronov real name

Andronov did not silently cleanse Twitter of strangers, but for some reason entered into disputes, the result of which was a nightmare for the commentator. The Russkiy Mir sent further afield gave impetus to a crazy avalanche. The crowd has become more powerful, more aggressive and, what is most terrible, more solid. In front of the column were two well-known deputies - Alexei Pushkov (also the host of the author's program at the federal TVC) and Nikolai Valuev.

Within a few days, Andronov became one of the most famous commentators in Russia. People who did not include "Match" began to write petitions, statements to the authorities and various committees. The deleted tweets and the attempt to declare their microblogging a "nuclear-free zone" did not help either. Aleksey has already become one of the symbols of the “fifth column” - a person who criticizes the authorities, but works in its structure.

Last Sunday, Andronov was unable to comment on the match between Krasnodar and CSKA, and all the employees of the new holding fell silent as if by signal. Everyone knew perfectly well why Alexei was not at the microphone, but everyone continued to sit quietly on the sidelines while Pushkov demanded to stop enduring Russophobia.

It is clear that outside of the Internet, everyone supported the commentator. Even not only his right to comment on football, but also the views themselves. There are no statesmen (except for Guberniev and Trushechkin) at the Match yet. Almost all key employees of the former "Plus" one way or another speak out about the problems of freedom of speech, crazy initiatives of deputies and everything else that falls under the heading "WHAT HELL! You can't live here any longer. "

Many people like to say that our journalism is in the ass. The way it is. And Andronov's colleagues confirmed this. All (again, amicably) repost Alexey's apology. We won't be like this anymore! We separate football from politics! Konstantin Genich even specially wrote to Valuev to former boxer retired from important parliamentary affairs and drew attention to repentance.

But it didn't work. The whip method is still in operation. Gingerbread later - in the form of access to Match TV. When everything settles down. At least, "Lenta" wrote about this, and I really believe it. The channel's management saw how quickly everyone shrank, how quickly everyone began to remember, and what they had previously published there; but won't Komsomolskaya Pravda make a couple more selections with Izvestia?

The management decided to choose the most optimal option for themselves: the guilty person is temporarily punished, and everyone else will now be more careful. Moreover, public opinion was supported - in general, wonderful. But the choice could be different, give the employees (at least most of them) an ultimatum: Andronov does not work - we do not work. Still, such boycotts are much more dangerous than the ephemeral image among the deputies, who tomorrow will earn political points on cartoons of foreign magazines.

But journalistic solidarity is only in our dreams. It is possible to talk about lawlessness only in an interview with liberal publications, but as far as it comes down to it, hide in a red studio and ask Nikolai Valuev to read Andronov's apologies.

Yes, you remember the main thing! Twitter is a wide, but personal space. The same presenters federal channels constantly participate in stupid squabbles. But they can call someone "scum", but you with your wrong positions - no.

There is a criminal article for insults. Even the most stubborn courts win. But if we approach the entire Internet from the point of view of the law, tomorrow only pensioners and people who are not online because of special convictions will be able to work.

Recall that Vasily Utkin has already got into a similar story when he wished Vladimir Vladimirovich many years before the trial. Then Utkin lost his airtime on NTV. Today the stakes are even higher. A decade and a half in the profession may end up in the trash can if the site, in patriotic impulses, makes a selection of your old records on the Internet. You can repeat the fate of Savik Shuster, but this will be a completely marginal step, as long as your colleagues become more famous and richer.

Andronov's story is not the story of a bad state and a good journalist. This is rather an indicative action for everyone who finds themselves in the new budget Eldorado.

- You are considered one of the most shocking commentators on Russian TV. Does it flatter you? Are you trying to keep your brand?

- I would not call myself shocking. Shocking, in my opinion, this is what happened during the match Holland - Russia. I am rather considered odious, because I started to call things by their proper names quite early and began to talk about some problems much earlier than others. For example, now you will not surprise anyone with a discussion of how the club interacts with the press. When Romantsev kicked journalists out of training in 97, no one talked about this. It is now customary to comment on your position in the blog: Vasya (Vasily Utkin -, for example, does not miss a single event. I've done this before, but in reports. And not particularly shy.

- You do not hide that you are a CSKA fan. Is this love from childhood?

- I became a CSKA fan already at a conscious age, and not to say that it was too long ago. This is due to the fact that several of my friends came to the club at once. When the Soviet championship existed, I was always rooting for Dynamo (Tbilisi). Rooting for CSKA is primarily associated with the arrival of Gazzaev, although not only. CSKA at the beginning of this century was the most professional club in every respect. Now everything is changing: CSKA is, in fact, a private team, and it is difficult for him to fight such monsters as Zenit. But I am still a CSKA fan. Moreover, in hockey and basketball. And this pain has more experience.

- How can you openly root for the team and regularly work at the matches of the Russian championship?

- Sickness is one thing, reporting is another. We had experience with Yura Cherdantsev when we commented on Spartak - CSKA together, when everyone was openly rooting for their team. I think it turned out well. And I heard this from everyone, including the Spartak players. I have no sympathy for CSKA. I may have sympathy for Terek, because my good friend (Vyacheslav the Terrible - trains him. Sympathy may be for "Spartak" - how can today's "Spartak" not evoke sympathy? If we assume that the fate of the championship is decided only between two teams - them and Kazan - I, of course, will root for Spartak. Does the fact that I support CSKA bother me? I would not say. This does not prevent me from criticizing CSKA.

- Vasily Utkin called you somehow a party man, a man of Gazzaev's party. You don't seem to be offended.

Best of the day

- Everyone has friends in the football world ... My journalistic career once began with Gazzaev. He brought up a lot of things in me, because when we met, I was a 17-year-old child. No matter how my relationships with other football people develop, they will never affect my relationship with this person. If Gazzayev headed Shakhtar, and I am, to a certain extent, Shakhtar's opponent, nothing would have changed either. As for the party, Vasya probably had in mind a whole group of journalists who are in one way or another close to Gazzaev. It is an honor for me to be in this circle. I really do not like duplicity in the football world, when the relationship depends on the result of the team. We all know examples when a coach starts communicating with everyone the day after retirement. Gazzaev has no such duplicity at all. This does not mean that their relationship with Vasya will remain so forever. Gazzaev now communicates with Rabiner almost every day. But for this Igor had to rethink something. Igor, not Gazzaev.

- Is Zico worse than Gazzaev?

- How is the coach? In my opinion, this is obvious.

- You say that you have been calling things by their proper names for a long time. Did you call them that when CSKA became champion in 2003?

"Do you mean the monster team?" Even army fans call her that in their circle. But there is a certain ethical framework. What we can afford at this table or on the Internet does not have to be splashed out of the screen. Or do what Petrzela did before the match against CSKA, saying that the opponent plays horse football. Still, ether is ether, there is a certain framework. Yes, there was a power team that didn’t play, but crushed rivals. But one must proceed from the selection of players. It is difficult, probably, from the same "Terek" today to expect a different football than the one in which he plays. I would not say that it was uninspiring football. Quite spectacular. In 2002 - CSKA had almost the same team - there was a derby in which Spartak never hit the goal. And this is also Romantsev's "Spartak" ... I, rather, called a spade a spade when the 2006 championship was held. When there was an enchanting match in Moscow with Zenit, after which Pettai interrupted his career for a year. I said then: “Now we need to become champions either not in the last round, or with a margin. So that there are no droplets on the gold. " That match was something unimaginable. I don't remember such refereeing performed by linesmen in our championship anymore.

Kiev and an hour with Lobanovsky

- Viktor Gusev said that for commenting on the Terek - Wings of the Soviets match, he would give you TEFI. Before the match, did you know that you were going to comment?

- There was no certainty. But I read various sources, I knew that the bookmakers stopped accepting bets. Naturally, I saw last year's match between these teams. But I did not expect that I would see such a shameful sight from the side of the "Wings". In any sport, there is a team tactic. When in "Formula 1" the noise began about the use of team tactics? When it became ostentatious. When the co-pilot braked on the finish line to let the first team number win. But you can still do it differently. At the pit stop, for example. It is not necessary to bring the situation to such an absurdity that everything is clear even to the children who are watching. How is sport different from physical education? Sport is a business. But when the business component creeps out in such a blatant fashion, we are all made fools of. But in the match "Terek" - "Wings of the Soviets" people have already made fools of themselves. And from his coach, by the way.

- When Lokomotiv played a Champions League match in Kiev many years ago, you took Dynamo player Andriy Gusin as co-commentators. When the Ukrainian team scored goals, he was loudly happy, which caused discontent not only among the audience, but also among your colleagues on the channel. Did you regret that invitation?

- Never. I don't regret anything at all, even if I make mistakes. There can be no progress without mistakes. I miscalculated the effect a little, probably it was not the best solution. But I want to remind you that he came only in the second half, and in the first half it seemed to me that this match would be won by Lokomotiv. I could not even imagine that everything would turn so that his cry would sound, absolutely understandable. In the end, it turned out not very nice. But let's imagine a situation when Zenit will play against Chelsea in the Champions League final and Zhirkov will miss the match due to disqualification. Can't he be called into the commentary booth? But, probably, he will root for his team. By the way, for Gusin this match is the birth of a commentator's career. Recent times he comments on the Ukrainian championship, so to some extent I gave him a start in life ... Although the fact that I will not repeat this move in the Dynamo (Kiev) - Rubin match or in some other similar situation is absolutely certain ... I drew conclusions for myself.

- You comment on the Ukrainian championship a lot and in controversial issues almost always on the side of Dynamo. Why Kiev and not Donetsk?

- First, historically. In Soviet times, in this dispute between Spartak and Dynamo (Kiev), my sympathies were on the side of Dynamo. In the early years of Ukrainian independent football, it was dominated by Dynamo, while Shakhtar appeared on the serious arena much later. In addition, I commented on the very first Champions League match that we showed on NTV, and Dynamo played in it and won against PSV. It was deposited in my head. Later I was commenting on some League match from Kiev, my colleagues and I went to the base in Koncha-Zaspa, at the door we ran into Lobanovsky, who himself invited me to sit on the sofa and talk. This hour-long conversation will forever remain in my memory as a tremendous impetus in terms of professional development. Even later, friends began to appear among the players, I began to learn the philosophy of the club, and it turned out about the same as with CSKA. This philosophy completely coincides with my vision of how a football club should develop. For example, in my opinion, he should not develop the way Zenit is doing now ...

The second reason. Interestingly, a few years ago I went to an interview at Shakhtar - they were looking for a person who would be responsible for PR at the club. After talking with the management, I realized that I had nothing to do in it. For no money. This is not a concept that I would be interested in developing. I understand that any job should be well paid. But I will not be involved in washing window frames for four times more money than I am paid at NTV-Plus. Because I'm not interested in it.

- You yourself called yourself Shakhtar's opponent. How could you be invited to work there? Did you want to buy the silence of the main antagonist?

- Here you have to separate things. There is antagonism towards Zenit, Shakhtar and other projects. But there are also positive aspects that cannot be ignored. In August I supported Shakhtar in the Super Cup, in May - in the UEFA Cup final. If you do not agree, this is not a reason to make an offense out of this and produce it on the air. It is impossible to buy me. I think they understand this perfectly well. We have respectful relations with Akhmetov. Yes, I do not fly his charter for any important matches or opening a stadium like other journalists do. But when we see each other, we do not pass each other. We are talking. I think this is the best indicator that there is no antagonism. As far as I know, Shakhtar had a contract with a Moscow recruiting company, and she invited me for an interview. Apparently, my work in the Russian national team was appreciated there.

Super Bowl 22 Minutes Orgasm

- You are friends with Anatoly Tymoshchuk. Explain why he left for Bayern, where coach Louis van Gaal is not happy about him?

- Now there is a myth that Klinsman personally wanted to buy Tymoshchuk. This has never happened before! Tymoshchuk wanted to buy Hoenese personally. In fact, they almost bought it a year before. At the end of summer 2008, a plane flew to Monaco for Tymoshchuk, when Zenit played the Super Cup there. But there were two days before the end of the transfer period, and Anatoly is a very strange person for the modern football world. He always thinks about the club he plays at. He did not want to leave Shakhtar, fearing to harm the club. Only when Akhmetov convinced that the money to be received would help the club did he agree. It was the same with Zenit, Tolya understood that in 2 days he simply would not be replaced. And he refused. Here we return to the fact that it is not more important who greets whom or drinks beer. Life principles are more important. I will honestly say that Bystrov's position is incomprehensible and disgusting to me. Tymoshchuk would never have done that. This applies not only to football, but also to life. Therefore, he left Zenit only now. The German championship suits Tymoshchuk very well, Bayern too. Yes, there was a change of coach, a new person came, who is a little strange and does not see him in the squad. I don’t think it gives Anatoly any discomfort. He works in training and will prove his own - I'm sure of that. Why did you switch? I think he wants to win the Champions League.

- Last year, the Bundesliga was arguably the most spectacular championship on the continent. It used to be many times more boring. How did it happen that you fell in love with German football?

- In 1993 I was in Germany for the first time, went several times to Borussia Dortmund and saw what the system was. Any person with an unprepared psyche, if launched on the podium at Westfalenstadion, will go crazy. It happened to me too. Why do I love him? We talked about CSKA in 2003. My team did not evoke aesthetic rejection: I love power, aggressive, such a really powerful football. In the late 90s in England I was most attracted by the Wimbledon team - already without Vinnie Jones but with other decent characters. German football one hundred percent corresponds to this. Wolfsburg, which charmed everyone last year, is actually playing the kind of football that many played three or four years ago. german teams middle hand... It's just that Wolfsburg has higher performers. Therefore, the same model - to crush the opponent - looks much more attractive, because the players, in addition to crushing, can still do a lot of things. The Bundesliga is the most energetic and strong championship on the planet, like no other, it is full of struggle for every centimeter on the field. I like it.

- Another passion of yours is American football. Will it ever be popular in Russia?

- Just like football - never. Like basketball or hockey, too. And so it develops. The Russian Championship is already being played with the participation of not two teams, as it was before, but eight. For him, however, a serious barrier has dropped in the form of the global crisis, because he was in 87th place in the list of potential sponsors' spending. By the way, we talked about Lobanovsky and why I sympathize with Dynamo Kiev. Including because very versatile people work there. I was completely shocked when, during one of the conversations with Lobanovsky, he began to give me an example of American football as a game in which absolutely everything that happens on the field is statistically calculated. He said how easy it is for a coach to work there, how large a database he has at his disposal. It turned out that Lobanovsky was watching American football at five in the morning! I probably never experienced a greater shock in my life. In my opinion, it is easier to believe that Kurban Berdyev enjoys watching rhythmic gymnastics.

For Lobanovsky, as a person who reduced almost everything to numbers, formulas and a certain system, this sport was a model. For me, he is a model for a different reason. I just think this is the best sport to play. He has no physical limitations. In basketball with a height of 180 cm, one in millions makes his way. American football can be played small or large, fat or skinny, fast or slow - there is work for everyone on the field. If we talk about some American idea, then it is this idea that is. My sister goes to college in Madison, where the stadium is 120 thousand. Students play, the team of this college - and not a single free seat.

- Do you think the movie "Every Sunday" with Al Pacino in the title role is a special picture for you?

- If we talk about films just about football, the best one is “Understudies”. He's about the strike going on in the league, comes old coach, who has been out of this world for a long time, is recruiting players who once played, and now are doing whatever they have to, and begins to win. The strike ends, the professionals return and are not included in the squad. A film about relationships in sports, not very serious, but funny. “Every Sunday” is still more philosophical.

- What is the most memorable Super Bowl of your life?

- The most memorable - the first in Louisiana. I still remember the Super Bowl in Houston, when a striker in the uniform of a judge ran out onto the field, undressed and began to dance naked. The NFL is highly regulated: no streakers are shown. But I saw it with my own eyes! Then Janet Jackson showed the world her breasts - supposedly by accident. In general, the Super Bowl is the coolest one-day event in the world of sports. In football, the World Cup is stretched, and the final is not perceived as a separate event, and the Super Bowl Champions League final is cooler, and much more so. The NFL Expirience exhibition alone occupies a place from Sukharevskaya to Rizhsky railway station. There are exhibits, games for children, gates to hit, tons of shops, exhibitions, attractions, cinemas - something unimaginable! We took several of our friends to the Super Bowl. Everyone came back from there with square eyes and said: "Now everything is clear."

- Not all commentators are involved in sports. You race in rallies and can boast the title of Master of Sports. Do your colleagues envy you?

- They do not envy the process itself. Not that I perform at the level of the Russian championship. They envy freedom. In our world, many live within their own opportunistic space and cannot go beyond it. This especially happens with age, the birth of children - people cannot afford what they could before. This feeling of freedom, I think, is envied. And so - any person can try himself as a navigator. Although making it a matter of your life, not everyone will agree to spend their money on it. Unfortunately, in today's world there is a lot of boredom and routine. I don’t like her, which is why I’m sitting in a racing chair.

- You are the navigator, right?

- Yes. And this is much more interesting to me. There is a joke. The person who sits at the steering wheel has three pedals and two handles - a handbrake and a gearbox. And the navigator has a person whom he controls. In fact, there is a key issue of faith here. I think no other sport has such trust in a partner. Basically, you trust him with your life. Together - against the road. I really love long stages. In Russia, the maximum is 30 km, and I love these sections. Because that's 16 to 22 minutes of continuous orgasm.

Byshovets and bribes

- Oleg Romantsev seems to be your enemy. For a long time?

- When we just started showing the Champions League, I came to him to interview him, which we planned to put during the break of the match. Moreover, the name of the person who will come to him, he gave himself. It is not always clear from a television picture what state a person is in. The conversation with Romantsev continued after the camera turned off. At the same time, he drank, said various things, after which I was very surprised that he and Vasya could have something in common at all - for example, a joint commentary on old Spartak matches, which happened this year. If I said this about a person, I would never sit with him in the same commentator's booth. After that interview, a year and a half to two years passed. On the eve of the new Champions League, our then director Alexei Burkov calls me, turns on the speakerphone and calls Romantsev. Romantsev says all the same words that he says about Vasya, already addressed to me. I am removed from the match "Spartak" - "Bavaria", to which I was already appointed. Removes the leadership of NTV from its filing. At the same time, the channel negotiates with Romantsev on cooperation, we go to meet him, he - us. But Oleg Ivanovich, which happened to him often, considered that it was only him who owed him, and did not come to the previously agreed broadcast, in fact, having ripped it off. The next morning I was summoned again, and I was assigned to the next Spartak match.

I would not call him my enemy. I just have my own view of how his fall took place. Vyacheslav Viktorovich the Terrible dreams of reconciling us. He promises that he will assemble a table at which Romantsev and I will gather, and we will shake hands. Although I always joke: they say, Viktorovich, do your own thing, time will judge everyone. Foe? No. Enemy? Also no. I respect him as a coach, but, in my opinion, he himself lost everything that was in his life. And it is the best illustration of the old thesis: there is no word "stolen", there is the word "pr ... l".

- Who is the best commentator in Russia?

- Dmitriev's duet - Metreveli, Vladimir Gendlin Sr., Alexey Popov. Vasya once wrote that Andronov works at the expense of charisma. This is, in principle, true. I do not think that I am the best at the Plus who understands the essence of the game. True, I believe that I am the best in tactics, because I spend a tremendous amount of time talking with players and coaches about exactly what, and most importantly, why is happening on the football field. I discuss the movement of players of different positions, the division of the field into zones, a set of functional requirements in specific roles ... Those commentators whom I have named are unconditional charisma. And this is the unconditional right to charisma; Agree, it is rather strange if Grigory Tvaltvadze will shine with charisma. And absolute compliance with the type of sport. Dmitrieva and Metreveli created the style of tennis commentary. It annoys me when commentators speak during a draw, so I enjoy tennis when this couple is commenting. In addition, Gendlin, Dmitrieva, and Metreveli can tell how it was right. Popov is another case, case full immersion into a sport. I strive for this myself - in football.

- We all have commenters who are nauseous. It seems that you are the only one who can publish your blacklist.

- I can not. Everyone understands that there are such commentators, but I will not publicly discuss the work of my colleagues. Although both a football player and a commentator are public professions. When a football player plays, everyone has the right to evaluate his play. When I sit down to comment, every viewer has the right to evaluate what I am saying. When stories like Roman Shirokov arise, it seems wild to me. His profession is to play football. And he doesn't think about how he plays football, but about how they talk about how he plays football. This is more important to him. For me, what I do on the air is more important than what they say about me. Although I pay attention to this. Not perceiving public opinion means being an idol from Easter Island - it doesn't matter to them, they are what they are.

- Two years ago, you were the first to say that the then Lokomotiv coach Anatoly Byshovets takes money from the players for being included in the squad. Do you still think so?

- I don't think Byshovets took money. I know it. It was said on the air of the program "90 minutes", and the very next day, roughly speaking, a naughty thing began. Anna Dmitrieva received a call from Yuri Semin, who was then president of Lokomotiv. By this time, the channel had developed an apologetic position - it was understood that now they would have to apologize for Andronov. When Semin called, it turned out that he did not expect any special apologies. What did he say? Much later I found out - that, but it deserves to stay between him and Anna Vladimirovna. Also Sergey Lipatov called me, invited me to meet with him and promised to call tomorrow. Tomorrow has not yet arrived. For me, this is an eloquent confirmation that I was right. Another story. In a month I am going to our racing team, which is based in Pushkino. My friend is going to the dacha, we call each other and understand that we are in approximately the same place on the Ostashkovskoe highway. We find a pocket, taxi there, stand, chat, smoke. A jeep drives past us, engages reverse gear, returns to the same pocket. Vadim Evseev gets out of the jeep and says: "I want to shake your hand." Do you need any other comments about Byshovets? For a long time I did not believe and considered all this to be the fantasies of my fellow agent, envious coaches and football players who did not make it into the squad. But sooner or later, the critical mass outweighed.

- And the last thing: are you not afraid to be so sharp? Former referee Igor Zakharov once said that he always has the right to "call a friend." You, apparently, too?

- So to speak. My house is full of old Soviet films, and I believe that among modern Russian films there are more successful, less successful ones, but compared to the old cinema, this is still a different league. One of the few new films that I love and can consider as part of my ideology is Brother. Power is in the truth. Not money, not a baseball bat, or calling a friend. Power is in the truth. I am very scrupulous about not slandering anyone. Therefore, I never discuss sharp and salty topics off the shelf. Am I afraid? Anyone is afraid. None of us is immune from the sad end of the life of Yuri Tishkov. No one is immune from the story that happened with Vasya. But I have an inner belief that the truth wins anyway.

Although I have the option "call a friend". And I had to use it. There are situations when they call you and tell you what can happen to you in the near or a little more distant future. Further - a la ger com a la ger. For example, I had a very unpleasant situation at the Beijing Olympics when I was threatened. But in football for all the time that I have been working, with all my performances, there was only a serious conflict situation with Andrei Chervichenko. It was very surprising for me. I have an ambiguous attitude towards this person, but not to say that it is completely negative, and I did not allow myself to be stabbed in the back. When the situation arose and it became clear that it was serious, it was resolved in much the same way. Everyone should have the right to call a friend in our life.

Andronov Alexey Alexandrovich, his biography on Wikipedia ( real surname), personal life, Twitter and Instagram photos are of interest to many viewers.

Today Alexey Andronov has become widely known, because he is not only a sports journalist and TV commentator, and in this capacity he most of all showed himself on the NTV-plus channel, but also a race car driver who won bronze at the 2007 Russian rally championship.

Alexey was born in 1975 in Moscow. It is known that before leaving school, he bore his father's surname - Thostov, and then changed it, becoming Andronov.

Despite the fact that after graduating from school, the young man entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, he did not manage to graduate from the university, since at that time he had already begun to engage in journalism and was very busy at work. Having started working as a correspondent for Knizhny Obozreniye, Aleksey then began to cooperate with such newspapers as Football Courier, Football-Express and Sport-Express.

1996 saw a change in his career. He was invited to the NTV-Plus TV channel, which needed a journalist who specialized in the German Bundesliga. The choice fell on Andronov, and thus he got on the program “ Football club».

Over the next ten years, Alexey was the host of TNT and NTV-Plus Football channels, where he hosted such programs as "European Sports Week" and "Free Kick". In addition, he constantly commented on various football matches, as well as matches in biathlon, boxing, auto racing and American football.

In 2011 and 2012, Alexey, as the best sports commentator on the NTV-plus channel, won the Vladimir Maslachenko prize.

At the end of 2015, he started working for Match-TV as a football commentator, and at the beginning of 2016, along with other popular commentators, he was removed from the staff of this channel, transferring to a fee-based job. A month later it became known that Alexey Andronov, commentator and journalist of the Match-TV channel, had been fired. Where does he work now, the viewers began to ask a question.

Andronov did not leave his activity. Since May 2016, he has become a sports columnist for the Dozhd TV channel, and since the fall of 2016, he began to cooperate in parallel with the Viasat Sport TV channel as a commentator.

It is worth noting that in 2004-2005 Alexey Andronov, together with Alexey Molchanov, worked on Ukrainian channels. On the ICTV channel, they broadcast the Formula 1 World Championship and worked as commentators on the First National Channel.

Many scandalous stories are associated with the name of this famous journalist.

For example, in 2013, Alexei called the list "funny" best players of the season, which was approved by the Russian Football Union, for which he received unflattering statements in his address - he himself was called a "dilettante", and his work was nothing more than "graphomania".

Also this year, the journalist was suspended from broadcasting matches in which Spartak participated, using his “veto right” in relation to it.

Andronov is known for supporting Ukraine's Euromaidan, as well as for his oppositional views on the policies that Russia is pursuing today. On his page in social networks, he more than once posted negative statements about the "Russian world", which also caused a public outcry, and a statement was sent to the FSB and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to figure out whether the commentator's words could be interpreted as manifestation of extremism, as a result of which he published an apology on his page and closed it.

As for Alexei's personal life, he is not married, although, as he himself says, he made two attempts to tie the knot, albeit unsuccessful, and now he believes that it is too early for him to rush into this.

Alexey A. Andronov(August 21, 1975, Moscow) - Russian sports TV journalist and TV presenter. He is best known as a sports commentator on the NTV-Plus TV channel. Bronze medalist of the 2007 Russian Rally Championship.


Alexey Andronov was born in Moscow on August 21, 1975. Before leaving school, he bore the surname of his father, a native of Ossetia, - Tkhostov. Father, Alexander Shamilevich Tkhostov - psychotherapist, head of the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Education - incomplete higher: having entered the Faculty of Journalism, Alexey could not get a diploma due to workload. He started as a correspondent in Knizhny Obozreniye, and later worked for the Football-Express and Sport-Express newspapers.

I came to NTV-Plus at the invitation of Vasily Utkin, who needed an expert specializing in Bundesliga matches for the Football Club program.

In 1998-1999 he was the host of the weekly review program "European Football Week" on the TNT and NTV-Plus Football channels. Then, in 1999-2009, he hosted the information and analytical program "Free Kick" on NTV-Plus Football. Worked as a biathlon commentator at Olympic Games in 2002 and 2014. Boxing commentator at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

In 2002-2003 he worked as a press attaché for the Russian national football team.

In 2004, he commented on the broadcasts from the Formula 1 World Championship in tandem with Aleksey Mochanov for the Ukrainian TV channel ICTV.

Covered the 2012 UEFA Champions League final (Bayern - Chelsea) and 2013 (Borussia - Bayern).

Twice - in 2011 and 2012 - he received the Vladimir Maslachenko prize as the best football commentator on the NTV-Plus TV channel.

Kote Makharadze calls his favorite football commentator. Club addictions are associated with Borussia. Among his favorite players are Lothar Matteus, Thomas Brolin, Marco Materazzi, Igor Akinfeev.

Resonant episodes
  • In 2010, after the match of the 8th round of the Russian Championship, in live questioned the weight of Spartak's victory over Amkar, to which he later received an answer from Valery Karpin.
  • In June 2013, the vice-president of the RFU Nikita Simonyan called the commentator Alexei Andronov “an amateur” and his work “graphomania”. The cause of the incident was the list of 33 best players of the season approved by the Russian Football Union, which Andronov considered "funny".
  • In June 2013, Andronov tweeted that he had received a letter from the tax authorities, from which it follows that FC Rubin submitted fake documents to the tax office for football commentators... Soon, news came from Kazan that the information was being checked by the investigative bodies of Tatarstan.
  • In July 2013, he was suspended from playing matches with Spartak, as the red-white club used the “veto right” against this commentator.
  • In March 2014, he announced that there was censorship in the Sport-Express publication. The reason for this conclusion was Andronov's interview, which he gave to the program "At the end of the tunnel" on "SE-TV": from the conversation, according to the commentator, many discussed topics were cut out.
  • On May 15, 2015, he wrote on his Facebook page: "In general, Dnipro in the final is best hello all sorts of New Russia and their Motorola. What Donbass has lost for a long time is right next to it. And you - ... Well, that is, I can write "suck", but I don't want to. For those who are interested in football - it will be offensive, and those to whom this applies - are not interested in football, and in general anything other than their "war". And let Dnipro win the final ... "
Notes (edit)
  1. Alexey Andronov: "First of all, I kissed the Ossetian land." North Ossetian information portal. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
  2. Alexander Tkhostov: "We underestimate the danger of the situation." Ossetian radio and television (January 27, 2011).
  3. Alexey Andronov: "I do not work as a commentator. I live as a commentator." Retrieved June 20, 2014.
  4. "Sportakademklub" entered the first division. NTV-Plus (October 22, 2007).
  5. 15 Russian biathlon commentators. (December 11, 2013).
  6. Andronov will comment on biathlon due to Utkin's illness. Soviet sport (February 7, 2014).
  7. Alexey Andronov: "You have to read monstrous things about Plushenko." Soviet sport (February 24, 2014).
  8. How we will be shown the Olympics. When and on what channels to watch the Games in London. Soviet sport (July 12, 2012).
  9. Alexey Mochanov: "I always didn't care which channel to go on." Telecritics (April 17, 2009).
  10. Voice of Europe. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
  11. Results. Best Commentator 2010. the official site of NTV-Plus. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
  12. Results. The best football commentator-2011. the official site of NTV-Plus. Retrieved June 20, 2014.

Alexey Alexandrovich Andronov(August 21, 1975, Moscow) - Russian sports journalist, TV commentator and race car driver. He is best known as a sports commentator on the NTV-Plus TV channel. Press attaché of the Russian national football team in 2002-2003. Bronze medalist of the 2007 Russian Rally Championship.


Alexey Andronov was born in Moscow on August 21, 1975. Before leaving school, he bore the surname of his father, a native of Ossetia, - Tkhostov. Father, Alexander Shamilevich Tkhostov - psychotherapist, head of the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Grandfather - Nikolai Ivanovich Andronov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Education - incomplete higher: having entered the Faculty of Journalism, Alexey could not get a diploma due to workload. He started as a correspondent in Knizhny Obozreniye, and later worked for the newspapers Football Express, Football Courier and Sport Express.

In 1996-2015 he worked for NTV-Plus. I came to NTV-Plus at the invitation of Vasily Utkin, who needed a journalist specializing in the German Bundesliga for the Football Club program.

In 1998-1999 he was the host of the weekly review program "European Football Week" on the TNT and NTV-Plus Football channels. Then, in 1999-2009, he hosted the information and analytical program "Free Kick" on NTV-Plus Football.

He commented on broadcasts from matches of the German Bundesliga, RFPL, Champions League, Europa League, Russian Cup, European Championships 2000 (on NTV-Plus from Moscow and on the Ukrainian TV channel STB) and 2008 (on the Ukrainian TV channels Sport-1 and Sport-2 "). He also commented from Moscow on the matches of the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea... He worked as a biathlon commentator at the 2002 and 2014 Olympics. Boxing commentator at the Summer Olympics from 2000 to 2012. Also commented on American football.

In 2002-2003 he worked as a press attaché for the Russian national football team.

In 2004, he commented on the broadcasts from the Formula 1 World Championship in tandem with Aleksey Mochanov for the Ukrainian TV channel First National. From 2004 to 2010 he also hosted the World of Speed ​​motorsport program at NTV-Plus Sport.

Covered the 2012 UEFA Champions League final (Bayern - Chelsea) and 2013 (Borussia - Bayern).

Twice - in 2011 and 2012 - he received the Vladimir Maslachenko prize as the best football commentator on the NTV-Plus TV channel.

Since November 2015, he has been a football commentator on Match TV. In January 2016, Alexey Andronov, along with Vasily Utkin, Kirill Dementyev, Alexander Elagin and other well-known commentators, was removed from the staff of the TV channel and transferred to a fee basis, and a month later, in February of the same year, he was removed from "any work" for " Match TV ".

Since May 2016, he has been a sports columnist for Dozhd. Since October 2016, he has also been working as a commentator on the Viasat Sport TV channel.

Kote Makharadze calls his favorite football commentator. Club preferences are associated with Borussia (Dortmund) and Dynamo (Kiev). Among his favorite players are Lothar Matteus, Thomas Brolin, Marco Materazzi, Igor Akinfeev.

Resonant episodes

  • In 2010, after the match of the 8th round of the Russian championship, he doubted the weight of Spartak's victory over Amkar on the air, to which he later received an answer from Valery Karpin.
  • In June 2013, the vice-president of the RFU Nikita Simonyan called the commentator Alexei Andronov “an amateur” and his work “graphomania”. The cause of the incident was the list of 33 best players of the season approved by the Russian Football Union, which Andronov considered "funny".
  • In June 2013, Andronov tweeted that he had received a letter from the tax authorities, from which it follows that FC Rubin had submitted fake documents for football commentators to the tax office. Soon, news came from Kazan that the information was being checked by the investigative authorities of Tatarstan.
  • In July 2013, he was suspended from playing matches with Spartak, as the club used the “veto” against the commentator.
  • In March 2014, he announced that there was censorship in the Sport-Express publication. The reason for this conclusion was Andronov's interview, which he gave to the program "At the end of the tunnel" on "SE-TV": from the conversation, according to the commentator, many discussed topics were cut out.
  • On his page in social networks, he repeatedly spoke with obscene language and insults to the Russian world, which caused a great public outcry in November 2015 and a statement by lawyer Ilya Remeslo to the Investigative Committee and the Federal Security Service with a request to check the statements for compliance with Russian legislation on extremism. Andronov was forced to close access to his pages and make a public apology.
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